31 Day March 2017 Challenge

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31 Day March 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 3,249 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 7 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,201 through 3,250 (of 3,256 total)

  • Day 31 West Midlands, UK ….NFD

    Thank you @at for hosting March. It certainly helped me although I only started a couple of weeks ago.

    I started a couple of weeks ago at 11st when I weighed in last Monday I was 10st 11lbs. My next weigh in will be Monday .

    Day 31 | FD | Bucks UK

    Day 31, Cumbria UK, fd

    A huge thanks to AT for taking such good care of everyone during the March challenge, it has been massively appreciated!!!๐Ÿ˜€ and has really helped me to keep ploughing on through. Ill post my weight tomorrow but have a sneaky suspicion I’ve put on a couple of pounds, that’s fine though because I’m doing the April challenge and its a fresh day again tomorrow๐Ÿ˜‡ . Well done everyone xxx

    Day 31, Cumbria UK, fd

    A huge thanks to AT for taking such good care of everyone during the March challenge, it has been massively appreciated!!!๐Ÿ˜€ and has really helped me to keep ploughing on through. Ill post my weight tomorrow but have a sneaky suspicion I’ve put on a couple of pounds, that’s fine though because I’m doing the April challenge and its a fresh day again tomorrow๐Ÿ˜‡ . Well done everyone xxx

    Hi Lany36.
    You did not “fail” you merely “re-adjusted” your fast day. The word “Fail” is not a word we should have in our thought process. You simply “move on and re-adjust” your fast day proving that you are still on course with your 5:2 fast way of life.
    Good luck.

    Surrey UK Day 31 FD

    PHEW – made it. Just. Lost 4lb in all this month. Not brilliant but a lot better than putting it on!!!!

    Day 31 โ€“ Cumbria UK โ€“ FD โ€“ 4th and final Post for today!!!

    “A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big Results”

    Thank you all for all your kind words regarding my hosting this March Challenge ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    @ciren2 – Stay patient and trust your journey – Review what worked and what did not work in March and April is a new month to refocus and to “just do it for yourself” I’ll be around for a strong hand hold/hug as required xx
    @coda – THANK YOU โ˜บ๏ธxx
    @sirisan – good job over March – I will posting the final results in both lbs and kg just out of interest!!
    @orpheusx – hope you feel better soon – great job on reaching your March Goal Weight ๐Ÿ‘
    @august2024 – thank you – hope you are joining us again for the April Challenge – stable weight is good – stay strong and positive going forward
    @snowflake56 – your brief visit back to the Netherlands sounds lovely – must have been so nice seeing all your family especially your mum

    @pugalug – What a great attitude to have and I’m so glad to see you going into the April Challenge with such a positive mindset. We will all be there supporting you………
    Can I suggest that you check that you have not been underestimating your intake and/or that you have not over estimated your TDEE – a lot of people tend to overestimate their activity level – it is also useful to work out your TDEE for your target weight instead of your current weight. The following link by @simcoeluv might prove helpful – https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    @mila69 – are you staying with us for the April Challenge – sign up if not already done – Hereโ€™s the link: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/30-day-april-2017-challenge/#post-199403

    @pamie – 3kg lost ๐Ÿ‘ see you in the April Challenge
    @lany36 – loved your post to finish the challenge BUT remember that that F word does not exist on this forum ๐Ÿ˜‰- I especially liked “Today the answers are โ€˜more comfortable in my skin than I was at the start of Marchโ€™ and โ€˜better in some clothes than the start of March.โ€™ ”
    @tillergirl – I’ll pick up your weight on Monday and put that as your final weight for the month
    @southcroydonkate – 4lbs loss is good – give yourself a pat on the back!

    All you 31 Day March 2017 Challengers – keep posting your results on this site and I will pick them up and update the spreadsheet until Tuesday next week and then publish it sometime on Tuesday 4/4/17


    Day 31 – NSW Aust -FD
    Good last FD i echo everyone’s sentiment – THANK you AT. Loss of 2.5kgs this month.

    Final check in – Perth, W.Aust

    Weight – 71kg – down 1.3kg
    Waist – 86cm – stable
    Hips – 102cm – down 1cm
    Chest – 98cm – down 1cm

    Happy with progress and getting closer to goal. Will go into a maintenance month for April to stabilise weight where I’m at right now. For me that means still doing 2 FD each week, but I take the focus of further weight loss and put it on staying healthy, keeping where I’m at and enjoying life.

    Thanks again to @at and everyone else in this group, you’re all amazing people.

    Will check in from time to time and see how all the April challengers are going and I’ll join up for May when my focus changes to reaching goal. Remember, you are all strong, you are all kind and you are all FABULOUS. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 31, Virginia USA, NFD

    Weight 162 lbs down 6 lbs for the month (and 14 lbs for Feb-Mar)

    What I like about the 5:2 is that it gets easier when I try to find what works better for me. How innovative is that? With so much bad dietary advice out there, isn’t it nice to have a diet based on freedom?!

    Go Fasters !

    @at, Thank you for your understanding this month. I’m up in weight but have made a deal with myself to get back on track. I’ve started by clearing out the Tupperware I no longer use and emptying the pantry again. I’m not allowing myself to buy chips or ice creams as I have eaten enough in the past 2 weeks to last me several lifetimes. I’m starting April off at 110.4kgs. I just wanted to say thanks and hope you’ve gained a lot from being leader. I’m not looking for a challenge now but hope to get back into the mindset I developed this time last year. All the best, Heather aka Fuvvie xx

    Day 31…..Florida…… FD

    Just a quick thank you to everyone for their kind words and loving support. I would not be where I am today without it!

    AT…… I will post my final results tomorrow morning on my official weight in day.

    I hope to see you all in April!

    Peace be with you!

    @at Thank you for hosting a great month!

    I failed to stay below 80kg every day but my average weights was 79.6kg. I’m going to stick with averages now as that allows a lot more wiggle room!

    Just wanted to check in and say a big thank you to AT for all your hard work this month. It has been a huge group and you have been amazing to stay in top of it!
    Haven’t weighed myself the last couple of weeks and don’t plan to at the moment but feel from clothes that I am staying just above maintenance. Have really struggled this month with a lot of things and have felt limited motivation. Have also struggled with staying on top of such a huge group this month. It has been such a wonderful help these last few months to be involved with these fantastic groups but I think I’m going to have a break for April and see if I can get back on top of things myself. I will really miss being a part of this and may drop by to lurk in April’s group if I’m feeling the need. Want at some stage too either get below maintenance or work out if I’m happy to stay where I am.
    All the best of luck to everyone on here. I know this WOL does work and it had made all the difference for me and being on this forum has helped beyond measure. Love to see you all progress and hopefully I’ll be back soon.

    Yesterday’s LF went well. And I really needed it to after the previous bad day. Super happy to have lost a final pound.

    Total weight loss 35lbs

    Total March loss 7lbs

    Total left to goal 12lbs

    Very pleased with how March has gone. Reading your posts and sharing your challenges and triumphs has really helped keep me focussed and accountable. Thank you all for your support

    @at special thanks – you have done a fabulous job keeping up us all, motivating, supporting, celebrating and commiserating. It has really made the difference.

    Over to April!

    Final weigh in today: 67.2kg
    Not the big loss i was hoping for but neverthless a loss. I definitely feel better than the beggining of the month and clothes feel looser and tummy feels flatter.

    Day 30 – FIN (SWE) – FD
    Day 31 – NFD

    I managed to skip breakfast on Thursday โ€“ a first for me โ€“ and only digested something relatively solid around 3 PM in the form of Honey as my throat was feeling a bit sore. Still, I probably went over the 500 limit since I ended up eating a small piece of buttered crispbread, a mandarin and two pieces of cheese before dinner (spicy chicken with rice and roasted carrots).

    On Friday I woke up feeling worse than I felt the day before – my nose was stuffed and swallowing hurt more than it did the day before. My muscles are also extremely sore (because of the rigorous workout I took part in on Wed โ€“ I feel like I also injured my airways during that class). I’ve been trying to ease symptoms by drinking warm liquids and taking painkillers and multivitamins, but it’s pretty clear at this point that I’ve caught something and just have to give my body time to heal itself.
    I also ended up eating two small pieces of cake (there were two different cakes) during Friday’s festivities, but I feel like I can give myself a pass from my sweets-and-junk food-free lent during these special occasions.

    I will probably try to weigh myself tomorrow (I still haven’t been able to locate a scale over here), but if I’m unsuccessful in my search, I will have to wait until Monday.

    Hampshire NFD

    March weight loss 7lbs.

    Thank you AT for organising the challenge and all the support.

    Results for March challenge

    Started 10st 2.2lbs
    Goal 9st 12lbs
    Finished 9st 10.1lbs
    Total lost in March challenge 6.1lbs

    My heartfelt thanks and congratulations to everyone who took part in this challenge and @at for leading. You are all wonderful people and I look forward to continuing our journey together in April.

    Onwards and downwards – there is no doubt that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!!

    Final check in. UK ๐ŸŒˆ

    Start weight March 172.6lb end weight 167.6lb loss 5lb. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Happy with that considering I lost the plot a little in the third week, and had quite a few meals planned this month. Which is how life is!

    Now to check in and set goals for April.

    It’s been good ๐Ÿ˜Š and you really have helped just doing a daily check in and reading stories inspires me.

    Thank you all ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ†

    Final numbers for Obesa

    From 167.2 to 165.6 therefore loss of 1.6lbs.

    Thankyou @at for managing the challenge for March.

    Final weigh in of the month and I have lost 11.5lbs! Now set for the April Challenge.

    A big thanks to AT for hosting the March challenge.

    Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey.

    Final Weigh-inโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. aim of 6lb+ ACHIEVED!!!!!!

    My aims for March were as below,

    1. Continue 4:3, including 1 liquid fastโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆI gave up on the liquid fasts unless I ‘fel’ like completing one (no forcing), the 5:2 system works so liquid only FDs (for me) are just for emergency resets after โ€˜Heavyโ€™ days!!
    2. Lose 6.5lbs+, Start weight 1st March โ€“ 176lbsโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ (Just!!) This morningsโ€™ weight 169.8lbs!!!!
    3. Walk 10,000 steps per dayโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ rain or shine!!!……….. Hmmmm, not quite, but certainly getting better!!
    4. Be mindful on NFDs and try to incorporate a few LCHF mealsโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ I tried this but I think it has to be one or the other, thereโ€™s no point having a LCHF main meal then following it with sticky toffee pudding carb heaven!!!!

    @atโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆThank you for hosting March, you looked after each and every one of us in this enormous group, your encouragement and heartfelt replies were invaluable and much appreciated. Iโ€™m sure I heard your sigh of relief this morning at the fact that its April 1st!!! Phew!!!

    Congratulations to all those who met their goals. To those who didnโ€™t, April is another month, tomorrow is another day, you CAN do this, just keep the faith!!!
    Iโ€™ll see you and other familiar faces over in the April challenge, keep the faith!!!

    Good luck for April to everyone out there joining the challenge!!

    Day 31 / UK / FD

    Sorry, @at, for not getting around to post yesterday–and the biggest of thank-yous for hosting March and making me stick to it!

    March round-up:
    Starting weight (overall, 20 Feb): 71.2kg
    Starting weight (1 March): 69.4kg
    Finishing weight (1 April): 65.6kg
    Loss in kg: 3.8kg (5.6kg overall) (also lost in cms but only started halfway through the month)

    I dearly wish I had been able to make up the 4kg for March, but as my goal had been to stick with 5:2, it’s a mission accomplished. Another goal was seeing myself getting in shape and I don’t think I have ever eaten better (mostly), or rather more mindfully, and done more for my body in terms of exercise (definitely). Now onwards to the April challenge, and downwards to a goal I have yet to determine!

    Many thanks to everyone in this group, couldn’t have done it without you! I am usually a great maker of plans but rarely finish them, so having been able to complete a challenge means so much to me!

    Day 31 โ€“ CARDIFF UK โ€“ FD

    Starting Weight : 165.5lbs

    Today’s Weight : 160.8lbs (4.7lbs)

    1. Lose 8.5lbs – only managed to lose 4.7lbs, but a few blips and achieved over 50% of target.

    2. FD M, W, F โ€“ at least one liquid only per week. Most were liquid fasts

    3. Sugar/Refined carb free – achieved with the exception of Mother’s day apple crumble.

    All in all a good month, although did not achieve my March goal.

    @at thanks for all your hard work keeping track of us this month, and your words of encouragement.

    Drum Roll please…………

    The numbers are in….144lbs
    That a loss of 4lbs during the March challenge.

    Considering the month, I had, I going to take it and be glad in it.

    So, my month was crazy…..
    I found out my mom was ill
    I had a co workers driving me crazy. P.S. Work has been great, busy but peaceful and easy since she’s been gone.
    I went on vacation where I did go off the rails and gain 5lbs
    And I enjoyed two birthday cakes.

    With all that 4lb loss is not to shabby.

    I’m living proof that this WOL works, even when life throws your curve balls! But more importantly, these challenges, post every day has literally been my saving grace!

    Many thanks to AT for hosting. I can’t wait to see you all in April!

    Final Weigh in = 139.04 lbs.
    Starting weight 141 lbs.

    In January I lost 8 lb.
    In Feb 0.25lb
    In March 1.96lb.

    What a struggle it has been – and I still haven’t worked out what is best for me!!!

    BUT downwards it is – which is a positive sign!.

    Thank you AT for all your hard work and encouragement. Very much appreciated….I have been so close to throwing in the towel. All the comments on this board are so worth logging in each day….thank you all.

    Day 29 – Perth AUS – NFD
    Day 30 – Perth AUS – FD
    Day 31 – Perth AUS – NFD

    Final weights:
    D1 weight: 68.0kg
    D5 weight: 67.4kg
    D31 weight: 65.8kg
    D31 goal: 65.0kg

    Almost got there! About a week into this challenge I got put on immunosuppressants, side effects of which were weight gain and weird metabolic changes. I put the scales away knowing the weight gain would be inevitable, but tried to stick with it anyway. Looks like I still managed to come close. Fasting was hard with the metabolic changes, but that just means I need to stay on track for April ๐Ÿ™‚ Am off the medication now. My original goal starting this month was to get to 65kg, and be generally healthier (less time at doctor). Bit of a hiccough in March, but made good progress anyway ๐Ÿ˜› Bring on April๐ŸŽ‰ Going to focus on ketones again like I did in Feb. Seemed to work wonders for me.

    Hope to see you all in April, be you continuing on in maintenance mode or aiming for targets of some description. Thanks @at for hosting, inspiring and keeping track of us all. AND! Congratulations to everyone who made progress, thanks to all who participated ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

    Hi AT, my final weigh in was 150lbs 08oz. So a little gain but an overall loss still. Thanks very much fur all your hosting xx

    Final weight:
    Starting weight 1. March: 61,3 kg; Bust 95 cm; Waist 75 cm; Hips 98 cm
    Finishing weight 1. April: 55,6 kg; Bust 89 cm; Waist 65 cm; Hips 92 cm

    What can I say??? Since January my weight has gone down from 70,9 kg to 55,6 kg today. It has been one of the best months of my life (well apart from my S-problem and my weak hand)and the beautiful day yesterday was the icing on the cake! The funny thing yesterday was the fact that they all (apart from my mum, but she can’t see much anymore)know me as being slim, they never saw me when I weighed almost 71 kg.

    @at Thank you so much for looking after each and every one of us in this huge group, knowing you were there to keep an eye on me, was such a big help. Hugs xxx

    It’s so nice to see that many of us reached their goals, congratulations to all of you! The ones who didn’t this time, don’t dispair, April is a new month and when I can do this, all of you can, when you fail, just start again next day, that’s the great thing of this WOL! Reading all your posts has been so useful, it is so nice you all shared your different ways to reach your goal with all of us. Thanks to all of you, hope to see all of you in the April challenge.

    Switzerland, NFD

    Final weigh in for March 2017:
    01 March 17: 83.4kg
    31 March 17: 79.7kg
    Total weight loss: 3.7kg (= 8lbs and a bit)

    I’m a newbie to the Fast Diet and it has exceeded my expectations on all levels. The remarkable improvement in my overall wellbeing combined with the relative ease (from end week 2 onwards) with which I was able to continue Alternate Day Fasting has made me realise that fasting will be a part of my life from now on. I am chuffed to bits with the weight loss ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ This forum has been a huge source of inspiration, motivation and comfort. @at A special thanks to you for being a driving force throughout March and @okeydokey thank you for being our driving force for April – I’m in!

    Day 31 + 1 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    After a very wet morning we now have blue skies and sunshine………..Stuck to my water/tea with a dash of skimmed milk FD yesterday, apart from a glass of Kefir before bed then broke my fast late this morning with brunch with OH – sourdough toast, poached eggs and avocado with a sprinkling of feta cheese – my favourite and very YUM!

    My results for March Challenge
    *Started:- 54.3kg – 119.7lbs – 8st 7.7lbs – BMI 20.2
    *Goal:- To maintain below 55kg
    *Finished at:- 54kg – 119lbs – 8st 7lbs – BMI 20.1

    Maintained nicely throughout the month – 4 month anniversary in maintenance done ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    @cboz @georgia83 @obesa @jarbia – you all met your target for March ๐Ÿ‘
    @arvandee – do pop into the April Challenge and say hello from time to time – good luck with your journey – might ‘see’ you again in May!
    @wtharvey – 6lbs loss – met your goal – great job!
    @fuvvie – Thank you I have thoroughly enjoyed my hosting role for March and I believe it has given me all the tools I need to keep maintaining – Do pop in to say hello every now and then – you have all the knowledge and skills to apply this WOL just do it for yourself – HUGS
    @dykask – hope to continue to read your posts in April – you are mine of information and so disciplined – well done on keeping your average weight below the 80kg mark
    @lou Belles – please do “lurk” about in the April group whenever you feel like it – or why not join me in the Maintenance Group as well – stay in touch x
    @sarah57 @luna09 – well done – definite happy dance time ๐Ÿ’ƒ see you in the April Challenge
    @chumi – hope you feel better soon – I’ll look out for your results to add to the spreadsheet – you joining the April group?
    @chris274 @jamba61 – exceeded your goals – WOW
    @Strawberriesandcream – Happy dance time you exceeded your goal ๐Ÿ’ƒ See you in April x
    @lynzm @skinnylove – great job – We will keep supporting each other in April – checking in daily definitely helps in keeping me accountable too xx
    @flourbaby – Met your goal ๐Ÿ’ƒ Thank you for your kind words and yes I’m relieved that my role as host has come to an end but in a strange way I will miss it – I will now have those extra hours to get back into reading books a bit more which I have missed…..
    @pashaw @elektron – good loss despite not meeting your target – you should be happy – stay strong and positive
    @bert1802 – 4lb loss is definitely not too shabby in view of the month you had – just shows you how much stronger you are than you think!! Keep posting in April – there will a strong hand to hold or a hug as required โ˜บ๏ธ
    @mrsgettingthere – since 24/2 you have lost nearly 7lbs!!!!! keep fasting and keep posting in April – a new month = a new focus!
    @snowflake56 – Simply WOW…..a loss of 5.7kg/12.6lbs in March alone…….15.3kg/33.7lbs in 3 months!!
    Hope the S and resulting weak hand are improving daily – Take care of yourself – see you in April for maintenance!!

    Great to read your final posts and seeing some amazing results coming in for the month…..๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ˜‡
    To the ones who didnโ€™t meet their goals this time – donโ€™t lose hope – April is a new month to refocus and remember that a bad day does not a bad week make!!!! If you stray from your goal on any given day, just start again next day, thatโ€™s the great thing of this WOL!!!! ๐Ÿ‘

    At the end of the first week of March we had 150 signed up for the challenge, more joined and left during the month, it looks like we will end the challenge with around 90 having completed the month – I’ll pick up posts with results until Tuesday AM then tidy of the spreadsheet and publish it then for anyone interested!

    โ€œOptimist: Someone who figured out that taking a step backward after taking a step forward isnโ€™t a disaster, itโ€™s more like a cha-cha.โ€

    Day 31, Oceanside CA, NFD 151.8 pounds

    At the end of the month 151.8. Lost one pound from starting weight of 152.8. Had a one week dip into 150.7. Pretty much at maintenance. I will continue to fast 2 days a week and keep up with daily walking. Thank you AT for your great support and to all who posted their losses. See you in April!

    Oops, meant to post on April thread. But, while I am here – let me thank you again AT for your hard work.

    Apr 1 with March results – SW WA USA

    Starting wt. Mar. 201 lbs
    Ending wt. Mar. 197.2 lbs
    pounds downward 3.8 lbs.
    Started at 235 in October, so have gone down a total of 37.8 lbs so far.

    Didn’t quite meet my March goal but it’s heading downward. I like that!
    My waist/height ratio started at .71 when I started this WOL in Oct and is now down to .64. Still a ways to go but encouraging.

    Some amazing results! Sarah57 with 7lbs gone in March. Snowflake it looks like you reached your goal in 3 months – phenomenal!

    Thank you AT for taking care of us in March.
    Looking forward the continued journey!

    Final March post — managed to stay at 160 (+/- 2) and glad to say that!

    Over to April. Thank you again, @at for being such a terrific moderator! <3

    Final weigh in 150.4lb ๐Ÿ˜€

    @annemarilyn Thanks! I have no idea why the weight loss was so easy to do. I picked out everything that could be useful out of the posts, there were so many things I would never have thought of. What helped was cutting out the sugar, in the past I seem to have taken most of my calories from sugar. But I must say, I couldn’t have done it without the immense help of my DH. He never complained, when I changed our eating plan and got me anything I wanted to eat. He also commented on every single sign of weight loss and always was convinced I could do this and get my old me back again.

    You’re doing very well yourself, I think sticking to it is the key and never give up after a not so good day. That’s what I like the most, you can start again the next day and forget the day before. Your weight is going down, that’s the most important.

    Final day of March challenge…..yesterdays weigh in… almost a kg down from start of month. Not such an amazing loss but at least it’s going in the right direction!

    Final weight in
    9st 4 – a 2lb loss. Not outstanding but better than nothing.
    Congrats to everyone that completed the month

    Total loss – 4lbs

    This month I made my 2 stone loss mark and also people have started to notice and compliment my weight loss.

    Thanks @at xx

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Final March weight: 183. Lost 4.8 lbs. in March; very happy with progress. Thank you all for the tips, comments, support and humor!

    April Goals:
    1 lb. per week loss
    Lower body fat percentage
    Keep up hula hooping
    Increase stamina on bike
    Graduate to heavier weights
    16:8, LCHF on NFDs
    2 FDs per week (will keep to 500 cal., but might try 800 cal. if desperate)
    Curb alcohol

    A little idealist, but worth aiming for!

    Hello to anyone from the March Challenge checking in……………

    I have been busy updating the spreadsheet:-
    *By 7th March 150 had started on the challenge and by 18th March we had dropped down to 112 on the challenge!!!
    *In between we have had more join and depart…………..
    *At the end of the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge = 90 have completed ๐Ÿ˜‡

    Out of interest for those who only work in pounds or vice versa in kilograms I have put the results in both!! I have also taken the liberty of rounding up the figures…..


    14 of the group did not report any data BUT I will happily update if anyone reports in over the next week.

    Some big losses of 6lbs or more by several of the group @okeydokey (14.8lbs/6.7kg) @gopackgo (13lbs/5.9kg) @snowflake56 (12.6lbs/5.7kg) @jamba61 (11.5lbs/5.2kg) @chris274 @dutch @fatrabbit @flourbaby @georgia83 @helenalee @johnnyr @krisnia @luna09 @mrsgettingthere @pamie @patiger @saffy420 @sarah57 @skinnylove @Strawberriesandcream @wtharvey – very happy dance for you all ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet:-

    @happymargo – hope is well with you since you last posted on 14/3 – I have missed you – hope you are taking good care of yourself and pop in to the April Challenge to say hello even if you don’t want to join
    I often use your sayings:- “I am striving for โ€œPROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION.โ€ And before eating, I ask myself, โ€œWILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?โ€

    @curlytot – We have missed you since the middle of March – @okeydokey has taken over the helm for the April Challenge in your absence – if you have lost your way why not rejoin us for the April Challenge………Take care of your body and mind and pop in to the April Challenge to say hello even if you don’t want to join

    @In it to thin it – I know you had a disappointing February and at the beginning of March you were hoping to get your “52 Mojo” back and I have missed you since 20/3……..hope you are in good health and spirits Take care and pop in to the April Challenge to say hello even if you don’t want to join

    To those who fell by the wayside in March – you are still part of us – Join in the April Challenge or other groups on here that might appeal better because as you know TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    Looking forward to catching up with lots of you over the April Challenge and a big thank you for @okeydokey for taking up reins – it looks like you will have a very first couple of weeks too – HUGS

    Thank you all for your kind words regarding my role in the March Challenge, it has been a great experience and I am so glad I took it up!!!!!!๐Ÿฅ‚ this will be tonight celebrating the end of the role….

    I have to leave us with a motivating quote of course or it would not be me…………one of the first I used
    โ€œYesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or loseโ€

    Final weigh in for March, 3 April

    Today’s weigh: 63.2 kg
    Loss from 8th March (the first weigh in): 0.5 kg
    Waist: 65.3 cm
    Loss from 8th March: 0.8 cm

    I’m happy to see a declining number today despite being ill and feeling rather bloated again the last couple of days due to the unrestricted amount of bread eaten (my aunt makes this bread I just can’t resist). Doing and unplanned 16:8 yesterday probably helped. Overall, my loss during March was not enormous but I’m happy to see that the numbers are declining rather steadily. I haven’t taken my other measurements yet, but the waist measurement is an inclination of that what I’ve seen in the mirror is true – I’m getting smaller. My waist has not been below 66 cm for a while, at least not this year.
    I can also report that despite feeling somewhat disheartened by the condition of my skin a few weeks ago, the last few weeks I actually feel like my skin has started to look a lot better even with my occasional self-sabotaging.

    I will look forward to even better results this month!

    Lastly, a special thank you @at for taking on the big task of hosting the March challenge, for making me feel welcome and for inspiring me and I believe many others with your encouragements, tips and quotes. Your weight loss story is also a great inspiration! I hope you get the possibility to go downhill skiing again next winter – I love the sense of freedom you get when skiing down a groomed, untouched slope the first thing in the morning with the rays of sunlight shining down from behind the distant mountains. We will meet again in the April Challenge.
    I also want to thank everyone else for your tips and encouragement, for sharing your inspiring stories but also for bringing up your struggles – I think it’s also important to be honest at times when things are not easy, and it may help those feeling a little lost (like me) at times see that they’re not alone.


    @metatauta – saw your results in the April Challenge so updated the spreadsheet for you

    @chumi – updated with your results too – thank you for the lovely kinds words – I loved hosting the March Challenge, hard work and lots of time commitment but learnt so much from it and loved getting to know you all. I would like to think that I am proof that this WOL works without too many hardships!!! I had an overindulgent weekend (too much wine I’m afraid…..) so am definitely pressing that RESET button today with a liquid/minimal cals FD today and am so looking forward to following your story in April – I find posting in daily helps keeping me focused.


    My weight today is 10st 10lbs !

    So I’ve lost 4lbs in 2 weeks …..RESULT!!

    Onto April.

    @at I noticed you missed putting my final weight on April 1 after my last fast day on March 31. My final weight was 143 for a total loss of 8 pounds!

    Thanks @at for all your hard work! Congratulations everyone, we lost a lot of weight, let’s keep it going for April!!

    Day 2 Chicago, Illinois USA – NFD

    Day 3 Chicago, Illinois USA – FD

    Goal for April is 4 pound to lose or higher, want to be in the 130s!
    Starting weight is 143.

    Have a great day everybody!

    @metatauta great job!!

    @Chitown Gal – thanks I had not seen your results – great job on losing 8lbs – happy dance time ๐Ÿ’ƒ
    P.S. You posted for the April Challenge on the March one…….copy it onto the April Challenge page for @okeydokey to see xx

    @tillergirl – Great result but I used the figures you posted on April 1st on the April Challenge forum for the spreadsheet but happy to change if you want me to…..let me know xx

    See you both on the April Forum – keep doing the great job you have been doing

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