21 and a size 20…who else doesnt want this?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Amydoesntwantcake 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • So my name is Amy ,, short sweet and simple? no its not how you would describe me! i recently saw a photo of my self from my 21st birthday and i thought…is that me? reli…but i never saw my self like that i dont suffer with issues of self confidence or ever had a problem dating because of my weight. but now is the big push. on july 11 2014 there will be a big event in my life and i want to lose 3 stone. now i have joined a gym, bought the scales, measuring tape and am going to start on the 13th of jan. i work 2-10pm mon – fri and i suffer from snacking! anyones advice, stories, pictures would be so helpful.


    Good luck Amy

    What’s happening July 11th? 😉 I think I can take a guess but don’t want to presume!

    As for advice, hmmm… I’ve only been on this diet for 3 days, but so far, my advice is spread the calories through the day, with some protein at breakfast as it helps you feel fuller for longer. Don’t worry about snacking on non-fast days, but I already have less desire to snack; for a lot of people, being on 5:2 makes them more ‘mindful’ of what they eat, as you’re aware that overeating on feed days can undo the good work of the fast days. Try and practice being aware of how you feel, and if you want a snack then go for it, but there’s no need to eat it if you’re not hungry. The discipline you exercise on fast days can be extended to normal eating on feed days, improving your relationship with food overall.

    Keep us updated with your progress!

    Great start @amy! My best advice is that you cannot out train (exercise) a bad diet. What you put in you mouth on fast and the other 5 days of the week really matters.
    Best of luck, looking forward to hearing how you go.

    hi amy and welcome,
    “anyones advice, stories, pictures would be so helpful.”
    i started out at a size 24 top and 20 waist, im now 16 top and 14 waist, this way of life has been amazing, it took me about 6 weeks to really get the hang of it, i had headaches to begin with but found by drinking plenty during the day helped a lot, what always helped me was telling myself, “ok i cant have that today but if i want i can have it tomorrow” anyone can do it for just one day.
    take measurments from all over, after my first 1 1/2 stone i stopped losing, but the inches started to fall off, i dropped 3 dress sizes, so dont lose heart when the scales stick, other things are going on with the body.
    look at my post in before and after,”a year of success” ive posted pictures, and do need to update them as im slimmer than that now.
    i do hope that has been of some help to you and wish you all the best on your journey, keep us posted xx

    Heya ladies wow i wasnt exspecting any replies!

    to everyone,

    i like to exericse and cardio etc but on fast days would you recomened not exercising?

    if you exercise during fasting you will burn more fat, it can be hard but many here do exercise on a fast day. x

    I fast Tuesday and Thursday as these are my Yoga days. I find it much better to keep the exercise gentle on my fast days. Some people it doesn’t seem to bother. Must be a personal thing I guess.

    Well i work 2pm-10pm mon-fri/ so i try and get an hour in the gym mon-fri. the weekends i dont reli go as its usualy packed!!! but i want to fast on mon-tus as these are my peak days at work so i dont usualy notice if im hungry until about 6pm when i would usualy have tea/dinner/supper (wherever you are from)

    so im starting this diet on monday the 13th of jan as its when i come back from amsterdam. and i finaly can get back into my routine. i hope to lose about 2-3 pounds a week that would be wonderful!

    i have seen other pople on here who have lost soooo much weight i am amazed.

    well girls and guys im sighing off i shall speak to you all soon, i will have a look at a dress in a size 16 and buy it as insentive!!!


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