2016 Weight loss and maintenance journal

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2016 Weight loss and maintenance journal

This topic contains 249 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  coldpizza 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I don’t know how it happened. I was always a fit girl and woman till 40 years old. After 40 I steadily started to gain weight. By 50 I am 163 lb, and my clothes goes from size 4-6 to 10-12. I was on and off different diets, sometimes losing 10 lb and than gaining it back and more.
    I still keep a lot of my old size 6 clothes, that takes more than half of my closet. I hate to shop for bigger sizes now, and hate my new image if mirror.
    Finally I decided to give me last chance to lose weight. If I don’t lose 45 lb this year, I will give all my “skinny” clothes away.
    From January 2016 I started gave up bread, sweets and count my calories. I felt so miserable, it was not for me. I lose weight, but very slowly, and felt very unhappy.
    Struggling from January 1 till January 26 with the diet, I lost only 1.6 lb. and was 161.4.
    I learned about fasting, and decided to start it.
    My first fast was January 27 for 36 hours. When I weight myself after the fast I was 159.1 (3.9 lb lost). I was impressed.
    On January 29 I completed my second fast, the result was 158 lb (5 lb lost). I was thrilled! That is how my journey began.

    That’s brilliant. How are you progressing? I found it a little hard at the very beginning, but the fasting is becoming second nature now.

    Thank you, Frankiedoodle. How long did you fast before it becomes second nature?

    Updates for February. I know I am a little behind, but I want to “document” each month.
    During February I had 5 fasts (all 36 hours and no calories), and visited gym 4 times. Since, the weight usually fluctuates, I thought it would be reasonable to compare average weight for month to see the real weight loss. For January my average was 160.7 lb, and for February 155.1 – 5.55 loss in February.

    I like to set up some rules for myself, but also love to break them. For example, if I set up a rule to fast twice per week Wednesday and Friday, but in reality completed only 5 fasts, still it worked for February, because I also was watching the January diet without sugar and very little bread.
    February was a success for me. 🙂

    @coldpizza – sounds like you’re making awesome progress. Keep it up! Can’t wait to hear how March went.

    Thank you FastEnough. Great name! Trying to figure out if it suggests to have enough fasts to lose weight or to run fast enough from all food temptations. 🙂

    What is your story? How long are you fasting?

    I felt it got easier after two weeks and then I really settled in to it after a month. I’m nearly three months down now. There are a couple of things I think that have helped. One, not changing my fasting days – I fast on Mon and Thu. Two, not taking breaks for birthdays, Easter etc… It’s meant I know where I stand and haven’t had to talk myself into fasting.

    I suck as picking user names but when I started this plan last week this name came easy. FastEnough stands are reminders: remember to fast enough to lose weight, I will be losing at a healthy rate which is fast enough so don’t be discouraged, and I want to start running eventually and it reminds me although slow, it is fast enough for now. 🙂

    I did 2 fast days last week and am fasting today. Lost 2.2lbs my 1st week and need to lose another 12-15lbs to be at a healthy weight.

    Frankie – that is amazing willpower to keep going during holidays and special occasions. I hope to become as strong in my life journey.

    It is good to know that all of us fasting today! Somehow it makes it easier. Happy Monday fasting!

    FastEnough – Congrats on your 1st week results!

    Thanks! Not sure if I should be stepping on the scale everyday but I lost .2 of a pound. LOL

    Hope to make it a solid 1 in official weigh in on Friday.

    Anyone else weigh-in Fridays?

    My scale also was agreeable today morning, but I already have not-planned breakfast with forbidden chocolate waffles. 🙁 I really have to watch out for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is the second fast of the week.
    I weight myself every day, but also could make it official on Friday. I suggest that on Friday we compare our pounds lost (hopefully), and the winner shares more details of what they are doing to achieve the result.

    Sounds like a yummy breakfast. Enjoy – in moderation. I like the idea that we share our official weigh ins. This morning the scale showed another .8 down so unofficially a full pound from Friday’s weigh in but lets hope I don’t undo it today and tomorrow!

    I’m considering doing 16:8 today. Not sure if I’m making too many changes at once. Do you guys do this?

    I often switch to 16:8 when I cannot complete my 36 hour water fast and succumb to evening temptations. Unfortunately, it happened on more regular basis now. I don’t know why, but it seems that it is much harder over time for me to complete 36 water fast. It supposed to be easier, but not in my case.
    Yesterday I did not fast – was out of office, and cannot fast at home. Fasting today instead. My weight is steady – slightly losing after fast day, and slightly gaining it back on feeding days.
    I REALLY need to go back to 36 hours water fast routine to lose this stubborn fat. Disjointed at my own weakness.

    Stay strong! I’m fasting today as well. You can do it! I usually just eat one meal at dinner time at 500 cals. If I spread out my calories, I definitely tend to overeat and am more hungry. I think its because I’m always looking forward to my next meal so I’m thinking about it more. I have not done a water fast yet but will try when I plateau.

    You can do this @coldpizza!!!!

    Thank you FastEnough.
    Let’s do it!

    Side note, I love cold pizza and I’m a little hungrier every time I see your ID. LOL

    Ha-ha-ha! Should I change my ID to “oldpizza” so you are not tempted?

    LOL, nope, you should defiantly keep it. 🙂

    Complete failure!
    For some reason I cannot complete my fasting days. I am doing so good during the day and than start eating at evening. Good news that I don’t gain any, I guess it is my balance. But I so wish to lose some. Why I am so week? What is wrong with me? It was so easy during first two months, but now I am stuck because of my own greed for food. 🙁

    It seems that I am ok during working day hours, but cannot keep the fast during evening. Do anyone has the same problem? I am thinking to find a faster (from US, so we have the same time) with the same problem, so we could exchange phones, and text each other on fasting evenings. Anybody interested?

    Do you have a hobby or can you take a walk (not to the fridge!) around the block or at a park? Walk on a treadmill? Something to keep your mind off of food?

    Hang in there, try again in a few days…maybe you need to take a week off and try again?

    Kitten1 and I are using the app Bindle to keep in touch throughout the day and night if needed. You’re welcome to join us. Its free and anyone can use it. Its just like a group text message but doesn’t share phone #s and best yet, its free to text/chat with anyone inside and outside the US.

    Any takers?

    Is this app Bindle for phone? How to upload it? Can you give me more directions/details.

    Hi Coldpizza,

    I just starting the 5:2 journey today. I am in the US, Mountain time zone. I would be happy to be your ” fasting buddy”. I am hoping to be successful, but I have quite a challenge. I am a shift worker and work 3 12 hour night shifts, not always on the same days, and then flip back to ” normal waking hours” during my days off. Today is my fast day, but also a work night for me, so I tend to stay up close to 24 hours before sleeping again. I will split my calories and have my first meal around 4 pm and my second around 11pm. Then I will eat again tomorrow afternoon, which will be easy since I will sleep in the morning. What concerns me is getting to tomorrow morning with only 500 calories between now and then. But we can do this!!!!

    Yes, you download the app from the app store for an iphone and I think googleplay for a non-iphone. If you google Bindle from your phone, I think there will be a link from the download the app from their site as well. When you set up your account – it took me less than 5 mins – search for FastEnough, I’ll try and link you up.

    Hi @rbooher! Good luck on your journey. It sounds like you have a challenging work schedule.

    Hi rbooher,
    I am in Texas. My fasting days Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I am doing (or trying to) 36 hours no-calories fasts. My problem is that from around 5 pm till 10 pm I give up to my temptations. Funny part that I was able to do it easily in February.
    What a schedule you have! 24 hours without sleeping is hard. I am dead meat at 10 pm.
    I am also impressed that you can keep fast during a day while you are at home. That is hardest part for me. And I definitely cannot stop at only 500 cal. Can you believe that I put a rope on my fridge door to keep myself out?
    What days you are planning to fast? Good luck on your first day! It is so exciting. 🙂

    I have a dog, that I walk every morning, but my husband walk him in evenings. I will try to rethink my strategy for evening hours. Maybe to give myself some tasks for each evening (cleaning/organizing). I am taking some days off till Monday. I will start fresh on Monday.

    I will keep you posted. Thank you for your support.

    I am just starting this.. I have read your posts and feel so encouraged… I will fast Monday and Wed. and see how this goes… Best of luck to all..

    Hi Grammi and welcome:

    Here are some tips that might help: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi Grammi, glad to have more fasting today. Good luck to you.

    I am also fasting today! Aiming 36 hours water fast.
    Happy fasting everybody.

    Finally! The curse is broken! I have completed first 36 hour water fast in April. I am seeing the lowest number so far. Happy-Happy. Enjoying non-fasting day till 6-7 pm, and looking forward to the next fast. Thank you to all of you for support. I could not do it without the forum. 🙂

    Congratulations coldpizza! Keep up the great work.

    Thank you, FastEnough,
    How are you doing?

    Grammi and rbooher,
    How was your first fast? Any problems?

    Started second fast this week. I found that it really helpful to drink a cup of plum juice with your last meal before fasting, I also ate 4 plums. No more bloating and constipation during fasting. 🙂

    HI Coldpizza and FastEnough,

    Sorry for my absence on this forum, but during my work cycle I really only have time to work, sleep and eat.

    FastEnough, thank you for the welcome!

    Coldpizza, my first fast went well. Got hungry a few times, but then it went away again. I fixed myself some chicken and veggies to take to work and ate them around 2330. Boy was I stuffed afterwards! Since then I have fasted one more time with my next fast coming up tomorrow. So far I am only doing 2 days a week and they tend to vary with at least two non-fast days in between. I am considering doing every other day though. I kind of like that empty feeling you get, isn’t that weird?
    What is your calorie intake on non-fast days? I try to stay between 1500 and 1700. I have stayed away from the scale so far, but I feel lighter. Hopefully that is not just an illusion. I am also doing HIT exercises at least 3x a week in a fasted state. Do you guys allow yourselves a cheat meal once a week?
    Anyway, I better get busy. It is back to work tomorrow for 3 days in a row, so I still need to get lots done today. Thank you for your support.

    Hi Rbooher.
    Great start! Congrats!

    I completed second fast of the week today morning and eating now. Technically, a person on a diet is recommended to eat no more than their TDEE (you can calculated it under RESOURCES) about 1/4 of TDEE on the fasting days.
    In reality, everybody is finding what is working for them. Many try one way or another before they finding what they like.
    I always did no-calories fasts (water, black unsweetened coffee, unsweetened tea are allowed). I tried eating up to 500 cal in fasting days but failed miserably (I simply cannot stop at 500), so it is easier for me to water fast.
    I also tried to do two fasts in a row, and completed two 48 hours no-calories fast in March, but realized that after the fast I have uncontrollable urge to overeat.
    Looks like that what works for me is 36 no-cal fasts. I start at evening for example 8 pm on Sunday and fast until 8 am on Tuesday. I did it or at least tried to do it twice per week. This week, for the first time, I am trying fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday. So far I completed Monday and Wednesday, and looking forward to Friday fast.

    Some people here might give you stern advice do this or not do that. I am not that person. I love flexibility of the diet, and believe that each person can find variation of the diet that fits. I encourage you to try different approaches to find what works for you. And you can always adjust your choice. 🙂
    Yes I cheat, I admit, a lot. For example, in February I supposed to fast twice per week, but I completed only 5 fasts. Still I lost 5 pounds. So I am not complaining.

    Now I am learning to watch what I am eating during non-fast days. My TDEE 1500. TDEE is going down when you are losing weight, so check it once in a while. I really don’t like to count calories, but I am trying to make better choice of food at least 75 % of the time.

    I want to be emotionally happy while losing weight, and don’t want to feel completely deprived of food i like. So once in a while I eat bag of chips, or cookies, or even (on NO) cake. 🙂

    Unhappy person cannot be truly healthy.

    So glad that your first two fasts were successful! I know what you say about empty feeling ( I call it comfortably empty) We will fast tomorrow together. Keep us posted.

    OOPS, realize the my first sentence in the previous post is weird.It should be:

    I completed second fast of the week today morning and eating now. Technically, a person on a diet is recommended to eat no more than their TDEE (you can calculated it under RESOURCES) on their non-fast days and about 1/4 of TDEE on the fasting days.

    Sorry. :-/

    Hi coldpizza,

    I used the calculator on this site to figure out my TDEE and I try to stay below that even on my non-fast days just to speed things up a litte. One day a week I have one meal where I don’t worry at all about the calorie count. I have a ways to go, would like to take off about 40-50 lbs. I am currently in a size 14 and would like to get to an 8 or 10. Maybe it wont take that much weight loss to get to that size, we’ll just have to see. I plan to go back to my gym again soon and start weight training again. I did for a few years about 20 years ago and it worked wonders. I am just afraid that my “over 50” body wont respond the same as my 30s body did back then. Have a great fast day tomorrow!

    Confession: I was overeating yesterday. LIKE CRAZY. I think I ate at least twice my TDEE. Scale was laughing wickedly at me in the morning, and I admitted defeat…

    But it is a new battle today!

    I am fasting, and since I was eating yesterday till 10 pm, I have to fast until Saturday 10 am.

    Good side – I slept so well, and wake up 2 hours later than usual, feeling full, fresh and satisfied, like cat that just ate a jar of sour cream. Good that my work hours are flexible. 🙂

    I think that weight training and gym is very helpful to tone your body. I cannot really do the strong weight lifting because I have spine problems. Still I keep dumbbells at work and at home (5-7-10 lb) and regularly do some easy exercises for my arms. I am lazy by nature, but always happy when I drag myself to gym for zumba class, and use exercise-machine for different parts of body (thigh machine is my favorite). I am trying to do it at least twice per week.

    I agree that our 50 years old body probably will not respond as 20-year-old, but it probably respond better than 80-year-old. It always the matter of perspective. 😀

    coldpizza, great job in starting again today. I almost caved yesterday and eat everything in site although I wasn’t really hungry. For me I think this journey is more psychological. My internal 3 yr old throws tantrums – I want what I can’t have.

    Yes, agree with you, it is psychological problem. I felt my brain split: one part said “Stop, you already full”, and another “I want more, I want more…”…

    Still fasting, trying to minimize the damage.

    Hi coldpizza,

    How did your fastday go on Friday? Mine went well. I stuck to my allowed calories. I am actually fasting again today, well Sunday that is, since it is by now early Monday morning. I am trying to do 3 days this week and see how that works. That will leave me 2 days during the week and the weekend to get in trouble. Well,anyway, I just wanted to check in. Back to work for me for 5 more hours. Have a good fast day today (Monday)

    rbooher – great job sticking to the fast. I am fasting today. Happy fasting.

    Hi my fellow fasters!
    I am also fasting today.

    Great job!
    I also fasted on Friday, but instead of water fast I did 500 cal fast and ate all calories at evening.

    Last monday morning weight – 151.4; this monday morning weight 148.4 = 3 lb loss.
    I know that it is probably too much for a week, I heard that it is unhealthy to lose more than 8 lb per month. But i still want to continue this week at the same 4:3 level and see what happen.
    What I really like that starting Tuesday, every morning I weighted less than 150 lb, I hope that I never see that number again! 🙂

    @coldpizza – 3 lbs is fantastic! Keep doing what you’re doing and see how your body feels. I have finally dropped below 130 – my weight has fluctuated between 133-136 for the better part of a year. I’m hoping to keep this downward spiral going down!

    I’m doing some intense cardio (at least for me it’s intense) tonight. I have not exercised in a while but have done short walks with the dogs on fasting and non-fasting days with no problem. I would like to lose another 1-2 this week. I’m afraid exercising will make my muscles retain water and show a gain this Friday but that a chance I’m willing to take this week. I want to get fit and build strength and endurance after I reach my goal weight so good or bad, I don’t plan on making exercise part of my normal routine for now.

    Congrats on below 130 lb! I hoping to get there eventually.

    I do believe that exercise is essential part of any weight loss. Yes, I agree that a person does not need exercise to lose weight, but exercise helps to tone your body, to reduce skin hanging, to create some muscles, and believe it or not make you look younger. Yes, I want to lose weight, but I really don’t want to look like skeleton with wrinkled skin dangling around with no muscles on site.

    I use 24 hour gym for my low to moderate exercise twice per week. I always show better results with gym. I don’t think that with exercise at that level my muscles retain any water. It is the opposite, I lose some water due to sweating during zumba class.

    Did you ever use a steam room? If you don’t have access to steam room, hot bath do wonders to get toxins out of body during fasts.

    I love to hear that you planning to exercise regularly. I am lazy person, but NEVER was feeling regret after going to gym. You doing so great, Keep it up!! What is your final goal for weight?

    Skeleton with wrinkly skin made me laugh at the visual I had. I haven’t used a steam room although I think my gym may have one – its terrible that I’m not 100% certain. I’ll check it out, going there tonight.

    I was happy to move into a health BMI range last week. Today is the start of my 4th week on 5:2 and have lost 4.8 lbs. I currently weigh 129 and my long term goal is 115. I am 5’1 and my healthy weight is from 98lbs to 132lbs.

    Because I’m an apple shape and was born with heart disease, I know this is the most dangerous/unhealthy shape to have. I can tell my clothes are fitting better but not great and at 129, it’s still too heavy.

    You make me curious about my low healthy weight. I knew my high healthy is 144 lb (still long way to go), but never calculate low. It is 107 lb. I am a little bit taller- 5’4″.
    I am also going to gym today. Maybe see you there! 😀

    I thought that the body shapes only matter during choosing style of closing, and did not know that shapes could be unhealthy or dangerous. 🙁

    Just want to record my new commitment in my thread.
    “A chocolate waffle every 90 days makes me happy” – means that I will have my next chocolate waffle on July 18th. So be it!

    First 36-hour-water-fast of the week is completed. Scale shows me 146 for the second time in April. I wonder how many times I should see the number AFTER fasting until the number smiles at me BEFORE fasting?

    Coldpizza, that really is a heroic decision – I briefly thought about joining the 90 days challenge, then decided I just wouldn’t be able to stick it out. Wow. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and the enigmatic 90-day-chocolate waffle!

    36-hour-water-fast sounds gruelling – how did you feel throughout it? More or less difficult than a 500 calorie day? Hats off to you for succeeding!

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