Day 6 UK NFD
This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.
Day 6, Cornwall UK, NFD
Weekly weigh-in shows a 1.3kg loss this week, down to 80.3kg. Thats a big relief and a pleasant surprise as I ate a lot of nuts and sourdough bread over Easter. And some booze was consumed too.
I think the 2-day fast on Wed/Thur this week was very effective. I’ve never done 2 consecutive days of fasting before but really wanted to get 2 days in this week after our visitors had gone. Hats off to those of you doing 3 consecutive days as I found 2 quite difficult. At least its done now and I know its possible.
Gotta stay focused this weekend as its easy for the weight to bounce back. Really looking forward to breakfast – just have to make sure its not lashings of buttered toast!
Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
So three FD’s in a row completed. A few pounds lost since Monday’s shock post Easter weigh in, but no change between today and yesterday, and still up from end March weigh on. Oh well. The Easter Epic Face Stuffing has caught up with me after a super March. Oh well.
Onwards we go. It is the weekend, but taking the above into account I pledge that today there will not be any snacky treats. I will enjoy some red wine, really looking forward to that, and a healthy chick pea chilli dinner to have with that.
Tomorrow I won’t count calories, I may have popcorn, but there will be
1- NO Guinness or beer
2- NO crisps or chocolate
3- NO white carbs such as pasta, rice, bread, potatoes.
@dysask I snorted my coffee in laughter at your post regarding trickery to do the painful planks on your own. Ha ha, it does feel like that sometimes. All the planking going on has shamed me into adding an outstretched arm plank into my meagre morning plank repertoire 😄
@anna6 I love reading about the meals you cook, but yesterday’s lasagne had me drooling. It’s the simple things. Enjoy that red wine today, as will I 🍷
@penz and @flourbaby…..we made it through? I hope you guys did better than me, slightly disappointed but it’s given me a kick in the butt for the weekend.
Oh and @penz, super kudos for 3 LFD’s in a row. I did that once way back at the start of 5:2. I found it easy….but now I struggle to complete a full LFD at all 😁
@megs99 well done on losing that Easter weight!
@michelinme enjoy your very well deserved holiday.
@arelkade I know that all is well with the world when I see you being the first poster in a new day. At 7.47am your time it was 10.47pm my time the previous day, so goodness knows what time it was for our friends on the West coast of USA. I love the international feel of this forum.
@ Shinything I am going strong with the yoghurt making. Last night I put some berries in with the fermented yoghurt, gave it a blitz, oh my, it tastes delicious……and so good for me. On your recommendation I now only use full fat organic milk and it truly makes a difference. Thanks again for your help with this.
@debster251 you have not posted in a while my friend. Hope all ok with you.
Today is a good day to have a good day.
Day 6 Newcastle UK NFD 🏴
Great FD yesterday until I got home and the wife had cooked me a meal as Thursday is not my normal FD.
I couldn’t bring myself to say I’m fasting. Hey ho that’s Easter throwing a spanner in the works again. Back to my normal routine next week fasting Mondays and Wednesdays.
Day 6 – UK – Reading – FD
I did a super controlled FD yesterday and the scales only showed 100g down. Deeply disappointed. But then read that @daffodil2010 suffered the same fate, so I shouldn’t belly ache about it. I seem to remember reading someone experiencing it before. So I’m trying again today, and then I’ll relax over the weekend.
And homemade yog sounds nice. Do you have a special yoghourt maker, or just put it in the airing cupboard?
Day 6 – London – FD
Ok I managed an FD drinking water, marmite hot drinks (thanks @cornish-jane I think for that idea) and a well enjoyed fish finger sandwich!
My problem is eating, dah!
Like many once I start I can’t stop and cooking whilst on an FD (hats of to those that have to do it) even if it’s healthy sets of triggers in my brain so I tend to over stuff this as well.
The ff sandwich hit the right spot, tasty, chewy, and because it’s carb dense satisfying and filling – no further cravings.
I got through my day of liquid only by promising myself an ff sandwich, it helped I didn’t have the contents of the sandwich in the house so I couldn’t be tempted until I bought the goods shortly before I ate (8pm).
I have such an unhealthy relationship with food I can’t have large quantities of anything in the house, thankfully this is not so difficult since it’s just me and OH now and we live a 5 minute walk from a supermarket so shop daily and OH is very easy going so doesn’t complain (he eats his junk at work) and his main pleasures dark chocolate and red wine aren’t mine, thank goodness.
I’m not going to feel guilty about the ff sandwich at this point in time but do hope that once I really get into this I can choose a healthier option to use my 500 cals on or maybe I’ll have to work up to a liquid fast only and not eat at all.
As I’m on a roll and OH working pattern means I don’t need to cook three nights a week I’m going for another FD today with that satisfying sandwich as my treat, bad as it is!
@ciren2 thanks for starting the FD pocket list adding my myself today.
Thanks everyone for all the varied posts keeping me on it and honest. Ta x
Day 6, Newcastle UK, CD
Yesterday’s FD turned into an EFSD for a positive reason. We went out and accidentally bought a new car. ‘Just looking’ was what we said to the sales consultant – although we were just looking at 3 vehicles that I’d researched beforehand. Anyhow, everything fell into place and that culminated with a celebratory dinner out. I’m meeting a friend today for lunch and will make a healthy choice.
Hahahahah @Shineything – there wasn’t but there is now!
Thanks for feedback on Nordic poles @kerryn73 & @metatauta – I’ll go for a free taster session when my foot is better.
@fatfingers – you weren’t quite up to my neck of the woods but not far off.
Spring was short lived yesterday. Today is grey and miserable.
Have a good Friday folks – together we are stronger.
Plank post … Made over 5 minutes again but it took two planks a couple hours apart. My mid-section is requesting a day off from planking.
Day 3: 2:30
Day 4: 3:04 + 2:10 = 5:14
Day 5: 3:20
Day 6: 3:30 + 2:36 = 6:06
@daffodil2010 nice to hear someone else will be planking. Sorry about the coffee.
Day 6, London, UK, NFD
Well the B2B2B is over, I’m chuffed that I successfully stayed below 500cals for all three days, well done fellow pocketeers on completing your B2B2Bs @daffodil2010 & @penz – I don’t think I could have managed to make mine all liquid though – but, I’m copying you and patting myself on the back too!!! I think the tricky part is still to come ………………. The 4 mindful NFDs to follow!!!!!
@dykask ………LOL……… yes we were just tricking you, I’ve never done a plank ………… ever!!!!! Only joking, I’m still doing it but following a schedule I downloaded so I increase my time in 10s increments ………… I suppose I could post to confirm that I ACTUALLY did them rather than the time!!!!
Off to pilates now, Happy Friday Fasting to those who are, and control, Control, CONTROL for everyone else!!!!!
Hmmm … my fasting has more CONTROL than it did before, I even cut out diet soda. I’m motivated because my belly fat is shrinking. My new diet drank is about 80% straight tea and 20% club soda. I figure it is better than a diet cola. That and black coffee and water make up my fasting feast. This fast is going better than my last one. I think my mid-section is in too much pain to feel hunger.
I’m glad that @flourbaby is also planking.
Day 6 Devon, UK CD
No scales on holiday to weigh myself but have tape measure for holiday knitting project (chihuahua coats)! My fat suit has shrunk a little here & there but I’ll take any sign of progress. Proud to be down 0.5in hips, 0.3in neck and 0.8in left thigh! I had a dream my waist had shrunk in the night but sadly not yet true. Overall fat suit loss in 137 days – 4″ from bust, waist & hips, 1″ from neck and 3″ from thighs.
Little goals /motivators- I’m only 1lb from being 150-xlbs, and 6lbs from being 60-x kg & 10stone x. I might have to go for a bra fitting soon – good bras are Foundational 😀 – my wonderful extravagence. Going to add that to my April list of appointments.
Well done @cornish-jane @daffodil2010 @flourbaby @penz for your tenacity in B2B FDs,
Well done everyone for being here! Whether we’ve gained, lost or stayed the same, had great FDs or climbed back on the waggon, we’re all making conscious small changes in our lives to make things better for our Future Selves. Signs of new life – it all counts, and it’s all progress!
Day 6 – Netherlands – NFD
FD yesterday went great, ended at 498cals. I felt really good all day and drank lots of water, definitely went better than my first FD. Also, I didn’t wake up today with a headache, so I’m very happy with that.
This morning I had some skyr about 1,5hrs before my CrossFit class. Just to make sure I wouldn’t feel lightheaded. Maybe next week I can try a fasted workout. I am used to fasted workouts, but not right after a FD so I’m still trying to figure out what works for me.
Now going into 3 NFD’s this weekend, will be a busy weekend with lots of people coming over but my goal is to stick to 2000cals a day – a bit below my goal weight TDEE.
Congratulations @flourbaby, @daffodil2010 & @penz on finishing your B2B2B, and well done to all the plankers out there!
I’ll probably check in after the weekend, but I’ll keep following your posts for motivation&inspiration!
Have a great Friday everyone!
Day 6 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD
The scale was very kind to me today, as I have now reached my goal weight and my BMI is now at 22 compared to 28 when I started this WOL mid January of this year. I did it. Now I need to learn maintenance. I don’t ever want to go back to were I was at 15lbs heavier. Life is good today.
Any advise on maintenance would be very helpful.
The best preparation for tomorrow is to be the your best today. Have a great Friday everyone.
Day 6, Rocky Mountains, US, FD
Planning another FD. Adding myself to today’s pocket list:
@teddy bear
Have a good Friday everyone! 🌷🌷🌷
Day 6 – USA – FD
Adding myself to the list today:
@megs99, welcome! Forgot to add you to my welcome wagon yesterday…@Diana123, congratulations on achieving maintenance! That’s my goal by this summer and it’s a great club to belong to!
Day 6 – UK (Aust) CD
Day 5 – CD
Day 4 – NFD
Great flights with Emirates to Dubai and then Melbourne – excellent service and very comfortable seats……….all settled at my sister’s and so excited for my niece’s wedding on Sunday – will be a hot one – 30 degrees predicted for that afternoon!!!!!!!!
Managed to do good NFDs whilst travelling followed by a couple of CDs since leaving the UK (stuck to OMAD – one meal a day – for those days with good success) = weight stable at 53.5kg this morning💃
Tomorrow will be wedding eve for my niece – the 2 bridesmaid will be staying at the Mother of the Bride’s house (aka my sister) so it will be a relaxing evening with lots of bubbly 🥂 and finger food as requested by the girls (worst temptations for overeating for me – lots of nibbles so difficult to keep count of how much you are eating!) – my sister and I are shopping tomorrow to organise the food for that and also for the morning of the wedding 👰💍 on Sunday, whilst they have hair and make up done and the ceremony is at 3pm in Como Gardens in Melbourne. I will need to keep a note of what I am putting in my mouth or it will end up being an EPS time 😈 as @flourbaby so correctly describes those times!!!!!!!!!
@dingping – my OH swears on the benefits of beetroot shots – he takes one about before any races or a fell run – recent health claims suggest beetroot can help lower blood pressure, boost exercise performance and prevent dementia…..
@mia139 – Welcome back – Together we are definitely stronger!
@toddybear – I very much like “You don’t get what you wish for you get what you work for….” so true
@jinantonix @babansonia @fitalora @smardie @megs99 @shimmera @sophia235 @mrsbw – Welcome to the April Challenge – you have taken that first important step!
@fatfingers – great to have a very supportive and understanding OH on this journey
Welcome to @noseinabookgirl – great to see your commitment to yourself ❤️
@ccco – I was given some very wise advice regarding evening eating – change what you do when you get home and use a smaller plate/bowl to serve your food in so it appears that you are eating a lot but in reality it will be a smaller serve than normal and brush your teeth after your evening meal – all helps and and also reduces the temptation to eat again……
@strawberriesandcream – new 🚗 by accident……..enjoy it
@ Ciren2 – it ended up being a very Controlled Day so don’t be hard on your self
@dykask @kerryn73 @cornish-jane – with planks it is a good idea to start with 30 secs or 60 secs for each type with a 15 sec break in between e.g. 60 sec high plank, 30 sec elbow plank, 30 sec rt side plank, 30 sec lt side plank, 60 sec elbow plank and finally 30 sec high plank with a 15 or 30 sec break between each one depending on how you feel slowly reducing the break to nil then start increasing length of each segment. The reverse plank is a great bodyweight exercise for strengthening your core and your posterior muscles. If you perform the exercise correctly, it will isolate and strengthen not just the gluteal muscles but also your hamstrings, abs and lower back. NB:-Some research apparently shows there is no benefit for holding any plank position longer than 3 mins!!!!!!!!!
@lilymartin – well done on that under 500cal FD 👍
@kerryn73 – those of us who are retired have no choice but to find a way to complete a FD – I find busy days filled with walks, meeting with friends and doing yoga help keep me focused
@fitalora – I find that I have lots of energy after a FD – in fact I often do a 90min Yoga class or go for a 2hr hike the morning after a FD and don’t break my fast until lunchtime or even later the day….
@shinything – you are doing a great job keeping track of everyone on this challenge 💐 I will keep posting as much as I can whilst in Australia – will probably now be absent until next week sometime …….
“Don’t exchange what you want most for what you want at the moment”
Day 6 – UK – Reading – FD (almost eating desk legs) 2nd post
Thank you @shinything. Wow! No wonder you are all raving about this – it looks terrific. Will order some and give it a go (not sure whether I’m being influenced by empty stomach, but will risk it … 🙂 Roll on dinner …
Day 6, NFD, USA
Big time happy dance. First time doing 3 LFDs in a row (save for one spoon of peanut butter on Wed night). It was easier than I thought, and I might make it my new pattern for a while. The scales showed a 2 kilo drop – I know 2 kilos in 3 days is a “fake weight” drop, but it’s a very real, and much needed, psychological boost. That, and I feel better!!!
Well done to my fellow B2B2Bers – it really does help to know you’re out there too. But as you say, FlourBaby, the challenge now is to get through the next 4 days without falling into a EFS frenzy. I’m hoping my stomach has shrunk enough that I will listen to my body telling me when it’s full, and then STOP EATING!!!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Day 6 Oregon USA NFD
Well I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleased to see my same number from a couple of weeks ago after my vacation and only one semi FD this week.
I have watched my calorie intake every day and going back to daily weighing now.
After losing my initial 10 pounds have been stalled out due to non-compliance on NFD’S and a few EFS events.
With my sites on August event and how I want to feel then I am feeling recommitted and know what I need to do to see results.
@daffodil2010– your post made me realize that I hadn’t seen a post from @debster251 in awhile either. Of course I was away but now this week–hope all is well there.
Missing seeing some of the regulars and longtimers but love the flexibility of this forum.
@flourbaby–was your holiday fantastic?
@michelinme–enjoy yours now!
@annemarilyn–the rain is killing me!! After that glorious sunny week in California. Grumble, grumble.
Lots of wheels in motion now for my new business. Hoping to get all off the ground by August!
Here’s my sign off for the month (btw @bert1802 I had to read yours twice but was LMAO after)
“Have 🔥 in your soul and grace in your heart.”
Happy Friday all!
Day 6 – Washington, DC – FD
Hi everyone! I really enjoyed reading through your posts. Keep up the good work everyone! Almost one week down.
Just broke through a week-long plateau. Thankfully, I could tell I was still losing fat since my scale as the fat and water weight percentages. While my weight stayed the same, I witnessed as my water weight % slowly grew and just dropped this morning 🙂
Right there with you @flourbaby, @dykask and @stoic on the planks. It’s great to feel our bodies getting stronger.
Congrats on the new car @strawberriesandcream
Great job on the B2B2Bs @cornish-jane @daffodil2010 @flourbaby @penz — looking forward to trying that sometime this month.
@dykask My fast days are the same, sparkling waters, tea and decaf coffee (personally avoiding caffeine). There is a brand of zero calorie sodas I really like here in the states, Zevia. The make stevia sweetened, naturally flavored sodas and sparkling waters. If you can find it over there or ship it, I highly recommend it.
@songbirdme What I do instead for my back is several intervals of 10-20 sec planks. That way, you still get the benefits without the strain on your back. Let me know if you try it out.
Pocket list:
Day 3 UK FD
Nearly the end of my 2nd FD. I went for a walk on the Seven Sisters today and felt really sick and weak. Felt better after a bean salad. However for dinner, hubby made me an amazing low cal chicken and veg curry with cauliflower rice. I am so full and feeling the benefits of the 5:2 already 🙂
ccco USA Day 6 FD
Congratulations to all those who are doing so well, including those great B2B2B fasts, something I have not been able to do so far. Mine are all 24 hour fasts with some being 500 cals. and others as water only fasts. So far, I am doing very well today!
Thanks, AT, for the input. It’s good advice I shall definitely take. Also, that wedding sounds wonderful! Reminds me of my daughter’s wedding last year! So much fun!
My planks and my personal training done for the day! I really do exercise and have more energy when I exercise when fasting! It certainly helps me!
Have a great day, all!
Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
@rainbowsmile with extra
@hyacinth plus extra 😱
@catch87 plus extra!
Extras build up to 100 setups (crunches) and 100 squats
Still going for it. Stayed quiet as I am a tax accountant and yesterday was the last day of our taX year. So so busy…….
Managed the exercise and had two CFD.
Day 6. Belfast NFD
Thank you @ Shinything for hosting and I loved the opening post. Thank you also to @at for her most excellent stewardship. Welcome to all those starting on their journey. You’re in a great place.
Been MIA for a few days. I went to Kilkenny in my caravan for Easter and came back with 4lbs excess baggage. On the positive, I met up with my boys. My friend’s daughter is getting married next Saturday to a Portuguese man and his brother is coming to stay for a few days before the wedding, so a bit of decorating in the spare room is required. I also tried on my dress for the wedding and pleased to report it fits with plenty of room to spare. I went out and bought a jacket as the weather is so unreliable, and a pair of shoes fell into my shopping bag. Outfit complete.
Nice to see you again Ciren2, Lilymartin and fatrabbit.
@strawberriesandcream I’m with you on not drinking in the house. Enjoy your new car!
@rainbowsmile I’ll give the plank challenge a go but I’ll be pleased with one minute to start with! And many, many congratulations on your results my friend.
@annypanny and @daffodil2010 – your mum will always be in your heart, and when you look in the mirror a little part of her will look back and smile.
Thank you @dykask for your take on protein. With your grit and determination I don’t doubt you’ll be king of the planks by the end of the month.
@annypanny a CD for me is around 1100 – 1200cals whereas on a NFD I generally don’t count calories but try to stick within my TDEE, which is around 1900 cals.
@fatrabbit – don’t let this little setback get you down. You’ve been through so much and have succeeded despite it all. Stay strong.
@flourbaby – seems like you had a great holiday! Just climb back on that wagon.
Have a great trip @at and enjoy the wedding in your lovely dress.
Congratulations @michelinme on fitting back into that coat.
@cornish-jane what an achievement. Fantastic!
@anna6 congrats on the news of a new grandchild
@fitalora – I do a strenuous swimming class in the evening of my Monday fast day and actually feel exhilarated. Then, on the Tuesday morning, I do a Pilates class before I break my fast. I Don’t be afraid of it.
@shinything, now I’m home, I’m going to give your Bulgarian yoghurt a go.
Thanks for the shout out @mjrbcd and @daffodil. How are you enjoying your kefir, @daffodil?
I’d love to reply to so many more, but I think this post is long enough. Am firmly climbing back on the wagon.
Onwards and downwards
Day 7…NSW Australia…NFD
Hi everyone
It’s 7.30am Saturday and all is well in this part of the world. Thank you @daffodil for you lovely comment.
Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!
Day 7 – UK (Aust) – NFD (hopefully staying within TDEE!!!!)
About to go out with my sister to get flowers and do some food shopping ready for the pre wedding onslaught……..Beautiful sunny day with a top of 23 predicted for today but atm a cool 15 degrees!
Official weekly weigh in this morning on Australian scales 53.5kg same as yesterday 💃
Wishing everyone a great weekend and enjoy whatever you have planned today 🤗
“The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters” Audrey Hepburn
Day 6 – SW WA USA – NFD
Travelling home today. Yes, have been missing the sun too @mjrbcd44. Finally found some in Centralia as I stopped for a break.
@at I went and read some of the people claiming you shouldn’t plank for more than 3 minutes. Some of them even recommend doing crunches instead which is not only mostly useless but also a good way to hurt yourself. I’m not very impressed by these claims. The reason I’m doing over two minutes now is because I built myself up to over 5 minute planks last year. Some days I did multiple planks to get up to 15 minutes. Sure it makes the muscles sore, but that comes with muscle building. I think planking is a good core exercise. I just have to have a good book to deal with the boredom.
I agree the way to build up to larger planks is by increasing time on smaller planks. However I can tell you from first hand experience that 10 – 15 seconds planks is very easy compared to 1 – 2 minute plank, at least until 2 minute planks get easy.
Day 7 UK FD
I didn’t eat anything until after six pm even though it wasn’t a fast day yesterday. But then ate three bowls of curry and so my weight stayed the same. It was parsnip and sweet potato, a new one, and very very nice made with a single huge lovely fresh parsnip from someone’s allotment. They are so different when truely fresh. Creamy instead of chewy. I combined it with sweet potatoes, peppers, spinach and chick peas which worked really well. Another one to make again. Flavoured with chili, coriander, fennel, cardamom, nutmeg and a touch of ground clove.
Day 7, Newcastle UK, FD
Easter weekend, new car celebratory dinner, lunch with friend yesterday & chip buttie lovingly prepared by OH last night, have all taken their toll. Back into 10 stoneland by 1.4lbs.
In order to get my quota of 5 dry days per week (I’m currently behind), I’ve gone through my diary and marked every dry day to end April – which leaves me with only 4 days on which I have social events planned.
@diana123 – Wow, wow and wow!!!!
Great progress @penz.
Sounds yummy @fatrabbit.
Have a great weekend friends – I know we will. NEW CAR DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Days 6 & 7 UK NFD
Had reasonable NFD yesterday. Fasted again till 8pm but then was out for family dinner and probably went over calories somewhat but was very enjoyable meeting up with some family not seen in a while. Today will try to be extra careful as also going out but plan to drive so will not add to the calories with wine!
Trying to stay focused, reading all the posts and gaining inspiration and lots of support!
Day 7 – London – CD
Managed another FD successfully yesterday (sorry, fish finger sandwiches are working for me at the moment!).
Not broken fast yet and completed 5k aerobic exercise for 45 minutes and feeling good.
Weight now back to what I was before I went off piste in March.
Feeling positive and hoping I’m back into the 5:2 mindset and hopefully the healthy FD eating bit will follow to.
@diana123 – such modesty, how fab to have reached your goal you must be whoop, whooping inside! Congratulations.
@at – Can hear the delight in your posts in the joy of your Aussie trip and all the wedding prep, so glad you are having a great time, what wonderful memories you will bring home.
As for beetroot juice I have got OH onto it as well and now drinks it before a run. Only downside so far is that it makes me feel a bit icky, not so bad if I drink it after my other health drink turmeric tea.
Going to North Wales for walking and being outside Sunday – Tuesday so hoping my mindful eating can be carried through.
Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy what ever you do. Ta x
Day 7, London, UK, NFD
Yesterdays’ NFD was so controlled it was practically a FD!!! 850cals because I was sooooo busy that it was an OMAD rather than 16:8 as usual. The dragon was roaring throughout the day but I was determined not to make unhealthy choices and start the avalanche, so I just waited until I got home …..………………. Who IS this person!?????
How are my fellow Arid-April (ers?) @jaifaim & @bigviking fairing with the weekend temptations? Friday night is usually MY night, but with the scales being (whisper it) friendly, I refuse to sabotage it for a cheeky shiraz & a headache!!!!
I see you @diana123 doing that happy dance!!!! Congratulations on making it to your “GOAL”!!!!
@mjrbcd44, thanks for asking, the holiday was +5lbs worth of fantastic, but that’s almost all gone after the B2B2B this week, I made some lovely memories with my mum and she’s worth it!!!! Glad to see maintenance whilst on holiday IS possible, I just need to learn how!!!!!
There’s lots of re-committing, re-focusing and actually listening to our bodies this month, you’ve hit the nail on the head @mjrbcd44, my recent lack of success has really been down to “non-compliance on NFD’s”.
I must stay focussed on this NFD and not consider yesterdays’ success as ‘banked’ to cover less successful days.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
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7:17 am
6 Apr 18