All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days, 1 day at a time challenge!

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All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days, 1 day at a time challenge!

This topic contains 341 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  matpi 2 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 42 posts - 301 through 342 (of 342 total)

  • Day 26 UK LFD

    I’ve had too many carbs the last couple of days and skipped yesterday’s regular FD so now wonder I’m feeling even puffier and weighing in up 4lbs! I realised i’ve stopped keeping a food diary – with that and the wiped out fatigue, no wonder i’ve gone off track.

    I’m making today a LFD even tho it’s a quiet one which will be a bit harder. But it’s a really helpful way to reset after a little derailment, and I’m increasingly remembering that I need to change something if I want something to change! So today is all about gallons of fizzy water, black coffee, fresh mint / root ginger tea, and hot marmite to stave off the pangs later on.

    It’s my first LFD in a couple of years…. but I seem to recall it was easier to not eat than to eat a bit, once I get into it. And was helpful at resetting my mind & body into 5:2 mode

    My afternoon includes stretching and meditating, pottering in the garden, colouring my hair, soaking in the bath, reading a book, painting my toenails – all those things which help me to feel grounded inside and out.

    @stitchincarol thank you for the top tab tip!

    Pocket list – Day 26 – Friday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (just Friday, Saturday and Sunday left for this week so jump in now if you need it!)

    Day 26, NFD (CD), Scotland

    Hey everyone, just checking in to stay accountable. Sensible day today. No booze, no takeaway. I had a scrummy lunch, houmous and carrot, it was yummy, and i seen there is a low cal version of the houmous which would work on a FD. Body step after work. Then get started on the cleaning.

    Hope you all have a great weekend and see you next week.

    Day 26 – UK Cam – FD
    Weigh-in this morning = 143.5 lb – half a pound down on last week so a success story although I suspect last night’s pre-theatre supper and chocolates in the interval will catch up with me later! Had a super night out, I was careful at supper but succumbed to a very small pudding and did go a bit overboard with the home-made truffles … Had a ghastly drive home – the major road was unexpected closed and it took ages to follow the detour so I didn’t get home, after dropping off my friends, until 1 am. Woke up late today and spent the morning blitzing the conservatory. I have nothing against small furry creatures and creepy-crawlies so long as they stay outside – but when I moved the furniture away from the edges and pulled back the blinds I discovered a large cemetery of very dead (cooked in heat?) bugs and several annoyed spiders. I cleared the first and ignored the second – they can feast on anything I missed! A great feeling to stand back at the end of a dirty job and know you won’t have to do it again for a good while.

    It was lunchtime before I realised I hadn’t eaten anything all morning so decided to have a FD to counter the indulgence yesterday – had a quick egg salad with half an avocado for lunch & chicken casserole for supper with green veggies. Feel very virtuous – but as everyone says, it’s not the FDs that are difficult, it’s the rest of the time!

    @funshipfreddie – hope her majesty approves of her new quarters and you are both settled in. I bet she isn’t talking to you = stalking around with tail up, ignoring you!

    Today’s trivia – VHS – I used to know and can guess the first bit but the other 2 letters ?? We still have a video player and some really old music concert tapes we love, don’t often watch them though now we have ‘catch-up- TV channels.

    Day 27 – Saturday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🌞⭐🌟🌞⭐🌟

    Hellooooo everyone! Sorry bad host today! I have to cut ‘n run today but will leave you with the trivia etc. Keep your posts coming in and I’ll be back tomorrow.😍🥰😁

    ⭐Yesterday’s Trivia _ Friday – Day 26

    80s kids will remember the VHS – but what does it stand for❓❓❓

    Video Home System – standard for consumer-level analog video recording on tape cassettes….. arrhhhh? that VHS!!! 🤣🤣😂🤣… of course you knew it!

    ⭐Today’s Trivia – Saturday – Day 27

    Which country had the first Disneyland to be built outside of the US, and in what year❓❓❓❓❓

    cheerie dearies and see you tomorrow!

    Thought for the Day – Saturday – Day 27
    🌞⭐🌟 You had the power all along, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself. – Glinda the Good Witch to Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ 🌞⭐🌟

    Pocket list – Day 27 – Saturday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (just Saturday and Sunday left for this week so jump in now if you need it!)

    Day 27 – UK Cam – NFD
    Quick post – yesterday’s impromptu FD has worked! Checked weight this morning 142.5lb – I won’t make the target for this month, but won’t be far off. Busy day with family stuff and got to squeeze in dog walk somewhere. Catch up tomorrow.

    Good luck to anyone doing a FD today – stick with it!

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @gardenlily & @stitchincarol – Boo Boo ignoring me? Anything but?! She’s very clingy. I was visiting her regularly in the cattery, so I guess she didn’t feel completely abandoned. After we got home yesterday she spent about 20 minutes exploring every nook & cranny; then she jumped up onto my lap & purred & snoozed away all evening. I let her out into the garden this morning, but she’s very wary & came back in again after only a couple of minutes.

    @linda.b – I’m guessing France, haven’t heard of any other countries with a Disneyland? No idea what year though. Maybe China? They seem to have a replica of everything 😅

    Scales dusted off, battery installed. But I’ll wait until after today’s FD 🤦‍♂️

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Hoping to make tomorrow a FD.

    Day 27 UK CD

    Yay for yesterday’s LFD – my first in over two years! Today I weighed in back down 4lbs at just under 80kg.

    I drank lots of water, black coffee, ginger tea, marmite tea, one tin of rhubarb cordial diluted with fizzy water and went to bed. I really couldn’t sleep and ended up having a midnight feast of tinned tomato soup which wasn’t in the plan, but still came in under 300 calories for the day. I’m feeling a bit less puffy and much more hydrated! Somehow it was so much easier to accept that i simply wasn’t eating, and would pick it up tomorrow. I know that’s the message to my brain for FD but it had stopped working. I’m definitely doing this again next week!

    I’m breaking my fast with a very late lunch of poached eggs and spinach then a supper of vegan ‘fish’, baked sweet potato and salad. Also planning ahead to make a good packed lunch for tomorrow’s boat trip 🙂

    I have a couple of days out planned for my time off to make sure it really IS a holiday, doing two of my favouite things. Tomorrow is a boat from Westminster to Richmond then either spend the afternoon or get another boat down to Hampton Court Palace and catch the train home from there. I’m resting on Monday then my favourite day trip on Tuesday – to the Isle of Wight! It involves an early start, two trains and a ferry then we’ll have about 6.5 hours on the island before heading home, rest day on Wednesday. I can’t wait!

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    It’s been so busy today that it’s been easy simply not to eat so far. Now comes the question of whether I’ll make it a WF or if I’ll do a 500 calorie fast. We’ll see what I choose. I’m currently watching my Cornhuskers play American football in Aviva stadium in Dublin (I taped it so I could watch it when I got home, LOL), so for the time being I’m occupied and not tempted to go eat.

    @gardenlily How lovely that you’re down a bit more; well done!!

    @funshipfreddie It must feel lovely to have Boo Boo cuddling and purring!

    @michelinme All sorts of lovely things in your life these days, that your liquid fast worked so well, and that you have two fun vacation days to anticipate! Enjoy!

    I haven’t decided if I’m taking my laptop along on our vacation or not, so I may or may not be posting next week. I’ll sure be reading, as I’m able, however, so I hope everything goes well for all of you while I’m gone!

    Day 28 – Sunday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🌞⭐🌟🌞⭐🌟

    Sunday morning … well it was Sunday morning but now it’s Sunday afternoon… Everything seems to be just one distraction after another this weekend.

    We’ve a few posters chipping in over the weekend…. and it looks like everyone is on track🚂🚂 for the last lap of the month.

    @gardenlily … your quiet determination is paying dividends! And as you are already 3+ down ⬇⬇⬇ for the month, you just may reach your goal for the month or at least very close to it!🤞🤞 Great result for this week! 🔔🔔

    @goal10kg – hope your weekend is fun, you’ve had such a great week and so totally stayed on track! Can’t wait to see your final result in 3 days time🔔🔔🔔

    @funshipfreddie …. glad to hear HRC has resumed her rightful place at the palace. Hope your FD went well. It’s going to be so interesting to see what the scales say! Should be good because you really haven’t gone offtrack too much! 🔔🔔🔔

    @northgeorgia … glad to see you’re onto the FD for Sunday…… fingers crossed it’s a good one🤞🤞🔔🔔🔔

    @michelinme… ⬇⬇⬇⬇ down go your scales…. fantastic 🔔🔔🔔 .. your outing plans sound just wonderful. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures. It’ll be like a breath of fresh air for you …. so enjoyable!

    @stitchincarol… so what did you decide… a WF or a 500 calorie fast??? hmmm🤔🤔 knowing how busy you are, I’d guess you are doing the WF. 😃😀 Wishing you the best time on your R & R mini-vacation! 🔔🔔🔔

    ⭐Yesterday’s Trivia – Saturday – Day 27

    Which country had the first Disneyland 🎠🎢✨🎆 to be built outside of the US, and in what year❓❓❓❓❓
    Japan, in 1983 🎎🎎 It was the first Disney park to be built outside the United States and it opened on April 15, 1983. The park was constructed in the same style as Magic Kingdom in Florida and Disneyland in California.🎠🎢✨🎆

    ⭐Today’s Trivia – Sunday – Day 28
    How many rings in the symbol of the Olympics and what are the colours?❓❓❓ hmmm?🤔🤔🤔

    cheerie dearies… have a lovely Sunday😎😍😎😘😎

    🎇🎆🎈🎈🎈Thought of the Day – Day 28 – Sunday …….(my all time favourite!)

    😍🥰😘 Everything is permitted but not everything is beneficial 😍🥰😘

    Pocket list – Day 28 – Sunday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (just today, the last Sunday left for this month’s challenge…so, still time… jump in now if you need it!)

    Day 28 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @funshipfreddie – Glad to hear you’ve got somewhere sorted, hopefully all goes well for you, nothing worse than being ‘unsettled’.

    Beer, I’ve been brewing beer since around 1975, when a mate and I decided to give it a go, especially as he was studying biochemistry at Uni and could study and use it as part of his course work! It’s been a much maligned drink and better (health-wise) then either wine or spirits especially as it’s easy to overconsume both wine and especially spirits, which means more calories.
    A decent beer can be a real treat, in fact more people are turning to beer and especially the ladies!
    So many people have been using hops, as an aid to digestion, combat anxiety, sleep disorders, restlessness, symptoms of menopause, and many other conditions. They have been used as a ‘green tea’ drink for hundreds of years, nothing new!

    I have a beer of an evening and still manage to maintain as part of my 5:2 regime 😉

    Take care all

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Just weighed myself for the first time in + 30 days. Drum roll……. 73.2 kgs! I’m gob-smacked. I was expecting it to be at least 75. So I’m only over my upper limit by 0.2. I’ve picked up a couple of bad habits recently, eg picking up a small packet of Sour Worms/Rondos to munch in the car after grocery shopping, an extra cappuccino at lunch time. Seems harmless at the time, but it all adds up. Anyway, a couple of sensible days, plenty of walking & another FD before the end of the month should put me back under 73 kgs.

    @michelinme – congrats on a successful LFD, & enjoy your trip! 🚢 🚂

    @stitchincarol – it is lovely having Boo Boo back home. But why do cats ALWAYS want to go through the one door that’s not open? She keeps sitting by the front door & looking up at me, despite being able to go in any other room, not to mention the garden 😅

    @linda.b – today’s trivia – easy-peasy! Well, the first part; I had to cheat for the colours. Interesting how Aussies spell the word ‘colour’ the same as the Brits, & not the American way.. 🤔

    From yesterday’s UK Mail:

    Happy S🌞nday 🌤

    Day 28 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. I knew I had messed up yesterday. Whenever I feel urged to eat stuff I really don’t want, I try to subconsciously “make up” for it by adding foods I do want, and it just leaves me feeling stuffed and miserable. That’s a bit of an observation I’ve made that I will convert into a valuable lesson. If I have to eat to “be polite,” then just a small amount should do. But also — what if something doesn’t taste as good as I hoped? Instead of finishing it off, I think wrapping it “for later” is a better option (and maybe I can give it away).

    I have another difficult week ahead, culminating with a holiday weekend, so I’ll go easy on myself. I just need to figure out some of the major weaknesses on my NFDs and try to eliminate what I can. If all goes well, I’ll do WFD-OMAD-WFD today through Tuesday. I’m being taken out for my “birthday lunch” at work on Wednesday. I said, maybe I’ll add a week of postponement to my birthday every year, so eventually I’ll be months younger! As Thursday is a crazy day, who knows what will happen. In addition to the big evening event, I have a local non-profit breakfast early that morning. We’re there as guests, so I’ll try to avoid the buffet — I’m hoping it can also turn into a FD to help start off September right.

    I really don’t want to return to 4:3, though. I’d rather do 5:2 and throw in a couple of OMADs in the week to support it. I just need to figure out my plans on NFDs to keep myself from falling off the deep end.

    Pocket list – Day 28 – Sunday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (just today, the last Sunday left for this month’s challenge…so, still time… jump in now if you need it!)

    Day 29, FD, Aus

    Another really bad night’s sleep; I can barely keep my eyes open and the long day of work is stretching out ahead of me. Blech.

    I almost logged on over the weekend just to catch up with the news of BooBoo settling in to her new home. Oh, and @funshipfreddie settling in too of course. I am not a cat person, but the sound of a cat’s purr really is a lovely comforting accompaniment. Maybe dogs should learn the trick.

    Day 29 – Monday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – my FUN DAY (FD)🚂🚂🚂🚂

    Well here we are…the last 3 days of All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days, 1 day at a time challenge! 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂
    Whew! that went fast! 😅😅 And only 124 days left of 2022 too! …. time is certainly marching on and we have all been engaged in our own personal Intermittent Fasting ride for nearly a whole month..we’ve collectively and individually had some ups⬆⬆⬆ 😥☹😖😖😕🙃 and had some downs⬇⬇⬇⬇😁😀😃😄😊😉 but we’re still here …. so good on us! 👏👏👏👏 🔔🔔🔔🔔

    So… 3 days… 3 wonderful great big days to race down to the finish line….🚂🚂🚂🚂
    Let’s make one last BIG ENTHUSIASTIC EFFORT to finish off the month and get this thing done!🎆🎇✨
    Then we’ll be starting next month with such a sense of achievement… ready for the next monthly challenge! 😁😁😁😁
    Remember, “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”….
    I, for one, desperately do NOT want to have to repeat all the hard effort to date… and neither do you!😁😁😁😁
    💪💪💪 we gain strength from each other💪💪💪

    Thanks everyone for putting up with my flibbertigibbet style of hosting and, believe me, I’ve had fun being host for this month. It’s really kept me on the straight and narrow with my own MAINENTANCE track and happy to report that I’m finishing the month exactly where I started. How good is that? Woohoo! 😀🤣😃😍

    Now, I need your attention please📣📣📣….. anyone crazy 😵🥴🤪 enough to take on this gig from Thursday 1st September for the next month’s challenge? I can thoroughly recommend it as certainly keeps you focussed on your own goals as well🎯🎯 It’s a win/win.. promise! So, any volunteers for hosting September?

    By the way, here is the August spreadsheet again if anyone needs it.

    @at are you around❓❓ Are you still with us? Haven’t heard from you for a while but hopefully you have been dropping by. Are you up for doing the September spreadsheet❓❓

    @funshipfreddie…. Woohooo! Well done! 0.2 fantastic!🥇🏆 …. Spelling??? COLOUR??? Yep, we love our ‘U’….for example, flavour, labour, vapour, harbour, humour etc and we’re not giving it up! 🤣😂🤣😂 …. Remember, beside our first nations’ peoples, the rest of us were then mostly descendant from the Brits until the 80’s and so have the same parliamentary and legal systems etc etc.. and also the same spelling with the same English language protocols. Mind you, we are a very multi-cultural society now … but we are still keeping our ‘U’.🥰🥰

    @i hate lettuce. In Australia home brewing is very big and also boutique breweries popping up everywhere challenging the big companies for a slice of the market. I never know what gift to give my SIL and so often buy him a selection from different boutique brewers. They drink the beer very cold here …. How do you drink your’s?

    @northgeorgia … you are doing a lot musing and analyzing…. I think you are right when you say, “I just need to figure out my plans on NFDs to keep myself from falling off the deep end.”…… you are definitely going to be challenged this week with all those scheduled meet-ups … I hope it won’t be too hard for you! We’re all supporting you though! 💪💪💪 we gain strength from each other💪💪💪

    @penz.. I hear you about facing another week of work! It really gets in the way of a good time, doesn’t it? Maybe this week we’ll win lotto to spare us from this drudgery! 🥴😵🤪😳

    ⭐Yesterday’s Trivia – Sunday – Day 28
    How many rings in the symbol of the Olympics and what are the colours?❓❓❓ hmmm?🤔🤔🤔
    FIVE. Yellow 🟨- Red 🟥 – Green 🟩 – Black ⬛- Blue🟦. Each ring symbolizes one of the five continents competing at the Olympics: Africa (yellow), the Americas (red), Asia (green), Europe (black), and Oceania (blue).

    ⭐Today’s Trivia – Monday– Day 29
    How many phases of the moon are there?❓❓❓ hmmm?🤔🤔🤔🌙🌛🌜

    So taking a lesson from the Little Engine that Could with just 3 days to go… 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂
    I think I can, I think I can-
    I think I can, I think I can, I think I have a plan
    And I can do ‘most anything if I only think I can

    cheerie dearies

    Thought for the Day
    If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but NEVER change the goal‼‼‼
    It’s time to replace what you were doing with what works. Not because of the guilt, the shame, or the regret. Do it because you deserve better than to live a life that brings you pain. You deserve joy. You deserve happiness. You deserve peace. Don’t ignore yourself any longer!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🌻🌼🌺🌸🏵🌼🌻

    Pocket list – Day 29 – Monday🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the last Monday left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… jump in now… you know you want to!)

    Day 29 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Did a great FD yesterday, and planning for another one tomorrow. Today should be an OMAD lunch with some work colleagues if all goes well.

    Day 29 UK FD

    Fabulous day yesterday, withc church and friends in the morning then on the river. It was just the perfect weather for a boating from Westminster down to Hampton Court. The journey home was really easy too – amazing that i’d never realised! I’ll definitely be going there more often, even if simply to potter by the river rather than visit the gardens

    I had a very healthy packed lunch which worked to keep me going and away from most temptations. Back home I had a lovely treat supper of pea-protein ‘kievs’ with cauliflower and sugar snap peas, followed by raspberries, vegan ice cream and chocolate rice cake. It all came in at just over TDEE and I DIDN’T go back and eat more pudding which feels epic!

    Today I’m aiming for another LFD because the last one worked so well. It’s all abou the water, black decaf coffee, peppermint tea, ginger tea, marmite tea… and possibly some soup for supper. It’s a quiet rest and prep day with an an early night, then up and out early tomorrow for trip to the Isle of Wight – yay.

    Fabulous to have found my mojo again in time for the end of Audacious August – taking it one day at a time is definitely the way to go. Amazing what a difference one good day can make to resetting. If it’s not been a good month don’t give up – there are still three days to make a difference! I joined the May challenge on 27th and got in three good FDs before the end of the month, losing 4lbs before jumping into June. Start today and see what comes 🙂

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Could’ve sworn I posted earlier? Guess not 🥴️

    @penz – love the idea of dogs purring 😅. A barking dog has got to be up there for the most annoying sound, after a crying baby. I hope your long work day wasn’t too awful after your poor night’s sleep?! Adding you to the pocket list.🎯

    @michelinme – so glad you enjoyed yourself yesterday & that you’ve got your mojo back. Adding you to the list too 🎯

    Atrocious weather here again, but much-needed rain. So I’ll have to rack up some steps indoors🚶‍♂️

    RESOLVE to today’s fasters 💪

    Pocket list – Day 29 – Monday🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the last Monday left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… jump in now… you know you want to!)
    @northgeorgia OMAD

    Day 29 – UK Cam – FD
    I can’t believe that we are already at the end of August – I can’t help with the hosting next month as I am off on my hols at the end – 2 weeks in Scotland that straddles the month end. Maybe November? @linda.b you have done a brilliant job of keeping us all on track and motivated.

    Doing a FD today altho suspect it will be more 800 than 500 as DH cooked tomatoes on toast and added grilled bacon for lunch – I put 1 rasher back but couldn’t resist the other one! The tomatoes were amazing – just plain, grilled toms with seasoning, no added oil or anything – straight from the plant to the plate! I have baked lamb with herbs lined up for supper with loads of green veggies – not a great meat eater but enjoy a small slice so should be OK – just need to keep away from the juices (all that tasty fat!).

    Spent today mostly making jam – now it’s cooler here I can catch up on the store cupboard jobs – made 8 x 1lb blackberry & apple jam, no seeds – bit of a pain sieving the fruit but worth it. Wretched stuff nearly set in the pan so glooping sticky jam into pots, it went everywhere – on my phone, down the door of the cupboard, on the floor – dog was delighted until she tried to eat it – super hot jam – a no-no!

    Had a lovely weekend with family – stuffed ourselves with home-made pizza yesterday. DD dusted off the pizza oven and GD got the toppings ready – I would like to think they were sort-of healthy, all fresh stuff and no meat (but plenty of cheese 🙁 …)

    Sending resolve to everyone else on a FD today – hang on in there. 2 more days to go with this month – might even squeeze in another FD on Wednesday – I really want to get down to my target for my holiday …

    Phases of the moon? Hmmmmmm, there’s a gibbet or something in there somewhere????

    Day 30, NFD, Aus

    Got through yesterday’s FD ok. I was sooo hungry when I got home from work that I had a narrow wedge of home-made egg and bacon pie. I really should have eaten before-hand because I then had a rush of energy which I had been lacking all day. Good night’s sleep and the sun is out today. So all good.

    Sticky jam! Feel for you @gardenlily. bet it felt like more than 8 lbs worth of the stuff had splattered everywhere.

    Day 30 – Tuesday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🚂🚂🚂🚂

    ATTENTION PLEASE📣📣📣 volunteer needed to host September … put your hand up, you’ll enjoy it!

    Here we are on the second last day of our All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days, 1 day at a time challenge! All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days, 1 day at a time challenge! 🚂🚂🚂🚂

    So we’re nearly there and time for us to reflect a little. 🌼🌻🌺🌼🌻

    Please share the following:

    What was the BEST thing for you about the month?❓❓❓🤔🤔🤔
    What did you find the biggest CHALLENGE for you this month? ❓❓❓🤔🤔🤔

    Sharing some of your experiences of the month on the last days can be so helpful for us all. You never know that one little shared comment might be just the thing to help someone else along the way. 😀🥰😉😊

    @northgeorgia…phew! you’ve descended again⬇⬇⬇⬇ …4lbs ⬇⬇⬇⬇… yay, fabulous effort! So whatever you did (or didn’t do😃😅) the day before.. repeat that… because you went down⬇⬇⬇⬇… you can do this!🥰 … and we’re with you🥰😘🥰 As @michelinme says “Amazing what a difference one good day can make to resetting.”

    @michelinme … you are such an inspiration!⭐⭐ Your excursion sounded just idyllic and has breathed some much needed fresh air and perspective back into your mojo! Curiosity got the better of me and I Googled your trip down the Thames and it looks just wonderful, especially with the good weather you had🌞. Sometimes we forget there are adventures to be had in our very own back yards that tourists pay thousands £££$$$ to come visit and yet we have it all just right there at our fingertips!🌞🌟🌞🌟 Couldn’t resist and Googled the pea-protein ‘kievs’ as well… looks deeeliisssh! 😋😋😋 Your advice to everyone is just GOLD…. ⭐⭐⭐– “taking it one day at a time is definitely the way to go. Amazing what a difference one good day can make to resetting. If it’s not been a good month don’t give up – there are still three days to make a difference! I joined the May challenge on 27th and got in three good FDs before the end of the month, losing 4lbs before jumping into June. Start today and see what comes” … hope EVERYONE reads that!🥰😘🥰

    @funshipfreddie … rain and indoor steps🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️? HRC will be rolling her eyes as you do your indoor steps and she snuggles down to snooze away until her next feast time! She’ll be thinking that the butler has lost his marbles!🤣🤣😂🤣😂🐈🐈🐈🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
    Hey, @funshipfreddie, how about putting your hand up for September host…. it’ll be fun… ie FUNSHIP?🤣😂🤣 🤩🤩🤩🤩

    @gardenlily .. we’ll book you in for November hosting… your plans for September sound just wonderful and you must be looking forward to it so much. Do you have neighbours to look after your garden when you’re away? Can I volunteer? Your pantry could be empty when you return though!🤣😂🤣🤣 I haven’t had breakfast yet and after reading @michelinme and your posts, I’m positively drooling at your dishes! 😘😘😘 Home grown grilled tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅 on toast are calling me! Tomatoes are like gold here at the moment. After the floods they have been scarce so prices went up for so many veg astronomically. But it’s several months now and the prices are slowly coming down to the real world…. but not fast enough! My fave, broccoli🥦🥦 and tomatoes🍅🍅 were often $11.99 kilo! Pity the families who try to buy fresh veg for their broods.😕🙃😕 I adore jam!… There it is, my secret is out! I just adore jam! That’s homemade proper jam, not the commercial rubbish! I’m salivating at the thought of your blackberry & apple jam…. oooooh! 🔔🔔🔔🔔

    @penz…great you’ve had a good night’s sleep and a good FD too 🔔🔔🔔 … and a bonus with the sun out!🌞🌞🌞 All’s good with the world. That home-made egg and bacon pie also sounds deelissh!…. I haven’t been able to buy eggs 🥚🥚🥚 here for 3 weeks! The shelves are always empty when I shop… there has been a shortage and they are always sold out by the time I get there at the end of the day.

    Hey @penz… Are you up for hosting again so soon? (You hosted in July so it’d be a very big ask of you)…

    It’s gone very quite looking for a volunteer…….
    Maybe, just maybe, we can all collectively press @funshipfreddie to raise his hand??? 🥰😍😘🥰😍 ….. how about it @funshipfreddie❓❓❓❓

    ⭐Yesterday’s Trivia – Monday– Day 29
    How many phases of the moon are there?❓❓❓ 🌙🌛🌜
    Eight (8) – These eight phases are, in order, new Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent. The cycle repeats once a month (every 29.5 days).

    ⭐Today’s Trivia – Tuesday – Day 30
    How many pairs of wings does a ladybird 🐞 have? 🐞🐞🐞hmmm?🤔🤔🤔

    cheerie dearies

    Thought for the Day – Day 30 – Tuesday – today we reflect about CHANGE and to INTERRUPT THE PATTERNS OF OUR LIFE🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to CHANGE.” – Darwin

    CHANGE: They always say time changes things, but you ACTUALLY HAVE TO CHANGE THEM YOURSELF. Andy Warhol

    Pocket list – Day 30 – Tuesday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the second last FD left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… jump in now… it’s not too late!)

    Day 29 Ohio, US — MFD
    Days 26, 27, 28 — NFD

    The weekly weigh-in had good new: 179.1 lb (81.2 kg) ! That’s the lowest scale reading since July, 2020. As many others have noted, earlier the weight came off much more quickly than it is now. Before, just the FD’s and reasonable eating on the other days did the trick. Now I’m very vigilant 4 out of the 5 NFD’s each week to stay at or below my TDEE. As other have also noted, slow, but steady wins the race!

    If no one else has volunteered, I’d be glad to host September; but could someone else handle the spreadsheet? I’ve never used it, so am not really sure how it works.

    The best thing about August was the last weigh-in. The biggest challenge was keeping the Sugar Monster under control.

    Pocket list – Day 29 – Monday🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the last Monday left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… jump in now… you know you want to!)
    @northgeorgia OMAD

    Day 30 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Oh gosh, I have missed quite a few days since my post last Tuesday and don’t have time to catch up yet, but I can see that @matpi has volunteered to host September. Yay @matpi!

    From a quick speed read @funshipfreddie and Boo-Boo have moved into the garden cottage. Must catch up on that ☺️

    @stitchincarol, you posted last week about the American college football event taking place in Dublin….yes, I did hear about it, and then yesterday it was all over the news because the payment system went down in the stadium, and as its a cashless stadium they decided that all food and drink was FREE….and there was then literally pandemonium with queues forming for free food and booze 😀 No idea how the game went though, sorry.

    Visitors been and gone, lovely to have them, lovely to have the house back to ourselves though. And amazingly, my weight stayed steady, and today I am 4lbs down from start August weight. Slow and steady. Delighted. I have seen the same numbers for over a year, I blame menopause, but something now seems to be moving.

    I will try catch up with the last week later, wishing you all a good Tuesday.

    Day 30 – UK – NFD/CD

    Good morning all. A very quick check-in from me – first day back after the long weekend and need to hit the ground running with work. I am pleased to report the engineering works have now finished for the next few nights and it’s cooled down too, so I got a half-decent sleep last night. Was woken just once when (I think) the engineers were doing some final inspections before the usual train service resumed this morning, but was only awake for a matter of minutes.

    I’ve had a wonderful weekend though, visited family, ate and drank lovely things, wandered around lovely shops, and went out for a walk of a few miles yesterday.

    I daren’t stand on the scales. Ignorance is bliss etc.

    But I have my day planned today:

    Tuna & avocado salad for lunch (homemade)
    Turkey fajitas from the f800 recipe book for dinner

    So I’ll do a few more controlled days like this and maybe get on the scales on 1st September….

    Will catch up with more posts later / tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great day!

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @matpi – thanks for volunteering for September 🙏 And well done on the +2 year low! 🥇

    @linda.b – & I was SO close to putting my hand up! 🙋‍♂️ 😅 HRC is used to me walking on the spot. So long as she gets her grub regularly she couldn’t care less 😻 An egg shortage?! Is that related to the weather, or has everyone gone on an egg fast? 🤔

    The biggest challenge for me this month? Where to start?!! 😅 Just having my entire routine turned upside-down with the move; the new, tiny place. Being separated from my scales (not to mention the cat). Even though I don’t compulsively weigh myself – only after FDs – I kind of felt like I stumbled blind-folded through the entire month. But the best thing was weighing myself after about 4 & a half weeks to discover I’d actually maintained 😇

    I was going to do a FD today, but I just heard I’m officially free of my Durban apartment. It’s finally being registered into the new owner’s name today (takes 3 months here?!) So I feel like celebrating with a nice lunch. My final August FD will be tomorrow.

    @linda.b – Ladybirds’ wings? Has to be a trick question. No more than two? Bees have two, I’m sure. But the ladybirds have a shell covering the wings, so… That’s my answer. One. Or two 🐞

    Day 30 UK FD

    Right I’m determined to turn things around, great results from many of you are inspiring 💪

    Thank you so much for volunteering for next month @matpi

    Pocket list – Day 30 – Tuesday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦

    Day 30 – Tuesday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🚂🚂🚂🚂 – 2nd post

    We have a volunteer to host September….hooray! @matpi is stepping into the role! 👏👏👏👏👏

    @matpi you are a champ! Great news too about your lowest scale reading since July, 2020… woohooo! That’s an gold medal achievement 🥇🏆…..

    The nice thing about hosting too is that it really does keep you focussed… so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

    Here’s how to set it up:
    Before you start, you need to choose a great new name for the September challenge ready to set it up in the system. hmmm? what will it be??🤩🤩🤩🤩

    Then to start a new topic ready for 1st September:

    *You go to the top of THIS page that we are on right now,
    *find the small text beneath the word BROWSE,
    *and on the third row of text click on “Start a new topic in Weight loss”.
    *It will take you to another page with two boxes underneath the title: “Create a new topic in “Weight Loss”.”
    *Type in your new name for the September challenge in the title box
    *and then add something into the big box,
    *then SUBMIT.

    Then come back to us here to tell us all the details (THE NAME) so we are ready to start on your month on the 1st September.
    If you go to the first page of this month’s challenge (or any of our previous monthly challenges), it’s a good idea to copy‘n paste all the info under the heading inclusive: “What are we about? Read on…” it’s a very big post but important.
    Paste it into new September challenge as the first post….

    It gives the important context of our monthly challenges, especially for newbies, and also importantly all the abbreviations! (our secret quite mad language!😝😜😛)

    @at usually does the spreadsheet for us and hoping she will pop into the forum today or tomorrow.

    Hope this helps…. I know you’ll do a great job! 😊😀

    Day 30 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. My OMAD was successful yesterday, although I was surprised by a lunch event at the other location, so it was burgers and fries (and not the slightly more healthy lunch I anticipated). Lost about a pound over yesterday.

    Today is another WFD, and tomorrow will be a regular NFD. As Thursday is a busy 14 or 15-hour work day, I will plan for an OMAD as a FD might be difficult.

    Pocket list – Day 30 – Tuesday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦

    Day 30 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yes, I am alive. Been plenty busy. Keeping at maintenance but it is hard work.

    We went to our ILLINI football game Saturday but heard a lot about the other Saturday game in Ireland. Those were our same conference teams, the Big 10.

    I had to laugh at @daffodil2010 comment about the free food! Wow! That never made our news here! What we don’t find out about here with you fellow mates around the world.

    Off to work at our museum.

    Onward and downward.

    day 31, ??, Aus

    The last day of August! How did THAT happen??

    Thank you so much for hosting, @linda.b, it was a lot of fun, and I learned lots of trivia too! (I also enjoyed @funshipfreddie‘s stream of consciousness with the ladybird wings question; sort of followed my own mental logic.)

    Thank you @matpi for offering to host – tomorrow! Perhaps we can line up @funshipfreddie for October…

    See you all in September!

    Day 31 📆📉📉📉 – Wednesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🚂🚂🚂🚂

    We’ve done it! 31 days of chugging along at a great pace!🚂🚂🚂 Up hill, down dale… we’ve finally arrived at Day 31📆 at the station and time to reflect and assess our own crusade for personal change and for better health. How did we go❓❓❓

    The best part of our monthly challenge is that we do it together 💪💪, we have fun and we do it in bite sized chunks so we don’t become overwhelmed by the bigger picture. It works and you are all testament to that. Thank you for putting up with my flibbertigibbet nonsense (and emojis! 🤣😂🤣)for the month.. 🙏🙏🙏

    And a BIG THANK YOU to @matpi for agreeing to host for September.🎈🎆🎇✨

    As there isn’t any identifying data, the spreadsheet is quite safe to use.
    Personally, I’ve found the spreadsheet useful. I appreciate that not everyone wants to record their daily, weekly ups and downs📈📉. You can record as much or as little as you want over the month. As it’s the last day of August, I’ve just gone back over the spreadsheets since April and can see clearly my progression over each month and a reminder of my goals each month. For me, they add just another layer of personal evaluation 📏📏📉📉 as the months fly by. I can recommend.
    @at put them together and, hopefully, will be back to upload one for our September monthly challenge. Thanks @at, it’s much appreciated.🙏

    @matpi… 🔔🔔🔔 such good news that you’ve finished the month on a new low! Medal for you! 🥇🏆🏆 and thank you so much for volunteering to be our September host with the most! 🎆🎈🎇✨

    @daffodil2010… amazing that, after all your visitors, you’ve stayed steady and now down 4lbs⬇⬇⬇ … woohooo!🎈🎆🎇🔔🔔🔔 … which just goes to prove that it’s do-able! Glad things are moving for you… hooray! Medal for you too!🥇🏆🏆

    @babs_b… ahhh.. sleep at last! 😴😴😴🥱😴 Fabulous weekend you had too… life is for living!🎈🎆🎇✨ And now on with your plan with some CDs thrown in for good measure that will absolutely pay dividends for you!✅✅ Your salad for lunch and then the turkey fajitas for dinner sound scrumptious. 😋😋 I must buy the book for the F800 recipes that everyone talks about… yumm. Medal for you too! 🥇🏆🏆

    @funshipfreddie… I think the chickens went on strike! 🐔🐔🐔 Luckily, I had to go near a different shopping centre out of my area yesterday, so dashed into the supermarket and found some eggs…🥚🥚🥚 they only had about 20 cartons left though at 2.00pm and selling fast. But I have eggs 🥚🥚🥚 at last… This GREAT EGG FAMINE has never happened before…. not quite sure what’s going on. Someone said on the news that the shortage is being artificially manipulated to increase the price of eggs… who knows? Would they do that??? Probably… Hmmm? My cynicism is showing! 🤣😂🤣 Hooray…. Your Durban apartment has settled! ✅✅ 3 months though! Argghhh!❎❎ Yes celebrate!🥂🥂🥂 You’ll savour this milestone! 🎈🎆🎇✨ Yes, you are right about the ladybirds 🐞🐞 with the shell wings…. Laughed at your answer. One. Or two!🤣😂😃 Medal for you too for managing so well maintaining in August….despite all…. Excellento! 🥇🏆🏆

    @brightonbelle…. Yes, yes, yes …. you CAN🚂🚂🚂, you CAN turn ↪↪ things around! And we’re with you!💪💪💪 I‘m sure you’ll have a good result ready for the 1st day of the month!✅✅ Important thing is you’ve stuck with it! Medal for you too!🥇🏆🏆

    @northgeorgia …. ta da! 213!!… is down!⬇⬇⬇ IT IS DOWN⬇⬇⬇… WOOHOOO! How fabulous! We’re ringing the bell for you !🔔🔔🔔 I can see a definite change in your mindset over the last week….. you seem more determined to stay on track and to control the NFDs…. with your work commitments it won’t be easy but not impossible …. and the dividends WILL pay… just visualize 6 months ahead and how you’ll feel … it’ll be wonderful … with this new determination of yours, I just can’t wait to see the results for you at the end of September and in 6 months time … hooray for you with your new plan! 🎈🎆🎇🎆✨… and here’s your medal for August! 🥇🏆🏆.. we’re all with you each step of the way @northgeorgia 💪💪💪

    @songbirdme …. so good to see drop by and hear that you are on track with your maintenance… go gal!🔔🔔🔔 Looking forward to seeing you again come September. Medal for August for you too! 🥇🏆🏆

    @penz …. you’re right…how did that happen…. seems the world is spinning faster and faster! Wondering how you finished for August… now spring 🌞🌞 is here it’ll give us Antipodeans more resolve to up the ante with walks etc. Medal for you too, of course! 🥇🏆🏆

    ⭐Yesterday’s Trivia – Tuesday – Day 30?
    How many pairs of wings does a ladybird have?
    Answer: Two (2). Two pairs of wings = 4 wings . The first pair of wings is the hardened elytra that protect the flight wings underneath. (@FUNSHIPFREDDIE was onto it ✅✅✅🔔🔔)

    ⭐Today’s Trivia – Wednesday – Day 31 …. The very last!
    How does fat leave the body when you lose weight?❓❓❓ (find the answer in the September forum tomorrow)

    cheeerie dearies … one last sign off as host, over and out🙃🙃🙃

    Thoughts, a selection from the month, for the last Day – Day 31 – Wednesday🤔🤔🤔🤩🤩

    Everything is permitted but not everything is beneficial (my all time favourite!😊😊)

    If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”.. I desperately do NOT want to have to repeat all the hard effort to date.🚂🚂🚂🚂

    Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork. – English proverb🍽🍴🥢🍽


    You had the power all along, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself. – Glinda the Good Witch to Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ 💋💋💋

    You are what you eat…. No this does not mean you can eat a skinny person!🤣🤪

    If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but NEVER change the goal‼💋💋💋

    Dear Stomach, you’re bored not hungry. So shush for just one day!🤫🤫🤫🤭🤭

    Choose You – Take Control With Others
    Taking control of whatever it is that you’re choosing in 2022 shouldn’t be a solo journey. We need connection and we need to feel as if we are not alone in our struggles. Whether it’s wanting to drink less, eat better, improve health, get organized, change careers, become body positive, or whatever your goal is when it comes to choosing you in 2022 – find support and a community to be your backup. 122 days left in 2022 to choose you 🥰😍🥰🎈🎆🎇✨

    Pocket list – Day 31 – Wednesday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the last day left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… make it a dash to the finish … you know you want to!)

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @linda.b – couldn’t help thinking of you and your pricey tomato plight when I read this yesterday. I imagine you could make a lot of ketchup with 150,000 tomatoes 🍅 What a mess 😳

    How does fat leave the body? I know that! Dunno where I read it; maybe a Jason Fung book, but, my lips are 🤐

    Congrats to everyone who maintained, made progress or simply resolved to NEVER GIVE UP in Audacious August. And thanks to @linda.b for hosting & entertaining us 💐

    See you all in Springy September 🌸🍄🌱🐣

    Pocket list – Day 31 – Wednesday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the last day left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… make it a dash to the finish … you know you want to!)

    Day 31 – UK – FD

    Hi all

    Like @songbirdme I’m still alive and pootling along just above my original maintenance range – been enjoying the great summer and doing lots of hiking whilst my exercise classes are on hold over the summer holidays. I also agree that maintenance has been hard work over the last year but I know that
    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    @linda.b – many thanks for your uplifting and encouraging posts over this past month 🤗 I have been popping in to read every now and then but did not feel I had much to contribute so many apologies for my absence but I think I needed time out for a bit – I’m hoping to get back on the wagon in September 🤞

    A BIG THANK YOU to @matpi for agreeing to host for September and I’ll happily get a spreadsheet together and post it in on the new challenge for those who like to use it

    Hope to see you all next month and to welcome to newbies perhaps??

    Pocket list – Day 31 – Wednesday 🍅🍆🌽🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🍄🥦🥕🥦 (the last day left for this month’s challenge… so, still time… make it a dash to the finish … you know you want to!)

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Thank you for your excellent hosting @linda.b 👏
    Obviously I have no idea how to get rid of fat so I’ll be interested to see the answer 🤔
    I’m leaving as I joined so back to the drawing board for September, see you all then

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 210 lbs. OK, that’s as low as it goes for August LOL! Thanks to linda.b for hosting!

    This is my lowest weight of August, and matches my lowest weight of July on July 14, and is four pounds above my record low from March. I should start hitting goose eggs again in September… I’m determined!

    A big birthday lunch today, but tomorrow is super busy. I’m envisioning an OMAD for Thursday.

    Day 31 📆📉📉📉 – Wednesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🚂🚂🚂🚂

    2nd post …. just had to come back one last time for…. ta da!!
    ……………………..⭐⭐⭐ @northgeorgia ⭐⭐⭐ …………..

    You rock! ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ DOWN ANOTHER 4lbs…yahooo… yippeee… woohoo⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
    We knew you could do it! 💪💪💪

    CONGRATULATIONS‼‼ … we’re ringing the bells just for you 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔

    Day 31 UK CD
    Day 30 UK NFD

    After Monday’s epic WFD – just two marmite teas and a lot of water, black coffee, peppermint tea – I woke up feeling much less puffy yesterday ahead of my holiday-in-a-day trip to the Isle of Wight.

    On the healthy eating side I made baba ganoush & veggies and took lentil cakes with marmite, hardboiled eggs, tomatoes, cherries and apples. I also had chocolate, crips, flapjacks and ginger beer (tho not ‘lashings’!). A very tired me had vegan fishfingers when i got home, then fell asleep in the bath!

    I’m wiped out today but had an excellent time yesterday so it’s well worth it. Resting up today and heading for a VERY early as back to mountains of emails, project work & mother visiting tomorrow, meetings from Friday.

    Today I weigh 176lb, 4lbs down since 1 August. Considering the rollercoaster since July – full-on project work, a week long conference, two weeks looking after DD post-surgery, my own 3 week illness and low mood – this feels like an epic achievement and I will take it very gladly! This is my lowest weight since September 2021 and a great base to start the next downward chapter 🙂

    I’m going to stick to simple food today and close the kitchen early, ready for another LFD tomorrow. This seems to be the tweak I need to really get going on this WOL. Carrying it forward to September in the hope this will carry me towards my next goal – 170lb seems achievable, no?

    @linda.b thank you for being an epic, engaging and encouraging host for this Audactious August Day at a Time challenge! it makes such a difference to be carried gently along x

    @northgeorgia congratulations on the low! This too augurs well for some great goose eggs in the near future

    @matpi thank you for hosting the September challenge – look forward to travelling with you

    Lovely to travel with you all in this wonderful, supportive and encouraging group! Here’s to a good last day and shiny new beginnings just around the corner 🙂

    Day 31 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Thank you so much, @linda.b for being such an incredible, supportive, and helpful hostess this month!

    August was “Awesome” because of YOU!

    Over to September.

    Onward and downward.

    (Day 1)… USA/GA … OMAD…

    In a hurry this morning and can’t find the September forum yet, but I’m posting for accountability at 214 lbs. Hoping to do an OMAD in today’s 15 hour work day. Will post in the appropriate spot later 🙂

    (Day 2) … USA/GA … NFD

    Still can’t find the September forum yet, but I know it’ll be up soon if I’m not already overlooking it HAHA!

    Yesterday’s OMAD didn’t work out, as the Rotary Club insisted the guests have breakfast, too 🙂 Anyway, after my 15 hour workday, I didn’t eat after lunch. Weigh-in: 213 lbs, or a pound lighter anyway from the previous day! So, very happy with that. Worried that this upcoming holiday weekend might derail that a bit, but planning to fast either Sunday or Monday.

    @northgeorgia The September challenge is labelled “Saucy and Svelte September” in the Forums. @funshipfreddie has given you a good link also. I’ll check back later to see if you’ve found us.

Viewing 42 posts - 301 through 342 (of 342 total)

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