31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Day 27 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Had a good FD yesterday only drank water and tea with a dash of skimmed milk – broke my fast at 1130hrs today with a pot of tea and a small slice of blueberry and lemon cake after a 4 mile walk – my first walk of any significance since my knee injury!!!! Felt good to be out on this glorious cold but sunny winter’s day -2.5degrees when we set off but a balmy 3 degrees on our return!

    Weight this morning was 800gms below my ideal weight – very happy to be maintaining since beginning of December with no blips!

    @august2024 – love your idea of “developing new β€œsmall” habits in my life around movement and exercise.”
    @coda – hope your dad continues to do well – outcome sounds good from what you said but it is always worrying – hugs
    @elsacotton – hope whatever bug you got does not linger too long – take care of yourself
    @jarbia – sounds like your sister has got her life sussed – make the most of everyday xx I’m with you regarding La La Land……
    @bert1802 – stay strong and well done on the smaller trousers!
    @dykask – amazing journey you have been on – 30% to 19% body fat in one year – well done
    @fuvvie – I’m like you – don’t like being in the house on my own at night – always feels strange – I would have unplugged the TV too…….
    @arvandee – saw about the plane crash in the papers here – sad event to be linked with the celebrations for that family
    @back2thefuture – that quote from the dietician, Carrie Dennett you found in the Washington Post is so true – we should keep that with us!
    @happymargo – thank you – looking forward to our night out – the food in that restaurant is brilliant! You stay strong – you will do it!
    @lilymartin – lovely to have such a supportive husband – mine is very fit and slim – he is a fell runner but he totally gets what I’m doing as he has seen the changes in me, both mentally and physically and supports my lifestyle.
    @cboz – brilliant match – I did not know who I wanted to win most but well done to Nadal – should be an epic final on Sunday – both men seem to have a new lease in tennis life!
    @blueninjamum – well done – great motivator for you

    Thinking of all the B2B people and anyone on their FDs – hope all is going well wherever you are in the world.

    Cannot believe that we only have 4 more days until the end of this month……………Thank you for supporting us over this January @fuvvie

    @ciren2 – just saw your post that was written whilst I was finishing mine – You are allowed to have off days and have a moan – that’s what this forum is here for – to allow us to share our high and our lows.
    You supported so many of us and gave us such good advice over the past few months since I joined. You know what to do – all I can do is give you my hand to hold and keep you strong when you are struggling.
    “Make that U-Turn and head back in the right direction”
    “Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit”

    Warm hugs across the miles from Cumbria to you in Gloucestershire

    Day 27 Canada FD
    Hi there. I start every morning reviewing this thread and it is great. I am coming to the end of my first month on this plan. I must say that it has not been without its ups and downs (on my part), but overall I have done really well. Thank you fellow January 2017 Challenge people. I also review one other thread on a daily basis. It is a thread that has a more specific focus and it too is great. Double whammy. Thank you all.

    Day 27 – SW WA USA – FD

    It’s almost the end of the month so will continue fasting, making this a B2B Thurs / Friday.

    Trying to get to January’s goal.

    Have a great day!

    Day 27 Belfast NFD
    definitely not a CD! Staying in a nice hotel so 50 lengths of the pool, had lovely breakfast of fruit, yoghurt … then couldn’t resist a croissant. Thought that it would do me till my evening meal, but had a latte and a bun. Ah well……
    @coda I. Sorry to hear the news about your dad, but hopefully the operation will sort it all out. Keep positive and sending you hugs
    @jarbia what a lovely story about your sister and how positive.
    @Arvander that was a terribly tragedy. Thoughts and prayers to all the victims
    @ Jarbia I saw La la Land too and felt the same. It certainly didn’t live up to the hype
    @pamelav I identified totally with the creeping weight gain and found your loss inspirational
    @ Blueninjamum Congratulations!
    Reading ‘The Case Against Sugar in a spare moment, which will bring me down to earth with a bump.
    Eating out tonight and tomorrow for lunch so will have to try and keep a lid on it all but am not counting calories at all. Will start afresh on Sunday.

    what’s the other post you follow? thanks.

    Day 27. QuΓ©bec. NFD

    Bisous means kisses with a friendly touch to it.

    Great news this morning, I broke my 130 pounds plateau. That’s a VERY good news because I am invited tonight and tomorrow night to celebrate my birthday ( January 31 ). Monday’s CD will just help a bit to get through my real Birthday on Thuesday. So I can foresee my week as ups and downs concerning for my weight. That’s OK with me since it’s for a good cause. LOL

    Gros bisous Γ  vous xoxoxo
    Hugs and kisses to you xoxoxo

    Day 27 Portugal FD (partial)

    I think I may have gone over 500 calories today as my daughter made a very yummy dinner – ricotta and spinach cannelloni – Jamie Oliver – I should have stopped after the first helping. i will try and be mindful tomorrow on my NFD.

    Have good weekend everyone.

    Day 27 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Just herbal tea and water until I broke my fast at 5.30 pm today. I’m pleased that I started fasting from 10pm Tuesday evening until 5.30 pm today with one meal of less than 500 cals. I was fantasising about my meal last night and nearly caved in. God only knows, how I lasted on liquids until 5.30 pm but I suppose I wasn’t really hungry. I was last night. I thought I would devour everything in sight tonight but I didn’t. Ate under my TDEE. Must watch out for tomorrow cos I’m dreaming of breakfast πŸ™‚

    Thank you my fellow pocket fasters and well done.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

    Day 27 | FD | Bucks UK

    Day 27 cornwall UK NFD

    Just a quick checkin, carb heavy day and feeling it, not at all what I’d planned.

    I’ll fast til evening meal tomorrow.

    have a good weekend.

    Quebecoise– Congratulations on busting thru your plateau!!
    What a wonderful birthday gift to give yourself!

    Day 27 / Sweden / NFD

    Aussie day’s 27-28 Yesterday’s FD is now todays lol just didn’t happen had a lovely walk on the beach this morning.

    Day 27 28 29 NFD NZ
    Went out for morning tea with friends and dinner for Mothers birthday yesterday. I’m sure it must have been over TDEE but haven’t added it up.
    Today’s a new day so moving forward with good intentions. I plan to do a 16:8 today, breaking my short fast after 2.30pm when I catch up with another friend for coffee and this time will be ONLY black coffee. Technically this doesn’t break my fast but I don’t want to risk a calorie blowout two days in a row so I’m going to have one meal today like a FD but not restricted to under 500cals.
    Like others have mentioned I’m going to commit to 4:3 for the next two weeks before taking four days away with MOTH celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary in the third week. In 15years we have only been away from our kids one other time for more than a weekend so it will be lovely to have an extended time for ourselves.
    I’d like to find a little ‘woosh’ before we go away just for a tiny body image boost for me, I have zero doubts about the fact he loves me just as I am but my own confidence could use a little whoosh.

    London | Day 27 | FD (Day 2 pocket fast)

    It was a difficult one today – glad it’s done πŸ™‚
    Hope my fellow fasters did ok.

    Mamacat -I am anxious to hear how you did with your snowboarding? I’ve ever only skied, but I remember very well when boarders started showing up on the mountains about 30 years ago. It sure seemed to me that they spent a LOT of time sitting on snow. Maybe there are better teachers now?

    I still love to ski, and feel ever so much better on skis after having lost this weight. Where did you go with your son?

    Day 28 – NZ – NFD

    Day 28 FD Country West Australia
    Shouldn’t be too hard to stick to mainly fluids as forecast 37C here today following 32C yesterday and 39C the day before. It’s pretty hot.
    Crunched yesterday’s numbers and very pleased to see only 50 calories over TDEE including 1 glass of wine and 1 Lindt ball .
    I can now stop at one whereas I used to have 1…2..3…. well they ARE so little! ( but 80 calories each according to MFP)
    Despite FDs and a b2b looks like I will end January exactly the same as I started due to scales bouncing up and down. Not a complaint just a fact.
    Up for February’s challenge.

    congrats to the pocketfasters and all of us for sticking with this new WOL! have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 27/Midwest USA/ NFD

    ongrats to all. we are sticking to our plans(and sometimes not). Whether we are exploring this WOL or totally committed, we stayed with it for each other. That’s a win!

    Day 27/Midwest USA/ NFD

    Congrats to all. we are sticking to our plans(and sometimes not). Whether we are exploring this WOL or totally committed, we stayed with it for each other. That’s a win!

    Day 28 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia: NFD 105.1 kgs

    I’m very impressed with all your replies AT and I second them. I’ve been going at it hammer and tongs to try and catch up on a few months of neglecting chores. I’m about to go outside and do some mowing if the rain has stopped. It has only been gentle sporadic showers but wet grass is harder to mow. I’ll use the walk behind slasher and get rid of some of that long rank grass growing under the fence line. I think my OH will be back later next week and would like to have the place looking good. I am feeling pretty tired though after all this unaccustomed activity. The herb garden is looking good. All the sheets and towels are folded and put away and next load of washing on the go.

    I do get to go out this afternoon to book club and then wine and nibbles on the deck. I have stuck to dry January so far but am sorely tempted to share a bottle of red with the group this evening. I’ve stocked up on sparkling mineral water so will see how I go. Perhaps I can ask for a special dispensation from the dry January crew????

    Better go. This computer is a time thief. But I do love to keep up with everyone. By the time I get to the bottom of the list, I’ve forgotten what I was going to say. have to get better at writing it down as I go along.

    Fuvvie – you are truly wonderful – thank you for spreadsheet!

    Day 28 – Perth, W.Aust – NFD

    Changed my FDs around this week to Tues/Fri (instead of Tues/Thurs) due to Australia Day celebrations on the Thursday. This worked out extremely well for a few reasons, but the main one being, no wine on Friday night. Like a lot of people I enjoy a glass or two at the end of the week, but of course it usually ends up with making poor food choices as well and then when I go to my exercise class on the Saturday morning I feel very lethargic. Doing the fast on Friday, and be very aware of the type of food I need so that I’m energised for Saturday has really worked well for me, felt great this morning and certainly less ‘lumpish’ as I’m prancing around with the others, so I think this might become a regular change.

    Great to hear all those doing well with their challenges this month. To those still struggling, stay strong, every persons body is different and will therefore respond differently. There may come a time that those who are doing well at the moment plateau and struggle, and where you suddenly see yourself achieving your goals.

    This WOL is a solo endurance event with a support team, not a sprint or a race to the finish line to see who wins the biggest prize. A sprint is usually done on the flat with little variations whereas endurance events can have many obstacles, ups and downs, distractions, delays, etc, and it will take all your focus to stay on the path and reach your destination, but you can reach that destination. So stay strong, have a wonderful day and be kind to yourself.

    Day 28 – Tokyo Japan – NFD – 77.9 kg

    Yesterday the fast day was a little edgy but I made it through. I had a hard time sleeping. Anyway I’ll have a 10 day break from full day fasting now as I have too many things going on. I have to catch a plane in a few hours.

    Day 28 Melbourne NFD/CD
    Going ok today, after over indulging last night, and suspect that I’m plateauing atm. Will weigh on Tuesday and see how it goes.

    @blueninjamum and @quebecoise congrats on breaking through a plateau!! It’s the hanging in there part that is the congratulatory thing, cos it’s hard. Well Done πŸ’πŸ’

    @songbirdme we ended up just skiing because they didn’t have a snowboarding teacher there today to give him lessons. As a first timer, I would prefer him learn some tips before tackling the mountain, so he didn’t have to spend most his time sitting..haha! There’s a ski area here called Mt Lemon, its the southern most ski resort in the USA and about 50min drive from my house. It’s neat to watch the transition between saguaro cactuses to large forest trees while driving up there. We survived the day, I’m sore but alive. My son did great!! Proud mom moment. Aside from that, I ate like poop today. 2 fast food meals and I feel disgusting. All liquid fast day for me tomorrow as I’ll spend 12 hours at my work desk. Ugh!

    Day 28 Waikato New Zealand FD
    Just liquids today until 4.30pm when I had a nectarine. Will have an early dinner of just veges.

    Day 27. I think I have missed posting a couple of days. I have been running around with my kids’ activities. I have had several non fast days that were not perfect but pretty good. I am certainly feeling better and my clothes are looser.

    2nd post

    Podcast Dr Jason Fung:


    The first link looks odd, although I double checked and it’s correct, dot dot dot and all; perhaps the 2nd one will work better. Goes for about 50 mins, I think, quite long.

    Day 28 – Brisbane, Aus – NFD

    Hope everyone is having a great day… wine, cheese and roast chicken is the theme of my NFD today, I suspect tomorrow’s theme may be fruit, vegetables (and probably chicken again).

    Thanks for posting that link to the podcast BiddieV – seems to have caused quite a bit of controversy by that forum post… looks like the next two episodes cover similar topics (possibly in a different light). Might be worth checking out quite a few episodes of that podcast.

    second post
    ‘Mad dogs and Englishmen and West Aussies doing 5:2 go out in the midday sun’.
    Trying to keep FD under control decided to burn a few calories whilst getting the garden under control.
    It is HOT !!! 37C forecast and feels hotter.
    Came in for lunch at 1.15 pm and still perspiring 2 hours later so must be doing something.
    At least with all the hydration (just cold water) it keeps the kidneys functioning well.
    Did eat a very small lunch as had an unexpected visitor and made zucchini slice with chickpea flour – yum.
    Waiting until it cools down a bit before venturing out again.
    Weeds are like calories – pesky things that crop up in the most unexpected places.

    Day 27: Pacific NW USA, 2nd FD of a Thurs-Fri b2b. I didn’t sleep well last night (4 hrs at most). Hoping for better tonight as this is a Saturday that I need to get going early and work a half day. At least it will keep me busy till my reward which will be a nice lunch out with OH.

    Thank you Fuvvie for the tracking and gentle support through January. But it’s not over till the formerly fat lady sings! My weigh-in for the month will be Feb 1.

    Day 28Cornwall UK CD

    Weighted this morning 145.9, feeling really dispirited! So no loss this month! UGH!! GRRR!!!

    I know today is another day and trying to be positive!
    The positive me says at least you are maintaining around 146!
    But thats NOT where I need to be!
    I’m not making any excuses!
    I do know what to do to reign in, get back to to basics and MFP to log calories and plan plan plan!!

    Well done to all of you who have success and those who are struggling. Have a good weekend.

    Day 28 UK FD

    So I will let you know what happened to me.

    Yesterday was having a bad stressy day. So what did I do, buy a big lunch, because I NEEDED energy, that actually made me feel lethargic, so what did I do, buy a bar of chocolate, 2 bars as you save money if you buy two. Again because I NEEDED energy!!! Ate both. So what did I do next, Went home feeling overfull and crap, so what did I do, have dinner yes, then a hot chocolate with cream. AS ALL THIS WOULD MAKE ME FEEL BETTER.

    So now I feel bloated, uncomfortable, have gulit over everything I’ve eaten, know I’ve done it because emotion rather than hunger and I should know better. At the time I still knew this but didn’t stop and think logically. LESSON IN MY CONFESSION!

    Luckily fell asleep after that, woke up today still full ha ha. But with a new day and new resolve and the memory of how rubbish I felt yesterday. FD for me today. πŸ˜€

    @goldensun very well done you! Great willpower!
    @lany36 enjoy your weekend when it comes. My children were 14 and 12 when we had our first weekend together and we spent all weekend wondering about them!
    @fuvvie thank you again for your hard work. I go to a book club once a month but we only have tea/coffee and bikkies. Yours sounds much more sophisticated!
    @arvandee great inspiring words. Thank you
    @mamacat how I wish we had snow! I would have loved to ski/snowboard but have resigned myself to having an unfulfilled goal due to my bad back. Lucky you!
    @Biddie thank you for the link
    Well done to all the losers and lots of support to all of you who are struggling.

    Sorry, forgot to put day 28 NFD

    2nd post


    Hi guys, I’ve set up the new challenge, sign up by the 1st of Feb and away we go. Will be good to see u all again.

    Was wondering whether I should add aka Pocketeers group but wasn’t sure if that would make new people think they couldn’t join. Any views? Maybe the next person can add that if we want.

    So our last few days of Jan after my disastrous day yesterday that I told you all about I’m gonna make it a good few final days.

    Have a good day all x

    So sorry didnt mean well done to those who are struggling! Shouls have read my post drrr!

    To those who are struggling lets hold hands and stay focuced on what we want to achieve, we know 5.2 works, we can do this together.

    Just seem stuck at the mo!

    Watching Venus and Serena what a match!!

    Good luck everyone, have a good weekend. x

    Day 28. Sussex U.K

    Hello UK day 28 CD

    First Lynz don’t worry we have all been there done that – it is was it was now we move on. Strange why we do it though? The last time I went off the rails and after my upset tummy I was saying never again but the next day I went ahead and still had my liquorice allsorts at my Dads! Why do we do it when we know how crap we feel?

    @biddiev would seem some are not convinced by Dr Fung? Wonder what their solution is?

    @rocky you and me both a little down and all the fault of those numbers grrrrrr not where I want to be but there is still a few days to the end of the month. I weigh throughout the week just noting it but Saturday is usually when I write it into my tracker. This week the pattern was something like 11.8, 11.10, 11.8, 11 12, 11.10, 11.9 and this morning after a b2b fast it was ……11.12! Most annoying but even my OH says I look like I have lost weight. The perfectionist says don’t enter it in to my tracker lol. Will have to take a deep breath ha ha. But I am holding the faith and hoping my good fasts will show on scales by Wednesday when that will be my February starting weight. Just have to keep on keeping on and plan plan plan and maybe I’ll get the approval of the scales that we all want but really shouldn’t set so much faith on. You and me Rocky we keep going to the end – you are not alone.
    I’ll have to re think February’s plan – I had set goals to reach but certainly doesn’t seem like the one for January will be met so instead of putting a date to achieve I’ll will just have interim goals and put the date in when achieved that way I am not disheartened when I don’t get them by a certain date but will celebrate when I can tick them off. I’m also going to try back to basics- was maybe being/trying too hard. 2/3 good fasts depending on what is on and 2 healthy meals on other days – sounds like a plan

    Day 28- Sydney – FD
    Today was a very reluctant fast day and makes this week a 4:3. I started off by coaxing myself to wait til after the gym to eat breakfast, then pushed it til after work. Even made it til after an afternoon at the beach (where I got nice and burnt and dehydrated) before having a meal (delicious bun-less burger). Then spent the afternoon wishing I had a supply of chocolate and sugar at home. Used some cals from the run I did at the gym to satisfy that urge with a bon bon coffee (sweetened condense milk) and miso to keep me full til bed time.
    Been a struggle, but I made it. Hurrah!

    Day 28 / Sweden / NFD

    End of week 11 and a surprising result considering I over ate last night with chocolate and nachos (on top of the chicken & ribs, and rum & coke). My fast days go well and, to be honest, most of my non fast days are very well controlled but I do seem to let go all care every second Friday. I guess, on balance, having two or three bad days per month is much better than twenty bad days!!!
    Weight this morning 91.9 kg (from a starting weight of 102.5, eleven weeks ago) It’s a grey and cold day here and I’m struggling to get myself out of the house for a long walk but once I get going, it should go well… If I get going πŸ™‚

    I have two coworkers who have been curious about 5:2 after seeing my progress over the last few months and they are considering beginning. Another coworker (just started working for us two weeks ago so she doesn’t know about my former weight) is also starting (mostly to support her bf) so we might be 5 people at my school on the same programme.

    Good luck to all the 5:2’ers around the world. We’re all cheering for each other!

    Day 28, Australia NFD

    I have been thinking about what @bert (can’t remember the numbers and you’re not on this page now! ) said a few days ago now I think about your discussion with your OH about how this WOL is about the continued imperfect journey. (Not a good summary sorry.) But have been thinking today about that and about how true that is. I think part of me thinks one day I will have this down to an art form, eating exactly the right thing at the right times, but I will almost certainly have days when I go off the rails and regret it, and days when I go off the rails and just enjoy it! Hopefully these will be interspersed with many CD’s and fd’s and the exercise I am working so hard to make a regular part of my life rather than a 12 week goal being completed then slacking for however long then starting again. I feel that I have made so much progress, but from what you were saying Bert, or your OH was saying, it’s all part of the journey or WOL and it may always be and that’s okay. If I’m not doing this perfectly all the time I’m still getting there, I’m just not perfect, but I have realised that before!! Thank you for sharing your discussion, I really appreciate your point of view, I appreciate all the lovely support for everyone on here and the wonderful resource everyone is for everyone else on here as we are all trying to do the same thing, it is such a wonderful help for each of us.
    Keep it up everyone and have faith in yourselves and the 5:2 WOL, we can all get to our goals, especially with all this fantastic support!

    Day 28 Portugal NFD
    63.2kg yay! But how long will it last? It will probably fluctuate a little but the trend is downward! I thought I would never break the 64kg barrier but this week has been great. I hope it continues.

    a good weekend to everyone, those fasting and those who are not. Thanks for all the support, motivation, comments and encouragement to continue on this wol.

    Lovely and sunny London | Day 28 | NFD

    Feel good after the b2b fast. Though today is strictly an NFD, I haven’t eaten anything since bone broth and cashew nuts last night.
    Felt hungry as I woke up this morning but decided to do some revision to get my mind off food – now it’s lunch time and I feel fine still πŸ™‚

    The scales were kind this morning – 63kg: exactly 1kg down since the beginning of the January challenge. Considering it’s been a tough month, I’m glad it’s gone the right way, i.e. DOWN! Not only that, I’m in the ‘healthy’ BMI range (<25 kg/m2) now with 24.6 kg/m2 – that made my day. Saying that, as a South Asian my healthy BMI cut off is lower (<23 kg/m2), so a little further to go.

    I saw the Feb challenge thread has already started. I’m going to take a break from committing to a challenge until after my exam (April 19th), but will check in and post occasionally to keep in touch and also to keep my self motivated because I will still be continuing with this WOL for sure.

    Day 28: FD. Desperately needed after the face stuffing that happened yesterday. Have a nice weekend everyone!!

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