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This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,171 total)

  • Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    It’s a bank holiday but I gave to go to work 🙁 Oh well, sure if I was not at work I would probably spend the day grazing so it’s good in the long run. I will have my usual Monday FD today.

    I hopped on the scales this morning and almost 7lbs up since Friday!! I am going to ignore that, it’s just water weight plus food in transit, tomorrow will be better.

    @annypanny sorry your mum was so young too. You are right, you always miss their touch. I really wanted my mother on the morning of my wedding day 😞
    @snowflake56 Thanks for the hugs. It was hard and shocking at the time. It was so sudden. I am the oldest girl in a family of 8 and I was away in college. My youngest brother was only 10, and the others were only teens. Dad stepped in like a pro over the years and became both mother and father to us. He is definitely the main man to this day, at 82 he is the major patriarch 😌

    @at oh yes, business class is the only way to do long journeys. Enjoy it all.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 2, Finland, FD

    Hi to everyone and yeah for April! Here in Finland we are expecting a return to winter after a few sunny days, waiting for a forecasted 20cm snow dump. It is quite depressing really. I start back at my old job today after a 5 week sojourn at a new one. Luckily I am able to go back and with a fresh state of mind which is great.
    Started April with planks on schedule yesterday and today, and also some pilates yesterday as I am incorporating exercise this month. Managed to control my chocolate too, have saved some for later in the week.

    @cornish-jane you are my inspiration in this journey. We have similar starting weights and I want to lose 25-30kg. However I am at the start of my journey, so look forward to reading how it can be successful with perseverance and hard work. Keep up the great work. I am also in for a plank challenge, have found an app to use unless I find a link everyone else is using, as I read through the posts. @at had links in the March challenge, but I couldn’t get them to work.
    @annypanny welcome! You are what I want to be in 20 years…a retired nurse living in Spain, preferably with my husband, but we have different ideas on retirement 😉 Good luck with this WOL.
    @bert1802 love your ending!
    @fatrabbit what an inspiring journey you have had. Good luck getting back to your target
    @saffy420 great to know being in the tortoise club works! I am all for slowly but surely…hoping that slower will lead to more permanent change.
    @at love your multilingualism! And another great, inspirational story.

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪

    Pocket list FD Day 2, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Day 2, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Because today is a bank holiday, my first fast day will be tomorrow. At work (delivering the mail) I can stay away from temptation, and by the time I get home (the hope is) I will be far enough through a fast day to continue to the end….
    If I do tomorrow, it will be my second fast day of this YEAR(!) and I hope, a new trend back down. I remember fondly and wistfully the good months of 2016 when I stuck to the 5:2 way for about eight months without any trip-ups. That Christmas was the start of my long downfall. I had lost ALL my 28 pounds of fat which had been part of me for 25 years.
    I need to get back to that kind of success.

    Day 2 North Wales FD

    Pocket list FD Day 2, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Day 2 – London – CD
    Day 1 – NFD was hoping for CD but probably too optimistic as lunching at daughter’s and son in law who is a brilliant cook, enjoyed everything knowing I’d be straight back on it tomorrow, which is today and I am!

    @fatrabbit I identify strongly with your family dynamics especially with your mum. I’ve always wondered if my mum loves me and try to accept that she does but in her own way, but this gets tested often. I’m in my mid 50’s and can’t believe what a hold she still has over me and a lot of my emotional eating stems from the unhappiness that comes from our relationship.
    @daffodil2010 and @annypanny I think it’s so wonderful you have such strong and lovely memories of your dear mums and is a testament to what wonderful people they must have been. I lost my dear dad 10 years ago come September he was the balance between my mum and gave us children the love and joy we needed, he’s so missed.
    @fatrabbit it’s hard I know but stay strong don’t let them win.
    To everyone else wishing you all a happy and successful April.

    Day 2, UK, NFD
    82.0 kg. Arid April got off to a great start. Despite a rather heavy Easter meal yesterday, my weight stayed the same. Hopefully I’ll be a bit more controlled food-wise today so I start to see it on the scales again. The plan is for Tue and Thu to be my FDs this week.

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    I see I am on today’s fasting pocket list, thank you @snowflake56. I’m glad of the company today as I Reset after a weekend of Easter treats. A little too much sugar has crept back into my diet over the past week or two so today is the day when I regain control!!!

    Good luck to the Arid April participants 😉 my April plan is to drink only at weekends, so dry till Fri.

    Wishing success to my fellow Monday fasters. Together we are stronger 🤗

    Day 2 – Dubai – FD
    Wow, such inspirational stories, thank you all, it gives me hope. Thanks for the sage advice from @at to stick to the basics – will do. Also glad to hear from @toddybear that 2lbs a week is realistic. Good luck to you all.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Hi everybody

    Joining the pocket list for today. Tempted to cheat cos it’s still officially the Easter break, but seeing as I’m retired every day is a holiday these days!!! So I won’t. Must remember two things before a FD. Drink lots of water, and read the theory behind fasting to get my brain in the right place first. Makes life much easier….

    Good luck to everybody doing arid April. Or versions thereof. Anybody who is struggling could try reading Alcohol Explained. It basically explains how alcohol works and once you understand that, it makes it much easier to swerve.


    Have a good day, all.

    Day 2…..Florida…..FD

    Okay it’s the first day of my 4 day fast, It maybe a tough one since I no longer have my Lenten scarifies to keep me honest, but I’m gonna try……
    Easter turned out to be a lovely day, ate to much crap. I think 4 solid days of FD will be good.
    Well, I’m running a bit late today, so I’m offf!

    Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you….
    What do you do?
    You get your drunk ass of the carousel!

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra

    Optional extra build up to 100 squats and 100 sit ups with @rainbowsmile


    Day 2, Brighton UK

    Challenge achieved today.

    Lovely to have you back @fatrabbit family stuff (FOO) is very hard to deal with, so you are very brave to be so open.

    @bert1802 definitely brought a smile today.

    @bigviking the important thing is to get off the carousel and on the wagon! You have done so so well. Cheering and waving banner for you.

    @kerryn73 funny you should mention pilates, that has been my choice. Icy rain today.

    Went into Asda on the Marina and bought a half price whole salmon! That’s salmon fish cakes, steaks, fish pie for at least a week. Can freeze. I love love love salmon, but usually out of my budget. Also some reduce price avocados and some salad veg too. Yum yum yum.

    For those who knew me two months ago, the cauliflower craving is back.🤔

    And I got the results of my Jan CiLex 3 exams, one distinction, one merit and two passes on my assignments (pass or fail on those, no grade). Only one more exam a big one. Thank you to all those who supported me.

    I will volunteer to host August’s challenge as my exams will be finished and I am feeling so much better.


    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Still at 162.2, so that will be the starting weight for April. My goals this month will be more exercise (strength training, walking, biking), less alcohol (5 days dry in no particular order) and fasting 2x a week.

    Welcome newbies! This is my 14th month on 5:2, having been a happy tortoise with a loss of 30 plus pounds and 24.5 inches overall. Just like @EmmaTaylor, every day is a holiday since retirement, so vigilance in my food choices is key.

    @daffodil2010, you know there’s a major whoosh coming when you’re up 7 lbs. in days. It’s refreshing to see your admiration of your dad! @fatrabbit, I’m sorry you are dealing with family difficulties; from all your past posts, you’ve been through so much already and you succeeded anyway! Daily connection with the forum again may give you more support than you are now receiving, so just know we are all rooting for you! @ciren2, welcome back! @bigviking, hang in there and keep posting. @missybear, I will join you and @Strawberriesandcream in dry till Fri., but I will vary the 2 days a week when I’m not due to my schedule.

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    A very wet and cold cumbrian day with snow on the fells above 1000ft around my village – hopefully not much snow to disrupt my travel plans tomorrow 🤞

    Really pleased that I managed a FD followed by 2 CD over the bank holiday weekend (OH and I don’t celebrate Easter and so no temptations in the house!!!!!!!! and DD is with her OH but needed an emergency dentist appointment on Saturday to remove a painful wisdom tooth!!!) I am holding firm for a FD today so thank you @snowflake56 😘 for adding me to today’s pocket list

    @toddybear – sounds like you had a fab time in Fuertaventura and a 2lb gain is nothing – one week back on 5:2 😇will make that disappear! Good luck with the training and eventually running that 10K in a couple of weeks 🏃‍♀️
    @ccco and @kerryn73 – amazing what you can find on Google 😉and copy and paste makes it all easy…..
    @daffodil2010 – 🤗 just remember all the good memories xx
    @annypanny – great job on your FD yesterday 👍
    @ciren2 – 🤝 holding firm
    @michelinme – enjoy Devon – hoping weather is kind after this weekend
    @merryapple – definitely not a kind end for someone who was full of life 🤗
    @dykask – come on as we say on here it’s never too late so join us for the Plank challenge – the link I posted is only an example – holding a straight plank properly is just as good!
    @hyacinth – you are so right – these forums are a godsend and it’s like having a “cyber family” with the same interests who offers support but no judgement
    @fatrabbit – great to have you with us – the accountability of signing in daily here and the support offered makes a huge difference – sorry to hear about the family issues 🤗 but you are a strong person and you will not let it get you down x
    @emma-taylor – us retired folk have had it hard…….🤣 hold on tight to us all on the pocket list and you’ll succeed
    @rainbowsmile – well done you 👏 stay focused and that last exam will be done before you know it x

    Been packing this morning as I have to catch the 0850 train tomorrow to head to the airport – I suppose that as usual I will have overpacked……so might have a quick review later today.

    Going to meet a friend for coffee and I have a yoga class tonight, I also have a low calorie vegetable soup ready for tonight so that should help me stay focused on completing this FD

    “We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough.” ~Helen Keller

    Day 2, London, UK, NFD

    Firstly, welcome, Welcome, WELCOME newbies and oldies alike, there’s no such thing as too much support!!!

    Well I’m here, and firmly putting all of my weight (5lbs more than my last post!! – but it really could have been soooo much worse!!!) on that reset button. @shinything, I’m so glad you’re hosting this month’s challenge, I need it!! And @bigviking I hope we’re still on for an Arid-April ……………. After the Portuguese wine, my liver needs a holiday!!!!

    So it’s been 8 NFDs in a row for me and (shock-horror!!) the scales haven’t been miraculously kind!!! Hellow again to the 160’s ………… Doh!!!!! The Portuguese sun was shining, the wine was flowing and the All-inclusive food choices made it impossible to say no to trying a little of this and a little of that!!! I’m still retraining this brain, but that ‘greedy’ gene is a stubborn & persistent pain in the a*se!!!!

    @bert1802, as always, loving this month’s ending, although it doesn’t apply to me ‘cause it’s ARID-APRIL!!!!!!!!

    Welcome back @ciren2 & @fatrabbit, I hope you both get your mojo back!!! It’s a fresh start, no looking back, but do keep your earlier achievements as a little background reminder that you ‘can’ do this!! We’ve installed heated seats on the wagon now, so you’ve even less reason to jump off!!!!

    Still catching up on 3 pages of posts, but I think I have all those who’ve mentioned Arid- April, and like me have a small issue with alcohol!!!! (Eating carbs makes me crave carbs, drinking wine makes for poor carb choices and so the vicious cycle begins) …..………. so here’s the list
    Arid-April Members – aiming to go booze free until (at least 1st May)
    @flourbaby, @bigviking……………….. any other takers???

    @at, have a safe journey, a fantastic holiday and do I need to tell you to sample some lovely Aussie wine for me???

    @penz I’m with you for a B2B2B Tues-Thurs challenge this week, It’s the norm for me to fast during my 3 work days, so I’m sticking you in my pocket for our own mini challenge………… anybody else?? Just like with your 1st ever FD, by the end you’ll be wondering what all the fuss was about!!!!!

    @annypanny, CDs are contolled NFDs where you eat below or up to your TDEE (I use my goal weight TDEE), your basic NFD is usually when you perhaps haven’t been as mindful or eaten out only to find the salad you had for lunch was 1200cals!! …………………… or it could be a day when you ate an entire cake and washed it down with a bottle of wine, although those days have their own category here ……… an EFS (Epic Face Stuffing) Day!!!

    @emmataylor too, funny, “Tempted to cheat cos it’s still officially the Easter break, but seeing as I’m retired every day is a holiday these days!!! So I won’t.” You have to talk or write it out because ‘we’ are really good at making excuses, well swerved!!!

    @rainbowsmile ………………..I’m still not feeling the cauliflower craving, now the cake I smuggled out of Portugal ………………… that’s a craving I get!!!! Congratulations on the exam results, you personify “Resilience in the face of adversity”, how’s the revenge bod coming along???

    This months’ aims
    • -5lbs………………simple(!)
    • No Faffing around, Say what I’ll do, do what I say, stay accountable and stop procrastinating!!!
    • Stick to OMAD (one meal a day) FDs and 16:8 NFDs
    • Drink more water, min 2L per day – I have to replace the wine with something!!!
    • Plan NFDs as meticulously as I do FDs, with more focus on nutrition rather than TDEE.
    • Continue with my increased exercise – maybe join the plank challenge????

    Actually, no maybe or question mark required, I’m in…………..
    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra

    Keep the faith people, this really is just the beginning and it works!!!!!!!!

    Day 2 – Massachusetts – FD

    Hey everyone! I I fell off the band wagon in March but now I am back in April and ready to make progress again. Things are about to get busy, so the best time to try to fit in some fasting!

    Fasting today! I haven’t had a successful fast in a few weeks.

    Good luck all!

    Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    The Easter bunny left me with several added pounds, so I definitely need a FD. Definitely plan for 2 more fast days this week. Unfortunately, there is still chocolate left but I will hide it and/or feed it to my husband. 🤔😊😁

    Have a good Monday everyone! 🥀🥀🥀

    Day 2 🇺🇸 NFD

    Good Easter eating yesterday with only a little sugar (had to eat the package of Peeps DD got for us all… I do love marshmallows!). Watched the live production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” on TV last night with some excellent singers. I’m a sucker for great singing. Even Alice Cooper was tremendous! 😊

    Birthday for granddaughter today – she turns 10, but no cake planned as her real party will be with her friends this weekend. Crazy when your b’day is so close to Easter.

    A bit about me:
    Started 5:2 March 15, 2016 at 193# – decided I was going to keep gaining a pound or 5 a year unless I lost it. By Christmas I was down 35 pounds, quite happy with that and have maintained pretty well since then thanks to the support and friendship of this wonderful group.

    I’m a retired music teacher, have a few piano students, direct a townspeople choir, and do church praise team music (singing or piano). I’m with a group trying to get a children’s museum in our town. I will be 70 in May. Yikes! That sounds OLD! But I am quite actiive and feel like my health is good, don’t take any meds other than my vitamins, etc. I go to Silver Sneakers (general exercise for seniors) at least twice a week.

    I adore all the peeps in this international forum and have been able to meet a few in person. Delightful folk here. The mutual support is tremendous.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 2 Stevensville Maryland CFD

    Woke up feeling a little heavier after yesterdays feast. Going for my first part of the weeks 66hr FDs. Plan to make today a under 300 calories and tomorrow water fast. I have come to far to give in now. I am sure the scale would have not been kind to me this morning so I stayed off of it.

    Adding myself to the Pocket List, printing it out and sticking it in my bra helps me a lot.


    The best preparation for tomorrow is to do your best today. Have a great Monday everyone. Together we are stronger.

    Day 2 – SW WA USA – FD (over in eastern WA)

    Going to aim for a FD even though it is still spring break here & I’m with family etc.

    @mishelemm1 – I’m adding you back on the pocket list. Perhaps someone posted at the same time you did and they didn’t see your name so you accidentally got bumped off for a bit. You’re posting fine. Perhaps just on your 1st post of the day you could start as @shinything explains in her 1st post of the forum; the day of the month, your geographic location & whether it’s an FD or NFD etc.

    @at – enjoy your time in Australia!

    Day 2 FD Pocket list:


    Day 2–USA—FD

    Starting April with renewed commitment and joining the Plank Challenge, plus working up to the 100 squats and sit-ups. Going to throw in pushups too, I need to work on upper body strength. Probably can’t even do one real push-up at the moment. I’ll start with knee push-ups first.

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra
    @hyacinth plus extra 😱

    @fatrabbit—sorry to hear about your troubles. Family can be so difficult. I read many of your posts from the past and your journey is inspirational. I know you have lots of support and good wishes from this cyber-family!

    @at—I really enjoyed reading your intro for this month where you list you stats over the years since starting this WOL. Very inspiring for a newby like me. So happy for you that you get to fly business class for since a long flight! Hope you have a wonderful trip.

    @shinything—thanks for hosting.
    I’ve really become addicted to reading these posts when I first wake up. It really starts me off with the right frame of mind for the day.

    @diana123– on Easter did any of your visitors comment on your transformation? I’m going to a family reunion at the end of June and hope (will!!) have a transformation by then.

    Off to do planks, etc. Happy Monday to everyone!

    Day 2, Amsterdam NFD

    Started out as a FD without really meaning to but then by 4pm I was ready to eat and my OH decided to get us falalfel wraps so the FD went out the window! Will try and stay healthy tonight – making soup so hopefully won’t be more than 1100 calories today.

    Off to the UK to see my family and for a wedding tomorrow night – will be fasting all day too. Then hopefully manage a second fast day Thursday but let’s see ha.

    I started my April plank challenge already so happy to see a pocket list! Going to do extra as well!

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra
    @hyacinth plus extra 😱
    @catch87 plus extra!

    Happy to be starting this WOL with a lot of wonderful inspirational people sitting (lightly!) on my shoulders sharing their support and their own experiences – together we are definitely stronger. Thanks all!

    Day 2 UK FD

    Yesterday turned into an Epic Facestuffing Day, as I single-handedly attempted to eat a lot of chocolate. So strange to find myself back in the realms of mindless eating and what felt like psychological sugar consumption.

    I was very tired – been up since 3.30am, had had breakfast and lunch out including a little wine, and got to the end of a pretty successful sugar-free Lent. I’d also had some emotional issues stirred up over the weekend and still processing them. I think I kind of let go of everything at once, including healthy self-care.

    So glad to make today a FD even tho it’s a public holiday, for me it’s about rest and recovery. I’ve had lots of raw crunchy veg, some cottage cheese and 40g chocolate – it tasted sweet and sickly when eaten mindfully. I’ll give the large one away to my friend’s children who love it, and take the little dark chocolate treats to share with my friend in Devon. Phew -a plan!

    So glad to remember that every mistake is a learning opportunity. It’s so easy to beat ourselves up for unwise choices, for not realising consequences, or simply not knowing stuff until we experience it. There’s something wonderful about good self-care – beginning with compassion and rippling outward.

    @flourbaby welcome back! I’m also back in the 160s and hoping to break down this month – despite a week’s holiday!
    @at have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment
    @snowflake56 thank you for adding me to today’s pocket list
    @fatrabbit so sorry about your family stresses. No wonder it was hard to begin maintenance, without comfortable access to cooking and living with uncomfortable relationships. My own family is sadly similar although I’m hugely thankful we don’t live together. Ive always found my support from elsewhere – inside myself and odd friends. Here’s to successful April and support from families of choice x

    ccco USA Day 2 NFD

    Thank you, Hyacinth for adding me to the plank list. I did my planks before yoga! 🙂

    Today is a NFD because I thought I was having lunch with my son but he text me to say he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to postpone. Tomorrow I will do a 24 hour fast, which I just started!

    I don’t know why the April Challenge keeps switching me away from the notify me of follow-up replies via email checkbox. I have checked it three times, so far, That happened in early March, too, so I hope I am good to go now.

    Stay strong everyone and have a great day!

    2nd post

    @michelemm1 Snowflake comes from one of my favorite childhood books by Paul Gallico.
    @daffodil2010 your dad did an amazing thing, I’m glad you still have him around.
    @rainbowsmile well done on the exams, only one to go!
    @missybear and @michelinme your welcome
    @at have a save flight and a wonderful time with your friends and family.

    didn’t do very well today, came in at about 800 cal, well, will give it another try on Thursday.

    DaY 2, NFD, USA

    Woops – someone put me on today’s pocket list! While I usually do FDs on Monday, I’m not this week because of Easter Monday; a day at home is too much of a challenge to me. Thank you @flourbaby – knowing you’ll be by my cyber side for B2B2B this week will help enormously.

    Day 2, Gozo Malta, fd

    Rainbowsmile congratulations on your results, well done.

    At enjoy yourself in Australia.

    Fasted at around 750 calories today.

    Tomorrow I’m fasting again.

    Good evening/night everyone

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Wow, I have really over indulged these past few days and I am regretting it. I am away visiting family at the moment so it has been really hard to resist all the delicious food and drink around, nom nom nom.

    I need to find some motivation and willpower. I need to schedule in another fast day but my family are not being very supportive and just keep pushing more food on me and I am helpless to resist. Heeeeeelp!!!

    Day 2 – Nebraska USA – FD

    Greetings all!

    It has been a bit of a recovery day for me after company this weekend. Haven’t really accomplished much other than computer work and some light house work but haven’t really felt like eating much either so fast is going well for the day.

    I am happy to be back on plan for April as I slipped off a little in March but it wasn’t too dreadful.

    Gloomy and cold here in Nebraska…sure am anxious for spring and getting outdoors more.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 2, UK, FD

    I’m very late posting today, but like @daffodil2010, I was working today too and just got back home. It was a successful FD, I stayed below 500 cal 🙂
    I decided to try and do a bit of carb cycling as well, never done it before but read a bit about it and it does sound like a good thing to do. So now, my FD will be my low carb days too. The rest in between will be mixture of moderate and high carb days. Want to keep it nice and simple to start with and see how it goes 🙂

    @daffodil and @annypanny I’m sorry to hear you lost your mums so early, hugs.
    Having a parent with Parkinson’s and dementia and seeing them slowly deteriorate is so hard @merryapple, my mum is not as bad but I sometimes see the signs of mental deterioration and it scares the life out of me. But we must solder on.

    @fatrabbit what you achieved is amazing! You are an inspiration. And in spite of the stresses with your family. Stay strong, your virtual family is here to support you 🤗

    @ciren2 you’ve done it once, you can do it again.

    @bigviking happy to hear you are having a good start, as someone said here, keep on going on, you will get there.

    @rainbowsmile well done on your exams 😀 . Its such a good feeling when the exam is over, the feeling of relief and achievement.

    @at have a safe journey and enjoy your holiday 💃

    Welcome back @leggit, well done on getting back on the band wagon.

    @annemarilyn thank you for correcting the pocket list, it hapens many times that it goes wrong for various reasons.

    @ccco hopefully lack of notifications is just a temporary glitch, it happens.

    @sarahbob its dificult to resisit when you have loved ones trying to tempt you with food. You need to learn to say NO or learn to trick them somehow 😉

    Have a great day/evening everyone ❤

    ccco USA Day 2 NFD

    2nd Post

    Started my FD at 2 pm today and so far it is going well, despite feeling tempted. I shouldn’t have eaten those two chocolate rabbits yesterday! LOL I never even eat candy and one of those was supposed to be for my son!!! Well, I am buckling down and am doing everything I can to keep temptations away. It seems to be hard to day! Fortunately, I am receiving all the posts in my email again, so that glitch is taken care of. I felt I needed to be on here a little more today to stay on track! Have a great evening everyone! 🙂

    Day 3 – Japan – NFD 80.0 kg (New low for 2018)

    21 fast days done in 2018. #20 was supper easy, yesterday was just average. Working out early in the fast definitely changes how the fast feels.

    While it is nice to see a new low it won’t last because I’m breaking my fast now. Last year I got down to ~75kg after a 7 day fast. 75kg is my goal weight, but I’m not sure I can really hold it. Maybe in 12 years if I can retire by then. This year if I can start breaking 80kg I’ll be happy.

    I’ve changed my breakfast a little. I cut back on the dried fruit a little and added blueberries. I’m surprised to find that I now like blueberries, I’ve never been one for blueberries or strawberries. I’m also surprised that they make my oatmeal more filling, a lot more. I may have to start cutting back on more.

    Hurray for the pocket fasters! You are almost through the day!


    Day 3: Gloucestershire, UK: FD
    I’m back to work today, so, fingers crossed, my first fast day will be a success.
    Today’s pocket fasters are….

    2nd post … I saw @at‘s prodding.

    Planking … I just tried it, my 14 year old daughter did with me, sort of. I did 2:30 and she did 1 minute, stopped for 30 seconds and started again for another 1 minute.

    OUCH it hurts! 🙁 I can’t believe I was able to do 5 minute planks last year. I did 140 pushups this morning and the planking hurts a lot more!

    Day 3, Emden Germany, NFD

    @dykask hurray for the new low, 2:30 is not that bad, your daughter did very well too. My husband is doing planks with me every morning, he was able to do 6 minutes from the first time on. Hadn’t expected that, it took me weeks to get there. Atm we’re at 7 minutes.
    @penz sorry, I put you on the pocket list! Perhaps better to start the list with only my name on it, lesson learned.
    @rainbowsmile what a salmon catch you had. It’s my favorite fish too, but expensive ~ €22 overhere, North Sea shrips are €26 at the moment, unpeeled. We sometimes go to the fishmarket in the Netherlands (90 km away) it’s much cheaper there and they have a huge variety.

    I’m reorganising the bookshelves, trying to find space for the new ones, won’t fit, so I’m sorting out. I have all the books listed on librarything (a site for booklovers) and have to scan covers in as well.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD most definitely

    Yesterday’s FD stopped happening around 4pm and became a feast 😳 We finished work early, DH was not working yesterday, it was a horrible cold rainy day, it was Bank Holiday Monday, the Irish Grand National was on at 5 (horse racing)……so we popped into the local pub, the place was crowded, we had pints and took part in the pub pool draw for the big race. And I won!!!!

    I am not a gambler. I might place a bet 2 or 3 times a year, usually on the big race meets….but I always win something ☺️ Anyway, it was a bit fun, then we came home to nice roast chicken dinner but had wine and Easter eggs after.

    So it’s a definite FD today. Still 2 pounds down from yesterday’s shock weigh in, despite the feasting 😆

    @dykask good for you on the planks. I do one every day, no more than 1 minute as I am lazy…but after all these months I finally feel hard muscle. Can’t see it though 😉

    Hope everyone stayed true yesterday. Sorry I fell off the bandwagon. Firmly strapped on board today.

    Day 3 Picket Lust…..together we are stronger…..good lunck…..

    @daffodil2010 I have about 1.5 handfuls of fat dressing my mid-section muscles. It is really out of style but I can’t just get it off! However it is better than not being about to measure it … I worn that suit before.

    Day 3-FD-Spain
    Good morning from a sunny Spain… another FD for me…
    90 minutes of Yoga practice today so it will be easier for me as I dont eat until around 2-3pm afterwards.
    I’m really enjoying this challenge & since this bit of news from 2017…it will make it easier to do 🙂

    ”Dr Michael Mosley unveiled a new version of his ‘Fast Diet’ that allows followers to eat 800 calories on their fasting days but empty calories’ should remain strictly off-limits on fasting days. He advised: ‘If you are going to have lunch, have something like a nice bowl of hearty soup, or grilled fish and a decent pile of vegetables or salad.’’

    Sensible advice & as I’m doing my best to stick to Fast Days & Controlled days until the weight is down so this extra 200 calories will come in handy if I need them .
    Good luck all…
    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4304716/Fast-Diet-s-inventor-says-allowed-200-calories.html#ixzz5BaooYHMs
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook”

    Day 3
    First Fast Day of April and 2018.

    The lady who sits next to me at work has lost over a stone following slimming world since Christmas..and today she looks amazing. I have put on 6 pounds since Christmas and am feeling every pound of it.

    I have little time to think of what we are eating so 5:2 works for me on FD’s as I don’t have to think much, however on NFD that has a negative affect!! I am hoping that every day (from now on) posting on here will help me focus, if I can find time to do this, then I can find time to work out what I will eat tomorrow to stick to TDEE.

    Fingers crossed xx

    Day 3 – London – CD
    Started taking a shot of beetroot juice for BP and golden milk/turmeric tea for anti inflammatory properties, will review in a month.
    Managed 7 mile walk yesterday after a month of recovering from ankle injury.

    Day 3 Country West Australia NFD
    Day 2 NFD
    Day 1 NFD

    Have eaten a truckload of hot cross buns and another truckload of Easter eggs, ho hum…..
    Anyway, thanks @shinything for hosting April.
    Hoping to lose 2 kgs this month.
    A year ago after following 5:2 for some months I was at my lowest weight in years.
    However the ‘lost’ kilos managed to find their way back – with some friends in tow !!
    So hoping April is better than March… and February…. and January…. etc etc.

    Day 3, Amsterdam FD

    Am travelling to London after work (and my Dutch class) tonight but reckon I can make today a good FD nonetheless. Will certainly have a wee drink on the flight as I’ve been upgraded but will make room for it the rest of the day 🙂

    Best of luck to everyone fasting today!

    Think today’s pocket list is:

    Day 3 UK FD

    Day 3 , Leeds UK – NFD
    @shinything thanks a lot for Hosting April month and @at for doing a great job for March

    Back from Easter break. Update on a less fruitful March month.
    Weight as of 02-03-2018 was 77.7kgs
    Weight as of 03-04-2018 is 76.9 kgs.
    Not a kilo down, shame on me. Let down myself a lot.
    But happy that i didnt let the weight shoot up. Hope April is good!!
    Good luck everyone for this month.

    Day 3 – UK – Reading

    Oh, who invented hot cross buns? So good ….. Pressing reset and fasting today.

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Day 3, London, UK, FD, (1st of B2B2B)

    Busy at work catching up after a week off, so it’ll have to be a quick check-in.

    @penz, I’ve got you for this mini B2B2B challenge; anybody else who feels like joining this 3 day mini challenge, just add yourself to the “Tue-Thurs – B2B2B Challengers” list below.

    Tue-Thurs – B2B2B Challenge

    Truly starting Arid-April today as Easter Monday saw vast amounts of wine flowing!! @bigviking, at least there isn’t another bank holiday until May, now it’s just how to manage the weekends!!!!!

    Keep the faith people!!

    Doh!!! Just realised, I forgot to plank this morning, it’ll have to be evening planks for me I think. I only just about manage to roll out of bed, straight into the shower and out the door to work………………. I do get dressed somewhere in there too!!!!!

    Day 3 UK FD

    Fast day for moi today. I have seriously over indulged the past few days. But I intend to kick ass today. Arghhh,but there’s Easter eggs everywhere!!!! I WILL BE STRONG!!!

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Feeling better for having a successful FD yesterday. Sun is shining so off for a walk while it lasts. Good luck to today’s fasters 😊

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