28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

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  • Day 27 UK NFD

    I am almost sorry not to be fasting today with that lovely big group of you but I don’t want to risk spoiling my rhythm by swapping. I wish you all well though:))

    Yesterday was difficult fasting on a quiet day, especially with all that extra food around, but I did it. I have another quiet day today and so am planning to break my fast at noon and make sure to get in that second meal to stop me raiding the fridge or the pan today. Snacking leads to excess, I just must not do it even on NFDs. I never enjoy the results so what is the point? But I do enjoy my tasty meals, so sticking to those is no hardship just a matter of habit changing. I am concentrating on how much I have got out of this way of eating even without having lost any weight. First of all I am no longer gaining weight. That by itself is huge. That upwards trend seemed inevitable last year. And I feel so much better. More energy, less pain, less anxiety, less stiff, less constrained. I don’t need to race to lose weight. I need to concentrate on enjoying this as a sustainable way of life, so I will do it in the way that comes most easily and be sure to only eat what I enjoy and what I won’t regret. I find food tastes better when you wait for it. Whether that is waiting until evening or until tomorrow, it only gets better.

    Day 27 – Staffordshire UK-nfd

    Sorry I’ve been AWOL for the week, been busy with kids off school. Not going to hit my under 150lb target for February but hopefully will be down a little bit.

    Day 27, Gozo, Malta, FD

    I’m trying to make it a fast day today or a little above. I’m 1.5 kilos over target weight this morning.

    Happy Monday everyone.

    Day 27 Belfast FD
    The scales are up this morning, which is disappointing, after having been so steady last week. Will weigh officially for the end of the month tomorrow.
    WOW is this the longest pocket list yet? Let’s finish this month staying strong!

    day 27 FD sydney
    last FD of the month
    wow great ride….
    i’m in for March!

    Day 27, London, UK, FD (2nd of b2b)

    Managed yesterday’s liquid FD without issue, I didn’t quite manage 3L water, so a little heavy headed this morning.

    Thanks @at for the list, as below. I’m at home today cleaning and preparing for work, in yoga pants, T-shirt and my ‘house’ cardy with no pockets…………..so you guys are carefully tucked in my bra, which now has more room than I’d like, but, such is life!!!!! Anyhow, it could have been worse; there ARE other places you could have ended up!!!!

    @and… exhale
    @curlytot (2nd day b2b)
    @flourbaby (2nd day b2b)
    @In it to thin it
    @annemarilyn ? (2nd day b2b)
    @erika45 (2nd day b2b)

    Theoretically, this should be a breeze with all this support. Good luck everybody……. We’ve got this!!!

    Post #2 today …

    The fast has been a little edgy but it is getting better and I’m close to 2/3rds done. Every fast seems to be a little different. At least my belly fat seems to get soft and broken up while fasting.

    I’m drinking a lot of water, tea and coffee. Not eating.

    DAY 27 – Cardiff UK – FD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 166.3lb (7.0 lb) Feb target 8.3lb

    Morning everyone

    Great we’ve got so many people joining in for one last push on MFM (Mass Fast Monday). I’ve fallen back below target after an indulgent weekend which I’m not planning to repeat anytime soon, and still confident the scales will be cooperative when I weigh in the morning.

    @and… exhale
    @curlytot (2nd day b2b)
    @flourbaby (2nd day b2b)
    @In it to thin it
    @annemarilyn ? (2nd day b2b)
    @erika45 (2nd day b2b)

    It’s great to be in such great company.

    Good luck everyone, take care
    Theoretically, this should be a breeze with all this support. Good luck everybody……. We’ve got this!!!

    Day 27, UK, FD.
    What’s wrong with me??? I did so well on my FD until 7pm and then ate a garlic bread and some pasta 🤔😪I am determined to do today and tomorrow as FDs – my final push for February. Have a great day all.

    Good evening Northern Hemispherites and fellow pocketeers, day 27 FD completed down under. Wishing you all a good night/morning and successful fasting day.

    Day 27, Newcastle UK, FD

    Not a good NFD yesterday. Started well, went off to do 2 hours voluntary work with others to clear up the grounds of a disused church which has become a local dumping ground for the litter louts. Got home feeling good to find out that overnight, local yobs had spray painted grafitti right across two freshly rendered and painted gable ends in our town. The homeowners must feel devastated as indeed are many of us residents who feel like we’re fighting a losing battle. Ended up consuming at least 3000 calories. Very silly. The line is drawn and I’m looking forward to how much better I will feel tomorrow morning after the first of my two FDs. I see we have a huge group of fasters to end the month on a high, so I’ve added myself to the list and thank you for your support. All the best everyone.

    @and… exhale
    @curlytot (2nd day b2b)
    @flourbaby (2nd day b2b)
    @In it to thin it
    @annemarilyn ? (2nd day b2b)
    @erika45 (2nd day b2b)

    Day 27 Portugal FD

    So good to be part of this group of Monday fasters … no excuse not to succeed with all the support. I weighed this morning after FD yesterday and pleased that the numbers were lower, I am hoping for another little loss before weighing in tomorrow. Did half an hour of exercise this am also, very pleased with that.

    Have a great day, fasters and non fasters.

    Day 27 Maine FD

    Good morning all! On the road, but I can do a FD…missing my therapy walk! Good luck everybody!

    Make it a great day!

    Day 27…… Florida…..NFD

    I think that has to be the longest pocket fasters list on record. I so wish I could be with you in the challenge today. However, today is date day with the hubby and with that being said I’m not sure where we are going or where we will end up. So planning is fruitless.
    It seems as if Feb. just flew by. As always, in the last couple days of the month, I review where I have been and where I want to go in the next months challenge. I did hit my goal of 5lbs and getting into the 140’s. I did expect any of this as for the middle two weeks of the month 149lbs played keep away.
    Weight loss is such a mysterious beast some weeks it plays with my body like a yo-yo, I lose 3lbs, I gain 2lb and lose it again. Then last week, with no warning it just deflates me like a ball, and I lose 3lbs with no rhyrum or reason.
    I’m sure as like many of you these challenges have become my saving grace. Without the support and encouragement, I surely would have given up a long time ago. In the this manner, we all take care of each other, although we are miles and miles apart. Each and everyone of us knows, that we can get on here cry our eyes out not only about our diets but our lives as a whole and someone will hug us, cry with us and pick us up. When we look, we don’t see a bunch of strangers helping each other, we see friends and family, true people who will be there for us no matter what!
    For that I do want to Thank you!

    Okay, well I’m done being all mushy this morning!
    Although I’m not on the pocket list today, I have placed you all in my pocket for support! I wish you all a rewarding day!

    Day 27 USA FD (1st day of B2B) with the pocketeers!

    Stay strong everyone!

    Day 27 Monday– Colorado USA — NFD

    Woke up at 1:17 AM, been wide awake since then. Oh well, I’ll be extra sleepy & catch up on my Zzz’s tonight. Not at all hungry yet, so I’ll hold off on eating till late as possible.

    For a while I was fighting off mid-winter blahs. I’m feeling much more energized & hopeful now. Going into March with renewed enthusiasm for healthy 5:2 WOL.

    I’m also enjoying my new part-time hours of work (3 days of 11- 12 hour shifts.) Def gives me more time to jump into exercising again. I’ve lifted weights for years, so muscle memory brings my fitness back rather quickly.

    The scales may be heading in the wrong direction (BOO!) But I’m already able to lift heavier weights & I’m seeing obvious biceps muscles! Even better, my return to running, squats & stair stepping is really lifting & firming my backside. (YAY!)

    Today, I hope to find someplace selling hula hoops. Going to join the March group whittling our waists!

    Day 27- Montreal- NFD

    I tried the the ACV last night before bed after a carb heavy supper. I probably should have drunken it before but I didn’t remember till later. I used 2 tbsp ACV, a tsp chopped ginger, a tsp lemon juice, a tsp honey and warm water and it was drinkable.

    Good luck to all the pocket fasters today, I’ll be with you in spirit!

    Day 27 USA FD

    This looks like a busy day. That makes a FD lots easier.

    Good luck Monday fasters !

    Hi all day 27 UK fast day (a lovely spring day in NI)

    So far so good, water, 1 coffee and lots of sugar free gum. Little pangs of hunger but nothing I can’t handle. Making pancakes for the family tonight as I am out tomorrow night (does everyone have a pancake Tuesday)? not sure how I will handle that – ha ha, how many pancakes can you have for 500 cals?

    Plan to weigh on Wednesday morning which will be my final weight for February and starting weight for March. That all time low is being a little elusive but hopefully will reappear in March and maybe stick around for a while and may even bring her even lower friend to stay.

    OH and I have booked ourselves into the hotel spa for a treatment after arrival which includes a back, neck and shoulder massage and a few other treatments. Really looking forward to it and the few days away – just hope the weather is kind to allow us to get walks on the beach. Don’t think I will be braving the Atlantic though so will stick to the heated pool.

    @lynzm these are for you – to say thanks for seeing us through February – many thanks


    Off to have another coffee and plan some chicken bovril in the afternoon. You can do it – just think if we can all stick to our guns this will be the biggest and best way to see February through.

    Day 27|FD|Toronto
    Not the best 3 days of CDs but it does provide a base of what, maybe all, to give up for Lent! Potatoes, chips, popcorn and pastries, OH MY!!!
    Best to all the pocket people. Tomorrow is Mardi Gras;Laissez les bons temps rouler!

    Day 27, USA, Missouri Ozarks, FD

    Hello all, BRRRR it is only 53 degrees in the office. The girl who works Thursday and Friday turned off the heat as it was unseasonably warm. But now it is cold and it will take hours for this place to warm up. Oh well, first world problems as they say. Some will never warm up.

    Doing great,

    Today’s weight 143.8, Starting weight 152, Goal Weight 145.

    Trying to walk the tightrope of maintaining, not getting too low as that is always my problem. Losing weight for me is easy, keeping at a stable weight is harder. But I feel much more in control with the plan. Back to three days of fasting from 7 p.m. to 7 p.m.

    To your health all.

    Day 27: Gloucestershire, UK: FD

    In it to thin it
    and ALL this great group of today’s fasters….go…go…GO!
    Strength in numbers.

    Day 27 – USA – NFD
    Excited about March challenge! I keep a daily diary anyway, and I incorporated my IF goals into it for the month: 1)hula-hoop 5 mins. per day; 2) ACV daily with lemon or ginger; 3) Aim for TDEE on NFDs; 4) 16:8 window on NFDs and FDs (10am-6pm) – that one will be one of the hardest! 5) Weigh in only 1 day a week (Sunday). Hopefully I will lose 1 lb. per week to make the end of March a weight of 182. Thanks for all the encouragement, advice and input!

    Day 27 – Canada – FD

    OK, let’s get this done. This is such a strong group …….. It makes me feel mighty.
    I can do this today and I will. 🏋🏼

    @ciren2: It’s good to see you back on form again with your words of kindness, wisdom and encouragement to everyone. You are an inspiration.

    @in it to thin it: I’ve just been catching up on some posts and your comment on day 26 fits me to a T. For some reason February has been quite a difficult month food wise. March is a new chapter so let’s turn the page and move on together.

    Wishing everyone a successful FD. I’m going to buy a hula hoop today!

    Thank you @lynzm for carrying us through February.

    Enjoying my first FD in a while – in great company, pocketeers!

    Have stuck with lots of herbal tea and a miso soup for lunch. My lovely OH offered to fast with me, and also cooked up a big pot of lentil dhal for tonight’s meal. Only problem is that the whole house now smells beyond fantastic, so I’ve had to take myself out on a very long walk!

    Piece of paper is still in my pocket with 30 names on it. Good luck everyone!

    Day 27 – USA – NFD
    @happymargo and anyone else who might be interested regarding hula hoops: I purchased a weighted hula hoop about 7 years ago on Amazon. It’s less than $20 and comes apart when you don’t need it. Called “Sports Hoop” and the company is called Sports Hoop, Inc. I am very happy with it, as the weight gives me more leverage to keep it aloft. Now I have to practice, because I can only hula hoop for about 20 seconds before it drops, lol!

    Day 27, FD, Rocky Mountains, US

    Hi all,

    I am with all the fasters. I like to join you. It really is a MFM!
    Hurray, we can do it! It us snowing like crazy outside. Will have to drink lots of hot herbal tea.

    Onwards and downwards!!!


    Day 27 – Brittany, France – NFD

    @lynzm – Please count me in for March. My first FD in March will be on March 1st, Ash Wednesday. Pancakes tomorrow!

    Day 27 – USA – NFD

    Did well yesterday just about TDEE, but the Costco cheese Danishes were calling my name, so my breakfast today was over what I would normall eat for carbs. Like you all say, though, I won’t beat myself up about it.

    Thanks for continued advice about ACV. I will try it again today, but won’t put it in boiling water so not to harm all the beneficial flora.

    We do have lots of pocket fasters today. Good for all of you! I’ll keep an imaginary list of you all in my pocket for support.

    @lindasue – that’s cold to try to work! Not long ago when I was gone on a trip to daughter’s, I accidentally lowered the temp for vacation hold at 55′ for 9 days, but I was only gone 8! It’s the surfaces that get cold and take a while to warm up, but I was only going to sleep right away under a down comforter, but still cold!

    Day 27, Oceanside CA, FD

    Last FD for month. Family visit cut out one FD last week. Keeping up with daily 3 to 5 mile walks. Keeps appetite in check and gives me lots of energy. Final weigh in tomorrow. Inching toward 150 lb goal.

    Georgia/USA/Day 17/FD

    Day 27 Monday (again) – Colorado USA — NFD

    Just drank (or more accurately “choked down “) a glass of water with ACV & lemon juice. 😝
    WhoBoy! That must truly be an acquired taste! I’ll keep giving it a go, see if it grows on me.

    Good luck all you Pocket Fasters today!!

    matatauta– thanks for heads up on weighted hula hoop. Sounds interesting. I’ll have to look into it!

    Day 27 Norway FD
    Can’t believe how well this FD went after two difficult days.
    Kept my list on the kitchen bench, and seeing those names just gave me a lift.
    Thank you everyone. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you this past month.

    2nd post

    My fast day will end by me eating about 1,000 calories. I binged eating some left over Carnival sweet and 1/5 of a chocolate brownie. Oh well. I hope all of you fasting today remain strong and fast better than I did.

    Good night everyone

    Day 27 Winnipeg, Canada FD

    Good morning, and thanks @metatauta for recommending this thread to me! It looks like a very supportive group.

    I’ve been doing this for 9 months quite successfully, however as it always does, weight loss is slowing as I get nearer to my goal. Still have about 40 lbs to go though, so I thought finding a supportive group to chat with might help.

    Adding more exercise now (have been climbing my basement – main floor stairs as many times as possible (last workout was 105 times up and down!), but I find that it is too strenuous for FDs, so I only do workouts like that on food days, and stick to walking or something similar on FDs.

    Also adding ACV in the morning, mixed with bicarbonate soda and tepid water – it’s supposed to be good for your kidneys…can anyone verify that? It certainly doesn’t make it more palatable 😛

    I have been doing 4:3 right from the start, and it seems to be working. Mon-Tues back to back, then Thursday.

    Future posts will be shorter, I promise, and I will keep up on the posts in March now that I have found your lovely group!

    Best wishes to all…we are strong, and we can do this together!

    Matatauta I was just looking online for a hula hoop when your post came up. Thank you for that. I can’t hula to save my life, so this will be interesting! Does the weighted variety help to keep it up? I think I will need suspenders!
    HappyMargo ACV does get easier but I’m not sure about the bicarbonate of soda @ebell13. Is there science behind the bicarb? It’s bad enough on its own!
    My pocket is full of names to keep me focused. Good luck to one and all!

    Day 28 NZ NFD
    Haven’t done at all well with this challenge. Fell off the wagon last week. I just can’t seem to get in the right frame of mind.

    Day 28 nfd Melbourne Australia

    Tomorrow is my official weigh in day but I’m thrilled I’ve achieved my February goal – 2 kg lost. I’ve an elusive 1/2 kg that comes and goes. Last week it went. This week it’s back. March will see it finally gone along with another 1 1/2 kg mate. Looking forward to seeing you all.

    Today I officially retire from work. Tonight I will be dining out.

    Onwards and downwards.

    @ebell13 I only have a rudimentary knowledge of Chemistry. Mixing ACV ( acid) with an alkali ( sodium bicarbonate) results in a neutral solution. So adding bicarb may reduce the benefits of the ACV. I’m intrigued where you found the info.

    @debster251 and @onahealthyhigh, I still have to do some research. Sadly, my source was Pinterest, which is why I’m skeptical until I find out more info. I was just wondering if anyone else on here knew, or had heard this before. I kind of wondered if the ‘volcano’ reaction might reduce the effectiveness of the ACV, but have yet to confirm either way.

    Day 27 – Cumbria UK – FD

    At least it was dry if still overcast today with a smidgeon of bright sky this morning. Pilates and Yoga classes today, coffee with the girls (water for me!!) FD went well – water and tea with a dash of skimmed milk all day then a 350 calorie meal this evening! That big group of pocketeers inspired and kept me focused – feeling good – Thank you all.

    @Strawberriesandcream – there are some mindless people around – such a shame that they spoil the environment for others!
    @bert1802 – you are so right about this group – it’s like a second family – there is always a word of advice and support given so freely.
    @happymargo -so good to hear that you have settled back at work and that the new shift pattern suits your lifestyle and gives you a good work/life balance. You and @-Rachel- have put me right off trying the ACV & lemon juice………
    @coda – that spa treatment has me so envious!!!!!
    @onahealthyhigh – Happy Retirement – I highly recommend it – and it should be celebrated!

    So many great weight loss stories coming up – WOW – it will set us up for a great March Challenge.

    To all Pocketeers – well done do those who have successfully finished their day and others are getting there – great support knowing that there is this huge group across the globe holding hands

    Last day of the 28 Day February 2017 Challenge tomorrow and weigh day after a FD today
    A big THANK YOU to @lynzm for shepherding us through the last 28 days – I hope I can keep up with the March one as well as you did.

    I’m now going to check on the March Challenge and log on anyone new joining on the spreadsheet.

    Day 27 – London – FD

    2nd post

    Thanks fellow fasters today & all for support. Just checked into hotel in NC for the night – really wanted one of the small bottles of wine I packed – especially after hubby got stopped for speeding in VA & was handed a Ticket for $160!! That’s a nice dinner out…oh well. …he was trying to break free of a bunch of trucks. So, after checking emails & catching up on your posts, I made a cup of oolong tea – late for me to have caffeine, but felt like I needed it. Hoping having all of you in my pocket will get me through a nice big salad at the Mexican restaurant….& nothing else!! I can do it!

    Here is one link I found talking about the bicarbonate soda – I might try it later in the day on its own, rather than mixed with my ACV in the morning.
    and here is another
    Perhaps I will just start with the ACV and see what happens. I know I have an acidic PH and I do suffer from heartburn, so I might try this baking soda thing at a later time, but for now I’ll leave it.

    Day 27 FD UK

    Had a good FD today, but going to bed early to make sure I don’t cave in to temptation!
    Will weigh in tomorrow, but really pleased already with the weight loss this past month, it’s really great this WOL and excited to continue.
    Best of luck everyone 😀

    One more thought – I can’t imagine ACV & lemon – I really don’t mind the ACV dilute in a big glass of water anymore, but w/lemon would be just too much puckering! Can’t imagine it w/ bicarbonate soda either. Maybe mixed w/seltzer water & bit of honey would make it more palatable?

    Day 28 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia FD after falling on my face yesterday spite of all the fantastic support. I hate to admit it but my weight has rocketed this week. Have gained a kilo and a half but this happened in December as well and I was down during January so I know I can get it off, but how do I get to under the 100 kg mark???? This self sabotage is what I have always done as I approach that number. I don’t know what it is about this weight that my body wants to stay anchored here.

    Thank you for February, LynzM. You have been a lovely leader. And thank you to all the buddies online, without whom I would be at 123 kgs again. See you all in the March thread. I will read all your posts on my phone today as I have ticked off that I want to receive the posts.


    Day 27, USA, FD
    Another easy FD, thanks to my nasty head cold that has dampened my appetite, thank God. Will have my go-to-protein dinner (veggie omelette, then some almonds before bed to help me sleep) after sipping coffee and bone broth all day. Since it was my idea for us all to leave the challenge with a parting tip — a something-something that really helped us get through this month, here is mine:

    It was so much easier for me on FDs not to eat food during the day until the evening dinner, or else I was apt to over eat snacks. (they add up) The 500 calorie dinner made me feel like I was eating “normally,” and not “fasting.” And I took someone’s advice about sipping Bone Broth on FDs, which worked for me.

    One more day everyone and we can feel good about ourselves that we took a big, beautiful step this month towards a healthier body.

    Post #3 — I’ve made it … just over 35 hours now. Finally I’m feeling okay with the hunger. Hang in there and make the fast count.

    This morning I’m at 77.7kg. Okay I’m a bit dehydrated from fasting but that is still a BMI of 25.7 for me! I often find myself pinching some fat in the morning, kind of measuring it with my had. I used to be I couldn’t get my hand around my belly fat, now it is often less than 3 cm thick in the pinch.

    Not that I really trust my scale but it gives an estimate of biological age. When I got the scale last May it told me my age was 69, this morning it is saying 53. (I’m 57)

    Hang in there! At this point it is just hours to the finish line!

    @and… exhale
    @curlytot (2nd day b2b)
    @flourbaby (2nd day b2b)
    @In it to thin it
    @annemarilyn ? (2nd day b2b)
    @erika45 (2nd day b2b)
    @redrockgirl302 <=== Just saw you wanted to join!

    P.S. “Strawberries and cream” … Is that a weakness or a goal? It actually sounds like a good ketogenic desert.

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