4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Day 1 UK late check in sorry! NFD today.

    Australia, Day 2, NFD,

    Successful FD yesterday.
    Been on 5:2 for 20 months now, if I can do it you can too!
    Onwards and Downwards!

    Aussie Day 2 NFD. Election Day! Both main parties are so awful I don’t know who should win.

    Still Day 1 FD

    Liquid fast day only slightly tainted by grocery store give-away sample of “vanilla flavored sparkling water”. Read the label after – loaded with sugar! It’s OK, I probably needed it for the 3 mile round trip walk to and from store.

    Quebequoise I am so sorry to hear about your father-in-law passing. My sympathy to your husband and family.

    Cizzy2 – you’re helping me visualize the day when I too will have 3 bags of undergrown clothes to donate. And good planking to you!

    Meli – of course baby toting counts as both strength and HIT!

    SongBirdMe – I’m just barely behind you in years so you can still be the oldest! And other coincidences, I was born in your state and we have the same first name (different spelling).

    Day 1 Minnesota, USA 8:40 pm central time

    Well, I’m with Edzeko when she said “Yikes” about posting all of our stats. I guess we must truly be accountable in this challenge. We didn’t do this for the last challenge, but it’s probably for the best to do it now. I already feel more accountable and motivated.

    Ht 5′ 6.5″ (maybe 5’6.75″) wt 152.4 lbs (bone structure=small) Bust 41 in waist 31 in hips 41.5 in and tummy (don’t know exactly what this is, SlimnHealthy, but measured at my naval and that included the muffin tops) 35 inches.

    I should weigh around 133 plus or minus 10%, according to the old guidelines ( 5 ft = 100 lbs then add 5 lbs for every inch over 5 ft., minus or plus 10% for small or large bone structure, respectively). Mostly minus 10% because of small bone structure, for me. I don’t think that’s feasible at my age, though. I don’t think it would look ok for me to be under 135. We will see. May change my mind!

    Walked 3 miles plus, today. In 46 min., had 4 “episodes” of high intensity: 1st one down hill running. That won’t do. Knees, ankles and feet just painful. The next 3 intervals were uphill, and pumping arms and walking as fast as possible for over a minute each time. My fitbit said I was in cardiac zone. Tomorrow, I will plank and do some yoga. Also, I will do some squats because I need to strengthen my thighs for the up and down I need for grand kids.😊

    My OH and I went out to eat. Finally, had some nachos which I’ve craved for over 2 months. Chicken nachos. I had about a fifth of the plate, if that, and I was satisfied. Brought the rest home and OH can eat tomorrow. I really don’t feel compelled to eat them, and that is wonderful! Had a FD yesterday and still had not eaten anything before going out. I’m sure I’m under TDEE. By a lot, actually.

    Good luck and good night from USA.

    Quebecoise: My sympathies to you and your husband and all of your family. The loss of a parent is such a profound experience and a great change in our lives. My thoughts and prayers for your comfort are sent to you.

    Australia – Day 2 – 29 days to go of challenge 🙂

    About to head off to Canberra for the family get together for my nephews birthday. It is a fasting day today 🙂

    Good luck this weekend guys 🙂

    Croatia – Day 2 – NFD
    Weight – 83.5 KG

    Austin Tx – End of Day 1 FD

    Best Friday fast ever! This challenge really helps!

    I didn’t even do my 1st protein shake until 7pm and I drank all my water. I’m so excited!

    I actually did all my arm rehab…for once. I guess I’m just a sucker for a dare!
    (Thanks HappyMargo)

    Can’t wait for my with in!

    That’s weigh in

    India. Day 2
    Trying to keep it at 1200 on NFDs as the very idea of being under 60kgs has gotten me all excited. I had been at it for months but would give up after a few weeks each time. Cannot thank this group enough for the sense of accountability.
    It’s a glorious morning in Mumbai. The rains are here and it’s been pouring. Life is good 🙂
    Lots of love to all.

    Quebecoise – so sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. May the memories you have of him sustain you and your husband.

    Back2thefuture – nice to know you! We do have things in common, don’t we?

    France Day 1 NFD
    Weight 70.3

    Lovely to see everyone, and some new bloggers. We are getting more countries! I so want to go to Mumbai Myaramya! I really do need to start travelling again.

    During the break I have been disorganised in eating, and stopped fasting. I regained a little weight as expected. Oddly though some aspects of my body have continued to shrink, as though there is an inertia in results showing. I probably need a new bra with a smaller cup.

    There has been a light rain in the night so tomorrow will be fresh for a lovely walk with my dog around a local lake. This will make him happy, and be a good start for this new challenge.

    Scotland day 2 NFD

    Not a good first day as I was stressed and wanted to eat everything in sight and just stopped counting the calories! Mum went into respite for her once monthly weekend with the usual reluctance and was really playing me up lol! I did get my walk in and only 6000 steps. I aim to do better today and FD tomorrow. I’m not going to weigh in until Friday morning 8th as that gives me the week to sort myself and a clear run at my fast days.

    Hi Coda and everyone.
    The support of being part of a large group is great. I am only 6.6 kg away from my goal now as I had a 0.4 kg loss after fast 500 day yesterday. In some ways it is hard closer towards goal weight as you know you could stop and be a relatively healthy weight (but with a collection of small clothes in the wardrobe!) I am watching my NF days closely (l have to as 5/2 does only part work for me) i have a challenge tonite as attending food themed party. Exercised today and will have small serves tonite. All the best for everyone on tomorrow’s challenge.

    Northern Spain here,good morning to you all.
    I just wanted to to say sorry for your loss Quebecoise.I didn’t read about it until now.
    Also I want to encourage jml60. Looking after an elderly parent is so difficult on an emotional level. You become the parent and it’s a very painful role.I looked after my father when he got stroke disease and it was really awful watching him dwindle away. At the time I ate loads because of the stress but didn’t realise it until later.
    A day at a time is what I say to myself.
    Anyway,it’s a non fast day here which means I can have breakfast lunch and dinner. Yipppeee!!!!
    ‘Tis the small thing’s in life I appreciate
    Have a good day everyone

    SongBirdMe I am 66, and just want to be in the bmi range, but also to stay there! There is not much to be done about the excess skin! Sellotape?

    I have problems with my upper arms and can only be happy in elbow length sleeves or I am just too embarrassed. Even had I got the means to chop it off there would be scars so what would be the point?

    My goal is to reduce the stress on my joints because of the arthritis.


    NL day 2 NFD
    Quebecoise, I’m sorry for your loss. Very emotional times for you I’m sure.

    Yesterday turned out to be a rather sedentary day. Feeling a bit down – Need to compensate today. Walking, cycling, planking and squats are going to be my exercise+HIT on a nearly daily basis.
    Planking before breakfast, then walk in the morning ending with squats and stationary bike in the evening.

    My aim is to lose weight and not as fast as I can. So I’m taking it slowly and am enjoying the results: baggy trousers and items in the cupboard that actually fit and look good now they’re not so tight anymore.

    FD or NFD: hope you have a good day today!

    Morning all day 2 UK
    Jml60 don’t be too hard on yourself but learn to be mindful. When you feel stressed look to other means other than food for comfort. Punch some cushions, if you can escape walk fast until the stress eases and breathe – long deep breaths.

    Sellotape? ABC1 lol still laughing!
    Seriously I remember a programme about a man who lost a lot of weight and he put his case that he had saved the health service so much money by loosing the weight in the first place they agreed to his operation to remove his excess skin. It was probably an extreme case though.

    Morning all-woke up to sunshine today for a change. Was supposed to fast yesterday but I blew it as I ended up having wine!! It was an extra FD this week so will do next week instead. Going for a swim later 😁

    Day 2..UK..Yorkshire.

    LD ..low day….about 800 calories

    A lovely bright morning but rain to come..

    I had a lovely family meal out yesterday, a farewell to daughter and family going home to the States. I stayed under my TDEE for the day, although I ate more than usually do.

    She has been here on a 5 weeks holiday I thought I would damage the weight loss, with beach, fish and chips twice, ice cream twice, donuts lots of meals out…one week 1 lb on, one week stayed the same over the 5 weeks 4 lbs off…so really pleased.

    Fit Bit on today, I try and do two low days a week 800 calories, normally they are the day before a FD but I thought I will pull back at what I ate yesterday.

    I will up my excerise today..tell you tomorrow what I decide.

    Have a good day everybody.

    Day 2 UK

    Québécois – commiserations

    Kay65 -bit spooky reading your post ,our measurements and weight are practically identical, I also do JM dvd still can’t get those jumping lunges !

    Yesterday not great for me still have a problem getting the balance right on NF days , I’m going to work on this through the month On a positive note planked for 2.45 I’m aiming for 3 mins tomorrow

    U.K. day 2
    NFD for me. Will weigh in on Wednesdays as with daily scale fluctuations I get disheartened and start opening the cupboards, looking for something. Glacé cherries anyone?
    That reminds me, I am going to have a proper clean out of food cupboards, then it’s not there anyway.
    Back home Monday evening so will do the dreaded stats and post. Along with weight. In the meantime all grandchildren are out so read the book and then walk the dog.
    Happy day to everyone. X

    Hi all day 2 UK just another post thought I would share what I did at the start when I got serious about 5.2. I got a piece of card put my starting weight and wrote down less 500g increments down the page till I got to my ultimate goal. Each time I got to the mini goal I got a tick. Sometimes I jumped a few sometimes it took a few weeks. I would put the date I achieved it as well. Before Christmas I had achieved 75.1 and then lost the plot completely. Not quite to where i began but heading in that direction. It has only been since you all joined me in phase 1 that I began to make progress again and start to lose the weight I gained. At the start of phase 2 I ticked another box. Is it where I thought I would be when I started end of last July 2015? no, it didnt go to my plan. But, I am in a better place from when I started and moving in the right direction.
    Just keep doing it!

    Hi everyone! Today is a normal day ie nfd for my daughter, my husband and I. I’m going to a wedding this evening. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.

    Day 2– Colorado, USA

    Coda– Thanks for the idea of using a notecard for ticking off little milestones of progress. The visual chart of my progress will help keep me motivated.

    I’m setting one up now to keep with my calendar that has my measurements, weights & Fast Days penciled in. One more tool to help reach my goals! Thanks!

    And, Coda, I’m glad that with all the effort running these Challenges must take that you are also receiving the benefit of motivation & weight loss for yourself too! You truly deserve it!!

    Day2, US….foothills of the rainy Adirondacks.

    Still convinced the scale up here is at least a pound lighter than my home scale. 121.5 yesterday. 119.3 this morning. See what I mean? I’ll just use that number as my constant for my break upstate.

    My niece’s mil last saw me on Mother’s Day and she remarked on my weight loss since early May. Woo hoo!

    I’ve resisted more than a taste of the sweets. Sticking to proteins and veggies ….and alcohol.

    Tonight is salmon, beer brats and burgers. And wine.

    Did a bit of Pilates last night. Will pop in the DVD today with sister, nieces, and niece’s MIL.

    Day 2 (again) – Colorado, USA

    So I just popped my cup of coffee back into microwave for a quick one minute re-heat.
    Figured, “Hey, why not give a Plank a try while I wait for my coffee?”

    Oh my goodness… WHOA! Mid-way through, I didn’t want to completely cave in & give up, so I dropped to my knees to continue holding. That was so incredibly HARD!!

    I definitely need to not skimp on these exercise Challenges issued by Coda. My hat is off to those that can hold Planks for minutes +plus.
    Wow and Ouch.

    Austin, Tx – Day 2


    Weight 136.0 lbs.

    (Was 137.5/138 before fast- this is my water fluctuation)

    But clothes feel looser today. Feel I’m on the verge of a real loss- not just water.

    Oh K-Lo, I love reading your posts from the Adirondacks.
    Makes me homesick for the family farm near North Creek, Gore Mountain, Pottersville area. What we call “the North Woods.”

    Sounds like you’re doing great on sticking to 5:2 & staying away from the sweets. I’m with you: I’ll pass on the sugar if it means I can enjoy my red wine!!

    NFD-2 from Wisconsin
    After a FD I find that I analyze pretty closely what I put in my mouth the next morning….don’t want to undo what I’ve worked for. Yesterday’s FD went well. Worked in the yard all morning chugging water and coffee. Really didn’t need a bite until around 2:30. Found an unsweetened fruit Popsicle for 25 cals. That really hit the spot. Small, no frills, taco salad for dinner….bed early.
    A little family fun planned this weekend…looking to make wise choices along the way.

    Surrey UK Day 2 Reading all the posts, it’s just so helpful! I’m afraid I feel like Clemmi, too embarrassed to post weight and stats!
    Coda – I have also made a list of weight loss in 500g increments, and did it almost exactly as you have described. It does make it much more manageable. Since starting 5:2 on the 27th May, I have lost nearly 6 kg, but I am focusing on week by week. I will be 71 on the 10th of July, so am looking forward to a gift to myself of less weight!
    KLo- I spent a year in the Adirondacks a long time ago…stunningly beautiful! Mainly around Lake Placid, Lake George, and the most beautiful Rainbow Lake.
    As for today, not a fast day, but strangely not too hungry at all. It is 3 pm and I have only had two mangoes and two cups of tea this morning. It is so good not to feel hungry, or feel you HAVE to eat something…I eat when I am hungry, and stop when I have had enough… so it seems to be a question of measure. Have been very busy today and on the go, so that probably helps.

    Day 2 France
    It’s a fast day and going OK so far. I’ve had 2 mugs of tea for breakfast, 2 mugs of coffee for lunch, one small brazil nut and a fair amount of water. I’ve been very busy in the garden- raking, weeding, sweeping, loading the trailer etc. About 3 hours in total as if I keep busy, I don’t even think about food. We’ll eat really early this evening because we’ve got neighbours coming round at 6 to play cards and I need to have eaten before that.
    NorrieB, I’m glad I’m not the only one too embarassed to post their weight. I seem to be much heavier than the vast majority of people on here. I would like to try to lose 3kg in the July challenge. I did my first ‘plank’ yesterday so feeling quite pleased about that.

    Day 2 (USA – Illinois) NFD

    Just had a nice breakfast. I was so hungry after FD yesterday. I even walked about a mile last night just because the evening was lovely. Normally I don’t exercise at all on FD’s but felt like I could, and I did.

    Off to the gym this morning. You are all doing wonderfully!

    ABC1 – yes, staving off any arthritis is a good challenge too. I also want to get into my BMI range. Or at least closer. Yeah for us sextegenarians doing this challenge and getting healthier in our advanced age!

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK. Non-fast day. I don’t know what is happening to me. I seem to have lost all motivation over the last week. I had done so well before….sticking rigidly to the rules, fasting on water-only 24-hours, three times per week since the start of the May challenge. I had never succeeded like that ever before. My problem now is once I start eating, I keep on snacking…my body trying to make up for lost ground, I suppose. My next fast day is Monday but it is not a work day, which makes temptation harder to resist. However, even Coda had back-sliding in the past, so I suppose I’ll come through it. Fingers crossed.

    Thank you Happymargo it keeps me honest!

    So Norrieb are you the mother of our group then at (almost) 71? Well done you!
    Ciren2 just keep trying – remember Robert the Bruce and the spider? Have a look and see if what you are eating is not giving you a sugar spike. Maybe take a note of what you are eating and how you feel over a few days and see if you can identify anything.

    Day 2 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Body weight strength exercises today, planking, squats and yoga. Gardening for a couple of hours is planned for this afternoon. Getting together with daughter’s family for BBQ later and I Intend to stay below TDEE and eat very healthily.

    Good luck everyone!

    Citen2 – this happened to me too on NFD. Then I started making a HUGE vegetable soup and a HUGE salad and I’d nibble on those and add like a tablespoon of beans to the salad or soup and some vinegar! Totally worked, got my hunger and blood sugar smooth. Then I had room for some comfort food late in the day.

    Oops meant Ciren2

    Dorset UK Day 2
    NF day

    Well yesterday didnt go according to plan as I went to a beer and cider festival last night and although I had saved some calories for a couple of drinks, I went well over my allowance in the end!

    Oops! Never mind, I am hoping to cut back a bit today to compensate. And I did dance around a bit at the end of the night 😉

    Yesterday I managed to day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (only just!) and 45 sec plank.

    Today its the same, although aiming for 50 sec plank twice.

    Tea is going to be a huge plate of salad with some home made coleslaw, new potatoes and flat mushrooms grilled with halloumi.
    Tomorrow its a fast day, so nothing until tomorrow teatime.

    Keep going everyone!!
    I love reading all the posts!


    Pacific NW USA: Day 2, NFD logging 1200 cal on myfitnesspal.com

    Started day after liquid only FD with eggs, portobellos and micro greens. Also some Bulletproof coffee as a splurge. Today is a scheduled HIT day but hubby has already “hit” the garden (pun intended) to prepare for 4th of July holiday and I will join him so bike riding will take second stage for the day. I got some new hip stretching exercises from the PT which he thinks are necessary because I’m getting so much more active!

    I’m so enlightened by all of your posts, so sorry I just have to comment on a few and will try to be brief.

    NorthernDawn – your reminder of the “old guidelines” computed exactly the weight I was 10 years ago and which are my present long term (years?) goal so thanks for helping it seem realistic for me even if it just keeps me on 5:2 forever to get there.

    ABC1 – I’m still pondering whether eating and exercising efforts show up up on the scales and tape measure a week or 2 later??

    jm160 – Boy, stress and sleeplessness seem to be the twin opponents of weight loss, I sympathize and think you are wonderful to be such an important part of your Mum’s life!

    HappyMargo – what a great inspiration to use otherwise “down” time and the micro timer is perfect. Will my grandchildren think their Grammy has gone cookoo if they find me on the kitchen floor while warming my coffee when I’m tending them in a few weeks?

    NorrieB – I bow down to you. I just read your profile and I think you are a winner before you even started this challenge! You defy the actuarial statistics!

    SongBirdMe – ditto to you! My Mom is 94 great years. Her main health impediment at this stage is being overweight for her joints and ligaments which necessitate a cane or her preference, a walker – which I still give her credit for wanting to move around. I hope I’ve inherited her genes but can learn from her example and be kind to my body by taking off these incidious pounds.

    Ciren2 – ditto Coda and others, I don’t know about you and I don’t know if this impacts you at all but soon after I eat the smallest amount of pasta, bread, or sugar it wakes up a maniac in my brain that lists every ingredient in the house or within walking distance that I need to consume in it’s entirety! I try to re-frame that positively and say that I have a great survival tactic IF I need to prepare for the beginning of an ice age but for the time being I don’t really need to compete with a saber toothed tiger for excess calorie storage 🐾 😜

    Kay65 and others – my daughter loves the JM workout tapes and has the guns (biceps) to show for it. I used to be able to follow along with her but I need to strengthen my cardio before I can even attempt it again – my hat’s off to you!

    Day 2 – Italy FD

    Managed to get to 16:30pm without too much trouble then i had a bowl of strawberries. I’m really looking forward to a bufalo mozzarella and tomato salad for dinner, before we watch the football (italy v germany)
    Even managed 2 15 second planks for you Coda, along with 100 sit-ups and a nice long walk.

    Buona notte

    The Netherlands – Day 2 (non-fast day)

    Did only about 8800 steps yesterday. Today I did 12.500 sofar.

    I had a good, moderate eating day. Oatmeal for breakfast, an omelette with mushrooms for lunch and an ovenbake with lots of vegetables, vegetarian mice ‘meat’ (with only 0,1 grams of carbohydrates per 100 gram) and some taleggio cheese.

    UK day 2, Ciren thank you, you have put into words exactly how I have been feeling. I just can’t seem to control my eating at the moment, despite the fact that I have really been enjoying this WOL for a few months now. I’m just keeping on keeping on, still fasting but going waaaay over on non-fast days. I know I need to get back on the horse, and I know I will feel much better once I do. I also know that this challenge will really help with that, so I will keep on reading and posting. I’m not in the right frame of mind to post my goal and exercise plan at the moment, please bear with me if that’s OK.

    Is anyone using the myfitnesspal pal.com calorie tracker? I’m just starting out using it this week and on my first FD it seemed totally aghast at my calorie count (38 cal for 6 oz of chicken bone broth) and said it would not post or generate a 5 week projection and encouraged me to eat up. I actually thought it funny that I was being virtually scolded for my brazen behavior. Is there a 5:2 version???

    Is anyone using the myfitnesspal pal.com calorie tracker? I’m just starting out using it this week and on my first FD it seemed totally aghast at my calorie count (38 cal for 6 oz of chicken bone broth, tea and water). A lengthy reprimand popped up that said with those numbers it would not post or generate a five week projection and demanded that I eat up. I actually found it funny that I was being scolded by a virtual dietician. Is there a 5:2 version out there?

    Is anyone using the myfitnesspal pal.com calorie tracker? I’m just starting out using it this week and on my first FD it seemed totally aghast at my calorie count (38 cal for 6 oz of chicken bone broth, tea and water). A lengthy reprimand popped up that said with those numbers it would not post or generate a five week projection and demanded that I eat up. I actually found it funny that I was being scolded by a virtual dietician. Is there a 5:2 version out there?

    Is there a problem? I’ve posted this twice before it showed up.
    Is anyone using the myfitnesspal pal.com calorie tracker? I’m just starting out using it this week and on my first FD it seemed totally aghast at my calorie count (38 cal for 6 oz of chicken bone broth, tea and water). A lengthy reprimand popped up that said with those numbers it would not post or generate a five week projection and demanded that I eat up. I actually found it funny that I was being scolded by a virtual dietician. Is there a 5:2 version out there?

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