30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

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30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

This topic contains 3,401 replies, has 151 voices, and was last updated by  LindaSue 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Welcome! We are continuing the health and weight loss inspiration inaugurated by Coda in May and re-inspired by DebbieQ and Fuvvie. Some of us have been here for the whole 6 months, some have joined more recently. All are welcome whether you are doing 5:2, 4:3 or even 6:1. No matter your age, stage in life or how much you would like to lose, Dr. Mosley and other experts have given us the “what we need to do” to attain our health and weight loss goals but many of us have found this worldwide support network is the key to “how we do it” on a daily basis.

    Please let me know you would like to continue or join anew for this 30 day commitment. Your commitment to this challenge is simple, 1) log in each day in November, starting on November 1. 2) as the month progresses begin your post with the day of the month, 3) add your geographic location, and 4) whether it is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) for you. Your post would start like the following example: “Day 1, Paris, FD”.

    Add more to your daily post or not as you please. If you haven’t done so already you might also want to click on “Your Profile” at the top right of this page and add any pertinent info about yourself.

    As this month’s organizer my role is to keep a “daily attendance” roster. I am not an expert but I can promise you that this month we will all become more expert together!

    Thanks for taking this on @back2thefuture. I’m in. Checking in daily has kept me somewhat accountable. Love it 😊

    Goal for November is to lose 3kg and to exercise at least 4 times a week for 30 min minimum.

    Hi Baygirl! It’s great that you set goals for the month and wrote them down! 2 reasons that give you a better than average chance of succeeding!

    Thank you back2thefuture for taking up the November challenge – I’m in. πŸ™‚

    Hi backtothefuture
    Please add me to the November r challenge I’m sure the added accountability is keeping me focused

    Please add me to the challenge for November. My goal is to lose 10lb and walk min 10000 steps per day πŸƒπŸΌπŸ˜Š

    Hi back2thefuture. I found that doing the October challenge has been great. I would love to continue through November. Please add me in. Daily checking in keeps me accountable.

    Hi b2tf, I’m in. Thanks a million for taking on the mantle. I’m really looking forward to your leadership. My goal is to increase walks from 2 to 4 days and aim again for 103.2 kgs. Warm regards Fuvvie

    Hi back2thefuture, I’m a new to this (did my first fast on Monday) and think joining the November challenge will help me during the first few weeks πŸ™‚

    Hi b2tf, congratulations on your new grandchild. I would love to sign up for your November challenge, I’m sure you’re wonderful posts will be crucial during November for the run up to the holidays. My goal is to get to 70 kg. See you all next week xx

    Finally a 30 day challenge I can commit to (I can’t give up alcohol sorry). I’ve just rejoined this forum and have been successfully 5:2ing since July. Will think about my goals for next week but for now have set myself a reminder each day to keep me accountable!

    Looking forward to it

    Hi there

    Please can I join?

    I’m aiming for a steady 1-2lb weight loss per week and doing 5:2. So my target for November is to drop from 191 lbs (13 st 9lbs) to 182 lbs (13st).

    Struggling with
    – the second day fast whilst working and having to cook for my children and get really grumpy!
    – been pretty ill with infections since started 5:2 and haven’t exercised much at all, by exercise I mean only walking an average of 7,000 steps per day, I’m lazy!


    Please can I join too? I have been following 5:2 since Sept 1st and I can see how supportive the monthly challenge forums have been. I’ve not posted on a forum before and I think the process will keep me accountable. My goals for Nov are to loose 5lbs, walk at least 10,000 steps a day and keep on the c25k I started at the beginning of Sept. Looking forward to joining in and digitally meeting lots of new friends from around the globe. Regards Diigly.

    Hi B2TF – count me in – goal to to find my fasting mojo again lol. Thanks for taking over the batton for this month.

    Hi. I would like to join the November challenge. A bit uncertain about posting every single day…Lets see what happens. I have just started fasting this month – twice a week. Today is a fast day… got to go home and get some nourishment. Mona

    I’m in ! The October challenge was great (although the month seemed to fly by, didn’t it?)

    My goals will be to fast M, Tu, Wednesday, drink lots of water and unsweetened tea, exercise every day, weigh in weekly, and remain positive about life. And practice gratitude. I am very grateful for the life I live but probably never grateful enough.

    Looking forward to November, thank you for the invite.

    B2TF – I’m in too! Thanks for taking on the leadership position! I plan to stay in 6:1 maintenance unless of course life gets in my way and I end up back on 5:2.

    I’ve lost about a pound a week since mid-March and love this WOL. My goal will be to exercise more consistently than before.

    Onward &downward!

    Hi, I’m new but I’m in! Thanks for the support!

    Great! I am in. Goal – to complete 8 36-hours fasts, no refined carbs for November.

    Hey there…I’m in again. My goal is to continue to stay at my target weight, which I achieved on 4th September, starting in May with Coda. Committing to these challenges is key. Thanks for doing November B2tf.

    Day minus 6 (till November challenge starts!): Pacific NW USA, 500 cal FD

    Welcome and thanks for joining, one and all!

    I’ve been up 2 days straight going from a work trip straight into an earlier than expected family trip but I have a new grandson to show for it! I’m treating myself to a pedi-mani-facial while my granddaughter is at preschool and the new parents are not home yet so this gives me the chance to read your posts!

    A few people we have learned to depend on for wisdom are joining: I’m so glad Coda, Fuvvie, coldpizza, ciren2, SongBirdMe, HollyLJ, GoldenSun, Lany36, LindaSue, Erica45, and Baygirl are continuing with us!

    Welcome RuthCliff, MissyMay, hamsandwich, BathSheba2, Diggly, Mona63, and TwinMom2016 – I think you’ll find, like many of us that the added motivation from checking in daily will become a welcome part of your routine, even if sometimes you only have time to scan and leave a short message.

    Some of us didn’t start 5:2 with goals other than a desire to improve our WOL (way of life) but others find making plans and writing them down helps you learn a bit more about how to individualize your own WOL. Ups and downs will happen, life is a path, not a destination. You can go to “Your Tracker” at the top of the page and watch your 5:2 journey take shape!

    Occasionally seasoned experts will chime in to our thread and they give very timely advise – be watching out for them!

    Hi please could I join also? I have been reading posts from the October challenge and would really like to participate.

    I have been following 5/2 now for about 7 weeks and have lost 10lbs with 38 more to go. I have had a shaky couple of weeks due to work/family/Holiday (all the usual excuses!) stuff and would like to make a real difference in November. My target for the month would be to lose in excess of 6lbs.

    Please could I join the November challenge please.

    Hi I’ve just joined onto this forum, new to 5 2 been watching michael mosleys documentary i want to give 5 2 a go. can i join your november challenge please. i would appreciate as much help and advice as possible.

    Hi Claire and welcome:

    Here is quite a bit of advice: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Hope it helps!

    Good Luck!

    Thanks simcoluv, can i ask how have you done on the 5 2, i would love to hear people’s stories.

    Hi Claire:

    I’ve done quite well (over 50 pounds lost), but that is irrelevant. The question is how will you do?

    That depends entirely on whether you do 5:2 correctly, and whether you do it long enough to lose the weight you want to lose. To lose 50 pounds, plan on about a year to 18 months.

    It is up to you!

    Good Luck!

    I would love to join. I’m just starting on this journey and being accountable will help. I am trying to lose weight but getting fit is the greater priority. I’ll be on 5:2 and want to cycle at least 40 minutes 5 days a week.

    Thanks for organising this.

    I hope i do it correctly i have done a bit of research . can i ask what sort of things you eat and do on your fasting days. its telling me to eat 1600 calories on a non fast day.

    Its saying BMR 1670 and TDEE 2200 which one do i follow?

    Hi Claire:

    Follow TDEE. Your BMR is what your body uses if you are in a coma, is included within your TDEE and is generally useless for weight loss purposes.

    For 5:2, you can eat 25% of your TDEE or less on your diet days. If your goal is to lose weight, and not eat as much as possibly allowed on the diet, then you can try 500 calories on your diet days, or, like some of us, eat nothing at all on your diet days. It takes awhile to get to water fasting on diet days for many people, both physically and mentally, so don’t think you have to start that way. Think of it as a goal to hit several months in.

    It is also recommended that you eat your TDEE or less on your non diet days. The calculator really gives you an estimated TDEE – every one has a different TDEE even though they might seem similar. Some put in their goal weight when calculating their TDEE and eat to that. Over time it will acclimate you to the number of calories you will have to eat to maintain your goal weight once you arrive there. If you start with the calculator estimate of your TDEE be prepared to adjust if you find you are not losing weight, or not losing weight fast enough. The estimate might be high for you, and you might follow it diligently and not be as successful as you would like to be. It will not be the diet’s fault, it will be the inaccurate TDEE you will have been working with.

    More information on TDEE is included in this thread: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/

    As for what to eat – that is the hardest part. You can eat anything you want as long as you stick to the calorie guidelines. There are people on this site that will strongly suggest to you to go on the Atkins diet – to cut out sugar, processed carbs like flour and pasta, potatoes, etc. Some still will advocate a low fat diet. Some seem to like protein diets, although they are ultimately very unhealthy.

    To start, I simply suggest you focus on your diet days. You can experiment, but what you will find if you are like almost everyone else, is that eating high fat, moderate protein foods on your diet days works best. You can eat when you want, and as often as you want, but many find one evening meal works best. After you do this for a month or so you will probably find you are changing the types of foods you eat on your non diet days. But starting 5:2 is stressful enough without immediately overlaying change in the foods you normally eat.

    Good Luck!

    Hello… I’m in for the November Challenge.

    Hi Claire,

    You can do 5:2 however you like. Not all variations will be as “good” as each other. the concept of eating 1/4 TDEE came about because Michael Mosley didn’t think most people could handle eating nothing on their fast days. The 5:2 concept was born out of the research work of Valter Luongo and Krista Vardy. certain foods tend to spike your blood glucose which then spikes your insulin levels. When you spike your insulin levels this causes the body to try and stored everything you eat as fat. Foods that cause an insulin spike? Sugar is a biggy. Also avoid grain based simple carbs like bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, biscuits. Fizzy drinks, sports drinks and fruit juice. Yes fruit juice is unhealthy for you!!!! You want fruit eat a whole piece of fruit. Try and get your carbs from veggies, and not processed grains. Avoid anything that says low fat!! The sugar content will be through the roof.

    To make life easy for you on your fast days I would avoid all processed carbs. Try meals with a small serve of meat/fish and a lot of salad/veggies. Avoid starchy veggies like potatoes. Go for your cruciferous veggies. Im not a big fan of smoothies or any shake type foods. They destroy and sense of portion control which is not good. They remove and or destroy the fibre content within the food. You can easily drink a glass of fruit juice. Could you eat 6 to 8 oranges in one sitting? Doubt it.

    5:2 works and is a eating lifestyle choice rather than a “diet”. Im a male and went from 202 pounds to 156 pounds over the course of one year, 46 pounds lost. Have been in maintenance since March of this year.

    Hi Back2thefuture, Can I please join in your November challenge. I’ve been ‘stalking’ the October challenge and have been inspired by everyone.


    I am new to the 5:2 forums. I just started the plan on Monday – second FD tomorrow. My goal for November is to walk 10,000 steps every day and to lose 8 pounds. Carbs and sugar are my downfall. I find reading the posts from everyone very encouraging.

    Please count me in for the November challenge! I am really pleased with my first two months with the 5:2 program and I’m looking forward to continuing it especially needing support during this holiday season is almost upon us. Thank you so much for taking on this huge project during the holidays.

    Day minus 6 till November challenge begins! Pacific NW USA, NFD

    Thank you simcoeluv and bigbooty for providing your sage advise – we are all learners and even if we’re read or heard it before the details sink in deeper in the re-hearing. I’m reminded that I want to calculate my TDEE based on my goal weight to get familiar with that level of caloric intake that I want to follow as a WOL.

    Welcome to November, itsmyturn. Let’s live the holidays like we want to do the rest of the year, we will not be depriving ourselves, we will be living the life we deserve!

    So glad to make new five-twoer friends in November with Sarah57, sleslieuk, Clairbear12, Jilrob, missj2002, WACM, and Reid. This forem in May was the first time I had ever joined a group like this and I can tell you it’s made all the difference in the world to me!

    I’m in! I did the September challenge but had to bow out for the October one. Ready and raring to go in November.

    How does the challenge work? My 1st fast day today. Do you all weigh weekly and see what results are at end of nov. Im hopeing to lose alot as its my first month.

    Hi Back2thefuture,
    Please could you add me in for the November challenge – have enjoyed October challenge & I’m sure having to post in daily has helped! Goal – 2kg loss (from whatever 31st October reads!!). Probably a lot more realistic than the clueless 4kg loss October goal!!
    Many thanks.

    I’ve not started the fast diet yet (in fact this is my first diet of any description) and a November Challenge sounds like a great way to start. I’m very interested in seeing what the results will be. I now have 5 days to read the book.

    I’m in!

    Hello Back2thefuture,
    Please add me in for the November challenge. I’m a newbie, have read the book and I need to do this! The challenge will be a great way to get tips from the ‘experts’ and to hold myself accountable. Thank you!

    Good morning
    I have been reading through all the posts for the November challenge and I would love to know where I can find the TDEE calculator.
    I am anxious to start the November challenge.

    Thanks for taking this on Bttf.
    Please can you count me in for November.
    I am sure 5:2 lifestyle of eating works and this forum has been exceptional. No judging, just support and excellent advice.

    Hi Reid go to the top of the page and click on home then click on how to do the diet/get started and the tdee calculator will appear on the right hand side. Hope that helps. Diggly

    Day minus 5 till the November challenge starts: Pacific NW USA, NFD

    Reid – as Diggly already said, there’s a couple of places that get you to the calculators at the top of this page, one is right under “the 5:2 fast diet” banner, click on “HOW IT WORKS”. You will also be able to see your TDEE and BMI re-calculated each time you update your stats under “Your tracker” on the top far right of this page. Thanks for asking, others probably wanted to know also.

    Clairbear12 – the November challenge is simple: 1) log in to this forum each day starting the first of November, 2) begin your post with the day of the month (for my tracking), 3) add your geographic location, 4) note whether it’s a FD or a NFD for you. You can add any questions or comments after you log in. Many stick to the same 2 FD’s each week and have found writing that down and setting personal goals at the onset helps them have a stronger commitment. As you scan the entries each day you will see ideas about how others individualize their plans and sometimes recipes or links to helpful info.

    Happy to hear from you again, Elphaba, how was October for you? Glad you’re continuing with us Time4me and Patti67!

    Welcome to our group, Richard 67 and needachage! Dr. Mosley’s books are great, I’m glad you will have that info to use this month!

    I left home in a hurry for the birth of a grandchild and did not bring my laptop with me. So please bear with me till I get home to my spreadsheet, until then it’s just my feeble brain working to welcome you and add your names to the November roster!

    Hi b2tf, I’m new to 5:2 and new here. I’d like to join the November challenge please. I think it’ll help me stay focused and motivated during the first few weeks. Thanks!

    Hello! I would like to join the November challenge. I like the idea of posting daily whether it’s a FD or a NFD. Looking forward to reading everyone’s posts and learning more about each other and the challenges and triumphs with the 5:2 plan!

    Hi I would like to join the November Challenge, Merryme let me knew that I had replied to an old link and it was in 2015.

    Hi Reid and welcome:

    This will help you with TDEE: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/

    Good Luck!

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