30 something mother of 3, hoping to lose 40lbs!!

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30 something mother of 3, hoping to lose 40lbs!!

This topic contains 18 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I’ve heard great things about the 5:2 so I’ve decided to give it a go. I’ve gained weight steadily over the last 7 years due to having 3 babies. My youngest is now 2 so I can’t really use the excuse that ‘I’ve just had a baby’
    I went on holiday in October & since I’ve been home I’ve gained a massive 15lbs! That’s 3.5lbs every week for the last 4 weeks! I need something to motivate me now before the festive season, so looking for like minded people to share this with & to keep me motivated! My aim is to lose at least 7lbs before Christmas which I think is acheiveable.

    If anyone has any hints or tips, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks X

    Read all the FAQ’s and plan what you are going and eat and drink on fast days. You may shrink and the scales may be slow to catch up, so measure your vital statistics, upper arms, thighs and calves. One month, the scales didn’t move at all but I lost 7 inches all over!

    If you are a saint on FD but scoff on non fast days then you are wasting your time. There have to be changes to what you eat and how much, for ever. Avoid anything ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’ as it is usually full of sugar. Write everything down that you eat and drink for a week, which should show you what and how much is making you put on weight. If you add up your daily consumption of food into calories then you can see what the culprits are and then reduce them.

    There is loads of information on these threads and lots of support.Remember, this is a way of life and not a diet.

    Thank you for the warm welcome & sound advice. I’m probably one of the wurst culprits for eating ‘diet’ products and low fat everything! A friend of mine at work eats so well, snacks on carrots, celery, fruit & nuts, drinks water & green tea, and has balanced homemade meals for her lunch & she’s got the figure to prove it!
    I feel like I’m stuck in a rut with my eating habits and it’s time to try something different.
    I know it’s not always easy with young children but I’ve used that as an excuse for too long. We will all benefit from a lifestyle change & I’m hoping the good habits will stick!
    Thanks again, I hope I can achieved this x

    Don’t eat diet bars which are based on whey protein. It spikes your insulin levels. Don’t eat processed grain based products like bread, pasta, pizza etc. Don’t eat SUGAR!! Don’t eat cakes biscuits chocolate ice cream or anything with added sugar.

    Eat lots of veggies. Lean meat like chicken, tuna. Full fat low sugar yogurt, cheese, avocadoes, nuts like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts. Eat tofu, eggs, beans and legumes.

    Good luck it works if you want it to.

    I’m tracking my progress on my fitness pal, Just to make sure I don’t exceed my calorie intake everyday. I figured 2000 calories on my non fasting days & 500 on fasting days? I won’t add anymore on for exercising.
    So far today (non fasting day) I’ve had weetabix, banana & a bit of honey, some walnuts & sultanas for a snack, then a ham and egg salad for lunch with a yoghurt. I’m planning on some homemade veg soup and fish with veg later for tea. Does that sound right? I’m also going to do 30 minutes in the gym while my older 2 are swimming. I’m also trying to up my water which I really struggle with. I’m a bit of a Diet Coke addict which isn’t good! I’m hoping to substitute it for green tea x

    Hi Rills,
    Have you had a look under ‘resources’ then BMI calculator for your TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure) which is based on your weight/height/activity level?

    For breakfast weetabix with full fat milk sounds fine. Why not have the banana as a snack later? Ditch the honey-just concentrated sugar. Yoghurt-was it full fat? Plain? If it is fruit yoghurt then it was likely to have a large amount of sugar in it. Walnuts/almonds all good but ditch the sultanas-very high sugar. Diet coke must go completely, so ditch it as public enemy no.1! It will make losing weight and maintaining that loss very difficult, so kick it into touch..and start today. I gave up sugar in my tea after 40 years+ and thought it was impossible, it isn’t and if I can do it…then anyone can!

    Aim to make protein the star of the show and then add vegetables/salad. I have cut down how much and how often we have pasta/rice/potatoes as a family and are all slimmer as a result. Have a look at jar tomato sauces, the amount of sugar in each jar is staggering and Mary Berry has a recipe for meatballs in tomato sauce that is lovely and easy to make(I make it in bulk and freeze it in portion sizes).

    Exercise is great on may levels, just don’t expect to lose weight…that is all down to what you eat and drink..or don’t. The key really is planning what you are all going to eat and when with 3 children under 7. Menu planning is going to be essential. Can you bulk cook and then freeze into portions?

    I am quite fussy and always chose to have food that I really like on a FD, which for me means fish. My boys were not fans of fish, so I used to make them chilli and rice which I can’t stand! You might find it useful to make a list of what the children eat and if you eat with them, what tweaks you can make to reduce the carb load for you.

    Any help?

    Great advice! Thank you! I had semi skimmed with my weetabix, is it best to have the full fat? It makes sense having the banana later in the day, spread it out a bit. I’ll certainly ditch the honey.
    The yoghurt was a liberte fruit yoghurt, I normally have the fat free natural yoghurt but I’ll make sure I get the normal version next time I go shopping.
    Getting rid of the Coke is going to be a huge struggle for me, but not impossible so I’ll give it 100%. I’ve drank it for so long, it’s a bad habit and that’s how I’ve got to look at it now.
    I’m pretty good at making meals from scratch, I really enjoy it, so I think I’ll be fine in that respect. It’s rare that I’ll use a jar sauce which is good and I don’t eat pasta and very rarely eat rice so I guess that’s a start. Bread on the other hand! 😬 That’s going to be another struggle for me! What about seeded bread such as Brugen or similar? That would be better than white I assume?
    I think where I go wrong is being organised. It’s not always easy with working and family life etc. Only I can do it so no more excuses! Thanks for your help xxx

    Full fat is more filling and has far less sugar than diet anything. I certainly feel fuller with full fat yoghurt for my breakfast. Robert Lustig advocates eating wholefoods, so whole fruit, nuts, cheese, avocados, unprocessed meat, fish, wholemeal bread and pasta, wholegrain rice, seeds, beans, vegetables…and cooking from scratch. Jason Fung advocates fasting, so try to stop snacking to allow your body to have time without food. Have a look at them both-very interesting.

    Lustig would say that the first thing to do is to stop the Coke. If you keep drinking it, then making other changes is going to be much harder. Well done for giving it 100% to stop, but in the meantime decide how you are going to reduce your consumption.

    Think about how much bread you eat and then what you put on it. Can you have a day without any bread at all? Can you increase that to 2 days?

    As a single mum of 4 who was also working, I understand.BUT, putting yourself first will benefit everyone else. Planning is the key.

    Think about making small changes..they add up to a very big change. You can do it. If I can…anyone can(3 stone less).

    Hi Rills,

    Basically what annette said. Exercise wont necessarily help with weight loss but it does make you feel good by releasing dopamine and it tones your body so that’s a good thing! Im not a fan of ANY grain based foods, including weetbix. I suppose if you have to have grains then that is a pretty good one. Never have dried fruits (ie saltanas), sugar levels are through the roof, only whole fruits. Go for you berry type fruits like blueberries, strawberries etc. The benefits of honey have been over spruiked. Basically 85% sugar with a little bit of added water.

    Whens the last time you saw a thin person drinking diet coke or for that matter diet anything? Theres a clue right there. Diet drinks cause an insulin spike in many people. It also fools the brain into thinking calories are on the way, when they don’t arrive your brain doesn’t react well to being fooled and will seek other sweet things to eat. Ditch the diet coke. Try sparkling mineral water.

    The difference between white bread and “healthy” breads is so small its not worth bothering about. Get some bread, chew it in your mouth. How long before it starts tasting sweet? 10-15 seconds? The reason for that is that it has already been broken down into maltose (two glucose rings joined together) in your mouth. Its turned into glucose in your stomach. Never makes it to you large intestines. Your starving your gut bacteria to death!!
    Carbs are fine as long as they are wrapped up in fibre. Modern breads have had the fibre stripped out, don’t believe the marketing hype about added fibre. You want fibre? Eat veggies and whole fruit.

    Hi rills im also mother of 3 , ive put on alot of weight recently ive gone from 12 stone to 15 stone in just over a year. Ive only been doing it for 2 weeks lost 5lbs already. Be nice for us all to share our success and give eachtoer support. X

    Wow! It’s quite scary how little I know about food & nutrition! My mum has always been a yo-yo dieter and eats/drinks diet EVERYTHING! I guess that’s where I get it from? It’s not going to be easy to implement the changes, my husband has a terrible diet/lifestyle. I hope I can make us all healthy and encourage him to change for the better. I worry so much about his health but he doesn’t seem to take it seriously at all!
    It’s only day 2 for me and I’ve been up since 2.30am with my 2 year old, followed by 10 hours at work later! Normally I’d reach for the bacon sandwiches, Diet Coke & chocolate but not today. I was hungry when I woke up so had some tuna and a green tea 😀 Long may it continue. Although I’m not looking forward to the headaches which come with the withdrawals!
    What’s the score with alcohol? I’m a massive wine fan 🙈 Which I know is packed with sugar. I can’t give up a drink at the weekend so I’m thinking vodka, lime & soda would be a better option?
    Hi Claire, I’m definitely looking for support/motivation. Well done on your weight loss so far, 5lbs is fab in 2 weeks x

    I drink some alcohol but I have to have a god reason to do so. The weekend or its 5 O clock isn’t a good enough reason. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram. It must be processed by the liver and MUST be stored as fat. Mostly in the liver itself and when that is full of fat it is stored in adipose (fat cells). To put it into perspective, carbs are 4 cal per gram. Fat is 9 cal per gram and alcohol 7 cal per gram.

    If you need to have alcohol then red wine has at least some antioxidants that are beneficial. A small glass or two is OK, beyond that and its all down hill. Sorry.

    Things marketed as diet are usually low fat. What they substitute the fat with is sugar. You can make cardboard taste nice as long as you add enough sugar. Steer away from anything with sugar. Start reading food labels. Anything with more than about 5% sugar in it, put it back on the shelf.

    Sugar spikes you insulin levels, this will prevent you from accessing stored fats. Really quite counter productive if your primary aim is to lose weight.

    Rills-don’t panic and if you feel a bit overwhelmed then consider this, every positive change that you make is going to improve your health and that of your family. Your husband is responsible for himself and can choose to make changes or not, that is not your responsibility. However, seeing you make changes that improve your health/size and that of your children are unlikely to go unnoticed.

    Bigbooty and I have been doing this for a while and have found what we like to do/works for us.I have more of a small steps approach so would suggest that if you enjoy Weetabix then have it for breakfast with full fat milk but without the banana and honey. Focus on ditching the Coke habit as a priority while you plan what you are going to eat as a family.

    I cut down my tea consumption almost a year ago from 7/8 mugs a day(with 1 tsp sugar) down to 3/day after a programme which horrified me by how much caffeine there was in tea. I made the change overnight and had a dull headache for a week. I thought that it was the caffeine reduction but I actually believe now that it was the 35 tsps less of sugar/week!!!!

    Try cutting down the amount of wine that you drink at the weekend. It is empty calories but it is also your choice on how fast you want to shrink. Less wine=more shrinkage and you will probably look and feel much better too.

    Well done on your choices having been up with a toddler. Keep going and you will see the difference in how your clothes fit and how you feel.

    We are happy to support and motivate, but the changes are going to have to be made. You choose what they are and how to make them. Looking forward to hearing your updatesxx

    Thank you guys, I appreciate the help and advice. I’ve done well today, eaten healthily & not a drop of Coke has passed my lips!
    It’s my first fast day tomorrow which I’m dreading slightly. I’m working though so I’m hoping it goes quickly. I’ll update soon with my first week results x

    Whoop Whoop! Well done!!!!

    You will be fine tomorrow. Great to do a FD when you are working.

    I simply miss breakfast and then eat at lunch and evening some protein with salad or vegetables and perhaps some almonds. It is worse worrying about it than the day itself.

    You can do itxx

    A quick update, I haven’t had any Diet Coke all week! 😱 I’m really not missing it to be honest.
    Lots of water & green tea. I did watch the you tube videos done by Robert Lustig! Wow! I had no idea how bad sugar actually is. I’m really concentrating on a low sugar diet now. I’ve had the occasional craving for chocolate so I’m going to buy myself some 70% coco chocolate but I’m trying to snack on nuts and fruit.
    I’m enjoying the changes so far, I just hope I can sustain this long term! X

    I have been wondering how you have been. Well done on the diet coke, use any leftovers for cleaning the toilet!

    Robert Lustig is completely fabulous isn’t he? I gave up my sugar in tea because of him. All those years that we have been told that fat is the bad one while sugar has been hidden all along in plain sight. Have a look at Dr Aseem Malhotra, you might find him interesting too.

    If you enjoy the changes so far, why wouldn’t you be able to sustain it for the longterm? I spent some time picking up things in shops, looking at the sugar content and then putting it back. Still shocked at how much sugar is in frozen yogurt.

    Thanks Annette, I nearly gave in today with the Coke but went for a bike ride instead!
    I can’t stop watching lutsig, Makes such sense! I’ll certainly have a look for the other one too.

    I’ll try and sustain it long term but I know what I’m like. I let emotion control my eating and I struggle to control it at times!

    Where are you in the world? I’m guessing the USA as you mentioned frozen yoghurt. I’m in the uk and we don’t tend to eat frozen yoghurt, its not very popular here x

    In the UK. I love ice cream and last summer spent an eye-opening time in supermarkets looking at all sorts of food to check out the sugar content. I was looking at what positive changes I could make to our diet that were easy to buy or make, which would make us all feel better.

    I think that food/eating is complex. There are times when I eat the sweet stuff, feel rubbish and wonder why I do. I don’t have the answer to that. What I can tell you is that I feel so much better avoiding it, my psoriasis has completely gone and that my body is in the best shape that it has been in for a very long time. By that, I mean that I now have a waist and the rolls of fat have disappeared and that my thighs no longer rub together.

    Have a look at Jason Fung too.

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