Back pain greatest incentive

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gingerrose 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi I have started the 5:2 fast diet today, again having to visit the doctor due to excruciating back pain, having to have my tablets adjusted again to try and get some relief.

    I have been doing research and looking at the details of the fast diet and have commenced it today. My doctor is pleased that I have taken 75% of the responsibility of my health problems due to my weight.

    I have bought a body composition set of scales and took my weigh in details to the appointment this morning. My doctor said that since I was last weighed at the surgery I have lost 3 kgs. I have told him I will see him again in three months (12 weeks) to up date him on my efforts. I need to help myself get fit and healthier and by only doing this for myself can I help myself. So here goes Day 1, of many a happier healthier me, hopefully less pain!!

    I hope your back pain improves. I agree that weight gain contributes to our aches and pains. That’s why I’m on 5:2 too.

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