5 weeks in..never felt better

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5 weeks in..never felt better

This topic contains 107 replies, has 52 voices, and was last updated by  DBoy 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Well..where does time go? almost 2 years in now…happy to say I am still a disciple…maybe not every week..but certainly enough to maintain a healthy weight…and I never feel guilty about skipping breakfast (like I used to) I find it works for me to just ignore breakfast and get on with the day..before you know it its lunchtime...and if I can offer one bit of advice it would be dont be so hard on yourself if you slip up…you can start to put things right again straight away.

    Your success is so inspirational Perthblue – it has made me feel that I too can do this and become slimmer and healthier. Reading all the positive posts has given me the encouragement I need to stick with this way of life for as long as I need to. I started 5:2 on 13th September so I’m only 3+ weeks in but already finding it easier. And I’ve lost more weight and inches than I thought possible – 17 pounds or 7.7kg. And several inches off various places!
    I am 63, female and have struggled with my weight most of my adult life and have tried every diet going, lost some weight and put it back on again. I would love to lose about 28kg in total but this will take a while! But I’ve started and am happy so far! Setting mini goals is helping I think.

    Post holiday update..gained a bit but less than I expected!
    So over last two weeks I have knuckled down again and dropped 5k so far…its funny but it feels like my body almost cheered when I started fasting again!I was talking to someone the other day about 5:2 and their response was that it isnt sustainable over a long period of time…my response is that it doesn`t have to be..I only have to do it for one day at a time.

    Hello perthblue

    I am new to this site and I found your example to be one of the more impressive stories of a long sustained period of significant weekly weight loss. There have been very few details recently. I am wondering if you would be willing to share your total result? Have you been able to keep the weight off? What is your total weight loss since starting this program in 2014?

    Hi Prana

    I have managed to lose over 27kg since starting…I must say that I am not as strict every week (human nature kicks in after a while!) however I do keep a close eye on my intake each day and if I feel I need to make an adjustment then I I revert back to a fast day…I find skipping breakfast works for me..and I rarely eat between 8pm and 12 next lunchtime…I know that isnt practical for some but it works for me. I think of my diet as a bit like a bank account in reverse...by that I mean if I eat something I count that as a deposit into my account..so I have to balance the books by making a withdrawal..I dont want a fat bank account!! Good luck in your efforts..it does work and you only have to get past one day at a time.

    Today is my 5th fast day . I love not having to think about food . I really enjoy my feed days and do have treats . Im down 3 pounds and very pleased with my progress. I love this diet and i feel like i can do it forever !

    Thanks for the update Perthblue. Long term maintained loss of 27 kg is excellent!

    I am 55 years old, male. Started 5:2 five weeks ago, about the same time as a doctor’s appointment. Had a follow up appointment today. Here are some results after five weeks:
    Lost 12 pounds, from 184 to 172
    BP down from 152/98 to 134/84
    Cholesterol reduced, 201 to 170
    Triglycerides down from 121 to 102
    LDL down from 113 to 89
    Waist measurement down, from 38″ to 36″ (I am 70″ tall)
    My fasting days are Mondays and Thursdays. On Mondays I eat 600 calories or less, spaced from 9 AM to 4 PM (no eating from 4 PM until 9 AM the next [Tuesday] morning). On Thursdays, I do a complete water/green tea only fast, which spans from 9 PM on Wednesday evening, to 9 AM Friday morning, 36 hours. Many years ago I went through a period when I fasted regularly, so I am familiar with how it feels.
    I would like to reduce my waist size another couple of inches at least, and would like my weight to be in the 150s. I am very encouraged with results, after five weeks.

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