3 weeks in on this crazy 'diet'!

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  • Week 1 I lost 1 lb, week 2 I lost nothing but had lost 6 cms on my tummy. Last week only half a cm loss but lost a massive 6lbs! The main reason is that I am not craving foods now. I ate fish and chips but didn’t finish them, (that’s a first!) and had an Indian take away, (without naan) BUT have cut right down on bread, eating ryvita or oat cakes instead – Saying that I did eat half a choccy spread sarnie with my granddaughter as she forced me! (2year old!). I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine too! I find Monday’s fast EASY. Thursday however I do struggle and try to go to bed early! Luckily I prefer skimmed milk and drink tea black – it all helps! Oh! I’ve swapped milk chocolate to 70% cocoa. I do very little exercise but hope the new year will inspire me to get off my slightly less fat bum! Christmas is coming….I hope I can stick to it! Good luck all!

    I love your attitude!!! I’ve found myself not finishing delicious meals too, it’s an oddly proud feeling when I realise that I have had enough!! I’m a little nervous about Christmas too!!! As long as the scales don’t go UP I’ll be pleased though!!!! xx

    Hey Jo! I think what really helps you, and should be adopted by others who are struggling, is the fact you don’t cut out foods you love – you either take a healthier variety or just eat less of it.

    Good on you! Whoo!

    You’re both right! I’m on my Thursday fast day and it’s just dawned on me what fantastic willpower I have! Most of us moan we have no will power, it’s not true! Anyone who does a fast day does have will power. Fact!
    I had Christmas dinner at lunch time yesterday – I chose a small plate (at work), helped myself to loads of veg and less mash, had one roasty instead of 2, I chose the smallest pud and enjoyed the lot. The reason for cutting back was hubby had invited his dad over for fish and chip supper! Haha! Yep! I enjoyed fish and chips too with NO guilt. Today I’ve had 100g oats soaked in skimmed milk. I’ll have a boiled egg 2 ryvita and a spoon of cottage cheese at supper time and an apple for snack at about 8.30pm! I’m enjoying food I love on my fast free days – can’t wait to see if my weight is up/down or the same tomorrow! After a huge 6lb loss last week I’m expecting to be up 2 or 3 lbs… Will let you know!

    I’ve lost 14lb in the last 11 weeks and this is the first week that I haven’t lost anything. I will hop on the scales again tomorrow as I have read that it can sometimes be a day or so after a fast that you see a loss. I’ve never done it before because I have usually lost when I get weighed the day after my 2nd fast and try not to get weighed again until the following week – in case I have put some on!.
    I too have found that I sometimes am too full to finish my food on a normal day. In fact I went for a meal a couple of weeks ago and, while everyone else, had a desert I was too full. I admit I did feel a little bit smug when my sister said afterwards that she didn’t need the desert and felt that she had made a pig of herself because I would have done that too in the past!

    14lbs? Wow! A stone! Imagine that in butter!! Well done Linds! Even if you haven’t lost any this week 14 lbs is amazing! A friend who did this said some weeks he didn’t lose. He said to keep going as the next week you generally do. He’s looking at cutting to 6:1 soon as he’s lost so much weight! I can’t wait! I like my Monday fast so 6:1 will be easy peasy!

    I just wish I had started it in April Jollyjo when I first saw the programme. I thought about it a few times but didn’t think I could manage on 500 calories a day – I now know I can. I like my Monday fasts (I usually do Monday and Wednesday) and that will be the day I will do when I get to my target weight and cut back to 6:1. I’ve not really got a target except to see what I look and feel like after I’ve lost another 14lb!

    I can’t do Wednesday- my head is never in the right place! I’ve done today and even sat drinking coffee while skinny hubby stuffed his face with burgers and chips! It felt good to say no! I WILL resist temptation! Haha.

    Thank you for sharing – your posts are really encouraging! I am just getting starting – playing with it more or less until the new year, since we are so close to Christmas (and our house is full of the things that show up at Christmas-time). I am hoping to get my husband on board, as he has some health concerns (not yet problems, just concerns) that I think this would really clean up quickly. 🙂

    thank you! 🙂

    what on earth do you do on a monday to make fasting easy??

    anyway….i hope you reach your target soon!!

    Merry Christmas 🙂

    Well done for having a dummy run leading up to Christmas Cat, it’s a start! At first I would cut down and dramatically announce I was going to get dizzy and pass out- it was nonsense! I was being dramatic! Tally, after being a bit of a pig at the weekend fasting seems easy, I think it’s just a state of mind! My weigh in day is today and I’ve lost 1 lb! That’s fantastic after all I’ve eaten! I really thought that my 6lb loss last week was a fluke! (Remember I hadn’t lost at all the week prior and 1 lb the week before that!) I’ve now broken a stone barrier and weigh in at 10st 13lbs! YAY! I’m one happy bunny! X

    I’m with you jollyjo, after weekend eating/drinking I like to start the week with a fast day. It also just seems the right day to start because it’s the beginning of the week.

    I agree Monday fast is a breeze then the second fast in my week is a moveable (I was going to say feast but that is so wrong 🙂 ) day depending on mood, commitments and what food I have in.
    Thats the joy of 5:2 its so flexible.

    Well I managed a fast day yesterday, with hubby home and a fridge full of food! Yay! Now to not over eat greedily during the festive feasts! Of course I’ll have roasties and stuffing etc but just not until I pop! Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! X

    I’m on week 3 too. I’ve lost 1lb per week, but can certainly feel things getting looser across my stomach. I have a lot of weight to lose but love the simplicity of this “diet”. I’m finding soup very helpful on the ‘fast’ days.

    The biggest change for me is mentally. I’ thinking clearer. I have been on anti depressants for anxiety for ten years, and have been on 40mgs of citalopram for over five years. Kart week I saw my GP to get the tablets lowered to 20 Mgs as I was feeling overly buzzed when taking them, almost manically so. I have had insomnia for a week and this is not exactly a great time of year for quick blood results.

    Has anyone else had a reduction in medication following the start of the diet? Also does anyone else suffer from insomnia?

    I think I’ve read where people have reduced all types of meds. There’s a forum on here somewhere to do with medical conditions and 5:2. Have a browse. Good luck. I know I think much clearer on this diet!

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