16lbs in 6 weeks Fasting easy – newbie’s read

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16lbs in 6 weeks Fasting easy – newbie’s read

This topic contains 39 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Dembick 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone

    Firstly I will apologise for the show off title but wanted newbie’s to read this.

    I have been doing this diet for 6 weeks and lost 16lb easily, I put it down to the fact I can eat whatever I want to up to 1600 -1800 calories a day on non fast days. This means mentally I have no restrictions I do not cheat anymore just count the calories in. This has changed my mental way of dieting as I just can not resist a bit of chocolate & crisps so I have them & count them in. I do swim 5 days and walk 2 days.

    Now when you have got your head around the fact you can really have what you want just have to restrict portion size, there is no more falling off the wagon as you can really have what you want within reason. It may not be much cake but a slither is enough to make me feel happy and not restricted. You can build your days around going out seeing friends or work social.

    My savour has also been the app my fitness pal which I record whet I eat and what exercise I do, this keeps me on the straight & narrow.

    Fasting days
    I thought I would not be able to cope on the first day. I read on this forum about not waking the hungry dragon and they are right. I have found that the best way is to have a satisfying breakfast about 10.30 then nothing until 7pm, and guess what I can actually cope, no headaches. I do feel very cold on fasting days and get hunger pangs about 4pm which I have learnt to ride out but I do get through and I then think about what I can have on Friday.

    Do not go food shopping on a fasting day that was a big mistake as I felt hungry about 2pm then all day.

    Fasting day

    I usually have a piece of toast with a tablespoon of chopped tomatoes and a poached egg, no butter.

    No lunch

    Hot drink about 4pm

    I start cutting down on water a bit later as it swishes around an empty tummy and seems to make me hungrier.

    Dinner will be M & S prawns, stir fry and ¼ packet of Singapore noodles (Tesco ones are twice the calories)

    Finished of with usually 2 mint matchmakers.

    I was read a statement saying “nothing tastes as good as slim.”

    If I can do this so can you. Remember there are no restrictions on what you can have just how much you can have of it. So if you want something have it just count it in!

    Hope this helps anyone who is dithering out there.


    The reason for headaches is dehydration. That’s why its important to have a salty broth at least one cup of in the day. You lose a lot of body salts as well as water when you fast like this and the salts helps rebalance your electrolytes and allow your body to retain enough water to keep you hydrated.

    How did you determine your calorie allowance. Calories are going to vary for everyone depending on their weight and height, age as well as gender. So what you ate might not be right for me. No one here seems to mention their vital statistics so i don’t feel like i’m talking to people with bodies half the time.

    I eat when i get hungry on fast days. On the first one i started cooking lunch at 10.30 am and probably started eating it at about 11.30. On my second day i ate lunch at 12.15. This works for me. I don’t need much in the evening. I do pretty much the opposite of you with food types. I find it hard to eat things in moderation. People seem to fall into basically two types with regard to that. Moderation or not. People who binge tend not to be able to do moderation in the long term. Although everyone is retrainable so who knows down the track i might be able to do moderation but when you are trying to break a bad habit, its best to keep temptation far away.

    Hi Pattience

    I do not tend to get headaches on this diet I think it helps with the toast at breakfast. I can do moderation so a small treat like 1matchmaker only 20 cals is fine on my fasting days.

    To determine my calories seems to be what works for me in find between 1600-1800 calories a day with 2 fasting days works for me.i use the my fitness pal app to record everything.

    I agree if you can not do moderation keep well away from treats. I bought some new scales that weigh calculate body fat, hydration, bone density and muscle mass they were only £19.99 and weigh the same as the drs so I know they are pretty accurate I hope. I am well hydrated as drink quite a lot of water and have lost 12% body fat bug no muscle which is what I want as I do quite a bit of exercise.

    Do you just have one meal a day on fasting?


    Salt: its probably the prawn meal if its bought it will be full of salt.

    I use mfp too but not the app. I have heard its good though. I don’t have a mobile phone.

    Yes exercise helps retain muscle.

    I have one main meal which is lunch. I will have something in the evening but not a meal. At first i tried to have just one meal and nothing else but when i felt like something on the second day of my first fast, i had a coffee in the evening. I had thought you were supposed to only have one meal.

    Then i realised it didn’t seem to matter. I put most of my calories in one meal because i’ve realised if you eat a good low GI meal, it will last you a long time anyway and you won’t need much to get you through the evening. I am often not hungry in the mornings anyway. On non-fast days i always eat breakfast of course but usually i have a coffee first off and then sometime later get around to eating breakfast but its always because i make myself do it. I like the fact that on fast days, i can just wait until i am really ready to eat.

    I tend to have approx 200 cals for breakfast and 300 for dinner which seems to be working fine. As losing a goos 2 lb a week.

    I always try and have breakfast after swimming about 10am before starting work as I work from home so easy to work around .

    I also only weigh once a week up until this diet I had not weighed myself at home for about 10 years. I also measure every week which is great boost.

    Have a good week ahead. I have a hard week ahead as going to visit baby granddaughter and daughter in law and my daughter my son has gone to New York on business. This is the first time away on this diet so fasting will be hard, so will just take care and enjoy myself but not go mad. Can not wait to see them all and have a cuddle of baby


    Hi Kathy. Thanks for your motivational post. I have only just started on this program. Did my first fasting day Thurs to see if I could manage….it was really tough!!!! however fasting day 2 is tomorrow. It’s really interesting to read about what works for different people. I’ve worked out my TDEE as 1851 cals therefore fasting day cals should be 462, which doesn’t sound a lot…. I’m going to need to get imaginative! As for non-fasting days, the notion that you can eat whatever you want in any quantity has been (sadly) trampled on! It’s not magic…its science, that’s why I love the idea of this program…a more doable way of cutting weekly calories.

    Hi Pam

    Thank you for you kind words as is was meant for that very reason to motivate. I too believe that on non fast days you can not just eat what you want you have to be careful. I really hope I have found the relight diet this time and will able to maintain the loss . I would like to loose another 12lb so still have a bit to go.
    Good luck tomorrow my fast day as well


    Congratulationa! I’m on day 3 of fasting, so far so good 🙂

    I was concerned to see you were saying you were avoiding drinking water? I did read somewhere that this could cause kidney stones. I’ve found just a swig of water every half hour or so is the way to go for me, a whole glass would definitely start swishing around!

    I also think putting some raw ginger in herbal teas is a good solution to hunger, it seems to stop my hunger pangs.

    I love my Calorie KIng App too! I just use it for the food diary (as I’m too embarrassed to admit how little exercise I do) but that still makes a big difference for me.

    Happy fasting and keep up those fluids 🙂

    your posts are encouraging started last thursday with a fast and again today,will see where it takes me,hate the calorie counting.
    Does anyone have a good site,I have no mobile phone with app.

    Susebl, I use My fitness pal its good and when you use it more often, you find ways to be more efficient. But i don’t recommend eating the same meals all the time as a way to save time since to get the best nutrition you should eat a wide variety of foods. I am in a support group over there called 3fc pals which you can join if you wish or there is also a 5:2 group.

    PAG, i haven’t read the 5:2 book so i don’t know how you worked out your fasting calories from your TDEE. I just thought it was a basic 500 per woman and 600 for guys. What’s the formula. That said, i’m quite happy to stay with 500. I”d even eat more than that if i needed too. Less food is going to help get one through it and the odd week eating a little more isn’t going to ruin all the good work.

    Have a good week Kathy. Wish i was going to New York. I’ve never been and would love to go.

    patience isnt fsting day cals 1/3 of your TDEE?

    Hi well done!!! I am new to this ive got 2 and a half stone 2 loose the first day does it have to be a fasting day

    Hi all

    Kdaggie I do drink about 8 glasses a day I just find that by about 4-5 pm on fasting days with no food it seems to make me feel more empty. Might try the ginger though.

    Susebl, I too use my fitness pal on desktop, ipnone & ipad all synced together (sad I know but I work in tech world)

    This week will be hard for me as travelling to see family so aiming not to fast but be very careful and then fast 2 days next week.

    Morgansmummy I started on a Thursday and did not fast until following Tuesday as I was dreading it and had to build up to it, then found it easy. I was not sure to start with how much I wanted to loose but now decided it is 2 stone as easier than I thought it would be, so another 12 lb to go.

    Just think how slim we will all by by Christmas, keep up the good work everyone!



    I’m new, first fasting day today.

    morgansmummy: My target weight loss is 24lb by November 8th ( 11 weeks ) and I’ll be starting with 4:3 for the next three weeks, then on to 5:2.

    If you’re looking at a similar target and routine, perhaps we could support each other?

    No obligation! Good luck anyway. 🙂

    Losing weight is easy if you eat lots of vegetables, healthy food in a reasonable balance, minimise all the junk stuff and processed food (which i consider junk anyway), avoid getting hungry, remain optimistic, avoid stress, get good sleep. Really once you get in the swing of it, the weight should come off quite easily. You only need to reduce your calories a little from TDEE to get such benefits. When i started at the beginning of they year, using my fitness pal, i can’t remember if i was aiming for a quarter of a kilo or a quarter of a pound (but i knew it was a quarter of something) each week. And within three months, most of what i had to lose was gone and i felt like i’d got there, though of course i still had some distance to go. Its just that the difference in 3 months is significant. I was 180 pounds to start with and want to lose about 45 in total. If you’ve got more to lose, it still doesn’t need to be hard. My goal was to reach it by end of the year and i deliberately slowed things down after my first three months. but i am definitely still inching towards my goal, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, for my own reasons. But never backwards. I refuse to go backwards.

    DAVID thanks for that tip. I didn’t know. I still wouldn’t think it matters to round it out.

    KATHY why punish yourself with hunger and a funny tummy – caused by hunger. Eat at lunch time or as i do, have lunch when i feel hunger coming on. I only need something light in the evenings. If hunger came on at 10.30, i’d eat then. If it came on at 2pm i’d eat then. In my opinion sitting unnecessarily with hunger on a diet is BAD. One of my favourite diet books is called the Don’t go hungry diet by Dr Amanda Sainsbury- Salis. She doesn’t say its bad like i do. She just says its to be avoided. And frankly, its easy to avoid most of the time. Even on 500 calories a day. If your meal is a good one of nutrition dense foods, it will carry you through.


    My tummy if fine now being a coeliac I do sometimes suffer but all good now. Been away for a few days and did have few different things but was not too bad but no fasting this week but not put on any weight. So very pleased, I just do not want to eat like in used to thank goodness. I do not have such a sweet tooth and actually quite missed fasting this week. On this diet for 7 weeks and never felt better


    I like the idea that you get into the routine of fasting so much that you miss it when you don’t do it.

    I never thought I would be able to say that but looking forward to Tuesday fasting day, mind you might feel different on Tuesday morning, lol.

    My body defiantly feels better after a fasting day feel nice and slim and cleansed.

    Today is my fasting day. I was sleep when i got up so i just slept til lunch time. I did get up though, before i mean. Had a lovely fish stew for lunch followed by nescafe with milk. I’ve got a delicious cold cucumber soup for supper. I know i’ll be fine. I just wish i could get all my vitamins and minerals in with out having to take a pill.

    I’m going to see my doctor on Friday to get some calcium pills. I don’t want to get osteoporosis any sooner than needs be and its in my family.

    Hi there I’m new to the diet and this is my first fasting day. I could do with some encouragement! I am 5’10” and weigh 12st 12. I put weight on after I gave up smoking so I am really hoping to get to 10st 7lb again. I was just planning to have a bowl of homemade lentil soup at tea time and porridge at night time. Do you think it is better to vary the meals?

    Hi versy,

    If porridge is at night time, when is tea time? lol.

    Lentil soup is a good choice as its slow release energy and also high in protein, and fibre which it turns out we can’t have enough of.

    Rather than porridge, i’d go for vegetables or more protein if you can to help prevent muscle wasting. But porridge is not that bad really. If it helps you get through the day, then its probably fine to start with.

    I also have been battling with my weight since i gave up 17 years ago. I’ve been up and down so many times but now i’m just not going to get fat again. I am not sure i can keep this 5:2 diet going for ever but i know i can stay away from sugar forever and i believe i can keep this weight off forever now. Whatever strategy you choose, just make sure you prioritise healthy eating and stay away from sugar because sugar can just about take over your life.

    I found that the strategies i used to quit smoking help me with my strategies for quitting sugar and maintaining a healthy body weight. I quit sugar 8 months ago. Its not totally banned but just about. My rules about sugar are as firm as they are for smoking and they have to be if you don’t want to relapse and go back to hold habits.

    Hi Pattience! I was planning on having the soup about 7pm and the porridge at about 10.30pm (to get me through the night lol!!) but I wasn’t planning on eating lunch till about 1pm tomorrow. Would that work?

    Looking forward to doing this diet – it’s a lifestyle I really want to stick to. I’m not sure I could give up sugar altogether (wine on a Fri night??) but at least I’m still off the fags!!

    Hi Pattience on non fast days try and get half a pint of milk maybe to help calcium if not health span do a high calcium tablet which I had to have a few years ago when I was very anaemic . Fish stew sounds good.

    Welcome versey well done on giving up smoking, you will soon have that weight off on this diet. Like all diets the real key is exercise alongside. I must admit on fasting days I am a bit boring and usually have the same type of thing. Poached egg on toast no butter, nothing then until evening then roast chicken with veg or prawn stir fry with a very small portion on rice noodles, and of course my 1 matchmaker.
    Pattience is not so boring on her fast days, so you will probably get better ideas from her for fast foods.

    I am back to normal tomorrow first fasting day in about 12 days due to family commitments and bank holiday, not been too bad but looking forward to tomorrow. It was quite a good break off the diet and I have found my sweet tooth is not as sweet and I can not eat big meals anymore, so I hope I have found the cure for putting back on any weight and I am training myself to eat less generally. Sugar is a bad one I have not cut it out but I have cut it down a lot, I never eat processed food being gluten free, so that cuts a lot of rubbish out.

    The key to fasting is having long periods without food as this allows your body to rebuild the cells and use the fat up. I usually have last meal about 7pm the night before fasting day then on the fasting morning I go swimming have breakfast at 10am then nothing until 7pm which seems to work for me. Try a few different ways until you find what is best for you.

    Hope you all have a good week ahead


    Off swimming early so that will be a great start.

    Thank you Kathy – you eat the foods I love! I eat poached egg on toast most days even before I started this diet. I do 45 mins of aerobics/step most mornings so I have breakfast about 11 am when I get back. I’ve also started zumba which is great fun and I burn about 500 cals in that class. Enjoy your swim! xx

    Versey, I don’t consider wine sugar. I drink wine and other alcohol. Wine is not sweet and does not cause me to binge. If i had a drinking problem, then i’d ban that to but because its alcohol, not because its sugar.

    for myself, because soft drink is not a problem food for me – i hardly ever drink it, that’s not forbidden either. Its primarily, cakes, biscuits, sweets, ice-cream, chocolate, honey and sugar on top of foods, but if i got into a habit of eating too many dried fruits, they’d be back on the banned list but probably temporarily.

    So if i want a shandy at the pub, i can have one. If its a stinking hot day and the only cold thing available is a can of coke, i’d have it. Though i haven’t had a can of coke all year and only one shandy so far.

    I’ve had no ice-cream, no chocolate. I’ve had biscuits and dessert to a max of 6 serves this year when out of the home.

    I’ve had my sugar free desserts recently but in tin portions and not so much. which goes to prove my rules. I found i could do this quite easily. I had to work harder, quite a bit actually to resist having more dessert and so on in those other situations. But wait till you’ve beaten your sugar thing before even going down the path of sugar free desserts, i recommend because its important to get all the other healthy eating changes into place first. Like learning to eat lots of vegies every day.

    In the book the end of overeating, he talks about the combination of fat and sugar that is so utterly morish we lose control. This is the problem i have. But i also have it with fat free lollies so the fat isn’t essential. But after reading this and the bit about the combo of fat and salt being moreish, i understood why the chicken i mentally despised kept drawing me back for more too. Its why people can’t stop at a couple of chips and other unhealthy savoury foods. Or why some people eat too much cheese.

    I have learnt to eat cheese in moderation. I do it by putting it on other foods most of the time and if i just want to eat straight cheese, i make it a special cheese. Nuts are also a risk for me too, even peanuts, hence why it try to eat with other foods to enhance the flavours of a salad or other dish rather just eat a pile of nuts.

    Hi Pattience! My book has just arrived so guess what I will be doing this afternoon??? I’m going to fast on Friday so if hubby brings home wine he can bloomin well drink it himself – ha ha I shall stand firm.

    Reading some of the other posts I have just ordered myself a kettlebell and dvd. I couldn’t order “The Swing” because the dvd isn’t compatible with the UK but at least I’m giving it a go. Good advice about the naughties like cheese etc. I’m not into desserts really but great idea about cheese. I shall sprinkle on food rather than lumps on crackers. I love cottage cheese also so will probably stick to that for a while. How much weight have you lost so far? V xx

    Got through yesterday ok on fast feel a lot better. I was quite surprised at cheese tried the low fat one which was like rubber so just using Parmesan as best I can , not a big cheese lover. I am more quality than quantity so happy to have a bit of chocolate etc but only with calories which is fine. Always been one to cut a Mars bar into about 10 bits used to drive the kids mad as they could not understand how I could just have a little bit each day.

    Fastening again tomorrow


    I was 80kg around the time i started. And today i’m 63kg. My goal is 60kg.
    that’s about 176 pounds to about 140 pounds to about 132 pounds.

    I lost most of that in the first three months. And have been taking it fairly easy since then just playing about trying different diets – low carb and now 5:2 and even just being stable.

    I got down to 63 on low carb too but that was a lot of water weight i know and when i went of it i put some of it back on. I did it for 6 weeks. A good experience to go through though.

    And now 5:2. I decided to fast to help get back on the straight and narrow after the low carb thing.

    And now i’m working hard at increasing my fibre intake also and cooking lots of yummy healthy things including sugar free desserts.

    Kathy, yes i could never eat a tiny bit of a mars bar and i don’t trust myself to do it now either.

    I think the whole low fat notion was a bit dietary mistake for the whole world. And the sooner people get over it the better for everyone. There’s a book called Good Calorie Bad Calorie by Gary Taubes. Its a well researched investigation into the whole fear of fat thing. I didn’t read it all but with my low carb experience, i’ve learnt enough to realise that low fat is wrong.

    Luckily i never seriously followed the low fat milk thing for very long. It just seemed wrong to my mind to take the pleasure that is normally in a food, out of it. And of course now we hear how they all replaced the fat with just more sugar and more salt.

    One day have a read of the End of Overeating or take a look at a you tube show from BBC The Men who Made us Fat and the Men who Made us thin.

    They show you how industry has been manipulating people for all these years and we could say basically created this obesity epidemic we are witness. It would surprise me one day if there’s a class action over it.

    Morning Pattience! God I’m exactly 176 lbs this morning so I would love to be the weight you are now. I wish I could fast forward the next 3 months – I just can’t imagine losing 20 lbs but I’m going to give it a bloomin good go. You must be a right skinny malink now. V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    You didn’t tell me your height. I was 5’5″ so my daily calorie count in the beginning was 1650, then to 1600 which i followed for the three months. And i’m 50 (going on 51)

    You can do it. Three months flies by.

    I’m 5’10” and allow myself 1500 cals a day (which includes toast and a tipple before bed) but I do an exercise class or two most days and walk the dogs loads. Just heading off to one now. Tatty bye for now. V xxxxxxxxxxxx

    You can afford to eat a lot more then. I’m going to plug in your TDEE and come up with a better number for you.

    I think you are making this much harder for yourself than necessary.


    I put in your age as 40 (cause i don’t know) your height as 5 10 and your weight as 176pounds and that you do moderate exercise which is conservative.

    Your BMI is: 25.3
    Your BMR is: 1549
    Your TDEE is: 2400 calories

    This means that you can eat 2400 calories a day and not gain weight and that under no circumstances should you eat less than 1549 most days.

    Basically you are currently on a formula that will lead to plateaus very soon.
    If i was you i would eat 2000 calories a day minimum on non-fast days. You will lose weight easily and if you don’t you need to get thorough testing done at your gp for insulin resistance.

    Look under HOW abveo to find these calculators so you can work out your TDEE properly yourself. Don’t reduce your calories anymore than 500 below your TDEE. You won’t be able to keep it up for long if you do. It will all catch up with you and throw you off the diet. Be patient. Do things sensibly. Eat healthy food.

    I find your hours of eating on fast days a bit weird. Do you get up late? Is that why you can go all day without food until 7.30pm.

    Basically i suggest whatever time you get up, eat when you get hungry and then a few hours later maybe. But eat the biggest meal you can get in for 500 calories.

    Well done you two, Pattience you are so close now.

    I read eat fat get thin great book suggesting low fat diets are bad for you and too sugar is the enemy and I really do think it has been a problem forytears ans this is what is causing the huge diabetic onslaught Is happening today. Fat is not bad for you sugar is.

    I agree with Pattience do not have too few calories or your body will adapt eating a lot less and then as you start eating normally you will put the weight back on. For me this time I want it to be the last diet therefore slowly slowly catchy monkey, trying to keep calories around 1600 -1800 a day plus exercise.
    The main thing is I find it quite easy which makes a change from other diets.

    Weigh in tomorrow as will report back.

    Just weighed in

    lost 0.75lb over the 2 weeks so pleased as was off diet for 8 days, down to 168lb now and 5ft6 , age 50 in 2 weeks, so lost about 17lb so far. Still would like to lose another half a stone but feel so much better and finding the diet quite easy which can not be too bad.I need to still loose around my waist, back & tummy. Bottom half ok size 12 -14 jeans easy fit. top size 14 never going to reduce my broad shoulders and rib cage a bit bigger than most. My legs are muscle (all that swimming)

    What I am pleased with is the fat ratio lost and no muscle

    Started Now
    Fat 33.9 29.6 good I think Michael Mosley said 30 and below good
    Water 39.7 44.0 good not dehydrated
    Muscle 31.10 31.8 pleased as I have not lost any muscle but still below what it should be
    Bone density 4.00 4.00 not changed think this should be higher but had a dexa scan a few years back being a coeliac and they said my bone density was at the highest level

    Hi all
    I know everyone is different and has their own way of tackling this diet. But if I had to worry about what I eat on non-fasting days I wouldn’t diet at all. I love my food and beer too much to cut down so for 2 days I eat little or nothing. The rest I eat drink and be merry without a care in the world and that what keeps me going.
    I’ve lost a stone in 8 weeks and still going down. I believe this diet will make me healthier and I will change my habits over time. But eat drink and starve for 2 days is the way to go for me.
    Don’t worry carry on for 5 of the 7 days.

    Well done.

    now tell me, how do you work out what your muscle weight should be?

    I got a referral for a bone scan today.

    If its any consolation my fat percentage was close to 30 when i weighed less than 150 pounds and i’m only one inch shorter than you and a little bit older at almost 51.

    Today its 27.4% and i’m 63kg which is about 140 pounds.

    Dembick that only works when you are very overweight.

    or don’t eat very much on your non fast days naturally.

    Hi Pattience

    The scales work it out, the main thing for me was to loose fat not muscle which I have done. Well done you must be really slim now.
    Your fat ratio is very healthy, I do not eve r think I will see 140lbs. My new scales seem very good but are even a bit heavier than Drs my old scales are 10lb lighter which would be nice I would then be only 158 lb, my target is 160 lbs I will then review it if I need to. good luck with bone scan very easy and painless no noise like MRI scans, plus I got results there and then, she said I scored 98% and would never need another one as my bones are very strong. Hope she is right.

    Den brick if that works for you it is great , everyone finds what works best and hopefully can stick to it. If I ate what I wanted on non fast days it would be way over my TDEE, I would not loose weight so need to keep to my calories at the moment.


    I’m hardly over weight at all. I’m all but 6″ and did weigh 15st+.
    I do eat a lot and drink a lot, so fasting twice a week probably cuts down my calorie intake by a few thousand, and of course my beer intake.
    I’ve lost 2 inches off my beer belly, taken a link out my watches and lost a stone.
    This diet works because it cuts down your calories over a week, so the more you eat the more calories you cut out.
    I believe if your already on a diet you wont lose so much.
    although these forums are very informative for those who want to delve deeper into the whole BMI, TDEE etc. if I had read some of these posts I would not have started it. All I really want to know is what not to eat and what to eat on fasting days and the rest, to me is carry on as normal.
    So any one out there wants to lose weight and get healthier just fast for 2 days and enjoy your non fasting days. get healthier and lose weight.

    If i ate what i wanted on non -fast days i would gain weight. I”m a guts.

    I used often to eat over 8000 calories in a day. Besides i had problems with sugar.

    I’m a guts too but don’t eat 8000 calories a day although some days I might.
    I do like my real ale though so for me its good not to drink 2 days a week.
    Hope your bone scan goes well and you sugar problem goes away or has gone.

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