47yr old woman. Need inspiration and support please

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47yr old woman. Need inspiration and support please

This topic contains 94 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  _deleted account 9 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 95 total)

  • I’m a useless dieter and am going to start this plan tomorrow. I know I will struggle because I think about food ALL the time ( and that’s whyvim now 14st 11 at 5ft 7), but that’s why I’ve chosen this plan, as I feel it’ll be easier to manage just the two days of cutting right back.
    I was thinking of grazing on chopped melon and strawberries on my fast days because they seem quite low in calories. I’d have preferred something more filling like porridge but it’s surprisingly high in calories!
    What do other people wat on their fast days that keeps them going.
    Thanks all 🙂

    I think it’s easiest to hold off on good long as you can. I always have coffee with light cream, water and tons of liquids. Bouillon is great to tide you over. Today is a fast day. First food I ate was 5pm. Had veggie stir fry with chicken. No rice. But also had one slice low carb bread with all fruit jam and an apple. That was my whole meal and won’t eat anymore. Better for me to eat more at one time so I feel full and satisfied. You have to try things out and see what works. Calories from strawberries and melon cam add up quickly…

    I tried many diets and found they all work as long as you stick with them – and I do not. I have done fasting twice a week last year for a couple of weeks and had great succes. I did not stick with it though.
    I am going to restart tomorrow and live it. Mondays and Thursdays. I found too that waiting to eat until later in the day works best for me. Coffee, tea and lots of water until later in the afternoon. Vegetable soup followed by lots of steamed veggies and salad with low fat dressing and more water and tea in the evening. I often want sweet things in the evening, fruit flavored teas help, or a piece of fruit.
    Keep busy on fast days and be nice to yourself.
    I will do the same.

    Good luck with your first day of fasting, Jaymo. I’m with the others in that I try to leave off eating until I have dinner and I get to eat quite a normal meal if I have 500 calories to play with. I always do fast days on the days when I am physically busiest – I’m a nurse and I find Mondays and Wednesdays are the days when I have the most back to back stuff going on. I try to drink plenty of water, fruit tea and a couple of cups of coffee with a splash of skimmed milk to keep me going through the day and if I get the chance to stop for a lunch break I might have a low calorie soup or hot chocolate (I recommend Aldi for both, their hot chocs are lovely) because it does feel a bit odd if everyone else is eating and you’re not. I’d also advise not making too much of a fuss when you’re fasting because there’s nothing guaranteed to get you thinking about your stomach more than people saying “ooh, aren’t you hungry, I don’t know how you can do it?”.
    It will be hard to be believe on your first few fasts but you will actually come to enjoy the days when you do, it seems to clear the mind a bit. One last thing, don’t be tempted to go mad on your non fast days. Just work out your TDEE and stick to it.
    I’m 54 and 5″3″ and before I started I was fast heading for twelve stone and had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Now I weigh eight and a half stone and, more importantly, I have none of the markers for diabetes that I had before I started.
    I thought I had no willpower and I’ve tried hundreds of diets over the years, this is the only one that has ever worked in almost forty years of them. I promise you can do it because nobody is worse at diets than I am.

    I’m 45, 5ft7, and started 5:2 Jan 2014 at 159lbs. Since June 2014 I’ve been maintaining at 129-130.

    Unlike the previous posters, I can’t last all day without food! But I do hold out until at least midday for a late breakfast/ early lunch, and then evening meal. I also tend to start the day with a latte made with unsweetened almond milk, lower cal than cow’s milk but quite filling…

    You’ll probably have to play around to see what meal timing suits, but you should probably work up to eating once a day rather than attempt it on your first fast.

    The book has some good low cal recipe ideas, and to be honest I just picked a couple and stuck with them.You’ll be surprised how much food you can eat for 500 cals if you pick the right things…

    I mostly avoid refined carbohydrates the night before the fast day and on the fast day itself. They spike insulin, make you hungrier, and use a lot of your calorie allowance for very few nutrients.

    As the others say, drink plenty. And be kind to yourself. If you’re struggling have something! A carrot, some nuts, etc. It isn’t going to matter if you go a bit over 500 cals on fast days while you get the hang of it. And if a fast day just isn’t working, you can bail out and do it tomorrow instead – no beating yourself up, no failure, no falling off the diet wagon, just flexibility to make it a sustainable way of eating for you.

    Good luck!

    Hiya Jaymo & welcome 😉
    I’m 36 and currently about 11st 10lb. I’ve been doing 5:2 since August 2012 and lost 4 stone in the first 2 years. I haven’t lost anything for almost a year but I am maintaining at 1 stone away from my goal and I know what caused my plateau (a MAHOOSIVE upswing in exercise & my body doing a giant redistribution of muscle/fat ratio – exercise has always been a weight-loss killer for me but I’ll get back on course & at least 5:2 has meant I maintain rather than gain).

    After a few fastdays you will find a comfortable pattern that suits you and food choices that work for your fastdays. The main thing I would say is that, to begin with, it will probably be a real struggle (whatever you do), so you might as well just bite the bullet and go as long as you possibly can without food on those days. That way you can have more satisfying meals towards the end of the day and not be hungry when you go to bed. Eat what you like, experiment but DO NOT crumble. If you’ve made a bad choice (bread is probably the worst) and you get hungry – suck it up – it’s ONE DAY. Just don’t make the same mistake next time.

    Soup is a massive life saver on fastdays I would say but I would warn you that if you have a bread roll with it (which your calorie count will usually allow if it’s your only meal of the day) you WILL be hungry again a couple of hours later (DAMN YOU CARBS!!!). You could munch your way through a giant salad and never get near your 500kcal (depending on dressings & accompaniments like fish or meat). Anything protein, veg & fiber rich and carb-poor will keep you going longer without waking the hunger genie but once he’s out that guy does NOT want to go back into his bottle. So experiment with the first few fasts, be kind to yourself, don’t throw the entire fastday out if you slip and have an extra few calories (honestly no biggie as long as it’s a rare occurrence) and just settle into this as your new way of life. You’ll get there and hopefully pick up some amazing health benefits along the way too 😀

    Hi Jaymo,
    I just read your post and lots of it resonated with me. I too am a “rubbish dieter” and have been on and off all of them over the years. I too am a grazer and constantly crave food but I don’t know what it is about fasting but it seems to re-set your system. Yes some fast days are tough, but once you find your own groove, you’ll find they whizz by with very little effort. I find waiting until tea time better for me, if I eat breakfast it wakes the beast and then I’m starving for the rest of the day! Then on the normal days I can graze ’til my hearts content. I’ve only been doing it 6 weeks or so but I’m really optimistic that this way of life will be permanent and I will finally get down to a healthy BMI.

    Remember there are no hard and fast rules as such, read the FAQs and adjust the plan to something that suits you. If you’re finding a FD too tough or inconvenient (because we have lives) eat and try again the next day. You can tweak the plan as you go along, that’s what’s so great.

    I wish you lots of luck and willpower xx

    Gosh you are all so inspirational! It’s really helped me to get off the mark and I completed my first ever fast day on Monday. It was really hard going as with me it’s absolutely ANY excuse to fall off the diet wagon, and I had a stressful day at work but is stuck with it! I just kept telling myself “tomorrow I will eat normally….” Over and over again, and it seemed to keep me going.
    Ended up going to bed at 8pm with a blinding headache but oh boy was I surprised at how good I felt the next morning! My head was clearer than ever and I felt quite good!!
    Today is my second fast ( doing mon & wed) so hoping it will be no harder than Monday! If it isn’t i hope I will get through it ok.
    All your replies are what made me get my head in gear and start on Monday so thanks guys! I know I’m not alone andeill continue to read and post on this forum for as long as I’m doing this fasting.. And let’s hope that’s for a long time, even a lifestyle change long term! X

    So glad you managed your first FD. The first is always tough because you don’t yet appreciate how great you’ll feel the next day. I usually go to bed early on a FD too, even if I watch the tv or read, I’ll never go back downstairs for food so I know I’m “safe” up there 🙂 “I’ll have that tomorrow” works for me too, seems to make everything alright and take away the pressure.
    One thing I’ve found really helpful is not setting any goals or expectations. Sounds odd, but on WW or Slimming World etc. you have your weekly weigh in and you want to get that first Silver Seven or whatever. Then if you don’t lose as much as you want/deserve you get disheartened. I’ve changed my mindset so that this is “just what I do now”, I have no short term goals, I just know that I want to lose weight and have a healthy BMI. If it takes me until Christmas I’ll still be thrilled.
    Good luck today, stay strong xx

    I am 47 and I am committing to this for 14 days then reevaluate. I found that stress and lack of focus has caused me to gain 5 lbs. I need to lose the extra weight, I cannot fit into my jeans. I love reading everyones posts.

    Hi, I’m 45 and doing my third fast day today and 1.1kg down already – yay! The day after a fast day I’m not as ravenous as I thought I’d be, and so far am making better food choices when I do eat. Not having a flat white every day means I really taste and enjoy a coffee when I have one. After about 30 years of trying other diets on and off, this has been the most simple and successful one to date. Another 9.5kg to go! Great to see everyone’s posts.

    Hi Andrea, Mac2015, and Jaymo,
    Thank you Jaymo for starting this thread, you made it through your second day. This was my first. I did good stayed under 600 calories. I am going to commit to Wed and Fridays. Yes I want this to be a life style change. I was thinking about if someone paid me $1,000 dollars if I did this for a month. Of course I would. I have been struggling with my weight to long. I can stay on course for two days a week. I see Andrea has done three days. I can do it too.

    Hello all! May I join this thread? I’m 42yo and about 2.5 weeks into this regime. I’m trying to lose about 13 lbs (was 153, now 149, shooting for 140) that have piled on over the past few years. HappyNow, I found your post upthread especially helpful – will have to investigate almond milk.

    I am pleased to report that so far the program seems to be working. I have long weighed myself daily, but that practice seems actually to not be terribly helpful at the moment, as the scale fluctuates so much over the course of a 5-2 week. However, this afternoon, as I was sipping mint tea while feeding my children a snack — and generally not enjoying being hungry and cold — it dawned on me that hey, I wonder if my size 8 jeans might fit any better now? So I left the kids, ran upstairs, slipped off my size 10s, and lo and behold! I no longer look like a stuffed sausage in the smaller jeans!! It was definitely a shot in the arm to get me through the rest of the FD.

    I must admit that in contrast to the testimonials I’ve read, I do not feel lighter, clearer-headed or in any way improved when fasting. And I am not all that sold on the claimed health benefits, either. However, I am vain, vain, vain, and this diet, while annoying, seems considerably less annoying than daily calorie counting, my other main method of losing/keeping weight off. So onward!

    Hi Mary
    Great job!! Ok next day I fast I will do the same. If I feel hungry and depressed I will go try on my clothes that do not fit well. Yes onward.

    Hi everyone, Day 4 fast today. I always seem to find Mondays a bit easier than Thursdays for some reason….? I had quite low cal days on Tues and Weds last week which for me did not work, as I really struggled with Thursday’s fast. Will eat more on those two days this week and hopefully that will help. Thanks for the tip about trying on clothes – I’ll be doing that for sure! Hope everyone’s going well.

    Hi Andrea.
    Today will be my 3rd day fast and like you, I felt the Monday wasxeasier than Wednesday ( which were the days I did last week) Gonna do mon & thur from now on seems that will spread it out a bit more! Started looking at pics from 4 yrs ago when I lost weight and went to the gym and looked pretty good if I’m honest! Just made me feel depressed and wanted to go and stuff my face so I ate a whole medium sized Easter egg ( not the creme eggs that came with it tho!) now feeling very very depressed, but today is another day and I’m prepared for my fast! 😉

    Hello all. Hope everyone is doing well. Jaymo, hope your fast day went well today! Today was a much easier fast day for me — the weather was absolutely glorious and I was running around with the kids the whole day, so the day just flew by.

    Hi Everyone,
    Today was my third day of fasting. one egg, protien drink, and chicken and cabbage soup. I felt so ready to fast today. I did so much better than last Friday.
    Saturday and Sunday I ate hotdogs. I gained 1/2 of a pound this week. Maybe to much sodium. I am trying to figure out why I cannot lose the last five pounds. Is it because I am afraid of something? Why can I not weigh my goal weight. Am I not focused enough? Anyone have any thoughts on this.
    Jaymo are you feeling better, I know I feel much better after todays fast.
    Mary, I am glad you had a good day. What did you eat?

    Hi, Everyone,
    Greetings from China! It’s such an amazing idea that I decided to join the Forum and find a club with my similar aged ladies. It is true that we need inspiration and support!
    I started 5:2 diet since last November. It shocked me a lot for the first 4 weeks that I broke through my weight bottleneck which I tried long time with other means of control, i.e. sports, diet, etc. Unfortunately, the lost weight can be gone with wind! After Christmas, after new year, after Chinese New Year, one big meal after another…can’t stop! OOPS! How can I do then? I’m still dreaming to get back to the nice weight! However, thinking of food at all time tackled me everyday, especially when I am home after work! Nightmare…Nuts, dates, yoghurt…Sounds like a revenge against the control. No, I can’t be like this! I can’t allow myself doing so! But how?
    Aha, joining a group to do it with other people no matter knowing each other or not. Just joining! Therefore, I am here seeking inspiration to be a better self! Thank you for all your posts!
    Let’s Do It!

    Hi ananna19 and welcome! Yeah I know exactly what you mean about how easily the weight creeps back on! A couple of years ago I looked and felt fab after losing 3 stone but week by week, 1lb here and 1lb there has resulted in all that weight bar 4lb going back on! I recently tried calorie counting, weight watchers AND slimming world but gave up after a few days. This 5:2 is perfect for me as i can tell myself ‘just one day, I can eat normally tomorrow!’ And that gets me through. And I’ve found (as many others have said) that in my non fast days I don’t eat half as much (if any) junk food but it’s reassuring to know in my own mind that I CAN have a chocolate bar if I want to! Good luck x

    Welcome Annana119 🙂 Hope everyone is having a good week? My weight loss is slower than I would like, but maybe that’s a good thing – slow and steady?! Am already thinking of something quick but not too unhealthy for Friday night dinner, as last week I made the mistake of ordering a take away pizza. I didn’t enjoy it that much and I dread to think how many calories were in it! Have a good weekend everyone. As Annana said – Let’s Do It!

    Hi, I’m going to be 47 this year and am also 5ft 7″. I’m lucky and have always been pretty slim and was 9 stone 7 lbs in November last year, but following a routine medical by a very well known private medical company I was given some suggested “weight loss tips” to get my weight down. I was pretty staggered to say the least given my BMI was only around 20 anyway. Nevertheless, I remembered watching the Horizon programme and, given the health benefits, thought I would give it a go. I am now hovering around 9 stone and don’t want to lose any more weight. But, I do feel better and bizarrely my asthma seems to have improved too, as has my skin. Fasting does become easier. I do Mon/Thurs. I also couldn’t go all day without food so skip breakfast (it makes me hungrier), but have a big salad and low cal cup a soup for lunch or a small porridge (30g made with water), then a small dinner around 7.30pm – usually egg white omelette/veg. I tend not to vary it too much but there are loads of recipes out there. I’m pretty sure I go over 500 cals on fast days but it works for me and I didn’t put any weight on over Christmas/NY or on an all-inclusive holiday in January when I ate (and drank) with abandon!
    I will stick to it going forward as it also enables me to eat what I like Friday – Sunday. If I lose more weight I’ll probably swap to 6:1.
    I find most of it is mind over matter. I also recommend doing the Couch to 5k running programme and read a book called “Younger next year” which makes a lot of sense about looking after your health generally.
    Good luck to all !

    Hi Beefley,
    I am with you, I am hungrier when I eat breakfast. I like your recommendation of Couch to 5 k. Are you running on fast days? How much are you exercising? I am going to be at my goal weight soon too. I did not lose any this week and it was my first week. I hoping for a loss soon. I am stuck at five pounds over my goal weight. I really enjoy my fast days. Tomorrow will be my fourth. Has anyone done more than 48 fast?

    Hi Sarah,103, I have been reluctant to run on fast days in case I got so hungry I chewed my arm off! But have recently started running on some fast days too – only 2+ miles or so – and find it actually suppresses my appetite, but am hungry next day. I only took up running last April but try to run 4 times a week, some weeks I do 30 day shred instead to mix it up, which I highly recommend. My husband says my shape has changed completely over last few months which i think is combination of fasting and exercise, and possibly my weight loss is not huge as I’ve added a bit of muscle, but I’m fitter than I have been in 20 years. I don’t lose every week but weigh every day and keep track so I can see general trend. I defo have to keep salt to a minimum otherwise I can be 4lbs heavier next day! Last few lbs are a pain to lose – I sympathise. Don’t think I could do 48 hours though!

    Hi Beefley, I have not been doing any exercise except walking on fast days. Two of the other days I have been doing Zumbia, and I am extra hungry the next day. I am going to reduce my salt intake the day before I weigh and see what it says.My fourth day of fasting was amazing and very easy, I am looking forward to my next one on Wed. Thank you for your imput on running. How far do you normally run.

    Hi, I normally run 2 – 3 miles each time, not a huge distance but it adds up.
    BTW my top foods if I’m absolutely starving and can’t wait to eat are Laughing Cow extra light cheese triangles, a slice of prepacked ham or chicken, or a clementine. Plus lots and lots of sparkling water. I’m sure the bubbles fill me up !

    Thank you for replying beefley, I have to try sparkling water. It is Monday and I know some of you fasted today. How did it go?

    I swapped the fasting this week from Monday to Tuesday. I am quite frustrated to see the very still scale every morning. I found the weight would be increased for 1-2 kg if I went to sleep with full stomach, even it is fasting day. Though I haven’t had much during the day, I still get the higher weight if I had food during dinner and even though the total Cal is within 500. Still in tuning…
    Wish you all a progress!

    Tomorrow is the fifth fasting day for me. I am excited, going to buy sparkling water, go to bed early, and eat little salt. Annana how did you do?

    Just wondering how you’re getting on Jaymo?

    Hi everyone. One of my routine is eat breakfast (oatmeal), then in between meals I only eat apple or two sticks of carrots then skip dinner so I won’t feel bloated when I sleep. The I also follow a workout program that is specific for women.

    Hello. I started 5:2 after new year and lost 10kg and am now the correct weight. The amount of self respect one gains from being the right shape and size is immense. Feeling think really is better than the taste of food. I sleep better, have better bowel movements, am fitter and feel great. The key for me is to decide that after 6pm (my evening meal I eat nothing.) I used to pig out in the evenings but now I eat a big breakfast and a big lunch and a small supper. The fast days are a means to an end but the key is getting the 5 days right and making those days the way you will live forever.

    Hi, I’ve just been reading your posts & I have got to say you have all inspired me so much!! I have tried the 5:2 previously but didn’t stick with it..but that’s me all over! I haven’t started following the plan yet, I’m currently reading & getting myself all psyched up plus I’m on holiday next week so plan to start when I’m back home. I was just wondering how you all go about counting calories..can you recommend the best website/app etc.

    Thank you. I look forward to being in touch again once I start. Good luck to you all & keep up the good work..you’re all doing amazingly well 🙂

    Hello all. merlawo, great to hear about your success! The evenings have always been my downfall as well. Lyndylou, I’m afraid I don’t have a particular program or app to recommend, as I tend to just google the calorie count of random foods. Not the most efficient method, so perhaps you’ll come up with something better.

    I had a perfectly fine fast day on Monday but I can already tell that today is going to be a bear. Last night I had some unpleasantness with one of my kids that led to a very fitful night and is still weighing on me. (Kid slept fine and woke up perfectly cheerful, of course.) I am already hungry and it is only 10:30 am! It also occurred to me to take a peek at the calendar and I suspect that part of it may be hormones. . . In any event, I am drinking coffee and will just try to power through as best I can.

    On the subject of exercise, I work out pretty hard every morning, very early, usually some kind of fitness class (spinning, etc.) but sometimes running or swimming. I don’t know if it makes me hungrier or not, since I do this every day and have for years, but skipping breakfast afterwards is definitely out of the question. On fast days I have a hard-boiled egg and coffee, then try to make through to dinner with just tea and seltzer. Dinner is a salad or soup, then a small apple and a cup of diet cocoa before bed.

    How’s everyone else doing?

    Thank you for that MaryMac, I hadn’t thought of just googling the calorie counts! Sorry to hear you’re struggling today..life certainly has it’s ups and downs and we have to cope as best we can! Think positive thoughts and look forward to eating more normally tomorrow!!

    Good luck x

    Hi Mac205!
    I started this post 3 weeks ago and had very little faith in myself to even see through my 1st day of fasting, but I did it, and have completed my 5th fast day on Monday ( am doing Monday and Thursday) it’s been pretty easy but on Monday I struggled! Tummy rumbles all day, felt tetchy and felt weak, but I persevered and glad I did as since Monday I really have felt my clothes are getting looser! That’s really inspiring to me as the scales were showing I lost 2lb in wk 1 and the same in wk2. Now that’s a drop in the ocean for me as I want to lose at least 2.5 to 3 stone ( could do with losing more but trying to keep it real) so I didnt think that was a great loss but feeling it in my clothes Spurs me on! On my fast days I literally eat fruit ( melon and strawberries mainly) and raw veg. I drink tea with skimmed milk ( no sugar) and have also discovered fizzy water (Aldi do a fab calorie free one for 39p, lovely flavours too!!) so I’m prepared for tomorrow and am hoping it’ll be easier than Monday was! I’m taking it day by day but am finding this is the easiest ‘diet’ I’ve ever done to be honest… My mantra that keeps be focussed is “tomorrow I can eat… ”

    Everyone, if you gals can do it, so can I! It was my fifth fast day and the fizzy water helped, along with sipping on a slim fast, soup, and a hard boiled egg. I am saving my veggies for Friday. My favorite calorie tracker is MY FITNESS PAL. Jaymo I love you mantra. I want to be my goal weight, I am determined.

    Way to go, Jaymo! My FD turned out not to be so bad after all. I’ve been at this a little over a month — maybe I’m getting used to it?

    Hi, Sarah,
    Seems I am back on right track. I accept all my failures and restart. For me,it is more harder on eating days. Hard to refuse invitations and hard to say “I don’t drink wine” when you are invited. Am I too passive? Nevertheless, I try to control the intaking on eating days, especially when dining out. Underlying all the problems, the issue is of self-acceptance. In other people’s eye, I am in good shape, sporty, warm hearted. But I am pursuing a better self with extream perfectism. Is it childish? This is what I am changing. Be satisfy with myself, eat well, sleep well, work well, be a happy mother, happy wife, happy woman…What can be better? Feel so blessed to have the sharings! Wish you and all a good day!

    Jaymo, if you lose 2 pound a week that equals 104 pounds in a year. Thats a lot of drops in the ocean.
    Annana- you are a confident women. Way to go. When are your fast days?

    Thank you, Sarah! I am fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. If any dinner invitation, then a day earlier or later. Good weekend for all!

    So glad it’s going well Jaymo. I do Mondays & Thursdays too, seems a nice balance to me, not too close together! 2lbs a week is excellent, well done, you must be chuffed to bits!!

    I really do think this way of eating makes so much sense for those of us who constantly crave food. I’ve only been doing this since 20th January but have lost 16lbs. I am over the moon and can honestly say it hasn’t felt like I’ve been on a diet. I’ve had the odd struggle on a FD but most of them have been surprisingly easy. I always have a sense of satisfaction when I slip into bed having “made it”!!

    So glad you’re doing well. Hopefully each FD will make you stronger and the results will spur you on xx

    Mac2015 Incredible- 16 pounds Fantastic. I am only on my 6th day, and did well so far today, not hungry and still need to eat a little for dinner. so far 2 eggs, a cucumber, asparagus, 1 cup cabbage, and a protien drink, for a total of 360. The fasting days are getting easier.

    Lost 2.8 in three weeks.:) This works.

    Jaymo and everyone else, how are you doing?

    Hi, I didn’t manage to fast at all last week but back into it today and not feeling too bad. I agree with Sarah103 – ‘this works’. Not always easy, but worth sticking at for me. I’ve managed to lose 3.5kg in 7 weeks (bit over 1/2 stone), so not complaining. We’ll be coming into winter soon, so looking forward to filling up on lots of low cal soups for fast day dinners. Hope everyone has a great week 🙂

    HI All!


    I have a question. Would you mind elaborating on the big breakfast, big lunch, small dinner comment? did you mean you do this on your fast days? or are you saying you do this 5 days a week? also, can you tell me a typical day on your fast day? I started 5-2 early January. I only wanted to lose 10 to 15 pounds and have lost roughly 7. I have tried the last 3 days in a row to fast but it keeps being blown! either a work event or family dinner! was fasting yesterday and my inlaws ended up coming over so I couldn’t give an excuse not to eat. Also, I really can’t tell friends or family I’m doing this because they would totally make fun of me and I just don’t want to hear it. It’s best just to share with the team here! Does anyone else find it difficult to stick with on the fast days? I also seem to let lose on my non fast days which I need to change! I am thankful for this group! Please help me to hang in there! I know there are MANY more problems in the world, and extremely thankful for my health and everything but would really want to take off the final 5 pounds and keep this WOL!!! suggestions on eating days and fasting days are welcome! 🙂

    You lost 7 how did you do it? Hang in there. I find planning my meals for fast days and non fast days work better for me. It is ok that you in laws showed up. Plan for the next day. I am with you.. I have 5 pounds to go and I really wan it off. We can do this together.

    Hi Sarah103,

    Thank you! I appreciate your support. It feels like many people on this site are dropping significant pounds on 5-2. This is amazing news! But what if you don’t have as much to lose? Does this method still work? They always say the last 5 to 7 pounds is the hardest to lose. While I am certainly not complaining, I still am working hard to stay focused on 5-2 and want to see results. I also want to be able to maintain this Goal weight with this WOL. I kind of think part of the difficulty is being in your mid 40’s. I used to be able to drop pounds fairly quickly and was able to maintain the lower weight for years. Anyone else out there in a similar situation to me and Sarah? Welcome to chime in;) and good luck everyone and thank you all! I mean it. Yesterday was a fast day and was so tough! I went online several times to this site and it got me through! 🙂

    Hi Desperate but Driven,
    I agree this is going slow. But I was thinking about it today and this is a way of life. I just finished my eighth day and found a few things helping. I am making a big batch of veggie soup with little salt and lots of spices on fasts days. I am also buying a coffee and sparkling water… these are treats. I am also not working out, only going for a 30 minute walk and going to bed early. All these are rewards for efforts. I am finding I a looking forward to my fast days. I just have to be mindful on the other five days. My weekends are hard.
    Looking forwad to hearing from others.

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