47yr old woman. Need inspiration and support please

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47yr old woman. Need inspiration and support please

This topic contains 94 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  _deleted account 9 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 45 posts - 51 through 95 (of 95 total)

  • Hi All!

    I’m 46 and I never thought I’d be on a “diet” again. Didn’t think they worked, at least not for me, and what I really needed was to exercise…but it wasn’t really happening, and I was losing ground. Gaining a pound or so every year doesn’t sound like much until you add up a certain number of years, right?

    Husband said he was trying out fasting. Good grief, what next?! I chalked it up to just one of those nutty experiments that he likes to try. But I went ahead and watched “Eat, Fast & Live Longer.” Okay, that was an eye-opener. You mean that I don’t really have to eat every day, and it just might be good for me? Well, DUH, how did I not know that?? It’s only modern refrigeration, packaging, and transportation allow us to eat junk 24/7.

    Big aha moment: We’re feeding ourselves like growing children, so we continue to grow. (And we’re feeding our growing children like infants. WHY do 10-year olds need snacks at school when they have breakfast and lunch?)

    So 7 weeks later I’ve lost 11 pounds. And I’ve learned that meat and carbs are condiments. The key for me was seeing what I could have on my 500-calorie days and realizing how “expensive” the carbs were, and how they just made me hungrier. I will admit that I scoffed at the whole “paleo” business, but that’s basically how I eat now.

    Fast day meal plan: coffee + 100 cals milk in morning. miso or other broth in afternoon. dinner is big salad or roasted veggies with or without an egg or tiny bit of meat.

    Making soup and freezing individual servings works great, but I don’t do it often enough. Watch health-related documentaries for inspiration if I’m at home to maintain that virtuous feeling. 🙂

    Future goals: more exercise, no more eating after dinner, continue with 5:2 to lose 7 more pounds.

    Love this!!

    Hi guys I am also 46 I weighed myself about three weeks ago and discovered I had gone up to 10st 2lb I was mortified I have weighed around 9st 3-5 for many years but stopping the gym and eating a lot of chocolate etc helped me gain 12lb, I have now been at the gym again for just over a month and am using my fitness pal for around 6weeks but not much weight loss I am now going to start the 5:2 diet to see if I can get some of this weight shifted. It is great reading through your post and I look forward to seeing bow you all get on ps I have not weighed myself again as I get too obsessed with it so I am going by how my clothes fit

    Hi all I am a 45 yr old female weighing 11 stone. Started 5:2 diet a week ago. Hoping to lose some weight and reduce sugar cravings. Would love to lose about 16-20lbs. Struggling on non fast days to curb my appetite. Seem to find it difficult to stop eating the night before a fast. I am preparing to fast tomorrow again but I have been so hungry today think I may have binged a bit. The leftover Easter eggs took a hit as well as a scone cannot stop thinking of what I can eat before midnight!
    Last week was a lot easier. 🙁

    Hello Everyone!
    I just joined the forum a few days ago and I have finally found a group to join: this one. I am 49 and I’ve been following the fast diet for about five weeks. I started with 4:3 because I had a fancy party to attend and I wanted to get some weight off beforehand. I needed to fit my dress. It turns out I really like 4:3 so I am sticking with it for now.

    I thought I would include some of the things I’ve learned about myself over the past month.

    1) I am not that hungry after a fast day, but I am the second day after a fast day. Doing 4:3 keeps me from getting carried away on that second day.
    2) I am a snacker. The fast days have taught me I don’t have to eat in between meals.
    3) I swim four mornings a week. If I fast on a swim morning I have to have a small 100 calorie breakfast and then I save the rest of my calories for dinner. If I don’t swim, I save all my calories for the evening meal. That does seem to work best for me. 500 calories is actually a lot to eat at one time and very satisfying for the rest of the night.
    4) Any weight I drop (which is excruciatingly slow) only seems to come off the two weeks between the time I ovulate and the start of my period.
    5) I really try to avoid eating out now because here in the U.S., they put so much salt in the food I can be three pounds heavier the next morning and my wedding rings don’t fit.
    6) I really need to eat only meat, fruits, nuts, and veggies on my nonfast days because grains also seem to make me bloat. I’m still working on that one.

    I think that is about all for now. I’m sure as I continue with this new way of life (because I’m not planning on stopping; I do enjoy the fast days) I’ll learn even more about myself.


    Hi Virginia
    Just visiting this thread, hope you don’t mind. I am SO impressed with your post. You have picked up the essence of 5:2 and fasting remarkably quickly and expressed your findings really well.
    All the best for your continued success. I know you will achieve your goal.
    Well done PVE 🙂

    Thanks for your kind words. I have been reading through many of the posts on the forum for a few weeks and have been so impressed by how caring and supportive everyone is. It is really a beautiful thing.

    Amitrix, it sounds like you need a bit of help and a boost. From what you’ve said it sounds like you may be making fastdays MUCH harder for yourself than they need to be by sabotaging yourself the night before you even start.

    THE most important thing you can do to stop yourself feeling hungry quickly on a fastday is to NOT EAT TOO MUCH the night before that fast day – ESPECIALLY carbs. If you are filling up on all the wrong kinds of foods the night before your fast it is no wonder that you’re finding the fastday itself such a problem.

    There are very few rules imposed by 5:2 itself but it’s important for our success for each of us to look at ourselves and our weak points and make our own rules to help us on our way.

    I know that if I eat too many carbs the night before a fast or I eat to the point of bursting right up to midnight the night before I am going to have a really hard fastday tomorrow. So I don’t do it. I set myself a limit (time and amount) and I stick to it. Fastdays are then much easier to deal with physically and mentally I have just got myself into the habit of nil by mouth (except water) until my late evening meal (after work and gym).
    Another rule is that, for me, I now try to eat only veg and protein with very few sugars (fruit) and carbs and that way I know I won’t actually be hungry again before bed time. If I have even a tiny bread roll with my veg soup then I will be battling the hunger genie (not REAL hunger but it doesn’t feel nice) an hour or 2 later.

    You sound like you need some rules to help you form good habits. Be realistic, make rules that you WILL stick to and let your family know so they can help you stick to them. Once the rules are habits and you’re used to the difference between REAL hunger and “I’m still addicted to carbs and just can’t stop myself” hunger then you won’t feel like this is a ‘rule based’ diet anymore at all and you’ll feel much freer and happier to flex it around your life when necessary.

    Good luck.

    Hi Amitrix, you may need to change your mindset as well. It sounds like you are dreading or fearing the fast day. So, you start pigging out the night before out of fear of failure. Maybe try looking forward to the fast day, instead.

    Take care.

    Hi everyone, I am 49 and would like to lose about 10lbs. Today was my first fast day and it went pretty well because I’ve been busy – I’m decorating my son’s bedroom as a surprise for when he comes home from the Army :). I drank my body weight in water through the day, then enjoyed a M&S ready meal – cottage pie and really tasty (I know it’s lazy but I was up to my eyebrows in paint) and a dish of strawberries at 7pm. I was wondering what the thoughts are on exercising on fast days. I did a 40 minute run/walk on the treadmill this morning, but am not sure if I should stick to exercising on non-fast days instead? I’d be grateful for your thoughts. Thank you.

    I tried to start this diet a couple of times but it aggravated my gout both times. I have the gout under control and am finishing my third week now. I seem to have lost 6 pounds already. I’m not doing it to lose weight. That is a side benefit. I am doing it to see if I can lower my sugar and cholesterol. I just eat some strawberries and almonds sparingly. You have to be careful with the almonds because a tiny handful is about 160 calories. I think I am eating maybe less than 600 calories. I have cut back a little from my first day. I had a large strawberry and four almonds for breakfast, a large strawberry and four almonds for lunch, a small strawberry and maybe half a dozen almonds spaced out for snacks. I will probably eat another strawberry or two for dinner. All I have to do is make it through one day, knowing I can resume eating the next day. I fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When your body feels just a little hungry, it is producing the chemicals you need to get your numbers down. And right now that seems a small price to pay to avoid taking insulin shots. I actually feel good on the days that I am fasting and more alert. If I think about food, I think about what I am going to have for breakfast or lunch the next day. I also eliminated eggs completely because I read about one study that eggs were associated with diabetes. My body has already started adjusting to the fast days as normal routine. I hope to continue this for the rest of my life. I used to weigh 255 lbs. I worked out every day for six months and brought my weight down to the 230’s but because of a very long work commute I can no longer exercise as much. The diet will be a slow process but I am hoping in six months or so I will be down to a much better weight and feel good again. I am losing about 2 lbs. a week now but I expect that might slow down a bit later on. This is a very good thing that you are doing for yourself in that your body will produce chemicals that will make you healthier in addition to losing weight. The only problem I have noticed so far is that sometimes it takes a little longer to get to sleep on an empty stomach but I am hoping I will get used to that as time goes on. I am going to test my numbers again after next week which will be one month. If they are starting to go down then I know I am on the right track.

    One day when I was working on a large project and needed energy because I did not sleep enough the night before, I ate and apple.

    Hi Jimarther,

    I’ve been trying to look upon hunger as a good thing. If I’m hungry, my body is going to have to tap into its fat stores. Reduce fat store good, so hunger good.

    I hope things keep going well for you.


    Hi all,

    It’s been awhile. I was away foe work in Paris and completely lost control. In 8 days I gained between 3 and 1/2 to 4 lbs. now you may not think that sounds huge but since I only have lost 8 pounds total since January it’s was a bit depressing. The good news is I seriously thought it could have been more! There are many threads on this forum but since I’m a 46 year old woman this seems the best place for me. I want and need this support group! So thanks all in advance. I’m back to fasting today! Will keep you all posted if anyone wants:) hoping some of the pounds were water and travel weight:)

    Hi Desperate but Driven,

    I don’t know how salty the food is in restaurants in Europe, but in the States restaurant food is pretty salty. I bet you are correct that some of that gain is water. Hope your first fast day back went well.


    Hi Desperate But Driven.
    I feel your pain!
    I have a LOT to lose but have been off work for the last two weeks and fasting has gone right out of the window, along with my 6lb loss!!
    Pretty angry with myself when I stood on the scales this morning!! It’s soooo hard for me to be motivated when I’m at home all day.
    I really need some motivation to get some exercise done too as I literally do NONE! Just the usual up and down the stairs.. That’s it! I have a desk job at work too! I have a fab cross trainer upstairs gathering dust!
    Today is my new start!
    Back to my fasting.. Then 30 minutes in the evening on the dust gatherer… Oops, mean the cross trainer!! Ha ha…
    Onwards and upwards.. 😉 xxx

    Hi Jaymo I am so there with you! And VirginiaEddie thank you for the support!

    Ok so I woke up this morning after fast day and thrilled to say I am now only just 1.5 pound over what I was before the trip! So maybe a lot if it was salt. 🙂 I am going to do another fast day today just to see what happens. I have been reading a lot on this forum on the section with horizon BBC what’s the right diet for you? Michael Mosley gives a paraphrase. I took the quiz which can be found on line. Based on my results I am a constant craver mixed with eating too much at buffets:) anyway it says 5-2 mixed with eating mostly veggies and protein on non fast days is the ideal for my body type. Let’s see! Love to hear thoughts and results from you all.

    Hang in there everyone! US expression:)

    pS I have my workout clothes on but never made it to gym because I got stuck on the forum! Lol. Maybe tonight. 🙂

    Hi desperate but driven (and others), I am usually on the maintenance thread but was scrolling through looking for something called Top Tips and came across this thread so thought I’d put in my two bobs worth! Doesn’t seem to matter how much you have to lose, you just keep on losing it on 5:2. I wanted to lose 7kg and ended up losing 12kg. It just kept on coming off so I just kept resetting my goal weight! I found I ate well on my non FD’s, but tried to stay under my TDEE. Weekends are my weakness and I can easily put on 1.5kg over the weekend depending how much I have eaten and drunk. I don’t worry about that though because I know I can lose it all with my FD on Monday and a couple of other healthy eating days.,
    I don’t eat until at least 12.30 on a FD and go as late as I can. Today I didn’t eat til 3pm. I had tuna and salad for lunch and for tea I had a bowl of veg soup and a slice of toast. I don’t usually eat carbs on a FD but it’s quite cold here today and I just wanted the bread (sourdough). I started 5:2 having breakfast but like everyone else says it just wakes up the hunger monster and makes it hard for the rest of the day

    Hi Carolannfun and group!

    This is a great thread so let’s please maintain it. I think age has a lot to do sometimes with how the body reacts and adapts and I love hearing from this bunch. Since everyone is giving Info on their FD patterns I want to share. Like many, I’ve eliminated breakfast on FD’s. I do allow myself coffee with light cream, club soda, tea, etc. I try to hold off as long as possible. Sometimes I fill in with chicken bouillon until dinner. If i can’t make it or start to feel weak I have a late alas with chicken or some lean protein. Then I will stick to liquids and maybe have an apple or plain vegetables if I feel extremely hungry. Question for group, doesn’t anyone see benefit of fasting 2 days in a row? I believe that Horizon UK program recommended it for “constant cravers” and wanted input.

    Hi All, I am on my Monday fast after being away with my girlfriends all weekend. I decided I didn’t want to know what the scale said this morning after my weekend of fun. I’ll wait til after my fast.

    Last week I had a terrible time sleeping all week. I realized my caffeine consumption has gone way up because I was drinking a lot more tea, especially iced tea. I also think that having the caffeine on a fast day must keep it in my system longer. I didn’t have any caffeine this weekend and I slept much better. I staying away for tea today, caffeinated anyway, and I’ll see how the sleep goes. I mentioned this because I see people discuss insomnia on fast days and I wonder if caffeine consumption on fast days is the culprit.

    Desperate, I have not fasted two days in a row yet. I’ll be curious to hear what you think if you give it a try.

    Take care everyone.

    Well I was giving the second fast day a try and blew it! I was very hungry and feeling week by 2pm. Had veggie salad with some chicken. Less than 400 cals im guessing. But then had a fruit bowl of berries, and apple, and plain 100 calorie yogurt. So now I’m at 800. I figured since I am over anyway I really want some white truffle popcorn that I bought at whole foods:) will need to try again tomorrow! Unless I don’t allow myself the popcorn. Then will still allow the 800 day fast day and try to compensate tomorrow. Might be better idea!

    Hi desperate but driven, I have done back to back fasting a couple of times and found the weight just dropped off but also found I got a bit shaky. I decided not to do it unless I had to because I didn’t want to sabotage the routine I had going and which was working well. Just worried I would overeat the next day after back to back. Something else I’ve noticed too if I’ve had a very light calorie FD I need to have some protein for breakfast the next morning otherwise I can get a bit shaky then too. I’m usually a carb breakfast person with a bit of yoghurt the only protein source so usually just put some peanut butter on my toast and that does the trick!

    If it’s not too late don’t eat the popcorn desperate because that’s still a half FD and will have some benefit!

    I have a sick kid. Ate the popcorn. But won’t let myself go nuts. 🙂

    Good morning people,

    Well, I think I had a successful fast day yesterday after my weekend away. I did not eat all day until dinner, but I will admit, I did not track the calories of the meal. My younger children made the dinner: three bean salad, the fattiest possible mashed potatoes, and goat cheese and spinach stuffed chicken breast. I kept my portions very small. I also felt obligated to have the tiniest sliver of birthday cake for my son’s birthday, because I think I would have offended the child who baked that cake if I hadn’t had any. 500 calories is quite a bit so I’m hoping my small portion sizes kept me at least in the 600 calories range. I just did not feel like trying to figure out the calorie count for all those foods. The good thing is that I know there is always my next fast day on Wednesday.

    I have a wedding to attend in May, so good incentive to behave myself.

    Carolannfud, are you counting calories on your nonfast days to make sure you stay under your TDEE, or just estimating based upon the types of foods you eat on those days? I find having to figure out the calories all the time tiresome. I’m really just trying to keep my portion sizes small.

    Hi virginiaEdie, I use myfitnesspal app and have worked out the calorie content of foods I most often eat. Now I just eat those foods and roughly know I am under TDEE. When I have had extra ie been out for lunch or similar I don’t bother to count because I know I am most likely over unless I compensated by not eating breakfast.

    The amazing thing for me is that fasting has taught me how easy it is to skip a meal. So, you are right, if I know I am eating out, I cut back on something else, and it is not a hardship.

    Then I feel guilty, because I think about how fortunate I am that I had to learn skipping a meal is not a hardship. Boy, this 5:2 diet has given me more than just a healthier way to eat, it’s given me a broader perspective about the over abundance of food in first world countries.

    Oops, sorry, I will step down off the soapbox. It’s just that these thoughts have been in my mind a lot as I’ve progressed through the weeks of fast days.

    You’re not alone with that thinking or that learning virginia!

    hi guys!

    Ok I NEED some motivation! I was on a work trip, and fell off the wagon for a few days! then I couldn’t seem to get back on this weekend! Help! today however, I have only had a 45 calorie instant soup and a cup of coffee with a dash of light cream. I will really stay tough until dinner! this is my hope! I don’t know why the last few days it has been so difficult to fast! I need to get the groove back! my hope is to do at least 3 days this week! today is a definite but also thinking tomorrow will try as well…if not, Wednesday…anyone else out there struggling?

    Hi DBD,

    I understand how you feel. I was away with my girlfriends two weekends ago and I kept wanting to each junk food after I got back. You can definitely stay tough until dinner and with only 45 cals consumed so far, you can have a nice fulfilling meal.
    You can do it. I bet if you make it through today, you will be right back upon that wagon!

    Giddy up horsey,

    I think I need to follow my own advice. I’m at 350 calories for the day and I still have 5 hours until bedtime. My evening meal is getting smaller and smaller. Sigh…… I can do this!

    Virginia and DBD, a number of us on maintenance have commented how much harder it is to either fast or eat under or at TDEE after a day of eating sugar. Sugar is addictive and I have noticed every time I have had a ‘big weekend’ or even just a day, it is really hard fasting on Monday. Yesterday was a case in point. I had a big weekend as my sisters were in town so lots of extra wine, eating out etc. FD yesterday and it was so HARD in the morning, afternoon was better and then I was out at night so had nothing more than 6 almonds for tea. Should be below 400 but didn’t work it out because I ate leftover shop salad for lunch and it was a mix of ingredients. FYI I put on 1.5kg over 3 days and that was after I had missed breakfast two of those days to compensate! I have now decided to keep a food and weight diary to try and determine exactly which foods put the weight on me. I suspect it is alcohol but can’t be sure so need to do some research.

    DBD don’t give up! Even if you can’t do a strict FD you could do a couple of days a bit less than TDEE which will still help.

    Carolyn, ages ago you asked about exercise. I always exercise on my FD and find I feel really good afterwards.

    Hi Jaymo,
    I myself am new to the concept of dieting and only started the 5:2 diet on Saturday evening. I too love food and for me it was more psychological missing the food, with an element of hunger. I made sure i had fresh lemon and lime in the house to add to many tall glasses of water. I also bought cumcumber and sliced it, so that when I really felt the pangs, I could just crunch on one and feel a bit less deprived. Plan your small meals carefully ( do the maths), I did this and it really did help. Good luck and just remember all the benefits that lie ahead for you.

    Well, I made it through my fast day yesterday. I was worried I would have a tough time having to eat a small dinner, but it worked out better than expected. I’m pretty sure I stayed around 500 to 550 calories. I made chicken soup and had to estimate the calories for it. Today I am going to be a good girl and really keep out the refined carbs.

    How is everyone today?

    Hi gang!

    happy to say I did make it through my FD yesterday! I only had a light soup for 45 cals for lunch. Then I went in for a pilates class in the evening and ended the day having a veggie salad with light dressing and a slice of low carb high protein bread. I think I ended at 500/550. It was tough but this morning I weighed myself and I did go down 1 pound! now I only have another 1 and 1/2 or 2 to get back to where I was before the off track eating started! I have to say, I was so psyched to see that just the day of fasting brought me down. This is tough, but if I can eat pretty well a lot, and control my weight with this WOL I believe it’s a win! Does anyone else have a fear that your body will get used to this and perhaps stop working? also, ideally I still want to ultimately lose 5 more pounds and it seems the last 5 are the toughest…so I’ve heard…:) at least for this 46 year old!

    Hi DBD, I think we all have that fear for a while that one day we will wake up and all the weight has come back on! But thankfully it doesn’t and I didn’t find it any harder to lose the last few kgs that I did the first. You find you keep resetting your ideal weight goal because you just keep on losing! Win win!

    Good morning everyone,

    I am trying to be better behaved on my non fast days. I think I did okay but not great yesterday: eggs and fruit for breakfast, shrimp and salad for lunch, chicken and salad for dinner. I did have a handful of trail mix in the morning and a piece of pound cake in the afternoon. I did not count calories. Oh yes, and a few handfuls of popcorn in the evening after dinner.
    My next nonfast day is Thursday. I am going to try eating fruit when I get the urge for something sweet, try to stay away from cookies and the like.
    Today is a fast day. They can be tough, but I’m finding the nonfast days just as challenging in a way.


    hi Virgina and all!

    I find every single day challenging! truth be told:) I also find it challenging at work when I’m not eating with my friends! I can’t really talk about FD because I don’t want to hear opinions and ridicule from others, or worse have people say I’m nuts for doing this! I have followed every diet under the sun so sure they would just laugh and say, here’s another! Lastly, Im tempted to try and do a third fast day but it’s just so difficult! I literally have plans the next 4 nights in a row which is unusual but still. Thinking of just fasting all day and trying to go with fish and veggies or chicken and veggies for dinner…with maybe just one glass of wine! Lastly, I now try to avoid breakfast almost every day. Especially on FD’s. It just starts up my appetite! and I don’t need that! good luck everyone and please keep writing on this thread! I can’t keep up with much so need to focus on only one and like that it seems to be a bunch of women in their 40’s:)

    Hi Desperate,

    I think unless one has seen “Eat, Fast, and Live Longer” he or she is just not going to understand why we would want to fast. We are doing this WOE not just for weight loss but for all the other benefits that go along with it. Without that perspective, why would we want to fast?

    I am very happy to continue this thread. Maybe we should start a new one for women in their 40s, since “47 year old woman…” is a little restricted in its subject heading. What do you think?

    I’m game for any 40’s thread:) and the whole “fasting concept” is a bit confusing. Meaning, some people are eating their 500 calories throughout the day so technically not really fasting at all. I am fasting during the day but still having coffee with cream and chicken bouillion so I guess I’m not really fasting either so am I getting the benefits really? or do you need to only be having water to truly get the benefits? I’ve been doing this since early January. While I’ve gone up and down a few times I really have only lost 7 or 8 pounds depending on the day and what I ate over the weekend…etc…however, I’m only 133 pounds and 5 ft. 4 so I’m technically very much in my “target weight” but still want to lose 5 more pounds. Do I add a third day? stick to only proteins, fruits, and vegetables on non fast days? I don’t know…maybe simelcov does?

    These posts are inspirational! I’m 60 yo, female, and have yo-yo dieted for decades. I tried alternate day fasting a couple of years ago, but found the fast days horrific. I was eating about 200 calories, three times per day, which, I believe, unleashed the “munchie monster.” Tried a first fast day yesterday, but made mistake of taking too much activity, resulting in rampant hunger. On fast days will limit activity to a 30-minute easy walk. Re-starting the fast today, will take only broth midday, and use the 4-500 calories at dinner time. Even though I ate to my level yesterday, I feel lighter and more compact today. Best wishes to you all! This does work.

    Hi everyone! I did my first FD yesterday and couldn’t help checking the scales this morning…3 LBS!IN ONE DAY!I honestly found the FD not too grim. What really staved off the hunger was sipping water all day. I got a bit desperate in the evening but went to bed early. I have felt great all day today too (2nd day on this new regime) Bring it on!!!!! I have a lot of weight to lose so its early days. I think your forum is really helpful. One thing I found yesterday is every time I think of food I say NO to myself and think of something else. Takes a bit of practice but I find it helps 🙂

    Hi BeagleLover,

    I was on a FD yesterday, too. I made the mistake of looking through food magazines while I was at the allergist with my daughter. Boy, did I start getting hungry! Luckily, some iced tea did the trick.

    I’m glad your first fast went so well. Just a warning, the weight loss will slow to about a pound a week.


    Those food magazines are dangerous, aren’t they? Planning meals on a fast day is hard, even if I’m not feeling particularly hungry, I don’t dare risk waking the beast. Somehow going to the grocery store isn’t as bad as long as the list is already made and I don’t have to -think- about it.

    Really impressed at the way some folks track their calories so diligently. Something about my personality makes that hard. I’d get so cranky on a fast day weighing all the bits of my dinner! Now I just stick to coffee with a bit of milk in the morning, a few nuts or miso soup in the afternoon and veggies plus a tiny piece of meat or cheese for dinner.

    Just got a fitbit after pooh-poohing the idea for a long time. It has helped to have some of the social aspects of “challenges.” Maybe it’s the novelty of something new, but it has helped me get off the plateau and now I’m confident that I’ll reach my target in a month or so!

    Hi Katkins,

    You may like trying to use My Fitness Pal for tracking calories. I just discovered it yesterday. Maybe it won’t make you so cranky.


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