31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Day 29: Gloucestershire, UK: Oh, and yet another non-fast day.
    NorrieB: good to see you and…join the club!

    Day 29 – Canada – NFD. 16:8

    Day 29- NFD. Weighed in today at 148lbs. Down 12 lbs since Jan 1!! Whooooot!! 18 more lbs to go!

    @songbirdme wow I guess you do you come from a family of skiiers! If any of them are ever in Arizona I could definitely use a couple lessons ha ha

    Day 29……Florida……NFD

    So yesterday, I made it to 4:30 a 20 hour fast before eating, then I ate more than I should of…. so it ended up being a NFD. I’m okay with that Sat. and Sun. are tough for me. I normally over eat. Although, I didn’t successfully do a FD, I didn’t over eat! So, I’m counting it as a successful day.

    Everyone is commenting on what they learned during this month. So, I’m going to throw my 10 cents worth of knowledge in here

    5:2, is like being on a slick sheet of ice, sometimes I fall, sometimes I inch along and then there are times I can run like the wind. For the most part, I’ve inched along one wobbly step at a time. I’ve heard the ice cracking beneath my feet, my toes have actually touch the cold icy water, but I have kept going.
    I’ve been picked up and carried by many of you. I’ve been challenged to keep walking, keep moving forward.
    I’ve been able to run, I’ve picked up and carried some. I’ve held hands with some amazing people. I’ve cheered, laughed and cried, with many of you.
    In the end, it’s not the diet or WOL, that helped me lose weight, It was all of you!
    Support is why 5:2 worked this time for me!

    orpheusx…… I know that there is tons of people with tons of posts to get through on a daily basis. Read what you can when you can….. but stay with us, use the support and knowledge. The only thing required is that you post so we know your still with us!
    I try but most of the time at keeping up with everyone until I one post catches my eye and I post directly to them…. today your post caught my eye. Many days, I just post about myself, how I’m feeling and what I’m doing. It helps….. It keeps me going! I think that is what a majority of us do. So today and even tomorrow you read what you can, post about what’s going on. Someone will catch you when you start to struggle, someone will share your joy, and one day you’ll catch someone and share their joy with them! That is what this group is for we call it a challenge but in all reality it’s just a bunch of people supporting and loving each other from all over the world.
    What ever you decide my friend, I wish you the best!

    Well, Im off…… seeing my bestie today to pick up are tickets for 50 shades!

    Oh last night, I was watching the internship with my kids and one of the characters used Cheery O as a salutation….. So, if I’m spelling it right I may start using that as my ending. Just hearing her say it made me smile! Such a lovely way to say goodbye! After hearing that it almost like you are predestined to have a perfect day!

    Day 29 USA (Utah) NFD

    Yesterday was a busy one with family errands and helping out at our daugher’s. It is hard to fast when I am here, but I need to be more controlled. Maybe today will be better?

    @mamacat – if we get down your way, any one of us would love to ski with you!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 29 USA NFD

    @favvie – loved your post this morning! Sounds like my kind of crowd and party! Good for you!!!

    Day 29, Gozo Malta, NFD

    Today we celebrated my grandson s first birthday. I had too much to eat and enjoyed it. I’ll have something light this evening.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Day 29 UK NFD

    Hi all, been away this weekend and was good yay me.

    Decided that when I read the messages, as I like to read them all I will do squats or lunges at the same time, this has become challenging at times because of how many posts but I love it. I read little and often so it’s all gotta help.

    When you are writing a long post remember you are making me do more squats and lunges that can only increase my fitness!
    I love it these posts also because I get a little story that takes my mind off my lunges. Winner!

    So 2 more days of this month and I’m going for a double FD.

    Day29 Belfast NFD
    Had a lovely long weekend with my son and his girlfriend, but ate and drank too many calories altogether. Never mind, tomorrow is a new day.
    @reid, Fuvvie and Lilymartin our book club takes place in our local library. Our local librarians work so hard to offer reading opportunities to young and old alike (not sure where I fit in that! Not ready to be old yet) and usually anywhere from between 5 and 10 people go. I have read a lot of books I wouldn’t have chosen, many of then not memorable. I enjoyed ‘The Children Act’ by Ian McEwan, but if I’m honest, have really had a really good read for a long time. The era when ‘The Kite Runner’ and Shadow of the wind’ were published was a special time of wonderful escapism. Have read the Miniaturist too, Fuvvie and found it an odd book, a little unsettling. I have made a list of all the books you all mentioned, and when I have finished the reading from this forum, will give some of them a go.
    AnnMarilyn the description of your journey you’ve made probably reflects the trials and tribulations many of us has endured Your comment ‘ Someone on this forum has been where I am, ‘ is so true and comforting in an odd sort of way.
    I shall return to ‘The case against sugar’ in the hope of cementing my mindset for the February challenge.

    Day 29 Cornwall UK NFD

    Woke up this morning with aches and awful headache, I think I have a virus.

    So a PJ day in the warmth of the woodburner! Watched Federer /Nadal final which was great, what a match!!

    Its a miserable day out wet and misty so a goid day to be poorly!

    Not been hungry so turning into a very low calorie day though probably end up over 500.

    Thank you Fuvvie for leading us this month you have been great and such a support! Your spreadsheet is amazing!

    Like many others, the main thing I’ve learnt is that I wont starve if I miss breakfast or a meal or two and I don’t need a snack in between meals.
    I feel good after a fast day and I know when my body needs a fast day!
    I no longer eat sugary foods or refined carbs.
    I have a greater awareness about how my body reacts to foods.

    And although the 5.2 is what has helped me lose weight it is the support of this global group that has helped me stick to it! I hope I also helped others on the way! xx

    2nd post

    Fuvvie sounds like you had an amazing time at your book club and really enjoyed yourself good for you. It’s times like that when we should relax and enjoy ourselves.

    I’ve too read All the Light We Cannot See by Doerr, it was the best book I’d read in ages, I recommend it too!

    Ps thanks for the spreadsheet I hope everyone is not expecting the same for Feb 😬! But you never know I may surprise you all.

    Day 29/Midwest USA/ FD

    This has been a great experience this month with all of you…thank you for the support and accountability your presence provides.
    I have learned that I can be an over-eater or an under-eater. it’s curvy path and requires me being awake and knowing I have the choice in the matter.
    let’s keep going.

    Georgia/ USA/ DAY 29/NFD

    Day 28 – NZ – NFD
    Day 29 – NZ – NFD
    Day 30 – NZ – FD

    Day 29 Canada NFD

    Day 29 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Had a good NFD yesterday and again today – enjoying a second glass of sauvignon blanc after dinner whilst I catch up.

    I love reading the post, I find them it very encouraging and it reminds me that everyone has good days and some not so good days. Staying part of the group has kept me to either just above or just below my target weight for the past 2 months now………Thank you for your support.

    One of my favourite quotes that I have found personally motivating is:- “I CANNOT CHANGE YESTERDAY, BUT I CAN CHANGE TODAY”

    Day 29 Yesterday was a non fast day. I’m not sure yet about today. I have been overwhelmed with busyness the past week. Between work and kids, I am very tired. I haven’t been counting calories but I do think I have stayed under my TDEE most of the time. I am hoping life will get a bit slower next week. The good thing still is that I don’t have nearly the level of cravings since I started this program the second week of January.

    Day 29. QuΓ©bec. NFD

    An easy going NFD. I don’t feel the urge to eat a lot so I’m going with that mood. Drinking water and enjoying it.

    Tomorrow will be a CD and, since my husband wants to fast and take on this WOL, I told him that I will help him plan and do it together tomorrow. I think that my experience will help him start on good basis.

    @lynzm, you wrote Decided that when I read the messages, as I like to read them all I will do squats or lunges at the same time, this has become challenging at times because of how many posts but I love it. I read little and often so it’s all gotta help.
    When you are writing a long post remember you are making me do more squats and lunges that can only increase my fitness!

    LynzM, I LOVE your idea and will try to integrate it in my reading habits ! ( in fact, i’m doing sqats right now ! )

    Things I learned in this forum and the 5:2 experience :
    – There is always someone giving a good trick or words that come to me and give me a new puff of fresh air to continue going on. I am very gratefull to you all.
    – Even if I did not loose a lot this month at least I didn’t put on more weight. Considering that I was gaining pounds for the last few years, staying steady in a good news.
    – Even if I didn’t always pay as much attention as I shoud have to my food, this WOL is always there at the back of my mind that helps me hold on.
    – My biggest problem is eating bad calories in the evening. I noticed that I have no problem in the day but I often scrap my day at night. I am conviced that this is related with my going to bed too late, very very late in fact. So, for next month my challenge will be to go to bed at a regular time, maximum 11:30 pm and pay special attention to that issue.
    – one of the fringe benefits of this forum is the improvement of my English. The more I read you all, the easier it becomes for me to express my toughts and feelings.

    @lynzm …. Are you still exercising ? LOL

    Have a nice day everyone and a great beginning of a new week. February is just on the corner ! X

    Day 30 Waikato NZ NFD
    Weight this morning. 82kg. Not a bid a loss as I would have hoped for this month but I did have a few false starts with fastdays. Looking forward to the Feb challenge. May not be able to post tomorrow as a very busy day. We will see. Holiday weekend here and a beautiful day. Must get out a do that weeding!!

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – NFD 16:8

    Went a little over TDEE yesterday so thought I’d go for a 16:8 today in hopes of slowing down the intake.

    Haven’t quite caught up on all the posts but will get there. Love the suport!

    2nd post.
    So excited. Just measured myself. This month I have lost 2cm off my hips, 4cm off bust, 4cm off waist. Wow, can’t believe it.

    3rd post

    QuΓ©bΓ©coise – glad u are joining me with squats as we read, ha ha, if I wasn’t , your comment would have certainly made me jump up, catching up with posts today must say my thighs ache, this is a good “I’ve exercised ache”!!! Gonna be harder tomorrow as might be stiff, been lacking in the exercise department lately.

    Pamie – well done good inch loss.

    Aussie day 29- 30 FD today last one 2.5 kilo so not bad well done everyone.Struggled with FD’s over the weekend have to make this one count.

    Day30 NZ FD
    I sat down last night and added my day to MFP thinking that I had created a huge blow out on the calorie front but was pleasantly surprised to be only a little bit over.
    I still can’t fit my ‘measuring pants’ and really wanted to have made it into them by now.
    After almost 5months I really thought I would be rid of the 8kg I needed to lose when I started this.
    Jan has shown me I need to track my NFD for a while. It’s also shown me I can fit this wol into anything I’m doing and still live normally.
    Will weigh myself tomorrow for the first time in weeks…maybe even months. This will give me a start point for Feb while I consider 4:3 for the next two weeks in preparation for our anniversary weekend away.
    I’m pretty sure I haven’t lost anything this month in size or weight and I suspect I need an extra FD to boost me back downwards alongside keeping track of every NFD.

    Day 29 Portugal NFD

    Just checking in quickly. I am pretty sure I went over tdee today. But I will be doing a b2b fast Monday and Tuesday.

    Just checking in:

    Jan29/rainy Surrey/ NFD

    I went over my TDEE by a little today. Oh well it’s what Sundays are all about. It was the yummy foccasia bread that was the culprit πŸ˜”

    Will be doing my 2 b2bs mon-thurs. last weigh in of the month is a dilemma as I normally weigh in on a Friday. What to do..? Hmm

    Anyway, good night all x

    Day 30 Sydney FD

    Just catching up with the last few days – we were camping for the long weekend so had very limited access to the internet.

    Day 26 NFD
    Day 27 NFD
    Day 28 NFD
    Day 29 NFD

    Had an indulgent weekend food and drink wise so looking forward to resetting my system with a good fast day today. Nothing but water and tea until maybe an apple mid-afternoon if I need it then a salad dinner this evening.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 29|CD/NFD|Toronto
    Trying very hard to avoid weekend “pitfalls”.

    Day 29 – NFD – Canada
    Day 28 – NFD – Canada

    @pamie – way to go!

    I have one more FD after weekend on Monday, hopefully will balance me out from weekend. I seem to need one FD to level me out and the second one to edge downwards. Which makes sense when you consider that is the 6:1 format of maintenance.

    Day 29 : Cheshire, UK : NFD/CD

    I’m so pleased with myself πŸ™‚ Tonight, we had a Thai takeaway….me, my OH and his daughter. BUT……I shared the Thai Green curry with crispy sea bass with my OH with a little of the Thai green curry sauce. We shared the stir fried mixed vegetables. I didn’t touch the prawn crackers although I love this particular restaurant’s crackers. I’m not sure how much it was in calories but I’m pleased nonetheless. Also, my OH and I have been invited to dinner on Wednesday. The friend, who is a chef, is cooking for us. My OH, wants to support me and asked me whether I should let them know that I’m on a LCHF diet. I said no, I will fast on Thursday so he has decided to tell them not to go to too much trouble with a dessert because we are not that fussed about dessert. πŸ™‚

    @mamacat Wow…that’s amazing. Well done you πŸ™‚ hugs!

    @fuvvie : your bookclub entertainment sounded so much fun. It was very uplifting to read your post. Plus a big, big thank you for your wonderful spreadsheet and for looking after us during this Challenge. xoxo

    @pamie : Another Wow…that’s wonderful. Well done you too πŸ™‚ hugs!

    Day 30 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia: FD with a vengeance:

    Bert, I insist you write a novel! I loved your analogy to skating. I am on very thin ice today and as my balance has been decreasing with age, a very cold dunking is probably what I need to wake up to myself. Once I opened the door to the carbs on Saturday night, the rot set in. It’s not that I made a LOT of bad choices, but the fact that I started making choices that I know don’t do me much good. Result, 106.5 kgs this morning. I was down to 104.4kgs on the 25th. It had a slow creep on the next 3 NFDs and then wallop, skidding out of control. CHOICE, CHOICE, CHOICE. I know when to stop but ignore the sign that says THIN ICE, BEWARE. Daughter made pizza last night and I had a few pieces. Delicious. They had given me a small jar of Espresso martini for Christmas, 110ml, ingredients Vodka, cold drip coffee,Chocolate flavour, coffee flavour, organic sugar (as though that somehow makes it better), preservative E224. It was yummy, but high price in terms of insulin driver. So an FD is imperative to see if the damage is structural or just transient due to transit times etc. I do have increased swelling in the legs though and this is always a consequence of refined carbs for me. CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!! There are always consequences for the choices we make.

    Sorry you all had to put up with my rave to myself following on from my comments to Bert. But I am thinking of all the good I have done LynzM and B2tf.

    I too have made a list of the books for further reading and this will be a virtual feast of another kind. By the way, that was patΓ© on water cracker in previous post, not pie. It took me a while to work out what I would have said, not what predictive text said lol.

    Rocy65, hope you are feeling more the thing quickly. Your way of dealing with it sounds divine.

    Chin up, Ciren2. I’ve been on this merry-go-round for months now and still believe I will get there. So will you. You too NorrieB. Don’t let these blips get you down. I know I got off track with my quotes, but on p161 of the Fast Diet, Mimi Spenser says

    “When you reach your target weight, you can change the frequency of your fast. Play with it. But don’t drift. Stay alert. Your aim is for permanent life change, not a blip, not a fad, not a dinner-party chat. This is the long distance route to sustained weight loss. Accept that it is something you will do, in a form that suits you, indefinitely. For as long as life. ” Re-reaad from ACCEPT………life”. There is so much in that quote that I would love to underline, score in bright neon colours and engrave on my forehead. Thank you for making me go and look for an inspirational quote.

    Congratulations Pamie. What a lovely result for you.

    Day 29. Sussex U.K.

    Day 29 | NFD | Bucks UK

    Day 29- NFD – Sydney
    Day 30- FD – Sydney

    Day 29 / Wisconsin, USA / NFD

    Day 24 – NFD
    Day 25 – NFD
    Day 26 – FD
    Day 27 – NFD
    Day 28 – NFD

    Tomorrow, Day 30, will be a FD. This was a good experiment for me. I did it (2 fasting days per week) for the month of January, but I think I’m going to cut down to 1 real fasting day/week for February and try the 16:8 method on my “non fasting days”. Two fasting days per week is a bit too challenging or me because I work on the night shift half of the week (going back and forth from day and night shift… gets exhausting). I’ll try the 1 day per week fasting and see if my weight loss continues. Even if the weight loss slows down, I don’t mind, as long as I’m losing weight. πŸ™‚

    Hi all it was a busy day so only posting now UK day 29 CD

    I didn’t have a pen and paper while I read through posts so will probably not respond to all that I intended. I have just ordered ‘a man called Ove’ from Amazon – thank you and i have taken note of ‘all the light we cannot see’ for the next one on the list.

    @fuvvie I thought pie on crackers was something Australians have lol. Sounds like one of those nights for just letting the hair down – a good night to remember for the fun had. There will be other days to catch up and get back on track. Thank you again Fuvvie for seeing us through January x.

    Thank you also to all you lovely supporting people, whether you are skating on thin ice or sliding along, running behind wagons trying to climb back on or squatting while reading posts (btw how actually can you read and squat at same time) lol we are still here, still keeping, keeping on.

    Maybe we should re-name our group ‘the support for *month* group’ or is it still nice to challenge ourselves?

    Feel like I have missed something but one of my challenges next month is to turn the lights out a lot earlier and try to increase sleep.

    So cheerio for now lol (didn’t know that is another localised saying) x

    Day 30 – Perth, W.Aust – NFD

    And, the summer rain continues. It’s a bit odd, we’re used to storms that clear the air, but this is more like autumn rain, it’s now been gently raining for a solid 3 hours (might have been raining while I was asleep though) and it doesn’t look like letting up, we’re expecting to get 60-120mm of rain for the day, which is a lot for Perth in summer. I guess the washing on the line is not going to dry today, but I’m looking forward to how soft the clothes will be after the rain has gone. A bit like the dog who is now lovely soft and fresh after our walk in the rain this morning.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, stay strong and be kind to yourself.

    Day 30 FD country West Australia
    NFD yesterday went well. 1/4 of a ham sandwich for morning tea despite light fluffy yellow sponges with cream and strawberries, biscuits ( cookies) of all sorts, cakes, cupcakes, scones ( biscuits).
    Kept a good distance from the tables laden with food and busied myself chatting instead of eating.
    Lunch at restaurant owned by friends. Was delighted when I walked in and the owner noticed that I had lost weight. It’s been a while since we last ate there.
    Shared lunch with my DH. Shared a small bruschetta and a BLT ( bacon, lettuce, tomato ) turkish bread.
    Had 2 spoonsful of DH’s dessert a moist dense rich beetroot chocolate cake with cream.
    Just a pot of tea at afternoon tea with my darling mum. So not over TDEE.
    So glad to have reset my appetite and mostly being able to be mindful of food.

    Realised that overeating for me is a bit like climbing Mt Everest for some – we do it simply because we can. Unfortunately we can do a lot of damage on the way!
    Re-reading Dr Moseley’s 8 week diet book.
    He is pretty strong on the exercise and includes his own regime which he does daily.
    So all those doing squats and lunges whilst reading posts are following Dr Moseley’s advice!

    Just calling in to say hi and well done @fuvvie for managing the holiday challenge πŸ™‚ I find the month of January goes by in a blur of holidays, birthdays, family reunions etc and all involve feasting! But I really want to do 5:2 properly in February so have already put myself back on the program. I cut out all alcohol from yesterday and will not drink again until March. I watched my food yesterday and said “no” to the pastry and ice cream on offer and today I am having a FD. I feel pleased to be in such a positive frame of mind but I am also HUNGRY! πŸ™‚ Good luck all with your last couple of days and see you in February xx

    Day 30 – Melbourne – FD
    Hanging by a thread today – have been about to ‘chuck it in’ until an hour ago when the hunger seemed to settle down a bit. Serves me right for indulging last night.

    @sheam2567 – thanks for the idea about what things we are learning/questions that come up along the way: My biggest learnings:
    – perseverance – there is no shortcut, I just have to do it, every day
    – how much the support helps (essentially the difference between persevering and quitting)

    The biggest question I have is:
    – will it/when will it become ‘second nature’ to eat this way??

    Today as I skated rapidly towards the thin ice, the thought that I had was ‘I just want a break from it’. Which set me thinking/asking myself ‘a break from What, exactly?’ And the answer was, a break from having to think about/be conscious of/plan the things that go in my mouth. Which is the path straight to the thinnest ice and probably an icy death to loss or maintenance. I’m thinking that the way it will happen quickest (not having to be conscious of it, but still eating in a controlled way) is to eat Routinely, ie, virtually exactly the same things at each meal, at least 5 days/week. So it remains to be seen, when/if it happens.

    I am planning to go back to calorie-counting over Feb, as I have a big party to attend mid-March and really want a new outfit and to look my best and I’m sure I’ve been slipping up on NFDs – they have been 16:8, mostly, but not very ‘CD’.

    Day 30 / NFD / Oman

    DAY 29, Canada NFD

    Day 30 – Brisbane, Aus – FD

    Weigh in today, 116, down 0.6kg on last week, so all pretty good.

    FD has gone well today, had a few grapes, a banana and a little milk in my coffee – day has flown by, not missing the food at all, though will have some soup and maybe a small piece of chicken soon to finish things off for the day.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    You are doing very well, Vaderz. I’m having soup tonight and then off to choir practice for the first practice of the year. It’s always lovely to see what music we are being given, what challenges musically. The theme is around the world, so I hope we have some really interesting songs.

    BiddieV, I can relate absolutely with your feelings of “I just want a break from it”. And I think that is what I have been doing for the last couple of days….result? swollen legs and lethargy. It is so much better when I just get on with it and ignore the call of the carb siren. It just seems like the 30 kgs to lose is insurmountable, but I guess I’m a third of the way there. Bite the bullet and get on with it is what I am now telling myself. You are so right… there is no short cut, but if you don’t follow the path, you can make the journey just so much longer. I’m with you. Hang in there.

    Day 30. Sussex U.K.
    FD. 500 calories.

    Day 29 USA Hawaii NFD

    Day 30 NZ FD
    357 calories. Feel great.

    Am hiding in the bedroom while my family tuck into dinner. Am doing a liquid-only FD – the first n more than a month and it is HARD! I won’t eat until after 10am tomorrow so will have completed a minimum of 36 hours.

    UK day 30 FD On reflection fairly happy with January, like so many others I more or less have the FDs down now and mid week NFDs are going better it’s still the weekends that are my downfall, I’m more conscious of my choices but changing the habits of a lifetime takes time I guess…will be signing up for Feb challenge

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