Any former yo yo dieters out there?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Finnmacb 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Starting 5:2 (again) I need to keep on focus with this as find it so hard to lose weight in my mid 40s – mindset been in unfair mode as used to just give up crisps etc for a couple of weeks and back to normal weight- doesn’t work anymore lol ! Need some fast diet buddies to keep up the motivation to keep me going 🙂

    yo yo buddie, here for you! Approaching 60 and still with hot flashes! I was getting close to giving up but this program validated and regulates what I had a natural tendency to do about food. I used to be quite slim and started to think that the aching ankle and creaky knees were going to have to be a part of my life along with the weight.

    Have you watched Doctor Mosley’s documentary about aging? It starts out as a search about how to age well, it ends with him doing the 5:2 diet for 5 weeks off screen. The health reasons for doing it this way were amazing and he seems to be convinced himself enough to keep on it for good.

    Good luck with the new start.

    Yes watched the documentary a while ago and this is second time tried it- need to keep at it this time and see it as a permanent change – how have you done so far – sounds like it’s working for you?

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