Buttonboots – My weightloss journey….

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Buttonboots – My weightloss journey….

This topic contains 432 replies, has 70 voices, and was last updated by  london2012 4 years ago.

Viewing 37 posts - 401 through 437 (of 437 total)

  • Hi Buttonboots. Thank you! Picking blackberries is lovely, and so is the jam – my absolute favourite 🙂
    Your username is great too – I saw your explanation and Jacqueline Wilson’s books jumped to mind. My daughter has most of them and I enjoy them too. Hetty Feather wears those boots I’m sure.
    Wishing you the best for your op next week. And well done on your steady progress with if. You’re my role model.

    Here I am again…without ‘fatty lumpkin’!…the operation went ahead as planned,the lump was confirmed as ‘almost definitely a cyst’ and has been sent off to pathology to determine what type and ascertain how/why it appeared where it did….results due in 2-4 weeks…The cyst was larger and deeper set than expected, so a larger incision than expected was needed, but I was still able to go home later the same day…Dressing has since been changed, healing is coming along nicely, stitches will be taken at the local GP by the nurse later this week (well, the outer ones, there were also some ‘internal’ stitches made that will dissolve in time themselves).

    Understandably, this has been a less-than-typical week..my focus has not been wholly on the plan…not helped by having had the plumbers in …and then visitors…it has been a FULL week!….still, I have done the best I can!

    Thanks to the freezer, I haven’t had to do much real cooking this week – too busy for one thing..and far too sore for a day or so too!

    So…the scales this morning…

    12 stone …10 pounds

    Yes! That is a pound off!…2 packs of butter!

    One less positive thing to note eating wise…after being so pleased with the weight loss today,I have NOT been good!!!…Just a couple of little things…I had some sour dough bread, and had planned on one piece, but I had TWO slices left, so ate them both!!!….and then tonight, after my meal I wanted a scoop of mint-choc-chip icecream…and there were two scoops in the tub I had in the freezer…no point in just leaving a small scrap left …so I scoffed the lot!…OHHHH I feel so bloated!..and probable have put on about 10 pounds in one day!!!!! (that’s what my heavy belly feels like!!)….I will just have to be super-careful during the week and hope that things sort themselves out!!!…There are always going to be days like today…thankfully they don’t happen all that often!

    Glad your op went well Buttonboots, and well done on your continued progress. Take care and heal well.

    Hi Buttonboots.
    Just wanted to pop on and say I’m so glad that your fasting journey is still going so well.

    I’d stopped fasting for quite a long time but seeing your new posts has motivated me to get going again, albeit on 16:8 which seems to fit well in my life.

    It always makes me feel uplifted when I read your posts. Your determination is inspiring.


    Good Morning!

    …and a wave to kosiejelly!

    16:8 is a good fasting-window…I generally stop eating sometime before6pm and then breakfast around 8am giving me 14:10…but I am looking at extending this by an hour, eating at 5pm…I am surprised at how well the fast800 works – I admit I was concerned at the extra rations on a fast day…but so far it seems to work for me..and in the end we all need to look at what ‘works for us’.

    I have been reintroducing ‘healthy’ carbs into the diet …but need to be super0careful…my bread is carefully frozen in measured portions beacause it is TOO easy to eat ‘just one more SMALL slice!’

    This coming week will bring a major blip…but one I am planning for, and if I stay the same next week so be it…Saturday is booked for the meet-up with friends..the place does a ‘special’ Easter Afternoon Tea that I might treat myself to!…and fasting can go and hide for that day!!!!

    but that is next week…what has happened this morning on the scales…

    12 stone 8.4 pounds…

    Whoo Hoo! I am happy with this!…I am almost at ‘verweight’ BMI instead of obese….I am getting there!

    Happy Easter…He is Risen!

    The Afternoon Tea was seriously good!…I took the precaution of taking a box with me because I know the portions are large!…Meeting the friends was really nicetoo…it has been about 18 months since we last go together.

    My body let me know that I had ‘carbohydrate overload’ the following day…but is was SO worth it!(The cheese scone was SCRUMMY!)

    In did go back on plan…but then of course Easter arrived…and that has meant a Hot Cross Bun (okay it was 2!…but on 2 separate days!)…and a little bit of the ‘good’ chocolate. (cramming your mouth full so that your cheeks bulge like a squirrel is still just ONE mouthful of chocolate…right????!!!!)

    So all in all, I was a little hesitant standing on the scales this morning…however, it is not the sort of thing that is going to happen every week! And the main thing about IFing is that you fit it into a ‘normal’ life!

    Positive mind-set….and the scales read….

    12 Stone (well that bit is great…I was worried for a moment I might have temporarily put on enough to go back over 13 stone!!!!)…and 8 Pounds!

    WELL…that was a pleasant surprise!…That is actually a small loss…0,4 pound…a little under half a pound….very happy with that!

    Well done Buttonboots. Not easy to lose over Easter. Glad you enjoyed the festivities.

    So here we are with another week over.

    The week started with bright warm weather…and then yesterday it all changed! Heating is back on and I have a shawl around my shoulders!…It’s not that I like the warmer weather – anyone reading my thoughts knows that I would happily jump from May to October (with a brief pause for August – can’t miss my birthday!!!)…I love Autumn – but not the heat of Summer….HOWEVER,I have just bought a simple ice-cream maker, and have a recipe for frozen joghurt…I COULD make some in the cold and rain, but it would be nicer in a little warmer weather than today!

    I have been to the opticians and need new glasses…my seriously poor eyesight has gone even worse!…so that means a slightly new ‘style’ for me…and I am getting a pair that reacts to light – no more sunglasses!

    Now then…how about the scales this morning?….

    12stones…7.2 pounds….

    Just over 3/4 pound..very happy with that…AND it makes my BMI exactly 30…next week I WILL be overweight not obese! (I was tempted to go for a wee and see if that shifted the figure downwards!!!!)

    Congratulations Buttonboots, you must be so proud of yourself – you certainly should be. I hope you’re treating yourself after reaching this amazing milestone. You continue to motivate and inspire me. Hugs.

    Buttonboots.. what an incredible journey you have been on, such a delight to read your inspirational posts..your just amazing. I do hope your weight still continues to be on the downward side you sure deserve it.
    Take care, the world is on your side.

    Hope all good with you Buttonboots.
    Next week should bring my BMI to exactly 30 too, looking forward to that milestone.
    Missing your posts.


    Yay Brambleberry…isn’t it GREAT to wave goodbye to that horrible word ‘obese’!

    And thankyou Suchasweettooth for those kind words!

    It’s been a tumultuous week or so…with a couple of hospital visits thrown in for good measure. Hopefully things will be calmer for a while -although no less than two family visits are already booked…which means CAKE!!!!If nothing else,IFing.5:2has shown me that I CAN cope with these, and one small piece of my favourite cake is not going to be a problem.

    Keeping to a fasting window of at least 14 hours – even on non-fast days has settled down into a routine now…no eating between 6pm and 8am. I’m not sure how I will feel come winter…I DO like a nice hot milky drink before bed on cold night – usually with a few biscuits!!!…still, that’s a good few months away..then again it is bloomin’ cold enough at the moment!

    Right then…what did the scales say yesterday?

    12 Stone…6.4 pounds

    that’s just under one more pound lost…I’d have liked more ,but my focus has quite honestly been a bit hazy, and it IS still just about 2 packs of butter!

    Food for today is already planned (chicken salad for lunch…spicy prawns with a small potion of whole-wheat noodles for dinner, with fruit and a scoop of HaloTop ice-cream for dessert ) so I can concentrate on other things today.

    Morning Buttonboots,

    As your post was on the top I started reading it, loved seeing your weight going down each week, jumped from when you first started to your later posts, your tone has changed in your posts, you seem much chirpier and more confident!! Hope your hospital visits become more infrequent. Thank you for all your posts and keep going.

    Thank You Dramaqueen6!..The hospital visits have become a part of my life now! But hopefully it will be much more out=patient visits and less overnight stays!

    The weather has been slowly brightening up…my hope is that it will pretty much stay as it is now for a few more months…bright, a little sun, but still refreshingly cool! I don’t like it when it gets too hot!

    I was looking at a lovely tee-shirt this week..I really liked the shade of soft green – unfortunately it had ‘cap’ sleeves…those sleeves were so tiny that it was practically a vest rather than a tee! …And I NEED short sleeves…I need them to cover the loose skin hanging at the top of the arms!..So I will have to keep looking for a tee-shirt in that lovely colour!…and remind myself that a little loose skin is an improvement on all that excess weight!

    The warmer weather has meant I am eating more salads…and I have discovered the joys of cold aubergine!..I never thought about eating it cold – I enjoy it cooked and served with lamb…but now LOVE it cooked and left to go cold and eaten in a salad with a drizzle of joghurt and a scatter of pomegranate seeds!

    Right then..time to record today’s scales-reading…

    12 Stone…5.2 pounds

    YES!…another pound gone! (Just over actually!)

    This coming week will see another family visit…and a meal out is planned- but ‘only’ a lunch so I should be able to work around that!

    Good Morning!…and Pentecost Blessings to any and all brothers and sisters in Christ!

    It has been a busy week or so…a few more hospital visits…but not for me this time!…I was just ‘accompanying’ this time. Mum and I have a running joke that between us we have visited almost every department in the hospital at one time or another!(Excluding ‘Men’s Issues’ departments…and the Pregnancy ward!)

    Really cold again these last few days…hot drinks and warming soups…and we are in June!…But hey, I am not complaining!

    I found another tee-shirt..with ‘proper’ short sleeves…and JOY! I had to take it back and exchange it for a smaller size…How good does THAT feel!

    I will just have one moan about clothes buying…WHY can’t the clothing manufacturers work to a ‘standard’ sizing? I have in my wardrobe 2 pairs of zip-up trousers that BOTH fit me…one is a 14 and the other a 22 ..both UK-sizing….I know one is a VERY generous 14 and the other a decidedly teensy 22…but it would be nice to walk into a store, pick up a size of jeans and KNOW they would fit!

    Beings as it is a Sunday I am indulging myself tonight with pasta! A small (ish!!!) portion with loads of garlic mushrooms and a reasonable portion of cheese….but as I am having pasta it will be NO to the garlic bread!…Let’s face it, I can never stop at one slice of that! Better to avoid the temptation!

    …and the all-important scales reading this morning?….

    12 Stone….4.2 pounds

    Oh lovely!…another pound gone!…and the very real hope of one day seeing the scales show 11 stone something!

    Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum and have decided that maybe to join would help me get on track to lose the excess 4 stone I need to shift. Have lost several stones many times only to regain it. Thought I’d get back to fasting and get active again. Day one here I come! Good luck everyone and have a great weekend:)

    Well done Buttonboots. I suspect our BMI’s are pretty much the same right now, although I’m a bit under 12 stone at the moment. Oh to be taller!
    I know what you mean about inconsistent sizing in clothes although I haven’t come across such an extreme example as sizes 22 and 14 fitting. I know that when in the US some years ago I was delighted to be fitting into size 12s, when I had to buy size 14s in Ireland and UK. Shoes seem to be more consistent somehow.
    Xatie, welcome to the forum and well done for taking the decision. There’s great help and support here. I’ll keep an eye out for you starting a topic – I found it useful to post my personal updates in one place.

    Oh Brambleberry…I did smile at your wish to be taller…I don’t need to lose weight…I just need to grow an extra few inches taller!

    Xatie…welcome!…IFing is a good, healthy way to lose weight. Stick with it and those excess stones WILL go!

    The weather here has been quite dramatic…some magnificent thunderstorms.

    The Christmas-Box knitting is almost finished (bags and purses this year)..and then I can start learning a new technique!…I want to learn to knit socks…to be more specific I want to knot Christmas Stockings!…So I need to learn to turn a heel….That will keep my hands busy and away from the biscuit tin for a while!

    I am also thinking it might be time for a new ‘hairstyle’…so may ask the ‘wig-lady’ to come and pay another visit…maybe something in a soft gray?…my natural colour (of the remaining hair !!!) is deep brown…current wigs are brown with light highlights, and a sort of reddish brown(chestnutty)

    I have bought myself the new Fast 800 Recipe book..some good inspiration there…and I DO like cookery books!

    So…what was the scales-reading thismorning?

    12 Stone…3.2pounds…

    Woohoo, another pound gone..another pound towards seeing the 11 stone something….

    Ha ha. I’ve played with the bmi calculator on thecalculatorsite – it does nice graphical representations. According to that, an extra six inches would bring me into the ‘green’ (not overweight) bmi. As I’ll hardly grow by six inches, I’ll be happy to get into the mid-range of overweight and stick to that.
    Well done Buttonboots, you’ll soon be into the 11s.
    Good luck with the socks. I found good enough instructions online for heel turning. Funny, I found the toes harder to finish neatly. My kids love the socks, I found them uncomfortable to wear. Great fun to knit though, and there’s lovely colours in yarn.

    Hi Buttonboots,

    Just read most of your posts from the beginning! what a success for you and congratulations. I have only really started (my own version) of the 5:2 and have found posting regularly to be soooo helpful in keeping me on track an motivated. Some days when I haven’t done as well as I would have liked, don’t feel like posting but knowing that I have committed to sharing this on the forum each day has helped me to keep myself in check.
    I don’t have much left to lose – I am quite short and I didn’t have a lot to lose to begin with (compared to others) but I expect these last few pounds will be slow to shed and your posts have reminded me just to stay committed and consistent and I will get there!

    Granada…Hello!…and yes, stick with the plan….it works!

    Well…it has been a rough few days…hospital issues (but not my won this time…but my lovely old mum…who is back home and on her feet again…tough old bird she is!)…and I have been on meds for a couple of days this past week…AND I had an allergic reaction which meant that I was using skin meds too!

    All in all I Have been slightly off-focus eating-wise. My hope was to manage to stay the same…or at least not put on more than say half a pound!……so it was with a degree of trepidation that I stood on the scales this morning……..

    12 Stone 2.8 pounds!!!

    I lost weight! I can hardly believe it!…Some weeks you stick strictly to your plan and there’s a blip and you put on…then another week you let things slide and lose weight!…Go figure!…Yes, it was only something like1 half pound, but I’ll gladly take it!

    Sunday morning again!…bright….and already getting too warm for me!….I will move as little as possible, take lots of cooling showers, and start counting the days until Autumn! (Autumn is a favourite time for me….cool but still the hope of dry days…maybe even a pleasant stroll with the walker if I have a ‘good’ day…and some of my favourite foods come in to season too!…plus there is the bubbling excitement of preparing for Christmas!)

    Mum is perking up, slowly….hopefully her new meds will do the trick…she is NOT allowed to give scares like that!

    With the warmer weather I have been guzzling down the cold drinks. I try and limit the fizzy stuff – even the sugar free ones…and have been drinking cold-infusions..(think iced fruit /herb teas)…which are really refreshing with zero calories/fats/sugars et.c

    I have had to cut back a bit on my fruit intake…it is far too easy to think of fruit as ‘healthy’ and then get through a couple of hundred kcals without ‘counting’ them!…Obviously I ill not cut them from the diet, but keep an eye on them, and no ‘snacks’ of 2 bananas and a mango! (blushes slightly in shame!!!)

    Cold meat and salad fit ‘the plan’ nicely and give a satisfyingly ‘big’ plateful! With a joghurt and herb dressing….and courgetti with chilli prawns is a HUGE hit with me!

    I was back ‘on plan’ this week….minor hiccup with a chunky sandwich that ‘found itself’ on my plate early in the week….otherwise I was quite hopeful when I approached the scales….

    12 Stone….1.6 pounds

    WOOHOO! Two more packs of butter!..just over a pound….that hope of ‘being under 12 stone’ for my August birthday is definitely a possibility!

    Time for a quick check-in!

    It’s been a bit manic here…Mum is still improving – but 2 other family members are now undergoing treatment….it never rains, as they say!

    I had a scare last week…the scales read 12 stone 3!!!!…not possible!…I had been good!…..so hesitant this morning…

    12 stone……1.4 pounds….

    whatever that gain was, it has gone…PLUS a small extra to show an overall loss!

    I have eaten a large lemon-curd muffin today….maybe not the healthiest, but it was GOOD!…and Sunday is never a fast-day for me!….on a more positive note, I have made a batch of almost-calorie-free mushroom soup(comes in at about 60 kcal a portion)…so that is a couple of lunches sorted for the coming week!


    Was I glad of that mushroom soup I made!!!…Firstly because it was so delicious!…But also because the weather is so changeable! Here we are in August and I was actually grateful for a nice mug of warming soup! (Yeah! Long may the cool summer last…or even better, disappear and bring on Autumn!)

    Warmer days have been dealt with by lots of different salads….and I have pulled out my Fast-Diet recipe books for continued inspiration.

    I felt REALLY good as I sorted through my wardrobe this week….new jeans were bought – yet another size smaller!…and I took the opportunity to get rid of a few more items…I will NOT keep a variety of ‘big’ items ‘just in case I put weight on again’!!! It is NOT going to happen…yes there are weeks when I stay-the-same or even (eek!) put on a little…and even when I settle on my ‘target’ weight (another stone and a half???) then there will be fluctuations…but I will NOT need those outsize clothes again!

    I need the positive thoughts- we have two lots of visitors coming this month…visitors = cake, lots and lots of cake!…but I have coped before, I can cope again!

    So….I was on the scales this morning…

    12 Stones….0.2 pounds

    YES! just over a pound this week…and the ‘under 12 stone’ is almost there!

    I have followed your journey since I first started mine in early 2015 I lost nearly 3 stone then and kept it off until this year I seem to have hit menopause and had some horrible issues relating to it I started HRT , this has really helped but I have put a stone on this year so today I am back going to shift it before it gets worse , so lovely to catch up on your posts and see how amazing you have been doing I re-read your thread you are the inspiration I needed to get back on the fasting wagon.

    Here we go on another Sunday!…and a hello-wave to Twigglet!

    It’s been a mad couple of weeks! So much going on…at one pint 3 close family members were in hospital…two are now back home, the other will have a couple more weeks in hospital followed by rehab (multiple broken bones!)

    On a happier note, there was my birthday with assorted visitors. I resisted the cake….mostly! …and it was my birthday…I am ALLOWED a muffin!

    I have a lovely new wig…deep chocolately brown and a ‘casual’ ruffled style. These wogs make such a difference to my self esteem!

    September has brought MUCH cooler and wetter weather…and I am getting a new soup-maker to ensure I stay ‘on plan’ – nothing like a homemade veggie soup to warm me up and fill me up to on a ‘Fasting’ day!…My old soup maker was wonderful, but too large and heavy for me to lift easily.

    I also bought a magazine this past week…a cookery magazine… a Christmas Baking special!…is it REALLY time to think of Christmas? … I suppose I HAVE started the Christmas card work, so maybe looking at Christmas recipes isn’t so strange! (But I will NOT start baking Stollen now and scoff the lot before Advent arrives!!!)

    So…on to today….it’s been a couple of Sundays since I stood on the scales….

    11 Stone….12 and 1/2 pounds.

    I’m under 12 stone….I’m under 12 stone…I am UNDER 12 stone!!!!!!

    Oh well done Buttonboots, take a bow. I so admire your resolve.
    Belated happy birthday, and hope all your loved ones doing well.

    Congratulations Buttonboots! You are an inspiration!

    Well…it’s been a few weeks but I am still here!

    I have been a bit under the weather…I have had the flu-jab with no repercussions…but then succumbed to a ‘common cold’ which settled on the chest and has really wiped me out! I am still getting REALLY tired, but am at least up and about!

    Whilst eating has not been uppermost in my mind, the principles learned over time have become ingrained….I have been enjoying lots of delicious and comforting home made soup at lunch times.

    Strong resolve has been needed with all the Christmas catalogues popping through the door this past week…and all those jumbo sized tins of sweets and chocolates and biscuits in the shops!…I will be strong!

    Slight hesitation with the scales….what will they say????? …as long as that first figure is still an 11 I will be happy!…

    11 (phew!) stone …9.5pounds

    WELL! I didn’t expect that!

    I am well and truly chuffed! I really shows that this way of eating works!…I am making ‘healthy’ choices more naturally…which is not to say I haven’t also succumbed to the odd chocolate too!

    So I can start counting towards the 11 and a half stone mark…and then the under 11s will be in sight!

    I’ve got a long story which is still continuing. First I had some problems with eating junk food and lack of physical excersises. I also took hormonal pills which also got me gain weight. Then I started smoking and somehow gained extra kilos. Recently I’ve switched to vapes from https://vapingdaily.com/ as they don’t cause addiction. I think I cannot quit completely because vaping somehow helps to maintain my current form.I’ve been trying to lose weight for about 4 years for now. I’ve already lost 10 kilos and that was hard, but I’ve got a lot to do. I’m on the way to a healthy lifestyle, trying to eat clean and workout. I’m trying to pull myself together and start everything all over again.

    Congratulations on getting under 12 stone! I remember that milestone and it was a big one. I think that was when I started to have a better relationship with my body. I am back here to make sure I don’t cross it again going in the wrong direction…

    Is it November already??!!

    Slight drama here…a week or so ago I was in my kitchen, turned rather too quickly from the sink, and managed to overbalance (I have severe dyspraxia and should know better!!!!)….smacked my knee pretty badly, possible torn ligament and some badly wrenched muscles!…and I think my pride took the biggest thump!

    I have been using a walker for some years…it has been a necessity this past week! Thankfully I no longer need my walking aid indoors (that just lasted a day or so)….strict instructions not to over do it, and NOT to turn so quickly in future!

    Sitting with my leg up on the pouffee (sp???) has given me plenty of time for sketching and sewing….got to keep looking on the positive side!

    Food wise, I have been going for ‘super simple to prepare’…I know that December will be a month when my focus will drift a little…I may take a week ‘off’ over Christmas and just enjoy the trifle…and the biscuits…and ooooh pate on oatcakes!…and roast potatoes and mashed potatoes (in the same meal!!!…just Christmas and Boxing day….honest!)….so I want to keep myself on track for the next few weeks….falling down was not a good move!

    Home made soups are still to the fore…that soup maker was such a great boon…one of my favourite gadgets…and Brussels sprouts are back in store – yummy! Last week I had a fishcake with sprouts, maybe not a traditional pairing, but still tasty!

    So the scales this morning…

    11 stone…8 pounds

    YES!…very happy with that! 11 and a half stone is without touching distance!

    Well Christmas is over…and all things told it was a good one…perhaps too good as far as eating goes!

    I took the month of December as ‘away from scales’…no weigh in…and that of course means less of a focus on IFing! I did this partly because family issues meant my focus was less clear…but mainly because I like to enjoy the festive season!

    So….29th December….it is SO tempting to avoid the scales…but, I would rather face the music…stand on those scales this morning and admit I have put on…what?…a stone???? not more than that surely??!!!…whatever the scales say, I will know the damage and can make a start at going back on plan! …and if I leave it another week it just means more chance for a further weight gain….so…

    up I went onto the scales…

    12 stone (EEEEK!!!) 2.5 pounds

    Right then…it could be worse…9 1/2 pounds gained….but some of that HAS to be water surely!

    Back on plan!…I know this works…I have come so far…2020 is going to see me finally hit my target…and this is just a teensy tiny pebble compared to what I have already lost!

    Maybe it’s a big ask…but back under 12 stone for net week?

    Here we are in a new year!

    I am back on plan, and feeling all the better for it!

    First things first…on the scales yesterday…

    11 Stone(YAY!!!!) 11 pounds

    I make that5 1/2pounds off…more than happy!

    I have my annual health check with the practice nurse booked for a few weeks time…this will involve a weigh-in….it’s so great not to fear this so much!… still have a way to go, but she will see good progress!

    The weather has been so cold here recently, so warming food is definitely on the menu! I have bought some new spices to add to the shelf, jazz up the lean protein and veggies.

    I have also been brave enough to start showing my legs!!!…okay, enclosed in thick tights, but even so, it has been DECADES since I was wearing skirts!

    Hoping for a good week to come….exciting to think that this year could see me at a ‘normal’ weight!

    Has it really been so long since I last updated?

    It was a pretty hectic month with one thing and another.

    The appointment with the nurse for my annual health check-up was postponed, and finally took place this week….Apparently I have the blood-pressure of a teenager! She was most impressed to see yet more weight loss since last year, and has noted on my records that I am IFing…with all my assorted health problems/disabilities, I am never going to stop needing various medical checks, but it IS good not to worry about getting weighed!

    Another joy has been the January sales! I was actually rifling through sales items in the High Street shops! Got a couple of good bargains too!

    I have a really cute Kilner style jar for layered salads…but with this stormy weather I haven’t given it much use! Definitely weather for warming soups rather than salads!

    So, time to record my weight….

    11 stone…5 1/2 pounds


    Just think…I am now less than a stone away from a ‘normal’ BMI!

    Current target is, of course, to get myself under the 11 stone mark…and doesn’t THAT sound great!

    I don’t know if it is horrifying or brilliant or a weird combination of both to think that in total I have halved my weight now!

    onwards and downwards!

    I love reading your posts. Your journey is a wonder. I have followed you for a few years now.
    Are you really nearly at 11 stone?? As your last post was in February, perhaps you are there by now.
    May I ask, what was your starting weight, and how long has it been? You have halved your weight! Congratulations and cheers to you!!l

    Hi Buttonboots,
    I have followed your progress through many years now, on and off. I am happy for your latest results. You are an inspiration to us all. Please keep us posted how your weight maintenance is going and generally how it feels to be (almost? already?) at your target weight.

Viewing 37 posts - 401 through 437 (of 437 total)

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