London | Day 26 | FD pocket fast
Sorry a bit rushed today.
@coda – Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he’s ok. Sending hugs x
This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.
London | Day 26 | FD pocket fast
Sorry a bit rushed today.
@coda – Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he’s ok. Sending hugs x
Day 26 NFD
day 27 FD -Australia but…..
Woke up feeling a bit bleurgggh…you know the feeling nothing I can put my finger on but I’m really tired struggled to wake up this morning. Neck feels stiff and legs feel achy but neither bad enough for pain killers. And for those Australians on the site no I didn’t celebrate Australia Day too hard so it’s not a hangover. I’m not sure I can do a full FD today but I’ll take it hour by hour,
The talk of “Damper” reminded me of a wonderful time I had in the Western Simpson Desert Australia where I went with my sister (who lives in Brisbane).
We walked the desert with camels carrying our load and all our pack and food. Slept under the stars in the total desert silence. The group leaders cooked Damper for us daily, digging a hole in which they lit a fire, put the dough in a tin and covered it with fire again and covered it all with sand – it was the most delicious “bread” I’ve ever tasted! The early mornings were freezing, until the sun rose and it was hot again…they also baked me a birthday cake the same way!!! A magical holiday in Oz.
I love reading the posts from Australia – they bring back happy memories. The same sister now has Breast Cancer, but is still making the most of what’s left of her life by spending as much time in the Bush as possible.
God bless her and all. xxx
Day 27 Waikato New Zealand NFD
@rocy65- My husband lived in Huntly for 16yrs and worked at the power station. Some years ago now. We lived in Taupo for a couple of years too. Isn’t it a small world?
Had a bad eating day yesterday, just couldn’t stop. Why is it that I do so well and then sabotage it all? Working this weekend so will definitely fast tomorrow.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family @coda.
Day 26…..Florida…. NFD
So, my control day is going very well. I’m sitting at about 400 calories before dinner. I’ve got about 1000 calories to work with. I might even get a snack after dinner.
Not sure what tomorrow will be. I’m only working till 2:30 because I have to go to a funeral, so I may just move the FD to Sat. I’ll just have to see where the day takes me.
Well, I’m off to finish a few things before dinner
Checking in:
Jan26/chilly Surrey/ FD
@fuvvie totally understand having to spend some time chillaxing in the house without the family. It’s so lovely to hear that you and you family live in one house. It must be so nice and you guys must all be very happy. I couldn’t imagine that happening here. It’s a shame that in the modern days less families live together unlike what was traditional.
@coda so sad to hear about your dad. Sending you hugs.
Hope every one is getting on well. Lots of love and respect goes out to all the b2bers π We did it!!
I think I’ll be fasting till eve tomorrow but going out for a meal I think so it will be an NFD for me and hopefully a better NFD weekend to follow! After that I will be back on FD’s Monday and the last day of the challenge!
@fuvvie going to be looking forward to seeing the spreadsheet at the end of the challenge! Is anyone leading Feb?
Night all x
Day 27 – Perth, W.Aust – FD
Well not too much damage with choosing yesterday to be a NFD to celebrate Australia Day and back to another FD today.
Celebrations here in Perth were marred, not by protests, but by a seaplane crash on our Swan River that saw the pilot and passenger lose their lives as crowds gathered for the annual fireworks show on the river. Needless to say the fireworks were cancelled for the evening and everyone was asked to make their way home. Lots of people head to the river to camp out for the day to get the best viewing positions, so some had been in our hot 42 degree heat for most of the day. My heart goes out to the families of those who died in the crash and those who were first on scene to offer assistance. Their pain is going to be far greater and last much longer than any discomfort I might feel today by reducing my calorie intake.
Day 26 – FD – Canada
I feel like I might break through my 144 barrier at weigh-in tomorrow morning. I’ve eaten yummy veggie lentil soup and Had a little milk in my coffee. I’ve skated (indoor) with my son and worked out on elliptical at the Y. (I made the mistake of getting on a machine next to my son’s teacher and then felt so self-conscious that I worked extra hard.)
Coda – I am thinking of you.
Fuvvie – staying alone when you are accustomed to a houseful is tough. But kind of nice when you relax.
Canadian 5:2 ers – your posts always catch my eye, wishing you well!
Day 27 – Tokyo Japan – FD – 79.9kg
I didn’t really start losing weight from fasting yet, just my weight is lower today by about 0.7kg. My weight just bounces around a lot.
Tomorrow I fly to the states. I’ve decided I won’t fast right away but instead just shift to eating on US based time. That can help with jet lag. Last time I fasted into the fight and started eating at breakfast time in the US and I was about to drive 900 miles then next day. However right now I have too many bathroom related side effects and I don’t want to deal with having to use the restroom a dozen times on a fight. Mostly I just dehydrate so much starting about 16 hours into a fast.
So in the states I’m just going to opportunity fast. If it is easy to skip a meal here and there that is what I’ll do. When I get back home I can fast extra if I think I need it. However, fasting isn’t the goal, the goal is less than 15% body fat. I had this 100 day fasting goal in my head for 2017, but that isn’t as important as getting my body fat down to 15% or less in 2017! Fasting is just a tool and it is a very flexible one too. If I end up moving or skipping some fast days for a week it will have very little long-term impact.
Four years ago I was probably pushing 40% body fat. Now I’m around 19%, that has been a very big change! Last year I went from about 30% to about 20%. Less sugar better fats and more fiber, shorter but more intense workouts and fasting is what made the difference. I think they are all important and work well together.
Day 26: Pacific NW USA, FD, 1st of a b2b and will continue tomorrow with another liquid only FD until 60 hours.
On my way home tonight after a non-stop day it was very obvious when my mind drifted to, “What am I going to eat when I get home?” Duh, it’s a FD, nothing, and, it isn’t hunger that caused that thought to pop up. What came through was realizing that my sub-conscious was looking for food to satisfy some other need. Not sure what but maybe for “something good”, or fun, or different or to “get” something when I had been “giving” non-stop all day. On a FD I have no problem realizing this and knowing I need to look for something other than food to “fill me up”. I know I t’s not so easy for me on a NFD and why I still need to work on being conscious of these emotional urges to use food for something other than hunger.
I’m re-reading this quote from a dietician, Carrie Dennett I found in the Washington Post.
“Sure, you eat when youβre hungry, but what are the other reasons you eat? Boredom? Stress? Loneliness? Anxiety? Many people use food to meet needs that food simply wasnβt meant to meet. When you find yourself reaching for food or mindlessly browsing the contents of your refrigerator, get in the habit of asking yourself, βAm I hungry?β If the answer is βNo,β ask yourself what you are expecting food to do for you in that moment. Usually, there are better, more meaningful ways of entertaining or soothing yourself.”
Finishing up a strong FD today – will continue until dinner tomorrow. Usually have coffee and later in the day tea and/or broth. I think I could get in a cycle of 18:6 pretty easily several times per week or even 22:2 (I just invented that – it’s where I would fast for 22 hours and then eat on and off for 2 straight hours— hahahhaaa! not sure if that would work π
Anyway, tomorrow all the pocketfasters should be wrapping up and I wanted to thank everyone for joining together and doing this as a team!
Day 26. QuΓ©bec. CD
A very good CD. I usualy eat only at diner but I was feeling weak so I ate an egg around lunch time. It helped me hold on and do my activities for the afternoon.
My husband did his very first CD and found it difficult. Unfortunately we wern’t together and he didn’t make good eating choices to help himself. I told him that he was very courageous to jump in juste like that and said it will go on being easier. He wants this to work so it should work !
@coda sending good vibes to your father and your family. Take care of each other, it is so important !
Bizous tout le monde XXX
Day 26 NFD Az USA
I wanted to go on a 7.4 mile hike today but was tuned around after about 1.5 miles into the canyon from a wash flowing heavily. I had my three year old in the jogging stroller so knew I wasn’t going to risk it. I ate ok today although we opted for ice cream tonight (even though it was about 50 degrees out). Tomorrow I’m taking my oldest boy snowboarding. First time for both of us, we don’t get much snow here in the desert, so pray for the world to have mercy on my tailbone. Good night all!!
Day 27 – Melbourne – NFD
@quebecoise – what does ‘Bizous’ mean? I understood the rest!
@fuvvie – ahhh teenage daughters… mine came good eventually, even told me “I was just angry with you all the time and I have no idea why” in recent times (that was a relief) but sadly she is going through some down times lately (she is now 31) and I am stumped as to how to support her. I was never good at ‘tough love’ and feel that I have let her down that way, as it seems to me that the tough love my parents dished out actually made me more resilient. But now I have an idea that I need to continue to shut up and be ‘supportive’ in order to keep a good relationship. When really, I do feel like shaking her till her head rattles, sometimes…
@at – thanks, it was a good party!
@bert – oooch, your new colleague sounds a bit, er…. hmmm difficult…
@dykask – good luck whilst travelling
and best of wishes to all x
DAY27 – Bucks UK – FD
Fd went well. went to see the much talked about La La Land – what a disappointment -was expecting so much more. Three of us shared a Pizza afterwards ,my only food for the day so felt I had still fasted. Hope my fellow pocketeers are still going strong.
Fuvvie my sister has no need to fast, as she is and has always been v. slim. She is a very strict vegetarian – but has been told to eat no Soya now – so she has the added difficulty of reading labels for Soya bean as well as any added meat or fish product. She has had to give up Soy Sauce which she loved! She used to practically live on stir fries.
Coda I have a friend who had the same problem as your Dad…..she had part of her tongue removed nearly 20 yrs ago, and is still going strong….keep the faith, and best wishes to you and your family.
Good luck everyone xxx
Day 27 cornwall UK NFD
We did it, broke m fast with blueberries and natural yog this morning. Went over slightly last night but still counts as b2b.
Goldensun a lovely response to ciren, there is such care for each other in this group.
Pamie such a small world my daughters partner worked at the power staion in Hunley!
Coda so pleased your dad is ok such a relief its one that doesnt spread!
fuvvie I have 4 daughters 2 are steps and just a year between each we had some hard teenage years! But we all came through and they have grown up to be very proud of!
Good luck to you all whatever your doing, from a bitterly cold UK.
Day 27- Sydney – NFD
Had a good fast day yesterday – Only meal was dinner with my family and it was worth waiting for!
Weight down to 79.3 this morning. Hoping it stays below the 80s from no on.
Today has been a no fast day and I feel as though I’ve eaten a lot but still have 3-400 calories left but I am not at all hungry so that’s fine with me. Maybe because I didn’t do a big workout. Plenty of house work though!
@fuvvie It sounds lovely. They must be so grateful for you helping them out like that. We need more people like you in the world! π Sounds like a paradise for kids, to have the space to run around and enjoy nature, instead of hiding their heads behind an iPad or phone etc. One of the big issues with the UK I think is that even though there is a lot of green space and activities for kids, they tend to not use it causing a huge obesity epidemic too. I was having a chat with my husband about this last night. I really think they should make food science a core subject for kids at school so they know more about food! I can honestly say that it is only through doing this diet that I have learnt so much about food/nutrition and I know of so many people that come and tell me that even if they did 5:2, they wouldn’t necessarily know what to eat and they cant be bothered with weighing things and keeping a diary. Obviously, there is a lot of recipe ideas in the book and elsewhere, but for some people it is just difficult to keep at it! (sorry totally sidelined here) But I think it is a massive issue.
Anyway, I was feeling really demoralised this morning as I went up on the scales and didn’t see a change in weight from last Friday. I can only blame the huge over-indulging I did last weekend! But also remembered reading this very useful post by Annette52.
I can definitely see changes in the way my clothes fit and how I generally look but the scales don’t reflect that sometimes. I know I should stay hopeful and patient as that is one important thing to remember with this diet! It is not just the diet, it is also a WOL, and I am happy that I have managed to stay clear of certain types of foods and doing my body a whole lot of good by sticking to my regime.
I will check in later tonight. Hope you all have a nice day wherever in the world you are! π x
P.S. did we decide if we will be having a Feb challenge?
PamelaV– thank you for sharing your story & numbers.
Gaining 30 pounds over 8 years is just under 4 lbs per year. That’s slow & sneaky & barely perceptible at that rate (and happens that way for many of us!)
My 16 lb gain was just the same. It didn’t even register in my mind for the longest time because I wear scrubs for work (as a Surgical RN.) It’s like wearing pajamas with a drawstring. Very forgiving. I only finally noticed my gain when my jeans became so tight it hurt to breathe sitting down in them.
But I refused to buy a larger size, so I finally faced the music & stepped on a scale. Ugh. That was the wake-up call I needed! It’s funny how we can gain 4 lbs a year & turn a blind eye, but when we decide we want to lose that weight, we want it all gone NOW.
So honestly your story has reminded me quite nicely to BE PATIENT. To give my body time to adjust to this new 5:2 WOL. To be patient & calm when I hit a plateau, as I have now. And to enjoy the process & be less in a rush as I practice different methods of intermittent fasting.
…. Progress, not perfection ….
Day 27 Ireland FD
Yesterday’s FD went well, with majority of calories at dinner time.
Very hungry however this morning and doing FD. Delayed eating with cup of tea and then walking dogs. Felt a bit odd, so decided to break things up & divide calories over breakfast & dinner. … just had a slice of whole meal toast, teaspoon of peanut butter & a small banana for breakfast. Will have soup for dinner.
I agree Yurrakurl… childhood overweight and obesity is big problem in UK. the easy availability of ‘fast’ food makes it difficult to eat healthily and I think with so many parents working people no longer cook things from scratch using fresh ingredients… seems simpler to grab a pizza, nuggets, chips or whatever and throw them in the oven. I agree that healthy nutrition needs taught… but children learn by example and so they need to see the adults also making healthy food choices and preparing healthy meals.
Lack of exercise is also an issue, and the lure of the iPad makes it very difficult for parents to enthuse their child to play sport or to play outside. The kids aren’t bored enough! When they don’t know what to do, the iPad/ iPhone is the default setting rather knocking round the garden with a football. Sometimes it can take quite a bit of effort to get the kids to put down the iPad & go to the swimming pool, athletics club or whatever! It’s a challenge.
Better get on with my day here! Have a good one everyone π
AT– enjoy your posh dinner with OH. Sounds romantic!
Glad to hear you’re finally getting help & answers for that dang knee. Hope it responds nicely to your new exercises & heals quickly for you!
August2024– Gradually adding bits of movement & exercise to your day is an excellent way to ease into a new program. I did just that.
Now it’s totally natural to park my car far away from destination, always look for stairs to take, walk farther than necessary, walk the doggy daily (sometimes twice), bike to grocery store & on errands about town.
My last hurdle is consistently lifting weights. (I posted in detail how I’m fixing that just above your question. And so far it’s working like a charm! *Accountability* to myself!) Good luck with your new routines too!
Fuvvie– Being alone in the house & waking up to a turned-on TV would have frightened the daylights out of me! Yikes! :-0 My mind would have jumped to “intruders” or “ghosts” immediately. There would be no more sleep for me!! I’m glad you already knew it was just a twitchy TV.
Coda– Hope they “got it all” for your father and that he stays healthy & upbeat!
elsacotton– we all have bleurgggh days every now & then. Taking it hour by hour is smart (sometimes even minute by minute is all we can ask for.) Hang in there & you’ll be bouncing back soon!
Jarbia– what a magical vacation & beautiful memories you must have from it. My heart goes out to your sister & family. ((Hugs)) and prayers to you all.
Day 27–Colorado, USA– NFD
Already blabbed a bunch in my 3 posts above, but here goes:
Currently, I seem to be hanging out on a plateau. Funny how I’m stuck bouncing around 141 pounds & it’s making me a touch glum. But back in the beginning of this journey, 141 would’ve made me sing…. Hmmm.
Need to readjust my perspective. And celebrate my terrific progress so far.
Also, I truly need to buckle down on my FDs.
I had gotten good at liquid-only FDs, but lately I’ve tried to allow for the 500 calories. Instead I keep missing the mark & end up at 800- 900 calories, which of course is NOT a FAST. But that’s still far below my TDEE. So it ends up being the dreaded “chronic calorie restriction” zone that Dr. Fung warns us about. Sigh. Guess this explains my plateau.
Well, now that it’s out there in writing, in front of my eyes, I can clearly see my path forward. Back to 5:2 basics & really make my FDs an honest Fast!
Onward & downward.
Day 27…… Florida…… NFD
Although I put down today as a NFD, I going to be a very controlled day. I have a funeral to go to this afternoon and have coffee with my best friend to offer her my unconditional love. It was her MIL who went home and she took care of her as her time came near.
I’m hoping to do a FD on Sat., probably the worst day for me to do it but hopefully, it will keep me from over eating all weekend long…..
Good news is that I will be wearing a pair of pants a size smaller than my original starting size. Tried the on before bed! Very happy!
Welcome Newbie(s)….. glad to have you aboard! Remember take it one step or day at a time, be kind to yourself! Make sure to read all of the posts when you can, many have great tips, articles to read and encouragement from all aspects of life. This group has become a rock for many of including me. These fellow 5:2 are incredible people who have a special place in my heart!
Jarbia……. it’s a shame La la land was a disappointment, a lot of people are saying it now I’m debating on not going to see it…. however, I did just get my ticket for the preview of 50 shades! A group of us are going mid Feb. 35 bucks a ticket, I’m hoping it’s just as good as the first.
Fuvvie…. My sister has a TV that goes on and off all the time, she won’t get rid of it because she believes it our sister who went home saying Hi! Maybe it’s some one from the other side just for you, saying I miss you….. if you believe in that kind of stuff!
Well, my coffe cup is empty…. time to get ready for work
Day 27|CD/NFD|Toronto
@happymargo: Thank you for the encouragement, needed this morning as my scale reading brought disappointment and confusion.
@Yirrakuri: I understand your comments and appreciate the link along with knowing I am not alone in feeling demoralized this morning. Only .4 kg down from my Jan 3 start.
Day 27 / NFD / Oman
Doing 16:8 today.
@august2024…yes I’ve been doing a gradual increase in exercise and movement. I do a simple hiit workout 3-4 times per week on the bike or elliptical at the gym. I have a runtastic timer on my phone. When I started in Sept i did 90sec rest 30sec fast. Now I’m doing 60sec rest 30sec fast. I also do some simple stretches and modified push ups.
Day 27 NFD Country West Australia
Late evening but been so busy today. DH and I took parents in law for a road trip and lunch.
Going to crunch numbers but possibly over TDEE although lunch was so late , 3.45pm, that we didn’t have dinner so might not be too bad.
Hoping for a FD tomorrow. DH knows my WOL and asks ‘ is this a 2 day or a 5 day?’
He is very supportive and tries to make it easier for me, happy to fend for himself at meals. Problem is I LOVE to cook!
snags = sausages
damper = kind of basic bread made with flour, water, salt, cooked in foil in coals if possible, otherwise in the oven. A bit like a big scone ( UK) or ? biscuit ( USA). Anyway totally delicious served hot dripping with butter +/- honey or any other topping.
Debster251 – my kitchen is STILL a WIP ( work in progress from my executive daughter!) Benches not yet made. Saw cabinet maker today to see if it can be done next week . Maybe …
Coda, thoughts and prayers for your father.
Just spent 90 minutes catching up on all the posts I’ve missed over past few days.
Off to watch tennis with a cuppa.
Good luck, whatever day it is.
Day 27 – NSW Aust – FD
All ok today until dinner and ate more like 600 than 500 hombre went for a long walk to compensate. Hungry nos and have had another glass of water and will ignore it as best i can.
@coda I hope your dad will be ok.
Trying to keep awake during nadal/Dimitriov match,
Good luck to everyone
Hello everyone UK day 27 FD
First thank you all for the kind thoughts, prayers and hugs – much appreciated.
@yirrakurl – LynzM is leading February and will be putting a link up for everyone to sign up soon but we will still be here to the end of the month.
@quebecoise – google translate didn’t recognise Bizous but did suggest Biscous – so your message translated Kisses everyone?
@happymargo Progress not perfection – exactly! What everyone needs to keep in mind.
@august be happy for even small decreases – every little helps as they say and even a small step down is better than not moving at all.
My fast is going well but soooooo cold. I was cold last night when I came home and was tempted to eat something to warm up but I was not hungry so I had some chicken bovril which did the trick. Today the same, sugar free gum and a cup of bovril so far and I am not hungry at all. Someone suggested the fast day recipe book so looked it out for inspiration and instead of soup may try something from different this evening – but only if hungry, except I may need to prepare something for the family which is then hard to resist.
Progress not perfection!
Day 27 – NFD – Canada
Broke my 144 plateau! 143.4 today. That’s 6 lbs since starting 3.5 weeks ago. Am really chuffed. This thread has been a HUGE motivator, thank you to everyone. So 6 lbs down and am upping (or lowering?) my goal weight from 134 to 130. It seems doable!
I’m reading Gary Taubes’s book ‘Why we get Fat & What to do about it’ and am finding it brilliant. It really knowck the traditional paradigm of eat less & move more. I don’t know exactly where he is going but given that his previous book was titled ‘good calories, bad calories’ I anticipate he’ll be giving sugar a bad rap. I recommend it so far – I think it will validate this WOL.
Best to all – I’m off to do some scary screenings today and am aiming to keep my mood up.
Day 27 Canada, FD
Checking my belly fat today and it feels wobbly, ever hopeful for the elusive WHoosh.
DYKASK I am so impressed with your decreasing Fat percentages. You must look amazing! Lots of hard work there in your story. My fat % at 31% currently. Hoping to get closer to 24%.
Bert and Ninjamum well done! Onward and downward.
4 days til the end of this challenge month, Keep the fast everyone.
Day 27: Gloucestershire, UK: VERY cold here again and another NFD!
During the January Challenge I amassed a total (so far) of 3, yes, that’s THREE, successful fast days, plus 2 partial ones….so not top of the class for me then!!
I dared to weigh myself this morning and find I now have about half a stone to get back to my goal weight.
I MUST re-group and get back on the horse during the February Challenge. I don’t think this very cold, gloomy, grey and miserable winter weather helps my mood. I used to find fast-days relatively easy back in the summer, now they seem well-nigh impossible. Right, having got that off my chest, I will try to think positive thoughts from now on. Thanks for listening….and sorry to moan…xx
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8:56 pm
26 Jan 17