Another Newbie

This topic contains 20 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Lilyjo 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi from France.

    Just starting. This is my second fasting day and I am finding it hard. I’m waiting to eat with my husband tonight and have decided to not let him know about this yet . I won’t be able to cope with explaining it to him at the moment- and certainly not today. I’m feeling very short tempered . πŸ™‚

    hi there Lilyjo and welcome!!

    wow, we have 2 things in common, I am born and bred in France lol and I haven’t told hubby nearly 6 months on hehe!!

    but I sympathise with the short tempered, my dogs get the brunt of it grrr, some fast days are easier and others are not..weird!

    take it easy, the day will soon be over, hang in there!! good luck and enjoy your dinner tonight πŸ™‚

    Angie x

    Oh thanks a lot for your support Angie. My H is leaving me alone a bit because I told him I’ve got a headache .
    I’m glad to have met you so soon – especially having these things in common. Do you live in France ? I am happy to be able to say that I’ve not told my H too.

    Hi Lilyjo!

    your post made me smile because it reminds me so much of me lol! I have lived in the UK since 1983 but all my family live in France, Seine Saint Denis, banlieue parisienne lol!

    I haven’t told my husband because he simply wont listen if I try to explain and so id rather avoid all πŸ™‚ he is the main cook though so if he cooks something I will sneak on Google and go see how many calories lol, if it falls on a fast day haha!!

    which days are you fasting then? I do Tuesdays and Thursdays, or Fridays, it depends, I am fasting tomorrow so it will be my turn to be irritable grrrr

    good luck and keep us posted!! hope your headache eases off soon πŸ™‚

    Angie x

    Sneaking in writing a little coucou before my husband sees. Will write more tomorrow:). Thanks a lot.

    No worries Lilyjo πŸ™‚

    Have a nice evening !

    I couldn’t imagine living with someone and not telling them! There’s so much missed motivation there! πŸ˜› But of course it’s your choice πŸ˜‰

    The fasting days get easier Lily, you just have to stick with it for a few weeks. When you get into the swing of things you’ll start wondering how you ever lived differently πŸ˜‰
    I’m not from France by the way, mais je parle un petit peu de francais. And yeah I know there’s supposed to be something underneath the c in francais, but this is an office keyboard! πŸ™ From the Netherlands myself, so had to learn it. Went to France for summer vacation in 2012 with a good friend, had a blast! I got completely hooked on fresh baguette with camembert though. Damned French.

    This is so new to me that I am not 100% sure which should be my fast days. I think the best ones will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. But sometimes I might change depending on my work schedule.
    Re H, I’m amazed how you’ve managed to keep this quiet from your H for so long. Please do give me some tips. I’m sure that mine would freak out if I told him what I was doing .
    And also, often he does the cooking so I don’t really know how I’ll manage that on my FDs. My H is slim built and doesn’t need to watch his weight. So, he often uses lots of olive oil in things . I don’t really know how I’ll be able to deal with that part. Have you any experience on the matter ?
    Bisous πŸ™‚

    Hi Nika

    thanks for post, its not that I don’t want to tell him lol, I just know he wouldn’t understand, I may tell him eventually but its so easy to fit it in because our work schedules allows it and very often we don’t eat together in the evening!

    very good French there πŸ™‚ and I know what you mean about the baguettes grrrrrr I love them, just the smell of freshly baked baguettes sends me into a carbs frenzy arghhhhhhhhhhh best avoid then uh!!

    happy fasting πŸ™‚

    Angie x

    hi Lilyjo

    I can relate to your hubby doing a lot of the cooking, and just as mine he uses olive oil and such but don’t worry olive oil is ok!

    if you can try and make your fast days around the days he isn’t cooking? or like I do take a sneak preview on line about how many calories roughly on the meal, also have a smaller portion, that’s what I normally do lol..
    I am sure you will be fine, it takes time to work things around your life but you will get used to it!
    I think i’ll tell him eventually, he knows I am pretty headstrong so nothing he says will change my mind lol, but for now id rather avoid the aggro!!

    he’s of slim build too so like yours doesn’t need to diet, luck sod!!

    your English is perfect by the way!! have a good day and take care and happy fasting!
    bisous πŸ™‚

    Hi there Nika,
    Don’t forget that my DH is French. Believe me- talking it through with him will be a real hot potatoe for me at the moment and I mustn’t overface (ha) myself right now.
    Thanks for your welcome Nika. I’m glad you like France.

    Coucou Angie,
    Your English is perfect too. πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the suggestions again about hubby.
    I’m going to take you up on them. Now is not the right time for me to tell mine. I’ll wait and see. Or maybe I’ll wait and let him see. πŸ™‚
    Have a good day.

    Hi Lilyjo

    good luck with hubby lol, am sure you’ll both be fine lol, he might just surprise you πŸ™‚

    have a lovely day


    Angie xx

    Cheers Angie and Happy New Year for 2014. πŸ™‚

    I am another newbie to this site, although not to this diet. My GP suggested it last May when I had gone for the yearly injection in my knee for arthritis. I have followed this diet since then. I have lost 2 st. 3lbs. I feel far better than I did, and look smarter too. I have another stone to get rid of yet, and my efforts are slowing down to almost no losses. I shall persist, but feel a bit disappointed at my weight becoming stable now. Any suggestions? I am 75 years old. Diabetic, and need to loose weight for health reasons.

    Hi Forbern and welcome to the site πŸ™‚

    well done on your success with 5.2! I guess we all hit a plateau at some time, I have been stuck on mine since October with only a half pound loss since grrr

    but it will shift, so good on you for persisting! I have read on other forums that if you wanted to get off the plateau to maybe try 4.3, or a few 16.8 days, I haven’t tried none of those so cant really comment.. am sure someone will be along soon with more helpful suggestions!!

    all the best and happy fasting πŸ™‚

    Hi Forbern,
    Thanks for the info. Although I’m new to this particular type of diet. I have realised that the idea is also to integrate it into a new lifestyle if possible.
    Because I don’t really know what to do on my non-fasting days I have am using ‘My Fitness Pal’ to get an idea of what amounts are ‘reasonable’ for me to eat on my non-fast days.
    I noticed that when I put in the different foods, they are broken down into fats, proteins, carbs etc for me. This could be of use to you.
    Because I am expecting to lose my weight due to fast days I registered with MFP on ‘maintaince mode’. That way I am using MFP to help me just monitor my reasonableness on my non-fast days. I hope this might help.

    Hi Angie, I will give 4:3 a try. I couldn’t do more as I get depressed at times with 5:2 . Thank you also to Lilyjo for reply.

    My H’s reaction to my becoming a faster was ‘I will support you all the way so long as you still get my meals’ yeah right……
    Unfortunately for me it was easier to make sure he had a cooked meal on my fast days than to let him run riot in the kitchen (I am a bit of a control freak)
    I do know I couldn’t have not told him – so good luck to you two πŸ™‚

    Hi Lindyw and thanks for your post,

    Men hey! Well yours seems quite chilled about it and thats great lol, i will tell mine… And i can relate about letting him run riot in the kitchen, grrrrr…mine is the typical “uses every pan in the cupboard, arghhhh” i am a bit of a control freak too lol and like my kitchen tidy!

    Happy fasting πŸ™‚

    Hi ,
    I have just told my husband and I am pleased with his answer. I think he is relieved too because I am preparing a bΕ“uf bourguinon for the end of my fast day to eat with him.
    I am pleased that I waited until I felt ready to tell him. I also pointed out that there are often days that I don’t have lunch and that it is not good for me to come home and munch on crisps and have an apΓ©ritif to break my fast. That is what I have often done before stopping to take stock and organise my Fast Days.
    I have heard that he is concerned about the health aspect. But, I have also heard that he will do his best to support me.
    I’m pleased about that and am now going to get on organising my Fast Day for tomorrow .
    Good luck to all today’s FDs.

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