31 Day January 2017 Challenge

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31 Day January 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,437 replies, has 150 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Once again, we will start off a new month with the challenge to sign in every day for support to meet our weight reduction challenge and create a healthier lifestyle for ourselves. The format is to name the day, starting with Day 1 on the first of January. If you start later than the first, match your day to the date. It makes it easier for me to match you to my spreadsheet. Next enter where you are from and whether you are having a fasting day or non fasting day. You are very welcome to share as much or as little of your goals and daily lives as you wish. We have created a lovely friendly supportive group over many months now, with Coda starting the first challenge in May. It has grown and the sharing of struggles and successes really has helped many of us to stay the distance with varying results. You are welcome whether you have reached maintenance or are on an upward or downward trajectory. The world wide community adds lots of different perspectives to what we are trying to achieve. I look forwards to a great month following quite a destructive silly season for myself. I know I’m not alone in this. So this is just a note of welcome and let’s get ready for January 2017. Big hugs. Fuvvie

    Please count me in. Thanks.

    Ohh excited to get the post and the link, so I am replying so I won’t lose it when I’m back from hols. Please do not count me in this month but will check in when back from hols on the 20th ish.

    have fun all x good luck Fuvvie x

    Hi Fuvvie, I’d like to join you for January. Target to return to pre Christmas weight. Xxx

    Count me in again please. Must get back under control!

    I’m in after a 2 year break from 5:2 to fix myself mentally from bingeing. I’m ready to give it a try again now but I’m going to start with 6:1 for January and my first FD will be Mon 2nd Jan x

    Happy New Year Fuvvie! Please count me in for this challenge. xoxo

    Hi Fuvvie
    I posted daily in September and October and I have been following the thread daily reading the posts in November and December. The group got so big I couldn’t keep up with reading for a while so I just stuck to reading what I could find time for without commenting.

    I can’t be sure I will have Internet access all of January which is summer holiday here for me so I may just follow along reading when I can so that I don’t make tracking difficult for you with long absences of not posting.

    I’ve taken real help from the posts and I’d like to join in again but the huge numbers were overwhelming me so I think I’ll wait to see how big the group is after my holiday but I hope you don’t mind me reading still anyway even if I don’t contribute

    Bonjour Fuvvie,
    Je me joins à ton Défi de Janvier.
    A très bientôt
    Tiens moi au courant

    I am in and thinking about Alternate Day Fasting…any thoughts?

    Bonjour à tous,

    y a t-il des Français parmi vous,??

    Hello PatJulien,
    I am sorry but I do not speak French. But you are welcome to the thread if you can read what is going on. There is some sort of translator and I will see if I can work out how that is done.

    WellMe, Welcome to the thread. I was doing alternate day fasting when I first started 5:2 and it worked very well for me. I have got out of the habit and find it hard to get back into it, but I believe it works for a lot of people. Different courses for different horses.

    Lany36, Lovely to see your name up there again. I will add you to my list but won’t chase you with a big stick if you don’t post. You are free to read whatever you like whenever you like. I can’t control that anyway. and wouldn’t want to even if I could. But it is always lovely to hear from people when they feel they want to add something to the mix, or just vent. The challenge is to post daily, but that is just to try and keep ourselves accountable. No-one is ruled out from commenting when they feel that they wish to do so. It is true that the numbers can be overwhelming and one can’t attend to every post individually all the time, although I try to read everyone’s post when I am hosting the thread.

    MissyMay, Ciren2, GoldenSun, SlimMeDown, welcome to the thread which will really kick off on first January. When I started the October thread, we were up to page 3 before the challenge kicked off. It is all really a continuation of the months that have gone previously, with lots of new folk joining in and others dropping out. I am so depending on this coming month to return to the straight and narrow with lots of support from contributors.

    Bienvenue PatJulien. Nous commençons le 1er Janvier et l’enregistrement de tous les jours, en commençant par le jour, ce qui correspond à la date, suivi de votre emplacement. Est-ce que cette marque de sens?

    I’m quite new to this – only on my second fast day today, but feeling like some accountability would be very helpful.

    I’m from Sydney, Aus, 22yo and trying to lose about 10k through 5:2 and working on eating mindfully when I do eat.

    Count me in for January as well! I’ve been a 5:2-er since mid-March and happy to have lost 30+ pounds. Even my doctor at my annual physical wanted to know more about this WOL. I hope a cousin of mine will join us.

    Yeah, Fuvvie, for your leadership and assistance.

    Hi everyone I am new to the forum. I want to adapt this lifestyle cos I am tired with calorie counting with binging and weighing foods and obsession over calories.i tried this few times and for the first time I could eat and enjoy my meals without having to count anything and still lost weight.
    Please count me in. What am I to do each day.not so familiar with this.thanks

    Count me in. Definitely need the support and motivation!
    Will be back to post on the 1st Jan which I know will be a non FD as a hangover always equals food for me….. :/

    looking forward to meeting everyone on this thread. I’m based in South West UK.

    Hi I’m New here. Can you please tell me how to take part in this? Where is the spreadsheet you refer to? Thanks x

    Happy New Year, Fuvvie & all other 5:2 Fasters!
    Count me in again!

    I started last May when Coda sent out the first Challenge. Had a nice success, then got busy with my summer. Was happy to return to the fold for November & December, again with good results.

    Being part of such a supportive group is key to success!!

    Many thanks to Coda, BacktotheFuture, Fuvvie, LynzM & the other leaders giving us a place to join for motivation.

    BrownEyes– welcome aboard! Everyone is welcome to join & take part. It’s easy & very motivational.

    The “rules”, if there are any, are quite simple:
    1- try to come on & post daily. You can add as much or little detail as you feel like.

    2- each entry starts with the Day # (which matches the date of the month) + where you are from + is it a fast day (FD) or non-fasting day (NFD) for you.
    Example: Day 1– Florida USA– FD

    3- Don’t worry about the spreadsheet. This group gets really big, Fuvvie is our leader for the month & will have the sheet to keep track of who is participating & also tally up our weight loss results at the end.

    See? Easy!

    Please count me in. First FD 1st January.

    I did the 5:2 3 years ago, and lost 2 stone, but have since put 1 stone back on – and hate it!!! So my goal for 2017 is to lose a stone, and keep it off forever. (I am ancient,(nearly 70 ) so it’s quite tough!)

    I have also started the NHS Couch to 5K running plan. I am now on Week 4. (I did this plan 3 years ago at the same same as the 5:2) which helped the weight fall off. However a foot injury 18 months ago stymied me, but now it’s better will give both a good go again. This time I have roped my hubby into joining me on the running plan. I highly recommend it – it’s an easy plan – you make your own goals and if takes forever it doesn’t matter – but better being slightly active than not at all.

    I have been following the blogs here for ages, and at last have found the courage to post and commit. Good luck to all new starters – I know the FD works – and whilst on it, makes you feel so much better – I still can’t understand why I allowed myself to fall by the wayside. So here I go again, but hopefully with the support of this
    community, I will do better this time. Happy New Year to all.x

    Hi there. I’m keen to be part of this too. I’m starting this diet for the first time in Jan and will be doing the 4:3 version my first FD will be Mon 2 Jan (FD’s on Mon, Weds and Fri). I’m nervous and not sure what sort of weight loss to expect!

    Hi Fuvvie, can you count me in for January. Looking forward to new year, new start.
    Thanks so much for stepping up to the plate again.

    Welcome aboard phwree, SongBirdMe, Lyna2017, emilymeg, BrownEyesClara, HappyMargo, Jarbia, elsacotton and Patti67.

    Thanks HappyMargo for outlining the way forward so well.

    Your decision to commit is great, Jarbia. It’s lovely to know that following the blogs has encouraged you to do this. It is a lovely community, so hope it gives you the boost you need.

    As for what weight loss to expect, El, that is difficult to predict. Some folk find weight comes off in a regular pattern. Others have found that they don’t seem to lose anything for days to weeks and then have a jump down. All I know is that if you stick to it, positive results will occur. If you use the tracker that you can click on in the top right tool bar, you can track your weight and the graph will show how you are going. It is a very valuable tool.

    My goal is to re-read the Obesity Code and The Fast Diet and dig out gems from there to post on a daily basis. I have slipped back significantly in the past couple of weeks, but plan to rejuvenate my enthusiasm for what I believe is a good WOL. Self sabotage happens for a lot of reasons and January is the month for me to sort this out. I know I’ll get good advice and encouragement along the way which is why I am going to run the daily spreadsheet to keep me to this commitment. There is a lot of wisdom to be found in the daily entries and this will be my inspiration.

    Hi Fuvvie ,count me in please, my aim for January – get back to fasting Monday and Wednesday each week (at least) continue exercise regime , concentrating on abs, and the big one for me NO alcohol for January – see you on the 1st x

    Hi Fuvvie

    Can you count me in for January please.
    I first joined the group in November with @back2thefuture – It was just the extra incentive I required as I had been stuck on a plateau for 3/4 months. I had started the 5:2 WOL in January as I had some 15kg or so to lose.
    By joining this group in November I managed to lose that final 5kg and reached my target weight before Christmas. I hope it’s OK to post here even though I am now at maintenance – I am now continuing with this WOL for all the long term health benefits and to keep my weight stable.
    The support provided by this forum is immense and keeps me motivated and focused as to why I chose this WOL.

    Thank you

    I saw the link, I just didn’t expect to see anyone posting this early! Wow!

    Count me in……. I am finishing the month out in the Nov. extended to Dec. thread but day one I’ll be over here….. Crack-a-lacked with the rest of you…..

    Welcome all the new posters….. Your going to love it here! Please help Fuvvie out by remembering to put your heading at the top. This is what mine looks like or will look like. Day 1….. Florida….NFD. It helps Fuvvie, keeps track of all us nuts…. if the bowl cracks we all end up rolling around on the table…… lol

    Okay… well I must run over to the other side and get my daily dose of warms wishes and positive vibes!

    HI Fuvvie please count me in for January 1st. Looking forward to moving onward and downward!

    Please count me in for Jan. 2. I am currently doing a 6 day water fast to just put start, have a family dinner Jan. 1 then want to start he 5:2 plan. Not only do I have pounds to lose, also have to lower my blood sugars, blood pressure, cholesterol. Happy to see this forum.

    Hi, I would like to take part in this group. I am new to this way of eating. I finished my first FD yesterday. I am not sure when my first FD of 2017 will be due to social commitments.

    Hi Fuvvie… signing up for January. Happy new year to all!

    Day -3, Sunshine Coast Qld Australia, FD:

    Welcome BrightonBelle, AT, Bert1802 (plus your wacky sense of humour which I just love), lily martin, Believeit, ratatouille and DebbieQ. We are up to 25 so far and I know the list will grow over the next few days. Counting down on this and the November/December threads.

    I could do with a 6 day water fast, Believeit, but don’t have the intestinal fortitude to stay the distance. Well done. Are you doing this because you have read The Complete Guide to Fasting or is it off your own bat? I think it would be a fantastic achievement. How does your GP feel about it? Mine encouraged me to look at 5:2 but was making suggestions about stomach surgery. I’m sure this is a far superior and safer way to go.

    Patti67, I suspect several of us are looking forward to a new start. I let all my convictions and resolve slip by the wayside over the past month. But I can feel the desire for what was my new WOL hardening into a strong core inside me and will see the numbers dropping again.

    Hi Fuvvie. Please count me in for January. My aim for January is 2kg loss to get me started for the year. I appreciated the support of a group like this and know it will help me to keep on track.

    Hello Keitii and welcome to the thread. This will be a very supportive group. It has proven to be so over the past 8 months that it has been going since Coda started it up in May 2016. Good luck and 2kgs sounds very doable. On one group, we buddied up with folk who had similar goals for the month and that proved very successful. There are days when a group will all bond together to fast for back to back fasts generally known as b2b or they may go for 3 days b2b2b. So whatever style of fast you are looking at, you can be sure there will be someone willing to give it a go with you.

    Hi Fuvvie. Please sign me up for January challenge. I’ll post my goals nearer the time. Thank you 😊

    Hi Fuvvie uk count me in for January. Thanks for taking over the reins again. Little did you know you would be conversing in French! Perhaps some of our Canadian members can act as translators or thank goodness for Google translate lol. See you on the 1st.

    You on the list now, Pissupoosa and Coda. We are up to 29.

    Hi Fuvvie. My GP doesn’t know I am doing this. She knows I like to try things on my own and do things naturally if possible. So guess she knows I am stubborn 😃 Since my last doctors appointment I have lost 10 more lbs, so 19 lbs since Nov. 15. My fasting blood sugars are down to only the pre diabetic # ‘s now and BP is getting better. I go back to doctor if February to have blood work done again so anxious to see how that goes and to talk to them about fasting…Hoping the results are so good they will study up on it.

    Hi Fuvvie, please count me in for January – I am new to the site – returning to 5:2 – looking for some health and fitness in 2017!I will have a think about my goal and post on the first

    Please count me in. I am new to this but am looking forward to getting under 60kg again and living a manageable lifestyle to keep me healthy. Would like to lose at least 2kg in January to get me started 😊

    Welcome to the thread and a healthier lifestyle, 17Success and BlueMonday. Sunday is shaping up to having a number of new folk to the thread. It certainly is a good way to start the New Year.

    What great results, Believeit. I’d love to see your GP’s face when you go back in February. We will all be doing all we can to inspire you to blow her socks off when you see her.

    Believeit – just a little bit of ‘food for thought’ I’m a Registered Nurse and I first got into this wol after talking to a GP I work with who has been following 5:2 for 12months themselves and noted two other GPs in town that have also had success with IF.
    We all like the science behind this wol and I wonder if your own GP might be bought on board and pleasantly surprise you when presented with the science that backs up your results?

    Hi Fuvvie! Just checking in to let you know I will be joining your January challenge and will love getting the support I need to lose my next 10 lbs!

    Hey everyone! Joining this challenge in a heartbeat! My goal is to lose 8-10lbs – Have spent one too many years struggling with finding the balance between reaching my goals and maintaining a normal relationship with family/friends/colleagues. Doing it myself is hard; very excited to reach out and be part of a supportive community! 🙂 Starting on Jan 1 (I’ve already started as a Beta testing period since a week ago – always been mortally afraid to be hungry/be stranded without food – but something as simple and cruel as 500cals a day cuts out all the frills and it has been surprisingly doable!!!) – can’t wait to see what this journey brings me to! 2017 is the year!!!

    Lany36 that is good to hear about GP’ s being interested. I have been journaling daily what my blood sugars, blood pressure, and weight are. Also what I ate when not fasting that might have influenced those #’s. To be at what the weight charts say, I have 90 more pounds to lose, it will be a long hard journey, one I have failed at for the past 30 years, so praying the 5:2 if system and this forum will keep me going to my goal of losing that weight and getting my health back. This is day 4 of my water fast, amazed at the energy I have and my hunger pangs like I had on day 2 have subsided. Now it’s a head game fighting cravings. I won’t tell you what I make my granddaughters last night….Oh the smell….Lol….But I kept thinking of my goal. Thanks everyone so much for the encouragement.

    Fuvvie, please count me in for January. Still fighting a bad cold / virus so I’ll post my goals later.

    I’m in! Super new to the idea of IF (just finished reading the original “The Fast Diet” book), but I’m excited to jump in and give this an honest try. Looking forward to doing this with others who can answer questions, provide guidance and motivation.
    My first goal is to just get through the first month. ☺ If I lose some weight – great! I just want to focus on actually getting through the fasting days; I imagine it’ll be hard in the beginning because it’s a big change in my lifestyle.

    Lovely to have you along B2tf. I’m starting to feel quite excited about this. Have managed a liquid fast so far today so revving up for the long haul lol. Thanks for your support.

    Welcome kmeng (you sound very upbeat and good luck in this journey), Erika45 (hope you get over your virus quickly. It has been going through members of this household; so far I have managed to avoid it.), and zoomuwo (I’ve been underlining quotes from The Fast Diet so we can keep why we are doing this in the front of our minds. You will be familiar with them since you’ve just read the book).

    Hi I would love to join this challenge, I am heading back on my 5:2 journey after having a really rough 2016 and heading back to a not so happy weight. My fast days are Monday and Thursday.

    I’m in lovely Melbourne Aus and I have 3 kids who keep me insanely busy! Very greatful for the Christmas new year break!

    Kmeng…….. I think all of us at one time or another, were afraid of being hungry. I call it that nature and nurture, thing all of us grew up with…. Food has become an ever lasting presence in the good times and bad. Think about it…. Holidays even the small ones focus on food, celebrating achievements, you get a nice cake or go out to dinner. If you go visiting friends and family, you always get a nice cup of coffee/tea and a treat.
    Let’s talk about the bad times, how many of us, as a child were offered a treat when we feeling blue or sad. ice cream when the day didn’t go our way.
    How about my favorite….. Feed a cold to get better!
    Of course we’re going to be afraid to be hungry, we are programmed to be.
    However, or a really big Butt if you wish, being hungry is a good thing.
    First, you’ll be able to hear your body talk, it’s going to tell you some wonderful things.
    Now, a little warning, it will be mad at you the first day, it could give you a head ache, it could make you cold, and it will grumble.
    Next your body will begin to heal, cells will be come smaller, fat deposits will start floating away. And you know that belly all of us have, you know the one that rolls over our pants…. you’ll see that decrease just a little bit almost immediately.

    Here are some of my tricks that might help…..
    I always fast from 7pm until noon. The only thing I do is drink water.
    I eat more veg then fruits. I always break my fast with 2 cups of lettuce greens, half of cuke and 2 tbsp of lite dressing. All for under 50 calories.
    Then for dinner, I always fill up on protein and veg, I limit my carbs on the day to a small amount.
    Oh, I’m a big coffee drinker with cream and sugar. So, I add those calories as well.
    I measure everything!

    FD, I always carry with me….. water and sugar free gum. I couldn’t do a fast day without them.

    Finally, it’s okay to say No. My coworkers have become accustomed to hearing me say…. No, thank you maybe tomorrow.

    Final thoughts…… stay in touch with the thread. on my really bad days, they have always helped, held my hand when I needed it, kept me from falling as well as gave me some of the warmest hugs when life came swinging at me with a great big bat…. They taught me to duck and weave….

    Best wishes to you…..
    There is this Adam Sandler movie and in one of the scenes, one of the guys are trying to do something extremely hard, Gosh, I can remember what but another guy on the side line yelled in a funny voice “You can do it.” While I can’t remember the scene, I can hear the funny voice yelling ” You can do it”. So I’m passing on the voices in my head to you, in hopes that it will help you too….. lol

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