August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

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August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 2,027 replies, has 142 voices, and was last updated by  Yondi 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 851 through 900 (of 2,032 total)

  • Day 11-12-13, Emden Germany, NFD

    Hello to all. Thanks @molij I will keep your advice on mind. Friday is a FD :D.Let’s do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Day 11 – USA, Milwaukee, WI – NFD

    I was discouraged to weigh in after my 2nd FD and have no change this week, but I am happy not to see an increase! It’s been less than a week, so I will weigh again tomorrow and go back to weekly Saturday weighs.

    The first time I did 5:2, I ate nothing on my FD. This time around I am eating 500-600 calories in one meal around the dinner hour. I have found it makes me more obsessive about eating on those days, as I am thinking about that meal…and I am wondering if water fasting is the way to go for me on those FDs.

    I’d love to know if anyone else just doesn’t eat at all on FD, and why, and how it has been. Thanks!

    Day 11, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    @sydwil2 a few of the fasters waterfast only on their FD.

    Day 11 Vancouver Island
    Off to visit family for a few days, my goal is just to enjoy myself and maintain my current weight.
    Happy weekend everyone!

    Day 11 California USA NFD

    Well, last weekend’s potato chip binge aside, I think I’m officially on a plateau. I’ve been in the 138’s/62’s for about 2 weeks. Yesterday was a FD eating under 500 calories, and the scale was exactly the same this morning. Oh well, it’ll pass. I’ll keep an eye on calories today even though I hate to count on NFD. One good thing, a pair of cargo pants that I hadn’t been able to zip up now fit.

    @sydwil2 – Looks like we’re in the same boat this week. Stay strong!

    Day 11 Chicago, Illinois USA – FD

    Happy Friday peeps.

    Day 11, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Yesterday I had a three course dinner and I went over my tdee for sure. But today was another day and I’m fasting at 800 calories with a 14 hour fast this morning.

    Happy Friday everyone onwards and downwards

    Day 11 – McMinnville Oregon USA FD
    I had a good CD yesterday and I’m not feeling hungry this morning so I think I will go for a FD today.

    Good job Pocket Winos 🍷 We are stronger together. πŸ’ͺ
    @rox – Push the RESET button πŸ›‘
    @steve toon taxi driver – Have a wonderful time at your sons wedding πŸ₯‚πŸ’ πŸŽ‰

    Day 11 — ABQ –NFD

    Good luck all you Friday fasters!

    Just wanted to post –
    @stevetoontaxidriver – best wishes for tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll have something in your eye more than once. I hope all your friends and family have a lovely day. The weather looks set to be lovely.

    Day 11 Cornwall UK

    Fasted til 12.30 totally forgot I was on an fd! Still just had raw veg, small piece of goats cheese and an apple, so not so bad! Tonight chicken and lots of veg, with our own raspberies/strawberries with greek yoghurt for pud.
    Still NO alcohol though just having a tonic with ice and lemon!

    Another busy day cleaning and clearing the spare bedrooms. More dcluttering and several bags ready for the charity shop tomorrow!

    Planning a controlled weekend, though their will be a glass or two of red tomorrow evening after a day at MILs cottage.

    Busy busy! Onwards and down πŸ™‚

    Day 11 UK NFD

    Norway, FD

    My second FD is coming to an end, haven’t been too bad actually. Excited to see what the scale shows tomorrow morning. I was hungry this evening, but the my 1yearold woke up and I have spent the past 1.5 hour trying to get him to sleep, so haven’t had the time to feel hungry. But I found myself more on edge, not too much patience today, but I guess that is to be expected.

    Good luck with the wedding @steve taxi driver, and you people on a plateau: keep it up, and as others have said; remember all the other benefits the fasting gives you! I hope you experience a whoosh very soon! And as veterans, you can show us newbies that it is possible to keep up the good work even when on a plateau. Because sooner or later we will also get there and need to remember that you guys could do it πŸ™‚

    Going to bed soon, happy with my FD πŸ™‚

    Day 12/16:8 NFD/Melbourne Australia

    @flourbaby hugs for you and your Mum

    Doing a happy dance. The scales are edging down towards my happy weight. I’m a kilo and a half below my goal weight this morning a loss of 750gm. This despite my recent slump, a nasty head cold and not fasting for two weeks. Most days turned into 16:8 CDs well below TDEE. Pocket winos it’s worth the effort to conquer the snack dragon. @steve toon taxi driver looking forward to drinking a toast to you and your family this evening.

    On Thursday I made the decision to stop at the bakery and buy a meat pie AND a vanilla slice. All very Aussie. I sat in the sunshine and enjoyed every mouthful. Yes I can do this, it’s not the slippery slide before a rebound because this WOL allows this. Not having to deny yourself something you fancy makes this an easy life style to follow. As long as you don’t do it every day.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 11 – SW WA USA – NFD

    @awilson – I think we drove through your town on the way to the ocean. Staying at Inn at Spanish Head for a couple of days. Am so enjoying the view of the ocean & getting onto the beach to beachcomb. Caught some lovely pictures of starfish & sea anenomes.

    Didn’t eat until a few hours of walking on the beach. It feels so good to get the fresh air & exercise. Doing a 16:8 today.

    @steve to on taxi driver – blessings on your son’s wedding. Have a wonderful time!

    Day 11 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Another busy day – too much socialising this week – too much food and wine – Oh Dear!!!!!!!!

    Day 12 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 80.7kg

    After working out and a shower I was down to 79kg. After that I broke my fast. Last month I was having trouble dropping back, this month is going better. It is strange I felt weak but I actually did more tan ever for a Saturday morning … 138 pushups and already over 100 floors climbed, 8268 steps. However my activity tracker sometimes cheats me, so the numbers are conservative.

    My plan isn’t to fast until Tuesday and that fast will be a multiday one if I can stick it out. My family leaves on a trip Tuesday morning, so I have a few days to fast without freaking out my wife.

    @vsinanaj – I can’t eat on fast days, eating drives my hunger. Anyway you are pretty tall. 58kg would put you at a BMI of 20.8, that is pretty lean. Even at 75kg your BMI is only 26.9 … maybe a little plump but not horrible. Women also need more fat than men. Here are my suggestions:

    1) Try to remove as much added refine sugars as you can. They can sneak into a lot of foods. You are doing well, so now is a time to double down.

    2) Exercise is for building up the body, it generally isn’t that effective for weight loss, at least directly. As you build muscle it does push up your BMR and that does help keep fat off. While there isn’t anything wrong with walking more, going from 5000 steps to 6000 steps a day is a small difference and it is very easy to eat more calories than you burn in 1000 steps. Consider maybe starting some bodyweight exercises, something like planking for 5 minutes a day. Something to build a little muscle rather than just trying to burn more fuel.

    3) There is something off with your diet if you are gaining fat on that few of calories. Maybe you have a hormonal issue. Only you know your body so you may have to experiment to figure out what works. For me my biggest issue is added refined sugar, that is why I push on it. However to be honest I see lots of people the don’t have the issue I do with it. Anyway the idea behind fasting really is to not eat. The calories are allowed for people because it can be too hard not eating anything. I think your food choices are good, but consider trying to get a many hours without eating as possible. When you don’t eat for a long while is when the fat burning happens. When we don’t eat much but we eat often that can cause higher blood insulin that can mess up our metabolism. Frankly, I think snacking should be strictly avoided from dinner to breakfast. The longer we go without food everyday the more chances our bodies have to burn off some fat.

    4) Results can take time. We don’t get fat in a day and we don’t lose the fat in a day either.

    It is always nice to see new people … I wish you luck on achieving your goals!

    Day 11 Massachusetts USA NFD I did well today having company and staying below TDEE, even with going out to dinner- I skipped the bread and potatoes. Tomorrow will be my 2nd FD for the week. I’m comfortably in jeans that didn’t fit me last summer. 😁

    Day 12 nfd,uk
    Hoping to keep calories below tdee
    Surprised and happy when i got on scales this morning,down to 76.7 kg from 79 on 1st August
    This WOL is easy
    Good to have all the support and advice here in the forum

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Day 12 NFD Sydney AUS

    Went to a chocolate festival today – and only had one dessert!!!!! So happy with the fact that I ate that way and didn’t feel like I was denying myself, but really enjoyed what I ate and felt satisfied.

    Good luck to everybody this weekend with fast days, non fast days, control days, etc. πŸ™‚

    Days 12 & 13, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Day 10, Guildford UK, NFD
    Day 11, Guildford UK, NFD

    Massive overeating this week and pocket wino as a holiday has taken over.

    Still feeling anxious, still awaiting the results of my court case.

    Day 12 NFD

    I went for an Indian meal for a friend’s birthday celebration. The portions were huge and we left a lot. It made me realise how my eating habits have changed and I ate it mindfully. There was more food on the table that I’d eaten for a week! Interestingly, three out of four of the group are following the 5:2 or the blood sugar diet. Pocket winos, very controlled alcohol intake too, with lots of water. 🍷
    Welcome vsinanaj – I have added your name to the spreadsheet. Feel free to input or not as you choose. This is a great forum with lots of experience and sound advice.
    @tea-girl20 – glad you enjoyed your theatre. I love open air performances.
    @sydwil2 I would be inclined to start this WOL just as it says in the book, sticking to 500 cals if you can on a FD, and do 2’FDs a week. When you’ve settled into a routine, then start experimenting. You’ll read lots of variations on this forum, but they are usually people who’ve fasted for a while. When FDs become routine, they become easier.
    @Chitowngal- I love the word ‘peeps!’
    @onahealthyhigh – keep dancing! I totally agree with you regarding denial. Most of us have dieted a lot during our lives, and this is a WOL, which includes the occasional sweet treat, a glass of wine or two, or a little of what you fancy. Life’s too short.
    @dykask – wise words.
    Losing_it – great self control!
    @at – you’ll soon be back on track.
    @rainbowsmile – enjoy your holiday. Have you a date for the outcome of your court case? Thinking of you. Xo

    I forgot to do my planks yesterday😲 so I’ll have to make up for it today!
    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Day 12,Wales, NFD

    Hope everyone is well. Enjoy the weekend whatever you’re doing. Pocket Winos -Cheers!

    Day 12 North Wales NFD

    @steve toon taxi driver. Hope you and your family have a wonderful day xxxx

    @rox hope you had a successful fast day yesterday.

    @onahealthyhigh I too had a few treats yesterday. I think it is important to treat yourself every so often as long as it is not too often. Friday is my treat day. I have been retired for over a year but Friday night is still special πŸ˜‚.

    Day 12, UK, FD
    Well, Day 11 didn’t go as planned. At 17:30 a perfectly executed FD suddenly turned into an eating and drinking orgy. Pizaa, chicken drumsticks, nuts, beer, wine. First FD in nearly 5 months that hasn’t gone to plan. Oh well, today better be a FD instead then.

    Day 12 Newcastle UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ let my hair down day lol. If I had any πŸ˜‰
    Thanks for everyone’s kind message.
    This is the last of my three children to get married. 4 Grandchildren 2 girls 2 boys and one on the way. Feeling very blessed.
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 12…..Florida…..FD

    I have to work on the fine rainy Sat. Morning, so a short and sweet little posts to let you know come hell or high water, I’m resetting today!

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    I was addicted to the hokey pokey and I turned myself around!

    Day 12, London, UK, FD.

    So I’m with @bert1802 today…………… pressing down on that reset button, I NEED this FD to clear my head and enable me to sigh in relief. I love the feeling of a successful FD!!!

    @steve toon taxi driver, warm, dry but a bit overcast ‘Down South’, hoping it’s the same if not better ‘Up North’, have a fab day!!!!

    Keep the faith people, this really does work!!!!

    Norway, NFD

    So I have a question: both today (day after 2nd FD) and on Wed (day after 1st FD) I have felt a bit off, like weak and tired (not sleepy-tired, but no energy tired). Is that normal? Might be other reasons, I am after all a working mum of two small boys, but this has felt different…

    Day 12 USA NFD

    Day 12 – USA – NFD

    Day 12 – USA – NFD

    Busy day being grandma yesterday – sure was good though. DD lives in a new complex that is set into the mountainside, so I feel like I am constantly climbing either stairs or paths between swimming pools. My thighs are getting a great workout!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 12 FD. Yesterday was supposed to be a fd but I broke it for personal reasons. I’m committed to it today and tomorrow, I’m actually aiming to break on Wednesday. I am trying to challenge myself. FD are usually not the problem, I haven’t gotten in the habit of eating mindfully and healthy on NFD. If I can do that I will be very happy.

    Day 12 – McMinnville Oregon USA NFD
    Today I drive in to Portland to meet a girlfriend. She is a fellow photographer and we are going to photograph the Pan African Festival downtown. Should be fun but I will be eating out. My goal is to have a CD of eating.

    @annemarilyn – Yes we are on the way to the coast. You are staying at a wonderful location, enjoy πŸ–

    @rainbowsmile – Sending you positive thoughts for your court case. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Your can press the RESET button tomorrow.

    Day 12 – SW WA USA – NFD

    So enjoying the ocean. Am with a better travel partner; makes all the difference. Today we head back to our places but plan to make a couple of stop along the way. School start is getting close so it’s been nice to get in an ocean trip.

    @mari84 – in response to your FD query, it’s really important to keep hydrated on a FD. Also, some have noted that they need to be sure to be sure to have salt during the day. One way to do that is to have a cup of bouillon at some point. Every FD is a little different. Listen to your body. Some FDs I stay on liquids until noon & then maybe have a little fruit and a piece or cheese or some cottage cheese. Then the remainder of the 500 calories at the evening meal. Other FDs I do liquids all day & then the evening meal.

    Day 12 Netherlands 16:8

    Might have enjoyed last night’s wine a little too much, hoping that my run this morning limited the damage!Must do better tonight, must do better tonight, must do better…
    Sticking to 16:8 during the school holidays seems to be helping food intake as it’s tempting to nibble all day.

    Good luck to anyone fasting today!

    Norway, NFD

    @annemarilyn I have been drinking sparkly water (1.5 L) and water and coffee on my FDs, but maybe I need even more. The sparkly water should provide some salt, but perhaps not enough. My urine (sorry for the tmi) has been pale, so I thought is was fine. But next FD I will try more salt and more water. I have been trying to (almost) water/liquid fast, as I feel that is easier. I have had 3-5 rye crackers (35 kcal each) for the moments where I am really hungry, but nothing else. Well, I am not giving up, and I will try some bouillon for lunch πŸ™‚ thanks for the input πŸ™‚

    Day 12 – Cardiff – NFD
    No weigh in today as we are away for the weekend.

    Days 11 and 12 NFDs St. Louis USA
    2 more days on vacation at Gulf Shores

    I think I actually might have lost a bit of weight. My belly feels flatter and firmer. Maybe all the walking. Walking every day minimum of 11000 steps, yoga in the morning and yoga flow class yesterday – in spite of ice cream every evening but no snacks.

    @stevetoon. Happy family wedding.

    All my best to all of you.

    Day 12 – UAE – NFD
    Day 11 – UAE – NFD (weight-in 78.8)
    Day 10 – UAE – FD

    I have not posted for the last 3 days! I weighed-in Friday, 78.8kg, 0.4 kg down from last week.

    Day 12 California USA NFD

    Day 12 Vancouver Island
    Happy weekend everyone !

    What a day I haven’t stopped, wines open!

    happy weekend everyone.

    Day 13/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    @mari84 My advice would be to try the basic 5:2 way of eating. As a busy young Mum it is very important to keep up your energy. While limiting calories on fast days is important what you eat can also help. I’d suggest you increase protein and eat a variety of fresh vegetables either in the evening or as several small meals throughout the day. I chose to modify my family’s favourite meals. It really is important to find a way of eating you can sustain in the long term otherwise this just becomes another diet. Some people successfully water fast. I can’t but I did manage a steady and sustainable weight loss by following Dr Mosely’s guidelines.

    @rainbowsmile thinking of you

    @annemarilyn and @lyonlottie enjoy your school holidays. You deserve them.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Some good advice and links I’d also add Dr Mosely’s recent advice to switch to a Mediterranean diet and limit processed foods and carbohydrates. The advice is no longer to eat whatever you like, nutrition is important.

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