1st Fast Day

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ClaireboLinto 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hey all,

    Today is the start of my 5.2 experience and my first fast day!! All going good so far – I’ve had 2 egg whites and a protein shake for breakfast and still feel quite full. I was wondering if someone could help with something though – is it ok to drink herbal tea on a fasting day? I love green tea with lemon and would drink about 4/5 cups a day – is this still ok on a fasting day?

    Many thanks 🙂

    herbal tea, green tea, normal tea, coffee are all fine as long as any milk or sugar you add is taken into account calorie wise. I drink black coffee by the shed load on fast days as well as herbal teas and plain water with a slice of lemon

    Yes, agree. I drink hot water with juice of half a lemon when I get fed up with water or black tea. I don’t drink too much coffee. Welcome to the forum. Happy fasting.

    Hi Claire and welcome from me too!

    you are doing great, happy fasting 🙂

    Thanks everyone – not finding it too bad at the moment – I had breakfast at 9.30 this morning (I have breakfast once I get to work as I’m always rushing in the mornings lol)and have drank nearly 2 litres of water so far and a fair few green and peppermint teas. It’ll prob be 7.30 by the time I have dinner this evening but I must say though I have had a few hunger pains it hasnt been as bad as I thought phew!!

    I must admit it is so inspirational reading some of the comments on the forums it really is a community and gives you a great sense that your not alone and we’re all in this together – completely AWESOME!!! 🙂

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