31 Day March 2017 Challenge

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31 Day March 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 3,249 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • repostingPOCKETEER FOR 27/3 – join us – copy and paste the list and add your name
    @skinny love
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!

    POCKETEER FOR 27/3 – join us – copy and paste the list and add your name
    @skinny love
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @scs – reposting

    DAY 27 – US – FD 1st of B2B

    Thanks @at

    POCKETEER FOR 27/3 – join us – copy and paste the list and add your name
    @skinny love
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    This is for Day 27

    ✨3 months from now you will Thank yourself! ✨We got you and you got this!✨✨Together we are Stronger!✨✨

    Day 26 – 2nd POST

    I promised an update on the numbers that started and those that are still in the challenge – so here goes
    – By 7th March 150 had started on the challenge list
    – By 18th March we had dropped down to 112 on the challenge list
    – On 26th March we are at 103 still in the challenge counting the 18 listed below

    So thought I would put a call out to those we have not heard from for the last 2 weeks – if you want to give us an update of your progress we would love to hear from you
    @berlin_78 last heard from you 14/3
    @bsp3 last heard from you 14/3
    @hollylj last heard from you on 14/3
    @fivetwofan5252 last heard from you 15/3
    @patiger last heard from you on 15/3
    @rocy65 last heard from you on 15/3
    @curlytot last heard from you 17/3
    @anna6 last hear from you 17/3
    @hannahwatto last heard from you on 20/3
    @jo15 last heard from you on 20/3
    @k-lo last hear from you on 20/3
    @In it to thin it last heard from you on 21/3
    @beverley8603 last heard from you 21/3
    @pclpo last heard from you on 21/3
    @fatteacher last heard from you on 22/3
    @mishka last heard from you on 22/3
    @southcroydonkate last heard from you on 22/3
    @deirdre54321 last heard from you 23/3

    NB: @fuvvie and @ Quebecoise wanted us to keep hold of them even though they are not posting regularly this month

    Updated link to the spreadsheet – the 18 above are marked in red

    POCKETEER FOR 27/3 – I have updated the list – copy and paste the list and add your name if you are joining us
    @skinny love
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B

    Just about to drop into Day 27 here in the UK so best I head for my bed – I leave you with a reminder from @onahealthyhigh that this is not a diet but a permanent WOL if we don’t want the weight to creep back on!!! She has been under goal weight for over 18 months and said that “By focussing on healthy eating and eliminating ‘naughty’ foods I no longer fancy them. I now eat whatever I fancy on NFDs but whatever I fancy has changed”


    Day 27 – NZ – NFD

    Apologies meant to say:-
    On 26th March we are at 102 (not 103) still in the challenge counting the 18 listed below!!!!!!!!

    Definitely need to get some sleep

    Night 😴

    Day 26, Virginia USA, NFD

    Putting my name with the Monday fasters. Side note – I had to take in my fanny pack a couple inches since the last time I used it for a long run. Goes to show weight loss doesn’t come at the price of stamina.

    @skinny love
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B

    @pamie I hesitate to offer advice to anyone coping with coeliac disease but have you come across the FODMAP diet? It was developed by the dietetic team at Monash University here in Melbourne and is used to identify triggers for people with IBS and other digestive issues. There is quite a lot of information on google, the following provides a reasonable overview

    Day 27 – Perth, W.Aust – NFD

    Busy day ahead trying to catch up on things around the house, so hopefully will keep me moving for most of the day. Aiming for another CD, I’m on the home stretch now so want to make sure the goal of 70kg is achieved, not this month, but hopefully sooner than later – I’m expecting another plateau before I lose any more weight, but I’m not worried about that. It’s just an indicator that the body is adapting to the new weight and is creating a new set point. Hopefully the set point sticks this time and doesn’t creep back up to the old set point. It’s one of the reasons I’m happy to lose weight slowly as my body doesn’t like dramatic changes and will do everything in it’s power to bring me back to where it thinks I should be.

    Be strong, be kind, be fabulous.

    Day 27 – Tokyo, Japan – FD (2 of 3) 78.5kg

    Okay I’m feeling it. Yesterday it was easy but today it is more noticeable. I have no idea if I’m going to stick it out or not.

    My weight went back down under 79kg probably because I only had one NFD between two fast days.

    My ketones are only a little over 2 mmol/l, not that impressive. I think people on ketogenic diets are in the 4+ range, maybe even over 8 mmol/l.

    Fat is just hard to get rid of. We are often frustrated when the fat isn’t going way, we should instead be amazed when we manage to get rid of some fat.

    Adding myself to the pocket group:
    @skinny love
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B

    I just tried chewing some sugarless gum and I make a strange zero calorie hot drink and it seems to be helping. My drink is a weak coffee / carmel favored tea drink. Basically coffee made with the tea. I was just curious and actually it isn’t that bad, tastes more like the tea than the coffee.

    Ha! I was already on the pocketeer list! That is good as I’m trying to make the fasting count. Revising the list:

    @skinny love
    @dykask – 2nd FD b to b
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B

    I was doing some checking and I think the ketosticks I’m using and chart read high. Typically 3+ mmol/l is considered well into ketosis. 4+ is severe ketonuria and I’ve only seen that type of measurement with myself once. (I haven’t always been checking.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketosis#Diet

    So adjusting I’m probably around 1.5 mmol/l right now moving towards the 3 mmol/l. My best guess is right now I’m probably burning around 4g to 5g fat / hour. That would be about 36 to 45 calories / hour. My blood glucose is a healthy 91 mg/dl. At this point of the fasting there is probably a fair amount of protein being consumed and converted to fat. (protein gluconeogenesis) It takes time for the body to shift to mostly consuming fat. Typically up to 72 hours for men, women generally are faster at this metabolic shift than men.

    Protein gluconeogenesis used to sound really scary to me. The first thought is my body is destroying my muscles. However there is lots of junk protein in the body that needs to be consumed and the actual amounts of protein consumed per day are small. That is especially true if you have been shrinking your body size. If the body went after the protein in our muscles first, we simple wouldn’t have survived as a species. As we lose fat there is a lot of extra tissue and skin that is no longer needed. The body consumes some of that from the inside. I now really believe it because if it weren’t happening I would have a lot more loose skin that I do. Now if you keep fasting until there isn’t any fat left, then yes the body will start consuming muscle mass, in my mind that is where starvation starts.

    What happens as we fast is that as we run low on glycogen we lipolysis slowly increases. Lipolysis is basically what we want, the consumption of our fat. However for most people there is a period of time where our body doesn’t have enough ketones for fuel and is short on glucose. That is when there is more of the protein gluconeogenesis kicks in. It typically goes down as the lipolysis increases. So it is temporary and also may account for some of the discomforts commonly called keto flu.

    One thing to keep in mind is there is always some of all processes going on in the body. It is more a matter of degree. In fact portions of our brain, our red blood cells and our renal system require glucose for metabolism because the cells lack the mitochondria required to convert ketones to ATP that our cells can use.

    Actual human metabolism is vastly more complex as there are many processes going on that contribute to the overall state of our bodies.

    Sorry I tend to think about this stuff when I’m fasting …

    day 27. FD Sydney Austalia
    Taking mother to hospital for knee replacement operation – so a bit distracted today anyway. Only tea/coffee so far and its lunchtime – a bit hungry today as did not have a lot to eat yesterday on my NFD.
    Good luck everyone – 4 days to end of March.

    Day 26- Montreal- NFD

    Day 27 – Germany – FD

    Day 27 NFD Oman
    I’m a bit confused about exercise and eating. Yesterday was a FD and I exercised at gym in the morning and didn’t eat until much later. Today is NFD and I’d like to do 16:8 but I wonder if i should eat after the gym? A lot of info says it’s important to eat after exercise? Maybe its enough to have something small such as a handful of almonds after exercise? Any thoughts?

    Day 26 NFD and 27 Glasgow NFD

    Day 24 / Sweden / NFD controlled
    Day 25 / NFD not controlled
    Day 26 / NFD controlled

    Day 27 / FD

    Day 27 – Switzerland – FD

    Morning all! Well, my morning anyway: feels a bit grim having lost the hour we ‘sprung’ over yesterday.

    Haven’t had a chance to catch up on posts yet, but would like to add myself to the pocketeers list for today’s FD:

    @skinny love
    @dykask – 2nd FD b to b
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B

    Good luck everyone – you’re in my pocket!


    Day 27 – Netherlands – FD

    Day 27 UK F800

    Still no trouble sticking with 800 every day, weekends are no extra problem as I am working anyway. I feel really good with lots of energy again, plus I am sleeping better. I am going to have to adjust when I eat now the clocks have changed. After 8 when I finish is too late really and by June that won’t be until 10pm as I like to leave them out for as long as possible. They only get shut in because of foxes and the fields behind us have too many dog walkers for them to be around during daylight, except perhaps in the early summer mornings, which is a good excuse for my not getting up to let them out at 5 in the summer. I like to have my coffee on board before I get going in the morning. I may aim to have my eating window between 3 and 7. That could work well, if only I can be satisfied with just a cup of spice tea when I finish outside instead of the meal I have been having. With my appetite reducing again (it got stronger while I was on the plateau) I ought to be able to do it.

    DAY27 – UK – NFD

    Day 27 Hampshire NFD

    Day 27 UK FD 🌈

    Feeling a little light headed today and tired hope I’m not coming down with anything as I have a busy day, always the way. I’m sureit will wear off. Gonna up the water intake, hopefully that will help, having a FD today and tomorrow, gonna finish this week off on a high I hope x.

    Good luck all xx 😘

    Hang in there pocketeers!

    @skinny love
    @dykask – 2nd FD b to b
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B

    I’m approaching 44 hours now.
    – My ketones seems have gone under 2 mmol/l
    – My glucose has gone really low for me at 71 mg/ml

    Kind of conflicting information … but metabolism is a lot more complex than a couple of simple measurements.

    Day 26 – Queensland, Australia – NFD
    Day 27 – Queensland, Australia – FD

    Forgot to check in yesterday; really busy all weekend finishing an assignment. Am almost ready for a FD dinner of egg and vegetables. Really looking forward to it. I had tuna and salad for lunch. Will have enough cals for hot milo with my husband after kids go to bed.

    A great day, really. I hope everyone doing a Monday fast has a successful one.

    NFD tomorrow. I am on maintenance this week, doing 6:1.

    Day 27, London, UK, FD, (1st of b2b)

    16:8 yesterday, but slightly uncontrolled!!! Damn that red wine!!!!

    Feeling more in control today, ready and willing to fast for 2 days, this b2b should get me back on track particularly before Tuesdays yoga. Official Sunday weigh-in had me 1/2 lb above March target, I’ll just ignore this mornings blip! – it’ll be gone by Wed hopefully!!

    Good luck everyone.

    Day 27 Melbourne FD
    @dykask – love the science, thanks for taking the time to put it all down.

    @ Caffeine Drinkers – I’m hearin’ Ya!! I too am now restricted to 1 cup of respectable coffee per day, as long as I have it by about 11am-12 noon. After that I have 1 only ‘instant’, in which the instant has been watered down a bit by some decaffeinated (that I mix into the jar of real stuff). And to think that decades ago I could have a Turkish coffee to round off a good dinner…. that would keep me awake for a week, these days!

    I will be signing on again in April, need it to keep me honest.

    Day 27 – NZ – NFD

    Day 27, Newcastle UK, FD (800 cals)

    @at for the record, after a not very controlled weekend afterall, I am continuing with the 800 calories/day regime until the end of our March challenge. Whilst I didn’t overeat in terms of quantity/frequency, the choices I made were much higher in calories. I enjoyed what I had but certainly wouldn’t want to eat like that everyday again. As @lynzm says – occasional treats now feel like a treat – not the norm.

    @Chitown Gal – congratulations.
    @bert1802 – great advice to Chumi and anyone else having doubts about this WOL.
    @gemma40 – welcome – look forward to getting to know you in April.
    @moth54 – interesting information on how your body reacted to your broken arm.
    @songbirdme – hope you survived most of the temptations this weekend 🙂
    @pamie – sorry to hear you’re not feeling great – sending virtual hugs.
    @lany36 – well done on recognizing and accepting where you are vulnerable. Now that you have identified this, I am sure you will see progress.
    @dykask – as always, very interesting posts.
    @missymoomoo – I may be wrong, but I think it was Dr. Mosely who did a programme comparing men and women in exercise and the results showed that men did better eating before exercise and woman do better eating afterwards. You may be able to find the programme on YouTube.

    I am adding myself to the list of Pocketeers for today’s FD:

    @skinny love
    @dykask – 2nd FD b to b
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B
    @strawberriesandcream 800 cals until end of March.

    Have a great final March challenge week friends – Together we are Stronger.

    Day 27 – NSW Aust – FD
    Day 26 – NFD
    Day 25 – NFD
    Ive undone a little good Work of the previous week. Aim to up the exercise this week.
    Good luck everyone:)

    Australia Day 27 FD tea and coffee all day and then homemade low fat, low carb vege and lentil soup.

    Day 27 UK FD

    Just checking in and wishing good luck to the pocketeers.

    @moth54 good to hear from you and hoping you are making a full recovery.

    @dykask thanks for updating us on your fast. How are you feeling after 44 hours?

    Day 26/27: Glasgow, Scotland. FD.

    Didn’t check in yesterday – whole family to mine for dinner, so chaos. I’m glad to be doing a FD today, as I completely overdid it yesterday (meat, apple sponge dessert, wine, chocolate, more chocolate, topped off with more wine and chocolate…). I think it’s safe to say I went way, way over my TDEE, so back on to fasting today.

    I would say that I’m still on a plateau – I don’t feel I’ve lost any weight at all for the last week or more, but I feel fine about that. I also now feel that whenever I’ve eaten too much (on my non-fast days), that I don’t want to feel that way (bloated, etc.), so I’m much more in control of what I eat (apart from days like yesterday, which only happen every 4 weeks or so!)

    Day 27 Oxfordshire FD

    Day 27 Australia NFD

    Had a few crazy days, not really under control food wise. Had a plan to get cleaner with my eating on nfd’s but haven’t gotten very far. Not very far from maintenance and even thought I was perhaps in a good place without losing the last kg for various reasons, but need to get better control.

    Day 27…..Florida………. FD

    Oh, I so did not want to get up today. I wish it was one of those days where I could just lay in bed all day and forget the world even exist. I just can’t believe how tired, I am.

    Yesterday, NFD was okay. I know I over did it. I’ve got 10lbs more before I can start the maintenance phases of my WOL, so, I got to thinking last night, how am I going to get this over and done quickly. Then my mind wanders, and I ask myself, should you shoot for 20lbs so is that to much?
    I’ve been doing this WOL faithfully since the end of Oct., April has me at my 6 month mark. So, if I stop and calculate it, I’ve stayed right on track with 2lbs a week. The standard weight loss goals, that the majority of the world lives by.
    So, with this standard in my mind, it should only take me 1 month and 1 week, to reach my goal of another 10lbs……
    but is this realistic?
    In the real world, no this isn’t realistic but sounds darn good does it. But life gets in the way so, our minds, bodies and souls must adjust. So, what am I going to do to adjust my life style to make 10lbs in one month and one week?
    Okay, I’ll have to get back to you all on how I’m going to do this…..

    Sorry, I’m a little ramblalee this morning…..

    Peace be with you all!

    Day 27, Germany, FD

    Day 27-Georgia,USA-FD

    I’ve made it 48 hours and I’m hoping to go another 36 hours. It was harder today and I did eat a zero calorie jello snack. If it gets worse I might try a 30 calorie miso soup, but right now I’m doing fine.

    Earlier my blood glucose drop down to 71 mg/dl but last measurement it was back up to 93 mg/dl. I did start feeling a little dizzy at one point but it didn’t last long.

    Day 27 Maine FD

    Good morning all – hitting the road again for another 7-8 hr ride. Have changed from shorts to long pants as heading back into winter. Planning on FD – not the easiest on the road – difficult to drink a lot & really missing my therapy walk – but I know I can control the food intake.

    Make it a super day everybody!

    day 27 Australia NFD

    Day 27 – London – FD
    Well and truely fell off the wagon last week, all NFD’s. Bit cross with myself but back on it today, nothing I can do about it, just need to be super good this week!

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Did okay this past weekend with all the social events and the temptation. Didn’t gain anything but also didn’t lose. Guess this week I have to manage to get those 3 lbs. off that are keeping me above my 160 maintenance. Funny how one FD will get me back, but then NFD’s (even under TDEE) jump me back up those couple pounds. This maintenance stage is still a challenge for me.

    Congratulations to all who are making your goals, and especially you who made it to maintenance!

    @bert1802 – hope you can get a nap sometime today. Life can be awful when you’re dog tired. Even if you cannot maintain your 2# a week loss, what’s wrong with 1# a week? It might take a little longer to get to your goal weight, but is that so bad? It took me 9 months to lose 33 pounds, and those last few pounds did seem to take a while.

    onward and downward, everyone…

    25 London – NFD
    26 London – NFD
    27 London – FD

    (Sorry for a long post!)

    Had a good controlled weekend, very busy both days.

    Today I tried on my Ted Baker dress that I’d bought from eBay about 6 months ago, although it was in my size, it never quite fit comfortably, getting stuck on my hips as I walked, but today it fits perfectly! So really happy. Thank’s to everyone for your kind words about getting to maintenance and well done to everyone else making progress!

    @fatrabbit, on saturday night I managed to make your wonderful sprout curry! So very tasty and the OH really enjoyed it too! I offered to add some chicken to his and he actually said it didn’t need it! I served it with broccoli rice and it was perfect.

    As it wasn’t a fast day we shared a naan bread from M&S which was to die for! (even though it seemed to open the flood gates and I was nibbling on bits and pieces all evening…this is just something I notice when I have bread – it seems to wake up something in my appetite and get me snacking – anyone else find that?!)

    @snowflake56 – I laughed when I saw your comment “but do I want to get smarter to look for food? I’m quite smart at hunting for food” – so funny

    @monkeydo – wow, good luck for your new life! That is a big upheaval and I do find moving home very stressful. I hope the move goes well and that you settle in quickly. A few days staying with your friend sounds fun too.

    @strawberriesandcream – well done you on reaching your March goal already! I hope you enjoyed the ale and nuts!
    @fatrabbit and @redrockgirl03 and any others on the 800 experiment, great to hear that is working out so well for you also!

    @bert1802 – what a story! You are so strong to stay detached from that, good to hear that you have a strong bond with your sisters.

    @chumi – Have you tried using a clay mask for areas of congested skin? Neutrogena do a 2 in 1 face mask called Visibly Clear (any clay mask should do though). When my skin is clogged, I use that twice a week only on the blocked or enlarged pores / forehead / cheeks / chin – over time it makes a difference. I have scars from picking and squeezing as a teenager and really, really wish I’d left my face alone, now I find a regular clay mask does the trick far more gently.

    @dykask – loving all your research, I like to understand the science too! Well done so far on reaching 48 hours and beyond!

    Amazing to see what we have all achieved in the last few weeks.

    Fast Day today for me, good luck all, especially to those picking themselves up after a slip, we’ve all been there, dust yourself off and today is a new day.

    Adding myself to the pocketteers…

    @skinny love
    @dykask – 2nd FD b to b
    @redrockgirl302 – 800cal until end of March!
    @fatrabbit – – 800cal until end of March!
    @coda – 800cal until end of March!
    @okeydokey – 1st of B2B
    @strawberriesandcream 800 cals until end of March.

    Let’s do it!

    Day 27 FD(probably) USA, WI

    Still sick, still no energy. Today will likely be another fast day by default since the only thing I’m really liking is chicken soup and broth.

    Weighed myself this morning. 185.0 lbs. That’s 10.4 pounds gone in the 2 weeks that I’ve been doing 5:2. Also 10 inches lost, 2.25 in my waist and 2.0 in my tummy, and 3.0 inches in my bust.

    Back to bed. Good luck today, everybody!

    Day 27 – FD – Canada
    Day 26 – FD – Canada
    Can someone please add me to pocketeers? I am on second day of my first ever b2b!
    Going strong. Have resorted to healthy prepped meals (LUVO) and feel a little ashamed of this but life is busy at the moment. I will return to read posts later this morning.

    Day 27 – USA – NFD

    @gopackgo – feel better soon! By the way, it was someone else’s idea (sorry, so many posts, i forgot who) to name her scale Cruella; I thought it was very clever! So happy for your new stats! @pamie – feel better! @jenniferb – hope your mom is okay. @fayefaye – congrats!

    Day 27, USA, Missouri Ozarks, FD

    Back to my first of three fasting days (limited calories, only eat one meal about 7 p.m. and then not eat again until 7 the following night. Might have to up the calories as I really don’t want my weight to be this low.)

    Today’s weight 140.6, below goal weight of 145.

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