
This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eluminadia 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone!

    I’m just finishing my first week of the Fast diet and was hoping that some buddies might help me to stick to it this time!

    A little about me… I’m 29 and I live in southern Spain although i’m British. I think i’ve always been slightly over weight but around my 3rd year of secondary school I really put on a lot of weight. I was always teased a lot for being ‘fat’ however now looking back at photos of 13/14 year old me I realise that I really wasn’t fat, I’d just matured sooner than the other girls. I am however an emotional and the constant teasing and insults caused me to over eat (no excuse I know) and by the time I’d finished my A levels I weighed a whopping 120kg (i’m 5’7″). I maintained this weight for several years and then around 2007 due to personal circumstances I lost 52kg. And at the time I still saw myself as fat!

    In 2010 I met my partner and gradually gained more weight untill i was weighing 85kg. Then in 2011 I found myself pregnant. A near miscarriage put me in bed for most of my pregnancy and a I gained a further 25kg weighing just over 110kg when my son was born.

    My son will be 3 in April and i’ve only been able to shed 8 of those extra kg in the last 3 years (breast feeding doesn’t help you to lose weight as much as everyone says it does).

    This year I’ll be turning 30 and i’ve decided that its time I took some control in my life. I currently weigh 102kg and i’m hoping to lose at least 10kg by my birthday in June and then hopefully reach my goal weight of 70kg by the end of the year. I really want to get myself a sexy dress for new years this year.

    So i’m actually fasting every other day as I have SO MUCH weight to lose and so far this week i’m finding it ok. I’m also combing this with the couch to 10k running programme which I started 4 weeks ago and I’m loving it! I never thought I’d enjoy running lol.

    I’d like some buddies to join me on this journey and see if we can all reach our target weights together.

    Hey Eluminadia! Congrats on taking the first step- so far I’ve found the idea of 5:2 & fasting is more daunting than actually doing it. I’m just coming to the end of week three and am on a fast day today as it got to 4pm & I realised I hadn’t eaten yet so thought I should make the most of it! It means this week is going to be 4:3 as I fasted Monday & Wednesday this week.
    Anyway, about me. I’m 34 years old from central Scotland. I feel.like I’ve been dieting constantly since university & so far love how freeing mentalky 5:2 has been. Right now my aim is to lose another 14/21 lbs however I am also interested in the health benefits related with fasting. I am also a bit of an exercise freak & go to the gym 3/4 times a week (mainly interval/strength work as I hate cardio machines) & try to get a run it at the weekend too.
    Well, I’ve prattled on enough. Good luck!
    J, x


    Thats great that you’ve managed to get to week 3! I have to try really hard not to eat on my fast days. Not helped by all the half eaten biscuits etc my son leaves in his wake lol

    I’ve never really been sporty but I’m loving running at the moment. Just need the will power to carry on. I’m hoping to start strength training again in September when my son starts school and I have more time to get to the gym etc

    I’ve been living in Spain too long (10 years) and i’ve lost the abilty to think in pounds and ounces lol

    I have the utmost respect for mother’s & those having to cook a meal for others. I picked a Monday & Wednesday to fast as my husband isn’t in those nights so I only have to see to myself. My stepkids are staying over tonight though and they are tucking into pizza while I’m having soup for dinner!

    Well done you for resisting pizza! Pizza is one of my many weaknesses. Its so hard to watch while others eat. I’m trying to get my partner to join me fasting as he could stand to lose a few pounds as well but his job is very physical so he doesn’t think he could go a whole day without eating. I’ve managed so far by cooking him meals that I personally don’t like on my fast days. He gets something he wouldn’t normally get to eat (i refuse to cook us seperate meals) and i don’t feel the temptation to share what he’s eating. And my son refuses to eat anything but fruit, veg, yoghurts and cheese at the moment so not much temptation there lol I think I have the best picky eater in history!

    So non fast today going really well. Made some pasta with tomatoe sauce and a sprinkling of cheese for lunch and I found that I ate about half of what I would normally have eaten. So I don’t know if I’m now more conscious of stopping when I’m full or maybe because of the fast days I now get full sooner

    I definitely think my appetite is changing or that I am becoming more aware of when I am actually hungry. Yesterday was a non fast day for me and as it was Mother’s Day there were cakes and goodies galore but I wasn’t as tempted to eat them. When I came home I was going to make burritos from leftover chilli but ended up just having the chilli over some salad and that’s a first- I love carbs!
    Today is week 4, day 1 and the first fast of the week. I will go to the gym at my lunchbreak and then I have brought in some homemade red pepper & lentil soup for lunch if I get hungry as well as a sugar free jelly. If I don’t feel the need to eat I will have a larger meal when I get home. My husband is trying a fast day today as well. He doesn’t have any weight to lose (he’s tall and lean) but he’s interested in the health benefits involved. He has already text me to say that if he had long fingernails he would be eating them- men!!
    Good luck for this week!

    Men!! Lol!! I’m still trying to convince my partner about fasting. But he’s worse with compulsive eating than I am, I often catch him snacking while I’m making diner. And then he wonders why he doesn’t lose any weight lol

    I’m now on my 2nd week day 1. I’m using 200 cal protien shakes and 150 cal chicken soup on my fasting day split between 2 meals and plenty of 0 cal iced tea and green tea in between. I also finished week 4 of my running programme this morning and i’ll be starting week 5 tomorrow which is 3 reps of 5 mins running, 3 mins walking. Being able to run for a full 5 minutes is a big improvement for me. I could barely run 1 min when I started.

    So i’ve se myself an ambitious goal for this week. I weighed 101.4kg this morning and I would love love love to be back in the 90s by my next weigh in next Monday. So 1.5kg loss this week would be fabulous. I also worked out that I need to be losing 0.75kg a week (around 1.5lb) to reach my goal weight of 70kg by this Christmas. This seems doable at the moment but I have a feeling my weight loss will probably slow or I might hit a plateau or something.

    Needing to lose so much weight is so frustrating and I’m disgusted with myself for letting it get to this extreme. I know that I didn’t put it all overnight, but it’s going to be a long road to shift it all again. I hope I can do it

    Good luck for the weight loss. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. When I weighed this morning I was 8lbs (3.6kg) down from 23rd February when I started so I’ll take that. I am usually the slowest loser in the world and actually came to try 5:2 as I hit a plateau after Christmas and decided I needed a boost and so far it has just clicked for me.
    Last year I took my friend through the C25k app as she had always wanted to run and in the first week I literally had to push her up a hill when she was doing one of the one minute runs as she wanted to stop but in 10 weeks she was running for 30 minutes continuously. I try to get out a run at the weekend (somewhere between 5-10k depending on how I’m feeling) and I definitely think that there is no feeling like the one once you’ve completed a run. No, I don’t mean exhaustion- just sheer pride!
    Just realised I have forgotton my trainers so unless I have a spare pair in the boot of my car it looks like the gym won’t be happening for me on my lunchbreak.

    On my second fast day this week and i’m finding it hard today. I feel really hungry. Been sipping on tea all morning to try a curb the hunger pangs.

    I did however go out a buy a tape measure so I’ll be taking my measurments along with my weight on Monday morning. I’ve found before that sometimes my clothes feel looser but the scales haven’t moved. So i’m hoping this will be extra motivational. If i don’t see a change on weight but have lost some cm of my hips or waist or vice versa. Fingers crossed.

    I’m on my second fast day today too and I feel your pain as I had my first hard one on Monday. Keep going- something else will come along soon enough and distract your mind from the hunger. If all else fails, remind yourself that the hungry feeling is your body telling you it’s burning excess fat.

    Lol yeah I must admit that it’s nice to know that its working. And I feel I over ate yesterday so at least I’m making up for it today.

    I’m heading out to work in a while so that’ll keep myself mind off it for a few hours.

    Hey Eluminadia. How did the rest of your week go? Have you had your weigh in yet?
    I’ve been having real trouble logging onto this website. It keeps kicking me on and off so hoping this posts.
    I fasted Weds and Saturday at the end of the week and am fasting today. Was actually looking forward to it today as I had a sugar overload yesterday and feel awful for it today. Just goes to show how quickly your system can no longer cope with these things. Had my gym session on my lunchbreak and as it’s a lovely day I plan to take the dog out a 5k walk tonight.


    To be honest I decided to skip my weigh in on Monday. I had an awful week last week with my brother in law being in the hospital and I just couldn’t avoid eating rubbish food as we were limited to what the hospital cafeteria had on offer.

    I’ve gotten back on the horse this week though and fasted yesterday. Although we’ve had awful weather the past week or so and yesterday and today I couldn’t find the energy to go out for a run. I’ll try again tomorrow 🙂

    Well done you for getting to the gym in your lunch break. I’ve alway been a bit shy of gyms being so over weight I always think people are going to laugh at me. My son will be starting school in September so i’m hoping that by then I will have lost enough weight to feel comfortable going as well as having the time to go.

    I find the same as you. I felt awful these last few days of overeating. And it really is amazing how quickly the body gets used to a healthier weigh of life. I used to enjoy having quite a few drinks at the weekend but I haven’t even thought about it since I started 5:2. Just need to work on curbing my sweet tooth and I’ll be great!

    I’ll be fasting again tomorrow and Friday. Good luck with your fast days this week 🙂

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