30 Day April 2017 Challenge

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30 Day April 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,616 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  Chubbybiker 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I’ve accepted that I won’t meet my end of May target. 7kg is too ambitious. I’ve also been on medication for a recent illness that has seen my appetite increase exponentially!

    Need to refocus and knuckle down.

    Final post – Staffordshire UK

    April ended badly, final weigh in 154lb. I was at 151lb until the last weekend.

    Day 30, Switzerland, NFD
    Total weight lost April 2017 = 1.5kg. I am moderately pleased with this result. I wasn’t expecting a WOW loss as I am fully aware that I haven’t been exercising as much as I should. After two months of ADF and a total weight loss of 5kg, I am going to do 3:4 for May (Mon, Wed, Fri FD). I won’t be active on the May challenge but will continue to follow from the sidelines.
    @okeydokey 🌻thank you 🌻 for your hard work for April and 🌈🌈good luck to everyone🌈🌈

    Day 30 – USA – FD

    Total loss for April 9 lbs. Truthfully its weight that I had regained while on vacation, but its 9 lbs. none the less. I’ll take it! Looking onwards and downwards for May!

    Final post

    @sirisan @chumi My professor contacted me this morning and she herself suggested me to ask a native speaker to proofread my text later. So I am veryyy happy now that I can write my thesis 🙂

    @okeydokey thanks for your offer. It’s a great help for me. Surely I will contact you in the following months as soon as I finish my text.

    @triplet you can change your May target goal for something you think is more realistic. Just post it on May Challenge for @pissupoosa

    Final weigh-in for April was 78.6kg

    So no change over the month. It was going ok before Easter, and I have fasted, but a combination of eating too much rubbish and being a bit constipated mean that I’ve not made the progress I wanted. But May is another month!

    Day 2 after Day 30 US FD
    11:00 am here in Lancaster, PA, US
    ✨If anybody has any other information to add to our April Challenge group spreadsheet, please go ahead and post it now. I’ll be posting the finished spreadsheet this afternoon.✨

    @mogaman Hope your head is feeling better soon and your Stitches aren’t to bothersome.🤕✨😊Sending you lots of white light and healing prayers, for a speedy recovery!✨😊
    @hfxhrt ✨✨🎉Congrats on your 2.5 lb loss! Have a wonderful time in Italy! Keep in touch when you can!
    @erikaa67 ✨✨🎉🎉Congratulations on your 5lb loss!💐✨✨🎉🎉
    @miffy88 ✨✨🎉🎉Congratulations you reached your Goal weight for April!✨✨🎉🎉✨😊😀
    @chubbybiker ✨✨✨✨🎉🎉Congratulations to you! You lost 17lbs.✨✨🎉 🎉I’m sure the group will love to hear how you did it this month! Could it be all the biking? Controlled NFD’s?

    Day 2 FD
    Newcastle cold & dreary
    FD today was different.
    1/2 a grapefruit this am nothing but black teas, lemon juice & H2O until 15:00hrs when I had the other 1/2 of grapefruit & coffee.
    This pm was no more than 400, weighing the potatoes accurately, rounding up the fish & veg, so I know I have not had more than 500 today.
    I even counted in the dried milk I have in my tea & coffee ( only have 1/4 teaspoon max per mug) & I only had 2 mugs today so there quite a bit of it left.
    If I can do it again on Thursday I MUST lose weight surely.
    How did everyone else do today?

    2nd Post
    2nd Day after Day 30

    Thank-you All ✨for showing up and doing your best for the April Challenge.
    I have the spread sheet updated. Here is the link:
    ✨✨🎶✨🎉Congratulations to all participants✨✨🎶🎉
    ✨✨🎶✨🎉Congratulations to all who reached your Goal!✨✨🎉
    Total weight lost for April Challenge group!✨✨
    306.19 lbs : 138.88 kgs ✨😀✨

    Total of 26 people on Maintenance ✨✨🎶✨🎉
    Top Weight lost ✨✨ @chubbybiker lost 17lbs : 7.7kgs
    @fordprefect & @steve-toon-taxi-driver each lost 14.2 lbs : 6.44 kgs & 14 lbs : 6.35 kgs respectively! ✨✨🎶🎉🎉
    @bigviking lost 12.8 lbs : 5.8 kgs ✨✨🎶🎉🎉
    @fatrabbit lost 10.2lbs : 4.67 kgs ✨✨ 🐰 🎶🎉🎉
    @krisnia lost 10 lbs : 4.5 kgs✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @okeydokey lost 10 lbs : 4.5 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @triplet lost 9.47 lbs : 4.3 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @therealwil78 lost 9lbs : 4kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @umka6 lost 9 lbs : 4kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @steffieagle lost 8 lbs : 3.6 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @obesa lost 7 lbs : 3.17 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @erikaa67 lost 6 lbs : 2.72 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @helenalee lost 6 lbs : 2.72 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @sarah57 lost 6 lbs : 2.72 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @skinnylove lost 5.29 lbs : 2.4 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉
    @taraga lost 4.2 lbs : 1.9 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉

    @miffy88 lost 4.18 lbs : 1.9 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉

    @bert1802 lost 4 lbs : 1.81 kgs ✨✨🎶✨🎉🎉

    Congratulations to the many more members of our group who lost and maintained their Weight!✨✨🎶✨✨🎉🎉

    @annnursekirk It looks like your doing very well!
    Here is the Link to for the May Challenge

    See you there!😀

    @okeydokey, in case you are still looking at the April spreadsheet, I don’t know if it matters now or not, but the 18th and the 29th were not FDs for me.

    Thanks for all your work @okeydokey ,I started five days before April so not top loss in reality. Well done done to everyone who joined in and did whatever they did in regards to loss or maintaining….lets hope we can all achieve something in May …… eeeek 😁

    @metatauta Thank-you. That has been updated.
    @chubbybiker For the spreadsheet I took the information from your posts Start weight 240 lbs – 223 lbs last weight posted = 17 lbs. Do you want to change the start weight?

    @chubbybiker Thanks for clearing this up. I apologize for the confusion. I’m glad we have cleared this up and can move on to more success in May!

    Thank you @okeydokey for all the hard work 😓 you put in to this effort.

    Hi there – ended the month massively bloated and it still hasn’t entirely passed. My (dodgy) scales are putting me around 61.5kg, which is just 0.5kg over my target and I think a lot of that is just bloat.
    Moving on to May! X

    Hi @okeydokey

    In reply to your “how did I do it”

    Firstly I started 5:2 as a newbie on 27th of March so I had a few days over the month .

    To be honest I don’t know how I did it but for what it’s worth I’ll say what I actually did as such…..ill keep it as brief as I can.

    I’ve never fasted before as such so the whole concept was new to me but I (as we all do) know myself reasonably well, so , I knew that I could go without eating as such but that once I started eating….I was quite happy to continue. So bearing that in mind I decided the easiest way for me to do the two FD’s a week was B2B with the first day being a fluid day (if I don’t start eating I won’t keep eating) then eating one meal early to mid-evening on the second day…..ie my trigger of starting eating would be left as late as possible into the fast!!!

    In the first week I was ever so good on NFD being moderate in what I ate,not particularly counting calories but being healthyish and not eating in the quantities I ate before 5:2 . 10lb loss,but was quite hard,too hard to sustain so relaxed my regime for rest of the month.

    I ddnt stop treats or eating rubbish,I was just mindful that if I was going to have them that I made allowance earlier in the day to accommodate for the excesses .

    The key for me is planning…..My two FD are done Monday & Tuesday every week….I then know the rest of the week are NFD,nice 😄…knowing that I will have to drink 5 or 6L on each FD means I WILL drink that, i don’t get hungry AT ALL, I know on my second FD I will be having my chicken stir fry and that that will definately fill me up until I break the fast lunchtime-ish on the third day, so that gets me through day two…..the rest of the week is what I make it.

    I do pedal normally 5 days a week,to work,at lunchtime & home,totalling mayhap 40m a day,some days more some less so that helps to some extent. I did have a week off and still lost a pound so to what extent is debatable

    I think the key to my success month one (could all change In month two) is keeping it simple and planning ahead. Don’t try to have fancy meals,variety etc etc on 500 or 800 cals, that’s hard,have something simple and filling whatever that is….we all have issues with food to one degree or another so why force it upon ourselves when the FD’s are about restricting calories….drink lots and lots, I’ve read most posts and see people saying they struggle drinking a couple of litres,sorry but you have to drink more. Don’t “deprive” yourself either….eg for me…I like my coffee with full fat milk so I have it full fat,if that helps me through a FD then fine, I’m not going to wreck a FD for the sake of drinking my coffee black and hating it!!

    I’ve waffled and probably not answered your Q but mayhap given an insight to my month 😄

    @chubbybiker That is interesting and helpful information. Thank-you! I Think many people may pick up some helpful tips.✨Interesting that you drink 5 -6 liters of water a day.✨I know what you mean, I agree, (if I don’t start eating, I won’t keep eating) on FD’s.✨

    Hi all. I previously lost 10kg but gradually put it back on. After weighing myself post Easter binge at 79kg, committed to getting back to at least a more healthy 72kg. While FD are not a real problem for me (I do what Chubbybiker does and get these out of the way on Monday-Tuesday), it is the NFD where my will power disappears.
    Hope support on this forum will keep me from straying – and provide inspiration for a thinner me!


    just to clarify, only FD’s 5-6L and that’s mainly sugar free squash, & I will still have my 4-6 mugs of coffee. NFD I’d say 3L on top of my coffees. Yes I’ve never wee’d so much in my life but it has made me appreciate (as most experts say) that when we actually shove food down our necks due to “hunger” it is in fact hydration we need not calories.


    Your will power doesn’t disappear, you just forget you have it and how to use it!! 😏 Speaking about myself I find that if I know I’m going out for a meal or going to be 🐽 for whatever reason I actually consciously have to remind myself that I GO 40-44 hours (approx) without “eating” (milk in coffee is technically a food) ( oh and wow I ddnt die or fall into a coma….shock horror) so it’s no life-death hardship for me to skip lunch and/or the snacks on that NFD to “lose” the “guilt” of being a glutton later haha . You’ve Done IT @grahame you’ll do it again 👍

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