Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 3 years ago.

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  • Hi Gang, yep, PH, fasting, but on the run now. glad to hear you are doing so well on the fasting, less weight has to help our aches and pains. I pray!! I have a birthday week to foul me up, too, Suegen! Heading for the city tomorrow and a family weekend in Cardwell. That means lots of sundowners and spare ribs and Barra on the barbie.

    so far have only had water and a green salad with my fasting staple of tin salmon. (calories on the label – easy).

    Did enjoy the link UP. Hoping things get better fast for you CG. Hi to Lany and Dawg. Will try to get back on later, just a busy time right now. Great weekend, all if I don’t xx gyps

    Hi all!
    Doggy, sounds like you have a very good plan for meals for you and OH. The simpler the better. Hope the rain is easing now. We’re having another couple of beautiful days here so I think I may have to get out and clean some windows…..probably last chance before winter sets in 😬
    UP, it’s a great idea to have a substitute drink to signal that unwinding, relaxing time of the evening….very clever πŸ… It’s amazing how we can train our brains and bodies by setting up new, good habits to replace less helpful ones! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    SJ, of course you have to celebrate your OH’s birthday but it seems you have a good plan ready not to go overboard. Enjoy!
    Gyps, have a great time with family too. I’m sure you will do some excellent fasting before and after, so no worries!
    I’m fasting today and will weigh in tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll have undone the damage from last weekend and then, next week, it will be onwards and downwards! Fingers crossed and lips sealed! πŸ‘ŒπŸ™ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

    Well I made a start on my windows, they’re quite large, floor to ceiling type and only got four panes done when the shakes set in! What a wuss! So I’m taking a break and having a plum and some almonds to see if that will help. Must be because I’m fasting but I know others don’t seem to have a problem being active on fds?

    Hi everyone
    I had a successful FD yesterday, lucky it was a very busy day. I saved my one meal of the day until 4.30pm, and boy did it taste good.

    I weighed in this morning at 2kg total loss, so another .5 of a kg. I don’t have a lot to lose, but haven’t been at my goal weight for several years. So these little losses are huge to me, as the kg’s have just been stubborn since I became menopausal quite early in life. My parents are coming to visit today from Melbourne (I’m in Sydney) and I’m looking forward to enjoying my food and a glass of wine tonight.

    Sorry to those who are suffering with pain, hugs to you and hope you find some relief.

    Great job, Neptune! Keep up the good work and enjoy the time with your parents πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

    Well done, Neptune!

    Gypsy, sundowners and barra on the barbie. Sounds idyllic!

    My fast day wasn’t perfect, went to the hairdressers and ate TWO biscuits. Otherwise ok. Am down a bit today from my last weigh in, pre fast Monday morning, but can do better!

    Daughter is coming home for the weekend (amazing to get such close together visits…….should get a new puppy more often!). Also a son visiting tomorrow, my musician who comes and goes and we never are clear on when or where from! He usually wants to eat really healthily though as travelling, as we know, has its food issues! My daughter always wants to do the healthy thing but is easily sidetracked! I think she is about to do a 5 day sugar free thing and will cook some preparatory supplies here. She wanted us to start with her. Anyway, my husband and I get a wine or 2 tonight so we will be the bad influence ;-)!

    Have a good weekend all.

    Hi everyone. Neptune, well done you. Up, SJ thanks for tips re wine substitute. I agree with you that one does need a drink of something to substitute for an alcoholic beverage. Do any of you remember Claytons? The good news is that my booze free week has paid off and I’ve lost 1.5 kilos in just 4 days. I’m reslly chuffed. I won’t say that I’m becoming a teetotaller as that smacks to me of no fun at all.
    Yesterday, being my FD too I did a really basic, stupid thing. I skipped breakfast which is no big deal. I then had a soup for lunch but by 4pm was very hungry. I’d forgotten to have some protein. I could have kicked myself as this is something I’ve known about for decades. I used to work as a theatre nurse and at times would be involved in open heart surgery where we were scrubbed up for 7 or 8 hours. We always had eggs for breakfast on those days. Anyhow I survived and will not be doing that again!

    Up we were twins yesterday as had my hair cut too. However I avoided his delicious brownies by having a coffee before I went! Having a male hairdresser that cooks you brownies is pretty special I reckon – he has a wife & 2 kids too.
    Yesterday’s lunch out was absolutely delicious & they had a 3 course winter special so naturally I had 3 courses and some wine! Despite the downpours yesterday it was lovely with a nice log fire going. So today it’s on to a FD for me and a good one too!! No excuses or forgetfulness or snacking after dinner πŸ™‚ Then a weigh-in tomorrow for me.
    Up take any little loss that you get. It all adds up! Neptune another 1/2 a kilo good on you. they’re starting to add up & soon you might be at your goal if you don’t have much to lose πŸ™‚ Any more weigh-ins to report for this week? Our renewed enthusiasm & motivation should see a few more this week.

    CG our fearless leader hope the pain is being managed well with the meds for now. Hugs & cuddles your way. xxxx PH hugs your way too xxxx
    Have a great day all & enjoy your food if it’s a NFD for you. Make it fresh and healthy and even more beneficial for your fast days if you do! suejen XXXX

    Dawg great news 1.5 kilos in 4 days! You’re rocking along girl!! Woohoo!!! Next week will definitely be a sparkling mineral water week for me…until Friday comes along πŸ™‚ I too learned my lesson re the value of protein after some really tough days where I was ravenous. You just have to make sure your FD’s have enough & then you’ll pretty much sail through. So my HB eggs are an absolute must until dinner comes around. xxx

    Yes, Doggy, brilliant and inspires you to keep the faith! Impressive work on the brownies, SJ. Mine was a long appointment,2 and a half hours!

    Hi all. Well what a lot of successes!! Doggy. 1.5 kgs πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ and Neptune a small loss is like a huge one when you only have a little to lose, well done. And as SJ says UP any loss is a good one. Good luck today with your fast SJ better late than never.

    I had a coffee at my favourite coffee shop after my pool yesterday and the owner added a Picnic bar to the saucer….I handed it back to him saying thank you, but no thanks explaining about me trying to lose weight and said …please please do it again when I have reached goal. He laughed and gave me a hug instead…lovely man. He was the one who delivered coffee to me every day when I was In Hospital for the two months unable to move. I am finding it much easier to not have to have something with coffee nowadays…
    Missed pool today as It is overcast and was so comfortable in bed pain free that I rolled over, turned the alarm off and snuggled back into bed…oh well have done three one hour pool sessions this week so that should be fine,

    Gyps envious of you with the Barra and barbie..and the sundowner. Sounds like heaven.

    Fit. Good luck for today and hope your weigh in tomorrow is good. I used to find that I could not exercise on Fast Days so understand about the window cleaning reaction. However now that I have gotten into the habit of not eating till 11am each day again and nothing but a coffee till 4pm or later on fast days I can still manage to exercise. Just a matter of what you are used to I guess.

    UP I too am looking forward to haveing a couple of drinks tonight whilst watching the footy..can’t believe I made it through the week on soda water and lime but I did!! And so have you!!

    Big Hi to all I have missed best get going. We are cleaning out the caravan after our time away and getting it ready to go to Repton, on the beautiful Bellingen River for he weekend so see if the mud crabs are on and watching D participate in a Dragon Boat Regatta. Just going for two nights so should be able to manage it.

    Bye for nowπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    Woohoo, you gals are rockin’ unable to speak to each of you, most know why, but keep up the great work team, I’m very proud of you all Cuddles πŸ’•πŸ˜Šxxxx

    What great results we are seeing this week!
    We are showing wonderful AUSSIE DETERMINATION…WELL DONE TO ALL OF YOU!!!
    My weighin this morning was another positive down to 76.5kgs a 1kg loss.
    I thought I may have blown it with my celebration Sav the other night… but doing a 4:3 worked.
    The weekend that some have planned sounds great…. eat drink and be merry.
    Ph…..hope you continue to be pain free for your weekend.
    I am working tomorrow from 6.30am till 2.30pm….so will be walking more grams off .

    Well done GG great work. Let’s see if we’re still twins tomorrow! Your 4:3 must have helped a lot I reckon plus all your walking for work. Go go gogal!!! πŸ™‚

    Hi all!
    Well done ladies! Lots of losses all around and great grit and determination shown in resisting temptations! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    My weigh in this morning is 66.4…….lost most of what I put on last weekend but not all. Must try harder! Have to dash because I’ve an eye appointment and then my sister in law is coming for coffee.
    Love and hugs to all, especially those struggling with pain. πŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’ž

    Morning all. WD, GG. Fit you are beating me! Go you!

    Morning Everyone
    I’ve read all the messages and I feel so sorry for everyone who is struggling against pain and loss at the moment. My thoughts are with you all even though I haven’t developed a good system for remembering each post I want to reply to, I’m definitely thinking of you with great admiration as I read your daily struggles and know you choose to continue with this wol at the same time.

    No loss for me today, 200g up actually on last week. I’ve had two NFD with poor choices and it’s now that time of the month so in all honesty I shouldn’t have stood on the scales today. But I know a portion of the problem is out of my hands, I never used to notice any changes but since my mid 30’s I can tell its about to be that time because beforehand my stomach swells like I’m 4months pregnant but by 3 or 4 days later it’s normal again, and I think my need for sugar would have made heroin addiction look like a minor fleeting interest.

    I also caught myself just as I was about to launch a full scale war on whoever left the toothpaste cap open and the towel wrinkled on the bathroom rail…..thankfully the last small non menstrual portion of my brain got up the courage to mention that it may not actually be a hanging offence to mismanage bathroom supplies and I shut the door, sat on the edge of the bath and laughed at myself. My dear sweet family does not deserve Captain Insanity running the ship. All in all I think my 200g are not the worst thing that could have happened this week!!!

    Thinking of you all and your troubles, you definitely help to keep me humble when my own small issues seem large.

    UP, I bet you’ll pass me out next week! SIL brought cake today!

    Ah Lany, it’s called being human! Well done for overcoming your murderous instincts! That bloating is very normal and will pass soon, along with the 200g. Stick with us, you’ll get to know us better and we’ll get you through anything! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒ

    Good morning/evening team, firstly Lany let me apologise for not showing my usual support to you. I’ve been on the sick list, still am actually, but thanks to modern day meds feeling better. You are doing such an incredible job,it’s a credit to you. 200g is nothing to worry about, could even be food in transit, but stick with the way you are going, it all counts in the end πŸ˜‰
    GG you clever girl, never any doubt with you, big downward slop again, you’ll be back to where you were in no time.
    Fit you are a champ, that’s a great weight to be at, and still dropping,woohoo😊
    Suejen, I know with you, once that mind set kicks in, your on top of things, hang in there girlπŸ˜‰
    Doggy, Neptune and PH, you are really showing how well our way of eating….and life works so successfully, well done😊
    Gyps, we’ll have you in bikinis for our reunion the way you are going, all the right foods….and attitude, good on ya!☺️
    Up, you have a knack of dropping the k’s so easily, when the family don’t tempt you πŸ’—πŸ˜‰
    Jade, how’s it going your end? I can’t scan back any further I’m sorry but sure you will have your head around thingsπŸ˜‰
    Well these new meds have me all revved up and rarin’ to go, possibly burn out this arvo, but will strike while the iron is hot, so into the house work. Have a lovely positive day team, nothing is worth loosing hope over, we are all stronger than we think, and with the love and support we have here, we are NEVER alone, Cuddles to you all πŸ˜‰πŸ’—xxxxxxx

    Great to see you firing on all cylinders CG! Don’t overdo it now just because the meds are working. (That was said in my best teacher’s voice!) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

    Yes maam πŸ˜‰, is this what they call a “high”? πŸ˜…πŸ’•xxxxx, I’m going like steam, can’t
    believe it…….xxxxxx

    As is the brain πŸ˜‰πŸ’•

    At this rate, you might have to change the answers to some of those questions on the questionnaire! πŸ˜³πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

    Oooo no, they might me on the bottom of the list! But lovin’ this feeling, washings on,kitchen all done, partial vac, just the main bits, even looking forward to playing in the green house later, beautiful day predicted here, so I’ll enjoy it before the fall happens πŸ˜‰πŸ’•xxxxxxI know I’ll hit a thump come arvo……

    This is day 1 for me, I’m trying to get my head around starting and planning, what is the best way to plan your weekly menus? I brought the Fast Diet book, do I need to buy the receipe book?
    Is it available as an app for iPads? Looking forward to some advice and how you guys have implemented this diet plan into your daily lives, thanks.

    Morning all well my weigh-in saw me lose another 1/2 kilo so I’m down from 77.8 (re-starting weight) to 76.3. Pretty happy with that. Next week should see the 75’s. And I’m definitely going to switch over to sparkling mineral water at last for Mon – Thurs with a touch of lime/lemon as Up does. I LOVE champers so this is a real good bubbles imitation for me! And if anyone else is doing this make sure you have it in a lovely long glass or similar. It’s tricking the brain that counts in this game sometimes πŸ™‚
    CG great to hear you’re pain-free but take it easy girl. Just potter around a bit and see how you go first before launching into spring cleaning πŸ™‚ Fit I’ve added my teacher’s voice to yours….maybe she’ll listen to two teachers??!! Doubt it though.
    Ah Lany love your posts & your murderous intentions at the time of the month. If I was still having those don’t think I’d be weighing around that time πŸ™‚ Not worth the 200gr disappointment when it’s not a real gain at all and you’ll probably show a really good loss next week to make up for it! But I do love the sound of Captain Insanity!!
    Fit well done for losing most of the weekend weight. You have so many social engagements & family coming around what about you just try halving the usual amount you have of cake or whatever – or con someone else into letting you have a bit of theirs. My OH who ADORES his cake can even be conned into doing that…..sometimes!
    I was pleased with myself yesterday as we met a friend for coffee to celebrate OH’s birthday. They both had cake and I just had my long black coffee with a teensy bit of sugar to make it less bitter. We chatted so much it really didn’t bother me. I think I’m actually probably worse when I’m on my own πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    Well today is overcast here & bloomin’ cold at 9am still. May get out in the garden today & test out the neck just a little. And like you CG the vac has to come out too. Have a great weekend all and do something you love be that pottering in the garden, going for a walk, walking your dog, going to the gym, doing some craft, cooking up a storm – or just snuggling up & reading a book. suejen xxxx

    Hi SM or Maria….mmm which shall we call you? We always shorten everyone’s names but as we already have a Sue (that’s me) you’ll have to be different! Welcome to the group. Wow Day 1 you’ve come to the right place. You’ve read the book – a must. I haven’t bought the recipe book as there’s so many 5:2 recipes online now & lots of apps. I had a look at recipe apps yesterday but I did notice that they weren’t getting pretty poor ratings so be careful what you buy. We almost all use MFP or My Fitness Pal which is great for meal planning & has some recipes too – you can also import your own from the web or add manually. Using MFP for the first few months to plan is a great way to go. Makes you aware of calories in the foods you regularly eat & of what either 500 cals or your TDEE looks like – Total Daily energy Expenditure. You can calculate this by putting TDEE in the searchbox at the very top of the forum page. This gives you an idea of what you should eat on your non fasting days. WE call them FD’s and NFD’s.
    This site is really good if you’re a recipe girl like me:
    Many of the recipes I use are from here but if you just put 5:2 recipes into google you’ll be hit with a a myriad of choices! Not all of us use recipes for our fast days as many are simply 100g or so of grilled meat/fish/chicken and vegies or a salad for dinner. Most of us also rely on the good old HB egg as a standby for either lunch or something to get us through to dinner.
    Stick around & you’ll get lots of motivation & encouragement & lots of chatter from us. There’s usually someone around to answer your query or pick you up πŸ™‚ suejen πŸ™‚

    Hi SueM, and welcome aboard 😊 With planning, soup is a good start. You can freeze it in batches for your fast days and its very low cal. Salads can be made on the day. Or evening before if taking a container to work for lunch…..with a small tin of tuna….easy πŸ˜‰But sit and decide what YOU will have on your two fast days. Frozen Birds Eye fish is a good one to start with, cals are on the packet and it’s tasty 😊 Add some salad or plenty of green veggies and there’s dinner☺️ Dead easy. Having packet food like that in the freezer stops slip ups……USE A SMALLER plate than usual. You can have the same as the family but no spuds, ,rice or pasta on fast days,and just using a smaller plate helps😊 I hope this helps and again welcome, the team may come up with other ideas and NO you don’t need to buy any books, it’s normal eating but very low cabs and cals per meal on fast days, even look up low cal meals on the web😊 xx

    A link for Doggie and those inclined to depression. Have a read of this interesting article about eating full-fat yoghurt daily to reduce your risk of depression.
    We’ve been talking about full-fat dairy products for a while & this backs up a lot of recent research about its benefits. sj xxxx

    Thanks sj, as you know, I only ever use full cream/fat anything,(the low stuff is full of sugar😊 )…..,and the full cream/fat keeps you fuller for longer, Thanks for the link, cuddlesπŸ’•πŸ˜‰xxxxx

    Hi everyone. Welcome SM. , SJ & CG have given you the necessary info so I won’t duplicate it. CG I’m glad to see you up and about and firing on all cylinders again. Most of us don’t like to take meds but when one is in awful pain, they are necessary. SJ thanks to the link re depression. So far – touch wood etc. I’ve now gone about a week without antidepressants. I’ve not felt low at all so am soo hoping I can continue.

    Fit this next bit if for you but may be of interest to others. I live in Tasmania where the first Penal colony was established by the British. The actual site is called Port Arthur and has become a tourist destination. I just hate it as it has such a sad history. Most of the early people who were deported were Irish. Many of them women. Needless to say they were the poorest of the poor. They were brought here, never to see their homeland again and put to work in Workhouses under dreadful conditions. Many of them were either pregnant or became so. Long sea voyage locked up with no rights and seafarers. Go figure. Anyhow the children born to these women were sent to orphanages where their plight was as bad as their poor mothers. In the last few years a group of Tasmanian women have traced the records of these women and their children. They know everyone’s name. They have banded together in various communities and have made bonnets. One in memory of each and everyone one of the women. In the next week or so , there is to be a church service conducted by religious leaders of various faiths to bless these bonnets in memory of the women and their children.
    Apologies if this is such a sad story but as with the Holcaust should never be forgotten.

    SueM. I have an app on my iPad called ” The complete 5:2. ” I can’t remember where I got but am sure if you put it in your search engine it will come up. It has some good stuff on it plus various recipes and has all their calorie count.

    Hi Doggy, great info, thank you. We tend to forget the early “heros” and think all were convicts, but usually that way for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their starving families. Oh times were bad, have you read The Potato Factory? Never apologise for telling us about our past histories, the world should know. Beautiful day here Doggy, north wind, so expecting 19 woohoo. I’m starting to pike now, just fed the calves, I’ve gone like stink, but the battery is starting to die, I think😏 So ready for a nanny nap on the couch and wont see much of this glorious day…..but did see the sun rise, and a perfect morningπŸ˜‰ Hope your not getting all the rain, most of the heavy stuff, which caused the floodings, went around us…..cuddles πŸ’•πŸ˜Šxxxxxx

    Hi again. Thanks CG yes I agree it’s important not to forget the past and all its ills as well as triumphs. Yes I’ve read that book. It’s very good. When I was working in Melbourne a group of us attended one of Bryce Courtney’s literary lunches. He’s a great public speaker to boot.
    I too have had a fun day potting out some seedlings. Nothing as energetic as you mind you. We had 3 inches of rain a few nights ago. No flooding but we don’t need anymore but I think more on the way tomorrow.
    OK my nanny nap awaits too.
    XX ❀️❀️ Doggy

    Hi all!
    Welcome SM, you’ve come to the right place. I have the fast diet book on my kindle but as the others have said, if you just google 5:2 recipes, you’ll get more information than you can handle. The longer you can put off eating in the day the better. As a newbie, getting to know the calories in everything takes a bit of practice, so using MFP or something similar is a good idea. We also have the four Ps: planning, preparation, patience and persistence. You can do this, best of luck! πŸ‘
    Doggy, thank you so much for that slice of history, I just love hearing real stories of ordinary people from the past. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to all those people who were so harshly and unfairly treated. I’ll be going to church this evening because we’re having an anniversary mass for my mum and dad, so I’ll be thinking of those unfortunate women and their children too. πŸ’• Delighted to hear you’re still feeling good without meds πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    SJ, thanks for the tip about the cake…..can’t see it happening though, I’m an all or nothing kind of gal! Brilliant loss for you, you’re flying! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ
    CG, I’m glad you’ve felt good enough to do some chores and potter about with your plants but also glad you’re taking it easy and having your naps. Take care, dearestπŸ‘Œ πŸ’šπŸ’•

    Morning team, and welcome to Sue-Marie! I’ve been awol but sounds as if the team is on fire with 5:2. And Lany…is just on fireπŸ˜‚Oh that gave me a laugh, the pre-menstrual brain….how well I remember. AND the puffy maternity look! 200 grams, no worries! Neptune, you’re doing great, enjoy the time with your parents, hug them tightβ™₯️
    Sweet lovely GG, you are also on fire, you work so hard, hope the new job is going well…congrats too on the loss!😘 Guess you didn’t sample too many of those incredible cupcakes?πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
    SJ I love sparkling water, with a splash of lime, refreshing. Well done on the coffee without cake! Was wishing I had cake last night, but can’t keep it in the house or I’d eat the whole thing. I need to get some of that full fat yogurt, it’s hard to find with all the flavored nonfat on the shelf – got some the other night and it was GROSS. As you say, CG, full of other stuff – this one not sugar but gelatin, cornstarch, etc. to make it yogurty.

    CG I’m so glad the meds are giving you such a nice rush. Indeed, strike while that iron is hot and enjoy! I was a bit on the sick list this week, thus my absence here…bout of headache/nausea. Can feel the headache coming again but am bound and determined to get out on our first camping trip this weekend.πŸ’ͺπŸ‘‰
    Dawg, big congrats on the 1.5 loss in 4 days, dang girl that is awesome. And hooray for feeling good! You and Pepper must be kicking up your heels these days and walking far and wide. Thank you for the story behind the lovely tribute to those Irish heroines.πŸ’Ÿ And psst, DT is back to his old self so I’m hoping the polls get less tight. An old leopard doesn’t change his spots.

    But Fit, if things go south, we’ll at least empty out a few kegs during our visit. Did you say you were window washing? I hate to admit I have never done that in my life, except in the car where the dog nose prints would keep us from seeing out otherwise. Hope you came to your senses and had some nice cold schnapps🍸along with sil’s cake.πŸ’›
    Up, nothing like a puppy to get the visits! A friend here has one that we get to puppy sit and it’s like being grandparents, such fun! And then the wee thing goes home. Speaking of weeing…but dog people know that’s to be expected.πŸ™„πŸΆπŸ’›
    Gyps, can’t believe you’re fasting with all that’s going on. Enjoy the family time, I just googled Cardwell and it’s gorgeous AND the weather is ideal this weekendπŸ”†πŸ·
    PH, fingers crossed those lookers come up with some πŸ’°πŸ’°for your lovely house, but hope the caravaning is fun. I’ll be thinking of you as I do my first caravaning here! Just two important things to bring, dogs and wine. Oh, and OH. And no rain on the horizon, might just have a bit of fun!πŸŒ…πŸšŒπŸ·πŸ·πŸΆπŸΆ

    I know as soon as I post this I’ll think of something/someone I’ve forgotten, but hugs to ALL of you and enjoy the weekend, let’s all toast our good fortune, whatever it may be at the momentπŸ·πŸΈπŸ’Ÿxxx

    Hi Jade, hope you’re feeling better soon and that you get to enjoy a terrific ramble in your van with all your furry friends (OH included!) πŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’ž

    Gosh Jade, how do you get away with never having to clean windows? Maybe you’d like to do mine when you come over…..just for the novelty factor?πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
    We’ve had a lovely evening here, 9 of the family came back to ours after the anniversary mass for my mum and dad and we had a great time chatting and reminiscing. There was also pizza, garlic bread, chocolate cake and peach schnapps! Oops! πŸ˜³πŸ˜‹

    Good morning/evening team, Fit what a wonderful way to end your day, a family get-together, and reminiscing πŸ˜‰ Just perfect…..I hope you are now more relaxed and unpressured with life my love, how’s things with your sister, are “they” doing the right things?
    Doggy, I posted your pic on FB, that you gave me permission to do, just you, I cut your GD out as requested. It’s a beautiful pic, and great taste with that glass in front of you, you would/will fit so well at our reunion😊
    Very wet here, so have had rain over night, not really cold though, so shower time for me, late today😏Oh the shame of it! Planning day team,are you ready? Are you raring to go?πŸ˜‰ WE CAN DO THIS SO BRING IT ON…….I haven’t had much at all to eat over the last few days, due to these new meds, but no loss on the scales, go figure? Shows how we MUST eat normally between our fasts, Cuddles xxxxxx

    Hello team. Has anyone every done some baking with their OH? Man oh man I was about to blow a fuse. He insists on ” helping” but by the time I’d got all the ingredients together , measuring out etc he expected me to stand there and add it to his mixture as he had doughy hands! It,would have been a whole lot easier if I’d just done it all myself. OK rant over. He’s a lovely person and very patient with me who believes we should all be able to fire on all cylinders at all times. Plus I have a short fuse! I must be hell to live with.
    CG thanks for putting the photo on the site. I’m still wary about doing the FB thing. I have a son plus son in law in the IT business and they have some hairy tales to tell. Mind you this is from someone who does all her banking online plus online shopping. I’ve probably been watching too many CIA type movies.
    Last night I decided to have a small glass of red wine while watching late night telly. Well I did not even enjoy it. Note to self. Do not buy cheap plonk. It’s cheap because it’s nasty.
    We are going out for lunch shortly. I will probably have a glass of good white wine too. Then back to no alcohol during the week. I don’t know if it’s just psychological but am feeling better in myself and do think the dreaded beer belly look is slightly less hideous. Mind you, I still have a wardrobe full on good quality clothes I can’t fit into so am far from my goal yet. Baby steps. I’ve all organised for FD tomorrow and the 3 Ps.
    Yes Jade I heard on the news that DT was closing the gap. I don’t think you have compulsory voting in the USA. This is what happend in South Africa when I was a child. The more tolerant, moderate predominantly British descendants were apathetic. The hardline Nationalist party, mainly of Dutch descent were far more hardline. When we had wiped out our eyes, the Nationalist were in power and they immediately brought in Apartheid. The rest is history.
    Fit I’m glad you appreciated the story of the Irish deportees. Oh if we could all show a bit more tolerance toward each other the wold would have to be a better place. I won’t even start on ISIS. I personally know some Muslims and they are well educated lovely people. The fanatics are another story.
    XX Doggy

    Hi All Doggy I would never even TRY to do that with OH. He’s very occasionally decided to do something while I’m getting food & he has to take over the whole bench – he can’t function unless he does. The decks have to be cleared. So my whatever gets relegated to somewhere else…a side bench or something, never mind that I was there first! It’s sort of like nobody’s ever cooked in this kitchen before πŸ™‚ So I just have to humour him the few times that he decides to cook and of course it’s ALWAYS the best meal anyone’s ever cooked!! Ooh you gotta love it OR tear your hair out πŸ™‚
    We’d LOVE to have you on FB Dawg but you have to feel comfortable about it all. It’s a private group so noone else can see it at all – just those of us who have joined it. Your friends wouldn’t see it either. Hope you enjoyed your lunch…oh and loved seeing your photo Doggie. Nice to see you in person with that all important glass of wine near you!
    CG so glad to hear you’re still feeling OK after your cleaning rant yesterday! With your meds & coping with pain your loss might just be slower CG. Your body has enough to cope with at present so it’s probably not going to cooperate for you.
    Oh FIt sounds like that would have been such a lovely meal & such a wonderful remembrance too. Hugs dear girl {{{ }}}
    Jade hope you’re having a lovely weekend. xx

    Well today’s a gloomy wintry rainy kind of day again. We can’t seem to get more than a day or 2 of good weather in a row yet. So no more gardening for me today – but my neck’s OK after yesterday. Did have to take some panadols but it settled down. So I think a new book is in order as I just finished one yesterday.
    Up forgot to tell you I made the first Turmeric Paste & I really like it. Just a little sweet hit with the honey. I’ve got it in a jar ready for whenever I feel like one. Once that’s all gone I’ll try the turmeric latte one. Hey maybe THAT’s why I coped OK with the gardening πŸ™‚ No problems with it repeating or reflux was it that your friend had. Enjoy your last of the weekend everyone & don’t forget your planning & prep so your 1st FD goes off without a hitch. And here’s to another great week where we see lots of successful weigh-ins among the group. I find it motivating even if I don’t lost that week…funny isn’t it!! suejen XXXX

    Doggy, it was nice to see you!

    SJ, glad you liked it. Let me know if you feel it helped with inflammation pain. Even if it didn’t, it is good for you.

    It is wet and gloomy here but I am getting pleading eyes from my dog, he knows it is time for the park! Cheers, all.

    Hi all!
    So many lovely posts to read, love it!
    Doggy, lovely photo of you, I think we’re a very compatible gang and you’d get on great with everyone if you could make your way to Palm Cove next year. I was so reluctant to go on FB at all but the private group a great idea so I feel much better about joining now. I’m sure you’re not hell to live with at all, I think all hubbies are pretty much the same in the kitchen! Yes, it’s the fanatics everywhere who spoil and ruin life for all the ordinary decent people…..look at the IRA over here. They never spoke or acted for me, that’s for sure! 😑😁
    CG, things are going pretty well with my sister, thanks for asking. She is quite alert and a bit more chatty, which is good. The main carer is fantastic but there are the odd glitches with some of the others, but only very minor issues. So life is good and I’m much more relaxed and stress free these days. I’m glad the meds are working for you and don’t you dare feel guilty about resting or taking it easy! πŸ›‹
    SJ, my OH does practically all the cooking here and it’s me who stays out of HIS way! However, he does make an awful mess which I then clean up, so that’s how we divide up the chores. Thanks for the hugs, much appreciated, you darling girl! Hope your neck stays as good as possible, very gentle hugs back to you ((()))
    UP, I’ve no doubt you’ll pass me out this week after all the overindulgence this weekend 😱 My brother is coming for lunch today and we’ll be breaking out the champagne because we’ve just heard that his daughter, who’s living in Sydney at the moment, has just got engaged! Yippee! Another family wedding to look forward to! πŸ‘—πŸ‘’πŸΎπŸ˜ƒ

    Fit wouldn’t it be great if it was an Aussie wedding and set around our reunion date 😊 Too much to ask for? Yes the new meds are helping, but have trouble staying awake sometimes, morphine or Endone, not sure which, maybe the mix of both😜And oooooh the constipation 😏 No wonder there is no loss showing…….. So glad things have worked out now for your sister, your social life is now unstoppable, go for it, it’s been such a long time coming…πŸ˜‰πŸ’•Cuddles xxx

    Unfortunately, I’d say the wedding will be in Ireland since she’s marrying an Irish guy and they’re moving home for good next year πŸ™ Not a fun side effect from your meds, dear 😬 but I suppose you just have to try and counteract it with lots of roughage and litres of water! Take careπŸ’žπŸ’š

    Morning all. Gee it seems like I have been away from the thread for a week with all the posts to read.
    Looking forward to another FD today. Good luck to everyone,

    We did not go camping after all as it all just seemed too much to do with the pain. I have had a weekend of being quite down and so just did not feel like posting. Got to get myself up again and into things. Spent the weekend in bed almost and you would think that the pain would go but no… is still there with a vengeance. The increased Targin had made me sick in the tummy so back to the Dr on Tuesday….bummer……….

    Jade, sorry to hear you have not been well also. Hope you managed to get away in your dream machine and enjoyed yourself.
    Fit. You have so many wonderful family times ….very special and another wedding!! Incentive to lose more weight and get a new outfit??
    Doggy, nice photo and I know what you mean about OH taking over the kitchen, mine does too and like Fit I get the job of cleaning up,after him…however if I’m getting meals cooked I think it is worth it.

    Oops look at the time. I have to get up and get dressed for the pool. Will try to do better posting…
    Hi to everyone else. And good luck with fasting!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    PH, so sorry to hear you’re still struggling with pain and feeling low. It’s not surprising after all you’ve been doing for the last few months. I think you need lots of relaxing in the pool and, hopefully, a quick sale too so that you can move into your lovely new home and get into a proper routine again. You’ve been pushing yourself very hard lately and achieved a huge amount in a very short space of time, so try to sit back now and concentrate on getting well. πŸ’žπŸ’šπŸ’•

    Morning Fasters! Hope you are ready for today. Cold and windy here, well colder anyway. Not conducive to fasting for me but nevertheless, onward and downward. Cheers all.

    Hi team, PH I agree with everything Fit has said, life has been pretty full on over the last few months, and as much as you enjoyed every moment of it, the body sounds to be saying enough is enough☺️ So time to sloooow down, rest and relax, everything has been done for your sale, which sounds close, so enjoy the freedom you have now before the big moveπŸ˜‰ Cuddles xx
    Jade love the pics on FB of the place you camped, it looks exactly as it should, peaceful and pretty, I hope you are feeling better and the mini holiday helped β˜ΊοΈπŸ’—Xx
    Good morning Fit and Up, weather does alter how we handle fasts Up, and how we feel about it, but YOU CAN DO ITπŸ˜‰ Lots of hot drinks and try to stay busy, get stuck in cleaning a cupboard, there is always one (or more) that needs doing, and it is time consuming☺️
    Team, good luck to those who are fasting, Mondays are always easier for some reason, so chin up and on with it. Don’t think of what you can’t have, think of what you CAN☺️ Your scales will be telling you this morning it’s needed, and you know how well it works. Come online and post whilst looking for support, especially during the tough time of the day,……we are there for each other so Bring it on……….Have a positive day team, Cuddles to you all πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—xxxxxxonπŸ˜‰

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