Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Uptight, I hate it when I indulge when I didn’t really want to and then it isn’t even good. That’s such a sucky feeling. But hey, it prob won’t happen again.

    The pizza bread was super filling, did not expect it. Looked really small too. Ate them from a coffee saucer and they still looked tiny. Added 20kcal worth of cherry tomatoes (146g!) and it was a great meal. (and yes I ate on the sofa πŸ™ )

    Going to help my cousin with Ikea puzzles tomorrow (I love flatpack) so it’ll be a busy day. Bought them a crazy amount fat balls for birds in different shapes and sizes, which is a very weird housewarming gift but her boyfriend is a bird spotter so it makes sense πŸ™‚

    GoGal, sorry if I’ve started a run on toblerones!! Am just coming to the end of my first ever B2B fast days in order to repair the damage of my overindulgence on Valentine’s day. I won’t be weighing in until Wed but I hope it has been worth the effort because I don’t think I could do B2B again. Huge admiration for those of you who can do that on a regular basis – ye are sure made of strong stuff! Really looking forward to some normal eating tomorrow.
    Suejen, thanks for kind wishes for B2B – stuck it out mostly ( not great at calorie counting but think I was close enough ) but it’s not something I will be rushing to do again. Guess I’ll have to gently tell my lovely hubby not to buy chocolates any time soon. Oh God!! Just remembered Easter coming up soon…..Easter eggs!!!!

    hello ladies – I’m a newbie and today is my first fast day. So I will be checking in here to keep strong!
    Read the book and it all sounds easy … now to put it in to practice. All the best fellow fasters!

    Hi there all – but there are some blokes out there too !! Big Blokes and all !! Now into my third week and do feel great, lost three kg already and am enjoying the new recipes in the first book. Have ordered the new cookbook on line but takes awhile to get here (Geelong) Good luck to all and thanks to my wonderful young Doctor for the recommendation.

    Hi ebony-ivory and AussieDave, WELCOME to AUSSIE DETERMINATION, we are here to guide you on your journey, the longer you do 5:2 the easier it gets but you end up with a heap of questions so one of our members will gladly help. The key to each fast day is planning which aleviates any chance of slip ups! Have a hard boiled egg at the ready or carrot straws for the arvo hungries. Even a glass of Zero coke works to keep you feeling full. Work out your TDEE on the home page under How it Works…that gives you a guide on how many cals to have on NORMAL days. Enjoy your journey with us and yes Dave, we do have male members but they don’t always seem to post very often, come on guys, even those stalking our thread, jump on board, give us a different perspective, some of our members Hubbies are doing 5:2 and having great success….Have a great day team, this is the start of the rest of your “healthy” life.. πŸ™‚ CG xx

    Good morning everyone! Good fast day yesterday for hubby and I, he went to bed early again as still hungry after dinner poor thing. I have to remind myself that he is still only on his fourth week. I am back to my Friday weight and he is under his, so the benefits are continuing. It’s his birthday today and he wants one of his favourite meals for dinner – rissoles, mash spuds & peas! Easy pleased, plus a chocolate cake that is baking as I type….smells divine!

    Suejen….I had a laugh over your dog and the shoes…..our neighbours dog is guilty of that at times….and I’ve found many a thong or jogger in their yard of ours….try not to leave them at front door anymore!

    Uptight….that dreaded hairdresser biscuit! Why do we eat them….they not even usually fresh! Never mind, I have hairdresser on Thursday (next fast) so will remember you and try not to say yes to it!

    Well done AussieDave…..we love the blokes on AD too, great to hear from you…..3 kg in three weeks in wonderful. My hubby has been going for three weeks too and he’s lost just over 3 kg.

    Have a great day everyone, better go and check that cake, smelling cooked…then make the rissoles as I’m working this arvo.

    HI guys. Weigh-in this morning and I’m just .1 shy of 3kg down on 3 weeks. Couldn’t be happier with that – except for the .1 of course, spoiling my record! I have never, ever done that before on any weight loss program. I usually lose just over a kg the first week & then I’m down to anywhere between .2 and .5 a week. So as you can guess I’m thrilled with 5:2.
    Enjoyed my Zucchini Muffin this morning & my home-made chai tea with almond milk. Very nice….such an indulgence after a fast day.
    Ha Foxy I too have a hairdresser app’t on Thursday so will watch out for that biscuit too – yes, usually not fresh at all Uptight. We gotta learn to pick our indulgences, don’t we.
    Welcome Dave and Ebony great to have you on board. You won’t find a better bunch of supportive and chatty people – about topics far and wide! Dave good on your loss so far and the fact that many GP’s are recommending 5:2 is one of its greatest strengths I reckon. Hubby’s GP follows it & recommended that he do it. He’s already down to his goal weight but may try for a bit more.
    Fittoretire the only chocs I can have in the house are the dark Lindt packets that hubby buys in BULK when on a special – you should see our pantry. I refuse to go to the checkout with him when he’s bought it on a special. The girls just look at the pile of 20-30 packs & then just look at him!! But at least that stuff I can eat 1 square & be content & not want any more. Not so with any type of milk choc. No way could I do B2B but will do a 4:3 this week for my birthday.
    Well off to my day. Feeling super energised today which is great & going either swimming or for a walk. Also got that tomato sauce to make that didn’t happen yesterday. Have a super day everyone & enjoy the journey.
    Ooh I forgot to mention – I have at last lost ONE CM off my hips. Yeah it’s started at last. Plenty more to go. suejen

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY !”DAN THE MAN!”Enjoy your day with the beautiful FOX!
    FITTORETIRE- Please do not be sorry…. Bought the toblie Sunday afternoon …. I sooo wanted it! to bad it was not toblerone cheesecake.would have been well & truely GGGGGOOOONNNNEEEE .It was so good with coffee yesterday arvie. After my indulgent weekend … I thought what the hell. Now I have had my fix….. did I hear you say EASTER EGGGS!!!!

    Welcome AUSSIE DAVE & EBnIV-So good to have you on the team.
    No temptation today. Holding strong with the green tea and iced cold water. Egg salad for dinner tonight, shnitzel for hubby.
    have a good one all…….. THE WEAK AT THE KNEES FOR TOBLERONE ……GO GALxxx

    LOL Hahaha…you are a tonic Gogal! Well done suejen…..yes it’s a great way to lose weight isn’t it….that’s 3 kg gone for good! Luckily a TOBLERONE isn’t one of my weaknesses, bit too sweet…..but have to confess to eating a WHOLE BAG of chocolate aniseed rings on Friday night….with a wine of course πŸ˜‰

    Wellcome Evony_ivory & AussieDave46. You are going to find us a very supportive team. I’ve not been with them long and have had lots of help and tips. We are not sexist either so males, females or Gay. I speak for myself here . I’m not Gay but but am not a homophobic.
    I found yesterday’s Fast Day Quite a Difficult Day. I thought I had read in Michael’s book, that it was preferable to have as long time as possible between meals. ie breakfast and dinner. In my case this has been 10 hours, I usually last out pretty well until about 4:30 PM and then get very hungry. On my next FD I am going to try and have a boiled egg at lunchtime hoping that this will stave off the hunger pains. I think if we stick to our allowed amount of calories it should not matter in the long run. I am still losing weight so guess that this eating WOL is still working. I also find that on the nights following a FD I have numerous trips to the loo. I’d say this is Ketosis at work which is excellent. It means the body is burning up body fat for fuel which is our goal.
    Cheers for now. Doggy

    Oh my goodness Foxy a whole bag of aniseed rings….couldn’t stand the thought. But I could devour a whole bag of choc coated liquorice and have done so in the past. Luv the stuff! Hubby would be with you on the aniseed rings – but he never eats whole bags of anything, but does overdo it on the cake angle (huge things that I wouldn’t even desire).
    Dogsabie I too try to last from brekky till dinner, but quite often it will be 5pm when I start cooking tea (breakfast at 7.30pm usually). But others seem to eat at various times. Maybe I need to read Michael’s latest book…..perhaps it doesn’t make much difference? What say you all??
    Ha gogal weak at the knees for toblerone eh?! suejen

    Hi girls, just my take on all this, the basis is less cals on fast days. You are fasting from your last meal. Say 6.30pm ..through the night until your next meal…a snack or dinner at 6.30pm…even if you have a light lunch or breakfast, the cals are so small and that is the whole idea of the fasting day. As Michael it works out 1000 less cals intake a week so you HAVE to lose weight, I think anyway! And with your TDEE, the less cals you eat the more weight you lose. Well in theory, my cals are very low and I have now plateaued. But just remember you are fasting after your evening meal until you next eat…..getting an urge for chocolate now reading these posts yummy… πŸ™‚ CG xx

    Oh more newbies! Hi both of you. Hope you have as great a time here as I do! Whatever happens on your journey, be sure to be compassionate and forgiving with yourselves. That’s the only way to get there…x

    Hi! Welcome to the new members ( I am newbie myself) πŸ™‚
    Fast day today for me – good so far but now reading about these chocolates …
    Congratulations Suejen! Great weight loss πŸ™‚

    HI All had a great day today. Feeling very upbeat and positive about the future, and I think I feel lighter on my feet and more mobile. Such a good thing to notice. Cals for today on MFP looking pretty good with plenty to spare. Had a really nice lunch which I’ll put onto the recipe thread. It’s a Chicken-Pear Salad with Goats Cheese – really nice & simple to make & only works out on MFP as 269 calories. Good for either fast ot non-fast days.
    Have made Matt Preston’s Tomato Sauce & all bottled & ready to put away. All in all a good and satisfying day. sj
    Have a good night all and stick to your aussie determination. I find it amazing how less hungry I am……unbelievable!

    Wow! Suejen, fantastic weight loss and thanks for your lovely recipe – can’t wait to try it. There’s no way I could resist if there was bulk buying of chocolate by my OH, either him or the choc would have to go!!
    Welcome ebony_ivory and Aussie Dave ( also Lotus, if I didn’t say so before). This is definitely a great thread to join. You will get lots of support, advice and a few laughs thrown in for good measure – gotta have a sense of humour too, it helps to get through lots of life’s hurdles, esp the fast day blues!!
    Foxy, no idea what aniseed rings are – don’t have those in Ireland but my biggest weakness are Minstrels – can’t go to the movies without a big family sized bag (all to myself). So I guess I won’t be going to the cinema any time soon! Mind you, if I go to see ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ I might find something else to distract me!! πŸ˜‰

    Good morning team, I’m fasting again today, good luck to any one doing B2B or 4:3, not the easiest way to go but let’s hope it’s effective. It was a non fast day for me yesterday and with reading so much on chocolate my resolve melted and I had 4 choc mint slices nice and crisp from the fridge with my coffee, oh so yum! This morning, they went straight through me so no need of laxatives and definately no sign of constipation πŸ™‚
    Foxy our recipe site is doing so well what a great idea thanks to you, so rather than going back over pages it’s all in one spot and easy to find. I had a lovely summer button squash given to me yesterday at Aerobics, mine not quite ready to pick yet, so I’ll be having that stuffed tonight for a low cal dinner.
    I’ll be doing my fridge out again this arvo, seems to be so much wastage but with the smaller appertite, I just don’t go through as much food these days, great for the household budget, but so many things we have to buy in bulk prepacked ( often the cheapest way to buy and the house wife bargining kicks in) and trying to change the mind to cook for one and smaller quantities isn’t always easy.
    Have a really happy peaceful day team, remember smiling IS contagous and just one positive thought in the morning can lift your whole day.. πŸ™‚ CG xxx

    Good morning everyone

    Everyone seems so upbeat and enthusiastic. Which is great to hear.

    Welcome to the newbies you have joined great group, look back over the thread.

    I was thinking yesterday when I was ordering supplies for work. That I haven’t had a cold or bug in the past 5 months since I started this program, I have been really well. I used to get sick every couple of months and end up having a few days off work. Good food, fasting and exercise has a lot of other benefits as well as weight drop. Will get my blood tests down again in a few weeks see what’s happened there.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Love my Wednesday’s I am home, will be busy cleaning cooking just pottering around.


    Morning AD’s
    Back from my weekend away in Adelaide and cricket was a delight to watch. Best thing is that the team that I was supporting won. Made it all worthwhile to drive 800 kms from Melbourne to Adelaide. Only downside is that I came back 1.7 kgs weight gain..OOps!!!
    Well, fasted yesterday and will fast tomorrow again, so hoping to get this 1.7 kilos off me soon πŸ™‚ Fingers crossed.

    Foxy, belated happy birthday to your hubby and hope he enjoyed his special birthday meal.
    CG, are you doing 4:3 this week? How are you finding it?

    Suejen, you are doing great well done.
    FC, like always all your posts are very motivating and inspiring, Thanks!!

    And big welcome to newbies!!! Hope you will get the expected support here as this is a great forum and we support each other to remain responsible πŸ™‚

    Only 9 days before I go on holidays and I cant wait anymore. Cant concentrate at work now..LOL…
    I bought a cocktail dress in size 12 almost 5 weeks back. We have planned big celebrations for my son’s 4th birthday while we will be overseas and I bought this dress for that special occasion. I tried on the dress last night and HOLY COW!!!! its falling off me. As its 5 weeks now, I cant exchange it (spent a fortune on it) Dont know if I should be happy or sad at this????
    Guess, will have to get the dress altered to my size now, but will only do it near to the date. Who knows I may gain some weight again on holidays and will fit in the dress by then (end of march)
    Rant over…. Love… FB

    Wow Fatbuster. A size 12 cocktail dress! Good on you, you must be thrilled. I know I’d be.
    Yes Countrgal we all need to have a good laugh.
    I’ve come back from my grocery shopping feeling very sad. I live in a relatively small town. This morning a 22 year old young girl hung herself. What could be so awful in a young girls life that she resorted to taking her own life? I didn’t know her or her family but feel for them.
    On a more cheerful note. Tomorrow I’m off to fetch my new puppy. I’m so looking forward to it. Coutrygal I’ll think of you with your three when I go to the loo and have company there too.
    Thanks too for those of you who gave some input into ” when to eat”. I tend to agree that the main thing is the reduced number of calories we eat over a week. There is an interesting thread going called ” WHEN YOU EAT MATTERS” started by Michael. Some of it gets very technical and scientific. It migh be worth a look if you are interested.

    Fatbuster cant believe you bought a size 12 cocktail dress and now it hangs on you! I know you have dilemma but…… fantastic is that!! Yes just get it altered closer to the time – maybe book it in with someone TBC sort of thing?
    Dogsabie in a small country town these young suicides stand out so much & affect the whole community even though you don’t know the family. Ooh and the excitement of picking up a new puppy. Enjoy!
    Bali enjoy your day pottering at home – used to love those days when I was working.
    CG I agree with you re wastage with food due to smaller appetites. Takes a while for you to realise & adjust your buying. Have a good FD & hope the scales move soon for you.
    Have a great day all on this fabulous WOL. It’s awesome! Decided not to fast today as my extra day out this week isn’t happening. So if my birthday lunch Saturday is a blowout I’ll just fast Sunday as well! I find it hard to do extra fasts BEFORE the event. I like to enjoy my food first. sj
    Dogsy going to look up that thread as I’d really like to know about timing of foods. His first book definitely went down the line of having breakfast & then dinner but seems to have changed since then. Depends which book you read!

    Having trouble with my two poached eggs on Fast-days – I do enjoy them but would like a slice of multi grain bread (toast) with them and happy to have the cals. taken off my 600 limit. No butter of course. Any suggestions as to how much a slice of multi grain bread is cal. wise? Have discovered cold steam veg, beans, carrot and cauliflower with juice of a lime and black pepper to be very satisfying and filling on FDs. Like to hear what others think. Managing the FDs much better than I thought

    Wow! FB – great to have size 12 hang on you πŸ™‚ yes, ask around and keep an alteration option closer to date. Lets hope you still have to alter, so you don’t have any weight gains!!
    Also – thanks fittoretire (I heart that name) for the welcome. Its a rally great and welcoming group of people here.
    I have been feeling bloated this week (Aunty Flo’s visit) so weighin was depressing. have another FD tomorrow – hopefully the extra weight will all go away by next week πŸ™‚
    Suejen, the chicken salad sounds yummy.

    Hi Dave, how about an omelette just on fast days, add a few mushrooms, filling and low cal and no bread in sight! Just. A thought

    FB congratulations girl, YOU HAVE DONE IT, I remember your first post with effection and just so very proud of you. I know the mental and physical battle you have had. WOW and double WOW TO YOU….
    Visited a friend on the way home from the chiro as she owns on of our local dairys and doesn’t see many visitors, had a beer of all things as I don’t drink it unless it’s over 45 degrees in summer but enjoyed it, no idea how that will effect my fast but will keep going, it’s done now and had a lovely catch up.
    Doggie hanging to hear the first reports of your new four legged baby, your in for a fun night.
    Enjoy your day team…. CG xxxx

    AussieDave (OK to call you Dave?) – I had tried slotting in the bread as part of the total calorie for the day in the beginning- but two things happened that have made me change my strategy – 1. Any carb (bread/Rice/potatoes/sugar), no matter how complex or whole etc, increases my appetite. Making FD pretty difficult 2. Water weight increases, so the next day, weight loss is not as much as hoped.
    I then went back to forum and noticed many fasters seem to have similar issues, so have gone to low carb eating.
    Also, one slice is like 150 cals approx – so it gives you much less “room to move” if you feel like a snack or coffee during the day…
    So maybe you could try with a slice of bread the first few fasts, and as your body gets used to it the fasting process, gradually eliminate them on FDs?
    That said, its the first thing I crave the morning after a fast day πŸ™‚

    Hi All, Welcome Ebony and Dave. Great supportive thread to join!

    Well, it’s official … I’m a grease spot!! Been cleaning window and door screens, trying to wash all the summer grime and dust off. Seems to be worse this year and think it is because I’m in the southern suburbs and fall out from various fires have contributed. The humidity is hard to take … my hair is arriving ten minutes before I do. LOL

    Off to have some cauli/chickpea soup (of the ‘this is one I made earlier’ variety)from an idea gleaned from you Counntrygal. Chucked in some curry powder and it is delicious. A small roll and fruit seeing it is not a FD for me. πŸ™‚

    Afternoon AD’s.
    FITTORETIRE- Have just been to see FIFTY SHADES .A lot tamer than the books.There will be sequels … you bet… I was so good! had my box of strawberries and my water….. what more could a girl want…. Sorry not Christian Grey.My hubby leaves him far behind in the feild…. No pun intended of course.
    CG I agree with your theory on the cals. .
    SUEJEN- well down gal..those kgs are gone gone gone!Another fast day and there will be more gone for your special day on Saturday.
    AussieDave– I am going to try your super drink. There is 70cals in a slice of multi grain bread so the local baker says check on MFP to be sure.
    FB – You really are my little FB….Hugs Mxx
    LOTUS-You will be back to yourself soon. Its horrible when Aunty is due to visit, tension starts days before her arrival. You have done so well so far …keep up your strong AUSSIE DETERMINATION.

    Enjoy your fast day those who are doing tomorrow, The rest of the team have A GREAT FEAST. WE CAN DO IT …..WE ARE AUSSIE DETERMINATION………GO GALxx

    Thanks GO Gal πŸ™‚

    Hi team, I was given a very large button marrow which I stuffed and cooked tonight. Absolutely recommend it. I have put the recipe on our new thread in case you are interested, works out at 83 cals for half this marrow which was 3/4 the size of a bread and butter plate. The stuffing can also ge used for zucchini, very filling yummy and also vegan! Was going to have a 100g chicken breast with it but couldn’t fit it in, so a plate full of healthy low cal vegies.
    Fast day for most of you tomorrow, plan, plan, plan! Get that hard boiled egg on for an arvo snack, cut up some crisp veg, apple, celey, carrot or capsicum to put in a container to take with you. YOU CAN DO IT, your AUSSIE DETERMINATION will kick in, try not to obsess on food through the day, stay busy, fill up with fluids, water, tea, coffee whatever suits you. It’s only one day…then weigh in…good luck team, enjoy your evening,
    Doggy, how is your new puppy setteling in?…. CG xxx

    To all our QLD team…. My thoughts are with you all as this storm hits your shores .Please take every precaution to be safe and out of any harm to yourself and loved ones. Love …..GO GALxxxx

    Stay safe and well QLDers!!

    Ditto Qlder’s. Be safe and unharmed, our thoughts are with you…. Hugs CG xxx

    Thank you. We will be battening down the hatches and the rain has already arrived!

    Hi All! Gosh, I just can’t keep up with the news from everyone when I get around to logging on in the mornings. You are one amazing bunch of people.
    FB – that’s just incredible!! Size 12 falling off you – what a delicious dilemma to have – well done you. Don’t turn sideways or you’ll be invisible!! πŸ™‚
    Dogsabie – bet your new arrival is so cute, there’s nothing like the unconditional love of a small furry friend!
    Lotus, don’t worry about small slip, your fast day will have you right back on track. That’s what so great about this WOL – everything is doable in time.
    CG, YY, envy your skills in the kitchen – it all sounds so tasty, healthy and weight friendly.
    Wow GG, you sure have great self control, I mean about the strawberries, not Christian Grey!! πŸ˜‰
    Had my weigh in today – 2lbs down and half inch off waist and hips!!!! Yippee!
    Thanks for all the wisdom and support. Best of luck to all for rest of fast days this week. Xx

    Of course I should be giving these measures in metric (showing my age!). So that’s 0.9 kg down in weight and 1.3 cm off waist and hips. Wearing jeans today that I haven’t worn in well over a year!! Hi to Flemmy, Lotus, Aussie Dave, Bali and anyone else I didn’t greet already. Warm wishes to all on this thread.

    Good morning all

    Had a great day at home yesterday. Floors clean I scrubbed the ensuite floor tiles with a toothbrush, grrrr I hate floor tiles, and grout. Cannot afford to change maybe get hubby to do it next time, maybe then we can afford it hahaha. Anyway felt like putting up a sign do not use so it will stay clean. Washed sheets towels and clothes cooked bread rolls vacuumed and then scrubbed the kitchen benches. Anyway was full of energy all day. Then went to gym. Probably because I am not carrying an extra 17kg on my body.

    Fast day today, good luck, still going with no brekky as per last week. Might be a long morning till lunch.

    Wow size 12 too big I am happy with size 18 too big at the moment. A long journey to a size 12.

    Have a great day


    Good Morning AD’s
    Another fast day is upon us, well for most of us. Good luck. My target today is to drink heaps of water or herbal teas. I have noticed that I used to drink up lots of water and/or herbal teas on fast days. And I used to loose more. For, some reason, may be b’coz I don’t get hungry now, I have stopped to drink up as much as I used to. Target for today;- atleast 2 ltrs of water. And lots of toilet trips to get me moving πŸ˜‰

    Biiiiiiiiiig Thanks to all of you who congratulated for my dress being loose. Honestly, deep inside I was a bit sad about it, but now I think I was wrong and should have been happier. Dress can be altered but not self esteem. Thanks again AD’s, you really are a big bunch of happy supporters.

    CG, love love love the zucchini recipe, thanks heaps. Making it today (vegetarian version)
    GG, love to you too, you are such a star, like always you are helping all others with your kind inspirational words. You have really made a difference to my life and thank God for giving me true friend like you!!!

    Thursday….. Fast Day… So far….. bloated but happy me….. FB πŸ™‚

    Great loss Fit (at least that’s my name for you Fittoretire, as I am sure very soon you will be FIT!). Well done.
    Morning to all! Fast day today. I felt peckish in the morning – so had carrots,celery sticks and coffee for brekkie- and it was a filling and delicious brekkie too (I would not have ever felt that way prior to 5:2 lol).
    Off to have Yum Cha with office friends today – but, if I am careful and stick what’s in the food log – about 4-5 dumplings- will not be over 300 cals for lunch. Hmmm. Sounds too good to be true? We’ll see πŸ™‚
    For all the Chinese Friends on the forum – Happy New Year!!

    G’day ADs. Well my little bundle of black fluffy fur is back home with me. He is about the same size as my previous beautiful Goldie’s head! I’m sure that he is going to give us lots of enjoyment.
    It’s a FD for me. Started off with a bit of smoked salmon. Then I was in a rush so that’s all I’ve had so far today. I have a Couple of hard boiled eggs lined up for lunch. Dinner will probably be BE steamed fish if I’m still on track wiht my correct number of calories.
    Yesterday I browsed through some other threads. Some people are quite mean. I think we have a vey good thing going with our team.
    OK Pooch Pepper needs to be taken out for a bit of toilet training.
    Cheers all and happy fasting.

    Good morning all. Doggie that is so sad about the young girl, my brother committed suicide at that age, over 20 years ago now, it’s hard to understand. I feel for her family.

    Had a bit f a birthday celebration for hubby, so am not expecting to lose this week, hopefully I will get rid of the bloat and stay the same.

    Dave, I agree about the bread waking up your appetite… about serving your poached eggs on a bed of rocket and adding some smoked salmon or lean ham?….the extra protein will keep you satisfied and the rocket will help mop up the eggs.

    Great loss FIT….well done! And welcome to our new members πŸ™‚

    FB…..I had a similar feeling about that size 14 dress I wore to the wedding in December… just hangs on me, have sadly put it into the second hand shop pile…’s too nice a dress to cut up and I’ve worn it a few times now. Luckily I have two beautiful size 10s – one a sun dress and one a cocktail dress….that are lurking in my drawer….when I am able to wear them again, I will be a happy girl! You have come so far and have done so well, you are going to look AMAZING on your holiday!

    CG…..squash sounds fabulous, will check it out next…I love stuffed vegies and my zucchinis have kicked off again, so will use them.

    Bali… wonderful that you are now staying so well! These are the things that we don’t often think about with 5:2…it’s not all about weight loss, it’s about feeling well and healthy as well. So even if you don’t lose and weight this week people, you are still doing your body good by fasting!

    have a great day everyone, off to get my hair done now…..and will SAY NO to the biscuits with the coffee πŸ™‚

    Doggie…your pooch sounds adorable! Have fun with him x

    Doggie, Pepper sounds sweet and is probably very clutzy and cute. At least the weather won’t have you shivering while toilet training early mornings!!!

    CG your stuffed zucchini/marrow idea is brilliant. No guesses what I’m having tonight πŸ™‚

    Have learnt that I function better on FDs if I go out a bit more so off to walk around shopping centre. Have to buy new bras anyway and just the sight of me trying on over shoulder boulder holders is enough to keep me on the straight and narrow!! I swear they work at creating unflattering mirrors in cubicles. Even worse than looking at yourself reflected in shop front windows and doors.

    Have a good day everyone doing fasts, and others of course….YY

    Wow Doggie, love the name “Pepper”. Hope your new little friend is getting you to move around a lot ;-), every step counts, isn’t it?
    Thanks Foxy and wow, size 10 has always been a dream for me… ONE DAY!!!
    You have already done so well, if size 14 is too loose, then probaly you are a 12 by now, happy times….
    Hope you have a better experience with bra shopping Yum Yum.. πŸ˜‰

    Hey Lotus – Fit?!! I wish! But I love that you’ve taken that as my name…..if I get my act together with this WOL, who knows what will follow?
    Doggy – so thrilled about your little bundle of joy. I’m sure you will give each other great happiness over the years to come. I agree with you about this thread – lots of lovely positive, supportive people who really make a difference if anyone is struggling.
    I don’t know if the B2B fasts caused a change in my appetite but over the last two days I have been eating alot less than I used to and I feel full much quicker. Does this mean my body is adapting at last to doing the fasting properly? Will this smaller appetite last? Please tell me it does!

    WELCOME PEPPER!!!!… love your name. Will you be spending the night snuggled between MUMnDAD? DOGSABIE…. may Pepper bring you joy and love. I enjoy may B2B fasts… always successful when on days off ,cannot do it at work, I need the fuel!
    Our dress sizes are coming down The lost centimeters are telling us that…. Well done all of you. It is only a matter of time with patience and persistence that we all will be happy in 10 ,12 and 14’s! The average women is a comfortable size 14.
    FIT – The feeling will last… keep your thoughts positive , keep busy and keep up your fluids.You do find that you do not want to eat a small coffee is filling. WARNING…..STAY AWAY FROM TOBLERONE!!!!! . It will be interesting at the weight in tomorrow to see if Monday’s damage has rectified it self.

    LOVELY LOTUS-GONG XI FAT CHOY- Have a wonderful happy lunch……GO GALXX

    Guess what? Got stuck at work so could not go for yum cha. Which is good I guess, less feeling deprived when everyone else pigs out πŸ™‚ So, I had a lovely and very virtuous quinoa and chicken salad for lunch. Also, the girls at work got me a pack of the steamed greens with oyster sauce, which is going to be dinner.
    Fit- we will all be fit by the end of this game. Our Aussie Determination will see us through.
    And welcome Pepper. So cute name πŸ™‚
    Yum Yum – I have to agree on the fitting room mirrors – its like they are designed to discourage people from buying clothes!
    and yes, this thread is a refreshing place to be.

    Also, just read this on the web, and its (mostly) true for me at least πŸ™‚

    You know it’s a fast day when…
    Even your fruity shower gel smells delicious
    Your pet’s food smells so good that you get jealous of them
    You dream that you over indulged and ruined your fast
    Everyone around you seems to be talking about food
    Every bite tastes like a banquet
    You have to get the calculator out before making dinner
    You get β€˜hangry’
    You feel hungry but sort of enjoy the sensation
    You keep brushing your teeth just to enjoy the calorie free minty flavour
    Your bladder simply isn’t big enough to cope with the amount of water you’re filling up on
    You fantasize about the most amazing breakfast for the next day (but never feel like eating it when tomorrow comes!)
    Your friend eats a muffin and you realise it contains a whole (fast) day of calories
    You seemingly revert to childhood – eating jelly for pudding and having a glass of milk before bed… at 9pm!

    Afternoon all! Cyclone sandwich they are calling it up north, please be safe!

    Wow, I had the most amazing visit with my doc on Tuesday, not only are my glucose levels ALMOST NORMAL!! but my blood pressure was normal (first time ever), my cholesterol was normal, my iron level was normal… and my doc’s scales were also 10 kg down (same as mine)! She confirmed that doing 5:2 as a T2 diabetic was all good and fine and told me to keep going, as I might just get off all my medication. Not bad for almost 7 weeks, not bad at all, bloody determined!

    So much vindication for my choice of doing 5:2 after all the research I looked up, and definitely an ‘up yours’ to the people that thought it was just another fad and that I couldn’t/shouldn’t do it.. yes I have 50 kg more to go (in an ideal world but I would be happy with 20 more!), but hey, one bite at a time!

    Great forum by the way xxx

    Hugs to you Tatania, Awesomeeee results!!!! Keep it up and yes you can call yourself an inspiration now. Love your determination.

    Lotus, this is so true, especially the last one about muffin is so me. I am fasting today as well and just saw a skinny bloke having a big muffin in Tea room. Just wanted to snatch it from him and eat it all… Ha ha haha.. Well, again, ONE DAY!!! LOL

    Well said GG, doesn’t matter what size, as long as we feel good that matters the most.

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