Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,171 total)

  • Day 3….Florida…..FD

    I did pretty well until I gotten home from work, then Matilda saw the Easter candy and worked her way out of her cage…. I finally got her back in but realized her lock is a bit wonky. Hopefully, she stays in there today.

    I’m hoping for another FD today, plus I’m also going to try and get more water in! Water helps with the weight loss it’s just tough to get it all in!

    I can’t wait to go from trying to working!

    Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you….
    What do you do?
    You get your drunk ass off the carousel!

    Day 3, UK, FD
    81.3 kg this morning. Yesterday wasn’t as arid as it should have been. Hoping for a better day today!

    Day 3…NSW Australia…NFD
    Just checking in.
    Lots of posts today!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 3, Newcastle UK, CD

    Lovely weekend, guests now gone home. Had planned an FD today, but joined in for breakfast of hot cross bun bacon butties – which no doubt cost me around 600 calories. So it’s a CD instead and will plan for FD tomorrow.

    I’m totally behind on posts but wanted to check in for accountability.

    Together we are stronger.

    DAY 3, Hampshire, UK – FD

    Hi @shinything

    Thanks so much for hosting!

    I’m just back from holidays, so I hope I can join late?! Please could you add me to the googledoc?

    Quick intro about myself as it is my first post of April
    I started 5:2 over 3 years ago and I love it. Since starting I have lost well over a stone and I have achieved my intended goal weight several times.

    However, I tend to gain weight when we go on holiday (which I’m lucky enough to be able to do frequently) and so have found that I actually need to set my Goal Weight to be lower than my Maintenance Weight if that makes sense!

    I just got back from holiday yesterday so I’m not going to weigh myself at the start of the challenge, but will add my post-holiday-weight-minus-one-FD to the googlesheet tomorrow!

    I am finding today’s FD quite hard as I haven’t fasted since 19th/21st March – always harder when you’ve lost the habit!

    Good luck to all 🙂

    Day 3 North Wales NFD

    Day 3 – Dubai – NFD

    Just checking in. @strawberriesandcream – wow, hot cross bun bacon buddies, sounds delicious.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Day 3 – UK – NFD

    Hello I’m at Manchester airport patiently waiting for my flight – heading to Dubai @stoic before connecting for flight onto Melbourne ☺️

    Thank you all for the messages about a safe flight and good holiday xx
    @flourbaby – I’m sure I will be sampling lots of lovely Ozzie Wines 🍷🥂during my stay – may well need a dry May on my return 😉
    @leggit – hold tight and we will pull you back on that wagon
    @songbirdme – I’m sure you had a fab time celebrating that 10th birthday with your granddaughter @ciren2 – I’m thinking of you and holding on to you for your FD today x

    Flight about to board so catch up when I can……..

    Day 3, UK, NFD

    Even though I had a successful fast FD yesterday the scales wont budge 😡 . Sometimes I think they might be broken 😂 . Oh well, we carry on …

    Our pocket list really tends to go awry from time to time haha, people get deleted, or fail to add their name, or get added by mistake 😂 , or we start 2 lists 😂 . We must watch it like a hawk 🐦

    @helg I find that I have more problems with food on NFD, I guess finding the balance and routine in NFDs is the next challenge?

    @dingping please report how it went with beetroot juice for BP and golden milk/turmeric tea for anti inflammatory properties, I’m always interested in finding more ways to improve health, and I have high BP.

    @catch87 enjoy your upgrade and London 😀

    @suresh3101 don’t be too hard on yourself, you did ok, you didn’t put any weight on and lost some, so the direction is right. On we go in April 😀

    @fivetwofan5252 welcome back! I saw someone adding you to the spread sheet, its always funny when you open it and see someone else doing something, you feel a bit like a voyeur 😂

    @stoic I like your signature “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.” I think I’d like to adopt it 🙂

    Have a great day everyone and stay the course 🤗

    Day 1 UK NFD
    Day 2 NFD
    Day 3. NFD

    Many thanks to @shinything for hosting the April challenge. I started the challenges last April and lost arounf 11 Kg. Then I stopped following the forums and gained back around 4.5 Kg. So starting again with this April challenge with the aim of getting back, at least, to where I was last year!
    I have added my name to the spread sheet with my goal for April.

    Good luck to everyone as we start a new challenge and a new month.

    Day 3, FD, USA

    Day 1 of B2B2B!!! Thinking of you FlourBaby! I also overdid the booze yesterday but had a lot of fun.

    Day 3 – UK – NFD

    Shuffling the days round this week as ‘stuff’ taken over…. So tomorrow will be my first of the week and also scheduled to do a longer training ‘run’. I’ll so that straight after I get up but it will be interesting to see how the rest of the day goes.

    Lots of inspirational posts and histories and also lots of ambition for the month!

    You don’t get what you wish for you get what you work for….

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Day 3 – Nebraska USA – NFD

    Hello all! I weighed myself this morning and am pleased to be back on track again…LET THE LOSING CONTINUE!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 3 – SW WA USA – NFD (still visiting in Eastern WA)

    Enjoying spring break even though the weather is cooler than anticipated; sticking to closed shoes instead of sandals. Have been enjoying a little in the treat department but staying mindful. It’ll be interesting to see what the scale reads after a week away.

    Welcome back @mia139! It’s good to know a way to dispatch the weight that found its way back.

    @strawberriesandcream – anything with bacon is usually pretty tasty! As you said, you just worked it into your day. I’m trying to work on consciously thinking what is going into my mouth. I do like the flexiblity of the 5:2.

    Some wonderful sign offs. Thanks for the encouragement. Together we are stronger indeed!

    Day 2 – Washington, DC – NFD
    Day 3 – Washington, DC – FD

    What I love about fasting–it’s soooo flexible. I ended up eating too much chips and salsa Monday night, so today is a fast day! So far going well.

    The Pocket List:

    2nd post

    Welcome back @mia139 and welcome @jinantonix who added themselves on the SS (spread sheet):D

    I check from time to time and if needed move names to be in alphabetical order, so if you added yourself at the bottom and your name is not there, please check under the first letter of your name 🙂

    Day 3, Surrey (UK), FD

    What a wonderful husband I have! We’ve been away for a couple of days, visiting my elderly uncle in the North of England. We had a long drive back to Surrey today. My hubby suggested I make this a FD. Brilliant idea! He went out for a full English cooked breakfast, whilst I had a boiled egg and some nuts & seeds (I had these with me). For lunch, we both had fruit. Sitting in the car, there were no nibbles to distract me at all. There’s a dinner for him in the fridge already for tonight. I just need to stay the course until the end of the day. I might have a cup of beefy drink later this evening if the going gets tough, but all being well I should just beat the 500 calories target today.

    When I started this challenge a few months back, I worried that my husband would distract me with endless offers of chocolate, sweets, etc. In fact the opposite has happened. He’s really supportive now that he sees I’m serious about this WOE, and he really wants me to succeed. It just goes to show, the set-backs we fear don’t always materialise. I am one lucky lady!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Day 3 UK FD

    Yesterday’s reset FD was a relief after Sunday’s EFS of around 3000 calories. I found myself craving crunchy salad so had it twice, total calories 700 Delighted to give away my remaining Easter egg to friend’s children today – again, feeling surprisingly liberated.

    Now trying to use up fresh food before holiday – made & frozen 6 pots of carrot & ginger soup, & baked the brown bananas into flapjacks – thank you for the recipe @cornish-jane. I chucked a lot in there but it didn’t quite work – not sure if I got the quantities right for texture or taste! Perhaps next time I’ll add a kick or crunch – fresh ginger or grated citrus, plus sunflower seeds or similar. Fantastic to start with a sugar-free/fat-free base!

    Only 400 calories so far today and feeling stuffed after two flapjacks & a portion of salad so banking a FD. The rest of the day will be packing and catching up with odds & ends of emails and admin.

    SO looking forward to spending time with my lovely friend in Devon. He’s using my visit to reset his eating, so easty to keep fasting & eating low carb. I’m hoping to follow his patterns & reset sleep/wake & exercise, daily yoga, meditation and spending chunks of time reading and writing while he’s working. Also looking forward to trying out his local swimming pool in my new suit -hoping it’s not too big after the 20lb weight loss. Oops.

    Today I fit back into my spring-weight coat for the first time in 3 years, so sending that off to the cleaners while I’m away. I can feel myself moving more confidently and comfortably, feeling both gentler and more grounded – definitely shedding more than the weight.

    Loving “three months from now you’ll thank yourself” thank you @stoic. 3 months at my tortoise rate is approx 12lbs/5.5kg – I’ll hold on to that :

    Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

    The Pocket List:

    Day 3 UK 2nd post – the other one disappeared! Sorry if duplicate

    Yesterday’s reset FD was a relief after Sunday’s EFS of around 3000 calories. I found myself craving crunchy salad so had it twice, total calories 700 Delighted to give away my remaining Easter egg to friend’s children today – again, feeling surprisingly liberated.

    Now trying to use up fresh food before holiday – made & frozen 6 pots of carrot & ginger soup, & baked the brown bananas into flapjacks – thank you for the recipe @cornish-jane. I chucked a lot in there but it didn’t quite work – not sure if I got the quantities right for texture or taste! Perhaps next time I’ll add a kick or crunch – fresh ginger or grated citrus, plus sunflower seeds or similar. Fantastic to start with a sugar-free/fat-free base!

    Only 400 calories so far today and feeling stuffed after two flapjacks & a portion of salad so banking a FD. The rest of the day will be packing and catching up with odds & ends of emails and admin.

    SO looking forward to spending time with my lovely friend in Devon. He’s using my visit to reset his eating, so easty to keep fasting & eating low carb. I’m hoping to follow his patterns & reset sleep/wake & exercise, daily yoga, meditation and spending chunks of time reading and writing while he’s working. Also looking forward to trying out his local swimming pool in my new suit -hoping it’s not too big after the 20lb weight loss. Oops.

    Today I fit back into my spring-weight coat for the first time in 3 years, so sending that off to the cleaners while I’m away. I can feel myself moving more confidently and comfortably, feeling both gentler and more grounded – definitely shedding more than the weight.

    Loving “three months from now you’ll thank yourself” thank you @stoic. 3 months at my tortoise rate is approx 12lbs/5.5kg – I’ll hold on to that :

    Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

    The Pocket List:

    Day 3 UK FD

    Second post. Realised I’d put this down as a NFD when it’s actually a FD. Made some vegetable soup and having only this today.

    Thanks for the welcome back @shinything and @annemarilyn.

    ccco USA Day 3 NFD

    FD went well and now I am off and carefully counting calories on my NFD. Went to personal training this morning, rowed on my rowing machine, and did my Planks. Unfortunately, not walks today, as it is another rainy day! Take care and have a successful day everyone!

    Hi I’m new to this challenge and a couple of days late – sorry. First day after a pretty big blow out Easter and I’m keen to get going. I am 59 – no longer working, and I live in a small (but cute) village in Cambridgeshire. A few years ago I lost around 50lb and have been putting 10lb off and on again ever since. Well, this year has a 60th Wedding Anniversary, a new Wedding and a big trip to New Zealand for by 60th in December – and I really want to be ‘the best me’ I can be. I’m going to try fasting Monday & Tuesday (life permitting) and if necessary I’ll put a third one in. I am also yoga’ing 3 days a week, taking 20 mins exercise (as counted by my fitbit) and walking a mile each day. These are my commitments to ME.

    Day 3, Gozo, Malta, fd

    I’m going for 850 calories today.

    I’m going to have red wine over the weekend only.

    I just weighed myself and I’m 67.7 kilos after coming from Sicily Sunday night and eating three to four courses meals there plus their delicious pizza. Yesterday was a fast day and so is today. I’m fasting tomorrow also. So I’ll weigh myself Thursday morning. Hopefully I’ll lose some weight from last week and also any weight gain from the Sicilian food I consumed last week.

    Have a great evening/ night everyone.

    Day 3 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Graddaugter’s Birthday was very nice! Only had one cupcake and some vanilla ice cream as she opened her presents. So fun getting to be with her, her sister and DD their mother.

    Cold and rainy here in Illinois today – spring around here never is very good, but hopefully summer will come early. It’s not as bad as I hear other places are being hit with lots of snow!

    Hopefully will have time to read posts later on. I’m back home to lots of commitments and activities…. never a dull moment for this retired music educator!

    Onward and downward.

    Hi Noseinabookgirl welcome to this friendly forum.

    2nd post

    Good FD until I heard a Cadbury’s Creme Egg calling me. It would not stop. I ignored it for an hour but eventually I cracked. Did not really enjoy it truth be told. And after I had eaten it, only then did I decide to check the calories. 177 calories for a few mouthfuls 😟

    So I am now at around 690 calories all because of that stupid Creme Egg. Right, brush my teeth and keep out of the kitchen. Tomorrow is a new day

    Joining you @flourbaby and @penz on the Tuesday-Thurs B2B2B

    Day 3 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧
    Day 2 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧
    Day 1 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧
    Thanks to @at for hosting in March and to @shinything for taking charge of April much appreciated.
    We’ll here we go again. Really enjoyed Easter far too much. I’m not looking at the scales until next Sunday lol.
    Wishing everyone a successful April.

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Second post: @anna6, glad to “see” you after your holiday! Sounds like you enjoy yourself in everything you do! @noseinabookgirl, welcome! I am also an avid bookworm; if it were up to me, I would read all day, every day.

    Thank you @shinything for hosting.
    I went a bit quiet last month – that’s a bit how I am. I enjoy reading the posts but don’t necessarily feel the need to write something myself.

    Happy fasting!

    Day 3 – Massachusetts – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD wasn’t too bad, but more like a CD – probably came in around 850 (mostly) healthy calories. Will count it as a victory and the scale rewarded me with a drop in a couple of pounds of water. I think I will write down what I eat here, like a food diary. That will keep me on track, because I’ll be too embarrassed to write about the junk food I might otherwise eat. Writing it out will also make me control my NFDs, which have been a problem for me in the past.

    Please feel free to skip my posts, as they are mainly to keep me on track (or join! post your food dairies). Calories are estimates based on my portion size. I cook for one, so sorry in advance if you see a lot of repeating meals.

    What I ate yesterday:
    Breakfast: spinach omelet ~100 cal
    Dinner: Salmon, spinach, rice, ~ 500 cal
    Dessert: cinnamon banana oatmeal, ~200 cal
    + 2 lemon drop candies. ~40 cal

    I was feeling too hungry after dinner so I had some oatmeal and that did the trick. Going to try for a real FD tomorrow as long as I don’t have lunch plans.

    What I am eating today, more repeat meals of yesterday: goal is around TDEE, which is ~1300-1400
    Breakfast: small latte with milk no sugar ~90 cal
    Lunch: spinach egg white munster cheese omelet on sourdough ~300 cal
    Snack: blueberries ~90 cal, protein bar 120 cal
    Dinner: spinach, salmon, rice ~500 cal
    Dessert: I already had 1 lemon drop candy today… 20 cal
    Estimated total: ~1120 unless I have more slip ups. I may budget for another lemon drop in there. And if I am still hungry after dinner I’ll have some oatmeal again, that will get me up to TDEE range.

    I didn’t come this far to only come this far!

    Day 4…NSW Australia…FD
    Hi everyone
    It’s 6.30am Wednesday here – off to yoga this morning then FD today.
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra
    @hyacinth plus extra 😱
    @catch87 plus extra!

    Extras build up to 100 setups (crunches) and 100 squats

    Pleased to say made 2.5 mins x2 planks and all 100 extras!


    Day 3 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    I am 16hrs away from my 66hr fast. Today was going to be a water fast but I became a little light headed so I had a hard boil egg and a few nuts, that did the trick. Planning on breaking my fast at noon tomorrow and keeping my 8hr feast window healthy choices.

    @hyacinth Mixed emotions on reactions from family members, some said I looked great and even used the word “radiant”. Others, well when I told them what I was doing they said I look to thin and shouldn’t be starving myself, I need to take care of my health!!!

    What really matters is, I am very proud and comfortable where I am at. My food choices when I do feast are very healthy choices and I feel fab.

    Adding myself to The Pocket List:

    The best preparation for tomorrow is being the best you can be today.

    Day 4 country West Australia FD
    Good to see so many ‘old’ faces here and welcome to the newcomers.
    I also am back to writing what I eat. @leggit, I find documenting what I eat really helpful as it can be astonishing what I actually eat whilst thinking that I am not consuming much.
    Seeing it written down can be very helpful.
    I was using MyFItnessPal until I received the message that the site had been hacked and millions of people’s accounts hacked and compromised.
    I am also back to calorie counting for a little while.
    Not my favourite pastime but I found when I initially started 5:2 that I was wildly out with guesstimating potions and calories consumed. So I am back plugging int he facts and crunching the numbers😞
    On a happier note, I am back reading the posts daily ( or trying to) and finding the inspiration to reset.
    I always find others’ journeys interesting.
    Have a good day, or night, all🙃

    ccco 1950 USA Day 3
    Final Post

    My NFD got out of control. I will have to try another FD tomorrow to make up for it. Evenings are hard for me. That’s when I am mostly to be stressed out after a long day and then my eating gets out of control! Haven’t found a solution yet. Yoga and meditation don’t help. Running used to help but I can’t run anymore. I will figure it out!

    Welcome noseinabook! 🙂

    Have a great evening everyone and see you tomorrow!

    Day 4 – Japan – NFD 79.9kg

    Surprised but I hit a lower weight after a NFD, that happened last week too. I’m sure I won’t hold it but it is nice to see deeper dips.

    Day 4 – Dubai – FD

    @at – Hopefully you’ll get to check out Dubai Duty Free shopping – have a great time in Oz. @fatfingers – yes, indeed you are a very lucky lady. @shinything – yes I love this saying – just found it on the web someplace….@ccco – I hear what you’re saying about evening eating – it’s sooo difficult, try not to be too hard on yourself.

    FD today, I’m trying to stick to the basics with two FDs per week with 500 calories, so far so good (of course that just means I’ve completed one FD :)) Other NFD are going well too, I think this forum is keeping me more accountable, thank you all.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Day 4: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Well, yesterday’s first FD didn’t go as well as I would have liked. I managed from 3pm the previous day till 3pm on just a protein shake for breakfast. All good, until after I got back from work in the afternoon. I tried to distract myself by walking the dog, but by 3pm I was starving. So I started out on my plan just to eat 500 calories….but ended up on at least 1000!
    Still, on the positive side, I DID last 24 hours initially. The scales say I lost approx. one pound.

    Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 FD
    2nd B2B2B

    Dont know what was up with me yesterday. After the Creme Egg sabotage and my written promise here to brush teeth and close the kitchen…….well about an hour later I had a want on me and made a mug of Cadburys Options chic drink (38 calories) and a slice of oatbran bread with a Laughing Cow Lite cheese triangle. Hmmmm. Wonder why I felt like that yesterday when last week I was merrily chirping that hunger is no longer a problem?

    Hormones maybe? Something to note 🤔

    I am still calling it an FD but at the very top of the allowable scale. Plus I did lose over a pound so it was a success. Just have to try harder today and tomorrow in the Tues-Thurs B2B fasts. @flourbaby and @penz holding your hands here ☺️

    @leggit and @lilymartin I have been keeping a daily food diary for ages and it does help. I find when I look back I can see where I was doing well and where I was not. Plus I also record my daily weight, and now also how I feel health wise and it’s becoming an interesting notebook. For instance I have stopped taking Bovril and Oxo cubes as an FD snack as I was getting a slight face rash…..probably would not have put the two together unless I had written it down. 😳

    Today is a good day to have a good day

    Day 4 Ireland FD

    @shinything thank you for hosting! I have I did it myself to the spreadsheet but it will fill in more details later. I fell off the rails mid March after my holiday but I’m back on now and will be sugar free and on the dry for April…
    I’m not sure what happens to me from time to time but I have an incredible ability to binge on crisps and chocolate. I can’t put it down to boredom because I’ve been really busy, I can’t put it down to stress because I was doing really well when I was quite stressed with work a few months ago but from time to time I get into this rut…🤔
    Onward and downward and wishing you all a good day! Thanks for being here 😀

    Day 4, Newcastle UK, FD

    Whilst I have been discharged from hospital, my broken foot is still not quite fixed, so I need to be careful. That means another couple of weeks of no modern jive – boohoo. This morning I have the opportunity to attend a free Nordic Pole Walking starter event, but I’d better give that a miss too. Does anyone else use Nordic Poles? I would dearly like to firm up my very flabby bingo wings through exercise if possible. If not, I’ll likely opt for surgery as they really get me down. Fine in the winter but once the sun arrives and holidays of course, I want to be wearing sleeveless tops and dresses.

    Finally caught up on posts after getting up ridiculously early this morning – to another rainy day.

    Sorry to hear about your family troubles @fatrabbit – you’ve got some tricky dynamics going on there. I’m so glad you’re back here and able to ‘get things off your chest’.
    @rainbowsmile – you’ve got me smiling at your post. Many congratulations on your excellent exam results – and great to hear you are positively moving forwards after a tough year. Please feel free to share any good cauliflower tips 🙂
    Glad to read you enjoyed your holiday @flourbaby – I’m sure the’easy on, easy off’ rule will deal with your ‘5lb excess luggage’.
    @fatfingers – so much easier having a supportive partner – good on your Husband! Where does your Uncle live in the North of England?
    Sounds like a lovely vacation @michelinme – hope you are having a great time with your friend in Devon.
    @metatauta – like you I won’t have a set pattern for my dry 5:2 week – fitting it around social activities instead.

    Today is my first FD in quite a while and my stomach is rumbling already. However, I know that this is temporary and not something to be worried about. On the contrary, my body is already going into fat-burning mode. Bring it on!!!

    “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

    2nd post

    Day 3: 2:30
    Day 4: 3:04

    Yes it hurts. I can’t image what it is like to due six minute planks. I think my eyes would pop out of my head.

    Day 4 UK NFD

    Successfully stuck to the fast day yesterday. I ate nothing until eight pm and then just had one bowl of vegan swede and turnip gratin, which is much nicer than it perhaps sounds. I fought off the hunger that arrived late afternoon by cooking it. It takes ages in the oven but at least I knew it was going to be there when I finished working. I avoided seconds by telling myself I can eat tomorrow and I am rewarded with another pound off this morning. I can still do this:)

    Day 4 UK FD

    Good FD yesterday, lasted til 3 pm then had some veg soup and fruit. Further FD today and plan to fast till around 7 pm.
    Really have to get myself back on track. Last year I felt I’d cracked it and got to a weight not seen for many years and can’t believe I allowed some to slip back on again! But am determined to dispatch it again. I have a holiday coming up at the beginning of June and plan to be at target goal by then.

    I know that daily checking in here helped before and I fell off the wagon only once I stopped following the forum. So, that’s the plan. Daily check in, no cheating on fast days, sensible non fast days, keep the goal in mind and run straight to it!

    Day 4 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

    Day 4 – London – FD

    First FD since climbing of my slope.

    @shinything – will do re beetroot juice.

    @fatrabbit – mind over matter, I will try and follow your example today, really pleased you cracked it yesterday.

    Day 4, Finland, NFD

    Like it seems many, I struggled with the chocolate demon at Easter. While I felt a little chuffed at being very controlled on Sunday, I blew out on my supposed FD Monday. I just can’t have chocolate in the house. But…it’s all gone, Easter is over and April goes on.
    Plank challenge up to date. The app I am using incorporates reverse and side planks so it really is covering all muscles. I am feeling it. The idea of holding a plank for 5min at this point is a huge achievement! I will be happy to get to 1 minute!

    @Strwberriesandcream I have Nordic walking poles, they help burn up to 40% extra calories, and yes you do feel it more in the arms and chest. I remember walking with them in Australia about 15 years ago, and got some very weird looks!
    @stoic add me to the list of people loving the line “three months from now you’ll thank yourself” . If I can achieve the moderate goal of 2kg a month, that is 6kg and will put me under 90kg for the first time in 11 years!That is what I want!

    Let the next 3 months begin now! Goodbye 6kg!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 4-CD-Spain Doing well… good fat day yesterday .. that’s 2 this week.. one more tomorrow feeling great.. bring it on !

    Day 4 – UK – Reading – FD

    The FD turned into a feast day yesterday after the neighbours popped in. So trying again today. I guess one shouldn’t try to control everything. Is there a picket lust today? And I’ve just realised I’ve got to complete the spreadsheet. Brain not working after being chocolatified over Easter.

    The pocket list:

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,171 total)

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