Any Dubs out there?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ellie Rainbow 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hey everyone. Just wondering if there are any Irish fasters amongst us?? :). Would be nice to share our journey.
    I just started yesterday and managed to get through my first fast unscathed! So celebrating with a few glasses of wine tonite! Hoping that doesn’t defeat the purpose! 🙂

    Welcome Miss O!
    I’m from Ireland’s ‘real capital’ but hope you won’t hold that against me!

    I started 5:2 last month and lost 6lb in my first two weeks, so great start, no major hunger pangs or anything. For the last two weeks I’ve been away so keeping a close eye on daily food intake, but not fasting, it’s so much easier to do on a work day. I did manage to weigh myself once and no change thank goodness.
    Have to say though that I’m looking forward to getting back on track, and cooking up some tasty soups for evening meal. Porridge tends to work well for breakfast and I have some raisins and almonds to nibble on if the water isn’t enough to keep me full during the day.

    Good luck!

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