Another Newbie

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  floss 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi all. I started 4 days ago, so I have had 2 fast days. My husband and I have started together. Just a query – if I haven’t used up all my 500 calories, is that a problem? I am 61 years old, female, and struggle with extra kilos even though I am physically fit, active and healthy. My aim is to lose at least 5kilos ideally 7. My sister and brother are both on the 5:2 with extraordinary results.
    I look forward to the forum and your input.
    Have a wonderful day!

    Hello i am Ronnie new also in this forum and it is nice to meet you.

    hello to both of you and warm welcome from me too!!

    Vivvd I don’t think its too much of a worry if you haven’t used the whole 500 cals, just don’t go too low though! sounds like you have got it all under control, like you I want to loose that 5 kilos grrrr but its very slow because its not a huge amount, but that doesn’t matter, as eventually we’ll be on maintenance mode 🙂

    Happy fasting!! x

    I hardly ever eat 500 calories on fasting day, it’s usually around 420. I don’t deliberately eat less, it’s just how it works out sometimes. I have successfully lost weight, I first did the 5:2 last year for about five months, then stopped for around four months, I was surprised and delighted to notice I didn’t gain as much weight back as after previous bouts of “normal” dieting! I have been doing it again for about 11 weeks and am now “too thin” in my husband’s opinion! He does like a chunkier sort of body to cuddle up to! I am making a determined effort to eat more on none fasting days as I don’t want to give up the health benefits of fasting two days a week, this is not as easy as one would expect as I have found I am wanting to eat more healthily all the time now, my palate has been re educated! It’s the only diet that has ever worked for me and I have done a few but personally I don’t want to do it for “life” it works for me, to stop it once in a while and start again before I gain back too much weight. Good luck with it and stick at it, it does work!

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