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    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    It’s hard to believe that @coda started this series of monthly challenges way back in May 2016 and so many of us have had amazing support to start and continue on our 5:2 journey. So it’s a privilege to be leading this April challenge 🙂

    So, here’s how this works (same as it has always been):

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD); a non-fast day (NFD) or a controlled day (CD) (e.g. for 1st of March it would go something like “Day 1 – UK – NFD” for me).

    2. Give a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies. A brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this way of life (WOL). Also your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. You can record this on the spread sheet or if you are unable to I’m happy to fill it in for you!

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or any thing you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We’ll all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life………so if you want to share it – post it. Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another and can clarify things, offer advise, support etc when needed – this is the great thing about this global forum, there’s always someone online!

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket fast – it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    Any questions or anything unclear – please ask.

    Here is the link for the spread sheet for April, feel free to add yourself if not already on it:

    For all new to this WOL, here are some tips:

    I pretty much copied your OP @at, I hope you don’t mind ❤

    I will try my best to follow the topic every day and post as well, our previous hosts have been so great ❤ I have quite a big shoes to fill 😳 , so forgive me in advance if I miss something 🙂

    Lets do this together!!!!

    @shinything – THANK YOU for taking up the reins for the April Challenge – I’m definitely in for April as I will be on holidays in Australia for the month, leaving the UK on Tuesday 3/4 returning on Friday 4/5 so I will most certainly need this forum to help me stay focused as I intend to try very hard to remain firmly in maintenance. Looking forward to seeing a lot of the “old timers” and welcoming many newbies to the challenge – 5:2 is a great WOL and I can vouch for that as I will be entering my 16th month of maintenance in April 💃

    @shinything –Thank You so much for hosting the April Challenge, I’m in and this will be my 3rd month doing 5:2 and i’m loving it.

    ccco USA FD Day 28

    It’s hard to believe March is almost over. I am on a water FD today and so far so good! 🙂

    michelemm: Good luck with your fast! I am low carb, too, but eating veggies on the low glycemic index. Very effective!

    Diana123: Congrats on that 66h fast! I don’t know how you manage it. So far, that’s been too long for me! I wouldn’t be surprised if you made your goal weight and then some. You’ve been so focused. It’s wonderful about your MOB dress Having been one of those recently myself, I know how you feel! 🙂

    Basyjames: It must be such a relief to have moved into your dream house! 🙂 I seem to be following the same plan as you, so I know how effective it can be! We’re rooting for you!

    ShinyThing: That would be wonderful if you could host April. I just saw your April post starting new challenge. Thank you.

    Good luck, everyone! 🙂

    @shinything thank you so much for hosting the April Challenge. I’m in, it will be my 12th month of maintenance, this WOL is working so well.

    Hi everyone! I’ve been alternate day fasting for the past three weeks and found the forums here really encouraging, so I finally joined!

    I went ahead and added myself to the spreadsheet. Thanks for hosting the challenge @shinything

    Excited to do this with all of you! We can do it!

    Will be doing April — began 5:2 in March 2016 and have done all the challenges since @coda started the May 2016 one! It’s really been a life changing experience for me. Thanks for hosting, @shinything

    Yes please @shinything, thank you so much for hosting.


    Thanks @shinything for hosting April. Please count me in. I started in September 2017 ( I think…) and although I’m not someone who weighs themself, I am slowly deflating and have dropped at least a size. This forum helps enormously. Hello to everybody round the world. Can I start a pocket list for tomorrow, even though we are still in March?

    Day 29 ( March)

    @shinything – count me in for April please. Thanks for hosting!

    Hi all, I’m a newbie to this WOL and really looking forward to it. I’ve read all the March challenge posts and this group is unbelievably supportive! Thank you all and thank you @shinything for hosting.

    I’m 57 and I’m struggling to lose the weight I’ve gained over the past two years. I weigh 154 and would like to weigh 125. My goal for April is to lose 8 pounds by April 30. Fingers crossed!

    Hi @shinything.. thanks for hosting and I am ready.

    Today was another day of fasting for my 4 day water fast challenge.

    Can someone help me with the pocket list? 🙁 How do you respond to everyone? I am so confused.. lol

    I feel so different in 2 days of just water. I already was doing OMAD, but what a difference. I am a little tired this evening as I have not eaten since Monday at 8. So, 48 hours..

    Day 29 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Second fasting day completed,doing really well so far this week but the chocolate weekend is arriving lol.
    My dad is 84 today so taking him out for a steak and a few pints with the family. lots of dangers on the horizon this weekend. Good luck everyone and enjoy your easter break.

    Thank you @shinything for setting up the April challenge. Please count me in for my fourth month of maintenance.

    Thanks @shinything for hosting April, please add me too the spreadsheet.

    April will be 4th month for me at this WOL. I am a traditional yo-yo dieter who was looking for more permanent change, but more importantly the health benefits associated with fasting. It has only been March that has seen some changes as I have become more aware of what goes into my mouth on NFD’s.
    My goals for April are to begin exercising…I am booked into a 10km in May which I need to train for… and losing 2kg. I have a family trip to Berlin in two weeks, and have to try to keep that under control.
    Good luck everyone, See you in April!

    Day 0, Surrey (UK)

    @shinything – thank you for hosting. It’s great to have the continued support of the good people on this forum going forward into April and beyond. It makes such a difference.

    Brief background about me – I’m a 57 yo female, 5′ 7.5″, currently around 169 – 170lb. At the start of my 5:2 journey in November last year, I was around 200lb, so I’ve been losing a steady 1 – 2lb a week for the past 4+ months. My current goal is to get down to 11st 10lb in time for my holiday in May, to get my BMI at 25 or below. I’m feeling pretty confident, as the evidence shows THIS REALLY WORKS! So, any potential newbies out there – give it a go, you have nothing to lose, except the excess weight!

    I’m also trying to figure out an improved exercise routine with the help of the Fast Exercise book, but am struggling with that at the moment! I’ll write more about that on my ‘Fatfingers’ thread when I’ve got my head around it a bit more.

    @michelemm1 – just copy and paste the last pocket list you see in the threads above and add your ‘handle’ to the list at the bottom. We’re still in March, so have a go on today’s list in the March thread.

    Good luck everyone!

    Thank you @shinything for continuing this supportive tradition!

    No need to add me to the spreadsheet though as I can’t access it at work.

    About me – I’ve been doing 5:2 since about July last year and have lost (only!!) 6 kg. But over that period I know I’ve not been as diligent as I should (Nov – Jan saw some movement in the wrong direction) and at the moment I seem to be on a bit of a plateau. I’m ok with that because if my body has settled at a new set weight, at least it’s lower than it was. I’m hoping to give it a bump downwards in April but I have some stressful work events that may tempt me to the dark side (my dragon being alcohol).

    I usually do liquid only FDs on Mon and Thursday and typically don’t eat breakfast, so why I don’t consider myself a 16:8 follower, that’s often how my day works out.

    Nice to see some familiar names and to be able to welcome some newbies!

    Count me in for April @shinything. Thank you for hosting! 💐

    Welcome to our new challengers @summerbug and @stoic 😀
    And its really good to see all the old faces here for the next month, welcome everyone 😊

    @michelemm1 I added you to our spread sheet, if you want to just fill the details there of your weight/goal etc. Its up to you 🙂 .
    As for pocket list, we don’t have one here yet because this is the challenge for April, but as @fatfingers said, once we have one just highlight and copy all the names, then paste it in your reply and add your name at the bottom 🙂

    Couple of more days in March left ….

    Good luck everyone ❤

    Thank you for hosting April @shinything & please count me in

    I’m 54 and 5’6, started in Dec 2017 at 180lbs, currently c161lbs – tho went down to 158lb for one wonderful day in March 2018 😀 – and aiming for 140lbs. My face has shrunk & I’ve lost several inches off my fat suit over the last 4 months, instead gaining more energy and better focus. I gave up sugar for Lent and plan to keep it off the menu.

    I’m off on holiday for a week after Easter but will be trying to stick to the FD routine, and hopefully have more time for yoga 🙂

    Hi @shinything and everyone, I joined the challenge in February and had a very successful month and then went AWOL in March with bad consequences, I’m now too frightened to even climb on the scales! I need to commit again and regain my 5:2 mojo so would love to rejoin the challenge for April.
    Best wishes and good look to everyone.

    Hi @shinything, my first monthly challenge. I’ve been on fast diet for 2 weeks, second weigh in tomorrow. Needing to lose a lot, so hoping the April challenge will help!

    Hello Everyone and thank you @shinything for hosting sparkly April!

    So thankful for this WOL and this forum. I found out about the ADF WOL in February last year, it sounded too good to be true as I had tried every diet known to man and then some. But I gave it a go and I am so glad I did.
    I dropped the weight pretty rapidly, meeting my goal in about 4 months, since I did not have that much to lose to begin with; only 22 pounds. The big difference was finding a WOL that was sustainable long term. I love food and I love to eat, so no matter what eating plan I tried, eventually I would gain the weight back because I could only hold out for so long. I finally got back the freedom to enjoy the things I like to eat; I am just aware that I cannot eat (or drink them) every day.
    I thought I had 10 pounds to lose but after fasting a few days last week, I appear to have dropped 5 pounds. So that tells me that most of it was water weight from all the refined carbs I was eating while we transitioned homes. Therefore, my goal for April: Lose 5 pounds, continue to practice the basics that got me into maintenance; LCHF meals, OMAD on NFD, Fast on Saturday, CD on Sunday, remain mindful, and lean away from stress. I also would like to work on my peace of mind, by being aware of the things that I can change and either accepting the things that I cannot change or walking away from them. Life is just too short to cry over spilled milk!
    Be good to yourself my friends, treat yourself the way you want others to treat you; and Happy Sparkly April.

    Thanks @shinything for hosting – I’m in for April.

    I started 5:2 in July 2017 and came across this forum in November 2017 when I joined my first challenge. The challenges are very helpful so I am staying with it.

    In total I have lost 24.5kg, starting this month at 81.6kg. This is a looong journey for me, but I always loose at least 2kgs a months so it is very effective. My next target is 71kg which gets me to the top of healthy BMI range and then decide on where to aim for next.

    In April I would like to lose 2kgs and get below 80kg. That would feel really good. But I have to get through Easter temptations, parties and visitors, so not sure how this month will go!

    I will be joining the daily plank challenge in April – I can’t remember who set it up! So please come forward with the links etc and we can create a pocket list. I did it a few months ago and increased my plank from a feeble 20 seconds to a much better 60 seconds, so further improvement would be great.

    Welcome @elinor 😀 , I added you to our spread sheet, feel free to fill all/any details you wish 🙂
    Welcome back @dingping, its good to have familiar faces back 😀

    So many inspiring stories here, really great place to get support and just have a laugh and relax sometimes 😊

    One more day and than we kick off April challenge, is everyone ready? 😀

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a newbie to the forum. Please @shinything can you add me to the spreadsheet as I would love to join the April challenge?

    I am returning to 5:2 as I had some pretty awesome results with it last year but fell off the wagon. I am starting my first fast day today. Wish me luck! 😁

    Sarahbob I was about to recommend you join this challenge, I saw you were just starting 5:2. I came here to get the link but you are already here!

    I’m planning on the April challenge. My goal is 90 fasts days in 2018, which is a bit hard because I have to travel a fair amount. I’m not that concerned about my weight, but I’m trying to lose a little more fat. I have 20 days done in 2018, so I’m about 3 fasts behind where I should be.

    Hi all,

    I am a newbie to this forum as well. I have done the 5/2 many years ago and it worked for me.
    I have been on every diet possible and over the years I have gained more and more weight.
    I am wanting this time to make the 5/2 a lifestyle change and keeping doing it with no end date for my health and weight.

    Thank you

    Hi there

    I am sooo. Ready!!!

    Hola… I’m Annie a retired nurse age 75 years young ( age us just a number!) .. now living in Spain with hubby .
    I’ve tried all the diets there are … & am giving it one final go with the Fast way .
    I don’t want to be skinny , too many wrinkles already ….just a comfy weight to look good in my clothes.
    Last year was quite poorly with shingles ..lost a lot of weight but as I got better ,I put it all back on and more
    I now want to lose 18 lbs to get down to 149 lbs ..a good healthy weight fir my age .
    I’m fairly fit both mentally & physically eskecially for a septuagenarian ..
    I try to walk on a daily basis , practice yoga in a class twice weekly & daily at home when I have time . I aso swim …
    My wast has become non existent .. I measure 42 38 42 … And my BMI is 30.1
    I’d like to get this down to 38 30 38 … BMI 26 …
    Looking forward to this challenge immensely
    So glad I found you 😊

    Forgot to say in the last post …that I’m a newbie …so I don’t really know what I’m doing at the mo.
    Would you kindly add me to the spreadsheet … Quite excited to be starting this new challenge in life .
    Already decided that my fast says will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays …my yoga practice days ..where I never eat until after in the day
    And where will I find the spreadsheet please .. Sorry .. I’m so not a technophobe 🙄

    Day 0 – London – CD

    I’m a mid 50’s lady determined to get a grip with my weight, health and fitness. Wanting April to be as successful as February when I started 5:2, sadly any positivity rolling into March evaporated mid month and then self sabotage set in. Didn’t help that when my slips turned into a slope I went into radio silence and stopped reporting in and reading everyone’s posts, lesson learnt. Still can’t face stepping on the scales and being shamed by them! Will do tomorrow as I’m moving on mentally, emotionally and physically.
    Good luck everyone and well done to all who got through March especially those who reached their goals.

    Day -1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @shinything thanks for hosting April, please count me in.

    @dingping welcome back!

    Hello @shinything – thanks for hosting – I’m in for April.

    2nd post
    Have taken the plunge and got on the scales just a mo ago – damage has been done but not as bad as I feared so I can start tomorrow with a resigned but positive attitude.
    Many thanks @shinything and @missybear for your welcomes, much appreciated.

    Welcome @sarahbob, @tottie-2007, @annypanny its good to have you with us in April 😀
    You are all on our April spread sheet, feel free to fill it with the details if you wish 🙂

    @annypanny here is the spread sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NrwKXO3lzVW2JBkHEmoLBBdTT4eAgoDrKZBItDFbDe4/edit#gid=0 , and you can find it in the first post of this thread, as well as some other useful info 🙂

    Its really good to see all the familiar names here for April challenge ❤

    I am looking forward to it 😀

    Happy Easter to all who celebrate 😊

    Day 0, Emden Germany (but being Dutch)

    Hi everyone, my journey so far:

    I’m 61 years old and just retired. I never had any weight problems and always was a stable 56 kg until 6 years ago when I started a new job as a practice manager. My weight got more and more due to ice cream and sweets. I started January 2017 weighing 70,9 kg by cutting out sugar and most carbs. Started 5:2 at the beginning of February. From March on I joined the challenges. It worked very well, the weight just fell off, I reached my goal being 56 kg on March 29th 2017.

    I benefitted a lot from the good advice and support the others gave me, there are a lot of carers and motivaters around here. If you have a bad day, someone will help you up. Don’t be afraid to post your thoughts and concerns here, it’s a safe place to be.

    @coda, I will always be grateful you started this monthly challenge and @at for helping me through my first month of 5:2.

    Today’s weight 54,6 kg, so down 16,3 kg, 12th month of maintenance from April 2017 on. Plan to maintain at ~ 54-56 kg. Every morning I do my planks, but will have to exercise more.

    Just stick to the basic 5:2, it works and you don’t have to restrict yourself too much.

    Good luck to all of you, together we can make this work!

    Day 0 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Thanks @shinything for hosting April. I am hoping that this will be the month that I slip into 8 stone land and ultimate new goal, but I have to dispatch 5 more pounds first 🤔

    I am 50, female, 5’2 and petite, so weight does not sit well on me. I started 5:2 late July 2017 and have lost over 30 pounds, am now in a healthy BMI, whittled 11 inches off my waist, and can wear size 10 skinny jeans again ☺️ I love this WOL and I truly affirm that this supportive forum keeps us accountable.

    I found out how to make my own yoghurt and kefir from this forum (did not even know what kefir was before), I learned how to do planks from this forum and now have some hard muscle on my abs, I was inspired to do a liquid only fast from this forum (I thought I would die of starvation previously)……Oh so many ways has this forum and it’s wonderful contributors, you guys, helped me sustain this WOL. Thank you.

    Onwards into April. 💃

    Day 31, Sicily, nfd

    I’m a 56 years old female, mum and grandmother. I started this wol in June 2016 and by end October lost 16 kilos. I’ve gained about three kilos and would like to lose them. I’m from Gozo, Malta and I’m on holiday in Sicily at the moment. I go back to Gozo tomorrow night.

    This forum has helped me stay on track and gave me the support I needed to reach my target weight previously and maintain. I mean to reach my target again and maintain.

    Thanks ShinyThing for hosting the April challenge and please count me in.

    Thanks @shinythingy for hosting.

    Let’s see…..I started this WOL in Nov. 2016 at a hefty 165lb, now I’m down 127ish. Still no clue where it ends….. My original starting weight of 8lbs 3oz just doesn’t sound like an achievable goal…… So, the jury is still out!

    I’m 44, working mom of two, okay so they are 22 and 19 but they still live at home. So, I’m running with that…. I’ve been married to my soul mate for 20 years now. We live in Florida.
    I welcome all the newbie to read my journey, this WOL is easy and your goals set are achievable with little effort.

    Okay, much to do today!

    Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you…..
    What do you do?
    You get your drunk ass of the carousel!

    Hi @shinything: Can I join you and try again?
    I’m a very intermittent faster, last FD was 1st Feb 2018 and the time before 8th Mar 2017, so you see what I mean?
    I am 64, a post lady with the Royal Mail, so pretty active in my job. I live in the Cotswolds with my retired husband and two dogs. One adult daughter, an agricultural researcher, lives away and is planning a new post in Australia this summer. So that will be a wrench for us.
    I reached maintenance in Sept 2016 (after 4 months starting with @coda‘s May challenge of that year) but, sadly fell off the wagon since.
    So, I can say that intermittent fasting certainly does work, if you can make it a way of life. I lost 28 pounds. Maintenance was where I struggled. Getting back is a real challenge, so with your help, fingers crossed.

    Not sure what the challenge entails but I’m giving it a go … Looking forward to losing weight at last !

    Sorry to keep asking questions .. Do we have to fill in the spread sheet or do you do it ?
    And if so how . Thanks in advance xx

    Please include me in the April Challenge. I didn’t do so well in March, but hope to do better in April. Looking forward to getting back on track and also warmer weather!

    I am 63, female and retired. I really need to lose about 30 pounds to help improve my health so I that is why I am here. I have some health issues that interfere with my ability to do regular exercise but I make my best effort to be creative in the effort.

    I hope everyone has a good April with positive results!

    Day 1 – Japan – NFD 83.4kg

    Happy Easter!

    Welcome @ciren2 and @scribbleartist , you are both in the spread sheet now 🙂

    @annypanny everybody fill the details in the spread sheet individually, its for monitoring purposes, but some people may choose not to do that but just join the thread, its up to you. If you want to, just open the link I posted in the first post (and in earlier post) and fill the details of your weight, goal etc. under your name, thats it 🙂

    Good luck everyone 💃

    And Happy Easter 🐣

    Day I NFD Auckland NZ

    Hi everyone and welcome and welcome back!!
    Profile: I’m 59, an ex critical care nurse with a fine arts degree. I live with my artist partner of 20 years and our 10 yr old Westie, Macintosh. Our house is being renovated which is taking forever but I hope to move back in a months time (???) unless the builders’ discover something else to fix…
    I joined 5:2 mid January after losing around 10kg on my own and have since lost 5kg. I was 86.1kg this morning and Mac was 9.8kg. I try not to over complicate things by calorie counting – just eat good food and on my Monday and Thursday FDs eat a small meal of mainly protein and vegetables in the evening. My weight loss focus is on staying with the monthly challenges and 5kg (dress size) losses so I don’t get overwhelmed by the enormity of my task ahead!!!
    @dingping Good to see you back. We started out together I think!

    Day 1…NSW Australia…NFD

    Hi, I live on the east coast of Australia in NSW and am looking forward to feeling a whole lot healthier, and being much more energetic, than I am now! I’m a young 65, currently 75.9kg on 1 April 2018 (91.8kg nearly 4 years ago) – aiming for 65kg, with first major stop 75kg. I lost 10kg in the 3 1/2 years prior to starting 5:2 on 1 October 2017, just being sensible. Looking forward to all the great advice this friendly forum has to offer.

    So glad I found this way of eating!

    Thank you ShinyThing for hosting April 😃

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    1st of April – Day 1 -FD- trying for 4.3 this week .
    So looking forward to this challenge & getting support from this forum
    I’m 75 years young, a retired nurse now living in Spain with hubby.
    I’m a mum,Nan & gt nan who misses the family in England … & I love life.
    Must have done almost every diet since I was 27 .. Counting calories is the only one that ever worked ,
    I practice yoga daily & go to class twice a week…I love to swim ,walk & keep my brain active ..
    I aim to lose at least 14 lbs from the Fast diet WOL …Any more would be a bonus
    I weigh 170lbs .. Bust 42 ‘ midriff 37 ‘ waist 38” & hips 42 ”
    Aiming for 153 lbs 38. 34. 30. 38
    Still not sure his to record to on the spreadsheet tho’ 🙄
    Good luck 🍀

    Thankyou … I’ll have a go…just can’t seem to open it ..but I’ll jerk trying 😊

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