Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 14,151 through 14,200 (of 14,786 total)

  • Thank you for the book recommendation Jade hopefully i can get it on Amazon as an ebook.
    Also really appreciate the advice. I know it is going to be hard but with encouragement like yours it gives me the resolve to persist. I think sugar is my major downfall and the sweet craving is strong. Its amazing how much hidden sugar there is in many foods we eat on a daily basis. Ive taken to reading and noticing the sugar content in food and just about everything has it.
    Anyway im going to give this a shot and see how i go.
    Better get ready for work. Finally the rain has stopped and the sun is going to shineโ˜‰
    Had my 45min walk with the dog and it is a non fast day.
    Cheers T

    HA, Fit๐Ÿ˜‚ Now there’s a silver-tongued romantic๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜†actually I just laughed so much at that, it hurt.๐Ÿ˜ซ

    Tilley, if you mean Fung, just go to – all free and lots of it, let me tell you! Lustig is online too, but I found Fung just a bit easier to understand. It’s all fascinating, but after I was finally sold on “SIMPLE CARBS BAD, BODY NO LIKE” I just wanted to cut to the chase. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good morning/evening team, just woke from 7 straight hours sleep and feel wonderful๐Ÿ˜Š especially after the sleepless night Monday. Tilly once you see the first few K’s dissappear off the scales you do become addicted with this way of life and eatingโ˜บ๏ธ You will find you feel healthier and fitter, it’s amazing and really so simple. The big thing is breaking a life time of bad habits. Another bonus is how much cheaper your food bill is, AND it costs you nothing to be with 5:2 so win /win๐Ÿ˜‰Once you notice your clothes are getting looser you tend to have a glow in your face, often personal pride and feeling smug at the new numbers on the scales.
    Fit you gadabout you, off to Spain? From this side of the world that sounds so romantic. You are really getting your life back and grabbing it with both hands. I’m just so pleased for you, it’s so over due and well deserved๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜Š
    Jade already back at work….AND mowing! Just can’t keep you down, rightโ˜บ๏ธ I really think it’s that attitude that keeps us going, so many are ready to give in, give up, and miss so much in life, good for you and what is this “IF” you get to Ireland???๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’•
    I’m just having my first coffee, I bought another espresso machine but hate it! Just can’t get the milk hot enough, grrrrr๐Ÿ˜ก But wont let it beat me! Then time to feed the calves and cows and hopefully a bit more sorting of what to keep and what to toss. I’m thrilled with the thinning I have done, but getting into the “hard” stuff now. Still planning to go at my own pace and really think about what to keep. I’m fasting again tomorrow and plan good choices today with the hope yesterday didn’t undo my fast on Monday๐Ÿ˜ but sensable eating and no junk food should suffice…..I hope๐Ÿ˜Š Have a harmonious day team, think positive, live within your enviornment with balance and keep your mind at peace. It’s so easy to be caught up in the rush and bussel around us but if you can ignore it and go at your own pace you do come out aheadโ˜บ๏ธ Notice nature around you and you can’t help but smile….inside and out ๐Ÿ˜Šxxxxxxxxx

    Oh no Jade, I thought laughter was supposed to be the best medicine! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ Sorry!

    Mornin’ CG! We crossed once again, this is getting to be a habit! It’s great to hear about all the progress you’re making on the home front, it’s so satisfying when you declutter….it’s like decluttering your mind or spirit as well. I’m half dreading the trip to Spain because it will be so hot….. I sound like a spoilt brat, don’t I? I’m also a magnet for mosquitoes so I’ll probably come home looking like one of those join-the-dot pictures! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜…

    Hi Fit, yes we are crossing a bit lately….. My Mum and GD were like you, for some reason mossies thought they were good enough to eat too! Just lots of spray or creams to repel them I guess. Your right with decluttering of the mind and spirit. I am/was becomming a museum, of past life in my family……but no more. Just keeping either what I use or is precious to me. Again it will snowball to other cupboards too, I keep doing the clothes/wardrobes, but the rest of the house is the same. I think when losing my parents, and being so crook at the time with back pain, it was all too hard, so just hid things! Sure I donated soooooo much, but kept a hell of a lot too….but, THIS IS IT! Beautiful looking day coming up, so could even end up in the green house? Sleep well dear friend ๐Ÿ’—xxxx

    Good Morning All. I am not sure of the time difference with everybody, but I seem to come in when everyone is sleeping…Apologies for that. I restrict myself to my computer whilst working. Otherwise I never seem to have a break from it!

    You all seem like such characters and I can see a wonderful friendship has grown between you all. It is so good to read your daily updates, so thank you once again for allowing me to join.

    My usual organised self is a little rattled today. Not sure what happened this morning. Woke late so no exercise, out the door without my lunch and brought my two pieces of soy and linseed bread to work for brekkie. Forgot about the bread in the toaster! Smoke alarms going off and that disgusting burnt toast smell all through the office. Needless to say the burnt bread is in the bin and I am unintentionally having a little fast this morning! Never mind. We all have days like this now and then. hopefully it will become better as it continues.

    Yesterday I had a pretty good day of eating until tea time. I was so hungry and am sure I overate my meal – then topped it off with mud cake and cream! Hubbies treat….yay(sarcastic)….Hopefully this mornings fast will get rid of that.

    Countrygal thank you so much for the tips. It really is amazing how many calories are in everything! It is hard not to become obsessed on fast days trying to come up with ideas of what to eat. As it is still quite cold here I am guzzling my green tea by the gallon and not consuming to much water – same same I hope. That is tending to help with the hunger in the afternoons anyway.
    Do you live on alot of land? A dream I have for the future once the youngest of the family is all sorted on his path. We have just over half an acre but that is only big enough for chooks. I would love some land with a few cows, sheep and a couple of Alpacas! One day..

    Thanks Jade for the tips also. I am finding it hard at times to push through but you are right, the hunger won’t kill us and lord knows there is enough of me to survive. I reckon I could feed a village for a week!

    Have a great day everyone. I look forward to reading all of your posts tomorrow.
    All the best


    Hello, this is or should I say was my first day fasting on my second week, I am struggling to keep my hunger pangs down, been drinking black coffee after black coffee trying to block it out, I must admit, I gave into eating in total, 4 med Apples, I did cook a normal meal for my family, but myself I thought trying out the 5: products would keep me in more control 4 x fast products a day. Have you tried doing this ? would you say I should maybe cook for myself ? would that work better do you think ??? UK Time 2.45m

    Hi Mandy and you are more than welcome with the tips, hey, that’s what we are here for, to support each other. Not one expert amongst us, but tried and true experiments๐Ÿ˜Š Fast day meals are easier than any. Salads, very low cal, home made veggie soup, very low cal too, steamed fish, even Birds eye steamed fish, even easier at the supermarket in the freezer๐Ÿ˜Š It comes in a couple of flavours, and cut and weighed to size, cals on the packet….how easy, serve with veggies, beans carrots caulie…DONEโ˜บ๏ธ, Lunch, tuna salad in a container, or miso instant soup, just add water in a mug for work๐Ÿ˜Š Even easier…have a couple if you want or with a hard boiled egg, easy peezie๐Ÿ˜ฑ So it’s just using you head, and don’t panic, forget the usual sandwhich! Even if you have the same each fast day until you get game enough to experiment. I’m only on two acres, but have 1000’s of acres of grazing land around me, so a free magnificent view of undulating hills. I use 1/2+ acre for house and garden the rest for my cows. I have trees planted in their paddocks so it’s all very pretty. The garden is very big garden beds, all across the front and up the sides of the house. I adore animals and nature so living my dream whilst I still have time. I live in South Gippsland in Victoria๐Ÿ˜‰ you have had a buggar of a start to your day, but it can only get betterโ˜บ๏ธ Mandy carry some carrot straws or other fresh veggies in a container to work for the nibbles, even an apple, but calculate it all into your daily intake it wont be much and keeps you satisfied. it does help, or take a hard boiled egg for a later brekkie, you’d be surprised how filling it can be. Enjoy your day, and don’t obsess on food YOU CAN DO IT๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hi “MP” and welcome. Home cooking is so much better for you and cheaper to prepare, then freeze in portions. That way you always have a meal for fast days and still eat with the family. Hunger pangs are awful, but pass. Too much black coffee can make you feel ill. Try a beef stock cube in hot water, bovril? Miso soup is easy and satisfying too. If you make up a big pot of soup and freeze it in portions in zip lock bags it’s always at the ready and don’t forget stews etc, calculate their calorie value on My fitness pal, and divide into portions๐Ÿ˜Š Welcome aboard to AUSSIE DETERMINATION our team will help you all the way. Where in the UK are you?๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hi all, what a great read this morning. So much enthusiasm just jumping off the pages. I had a big sleep in this morning as it is raining here today and so family suggested a rest day today with the final two day big push to be Thursday and Friday..and I took full advantage having a big sleep in followed by coffee with a friend at my fav coffee shop just down the,cakes though just a nice bit of Turkish bread and tomato…
    Getting back into the habit of not eating till 11am is my first challenge and back to the 16.8 fasting times on non fast days. I found this very successful in the past and is very achievable whilst family still here. Stopping the snacking again is the biggest challenge I am finding. Funny how when others are around and snacking just becomes a habit again. Lucky my family are really healthy eaters and so healthy snacks ae the go at least. No cakes or sugar for them. And I’m with you all re snacking after dinner. So hard to stop once you get used to it again but being exhausted after a big days work is helping as in bed early lately however have have started having a piece of fruit at 2am waking time…time to stop that and go back to a glass of water.

    Tilly, Mandy …so good to have you aboard. I found I really needed to track my calories on MFP for the first month or so on non fast days as well just to give me a good idea of what my TDEE was actually like. It is a pain but really helped me. I do not need to do that now as I have a good idea of what is needed but find that if I am not losing I go back to doing it for a few days to see if I am still on track. When my family have gone back to Canada plan on doing it for a few days just to refresh my knowledge. I also find that if you eat a bit of protien at each meal you stay fuller longer and that helps with the snacking.

    SJ. Yes I too have not been taking enough photos so must make that a priority over the next week or so. Don’t seem to have my phone with me whilst working. Thanks for the reminder. So many lovely memories in the making. Just the interaction with little Joel is so precious. Enjoying every minute.
    CG. Sounds like a great day out. And successful shopping…small…we should have more of those days. I have not had enough coffees with my friend whilst family have been here so will have to make up for it when they go back. And you are really back into the 5.2 wol …great stuff.

    Jade. Interesting info on breaking the sugar habit. Explains it perfectly. Timely reminder. I am not a sweet tooth but my weakness is for savoury and the same goes for that. Fruit is my sugar hit and must admit I have been having too much of that recently. Sounds like you are improving slowly so look after yourself now you are back at work.

    Fit, had to have a chuckle about the Chanel No 5 comment. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ Sounds like a good idea to leave it at home when you go to Spain to celebrate with friends.. Exciting life you lead. Enjoy!!

    GG. Things will work out with OH, time is a great healer. I find that when things come to this stage I usually write my OH a letter just explaining how I feel in a rational way whilst telling him how much our relationship means to me. That breaks the ice and with no harsh words. Just a thought. Hopefully things are already sorted and you are once again your usual happy self. Cannot imagine you not bubbly and happy. Hugs ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

    Just organised for the deposit on the place at Woolgoolge and so exchange should take place today. Things are happening. Photographer just called to organise photos on 22nd August and we have our first open house on the 3rd September. All systems go…….๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Hi all!
    Mandy, I’m in Ireland and Jade is in the USA, so there’s a lot of posting going on almost 24/7. It’s great to think that someone might be reading and responding no matter what time it is! I must admit I got a bit of a laugh at your enforced fast ๐Ÿ˜ƒ We’ve all had days like that but well done for not giving up. Slow and steady wins the race ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช
    Hi MP, welcome here. Are you in the UK? If so, it will be wonderful to have someone else awake at the same time as me! CG has given you great advice and no one knows better how to make this way of life work! Best of luck and keep asking questions and we’ll all help as much as we can.
    PH, you’re still firing on all cylinders….brilliant! We WILL beat the snacking demons! ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ˜ก
    CG, you certainly have created your own slice of paradise and you’ll be able to enjoy it all even better now with all your surgeries behind you. Go you! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’š

    Hi Folks I must say that I’m not doing a very good job of eating moderately in between fast days with this cold weather. So going to just do my best at nailing the FD’s first until we get nicer spring weather! One thing at a time I reckon. I’d have to say that I don’t think taking a break is a good idea…it’s so hard to get back into the swing & you develop such bad habits (well I do anyway!).
    So fasting again tomorrow & really aiming for a good 500cal day.
    Fit can’t remember when you’re going to Spain but if you have time get some Vitamin B1 tablets. I got some for the very same reason & the mossies etc stayed right away from me. Apparently it gives your skin a scent that they don’t like but noone else can smell it. It would work best if you’ve got a week or so beforehand. I only use it over summer for gardening etc.
    PH good to hear that someone else has a few challenges ahead with getting back into old established habits! What hours do you stick to with your 16:8 eating window PH? I think tomorrow I’ll revert to the morning coffee again & then see how long I can go till eating again. that worked well for me for a while too. Just cannot do with nothing at all & I only have a splash of milk. Best of luck with the sale ๐Ÿ™‚
    MP do you have a taste for Vegemite at all? It’s yummy just a teaspoon of it in a mug of hot water. It has lots of vitamins/minerals so fills you up more than a tea I find & helps with headaches if you get them while fasting (I did for a long time & this is what cured them).
    WM it’s a pleasure to have you here. We have to introduce you to the 4 P’s I think! They are Planning Preparation Patience and Persistence. You really need to use all 4 of these at different times to be successful with 5:2. Well done with burning the toast & having a mini-fast though haha! Hunger pangs generally ease up or go away eventually & you won’t get them. We just have the occasional day where we find it really hard & crave food & do get hunger pangs again but pretty rare. You just drink drink drink generally or get busy or go for a walk & then you realise you’re not really hungry any more!
    Did you end up in the greenhouse CG? We’re still waiting for our lovely days here though yesterday wasn’t too bad & we went whale watching. Saw the backs of a couple a long way off shore!! That’s about it…a bit disappointing after hearing everyone talking about how many whales they’ve seen just strolling along the beach etc (the people not the whales!!).
    Jade hope you’ve got over laughing at Fit’s joke!! You’re both going to have such a riot if you do get together!!! Now is the time I NEED those emojis but don’t have any.

    Well it’s bucketing down now & I have music practice in an hour or so. I’ll be wearing a very thick jacket & a big scarf – that church hall is damn cold! I’ve also just picked up the music for the combined primary school choir event (3 pieces). Boy LOTS of practice coming up for that one….not easy pieces!! Need to listen to them on youtube first methinks. OH will be sick of hearing the accompaniments by then.

    So for those fasting tomorrow remember plan…prepare…be patient………and persist….no matter what the day throws at you ๐Ÿ™‚ suejen XXXX
    And weigh-in Friday for those who’ve started too. Let’s keep the encouragement happening โ™ฅ โ™ฅ

    WELCOME MP….you have joined a well seasoned team here.
    CG has given you proven advise & SJ has introduced you to “THE 4 P’S” Using them thoughout your 5:2 journey will be of tremendous use in this WOL & WOE.

    With 2 fasts done this week I’m looking forward to my 3rd fast day tomorrow. Nothing like getting back into the swing by doing a 4:3.
    PH- congratulations on the desposit on your new abode๐Ÿก

    Its blowing a gale here on the mid nth coast accompanied with heavy rain.Thankfully do not have to work tomorrow unless I get called in..
    Have a positive fast day tomorrow team.

    Thanks for the encouragement Go gal i think i will need it for my fast day tomorrow as im feeling hungry already ๐Ÿ˜†!!
    I need to start planning my fast day eating as has been suggested. Last fast day I skipped breakfast had miso soup mid morning an Asian salad for lunch with salmon, small portion of yoghurt and fruit and stir fry veg for dinner. Cups of tea and coffee. – came in at 490 cal. Lots of water inbetween and it wasnt too hard.
    Looking forward to friday weigh in.
    Must head off to bed so that getting up at 5.30am wont be a pain.
    Good night all.

    Sj, thanks for the tip on Vit B1, my GD is plagued by mossies in summer, the poor kid, so I’ll tell my daughter to give a try. No, the day didn’t pan out as I hoped so no green house. Fiddled all day and got nowhere. More feed and bedding delivered so a few trips to the cows (exercise๐Ÿ˜‰?) and ended up in a mood over my new coffee machine which I hate…..but eventually worked it out tonight! Golly you can waste time on trivial things. Sat on hold with telstra for what felt like an eternity, so just a wasted day. We are all keen again which is wonderful and agree too, one step at a time, we had to do it last xmas if I remember, we all had trouble picking it back up again….but did eventuallyโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ Most of the team is back but others will before too long, life still holding them up๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
    PH it’s great getting the payment down on your new place, what a thrill for you. It’s been such a busy 12 months. I hope the injection works for you, they are wonderful when they do, and disappointing when they don’t.
    Well bed time here on the farm, another early day, and ready for another fast, often the hardest of the week for some reason. Nighty nite team ๐Ÿ’คxxxxx

    SJ, I’m off to Spain on the 19th Aug so I have plenty of time to start taking those tablets, thank you so much for the thoughtful and kind advice. I’m struggling with nfds too but had a really good fd yesterday, so it’s one step at a time. We WILL get there! Very rainy and windy here today so just pottering around doing a few chores. My older daughter popped in unexpectedly and we had a lovely catch up. She’s off to Cork with a couple of girl friends for a few days and wanted to leave her car here. She doesn’t get much time off, so I’m thrilled for her.
    GG, you’re the boss of 4:3! Well done on getting back into action so quickly!
    Tilley, great job! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช

    Brilliant SJ I clearly need some B1, the bugs adore me. Just out checking the garden, thrilled to see I’ll actually harvest at least one pepper. My basil from seed is going great guns too. The rest, well, the bugs have rather taken to the leafy things, but no worries a local farmer sells lovely produce๐ŸŒฝ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ“Now inside I’m scratching the bites enough to count as a cardio workout. Lol Fit, I’m still chuckling at “brace yourself, Mary!” which I of course imagine in the finest Irish brogue.

    GG wow, a 4:3, was it a FD dinner you cooked together?๐Ÿ’• Hope you have a cozy day well out of the nasty weather๐Ÿ’จโ˜”๏ธ

    Yay, another new team member, hi mummy pups! If that means you love dogs you’ve found the right place indeed. I’m also a big coffee drinker, but as CG said it can be a bit too much on a FD. I do try most days to skip breakfast but love my coffee with cream. And we all love the miraculous HB egg, that thing looks so small but it’s just perfect to save a FD sometimes. I keep them in the fridge at work (when I’m not la-de-da out the door thinking I’ll never get hungry later) though I find FDs easier if I just have the one evening meal. Once my stomach wakes up it expects a real party.๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‰ But Tilley you did great having a salad lunch, good for you๐ŸŽ–Well done! LOL Mandy, burning the toast at work…such a universal experience. Well done for salvaging the day! I might’ve just drowned my sorrows in a latte and doughnuts.

    PH congrats on making the new place official, you’ve worked so hard – glad to see you’ve gotten a rest in. And do take photos!!๐Ÿ“ธ Soon enough you’ll be at the beach and it’ll be summer…๐Ÿ’œ

    Speaking of photos…CG I don’t think there could be cuter calves than Gypsy and Bella๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ – just too adorable. My Aussie shepherd would so love the chance to herd something besides the cats๐Ÿ˜‚sorry, dude. And I know, I said “if” I make it to Ireland but don’t want to be so cocky that fate throws a wrench into it again.

    The see-America road trip has not begun. OH tried an end run by suggesting a completely different, shorter trip SOUTH instead of north to the Great Lakes. Well that’s just completely insane, it was 100F here yesterday and I’ve no interest in being hotter. Turns out he really just wanted a shorter trip, well FINE, why didn’t you say so. So we’re still going north. He cracks me up, always wants to change his mind w/o admitting it. One time he wanted to cancel a dental appt because he wasn’t feeling well, but asked me to call and tell them he had been called away on an urgent matter for his employer. Lol OK agent 007…I told them he was sick, boom, done, they appreciated the call. Ha ha, the puzzle of figuring out what’s really going on in his head has kept me well entertained over the years!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿค”

    Better get some work done before the day gets away from me. Good luck to all fasting!๐Ÿ’ชjadexxxx

    Morning all, we had a wild and windy night last night. Some sort of low off the coast and my Daughter had a skylight blown completely off her roof. Lucky Canadian family staying with her at the moment so she had help, exciting times for little Joel!! Lucky the skylight was in The bathroom ..not sure of damage at this stage as the SES were very busy and had not come to tarp her roof when we went to bed. Mind you I would not want to be out in that weather tarping people’s roofs..wonderful volunteer organisation..Not,sure what today will bring, hopefully sun will come out at some time and dry everything off. At least the wind has now stopped. Thanks to all for the good wishes re the move and as for my injection it still has not kicked in fully, but the last one took a couple of weeks for it to make a real difference so hopefully this one will too. It is a bit better though. Can’t wait till I’m able to get back to the pool Monday hopefully.

    SJ. I try to do from 7pm at night to 11am the next morning for my 16.8. With just drinking water, or herbal tea. sometimes I have an early morning coffee with a dash of milk depending on how I feel. I don’t have it mastered just yet but getting closer…starting at 7pm is the challenge. Still wanting a Jarrah Hot chocolate after dinner in this weather..herbal tea just does not cut it. I figure that if I can manage at least 8pm to 11am it is a good start . Not fasting today as we have a nice dinner planned for the family here tonight…all being well at D,s house. Hope your FD goes well for you…. Good luck with the new music, I’m sure you will master it.

    Must finish up mow. Welcome MP ..big hi to everyone else and good luck with your Fast Days, remember to,exercise that AUSSIE DETERMINATION!!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Jade, your OH sure does like to keep you on your toes! The turns and zigzags his brain makes are longer than any road trip! Well done on your little harvest, I’m sure there will be lots more to come. My amazing mil is still growing things from seed at 95 years of age and, even more amazingly, still giving the new plants to me knowing I’ll kill them off in a matter of weeks! God bless her perseverance!
    PH, your d had a lucky escape with the skylight, thankfully no one was hurt. It’s certainly been an eventful holiday for the Canadian gang. I hope the repairs all go well. Look after your back.

    Good morning/evening team, the difference in our weather really shows how huge our country is. It’s bitterly cold, heavy frost and clear skies here PH, brilliant sunshine, so hoping for a nice day. Yes, your D was very lucky. We have had tremendous winds this season, lots of beautiful big trees down, the only savings was it was drying the mud in paddocks and the dairles caused my the milk tankers. Stay safe my friend, and is Monday your starting back day? If so, good luck and I hope the injection kicks in soon, being pain free is a blessing, not that I’m ever pain free, but some days are better than others๐Ÿ˜Š
    Jade I love reading your posts, no matter the subject ๐Ÿ˜‰Good thing you are a lawyer,your o/h sounds like you’d always need an answer for. If you are new with gardening and veggies, choose herbs to start with. They are very easy AND useful, I use mine all the time and they are so much nicer than the dried ones in jars๐Ÿ˜Š Parsley, mint, rosemary, origano, lemon thyme……..all easy……but they do need water๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’—
    Fit you must be into count down for your sisters carer starting, and giving you breathing space๐Ÿ˜Š Hand the reins over gladly and try to just become a visitorโค๏ธ Oh and the thought of a trip to Spain, you lucky girl๐Ÿ˜Š
    Fasting again today, as most of us are๐Ÿ˜‰ WE CAN DO IT the second one in the week for some reason seems harder, but ride it through,let your AUSSIE DETERMINATION kick in and BE in control. This is a personal vendetta with food but as a team WE ARE NEVER ALONE so will manage it and have each other for supportโ˜บ๏ธPost for help and we are there to support you. Tomorrow will come around very quickly and the results will be staring at us on the dial!!
    Stay strong team, we love a challenge, so BRING IT ON and don’t sweat the small stuff๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•xxxxxxxx

    Mornin’ CG! Yes, my sister’s carer is starting on Monday and the new family rota for taking her on Sundays and bank holidays is also starting from this weekend, so everything is in place for an easier life, I hope! I won’t be able to fast tomorrow because my sister in law wants me to go shopping with her to look for her mother of the groom outfit. Her son is getting married in the UK in October, another lovely family occasion to look forward to. Naturally, we’ll be having lunch out. So I’ll fast on Friday and weigh in on Saturday. Struggling big time today with my snacking demons……I think I grazed all day just like your gorgeous calves! Not a good idea ๐Ÿ˜ž Must do better tomorrow. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜‡

    Hi Fit, it’s a bummer when the pecking gremlins get ya! I found one weekend, when they hit me, I had some cold quiche in the fridge, and kept going to that for a “chunk” it hit the spot not heavy with cals or carbs,might be worth a try to have something like that around or in the fridge๐Ÿ˜Š Cuddles darlng girl xxxxxx

    Good Morning all. Fast day today – almost tempted to give it a miss when I was invited to lunch by my work mate this morning (due to the boss being away), but I have prevailed and will eat my tuna salad at lunch.

    I love reading your posts. I have been a little busy this morning so I must admit I haven’t read them properly as yet – that will be my lunchtime mission.

    It is great to see the international representation here. Fit, I was actually born in Ireland and have no family here in Australia other than the immediate (my brothers were born in NSW). All of my mum and dad’s family’s still reside there. My oldest has asked me to take him to Ireland to meet the distant relatives. Maybe one day. When my dear dad passed four years ago, mum sold everything and headed back. I think for years and years she missed being there and always in a way blamed dad for coming to Australia in the first place. She is back here in Aus now though. No daughter over there to look after her I guess. Beautiful country you live in.

    Jade I love to read your posts. They are very colorful and you write very well. It is awesome to think we are in different parts of the globe and have been brought together with one common goal. I love it!

    Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow to check on the progress.

    Good luck to you all today.


    Hi all!
    Mandy, I was wondering if you had some Irish blood in you. Is your surname Whitty? One of my sisters is married to a Whitty so we could be distantly related! It would be lovely if you came over to find your roots with your son. I have two nieces and a nephew now living in or near Sydney so there’s a lot of connections between the two countries. Well done on resisting the lunch out, you’re doing very well ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘
    CG, my problem was that there were too many leftovers in the fridge and my d popped in so I just went off the rails. But now it’s time to stop the bingeing and whingeing and just get with the programme! So although I’m going out for lunch with my SIL today, I’ve skipped breakfast and will make healthy food choices for the rest of the day. Then it’s a fd tomorrow and on we go! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Fit I KNOW you can do it๐Ÿ˜Š Once The routine starts, you will ignore the leftovers , you have already proved to yourself (and us๐Ÿ˜Š) how easy it is, and will again โค๏ธXxxx

    Evening team, how is the fast going with you all? Now until bed time is usually the hardest time, so drink fluids only, don’t weaken, tomorrow is almost here for your weigh in๐Ÿ˜Š WE CAN DO IT xxxxx

    Ended up having to change the day to tomorrow due to unexpected guests. So weigh-in will be Saturday now. Had a lovely day with friends though ๐Ÿ™‚ suejen

    Thanks all for getting a little chuckle from my tales, I do like to smile thru the wackiness of life. Pain lately has tempted me to be down, and OH has had his share to put up with๐Ÿ˜‡ Well matched, we are. Mandy, thank you for saying I’m a good writer! Supreme compliment as I teach writing but am not always careful enough in my own๐Ÿ™„

    It’s a special day here as my house cleaner is back from vacation๐ŸŽ‰ – she joked that the place might be ceiling high in dog hair. No, only chest high๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ‘
    Wow PH close call for your D, the noise alone must have been terrifying! I’m glad all are safe. Seems the home repairs never end, do they. xx

    Fit, your life is a constant party, how lovely, really. SJ, hope the unexpected guests are a good thing๐Ÿ˜‰- enjoy๐Ÿ’› Always time for fasts later, and of course the whole point of 5:2 was always NOT to diet very often๐Ÿ˜Š And I certainly have enjoyed that aspect of it๐Ÿ˜ Another wedding, Fit๐ŸŽŠ!? Cheers!๐Ÿ’• Hope you find a smashing MOG dress for her๐Ÿ’›. And what a small world, the connections between Ireland and Australia for you and Mandy, I believe there have been others on here too. The world does seem cozy sometimes for all its problems.

    And re 5:2 – team, remember even a partial fast is beneficial. Many of us are out of the routine, so getting back into it, even if just a bit, is success and progress. How many times has CG cheered us on, reminding us not to sweat it, that life is to be lived and enjoyedโ˜บ๏ธRather an encapsulation of 5:2 – small sacrifices do add up. Sorry, I’m not much of a preacher but I see all of us succeeding in our own way and at our own pace, and I think we’re all just fantastic for giving it a go.๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ‡๐ŸŽฏ

    Oh blah blah jade, better see about tidying up a bit, if only to get your buns in the shower before the cleaner gets here! Have a great day all, be mindful, not perfect๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ’›โ˜บ๏ธxxxxx ps guess you can tell I have not been perfect lately!! So nice of me to pardon the lot of you as well๐Ÿ˜ณisn’t it? xxx

    Great SJ, you and I will be doing a Friday fast together and Saturday weigh in, even if we are half a world apart! Best of luck to both of us ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช I had a lovely day too. My sister who lives beside me came on the shopping trip too and we helped my SIL to get a gorgeous outfit for her son’s wedding. It’s a beautiful peach and cream coloured dress and coat. The bodice of the dress is overlaid with lace lightly sprinkled with diamantรฉ. It was reduced from 500euro to 180euro! We had coffee and lunch out but I shared a cake slice with my SIL and had roast veg salad for lunch, so hopefully didn’t go over my TDEE.
    Jade, I’m sure you’re right about the partial fasts but I really need to get back to basics. Good habits will always be beneficial and won’t go to waste, so I’ll hang onto semi fasts, portion control, healthy choices etc but I really feel I have to get two good fasts under my belt each week. Anything else will be a bonus. The next wedding is in the UK at the end of October. I won’t be buying anything new for it as I have a couple of dresses which OH’s side of the family haven’t seen, so that’s good. Hope your house is free from dog hair, at least for five minutes! I reckon I could start a cottage industry here knitting dog hair sweaters! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚

    Just loving the banter on the thread. Beautiful sunny morning here today and so I am taking the Canadians to the Pet Porpoise Pool for a morning out so Joel can feed the Dolphins and little penguins. Then of course we must have lunch out….. The fun starts”๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ. Yeah!yeah! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—
    Had a very successful day yesterday, replaced cisterns in the bathrooms, changed door handles, put up a new shower head, and put everything back in place. The repair work is now all done and just the finishing up, cleaning etc to go. All the high difficult windows are already done so OH and I can manage the rest easily.
    Good luck with the weigh in everyone and Fit and SJ good luck with your fast. I am not starting in earnest u til the kids go home which is just one short week away……going to enjoy every minute till then and make many happy memories. Have to fly as I need to meet them in about an hour. Slept in!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Good morning -evening team I haven’t weighed yet, just up and having my warming coffee first. I’m going out for lunch again today with Lynne, lass I used to work with, we usually catch up every few weeks, she just had her second knee replacement, and only mid 50’s…..but lunch, hope to make a healthy choice๐Ÿ˜ŠThe frost is just lifting outside and giving a beautiful glow and smokey look as the sun shine tries to penatrate through it.
    My big day has arrived to say goodbye to Lexie and my little Danny boy, ๐Ÿ˜ฐ but know they are going to a wonderful home and will live long lives and Lexie will become a Mum herself in a couple of years๐Ÿ˜” They grow up so quickly!๐Ÿ˜‰
    My fast went really well, I didn’t end up eating all day until dinner but as shown in the past, that doesn’t always mean a loss. It’s as if the body decides to hang on to what fat it has in case it doesn’t get fed again and as seen in the past, the loss shows two days after a fast because the body got fed the day before. Oh it’s a fickle life we lead, but hey, it works๐Ÿ˜Š
    Jade love what you said, be mindful, not perfect. We constantly put pressure on ourselves trying to achieve perfection, and missing out on having fun. All it does is bring about frustration, anxiety and self doubt, and we can all live with out that๐Ÿ˜ง
    Fit you sound to have had a great day, and well done with sharing the slice , the colours of the dress sound beautiful, I love peach or apricot…..sounds like food again?Okay, into making up the milk replacer for the babies, then shower time……and facing the scales! Don’t be too upset (our newbies) if a loss doen’t show. You are healthier from fasting and grab that tape measure,often it shrinks before the numbers on the scales๐Ÿ™„
    Have a majic day team,be proud of who you are, you are unique not a clone, so wear it well โ˜บ๏ธ Cuddles โ™ฅ๏ธxxxxxx

    Good afternoon ADers! I see some of you are fasting today. Be good to yourself keep those fliuds and our bestie the hard boiled egg and miso soup etc. At the ready
    I have had 3 very successful fast days this week and it was great to see my efforts come back positive!
    I started back last Sunday 1/8/2016 with a starting weight of 79.9kgs……at 9am this morning…. 78.3kgs a loss off 1.6kgs .Have just eaten now which was a salmon and egg green salad so I have done so have sailed through a38 hour fasts. I am a very happy little vegemite …have been having a few of them this week . Started back at pilates on Wednesday at the physio who has a studio and it great. I am a little tight in my knees and hips which will go in the coming weeks. I will go at 4.30pm on Wed and Fridays.
    Will post on our FB after this to have a more intermit chat.

    Hope everyone else not yet posted have had a good loss this week.
    Enjoy your weekend…….love …..GO GALXXXXXXX

    Hi team, sorry to be posting so late,but a busy emotional day๐Ÿ˜ฐ My beautiful young cows have now gone to their new homes and an exciting future with more pals, so being part of a big herd is a natural for them. Beautiful paddocks with lots of room to run and graze. Tears flowed, but still have my babies to shower with love, and a possible two new one week olds arriving tomorrow๐Ÿ’•
    I weighed in at 70.1k this morning, but have since had my “clean out”๐Ÿ˜ง Too much info? So could be a bit under, but will check again tomorrow… to stay down and to stop the damn zigzag!
    Olympics start early here tomorrow on the telly, just hoping they televise the decent stuff. It’s usually boxing or hockey which doesn’t interest me, weight lifting?? Never enough diving or gymnastics! But they have all trained so hard and for so long they deserve all the accolades they get๐Ÿ˜Š C’mon Aussie c’mon c’mon xxxxxx
    Enjoy your evening team, time for feet up here, a couple of soothing w&c’s and a good nights sleep……where is everyone, and where are our newbies, c’mon, gives us so news๐Ÿ˜Š Cuddles xxxxx

    Hi All GG and CG well done for showing us the way with your losses. though GG I can’t ever do a 4:3…I’ve tried several times & just know it’s not for me. So will have to be satisfied with the results of one good fast tomorrow – don’t think the first one would have achieved much. Doing very well so far today with only a coffee when I woke up & water after that. About to have a HB egg methinks to keep me going till dinner. Then it’s Terriyaki Chicken (a 5:2 version of it) and cauli rice. Even managed to go shopping & it didn’t bother me – well nothing was calling my name anyway!
    CG you old softie….but it’s just what I would expect of you & hey maybe 2 new ones to love tomorrow!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    PH hope the day at the porpoise pool was fun for everyone!! Little Joel would have loved it no doubt.
    Fit hope your fast is going well too on the other side of the world ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d say you did pretty well with your choices Fit so good on you. Keep up the good work!!
    Oh Jade thanks for the pardon (pretty significant coming from a lawyer!) for the packet of choc bullets I ate the other day! Oh they are SOO my downfall. there was a new brand in the store & I just HAD to buy them. But no more talk on that topic ๐Ÿ™‚
    WM did you weigh in today? How did you go? I hope you got a good result but never mind if you didn’t. Remember it’s not a race. Yeah we all want to have lost the weight yesterday…well what about last week…or even better last year! But it’s a journey and we learn lots of good stuff about our eating habits and what works for us along the way. So don’t wish it off too fast. Just take what comes & use your patience & persistence to keep you going.
    Tilley and MP how are you both going also????? Time to report in & let us know. Best way to keep yourself motivated.

    Time to boil that egg & maybe have a cuppa to warm me up. suejen XXXX

    Mornin CG!
    So sorry to hear you’ve had such an emotional day but you have to hang onto all the positives, they are going to a great home and will be well cared for. Also you are giving all those new babies the very best start in life, so be proud and enjoy lavishing love and care on Gypsy, Bella and the new arrivals.๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’• I’m sure all that running around after them will keep the weight off too, so win/win!
    Yippee, GG, that’s a fantastic result! Woohoo! You are rocking this wol! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒI would love to give Pilates a try but there’s no suitably timed class near me. Is it good for strength as well as flexibility? I feel I’m losing strength big time.
    SJ, I’m just starting my fast but you must be nearly finished. How’s it going? I felt I did well to stay below TDEE yesterday despite my day out so with a good fd today, I feel I’ll be back on track. Let’s do it! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’š
    PH, that will be a wonderful experience for Joel. He will have lots of exciting news to tell his friends when he gets back to Canada. Don’t forget to take those photos! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    The countdown is on now until the carer/manager takes over with my sister! Can you tell how excited I am? Fingers crossed that it will all work out.
    Ok, I have to get going and keep busy so that my fd is a success. WE CAN DO THIS. BRING IT ON! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘

    Hi SJ! We crossed. I must have my times all mixed up, I thought you were at the end of your fast. Your choices sound perfect for today…..we’ve got this!

    Hi Fit, definately staying busy is the sectret weapon! No time to think of food ๐Ÿ˜Š And ohhhh, this retched count down, I have been waiting for as long as you! Yep you are right, my babies always get the best start, and most would have gone “on the truck” and had no life, so I and they are blessed with our meeting๐Ÿ˜Œ
    Sj, I agree, 4:3 is pushing it for me too. Two fasts a week are enough and have proved to be working for me, so why fix it if it aint broken? Hang in there my friend,almost there๐Ÿ™„
    Where are our newbies??? Don’t give up yet, you are not giving it a chance and we are here to help you….cuddles xxxxx

    Well done to the whole team! CG and GG posting losses, Fit and SJ buckling down for FDs. Yes, how are the newbies doing? I am just going for maintenance this week, taking a muscle relaxer with drowsiness as a side effect, though they should add “except at bedtime.” ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ณ And with me being restless at night, of course the dogs want to go out, TWICE! Lucky for me this morning, we’re out of regular coffee, so I’m sipping decaf and hoping for more sleep.

    CG I can imagine it was sad to see Lexie and Danny off, but it’s lovely they’re headed to a good place. And what delightful new babies you have in your little bovine nursery๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฎ I can’t think of a better outcome for all. And new babies yet to come!! My heart would just melt๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’—

    PH one more terrific week with your Canadians? Enjoy! The porpoise visit with Joel sounded like a blast, bet he was thrilled. โ™ฅ๏ธ So great to see kids experiencing nature, makes you feel like a kid again yourself.๐Ÿ’œ

    Fit you mentioned Pilates, and a lot of the stretching therapy exercises I’m doing are like the Pilates moves I remember. I never went to a class but had a video. Would you do them at home? I am enjoying ESE (wtf not sure what autocorrect did there), just the slow stretch feels sooooo good. The dogs love when I lie on the floor with them๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿถ Best wishes for the carer countdown!!๐Ÿ•’๐Ÿ˜š

    Well gang I’m flat outa air today but just wanted to peek in and cheer on my teammates. GO TEAM! I’ll watch from the bleachers as you ride that horse and punch out those FDs๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒƒ๐ŸŽŸ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ˜xxx

    Hi Jade, I’ve looked at online videos of Pilates exercise programmes but I think, to begin with, it would be better to learn the moves under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Knowing me, I’d end up in hospital if I tried to do the exercises at home! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ I hope you’re starting to feel a bit better and that you get a good night’s sleep tonight.
    I’m quite pleased with my fd today but the proof will be on the scales tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
    How did you go today, SJ?
    My sister was quite good today, more alert and engaging in conversation. A friend of hers came to take her out for coffee and it went well. However, the downside is that she now thinks she should go on a foreign holiday or, at the very least, go off shopping on her own! Hellllpppp!

    Oh dear, Fit – let the carer handle that one for sure. Glad she’s happier but hope it doesn’t fade when the solo holiday doesn’t happen.๐Ÿ˜ณ
    I do my exercises so slowly there’s no chance of injury, but good point – back in the old days when I felt young and spry (last month lol) I’d probably have ripped a hamstring. Almost breaking a few ribs watching US politics this week, holy ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ.
    Best of luck to all the mighty fasters! ๐Ÿ’ชโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’šxx

    Hi Team I had a great FD and weighed in this morning at 75.6. Not that’s only an official loss of 200gr but I suspect what really happened is that I lost more but my weight had crept up after I last stepped on the scales. I’ve finally broken the attachment to daily weighing. I think the 9 week holiday did it – yeah!! So all that extra snacking to keep me warm has piled on more weight and possibly I’d even hit 76 something. Anyway we’re back on track now so no biggee ๐Ÿ™‚ 2 proper fasts next week will have it coming down.
    So Fit yes I did well …….how about you? Don’t worry about your sister. She’ll have forgotten that idea by tomorrow. But so great to see her more alert and conversing.
    Thanks for the cheer squad of one Jade! But then I reckon we’re always cheering each other on mentally even if they don’t know it. Muscle relaxants that make you drowsy except at night sounds like a real poor deal but hope they’re doing the job in the back department. {{{ }}}

    Well it was looking like a beautiful day when I woke up but it’s been snatched away by gloomy grey skies & I suspect rain. A good day for practising my pieces – OH will be thoroughly sick of them by the time I get them ready. 2 of them you would know “You’re the voice” (yes John Farnham) and “Africa” (Paul Simon) The accompaniment to the Africa one is so fast it’s almost unplayable but on the other hand it’s so fast that noone will notice the missed notes or mistakes!! Also trying out a few new recipes and then maybe some knitting. My grandies will EVENTUALLY get their cardies – hopefully in time for autumn in the USA. I’m a slowbee!
    have a lovely day all and don’t blow your results bigtime – just choose your treats wisely and in moderation. suejen XXXX

    Back online again. My son had 4 days off work so I ducked down to help him get his paperwork sorted out to do his tax. Some of it I had. It was forcast to be under 10c all week. A visit to Officeworks and he should now be able to keep on top of it. Then we had another bake day and filled his freezer again. He had been eating a lot of take away not realising how quick it was to get food on the plate. Some chicken and salad ten minutes. Other things in the fridge I shredded and sliced so it is not wasted. Same with potatoes he roasted them up as one big batch and then portioned them out for single meals for later on. He seemed happier when I left not so overwhelmed. Probably not enough vitamin D would not help during winter. Picked up the luggage I lefted behind last time. I warned him that I would not be back until the end of September. Aspleenic Grandsons birthday have to celebrate them while we have him.

    With all this happening and no FD but still watching what I ate only gained 700g. My waist has finally dipped under 80cm. Another indicator ticked off. Still a couple that is not right, time will fix them. I store fat around my waist. Once the weather warms up there will be plenty to do outside. At the moment I am reorganising my wardrobes trying to find wher everything should fit. Spring is not for off asthe early daffidols are flowering.

    Afternoon all, late start today as we have already had a surprise visit from the team to do some “finishing off” They were not supposed to come over again but seem to not be able to help themselves. Anyway more cleaning out and throwing away and going through photos so a very enjoyable morning was had by all. We are presently having a rest and then going over fishing again this afternoon followed by Mexican takeaway for dinner at Daughters we have two days to do our own thing while they go rough camping, walking tracks etc. we had the best day at the Porpoise Pool. Because it is a small operation everyone gets a lot of one on one time with the animals. Joel fed the little fairy penguins for about half an hour and chatted with the girl who,looks after them, learned all of their names and had a great time, also got to shake hands with the Dolphins and have the seal kiss him. Don’t you just love small attractions. So much better than the ones with heaps of people. I’ll post some photos when I have time, too busy at the moment.

    I have started eating much better and feel all the better for it. Starts back on my green drinks and not eaten gluten. Was feeling very bloated and I am managing not to eat each day until at least 11am so very pleased with my effort getting back on the straight and narrow with all that is going on. planning together back into the pool on Monday and Wednesday morning and that will feel great.

    Way to go GG. You are really back into it fully. I cannot do 4-3 either so hats off to also are sounding like your usual happy bubbly self. Lovely๐Ÿ’•
    GG you are sure back into the swing also and also sounding like your usual positive self. It is so good to have everyone back on the thread…loving it. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    SJ you are like me, slowly does but we will get there eventually…we have before and we will again…๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜I on,y weigh once a week as I cannot handle the zig zagging …..I weigh at the same time in the morning after,my second fast of the week and figure that should give me the accurate reading for the week. Good or bad…but at least should be a good I dictation of how things are really going. And if I don’t do two fasts I don’t weigh.

    Can’t remember where you are up to UP but sure you are going great. I did not even realise that the olympics were starting today. So when I get up from my stretch will have to put the TV on and see what’s going on.

    Great going FIT with the shopping trip. Another wedding!! Sounds like a great MOG outfit. More celebrations..just love it. Well done with the fasting too…and Jade, what can I say, muscle relaxants should be great for finally getting your back I order, hang in there , it has been a long road and hopefully will have you back to your old self soon. Meanwhile your sense of fun and posititivity is showing through in abundance. Just love your outlook on life ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

    Hope I have remembered everyone and I’m with the rest of you wondering how our newby’s are going…

    Big shout out to you also Gyps..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ ..bye for now ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Hi team, still having a miserable time, and teary, but assured by the farmer they settled well so that’s reassuring. I think that could be the answer PH, not weighing daily as the zigzags do play mind games don’t they? It’s just habit and has been for so long to just check and I don’t really think it alters what I eat on NFD’s, so going with you on that from here on in๐Ÿ˜‰ What a magic time you are having, and only a week to go, golly, I’m howling over two calves imagine how you will feel when the family returns home ๐Ÿ˜ฐ Get the camera clicking, even if it doesn’t seem interesting at the time, it’s the day to day ones that bring back the memories, not just the special times.
    Still trying to rev myself up, so better get into a few things, loved the lighting of the cauldron on the Olympics, did you watch it? They better each other each time, a lot not in English, but hey, what makes US feel so special!
    Have a great day team, cuddles ๐Ÿ’•xxxxx (thanks for your kind words on FB too)xx

    Hi all!
    SJ, great fd and weigh in, well done! Slow and steady sums us up. I’m down about half a kg, (I get mixed up between lbs and kg), so I’m 66.3 today and feeling positive. Will definitely see 65 something next week! ๐Ÿ’ช I’m so looking forward to the next WTF and having a big sing song with you playing the piano ๐ŸŽน๐ŸŽค What a wonderful talent you have.
    GL, good to hear from you again. What a busy and supportive mum and grand mum you are. I hope all goes well for your son. I’m not familiar with your grandson’s condition but it sounds like you need to make the most of precious times. Every good wish to you and your family.
    PH, you’re really getting back into the swing of things and it will be brilliant for you to get back to the pool to ease out any aches and pains after all that clearing out. Enjoy the rest of Joel’s stay ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    CG, I can only imagine what you’re feeling….it doesn’t matter how much your head tells you that you’ve done the right thing, when your heart is in shreds ๐Ÿ’” The pain will pass, especially as you get caught up in minding your new babies. I haven’t watched the Olympic ceremony yet, but we recorded it last night so will look at it later. Life will probably revolve around the games for the next few weeks as OH is sports mad (watching, that is!)
    Jade, hope you got a good night’s sleep and that your back is improving. I can’t bear to watch US presidential campaign coverage any more…..I’m going into meltdown just thinking about it! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    We’re expecting temps of 24 degrees today so will try to make the most of it ๐Ÿ˜Žโ˜€๏ธ Yippee!

    Even better, I’ve just checked back through my posts and saw that last Monday I weighed in at 67.3, so today I’m a whole kg less! So thrilled and even more determined now not to undo that good work. WE CAN DO THIS! BRING IT ON! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘

    Yeah for you Fit FANTASTIC!! But fancy forgetting what you were or adding some on to it. Won’t catch me doing that ๐Ÿ™‚ might catch me doing it the other way though (if I had a wink emoticon I’d put it here!) sj XXXX
    Keep up the great work Fit.

    Thanks SJ! I was thinking of my weight the previous Friday before I had a disastrous weekend ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Very glad to have made that mistake because I feel so much more determined now not to stuff up.

    Hey lovely Aussies – can I just say, drug side effects can kiss my a**? I’ve had it, if it’s a choice between drugs and sanity (and sleep). I’m choosing sanity for now. Meanwhile, the back brace aka lapband aka Irish foreplay ๐Ÿ˜‚has greatly diminished my appetite. As a result, I’ve not gone shopping and nothing but boring stuff is left in the house to eat. It’s a very complex diet, team, but I think it’s working๐Ÿ˜‚

    Congrats to the mighty fasters! Fit, I prefer kgs, actually bought a kg scale years ago because how cool to suddenly weigh half as much.๐ŸŽ‰ Sounds as though you’re really back on the horse! ๐Ÿ‡ SJ I bet you burn off a lot of calories playing Africa! Lovely that you can share your talent๐Ÿ’›Hope I get to see you and Fit in action together๐ŸŽผAnd well done on such a tiny gain over the long trip๐Ÿ’ช

    CG, can’t remember if you were fasting but you’re right at the threshold again aren’t you – exciting! Big hugs for the empty nest feelings{{๐Ÿฎ}} I’m sure he expected your call, having picked you because you take such loving care with your animals. Do take care not to overdo yourself. xx

    GG are you 4:3’ing again? Great guns, the team is on FIRE๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅwith determination! I must at least get in one fast next week or I might be put out to pasture myself.

    PH Ive never heard of a fairy penguin, but it sounds like something that needs to be in Gyps’s novel. You’ve made so many wonderful memories – dig in enjoy all you can๐Ÿ’œ Happy to hear you are easing back into it and feeling the benefits.

    GL nice to hear you are seeing results too – hugs for the grandson๐Ÿ’• And Up you are glued to the Olympics I bet, sorry I missed the opening ceremonies but happy for Brazil that it was a success๐ŸŒŸ

    All this talk of diet and sports makes me need a nap. Still out of caffeine so I’m going for it – a nap that is! jadexxxx

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