4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Jeannie from Scotland

    Hi I would like to join in. Lost 2st initially but put almost a stone back on! All down to sugary snacks so I need to beat this demon as well as lose the weight. Being a home carer it’s cups of tea and chocolate digestive biscuits galore! I’m sure they put something in those things to make them so addictive. I need to learn how to exercise self control so hopefully sticking to this challenge will help. Currently 9st 4 and would ideally like to be 8st 7Ibs. I find I can’t eat less than 600 cals on fast days but I do 16:8 most days and I’m moderately active around the house/garden and can get a good walk usually about 8 miles twice weekly. I will be wearing my pedometer constantly now to monitor my steps and try to get at least 10000 steps in daily. I will re weigh myself on July 1st. 4 weeks I can do this!

    Anaide – Thank you for the simulator. It seems scarily accurate! By all accounts, I should reach my goal weight by the end of February. Which is so exciting. I had it estimated as March/April! It has me as currently losing about 0.75kg a week, which some weeks are more and some weeks are less, so that is probably what it equal outs to be. And I love how it has you losing less as the weeks go on. Because that is what happens! At the start I was losing about a kilo a week. And it has me as being under 75kg for the end of this challenge which is my goal. Thank you, Thank you!!!! xoxo

    Hi Everyone
    I would like to join the 4 week challenge. I live in Australia and I lost some weight on 5/2 about a year ago and would like to lose 4kg in this month. I already exercise most days so keeping on track with eating and fast days is my challenge.


    Hi Coda and all fellow 5:2ers!
    Think I will join this challenge too ☺
    Been offline a while – not counting cals and lost only one kg since last challenge.
    Today I’ve been reading a lot and think it’s great that some links posted on the challenge have been posted on other threads. Nice!
    Lovely to have a fellow country woman joining this challenge. (Hallo fastdutchgirl)
    As for planking – didn’t do that every day either but am now close to 2 mins, so happy with that too!
    C U all friday!!

    I’m in for phase 2!

    Hi Everyone – my how we are getting so cosmopolitan!

    Kay65 – that’s my girl – I think that is a good call.
    Welcome back DebbieQ, HannahWatto and Dutch and welcome newbies JML60, sunflower1 and Neostaford.

    Oohhh I am getting excited for the beginning of Phase 2 and yes Jeannie from Scotland you can do this!

    On phase 1 we had over 90 people join up and only 36 or 37 completed the 6 weeks. I hope a bigger percentage of those joining up will see it through to the end because not only did the ones that complete it feel absolutely bloody good at completing the challenge but all lost weight with one person almost losing 24 lbs – how good is that? While a few didn’t lose as much as they hoped – they still enjoyed the support of this group and they took something away (other than a medal) that will enable them to re-group and re-focus on their goals.

    Talking about goals break any long term goals into smaller short term goals – it is much easier. Also use the tracker on this site so you can see the graph dropping – it is also useful over a longer period of time to recognise that while you are stuck for maybe a few weeks the trend is still downward.

    Thank you Merryme for your input, as always very helpful and interesting – I have it noted regarding your holidays thanks.

    Are we all ready and raring to go?

    Good fasting all!

    K-lo unfortunately the simulator is only in kg even.

    ETJ found it amazing that I went through several plateaus and even then the weight loss was accurate, he’ll be next year still fasting, is a lot of weight to lose!

    Again the link simulator


    Hugs to all of Brazil

    NorrieB Surrey UK 29th June

    I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any posts, and then realized I didn’t tick the box saying I want notification…Glad I discovered this before the 1st! I will aim for fast days on Mondays and Thursdays. Looking forward to this challenge, will try and incorporate as much exercise as possible. Good luck everyone!

    I am all ready for 1 July – just printed off a calendar for the month and marked up my fast days and exercise days. One month to go before we go on holiday so want to make July really count!! πŸ™‚

    Good luck to everyone on Phase 2


    Wahaa!! Boy did I feel stupid…….After seeing all these cute emotions I thought I’d give it a try. Not really a fan of them but, well, sometimes it does make a pretty picture in a looooong post.
    No matter what I did or how I did it……no emoticons showed up so I turned to the tech desk. I obviously am still a novice with windows 10!

    JJ sent me a link which I will post (with consent) because I think (read: HOPE!) I’m not the only one wondering about how to post an emoticon using OS W10; the link is:

    “The way you get to your emoji keyboard will be different depending on how you access the site.

    Here are the instructions for a few different systems:
    Mac OS β€” http://www.imore.com/how-insert-emoji-text-os-x-yosemite
    Windows 10 β€” http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/find-emojis-windows-10/
    Android β€” http://mashable.com/2014/06/18/emoji-on-android/#4fnB7M3Zp5qb
    iPhones / iPads β€” https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202332

    Sometimes I think life was so much easier when apple and blackberry were just fruits!!

    Works like a charm and thank you JJ!! πŸ‘


    NorthernDawn (sorry I didn’t reply on the old thread anymore. Was time for a time-out)- are we going to aim for a 3 minute plank to add to the 4 week challenge? Somehow the plank with straight arms is easier than the one resting on your elbows. Easiest is NO plank ….but once I’ve started and set a goal I tend to see it through. “Give up” is not in my dictionary. Even though I might have to see the dentist at the end of this challenge/plank! LMAO because it’s weird seeing yourself in that position in the mirror!

    Day 18 of 19: UK Cotswolds: Fast Day. Very hungry after a busy (and wet) day at work delivering the mail. Still struggling.


    Hi Ciren2- no….the weather is not really comfortable. Can imagine you’re feeling yukky. It’s been raining here too (south NL) but also just enough sun to think this was a lovely day.
    Hang in there!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌞

    Austin, Tx , US

    July is going to be a huge challenge for me so I need somewhere to be accountable! I’m in!

    I have 2 birthday parties to host, a holiday picnic, a trip back home and a vacation at the lake!!!

    I have a broken arm and shoulder mending so not sure about planks but I hope this gets me walking as my arm was so painful I’ve been very sedentary.

    Can’t wait to start!!!!

    Hello I’ve lost 3.7 kilos or 8 lbs so far from doing the 5:2 or 4:3 diet in three weeks. I’d like to loose 9.5 kilos more to reach my target weight of 66 kilos. I’d like to join the phase 2 challenge from 1 st July. I am from Malta. Good luck everyone. You can do it.

    Florida, USA; NFD

    I would like to join. I just started and did my second FD yesterday. It was tough! I run/walk 3 or 4 days a week, but have always had problems with food. I love to eat! I need to lose about 20 lbs total. I hope this will keep me accountable. I am off work all next week, which will make it difficult. I thought about skipping a week, but since I just started, that seemed crazy. So here I am!

    FDs are Tuesday and Thursday for me and I’m still trying to figure out when is the best time to run/walk. Looking forward to getting to know you all!

    USA Minnesota, FD (hopefully)

    Welcome to all the new people and “Good to see you!” to all the familiar friends from 1st challenge!

    Hi Dutch! I’ve been wondering about you. πŸ™‚ I congratulate you on almost 3 minutes! Wow! You are the winner of our challenge, no question about it. I got up to 1 and 1/2 min at my best.

    I had a lot of discomfort in my lower back, so I’ll limit strengthening exercises to 3 times a week, and walk alternate days with some elements of HIT. I have some great hills on my walking route. Sundays will be free of planned exercise.

    I haven’t fasted yet this week. I got a call Monday morning at 1:37 am from my expectant daughter to say her water broke and I could take my time getting to their home to watch my four year old grand daughter, since no contractions yet. I got there within 30 min, and pushed her and her OH out the door, though she thought there was no hurry! Haha. My newest little grand daughter was born healthy at 4:46 am. Her doctor didn’t make it to the delivery but there was an on call physician who did. Her first delivery was long and complicated so this was a surprise for her, and a great blessing!

    I’ve had an exciting and sleep deprived couple of days: Babysitting an excited, active, and well rested 4 year old the first day (while I had only 55 min of sleep), and then an excited and cranky one the second day, since during our sleep over (my house) we got maybe 5 hours of sleep.

    Everyone was home in their own beds last night and doing well this morning. After settling them in at their home with a good supper, I came home and binged on bacon-cheese popcorn, chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) and milk. I haven’t done something like that for months! 😠
    I know fatigue was a huge factor. My weight is up about 3 pounds today from last week. I hope some of that is water. It’s a set back, but I’ll just have to make up for it.

    I’ll weigh and measure Friday. I’m sure the challenge will help me to get back on track! Thank goodness we are starting a new one!

    Fastdutchgirl, yes 131 pounds is about 59 kg.

    I am 5 feet tall and would like to get down to around 120 ( not precised yet in my mind ). My life long weight has always been 100 pounds but 120 seems reasonnable now.

    In the first challenge I lost 6 pounds in 6 weeks and, most important I think, Is that my relation to food has taken a whole new path. The support and exchanges with the group were just fantastic !

    Good luck with the new challenge !

    Bye bye from QuΓ©bec


    NorthernDawn- Sorry if I wasn’t clear: NO NO NO…I can’t plank 3 minutes!! That’s wishful thinking – can manage 1.5 mins and some days 2 mins max. You take care with that backache. Too important and you want to be fit to hold your grandchild(ren)!
    Congratulations with your grandchild!!! Boy or girl? Glad it went well, and hope you all will get your needed rest soon! x

    Congratulations Northerndawn on your newest grand daughter!

    Welcome to our newest sign ups Slimnhealthy, Anna6 and Lisahawk.

    Remember plan, plan and plan – make dates/appointments with yourself so that you are ready to go. Think of this as a great adventure – you would not undertake a great adventure without planning? Believe me 4 weeks will fly in.

    Pacific NW USA: 2 days till Phase 2: NFD

    Successful 39 hour liquid only fast ended with a poached egg and greens omelette this morning. Going to use my spiralizer to make a veggie and shrimp Pad Thai for dinner.

    On my calendar today is a fastexercise strength day. I have to be a little more mindful and careful not to overdo – PT yesterday found some regression in my aches and pains. I will also take a walk to do some marketing so still staying active.

    India. 2nd FD of this week done!!! 447 calories. Super stressful day otherwise but this is making me smile:)
    Thank you to the group:) gn!

    Hello everyone ! Counting down to tomorrow in Los Angeles.

    Coda, can you please add me to the growing list of participants? Really happy to be starting again with all of you.

    I have been good — not perfect but pretty darn good — over our break. Lost a couple more lbs, and am now at my lowest weight in about 3 years. I’ve lost 22 lbs on 5:2 since mid-March 2016, fasting (500 cals) on Mondays and Thursdays and eating slightly below my target weight TDEE on other days. Still have to drop about 40 lbs so no slacking for me.

    I absolutely hate and despise all forms or exercise, with the partial exception of walking on shady flat paths, floating in a pool, and slowly riding my bike on occasion. I am committed to trying to up the physical fitness effort, but make no promise of success. Hope you’ll have me here nonetheless!


    Uk, fast day today and have done much better, I decided to split my 450 calories over the day, which I found much easier! First thing this morning I did 2 min plank with straight arms, which I find easier, then bridge, squats and 2kg on my exercise bike. Not tried pressups yet!

    NorthernDawn, congratulations! grandchildren are such a joy, I hope mum and daughter are doing well.

    Two daughters and their children arrive on sat for 10 days, this will be a challenge to fit in the exercise, but my OH has set me up in the garage so I have some peace! I find I have to do my pilates each day stretch my back and just to keep me strong and able to keep up the grandchildren.

    Welcome to our new challengers and good to see the 42ers still in for phase 2!!

    Will weigh and measure Friday morning. I have kept a book since starting 5.2 on the 1st May which records my progress, ups and downs! This time I’ll keep a record of exercise progress also. I’m also going to break out my skipping rope.

    Good luck to all!!

    I have been doing pressups!! But while the ketttle boils for early cuppa. I push off the kitchen work surface, feet about 3feet away, I generally do 20. hopefully these count but I will try on the floor also!

    Yes, yes yes ! I did it for the first time. I did 3 repetitions of HIT on my stationnary bike. Now I’m wondering how come it’s so hot in the house all of a sudden and my Tshirt is all wet ! I also did the plank. Once 60 sec, then a rest and then a second 45 sec.

    Thank you so much Coda. You are a genius for starting this ! I’ve been wanting to loose my belly for years but nothing really seemed to work for me. Couldn’t do it on the long run because the benefits were slow to show up. With you and the group I am enthousiastic.

    Bonne journΓ©e de QuΓ©bec x

    Thank you Anaide for that link have bookmarked it to do later. I have struggled a bit over the last couple of weeks but am ready for tomorrow still keeping up walking 10,000 steps with hit added and i will rescue my rowing machine from the laundry and use it.FD today.

    UK 5:2er returning for second challenge πŸ˜€

    Fell off the wagon during our little break with lots of naughty nibbles and meals out…thankfully i regained control this week and shed not only the 2lbs gained from binging but an extra 3lbs pushing me past my plateau at last! HALLELUJAH!!!!

    Lost 26lbs total with the support of this challenge and hope to see plenty more shifted in the second. I will be using tomorrow to plan and will share this and my starting stats on Friday. Good luck all!!!

    I fell of the wagon too Meli gained 1.2 kilos but sorted and ready to lose. Thank you Coda.

    Congratulations on your new granddaughter NorthernDawn! Last day before the challenge and I am feeling excited about it. I think I might even do “Dry July” as well. Typical me – all or nothing! πŸ™‚ Hei konā (that’s see you later in Maori)

    Wow ! Meli-110216. Congratulations !!!! Your weight loss is just fabulous !

    NorthernDawn – congratulations on your new little granddaughter! Grandchildren are such a joy, Well done for getting through the couple of days with little sleep too. Life is to be lived as well, so call your little binge a celebration insteadπŸ™‚

    Welcome to India, Croatia, Malta – wow, how many countries is that now?

    Quebecoise- congratulations on your HIT achievement, well done.

    Well done to you too Micky! ‘Pretty darn good but not perfect’ is very good I reckon.

    FD for me today. I’ll be making miso soup with low cal lowGI vegies with some basa fish(lowest calorie fish I can find) and calamari in it. Going to make enough for several portions so I can freeze at least 2 portions. We’ll be away for awhile helping with grandchildren over the school holidays, and it will be good to have a FD meal waiting in the freezer when we get back.I’ve lost another 1 kg since the last challenge and looking forward to this next challenge. I’ll be here on the sidelines cheering on all the exercisers.

    Thanks for hosting another challenge Coda!

    Onwards and Downwards!

    PS. For people new to 5:2 – If you fall off the horse(5:2) just get back on it the next day!

    A late post from me
    Micky42 off course we will have you. Sooo perhaps when you are walking along that shady flat path think of me coming up behind you with my big stick lol quicken your pace for 10 – 20 paces and then go back to normal. if you can push you self a little?
    Rocy65 – excellent idea may try that myself actually! Off course they count and will help build you up when you progress to the floor.
    Quebecoise – excellent start, just take it steady and build up slowly but well done you!

    I must say you are all sounding very enthusiastic which is absolutely great. Can’t believe how many are not even waiting for the challenge to begin exercising but are already ahead of the game. I think this is going to be a good one.

    Any of you with either children or grandchildren ever get out with them and play ball games – rounders, volleyball? Or play tag with them? Are there other games you could play? All are forms of HIT.

    I have a plan in the making but will announce it during second week of the challenge – watch this space.
    One day to go! Dont forget to take a photo – this is just for your eyes only so don’t worry.

    Hello from Devon, UK! Please count me in, this is my first attempt at 5:2 and have around 20lb to lose. Like some others I’m away for a week during the challenge ( 4-11incl ) but don’t want that to be an excuse not to start now!
    Thanks for initiating πŸ™‚

    Coda, I’ll be offline from July 6th till July 9th. Some team building thing from work in the woods without wifi.

    UK day -1 All ready for tomorrow ,weight noted,measurements taken,pic taken ( and hidden ) I’m going for at least 2 FDs a week , maybe 3 if It feels right. I’ve been debating on my goal, and whilst I believe it’s more important to adopt a long term change I think having an achievable short term goal did help me in our last challenge so I’m aiming for a 6lb drop.Looking forward to learning lots along the way ,good luck everyone.

    Think I am getting myself confuse in the nitty gritty deals. Can you fast from 11am till 11am the next day or does it have to start first thing in the morning?

    Payne – From starting from the night before being your last meal you are doing a 36 hour fast, by starting after breakfast and then going to the next day time, it is only a 24 hour fast.

    Thanks Dutch on the emoji’s. Never knew that before πŸŽ‡πŸ˜πŸ˜ Now I can add more than just πŸ™‚

    Today was a fasting day. I had an accident yesterday. I was getting some feed for my horse and went to turn and my foot went down in between two pieces of wood on a pallet and I fell down sideways. Ouch! My foot didn’t budge and I rolled my ankle. Thank goodness I didn’t break it!

    I went to town today to the hairdressers and got a nice dark blond colour in my hair. It is slowly growing. Looking forward to starting the challenge tomorrow. Weigh in and measure in the morning.

    One day to go πŸ™‚

    Today is a fast day (well 1 low cal meal this evening).
    My week starts on a Tuesday and these last couple of days have been over calorie I think. Im going to have to return to counting the calories and be stricter!

    Preparation later…fill in my calendar for July.

    How do the rest of you approach your fast days? Complete 36hour fasts of no food or days of 500 cals as per 5:2??
    I do one of each as I dont think I could do 2 full fasts at the moment!


    I am in…..I’ve been doing this for 3 weeks and it seems to work for me. Accountability is key for me

    Hi all,
    I’m new here; doing my 3rd FD today. I ate my TDEE yesterday and felt great, but woke up starving! After a fairly large dinner last night, I don’t get it. It’s going to be a very long day today. Please tell me this gets easier! I seem to be hungry even on my normal days.

    Hi Lisa, yes it does get easier! I’ve been doing 5.2 since mid April and I find I can easily go through a FD until the evening without eating. This is a lovely forum and I’m sure people will be along soon with advice and support. I find a glass of iced sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon juice helps. Keep the faith, it does work. I’ve lost 20lb x

    Weighed, measurements noted all ready for tomorrow. Fasting days will be Mondays and Thursdays -did my first FD today and was absolutely starving 😱


    Welcome Happylady – (hols noted) and Delwct.

    Kay65 have a play around and find what suits you best.

    For me I eat my last meal in the evening and then don’t eat anything (but will have coffee and water) until the next evening when I will have my small 400 calorie dinner then nothing until breakfast or if I am not hungry will keep it until later in the morning.

    Hope all who have injuries or hurt themselves get better soon – honestly exercise is not compulsory – I will not be looking sick lines lol ha ha not yet (only joking)

    Colorado, USA

    Northern Dawn– Congratulations on the new addition to your family!! I hope all of you are healthy & getting some more sleep now.
    I totally understand the binging on yummy snack foods went exhausted. You’re trying to boost your energy & soothe the cranky tiredness with bad snacks. We’ve all been there! You’ll bounce back.

    Rocy65– I’d completely forgotten about what a great work-out jumping rope can be! Perfect for really get a fast & effective bout of exercise in. I’ll have to dust off my skipping rope & give it a whirl in the mornings before work. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Hannah Watto– I may have to join you for “Dry July.” I think my favorite red wine is slowing my progress lately. Boo. I do so enjoy a glass with dinner, but it truly is unneeded calories. Four weeks seems a manageable time to concentrate on drinking only calorie-free, non-alcoholic beverages to give me that extra-nudge for weight loss.

    Kay65– For this Challenge, I would like to try for liquid/ water only Fast Days for 36 hours on Mondays & Wednesdays. I haven’t been able to do it yet, but it’s a goal I’m setting for myself!

    I’ve already posted Coda’s exercise challenges on my calendar. Now I need to determine best dates for fasting & pencil those in too. Whoo Hoo!! Getting ready for Phase 2 Challenge!
    Let’s make this one as successful as the first!

    I’m in! From USA, WI. Two sisters on this challenge with me. Started 3 weeks ago but just back from vacation so I need to restart. This challenge will help. Want to lose 25-30 pounds.

    At the moment I have 60 names signed up to begin the challenge Phase 2. A few are names from our last challenge that have not confirmed as yet so will still keep them on my spread sheet and see if they appear. If they haven’t by the end of the first week I will delete them off.

    Note if you don’t post for a few days and I don’t know if you are away on holidays etc I will give notice you are on the danger list, if you don’t post after that I will delete you off the challenge. Remember start your post on 1st July as day 1 and where you are from. Give this challenge your firm commitment but I know we are only human after all – please don’t give up if you think you have blown it – just dust yourself down and get back on the horse. Forgive yourself and move on with more determination. It will be worth it at the end of the challenge believe me – why? Because you are worth it!

    61 – Welcome Kayhon x

    Gosh, I tried planking this morning – SO HARD! – looks so easy on pictures. πŸ™
    Did not last 5 sec… something I could work about….

    Got the calendar printed out, tried out the stairs up x5 fast, down slow…just to make sure I am ready for tomorrow. Will weigh and measure in the morning, and then get on with it. Each day is a fresh start, so one by one.. See you in the morning!

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