August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

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August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 2,027 replies, has 142 voices, and was last updated by  Yondi 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Day 14 Massachusetts USA NFD I had a yen for a particular restaurant salad today when we were out shopping. Even eating only 1/2 of it, I still had to record almost a days worth of calories. Restaurant eating is deadly. I don’t want to sabotage the progress I’ve made. Today I’ll still be under my TDEE but over 1000 calories. Tomorrow will be a strict 500 calorie FD. It appears that I only lose if I stay under 6000 for the whole week. Of course, I could’ve said “what the hell” and eaten the whole salad but I thought of all my companions on this road.

    Day 15/FD/Melbourne Australia

    Starting my second fast day for the week. Yesterday I broke my fast at 6pm with a lovely homemade vegetable soup with a poached egg and loads of chili. Yum. Looking forward to something similar today.

    It’s good to be back in control after a recent slump. My enthusiasm has returned and I’ve lots of projects under way including a voluntary stint at my grandson’s school. Thank you everyone for your kind support it paid off.

    The weather here has been delightful and I’ve managed lots of gardening and over 13km of walks.

    Welcome to our new friends. Could you please start your posts with the day’s date and your geographic region. Today is the 15th for me but for many it is still the 14th. Confusing isn’t it?

    @keetseel hugs.
    @fatrabbit perhaps the people who are installing the shower can tell her it needs to be closer to her bedroom? We were given excellent support here but decisions regarding modifications were always made to suit the needs of my parents and their carers and not my parents ‘whims’!

    Reading all your experiences made me realise how blest I was caring for my parents. They were always so kind and grateful. I miss them very much.

    Have a great day everyone. Fight the dragons. We’re stronger together.

    Day 15 – Tokyo, Japan – FD 82.6kg

    Fasting Glucose is 95 mg/dl, ketones – neg.

    I’m about 16 hours into the fast. As far as ketones go there isn’t much evidence of fat burning yet. My goal is to burn 1kg of fat this week. Right now it doesn’t seem like I’ve really started yet.

    Lots of stress my work computer died so I’m juggling a lot and having to deal with my corporate IT … It isn’t fun.

    Day 15 Sydney FD

    Had a family dinner last night with some of my favourite food… I don’t usually struggle but last night I had some serious cravings, had seconds and was still hungry! I kept thinking of everyone else who does this and that helped motivate me, but I stayed grumpy 😨

    Fast day today.

    2nd post

    Just received an invitation to lunch with my sister. We haven’t had a chance to catch up this year so of course I accepted. Will try to fast tomorrow. Today is to be enjoyed together with a glass or two of wine. I loove this WOL so flexible and no guilt.

    @dykask sorry you are so stressed. Wishing you well.

    Day 15 NFD Brisbane Australia

    Saw my goal weight for the first time on the scales last night at the gym (they are about 0.5kg lighter than my home one, it’s part of the ploy to keep me going, lol) and again at home this morning. I don’t normally get on the scales that often but was just a little excited. I can’t quite believe how successful this is! So I’ve moved of the plateau of last month.

    @fatrabbit sending you a virtual package of patience and calm for when yours gets low.

    @dykask interesting stats…I suppose ketone production begins when your blood glucose levels go to zero?

    @onahealthlyhigh I hear you – enjoy your no guilt lunch out!

    Day 15 FD country West Australia
    Can’t even remember when I last logged in .
    Have been NFDs and some way over the top NFDs courtesy of many many day trips up and back to the city, sitting in hospitals etc since last post.
    My darling mum still in hospital and not doing great.
    I didn’t realise that places of health could lead to such unhealthy food choices – stress and anxiety perhaps ?

    Anyway, just glad to have time to draw breath and post.
    Hope to catch up on about 10 pages of posts tomorrow when I am having a day off.
    I really have missed this forum and the support one receives here, not just for our WOL but life in general.
    Go well all.

    Day 13 NFD st Louis USA
    Day 14 FD St. Louis USA
    Weight 133.4

    Back from vacation and back to my fasting routine. FD today and again tomorrow for back to back. I was anxious to weigh in and see how I maintained. Was pleased to see I had only picked up a couple of ounces. My stomach feels flatter and firmer than before. I’m thinking that by continuing the longer walks and not snacking I should be able to maintain pretty well. I hardly snacked aynall on vacation, was watching what I ate but not fasting, and walking a couple miles every day. Started back with my kettle bell class today and felt really strong. Also returning to work tomorrow. Short week though. Scanning through to catch up on posts.

    All my best to all of you.

    Days 11-12-13-14. QuΓ©bec. NFD

    I did not post for a few days because Î was in the forest with my sister. No Wifi, good life !
    Ok I did not fast but I ate mindfully and reduced my portions. Plus I did not eat any refined sugar for six days today. Very proud of myself !

    Have a good one everyone x

    Day 14 yikes almost half way thru the month… NFD for me, I’m away for a few days so will only fast 1 day later this week.

    Day 15, Norway, NFD

    Good morning. I had a weigh in this morning, fast day yesterday. I started this journy 31.july, and my starting weight was 94,4kg, today my scale showed me 91,1kg. (From 208lbs to 201 lbs)

    Yesterday i guess i drank way to little water. I just read the thread for newbies about the body getting 40% of daily fluids from the food we eat…and since i ate nothing until 7:30pm (about 22hours since last meal the day before), and i only manage to drink about 24oz (7dl) of water during the day, i had the worst headache in a long time. Even woke up at 2:15am, had to take a headache-pill to get to sleep. Today its almost gone, and im gonna be a lot more active with my water bottle.

    I actually only lost about 500gr (1,1 lbs) the past week, but i put on a pair of skinny jeans, and they fit even around my tummy, without hurting the heck out of me πŸ™‚ so i’m happy and motivated.

    This week i’m gonna be as good as my first week, on my NFD aswell, tracking and getting to know my kcal’s.

    Have a good FD og NFD peeps πŸ™‚

    Day 14 & 15 SW WA USA NFD

    Day 14 turned into an NFD. Day 15 will also be.

    Day 15, Norway, NFD.

    I started out at 207lb 3,7 oz (94 kg) last monday, and after my third fast day yesterday I now weigh 200lb 6.4 oz (90.0)! Yay! I can see and feel that my belly is smaller, it feels amazing! This is SO motivating!

    Have a great day everyone πŸ™‚

    Day 15, UK, NFD (I think)
    2 weeks in to the challenge and 0.7kg / 1.5lb down. C-. Must do better in the 2nd half of the challenge. Which will prove troublesome as it will be my summer hols.

    @mari84 congratulations!! Feels soooo good, doesnt it :):)

    @maayyaa thank you, and congrats to you too, we are superfasters! =D *high five*

    Day 15 – Ireland – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, scales this morning have me down by 2.5 pounds. That is still 1.5 pounds higher than last week’s breaking the 10 stone barrier so will be focused this week with no big nights out planned. I want to get to 149 pounds before my holiday at the end of the month so need to motor on. This WOE is excellent though, I plan not to break my fast until 1pm today….but I do have a boiled egg with me just in case the dragon roars at 10am break time

    @debster251 thanks for the tips re exercise for shin splints. I do miss my exercise, I am not doing even my morning walk while I wait for this to heal. But as I do at least 12k steps a day just in work I guess I am covered.
    @keetseel – thanks for the sympathetic ouch. OUCH is right! Never even heard of shin splints before this 😐

    Day 15 Newcastle UK NFD.
    Busy day .

    Day 15 – Woking, UK – NFD
    Good fast day yesterday. Planning a controlled day today and gym tonight. Am on track for another 4lb weight loss this month.

    Thanks @debster251 for hosting this month. I’m going to draw a line for August and see you mid September when I return from vacation.

    Very best wishes to you all.

    Day 15 UK FD

    So close to my August goal now so will try FD again today ( 2nd of B2B) . No “food fuelled outings” this week so should make good progress…. hopefully!
    Good luck to all today!

    Day 15 UK CD

    Coda your ride and picnic sounds wonderful, what a lovely mother’s day gift!

    dykask – interesting, how do you measure ketones etc?

    keetseel – so hard for your OH to be hit with the big C after a β€˜healthy’ life. I hope his chemo goes ok. You can only be patient and give him love and support.
    ((hugs)) to you.

    fast day ended up as a cd but the scales still stubornly stuck at 153lbs! Another cd today, I will fast til lunch time when I’m out with friends.
    Plan of campaign is back to 16/8 on control days and 2 fast days.

    Grandchildren arrive this afternoon for 3days, just hoping the weather will be kind, dry would be good!!

    Pocket winos, I’m still on the wagon til Saturday.

    Day 15, UK, CD (1700 calories)

    Wonderful how quickly I have been able to get back into this – usually when I have a blip (can I class 2 weeks as a blip!! hahaha) bad habits stick for a good month or so after! But the fasting has kicked me back into the routine I had last month where my NFD are in fact Control Days… I will continue in this vein for the next month or 2

    Have a great day all

    Day 15, Wales, NFD

    Little bit hungry on yesterday’s FD, but kept well under my 800 limit – total was 580 calories. Strangely no hunger this morning. So good to read of all your weight losses, its keeping me on track.

    Have a brilliant Tuesday everyone.

    Day 15 Belfast NFD
    Had a good FD yesterday, coming in under 500 cals. The day before yesterday, I comment to OH that we hadn’t had much rain and I kept having go to water the veggies/baskets. Be careful what you wish for, was the reply. Well, boy did it rain. I can’t complain now! Thankfully, the sun is out this morning.

    @chumi – good luck with your thesis. It’s a stressful time for sure.
    @coda – it sounds such fun and what a beautiful part of the country!
    @keetseel – it sounds like a stressful time for you and your OH. Wishing him a speedy recovery and you strength to deal with everything that goes with coping with such a difficult time. Xo
    @slim2fitit – welcome and what great self control. Well done! I’ve added your name to the spreadsheet to use if you wish. Good luck.
    @ducks_d great result. YayπŸ‘
    @lilymartin – sending best wishes to you and your mum for a quick recovery.
    @maayyaa and Mari 84- great success. Very well done!πŸ‘
    @Strawberriesandcream – enjoy your break. Are you off to somewhere nice?

    We had about 133 on the forum at the beginning of the month but quite a few who haven’t posted recently or at all. Are you out there? If so, do drop in and let us know how you’re getting on.

    Halfway through the month. Stay focused everyone.


    Day 15 Netherlands 26:8

    A successful fast yesterday (also managed s 5k run and tennis in the evening) and 2kg loss on the scales this morning. I know it will bounce up again but this is lowest I’ve been for 3 years!!
    OH suggested I change my fast day from Thurs to Weds as he’s taking his son into Rotterdam and says he can feed him there making it easier for me. They are also going to the footie on Friday evening so I’ll be able to do 3 fasts this week. Would normally only do two but as we’re off on an all inclusive holiday next week, I’ll do 3 as a bit of pre-holiday damage limitation and hopefully still reach my two kg target this month!

    Reading all the comments has given me so much motivation so thank you everyone.

    Day 15, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B)

    As is typical for me, I’m starting a B2B2B today to coincide with a hectic work schedule, it makes fasting so much easier when I don’t have time to even think about food!!

    @mari84 & @maayyaa – BIG congratulations on eradicating such big numbers, I can see you both doing your happy dances now!!! You should make a note of today’s date so you can re-read these inspirational posts when you hit that (possible) rocky patch down the road, it really gives you a boost just when you need it the most!!!

    How long does it take for a lesson to be learnt…………….. well in my case about 6 months!!!! Desperately seeking snacks (specifically, cheese & onion crisps) yesterday, but the cupboard was bare!!!! I COULD have jumped in the car and headed for the shops, I COULD even have raided the freezer or I COULD have whipped something up in the kitchen, but I didn’t and now I REALLY do believe…………………… If it isn’t in the house, I can’t eat it!!!!!!!

    Stay strong everyone, keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!

    @ducks_d a persons blood glucose should stay higher than 70mg/dl while they are alive! Lipolysis and many other processes can actually help the liver create new glucose for the blood. Certain parts of our bodies have to have glucose, about 30% of the brain, red blood cells and the kidneys are the main ones. Even a person completely in ketosis still uses some glucose everyday. Glucose is so extremely important that our liver can even break down proteins to make it if necessary.

    You might be thinking of insulin. I’ve heard it many times that one can’t burn fat until insulin is zero. That is also wrong, however the higher insulin is the more glucose is getting converted to fat. There is always some breaking down of fat going on, it is just there can be a lot more creation of fat happening than breaking down of it. In fact almost every metabolic process is occurring at any given time to some degree. The chemistry is complex.

    When we are fasting, our blood glucose shouldn’t be spiking up and maybe even a little lower than normal. That causes the amount of insulin to drop amongst other changes. This helps the body break down more fat. That produces fatty acids and even more glucose for the blood. The fatty acid synthesis also leads to ketone production. Ketones can be used as fuel for many parts of the body, including about 70% of the brain.

    The nice thing about ketones is they can be easily measured. The bad thing about them is that they literally stink. Ketone breath isn’t pleasant! However when the body is using a lot of fat there should be ketones spilling out of the body.

    A lot of these concepts are talked about in Dr. Fung’s and Peter Attia’s blogs.

    I’m sorry if my simplistic descriptions are too far off the mark for anyone. Metabolism is complex.

    Day 15 UK FD/NFD?

    Had a good catch up on posts, great to see such lovely support and good wishes to those having a bad time, also really great to see some fabulous success stories. I’ve had time to reflect and can see that when I relaxed to go on holiday back in June I’ve never got back to really good habits – I’ve put in some effort and then had mini blow outs – time to get real , I know I’m a slow loser so I’m going to lay off the scales for a little while and just concentrate on eating healthy and cutting out all the “extras” that have crept in ,up my exercise and just take it from there – oh and pocketwinos I’m definitely in for no mid week drinking and I’m cutting down at the weekend .still half the month left I intend to make it count

    Day 15 North Wales NFD

    Going to go for a good control day today and I am going to do another fast day tomorrow as I am going to my sisters for a long weekend. Love this way of life πŸ’–

    @mari84 & @maayyaa congratulations on your weight loss. Losing weight feels so so good πŸ˜€

    Good luck to everyone today. Onwards and downwards πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

    Follow up … stats

    24 hours into my fast: 80.2kg

    Blood glucose was 90mg/dl & started to see measureable amount of ketones ~.5mmol/l.

    Basically I’m just really happy to see some ketosis happening 24 hours in. I think about six months ago I didn’t see any changes until at the end of a 36 hour fast. My diet is too high in carbs to normally have many ketones produced.

    Weight dropped 2.4kg quickly, but I was extremely busy so many that had something to do with it. That 2.4kg will mostly be water and will come back quickly.

    26 hours in now … ~74 hours to go.

    Day 15, Gozo Malta, nfd

    It’s a feast day here in Malta and Gozo, the feast of the assumption of the mother of Jesus Christ. We’re off to church soon and then it’s duck soup and duck breast fried with curry. This evening I’m going out with my school friend for dinner. So I had only coffee with milk this morning.

    I went to my daughter s flat this morning as one of my granddaughter had fever yesterday but tomorrow I babysit both of my granddaughters.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone, enjoy summer. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 15 – Scotland – ???
    Yesterday FD went very well. It’s just what I needed to press the reset button. I almost feel like fasting again today, but it will probably be a very controlled day. I hope that by Friday the scale will show me the same figure I saw at the beginning of the month. I feel so well when I eat well that I seriously don’t know why I keep binging so much and so often!

    Day 15 – South Wales – FD (to make up for yesterday!)

    @mari84 and @maayyaa – congratulations! Great news on your weight loss, very inspiring.
    @lilymartin – sincerely hope that your mother is much improved soon. Isn’t it terrible that it’s so hard to find healthy food in a hospital, of all places.

    Sorry for not having posted for a while, working away & travelling and a challenge to find time to check in. Hint of a shift from my plateau with a 2lb drop on the scales, finally. Hopefully this means my 4-6lb target may still be within reach this month.

    Good luck all!

    Day 15…….Florida…..NFD

    Yesterday was a very successful day! Yeah me! I drank all my water and stay under my 500 calories! I’m not weighing myself this month until the last day of the challenge, So I have to keep my FD strong and my NFD controlled!
    Boy was getting in all that water a tough endeavor, mainly because I just started drinking to drink it with no real thirst. Good thing, I only awoke once last night to visit the porcelain princess!
    Today, will be a controlled NFD with lots of water!
    10 years ado, we moved from NY to Florida and I was on maintenance phase of weight watchers maintains mt lowest weight of 130lbs. It took me a little over a year to get to that point. With moving to a new state and the stress of starting a new life. In 10 years, I let my weight creep up to an astonishing 165lbs. I’m only 8lbs away from 130lb. under which I’m hoping to reach by my one year mark the first of Nov.

    Well, I’m off!

    I was addicted to the hokey pokey then I turned myself around!

    Day 15, Belfast, FD
    Day 14, 13, 12 NFD

    Had a wee trip to London at the weekend to a one-day music festival. Did so much walking that I think I eradicated a couple of pounds lol! Back to porridge now, though. Will try two FDs this week and no booze until the weekend. I managed this last week…I’ve no money left so that should help, hopefully πŸ˜‰

    @fatrabbit and @keesteel – sending virtual hugs

    Catching up on posts. Brilliant support being offered on this forum.

    I’ve compiled a pocket list for today – hope I haven’t missed/added anyone by mistake.

    ***DAY 15 POCKET LIST***
    +++Together we are stronger+++
    Anybody fasting today can just copy and paste the list, adding your name at the end.

    @sirisan B2B
    @mia139 B2B
    @flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)


    Day 15 second post
    FD going well so far but it is 7pm and I am ravenous!
    I have drunk plenty of water, coffee, tea, Vegemite in hot water but what I would really love is the doughnut filled with custard sitting on the bench!! It’s siren song is calling to me even though I am in my office .
    Reading the posts to keep me strong.
    It feels so good to do a decent FD after so many uncontrolled days.
    Hanging out for tomorrow morning – without wanting to wish my life away!
    @fatrabbit, it is so difficult to look after elderly parents. Age can make some people even more difficult than when they were younger.
    I can’t really give much advice and don’t know what to say to make it easier except for you to know that your 5:2 friends are thinking of you.
    From my experience, some deep breathing, some counting to 10 and then trying to speak in a kind but firm voice can help ( but not always).
    As someone has already said, sometimes we have to remember what our folks did for us.
    And sometimes we have to accept that no matter what we do, it will never be seen as good enough.

    Day 15, Emden Germany, FD

    ***DAY 15 POCKET LIST***
    +++Together we are stronger+++
    Anybody fasting today can just copy and paste the list, adding your name at the end.

    @sirisan B2B
    @mia139 B2B
    @flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)
    @snowflake56 2nd of b2b


    Day 15 – USA (Utah visiting) – NFD

    Yesterday turned into a very CD with just about 900 calories. Scale happily showed 157.8 this morning, so maintenance is going very well.

    Yeah for everyone showing significant losses – Norway gals I noticed you both had good results in just 2 weeks on our WOL. It sure seems to me that this pattern of eating works well on us Nordic types!

    Taking both granddaughters to salons today for hair/pedicures in getting ready for school. I’m getting a pedi myself along with them. They start school next week, so we are also shopping for school clothes and items.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 15, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    Successful FD yesterday. Under 500 cals. Weight down to my target goal again after 5 days of indulgence. Feeling already better after one FD. Today another FD.
    @lumat: Yes, why are we doing the binging when we know it makes us feel unwell?
    Have a good Tuesday everyone!😊😊😊

    Day 15 USA NFD
    A good FD yesterday, so going for control today to keep the good going! A successful reset after indulgence is a great feeling!

    Day 15 – USA – NFD

    @keetseel, sending best wishes for your husband and comfort to you; @lilymartin, hope mom is recovering and you know this is just a short season of hospital food – you really have no choice if you want to stay with her and you will rebound after a few FDs, I’m sure! Your priorities seem straight! @flourbaby, your self-control is showing, good for you, as welll as @brightonbelle, what a good example of resolve!

    HI Day 15 USA.
    Yesterday was a successful FD and I feel so good that I am going to continue today =).
    Congrats! @mari84, @maayyaa and @dykask
    hugs!!! to @fatrabbit (Hope you find best solution) and @lilymartin
    Have a good FD or CD =)

    Day 15, Guildford UK, NFD

    Struggling still, this month it will be enough not to gain I think.

    Still there is time, I am below TDEE each day and I am back exercising.

    Have fun all, weather is glorious.


    @rainbowsmile … you can do it!!!! we are in the same boat =)

    Day 15 California USA FD?

    Waving to everyone from up on the plateau. Only .2 of a pound lost on yesterday’s FD and I came in well under 500 calories. I’ll probably do a second one today. Feeling good though! Maybe it’s time to get an exercise routine planned.

    @strawberriesandcream – Have a great time on your vacation!

    @daffodil2010 – Congrats on the 2.5 pound loss after yesterday’s FD!

    Good luck to everyone everyone who is fasting today and stay mindful if you’re not!

    Day 15 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    Well yesterdays FD went sideways so I’m doing a FD today. I had my teeth cleaned this morning so I’m not wanting to eat anything.
    I’m going to try a Miso soup packet today and see if I like it. It’s low in calories but high in sodium so we will see if I retain water.

    @lilymartin & @keetseelΒ  – Sending you positive thoughts. πŸ’ πŸ’

    Be strong all my fellow pocket winos!! πŸ’ͺ

    Have a good day everyone. 🌻

    Day 15 Massachusetts USA NFD Hubby made me a BLT, on a bagel yet, for breakfast. So now I have to eat nothing until dinner. I’m aiming for 800 calorie range today and a FD tomorrow. We go to Italy in a month and I sure want to be closer to my goal by then, thus the 6000 calorie/week plan. No wine yesterday, today, or tomorrow!

    Day 16/FD//Melbourne Australia

    Yesterday’s lunch wiped out any benefits following Monday’s fast. Very enjoyable but looking forward to today’s reset.

    We don’t need to give a 100% everyday we just need to make everyday 1% better to make a difference. To borrow from @at if we don’t change anything nothing will change.

    Have a great day eneryone.


    Hear hear @onahealthyhigh ! I agree its not 100% every day but just that bit better. I seem to go 2 steps forward and one step back but in the end the journey is still moving forward…or downward in this case! Aiming for a control day today of around 700-800 cal. Also walked this morning as I have not been doing enough exercise. Scales same this morning…see what tomorrow brings.
    Have a good day all

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