Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi there Jade. I’m so sorry to hear that the drugs aren’t working for you… fact, making things worse. Have you considered going to a physio? If your appetite keeps dropping, I don’t think you’ll be needing any fds at all! ๐Ÿ˜ถ
    I made my fish pie again but this time instead of topping it with mashed potato, I used mashed cauliflower. It was very tasty and filling. I’ve made enough for tomorrow and even some for the freezer. Feeling very virtuous indeed! ๐Ÿ˜‡
    We watched the opening ceremony of the olympics this morning. Parts of it were very impressive and the theme is a very worthy one, but I don’t think it was as good as London. A couple of Irish cyclists were in action but came nowhere. I don’t think we’ve any real medal chances this time around, except for one of our boxers, Katie Taylor….she’s an amazing athlete but I don’t really see boxing as a sport, I can’t watch it. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Hey Fit, that fish pie sounds delicious. Cauliflower is so versatile! I see the beginnings of some in my little garden๐Ÿ’—And well done on the virtue๐Ÿ˜‡
    I’ve been meaning to ask exactly what is a physio? I suppose I could google it. OH has encouraged me to see his chiropractor but the thought of getting “adjusted” creeps me out.๐Ÿ˜จ And I’m with you on the boxing, admire the athletes but can’t watch them hit each other.
    Ha, I just read my doc’s notes on my exercises, I was supposed to pick only 4 to do. I’ve been doing all 16. But why not, I’ve no idea which 4 to pick. I can’t even pick anything for dinner! But it’s time to think about it so I’ll take a tour of my fridge/freezer.๐Ÿค” xx

    A physio is a physiotherapist who uses a variety of treatments to deal with muscle and/or skeletal problems. They can do manipulation, massage, heat treatment, ultrasound, traction etc depending on the problem. It is important to find a reputable one who won’t make matters worse by ‘adjusting’, as you put it! When I had my neck problem, the physio did a mixture of heat, ultrasound and traction. He also gave me some gentle exercises to do at home. I haven’t had any pain since even though a scan showed arthritis. OMG, you’ve done all 16 exercises, no wonder you’re still suffering! Obviously, the drugs have scrambled your brain! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Good morning-evening team. Another chillie morning, but could be a nice day. I might spend it in my green house, still things to find a home for or re-sort through from the painter, but too much going on last week to get into it, so it all still lays ahead. It’s a mood thing to get it right, rather than shove things anywhere to hide them. My emotions are more in check today and thank you for your understanding, I’m such a sook with my animals๐Ÿ˜ฐ Another fast day coming up tomorrow, Fit you have done so well and once that mind set kicks in, it’s strange the hold it has over you๐Ÿ˜Š You REALLY do take control. I’m up 9gram since my Friday weigh in, which is natural, but with another few fasts hope to be in the 60’s albeit the high 60’s on a permenant basis, one can only hope๐Ÿ˜Š I did wonder in fact, that since we are all starting back in force, if we’d lose a lot of fluid as in the beginning, but it didn’t happen with me but I think because I was maintaining stopped that.
    Jade you do need to find another avenue for help. Drugs are bandaids and mind altering, which can’t continue. The injection itself should have helped. Even just anti inflams, daily, should be enough. I swear byv my osteopath, often found in sports clinics, and so much quicker relief than phisyos. But anyone is better than what you are going through. Exercises at home, that they give you, do help, but be careful!
    You doctor SHOULD know who to recommend. Even check locally online๐Ÿ˜‰
    So, off to give Gypsy and Bella their milk before my warming shower,yep, I go down in my jammies, well covered in my plastic waders and paddock coat and hat! Oh the glamour ๐Ÿ˜ฑ…… Have a perfect Sunday team, it’s your day to enjoy ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’—xxxxxx

    Hi all. Jade, Fit has described it correctly but I guess it is what you guys call a Physical Therapist. In typical australian fashion we shorten physio therapist to physio!

    No 5/2 news here. I have been battling another migraine cluster so have not been doing much including posting on here. It isn’t over yet. I will try to fast tomorrow.

    Morning CG! And gypsy and bella๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ Ha, I’ve done that 100m dash in my nightgown to set out the trash when I wake to the sound of the trash trucks steaming up the road. I gather your glamour session is more private๐Ÿ˜Š. I’m cheering for you to reach the 60s๐ŸŽ‰it will happen.
    And thanks, Fit and CG – and Up* -re the physio. I think that is what this local man is – I’ve heard good recs from people who’ve had other therapies, massage, etc. but then recs from others who say do not go to a chiro, ever – I assume they mean for the manip. I’m getting another injection next week ๐Ÿ’‰and the first one did help, also taking naproxen, so aside from the mind-altering chemicals things seem to be on the upswing.๐Ÿค—Time now for my “floor routine” as I watch the Olympics ๐Ÿ˜€ I read that US and Australia compete in beach volleyball but haven’t seen any of it yet. May the best team win๐Ÿ†โ™ฅ๏ธxxx (sweet dreams Fit๐Ÿ’ค)
    *ps hi Up, we crossed – sorry about the migraine, take care๐Ÿ™xx

    Hi All Up sure hope your migraine eases soon. Wretched things aren’t they. {{{ }}} Look after yourself & take it easy.
    Jade we need a pic or a video of you putting out the trash. that should go on our FB page ๐Ÿ™‚ Was the injection you had a cortisone injection or something different? If so surprised you’d be having another one so soon. They usually give you relief for 3 – 6 months. Maybe it was something different. Please do book into the physical therapist. All you have to say is that under no circumstances do you want manipulation. They can do plenty more for you than that. My physio (yes here we go with the abbreviating again!) took quite a few weeks of different treatments before she hit on the right one for me last week – helped enormously. Was more like a massage whereas up until them she’s been gently stretching my neck & getting me to work against her pressure. Until then keep up with your floor routine dear & you can imagine you’re in the Olmypics ๐Ÿ™‚
    CG horrible day coming up here. Well bit of sun now but soon it will be gloomy & bucketing down again. Gone from one to the other all morning & quite cold. Some Olympics watching coming up & a Western AFL Derby to watch this afternoon. And CG yours is the next video that should appear on our FB page in your wellies/jamies/raincoat combo. Sounds very fetching!! Fit….you have to get in on the action dear!!! Please join FB & find the FB page – get someone to help you, though if you can manage the forum FB should be easy ๐Ÿ™‚ Bet you’re looking forward to Monday for your sister YEAH!!!
    Hi to GG Gyps PH and our newbies. It’s so cold here but I’m going to try and restrain my weekend overindulgences so the scales don’t creep up. Then I’ll be ready for a good week. suejen XXXX

    Hi all!
    CG, I’m sure your babies don’t care how you look as long as you arrive with their milk! I bet you’ll stay in the 60’s now that life is on a more even keel for you. Greenhouse and decluttering….you always have some project on the go ๐Ÿ’ช I cleaned out one kitchen cupboard yesterday, every journey begins with one step, right? Or I am just making excuses for my laziness! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰
    Oh, UP, not another migraine cluster….how dreadful for you. I hope it passes soon and obviously, 5:2 will take a back seat for now. Hugs to you ((( )))
    Jade, had to laugh at your ‘floor routine’! I love watching the gymnastics, incredible and so beautiful to watch. Best of luck with the next injection and stay away from chiros or anyone who wants to crack things back into place๐Ÿ˜ฑ Having trouble sleeping these nights with humidity and night sweats… of these mornings I think my OH will wake up to find just a puddle where I used to be! Yuck!
    SJ, how is Africa coming on? It’s so lovely to be gifted like that. Yes, I will get onto FB and then you’ll be sorry! ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Our lovely weather didn’t come to pass yesterday after all, it was warm but not sunny at all. Today is very overcast and muggy, strange weather for here. Nothing planned for today (Sunday), just holding my breath for the carer to take over tomorrow with my sister……can’t quite believe it’s happening! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Late post tonight. Have spent a wonderful day with OH and family welcoming our new addition of our great neice . WHO CAME INTO THE WORLD ON SATURDAY MORNING AT 4AM. She is the most perfect of any baby I have seen . 3.4kgs of magnificance! Such a special day also of rememberance as it is also 12mths since my Dad’s passing,so a day of love, happiness mixed with emotion. Dad has been around me for afew weeks now ….a very strong presance.

    This week I will do the 5:2 …No 4:3 or B2B, just the plan. My weght this morning 78kgs so a loss of .3 since Friday’s weigh in.
    Total loss for the week 1.8kgs …it may be only a fluid loss BUT a good one.

    Are we planned,prepared for tomorrow,We will be persistant and patent…..BRING THIS FAST DAY ON!
    Have a good one team. Tomorrow is another day and we will embrace it with every challenge that may come with it.
    FIT- Thoughts are with you. Hope all goes well with your sister and her carer.

    Hey there GG! That’s a brilliant loss! Woohoo! Fluids or not, a loss is a loss! ๐Ÿ‘ I’m delighted to hear you had such lovely family times, especially now when your dad is so present in your heart and thoughts. It’s a great consolation to hold a new baby and feel how the circle of life and love keeps turning. Yes, it’s KISS for me too; two fds, five TDEEs and NO snacking! WE CAN DO THIS! ๐Ÿ’ช

    Hi GG all that wonderful news sounds great….just what you need! And yes yes yes to a planned prepared week of 2 FD’s and moderation in between. sj xxxx

    Ah, a baby!!๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’what wonderful news, GG! Congrats and love to the whole familyโค๏ธI do think there is a real presence of loved ones who’ve passed, their spirit seems very close sometimes.โœจHugs to you as you remember your dad and celebrate this precious new girl {{{}}}, bet she won’t be a bit spoiled by Auntie GG, no can’t imagine that…๐Ÿ˜ Congrats on the scale victory as well๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜„

    Thanks all on the chiro warnings, no worries I will not be adjusted, ever! Just hearing people pop their knuckles makes me cringe.๐Ÿ˜ฑ And SJ good question, I checked the sheet I took with me last time and it just says sacroiliac injection. I do remember liking the doc, she explained everything patiently though who can remember, and I feel better but not 100% – but pain seems muscular now, not nerve. I’ll ask next time. But also think I could do with a good massage….mmmmmm.

    Fit, I mean no kidding right, what is up with the night sweats?! Mine are ridiculous. No need to travel to see the Great Lakes! I had outrageous dreams too, one where I was stringing fairy lights in the garden of my childhood neighbor who had a cow in her yard (we lived in the city, but no one minded, and we kids all thought she was cool). Haven’t thought of her in years, but CG, maybe you remind me of her. Fairy lights may be just the thing for little Bella and Gypsy, given their namesake! Looks like we need to post some videos for the team๐Ÿ˜‚ha ha you’ll be waiting a while before I do any 100m dashes. I’m slower than an old sea turtle right now. SJ I’d like a video of your piano virtuosity on Africa, please??

    Fit best of luck with the carer tomorrow, fingers crossed for smooth sailingโ›ต๏ธ And good luck fasting! I’m off for brunch today with OH and D, but maybe tomorrow๐Ÿค”It is time, I think, and I’ll be at work, so giddyap I suppose ๐Ÿ‡…. Have a great day all๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ˜jadexxx

    Good morning/evening team. GG just so proud of you, what a fabulous loss,and in such a short time, well done girl๐Ÿ˜Š And a new baby in the family to spoil (and worry about knowing you๐Ÿ˜ง) Enjoy your week, and glad you’re doing 5:2, it is sustainable and very doable instead of the other forms ๐Ÿ’•Xx
    Fit, it’s Monday here, so not long before the carer comes on board and your freedom starts๐Ÿ’—โ˜บ๏ธ With weddings in the future and holidays to plan, life is looking good my friend, I’m just so happy for you. I’m so looking forward to you and Jade meeting up too and hearing about all the antics you get up too, and it will be a rehursal for Palm Cove next year, oh, just to get my arms around you for that first of many cuddles๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•
    Jade, I’m with you on the massage, I think it’s time I booked for another, my muscles are letting me know it’s needed. The lass I go to is quite young (well to me ๐Ÿ˜) but boy, can she get the pressure going, and there is nothing of her!
    Just about to make up the warm milk, I’m a bit worried about Bella, she doesn’t seem to ge drinking enough, I gave her and extra bit last night and she wasn’t interested, but Gypsy (true to form) hoed in with gusto๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m hoping I’m worrying over nothing, but do keep a very close eye on them at this age. Have a great day team, think positive, know YOU ARE NOT ALONE we are all here for each other, and YOU CAN DO IT, cuddles โค๏ธxxxxxx

    Mornin’ CG!
    Thank you for all the kind words and wishes. I’m feeling very positive about 5:2 and life in general. Lots of lovely occasions to look forward to, most especially meeting Jade and then all the AD gang. Yes, there will be lots of cuddles…..can’t wait! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ž
    I’m sure Bella will be fine. Probably just taking time to get used to her new home but I’ve no doubt you will keep a very close eye on her and make sure all is well. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Jade, thank you too for your kind thoughts, I’m so touched by everyone’s care and concern here….just the best bunch of gals in the world! ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ I hope you had a lovely brunch with OH and d ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง
    Ok, I better get myself off to bed. If I keep sweating like the last few nights, there’ll be no need to fast at all! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Fasting tomorrow, so I’m remembering the four p’s GG! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’š

    Hi all, touching base as I have about an hours downtime. Still very busy and so tired at night that I just drop off in front of the television. The kids are camping for two days so have been making a concerted effort to finish a few things while they are away then it is back to having fun. Went to the pool this morning for the first time in weeks and felt so good. Doctors appointment at 1pm so can’t post for long as I need to shower and get dressed to go to town again. Am having success with the fasting each night and until 11am each day but not getting back into it properly until next week.

    GG Well done…what a great loss. And a lovely little baby to spoil!
    Jade sounds like you are still struggling, ease up on those exercises for a bit and only just do the 4 hey!! A massage from a physiotherapist or osteopath would be great at this stage if you can find one. Do they have hydrotherapy pools anywhere near you. These are pools heated to around 36 degrees and are usually attached to a rehabilitation centre. The hydro pool in Coffs is what keeps me moving. I was so pleased to be able to go today…really loosens everything. Sort of like a big spa. When We had the farm I had a spa on my verandah and would get into it every day after work with a nice Gin and Tonic, those were the days!!…

    Keep up the good work SJ and Fit..sounds like you are both going well with your 5.2. hope the clip usher of migraines soon passes UP. You get them far too often..must be hard to stay focused. And CG..worrying about Vella already..mother hen you. Best go and get in that shower.๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Hi Aders who’s fasting with me today – a few of you I guess. I’ve had my morning coffee with a splash of milk (quite late as had to do my annual blood test for cholesterol etc). Will now fast for as long as I can & then have a miso soup. Salmon for dinner with steamed vegies. All planned & not much to prepare. If I get stuck I’ll just boil an egg! So determined this week to have 2 really successful fasts & would like to see 74 something.
    PH what a busy day for you but you’ll be feeling all the better for it!! You must have missed it while you’ve been so busy. Is your new place in Coffs (sorry ageing memory!) & if not will you be far away? Enjoy your last few days with the gang. Little Joel will have lots of wonderful memories to take back with him ๐Ÿ™‚
    CG I’m sure Bella will be fine under your careful eye. Give her lots of hugs and attention. How’s the spring cleaning going – nearly there?
    Jade those night sweats are terrible and……you’ve got the dreams to match it too! Please do book in for something soon – physical therapist, massage whatever. The ADers want you to make it a priority :). You could be so much improved after a few sessions.
    Fit sounds like you’ve got a lot to look forward to & I reckon the relief you’re all feeling re your sister must boost your positivity too. You can have all these events and enjoy them without all the stress of who cares for her. I’m feeling very positive re 5:2 as well. Seem to have got over my initial bit of negativity of getting back into it & now looking forward to winning each time it’s a FD!!
    Jade Africa is definitely NOT ready for a video performance yet! I hope the music teacher doesn’t call and tell me that she needs me for practices with the kids this week. Might have them all under my belt by next week. That darn You’re the voice is soo fast & my ageing fingers only just make the notes. I also have 2 quite crooked fingers on my RH from arthritis that make reaching some chords rather tricky as the fingers naturally reach the note next to the one they should!! Might have to chuck it in next year as far as big choir stuff goes.

    So onto another day. If you’re fasting don’t forget to post and let us know how you’re going – whether good or bad or you just need some encouragement. We all know the ropes so let’s get on with it and MAKE OURSELVES HEALTHIER!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ SJ XXXX

    SJ-I am with you today….fasting was easy as I too had blood pathology fone this morning.
    I am inthe throws of sobbing intermittantly at the moment. I think it has to do with Dad telling me not to cry for him ,when I had those precious 14 days …just Dad and me…..Well that worked for awhile … the tears are just coming ,as today is the anniversary of his passing. AND it is his birthday tomorrow as well…..๐Ÿ˜“


    I’m on boards too of course sj, and only had coffee up to now. The vet just came and gave Bella two injections, I’ve separated her and giving her milk in a small feeder trough, she just wont suckle. He couldn’t find a thing wrong,other than she wont suckle. The shots are anti inflam and broard spectrum just in case! So it’s an hourly thing now of checking she will drink from the trough,she has pellets too, so measuring them as well……….all just cause I’ve nothing else to do!!! The spring cleaning has slowed but still going. Just folded a heap of washing too, a full basket to iron, but getting back to my usual routine. I was also given a huge pumpkin, so have half in a pot cooking to freeze,the rest will make soup. And all time consuming.
    GG sorry you are having a down day, but memories are lovely and not meant to sadden us. Rest assured he is a wonderful place and at peace…..Cuddles ๐Ÿ’•โ˜บ๏ธxxxxx

    G’day everyone, I have been MIA for a few days. I love having a break from the computer when I am not working.
    Fast day today – have had nothing but herbal teas and am just about to eat my egg salad for lunch.
    Weighed myself on Friday following my fast day number 6. My starting weight three weeks ago was 79.8 and on Friday morning….(drum roll)…77.6! Yay. That is heading in the right direction for sure.
    Hubbies 50th over the weekend and the cake I made was senBLODDYsational! Chocolate, on chocolate with more chocolate as requested. I gained weight just looking at it, but I refrained on Saturday night as I had a couple of drinks. I did however partake in a slice yesterday – along with all of the nibbly foods that were around. Hopefully it has not undone my efforts.
    I have noticed today I am feeling the hunger like last week after my binge on the weekend. So it makes sense that fasting after bingeing is more difficult than following mindful eating.
    I am loving this WOL (see what I did here? I am getting the hang of it). It really is the easiest WOE (again! look at that) I have ever come across. I have everything crossed I am able to maintain it.
    Ok, so good luck with your day, fasting or otherwise. I am off to eat my egg salad and read back through all of your posts from the weekend to see what you have all been up to.

    All the best


    Hi Mandy, you had us worried so welcome back. You are going great guns so keep up the great work๐Ÿ˜Š Yes it does get easier as time goes on to fast, but after a full carb day, it can be difficult, all lessons to learn. Life goes on too, and 5:2 is forgiving, so never miss out on living it up every so often๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’•xxxxx

    Hi all!
    Yes, I’m fasting too but you all have a head start on me. Never mind, I’m feeling good because after two nfds I’m 100g down! Ridiculous, I know, to be happy about something so tiny but it means I’m staying on track instead of going back up in between fasts… excuse me while I woohoo!๐Ÿ˜†
    Aw, GG! My heart breaks for you. Grief has a way of taking over at times and all you can do is ride through it. Cry and remember all your precious memories and know that you have loved and been loved greatly. Sending you big hugs((( (๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š))))
    PH, that’s great that you are back enjoying the pool. Hope all went well at the doc’s.
    SJ, I’m sure you’re doing a great job on those accompaniments….. I think you’re amazing. How did the cholesterol check go? Do you take statins? I must get mine checked soon. Well done on the positive attitude to getting stuck into 5:2 again! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช
    CG, I hope Bella starts to feed properly for you but you’ve done the right thing in getting the vet and you’re taking every precaution, so try not to worry.
    Mandy, go you! Not only rocking this wol but also the lingo! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘ That’s a fantastic loss so far! Wow, that cake sounds absolutely heavenly! Mmmm๐Ÿ˜‹ Ok, I better stop thinking about it and drooling…..not a good look! ๐Ÿ˜œ Best of luck for the rest of the week ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    UP, how are you now? I hope the headaches are receding. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š

    Brrrr it’s been a chilly 11.4C here today & now heading down down. BUt I’m absolutely determined not to break my fast despite OH having dim sims before dinner cos it was so cold, then leftover apple crumble after and now some toast to boot!! I told him he was just CRUEL!!! So heading for my I think it’s 3rd or 4th cup of herbal tea….and possibly more to come seeing it’s only 8.30pm ๐Ÿ™‚ I WILL MAKE IT…..even if I have to go to bed early ๐Ÿ™‚ a snuggle-up under the doona sounds jolly nice.
    Hey Mandy what a sensational start you’re having and picking up so quick on the lingo too – now that’s just smart! And you’re so right Mandy soo much easier to fast after sensible eating. Very hard to knuckle down otherwise & you feel so deprived in comparison. So the TDEE or mindful eating (I’m going the mindful eating way for now) is pretty vital to success. Fit you’ve just proved it to yourself that if you stay on track in-between you’ll avoid that dreadful yoyo or ziazag effect with the scales
    that we all hate! Or the no loss effect on weigh-in day. So it’s not ridiculous to be so happy about it…in fact I just saw you jumping up and down outside my window ๐Ÿ™‚ You’d have to be if you were out there it’s so bl$$## cold!
    CG hope Bella is doing OK. GG remember the good times with your DOD and let the tears flow if you have to. Grief throws us curveballs sometimes & you just gotta ride them. But you must have some wonderful memories that make you laugh and smile too. {{ }}
    suejen XXXX

    Hi SJ, it’s sunny and 18 degrees here, so a very pleasant day. But jumping up and down in the cold would probably burn some cals, so maybe that’s a good idea too! Your OH does sound a bit cruel but that’s just another thing we have to learn to cope with and power through in this wol…..stay strong and get off to bed with a good book! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ƒ I’ve been inspired by you to do a little tinkling at the piano myself, just trying (very badly) to pick out a few chords to sing along to. My piano belonged to my dad and was his pride and joy, so it’s good to play it, even just a little bit.

    Hugs to you sweet GG {{}} Sadness comes in waves like that, with sweet memories bringing a smile and then tears. You can’t help but be emotional at a time like this – sending love to you, dear friend.<3

    Mandy so good to see you, you’re going great – congrats on the fasting loss – well done too on your cake sanity. It sounds divine. And yeah, it’s a bit tough to fast after the sugar carbs, but you can do it!

    Aggh, I’m not sure I can do it, though! 4 hours sleep again, what the… So my horse already ran into the HB egg ditch (just one). And, we didn’t end up seeing d yesterday so may see her today for lunch. If that happens, the horse is getting a pat on the rump and sent back to the stable. I know my limits.

    Ha ha SJ you’d see the whole lot of us jumping up and down over Fit’s result after nFDs! Hey way to go, Fit – I’ll search for all those lost calories when I get there. Can you believe, a wrench almost flew into November but I’ve lassoed and hog-tied it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Today is new carer day, right? Fingers crossed. And SJ, good luck with Africa, it’s a mighty talent you have to play despite the finger issues.

    CG, good vibes sent for little Bella, hope the trough suits her. xx I still can’t get over your orchids and roses blooming so beautifully in the winter. My one orchid’s a goner, even in our tropical summer.

    PH, your pool sounds lovely but we’ve none like that around here. I definitely should stop exercising while watching the Olympics. Holy cow, I was feeling so fine last night, I know I overdid it, feel like old sheetrock this morning. So glad you find relief with the pool and physio. I am going to check him out this week (hope that isn’t a double entendre).

    And now I’d best get some work done….so unmotivated! Maybe that horse needs to throw ME in the ditch ๐Ÿ™‚ – happy fasting, team – I’ve left the bleachers but might not be on the track just yet. No emojis, so weird – on my desk computer. Hugs all xxxxxxx

    Hi there Jade! Lassoing wrenches? No wonder your back is in bits! But well done on saving the Nov trip….. I think I would go into a serious decline if you have to postpone again ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ซ One HB egg is certainly not a ditch so well done on choosing wisely in the snack department. Have a lovely catch up with your d and saddle up that horse whenever it suits you. I can’t believe the amount of work you have to do…..did you actually get any proper holidays at all? I’m about to enter my cals for today’s fast in MFP. Feeling rather full after salmon and tons of veg, plus some fruit for dessert, so not sure I’ve kept below 500 ….eeek!

    Hi all, did a semi fast yesterday. Would have been above 500 but still relatively low. Still plagued by headaches so not as motivated, just frustrated about all the things I want to do. Visiting my daughter on the weekend. The good news is that she us doing a dry August so that will help me down less calories. Cheers

    HI everyone Up sorry you’re still being plagued by headaches…so debilitating for you. Have you ever been to a specialist re your migraines? They seem to be able to help some people these days. A visit to your D at the weekend LOVELY and no alcohol to boot! You’ll be able to stay on track. And good on you for even trying a fast with how you’re feeling AND for keeping the cals pretty low anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚ here’s to feeling better pretty soon.
    Fit we’re twins you & me both had salmon. Mine was a new recipe I tried & really easy. You just press some lemon rind/parsley/chives on top of the salmon, spray some oil on, & bake in the oven. Yummy but next time I’d add in some lemon juice poured over as well.
    Jade your physio might be worth checking out but……you’ll have to tell us whether he is or not after you meet him! Oh 4 hours sleep is just a nightmare. Had a few short nights lately too but not usually that bad. You gotta stop overdoing things my dear. Are you your own worst enemy?? Just wondering after you mentioning doing all 16 exercises ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been told a few times that I’m an all or nothing girl kinda thing. I go overboard when I decide to do something eg a new diet or a new exercise program. I have to have it ALL worked out, organised, buy new stuff, find the perfect program for me………..then try to do it all perfectly ๐Ÿ™‚ instead of just making a few small changes or doing 2 or 3 new exercises. DUH!!! Thank goodness 5:2 has saved me from myself. If we don’t hear about you making an app’t soon we might be jumping up & down outside YOUR window!!
    Fit you’re luckier than me that you got your dad’s piano. I had always been told that I’d get my dad’s but then he got an itch in his later years to play the organ & went & sold the piano! Bummer….it was a pianola too, you know the kind that you used to load paper rolls into & it would play a marvellous tune for you. I was endlessly fascinated by watching the keys bouncing up & down all by themselves. I just hope he got a good price for it!! But then he just loved his organ & would get up early in the morning, put on his headphones so he didn’t wake mum & practise away. He was still going to the OLD folks homes in his early 90’s & playing them the old songs on his keyboard that he replaced the organ with. Being an old schoolteacher he used to recite them all the old school poems as well. The oldies loved it ๐Ÿ™‚
    Well I made it to bed early last night safely. Just had more cuppas plus ONE little cube of LF cheese that I nibbled away on veeerrryy slowly.

    Today I go the dr to get the results of my CT scan then having a cuppa with a new lady at church at her place. Then better make my next app’t with the physio as she wanted to see that before she works on me again. But it IS much improved thank goodness. And thank goodness to the sun YES the sun!! is shining here & the sky is blue with just a few friendly looking clouds so looking forward to a nice day. Might even get a walk in. Have a lovely day all. suejen XXXX
    Gyps thinking of you & the leprechaun as you get through his treatment & battle the system together. GG hope the smiles have won with memories of your dad. CG hope Bella is improving…let us know. XX

    Hi team, sorry for the late post. Yesterday started at 71.2k than after my fast 70.1k this morning, the fluids left me like Niagra yesterday, it was incredible. I had numerous trips to the calf shed, actually counted 100 paces each way, not a huge amount of walking, but down there and up back so not level๐Ÿ˜Š and at least I’m moving, leg, back, body, you get the gist๐Ÿ˜ My leg still gives my Billio with nerve pain since the back surgery and still on Lyrica, but fortunately one a day does the trick. Food didn’t interest me yesterday with my worry over Bella. This morning she did drink most of her milk, well a good half so things are looking up๐Ÿ˜ŠEven with a shaky start she will be a healthy happy poddy like Gypsy๐Ÿ˜Š God willing……
    Suejen good luck with the results and Jade, for your own sake follow through with a phisyo. You WILL notice a difference.
    Fit, how did your first day if freedom go? Oh I hope it was feet up, sipping a nice wine, fasting or notโ˜บ๏ธ
    So off back into things team, stay positive and in control YOU CAN DO IT, and don’t sweat the small stuff, 5:2 is NOT a diet, it’s a WAY OF LIFE, cuddles๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜‰xxxxxx

    Hi all!
    Very late checking in today. Went to get my hair done this morning and then off to buy some really light clothes for the trip to Spain. Very happy to find I needed a size down in lots of things even though the scales haven’t moved that much. Yippee!
    UP, I hope you’re beginning to see the end of that migraine cluster. I’m sure you must have tried everything under the sun, but my daughter was advised to try an aspirin a day to help with blood flow as her migraine was made worse by constriction of tiny blood vessels near the base of the brain. Enjoy the time with your daughter ๐Ÿ’•
    SJ, I find salmon so easy and filling too. Sometimes we sprinkle it with chilli flakes, black pepper and a dash of olive oil before putting in the oven….simple and yummy! ๐Ÿ˜‹ Your dad sounds like a great character, what a brilliant thing to be doing into his 90’s! It must have been fantastic to see a pianola in action…..just like all those old western movies. My dad used to help with the ‘old folks’ too and he used to sing for them at their annual outings and he was a former teacher too….so we definitely are twins! ๐Ÿ‘ญ
    CG, I’m glad to hear Bella is improving. I’m sure she’ll go from strength to strength in no time. As you can see, I’m taking full advantage of my new freedom. It’s not that we were with my sister every day but we were always ‘on call’ or dropping in groceries or making phone calls… life is really looking up! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ Well done on your loss, brilliant! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’•

    Hi all, taking advantage and posting whilst waiting for my car keys to be recalibrated at the Nissan dealer. For some reason one of my sets of car keys just won’t start the car anymore, misplaced the on,y set that is working the other day and could not go anywhere till we found it that night. Still very very busy, OH and I trying to finish up the jobs only we can sorting out our rooms and photos. Do. It believe we had 24 photo albums chock a block full of photos that are not yet in digital form. O have been taking them all out of the albums and writing on the back of the ones I want to scan and storing them in boxes the size of shoeboxes. 20 albums so far into 3 boxes..and one large box of rubbishing. 3 albums to go..can’t wait till its finished but the trip down memory lane has been good. Started the day by dropping OH at daughters place to pick. Up his vehicle..wil be nice to get back to two again!! Then into town to the pool by 8am. Soooo good to be back at the pool. After the key fixing I am off to spotlight to get some new curtains to replace the ones that fell apart when I washed them yesterday. Then it is over to Woolgoolga to have my face and feet done followed by a late lunch with my friend who lost her husband recently. Then back to daughters to finish off a new skirt for her. She has interviews for a full time position next Monday so needed to make a really classy skirt to go with a new top she purchased. Then I will just fall in a heap when I get home . Tomorrow we head off to Tamborin Mountain, in the hinterland behind the Gold Coast, for a couple of fun days with the kids before they go home. It is getting near the end and so am getting a bit sad….๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
    Had our first Skype with little grandaughter yesterday , she is now sitting up in a high chair and feeding herself so we were able to watch the spectacle. She was so funny, she could hear our voices and was looking at the computer so intently with such concentration, when we would take she would look at her mother as if to say, who the hell are these funny people looking at me? So good..๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

    You are all doing so well with you fast days it makes me really determined to get back into it big time next week, Monday is the day I get back to it fully and I can’t wait. Am feeling so bloated as I have been having too much bread ,suddenly toasted sandwiches instead of toasted wraps don’t knows why except just being lazy.

    Do t have time to comment individually so will leave you all with best wishes and I’ll talk to you all next week.
    Love and hugs to everyone๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Buggar, just lost a big post grrrr๐Ÿ˜ก
    PH I’m exhausted reading your agenda. I just hope you don’t burn out before the big move and the pleasure of all the newness ๐Ÿ’•
    Good news regarding Bella team, she drank her full quota this morning, so things are looking goodโ˜บ๏ธIt’s still a day to day thing, but she is looking brighter so hope I’ve beaten the bug she had.
    Fit how lovely to be downsizing in clothes. Makes you feel good doesn’t it, and gives you motivation to continue fasting
    ๐Ÿ’—Cuddles xxx
    I’m Fasting tomorrow again and staying in control at the moment, well almost ๐Ÿ˜ With such a full on day with Bella yesterday I grabbed a frozen pie from the freezer to have with mash and veggies, but when grabbing it a huge piece of custard tart fell out too,that I’d frozen and forgotten about…’s now gone too ๐Ÿ˜ง But gee I really enjoyed my meal last night.
    Fasting again tomorrow team, stay positive, we have come a long way and it has been so worth it. Enjoy your day,/evening….actually evening is often harder, stay in control and feel the difference, cuddles๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜‰xxx

    Ha CG sounds like my meal planning of late, whatever falls out of the freezer….I’m so relieved to hear Bella is doing better, though I’ll still keep a candle going for her๐Ÿ’›. Gosh your scale is a tease, isn’t it! No match for you๐Ÿ’ช

    Whew, almost midnight here, long day, lots of tension at the job, ridiculous, caught between sets of people I’m friendly with, ugh. All of us have our faults, no one need list them and ask for confirmation. Ah, but it’s the age of trump isn’t it….bleah.

    Otherwise all is fine, sorry Sue and all but the local guy just does manips and something called needling (NOT acupuncture,which I rather like). He sticks needles directly into the pain area, oh hell no, not unless there is a dose of morphine coming. But I’ve cut the floor routine down๐Ÿ˜‚ Good luck with your CT results! Glad you are feeling better. Your description of your dad’s old piano and his visits to play for the old one folks made me smile….what a sweetie. Your dad too, Fit? What lovely men.โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ Well done on your fast, AND the smaller size ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ƒwoo hoo! My horse climbed out of the ditch and then jumped off a cliff yesterday. Well, he had lunch with d, crepes at a french restaurant. Tough gig.๐Ÿ˜Ž Someone,has to eat all this food you all are ignoring….At least I managed a half hearted 800 today. One battle at a time, I’m really feeling better now the meds are out of my system, turns out I sent all sorts of inapproiate texts.๐Ÿ™„ Luckily just to family. Lordy.

    PH you are like a jack of all trades, guess a Jill of all trades? The upcoming trip sounds like fun. I know you wish you could bottle some of those hugs and smiles…we will have lots to send you to fill the gap. The walk down memory lane, plus the time drawing to a close, I’d probably be a useless mop for the rest of the day, not making skirts and comforting friends and swimming, wow you are a dynamo.๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ…

    Up, gosh you really do suffer, hope they ease up and that you enjoy the weekend. I hear you on the pain, it’s a bit of an appetite depressant but I’ll take the alternative. xx

    Love to you, GG, sent you an IM from d, you are an angel๐Ÿ˜‡โ™ฅ๏ธ Cuddles to the new baby๐Ÿ’Ÿ. Gyps, you are in our hearts, warrior that you are, I hope you can feel the vibes. See you all in dreamland maybe๐Ÿ’ค ๐Ÿ˜˜jadexxx

    Hi all!
    Grrr CG! I hate losing a long post! ๐Ÿ˜ก Pity our weight doesn’t get lost quite so easily! That’s brilliant news about Bella, she’ll be thriving now and you can relax now and enjoy watching her get big and bold! You did all the right things and have shown what good instincts you have. I had to laugh at the suicidal custard tart that just jumped into your mouth! Lol! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‹
    Is it a bird, is it a plane? No! It’s supergran! PH, I’m exhausted just reading about everything you’ve achieved in such a short space of time. Save a few projects to keep yourself occupied when your visitors. I’m glad you’ve been back to the pool, your aching muscles and joints must be loving it! ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘
    Jade, you poor thing… really don’t need work problems on top of all you’re going through at the moment! I think Trump and many others in public life have created this horrible culture of criticism, naming and shaming where personal insults and nastiness have taken the place of sensible discourse and debate. Ok, Fit, don’t get carried away! ๐Ÿค A couple of crepes and 800 cals sounds like a win to me, so well done on the damage limitation. I must give you my mobile number, I’d love to receive one of your inappropriate texts, I bet they were a hoot! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Love to all the rest of the gang ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’ž

    Morning Fit! All’s well over your way? Are you still shopping for Spain? Hope you can slow down for this old lady when I get over there๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ›Œ๐Ÿ˜‚
    I should clarify that my texts were just rants (OK, profane rants) about my doctor and the pain, odd thing is I don’t remember sending them. Never really been a true lunatic before! I’ll also clarify to CG that by “tease” I meant yay! your scale is so tantalizingly close to the magic number again.๐Ÿ’ซ
    So team, it finally seems my scale has given up.๐Ÿ˜ต My medical adventure took my last 5 lbs and they’ve stayed gone for a few days now. Feels a bit confusing, actually, like how did that happen, I sweated this for months…. Just nausea and random insanity, also I also haven’t felt like cooking, and OH hasn’t felt like learning. Like animals in the zoo we are, waiting for someone to feed us! Anyway, I’ll take the silver lining before it slips away. Now to see if I can hang onto it. Will need some AD for that little seesaw๐Ÿ’ช
    Eek, I feel a thousand years old today. Maybe better cut down the exercises. And stop watching gymnastics! Wow aren’t those girls amazing?! I guess I still think I can bust a move. Bust a hip maybe.๐Ÿ˜† Have a great day team, I’m off to wash a really gross dog butt and then do some peacekeeping by email, oh what fun!!๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽ‰jadexxx

    Hi Jade! Everything is just fantastic here because I’ve just heard my daughter has been offered her first job as assistant psychologist! I’m so thrilled for her because it’s been a long, tough road to getting her foot onto this first rung of the career ladder. I think my face is going to crack from grinning so much! Doing a happy dance here but I have my actual dance class tonight, so I’m sure my feet won’t touch the ground at all because I’m floating on air! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ˜ƒ Gosh, five lbs down and gone for good…..bravo! I suppose there has to be a silver lining to all the #*%~ you’ve been going through. I just hope there’s enough of you left to hug when you get here! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ‘ญ Congrats to the US ladies gymnasts…..absolutely stunning!

    Omg omg omg how fantastic for your daughter!๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ƒ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜- I hope for the same result later this year!! Big congrats to her, she is obviously a star to snag such a coveted job. Well of course she is, she’s your kid!โ˜บ๏ธ And they are lucky to get her. Oh, enjoy that lighter than air feeling, dear Fit!! You deserve it๐Ÿ˜˜And no worries, still plenty of me to hugโ™ฅ๏ธ But I will feel lighter than air as well when I finally get to โ˜˜โ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi team, Fit, what brilliant news for your daughter, I bet your chest is bursting. Golly, with the years of study behind her and the effort put into it all, the position is so well deservedโ˜บ๏ธโค๏ธ Life is really shining for you of late and so overdue so bask in the glow dear friend, you deserve to โค๏ธXx
    Jade what a fabulous loss,although what a rotten way to do it, I hope it’s gone for good, you certainly suffered enough so enjoy some benefit from it๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜‰
    The gymnastics are fantastic, I ache just watching from my armchair. The men are on here now and I’m not keen enough to get up through the night to watch it all. The times are all over the place as are what we get to see, but love the gymnastics and diving.
    Happy fast day team, last one of the week and WE CAN DO IT………with the plans in place, it’s easy so BRING IT ON …….Bella is holding her own, still not out of the woods, and I’m nervous each morning when I first go down to her, just to see if she made it through the night, but doing all I can for her………enjoy the day team, make it count, tomorrow will be here soon enough, and the results will show, so think positive..,cuddles …….๐Ÿ’—xxxxxx๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi all. Finally without a headache, thanks for all your thoughts.

    Jade, I hope you feel better soon, at least 5 lbs is gone.

    CG, is your baby OK now, I may have missed a post.

    Fit, woo hoo! Fantastic news and I know exactly how that feels! I am flying down to Sydney tonight to see my psychologist daughter who got her first job at the start of the year. She is very happy and actually rang me yesterday to say she had managed to help her friend from uni get some casual work there as well. When her friend was interviewed they liked her so much they gave her a full time work load (still a casual job though). Her friend had done honours with my daughter, a different system from yours and a prestigious thing, but was working in an old people’s home and definitely not as a psychologist!
    So all the best to your daughter!

    Book club today so no fasting!

    Thanks, Jade, CG and UP. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I’m still on cloud nine! Up, I’m so glad to hear your headache is gone at last. Have a lovely visit with your daughter. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š

    Hi team, seems to be a good news day. Bella had a full feed this morning,phew, still not totally out of the waters,and oh so skinny, she even sucked my fingers after her feed, so please God…….
    Up glad to hear the pain has gone, if your like me, you just never know when the next set of cluster will come ๐Ÿ˜ก And no known trigger, enjoy the freedom of a clear head๐Ÿ˜Š And also well done to your daughter and her friend, a job is a job, no matter where it is, it pays the rent and the food bill!
    Fit I might see you up there on cloud 9 if things keeps going well with Bella, silly, I know, but you all know what my animals mean to me and how they fill my heart and my life๐Ÿ’—
    Homecare just arrived, I did a quick tidy before hand so she gets a clean sweep so to speak……and will tackle the ironing after she goes, golly that grows doesn’t it? Have a lovely day team, stay positive if fasting and in control even if not xxxxxx

    HI All wow some good news all around it seems. Fit you’re on cloud nine re your D – congrats to her! And talk about a happy dance tonight – yeah ๐Ÿ™‚
    CG and Bella another good news story esp with Bella sucking your fingers today. That must have felt good! Up your migraine has gone….oh thank goodness, you can think straight! And you’re back posting. Great news about what your D’s been up to as well. Oh Jade sending profane rants that you don’t even remember you sent!! Boy those meds really did scramble your brain didn’t they. And not an enjoyable task to now have to fix all that up with friends but I’m sure when you explain they’ll understand – well true friends sure will. If anyone can do the peacekeeping YOU can ๐Ÿ™‚ Wow out of all that drama a 5lb loss Jade though sweat tears and sheer random insanity eh?! Do hope we’re hearing good news from you soon esp about an app’t with someone. Feeling 1,000 years old is NOT funny. My physio also does dry needling as it’s called here & it works for me like acupuncture does. They just twist the needle a bit to release the tight muscle – sounds bad but after it’s gone twang it feels so much better & you know they got the spot.
    Well my CT scan results were not good & I’ve been sent in a bit of a spin over them. My neck is a mess – had to sit down with mr google & interpret the 2 page report after I saw my dr friend. Scan has thrown up all sorts of other just possible nasties that we have to rule out so had 2 tests on Tuesday & another coming up on Friday. CT shows that I have a plaque buildup in the carotid artery & Friday’s test will clarify that issue. Not sure what we do after that. My dr says we’ll be seeing a bit of each other! Mainly I have to work with my phsio to correct my posture as my spine is slumping (also osteoporosis) & that’s causing the neck issues. So really I’m in a wait and see mode till I get results back. Lots of degenerative changes & inflammation. Anyway let’s not spoil the good news day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Onto 2nd fast for the week. Had my morning coffee & that’s it for a long while. Will cook my favourite sausage & lentil casserole for dinner sort of a dahl really but yummy and filling for a FD. Then weigh-in tomorrow & hoping for good results ……..don’t we all! Have a great FD all those doing it today. suejen XXXX

    Hi all!
    CG, that’s looking very good for Bella, how lucky is she to have you taking care of her! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿฎ I don’t know how the ironing accumulates like it does! One of my sisters never irons, she just hangs or folds clothes straight away and they always look fine!
    SJ, I hope all goes well for you with future tests and hopefully, whatever treatment and physio you have to have will bring improvements and the best possible outcome. I’ll be thinking of you, my dear pal ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š I must try using lentils, I’ve heard they’re so filling and healthy but I’ve never cooked them. I’m going to try making chilli today so maybe I could put some into that? I’m fasting today too, so best foot forward!

    Hi Fit, I’m still not breathing easy with her, but each day gives me hope๐Ÿ˜‰I’ve always been an ironer as was my Mother was and so is my daughter. I know a lot don’t bother these days, but I still notice the difference, well, on certain things. Like sj,I use a lot of lentils, check out google I’m sure you’ll fine a recipe similar to what you’re making but with them added, it’s a good way to get used to using them. I put them in my pumpkin soup the other day….which I had for lunch today but it did have coconut cream in it and curry, so not real sure of the caloury count, but only had a mug of it, just so yummy…..and better than something else I could have had.๐Ÿ˜‰
    Yeah sj, all the best with your follow up on the results. We are getting ailments we thought were expected with our Mothers or Grand Mothers, BUT that’s us now,scary!!!๐Ÿ˜ฑ Xxxxxxx

    Finished the day at 440 so not too shabby for another very cold day. I’m ready for spring now my weatherman!! Let’s see what the scales tell me tomorrow. I’m actually quite enjoying being released! from the scales and daily weighing. Gosh it’s taken me over perhaps 20 years – not exactly sure what age I started weighing every day, but started to stack weight on in my 40’s.
    Hope to see some more weigh-ins tomorrow gang. Keep yourself honest and motivated ๐Ÿ™‚ sj XXXX

    Morning team, oh CG how true, we are our elders now, all these health battles were to be expected. Except that i didn’t expect them, because in my head I’m not really this old๐Ÿ˜Œ.Glad to have you all along for the ride.
    SJ, fingers crossed for good solutions for your neck issues.๐Ÿ™ Knowledge is power, and your Aussie determination is strong. Not always easy to stay positive, I know. Glad you have a good physio to help. I’m sending healing vibes, with soft hugs {{{}}}. Thank you for explaining the needling! It is a new thing and I’m wary of new things now, makes a big difference to know it helped youโ˜บ๏ธ Hey nice job on the FD๐Ÿ’ช Oh and no worries, all rants were humorous, and no one here would be surprised by a few F-bombs.

    Isn’t it amazing that Fit, Up, and I all have Ds in psychology? Any others? How wonderful that both your Ds are so well employed! My D’s licensing exam is next week, then she can look for a position. Jobs are too scarce to apply before then. We def need a new chapter for her asap! Oh and Fit, maybe I’ll bring you this huge sack of lentils I bought. They’re great though, when cooked they can almost disappear into casseroles and stews for added fiber, even if other beans are in there. Might need to turn on the fan later๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’จ
    Up, have a lovely visit with your d in Sydney, so glad the headaches have subsided. X

    Shout out to PH, who has probably already done 10,000 more things than I’ll do today. Go get ’em, girl, make those memories๐Ÿ’•

    Good luck to all fasting, is it CG and Fit today? Just love the updates on Bella, the docs use that phrase “cautiously optimistic” and it seems fitting – big improvement but the whole team is with you on the maternal worry, CG. Holding you in my thoughts๐Ÿ˜˜ Big hugs to all – jadexx๐Ÿ”†

    CG, I’ve just been googling lentil recipes and have seen quite a few nice soup ones which I will definitely try when the weather gets colder…..which might not be too far off going by yesterday and today, brrr!
    SJ, brilliant fd all done and dusted for you! I’m still weighing every day, I think I need it to keep me focussed and motivated. Don’t know what I’m going to do when I’m in Spain for a week as I will be really annoyed if I come home and find I’m back to where I was after France.
    Jade, ha…..will have to think hard before giving OH lentils ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ณ Could end up sleeping in separate quarters! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ It’s interesting that there are so many similarities between us all here, between parents, children, occupations etc. Soul mates on many levels, I reckon! ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ Best of luck to your d for her exam and future career, I’ll be thinking of her and sending her the luck of the Irish! โ˜˜ ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘
    Yes, I’m fasting too today and feeling good so far. When life is going well, you just feel you can do anything!

    You can do it, Fit!!๐Ÿ‹ I’m over here, cheering you on. This thing needs a pompom emoji!!
    Believe it or not, I’ve put half a cup or so of cooked lentils into shepherd’s pie, veggie soup, anything where the odd extra veggie (and they’re so like peas, not beans) won’t stand out. I’m not a huge fan of lentil soup, a bit too much of a good thing there for me.๐Ÿ™„
    Road trip today – FINALLY – though only a day trip. At least we’re technically “taking a trip” before the summer ends. Dogs are going with us, so we’ve packed 18,000 gallons of water and will no doubt stop that many times for all the various inner workings of the passengers๐Ÿ˜‚ Cheers!xx๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿš™๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ

    Good stuff Jade! Have a great trip and enjoy a well deserved break. Hope the back copes with the suspension and many excursions to ‘ahem’ admire the view! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Good morning-evening team,my posts are getting later, sorry, but my calves come first at the momentโ˜บ๏ธAnd Bella is starting to pick up too, so hoping another week or so will see her up to Gypsys standards, and I can stop worrying.
    My fast was so-so, I did stay within my limits, but not as stringent as usual. I weighed in at 70.2k so still no real loss….BUT….no gain, so hoping this bloody plateau will get a wriggle on as the finer weather approaches and the comfort food is a thing of the past๐Ÿ˜ But then all food gives comfort doesn’t it. .?๐Ÿ˜‰
    Stay well and positive team, I hope you get good news on the scales, but remember your tape meadure too, it often shows a loss when the scales don’t…..DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF you are all healthier and eating better with more knowledge than ever before, Cuddles ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜Šxxxxx

    Hi folks weighed in this motning at 74.6 so got the 74 I wanted. Think that’s either .8 or a 1kg loss cos I can’t remember for sure what I was! Shows you what weighing less does…you’re not so fixated on the numbers.
    Off to next town to have my last test for now and lunch and a bit of shopping. So better get a wriggle on. Look in later. Byee team have a good day. SJ xxxx

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