🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

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🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 758 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernDawn 4 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 760 total)

  • DAY 3 – UK – FD
    DAY 2 – NFD

    A fairly good weekend but still over TDEE on both days so today needs to be a FD!!!

    Started the day with an early Broga class followed by a 9km walk with a couple of friends. Pilates session mid afternoon and ending the day with a gentle yoga session for lower back pain (niggling left lower back pain for a week)

    @kazoo @murielpuce @prettyhelen @time4me – welcome to these challenges – lots of support and advice willingly given – it does help to know that others have your back
    @bert1802 and @shinything – sorry to hear about your tooth trouble – hopefully settles down sooner than later with the antibiotics 🤗
    @michelinme – lovely to have you back – I was MIA for most of July too. Sorry to hear about your ongoing health issues exacerbated by a dose of coronavirus 🤞your energy levels start to move upwards – self care is so important as these times 🤗
    @songbirdme – let August be the month for us maintainers to drop those extra couple of kgs – we can do this!!
    @jaifaim @judyjudes – thank you for the welcome back and I still plank as part of my Broga and aerobic classes!
    @daffodil2010 – hopefully you and OH had a fab day out taking the motorcycle for a spin around the Midlands and again today 🏍
    @kazoo – nice to see someone else from the Lake District joining in – what a small world we live in sometimes 🤗 sounds like you had a fab swim in Windemere – you must be a good 🏊‍♀️
    @fasterjo – Happy belated birthday to you and you are not the only one who went MIA in July – nice to be back and motivated!
    @northerndawn – I remember you from early 2019 – welcome back and you know what to do – stick to the basics and remember to drink plenty of water – you have done it before so can do it again 💪
    @jaifaim – so sorry to read about your Dad 🤗 I am sure that your Dad knew you were at his bedside overnight – keep talking to him and holding his hands – thinking of you all and your mum xx
    @northgeorgia – You will do well back at the office – you know we have your back so positive thoughts only!! And hopefully the issues with your Dad’s heart are well controlled as he has been managing it for the best part of a year now

    I too am joining all 3 of today’s pocket lists

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @dykask WFD


    DTF List – Day 3 ☕️


    Day 3 USA (Illinois) CD

    I so adore this forum. So many caring and wonderful fasters here.

    Q -crazy weight loss thing? Back in the early 70’s when DH was in the Army over in Korea, and I was home alone with eldest DD, feeding her baby food. I didn’t cook for myself hardly at all, just drank coffee and smoked like crazy. Unintentional weight loss. I see photos of myself from then, and I look like a concentration camp survivor.

    @northerndawn – SO WONDERFUL to see you back among us. We Midwesterners are important around here. Yes, 2016 was the beginning for me too. You’ll be back to your svelte self again soon. We know this works.

    @murielpuce – Our seasons is exactly why I am not crazy about moving South like so many do here (as my folks did, to Florida). I love all of them, and yes, there is something about fall with the leaves, the sky, cool nights, pumpkins… you know.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 – on vacation at 8500′ in Colorado

    Welcome back, @northerndawn! I too gained back the weight I lost on 5:2 (from 166 in 2013 to 137 in 2015), and was always a pear also. I’m down 12 pounds to 152 this go-around, but am offended by all the extra bulk still around my waist, so we can cheer each other on on our similar journeys!
    Yay, @i-hate-lettuce, have fun choosing smaller clothes!
    @judyjudes, well done on resisting snacking temptation!
    Aww, @jaifaim, I’m so sorry for the sorrow in your life. I too believe your dad has known you are there.
    Welcome back, @prettyhelen, and good luck; we have you any time you slip!
    @time4me, we LOVE and welcome new people and are so glad you’ve joined us; good luck in your journey down!
    @northgeorgia, I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I look forward to hearing how impressed your co-workers were to see the new you!

    Okay, I’ve finally figured out how to respond to individual parts…but you’d all laugh to see me doing so while following around 10MO DGD while everyone else sleeps, LOL!

    Have a grand day everyone!

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @jaifaim ❤️🤗

    Fitbit charged, walk done, brunch logged. Time to get serious and back to goal.

    @flourbaby craziest thing I’ve ever done was visiting a quack at a private slimming clinic and taking the diet pills he sold me…..made me so ill and of course the weight loss was temporary. I was young and desperate 😳

    Stay strong fellow fasters.

    Day 3 Canada NFD

    Had a bigger lunch with lots of raw and pickled veggies yesterday to get me through the afternoon munchies. Seemed easier but habits are hard to crack. The MFP is a good eye opener. Any advice on adding exercise data to MFP? It seems to give me a really high TDEE 🤷‍♀️

    Welcome back @fasterjo @northerndawn

    @jaifaim thinking of you and your family 🙏

    @flourbaby craziest thing? Acupuncture🤦‍♀️I had small thumb tacks near my ears which when pushed were supposed to suppress appetite. All it did was make me feel sad and teary.
    Off for another 🚲 ride today

    @jaifaim – hugs to you and prayers for your whole family as you remember your father at this time.

    Day 3 FD Lake District UK

    2nd post

    Well 1st fast day for August done. Finished eating and kitchen closed till tomorrow at 11am.

    @at I am not a very good swimmer but it is something we like doing. We do wear wetsuits and do still feel the cold so I have bought a pair of thermal swim gloves and that really makes a difference. The worse bit is when a boat goes by and you have to swim through the wake. I get washed about a bit.

    @hedwig6 Thanks for letting me know you have changed the challenge sheet

    See you all tomorrow

    @stitchincarol Can you share/explain how you respond to individual parts. I make a list as the day goes so that I don’t miss anyone out. There has got to be a better way . All this is new to me. Thank you

    Day 3 Lake District UK

    3rd post

    @flourbaby thanks for adding me to the ZBC I need to learn how to do this myself

    Day 3 Oxfordshire, UK – FD
    A great FD so far, just waiting on diner to be ready. Not felt particularly hungry. If only all FDs were like this
    @jaifaim – so sorry to hear about your dad. Be gentle with yourself. When my dad left us I turned to comfort eating.
    @emmataylor I also think some people don’t have a very healthy relationship with food. Feeling the need to ‘treat’ or ‘comfort’ themselves.
    @Brighton Belle – I’m with you on the DTF.
    Welcome to all the newbies and returners. Its great to have such good company with ups and downs of fasting, hopefully more downs than ups as far as lbs are concerned.
    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @dykask WFD


    DTF List – Day 3 ☕️

    Day 3, UK, FD

    First FD of the month and so far so good 🙂. I intend to keep it that way.

    @jaifaim I am so sorry to hear about your Dad 😔 , my prayers are with you 🙏

    @murielpuce, @kazoo, @time4me welcome guys 😀

    @at thank you for your well wishes, my toothache is gone and I’m back to normal, thank god 👍

    @michelinme its great to have you back, you’ve been missed 🤗 . I hope your health improves and fast 🙏

    Adding myself to pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @dykask WFD


    DTF List – Day 3 ☕️

    Day 4- Atlanta, GA- USA- FD

    Glad to be back for August!!

    Day 4, OMAD?, Aus

    Thanks for putting me on yesterday’s pocket lists, @snowflake. I’m often the first to post on a new day and I always forget to start the list.

    I’m in the office today (why!? the hierarchy hear seems to think it’s good for image, or something – frustrating) so decided not to bring in lunch, and not to visit the café. I’ll see if I can hold out until dinner (steak with silverbeet, feta and beetroot salad). I’ve been bouncing around the same kilo for two months now and I want to see some new leading numbers. Time to try something new.

    Thinking of you @jaifaim. You’re sounding positive and strong which must be a great support for your dad and family. Look after you too.

    Hello @prettyhelen – you are definitely not alone in having a bad day, unleashing that hunger dragon, and letting it have free rein in the kitchen, the pantry, the cellar, the hidey-holes where you’ve stashed chocolate and temptations and anywhere else it can snuffle out treats. I think most of us do berate ourselves, but we then sigh, and heave ourselves back on to the wagon. Because as @flourbaby says, what other choice is there? And one bad day does not undo a WOL.

    Welcome @ @time4me – always good to have another southern hemispherite on board. And I love your handle!

    Yay for questions, @flourbaby!! (Tho I was not the first to do these as a forum host.) Really, the craziest thing I’ve done for weight-loss is 5:2. And I say that because over the years I’ve flirted with Weight Watchers, the soup diet, Body Trim, but I never stuck with any of them. So of course they didn’t work, not even in the short term. I’ve been doing 5:2 on and off for a few years now and when I’m “on”, it does work and I lose weight. So I keep going back to it. Crazy, huh?

    Day 4 – Japan – NFD

    WFD was okay, a bit harder. I think it was because I was tried as I was up a lot in the middle of the night the day before. One of the joys of getting older I guess.

    Day 4, NZ – WFD
    Thank you all for the warm welcome – I’ve enjoyed reading through the posts, it’s all motivating (the up’s and down’s!).
    Hopped on scales this morning – 68.1kg.
    Today will be first WFD in a long time. I generally find fasting days okay – it’s the NFDs that I tend to let get out of hand and overeat (“that’s done it, may as well eat the whole packet” attitude!!). So previous FDs are just balancing out overeating and not actually losing any weight.
    Will try not to weigh myself again till next Monday or Tuesday morning so I’m not riding the number rollercoaster and letting my mood for the day be determined by a scale number! Also, having a weigh in soon after the weekend might help reign in some of the social, relaxed eating.
    It feels really nice to share my built up food/weight thoughts – almost like weight lifted off my shoulders, ha ha!! I don’t talk about weight / diet at home as I have 3 girls who I just want to be happy and not spend their entire life thinking “once I reach ?? weight, I’ll be happy” or “I’d better quickly diet before this event” like I have. My husband knows how much happier I am when I’m eating well and feeling good – it’s reflected in my mood!
    I’d better get back to work – but having a little rant hopefully will help keep me on track.
    Take care all and look forward to reading everyone’s posts.

    Day 3 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Sending you hugs @jaifaim, and prayers for your family. Thanks for the welcome back, @songbirdme, @at, @stitchincarol, @snowflake56, @flourbaby, @bellyblast, and the welcome from @funshipfreddie.

    I am here on the forum late today as I got caught up in chores and work early on. I’m over TDEE, I’m afraid. I hope I can get back into the swing of 5:2 quickly.

    I need to re-familiarize myself with some of the abbreviations as well. ZBC?

    It’s so great to see so many familiar names! I’ve missed this group!

    Planning on a FD tomorrow. I really need a very successful one for momentum.
    I’ll get on the forum early and catch up with posts. And get myself organized for the day.

    Take care and stay strong!


    Zero Breakfast Club – that’s only been around a month or so

    Dry Til Friday – only drink alcohol on weekends

    Day 4, Emden Germany, FD

    not in the best mood today, I hope it will improve later as we’ll have dance class at 8:30 am.

    @penz you’re welcome, I always post early in the morning, if I don’t I’ll forget it.

    @time4me welcome!

    @flourbaby 5:2 is the first thing I tried to loose weight, after reading the things a few of you tried out, I’m glad I found 5:2

    Pocket list day 4 🍒


    Have a nice day everyone!

    D4 – uk – NFD

    Day 4, London, UK, NFD

    Yesterdays LFD went well although I’m slacking on the actual liquid part, I’m aiming for 3L but yesterday was probably 1.5L ……………. Not good enough!!!! 😎

    @i-hate-lettuce, I expect the credit card was smoking yesterday!!!👖👖😂

    @kazoo, I use a Word document, I type my responses as I read them (this CAN lead to rambling!!) then I copy & paste it into the ‘post’ box below. It can be interesting to look back & read past posts from earlier challenges!! Similarly with the lists – copy, paste & add your name.

    My goodness, diet pills, acupuncture points, the ‘supermodel diet’ of the eighties …………………………. Coffee & cigarettes!!!! I think we’ve all been so desperate we would have been willing to do ANYTHING to lose weight!! 😢 And all we had to do was restrict ourselves twice a week and eat mindfully for the remainder ……………………………. Doh!!!! 😲

    @suki2, I had a similar FD yesterday, it’s got to be the “Power of the Pocket List” at work!!! Eating ANY food didn’t even factor in my thoughts😇, even though I planned today’s meals in minute detail!!!

    Welcome back @therealwil78, you’re boosting male membership by 25%!!! 👨

    @penz, you know me, I think 5:2 may well be the cleverest, most inspired & ingenious thing you’ve ever done🥇 ………………………… although, I still don’t want to know about your Nobel Prize!!!!🏆

    @time4me, rant away😂!!!! That bingeing tendency (1 biscuit? Might as well eat the packet) is a kind of self sabotaging rebellious streak👿 a lot of us have ………………. It IS why we’re here after-all!! I think IF helps you control it, it helps you get comfortable with hunger, to get used to the signals your body is sending you, to drown the roaring dragon 🐉 and to build your self-control muscle💪!!! (Not always, but enough to make a difference, we all lob ourselves off of the wagon at one point or another!!😜)

    Pocket list day 4 🍒


    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Teresa of Avila: “Patient endurance attains to all things.”

    Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Have a bit of a tummy upset (too much rich food over the bank holiday), so although I don’t normally have anything until lunch I have just had a small glass of kefir to soothe the tum. Lots of water on this FD to clear my system too.

    I’m delighted not to be facing a 3 hour round trip commute to the city as I am back to my normal workplace which is only 10 minutes drive away. Yay!!!! However, as I was commuting on public transport I stopped my water intake hugely as I did not like the feeling of needing the loo when there was none available!!!!

    My skin is suffering as a result however, very blotchy, and with shock arrival of TOM last week after months of absence, I guess my hormones are all over the place. So it’s plain and simple FD, lots of water, exercise……and keep on keepin on.

    @flourbaby…the craziest diet was The Scarsdale Diet…..half a grapefruit for breakfast, I remember there was beef burger and Brussels Sprouts for Tuesday dinner, another day was nothing but fruit…….I did lose weight but it was not a sustainable diet.

    Hoping everyone is doing fine. I am on the FD and the DTF list today. Keep safe.

    Day 4 – Lakes UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    What day yesterday, got me a whole new wardrobe! Well, just about!

    @stitchincarol@flourbaby – not sure how much fun it was and the plastic took a real pasting, it wasn’t just me who needed new clothes, Mrs I-H-L needed stuff as well. Nearly needed a Sherpa to get back to the car. The best part about it was the smaller sizes, what a difference, first rail was trousers, picked out 3 pair, fitted really well 2 sizes down! It was the same wherever I went, shirts/suit/jackets all in sizes much smaller, really brought it home how much I’ve shrunk.

    @jaifaim – Sad time for you, but remember the happy time with Dad, have a hug from me this morning.

    Re crazy thing – Not so much crazy as daft, tried to be smart and ‘improve’ the 5:2 diet, trying and fiddling round with things, always fail and go straight back to basics …. it works!

    Not going to do a B2B FD today, although can’t eat much until after todays visit to medics, which is in the afternoon! Maybe shouldn’t have had an FD yesterday, but with being out until mid afternoon it was easy!

    Take care all

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @hedwig6 – thank you 👍

    @time4me – welcome to the forum! 🇳🇿

    @flourbaby – the craziest thing I did for weight loss? About 8 years ago I think; I’d been working on cruise ships for about 5 years by then, & well, all that nice food, 24 hour pizzeria & I’d piled on a few pounds. I’d just finished reading ‘The South Beach Diet’ when a crew ‘Biggest Loser’ competition was organised. I can be quite competitive, & I really went for it. We had to go for a weigh-in once a week for 4 weeks, and our weight was recorded by a security officer. Everyone was amazed at my numbers & kept asking me what I was doing. I told them I’d let them know – at the end of the competition. At about the same time, my eyes became quite red & sore. The ship’s doctor gave me some drops to try, & finished up sending me to see a specialist in Houston. I was told I had ‘blepharitis’ (inflammation of the eyelid follicles) & was given more drops & a lotion to clean my eyelids twice a day. It was months later that I realised I’d simply been very dehydrated from the diet I was on. I lost 18 lbs & won the competition. Nothing wrong with the South Beach Diet, so long as you stay hydrated! It’s really just another low-carb diet though, but not quite as restrictive as Atkins.

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?


    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Day 4 – UK – NFD

    FD went totally to plan. However, my sleep is the worse after a FD. Barely got 6hrs which leaves me very tired and un-energetic. I will be mindful any extra hunger pangs felt today could be down to pesky Leptin fluctuations.

    @jaifaim ❤️

    @flourbaby I could do better on the water intake too. I try lining my bottles up, having a jug with lemon or mint in the fridge, ringing after each loo trip etc … but some days it just won’t go in

    @northerndawn ZBC > Zero Breakfast Club I think.

    @time4me Welcome 😊

    Have a good one everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?


    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Day 4 Oxfordshire, UK – CD
    Scales have rewarded me with a drop but at the expense of a good night’s sleep. @judyjudes I feel for you, I only managed 4 hours last night.
    @flourbaby – I think you’re right, pocket list, keeping busy and drinking plenty were my tactics yesterday.
    CD today and hopefully I can maintain my loss.
    Have a good day all.
    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?


    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Day 4 UK NFD

    Yay ! did it Wanted to be in the zbc but for some reason recently got it in my head that the morning after a FD I needed a breakfast when in actual fact it’s the opposite , a minor victory but it’s set me up for the day 💪

    Silliest thing ? Thinking spending money – buying the book or equipment or a membership would somehow guarantee success I’ve learnt the hard way it’s down to effort The great thing about this group is it’s free and there’s no hidden agenda We’re onto a winner here

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?


    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Day 4…….Florida……NFD

    I’m on the road for work today….. so, I’m not sure how this will play out food wise. I’m going about an hour way from work to an area that does not have a lot of good choices for food. The town is mid sized but only has one restaurant and 2 fast food joints. I normal stop into the restaurant but they have not open back up yet…..

    My tooth is doing much better, thank goodness, I’m almost done with the antibiotic….. today and tomorrow but I can get back into the dentist until the end of the month. So, we having good thoughts until I can get back in.

    Craziest diet I’ve ever tried….. I’m going to say the cabbage soup diet. I absolutely hate cooked cabbage, so there that. But to be honest…… I got so sick of soup! I really don’t remember if I lost weight but I do remember the huge weight gain when I stopped.

    So, It’s that time of the morning…..

    Before I decide to be your ride or die chick……I got a few questions
    Where are we riding to?
    Do I have to die?
    Can we stop for food along the way?

    Day 4 London OMAD

    Thanks to my ex husband for putting me on the DRTF and ZBC lists. Much appreciated. The kids are still a bit of an issue though.

    Just thought I’d paste in a sentence from the Bert Herring Fast5 book about feelings of guilt after a binge. He suggests bingeing only on healthy stuff ( i. e. Don’t have rubbish in the house) , and –
    ‘ Feelings of guilt may somehow tie into limbic hunger, helping to drive a binge, so feeling that it is an acceptable behavior may weaken the drive.’ Phew. That’s ok then. He says to treat mistakes and backslides as acceptable and expected behaviours. Very wise man.

    Day 4 – USA/GA – NFD

    Scales were fluctuating between 250 and 251 lbs., so obviously I pick 250! Yesterday’s FD was great! I packed about 345 calories to take to work; I ate around 150 at my first mealtime at 1:30 and didn’t feel hungry enough to eat anything else at work until leaving at 5:30. I thought of having just a small low-calorie snack at supper: salsa/mushrooms with just a little cheese…. I had portioned out the cheese in a way that I could remember the calorie count on the package. Well… I accidentally divided by the portion number again, so I thought I was eating 25 calories, when I ate 100 calories of cheese! I knew that didn’t look like 25 calories and should’ve checked, but even so, I was well under my 500 cal limit with that delicious “oops.” Not a whole lot of folks in the office yet, but a couple of co-workers are interested in 5:2.

    My father got his medicine. Insurance is a bit crazy in America, so he had to make some phone calls. Thankfully he had pay just under $50 for his 30-day supply instead of the pharmacy’s first quote of $500.

    Got to go, but good luck to those on the pocket list today!

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?


    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday’s CD went pretty well, about 1000 calories, but HAD to eat up the leftover pizza from Sunday night. Sure was good.

    @bert1802 I always wondered about the cabbage soup diet. I adore soup, but I bet that much would drive me batty.

    @funshipfreddie – scary to get that eye disorder from South Beach. But congrats on winning your shipside competition! We also did SB back in the early 2000’s, and yes, it did work. Maybe there was a maintenance plan for it that I never knew, but we gained it all back too.

    No ZBC for me today as DH is making my breakfast while I type. I told him I would not argue with whatever he fixed.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 4 Canada FD

    Had a great 2 hour bike 🚲 ride yesterday after only eating an apple. Who said breakfast was the most important meal of the day? Looking forward to today’s FD. Always feel a sense of accomplishment afterwards.

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?
    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️
    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?
    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Had a great bike 🚲 ride yesterday. Was out for 2 hours and had only eaten an apple. Proves breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day after all. FD today and I’m excited, always feels like such an accomplishment when it’s done 😊

    @time4me lots of us have challenges on NFDs
    @snowflake56 hopefully the dance class lifts your spirits
    @daffodil2010 you are going to have so much extra time in your day now, you must be thrilled
    @i-hate-lettuce what fun. Down 2 sizes 👏👏

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @time4me WFD
    @i-hate-lettuce ?
    DTF List – Day 4 ☕️

    Day 4 – on vacation at 8500′ in Colorado

    So. Much. Food. Can Fast5 really work when the five hour window has so much food in it?? I keep reminding myself it’s vacation and to relax and enjoy the time. Mostly, I do, but it’s hard to believe I’ll be losing weight at the end of the three week adjustment period. I think it’s a really good thing there’s no scale in my daughter’s house so I can’t check what’s happening and simply have to go on faith.

    @kazoo, sure. I get emails of all posts, and click on the link to go to one. Then I go back to email on my phone and search for “the fast diet website” so all the emails are in a row (I have a category they should automatically go to, but they aren’t for some reason that I haven’t taken time to resolve). Then I read a post and go back to the website to respond. Go back to emails to read the next one, then go to the website to respond. And so on. Make sense?

    @northgeorgia, good news about your dad getting the meds he needs

    Our two sons left at eight o’clock last night and got home (in Nebraska) around five this morning. The younger has today off as well, but the older had to be at work (as a server) at four this afternoon, and they didn’t want to leave at three in the morning. 🤣 DH and I leave tomorrow at six am to get to the Denver airport to fly to California for a week to see two of my sisters.

    And now it’s time to get out of bed and go be Grandma!

    Day 4 Melb Aust FD900
    Day 1-3 – all NFDs, which was NOT intended. Brakes on today!

    @stitchincarol, I’m another who has always been a gourd shape, but now find I have more weight around the waist and abdomen. Frustrating. It’s basically happened in the past 10 years (60-70). I need to strengthen my core muscles!

    @jaifaim, sending you my sympathy and support re your father’s situation.

    @michelinme, glad to see you back. I’m afraid you’ll be overtaking me very quickly if I’m not careful. I lost more than 3 lb during July, only to regain most of it in the last week. Now weigh 151.8 lb, so will have to scramble to stay ahead of you.
    Look after yourself, though. I’ve heard that the ongoing effects of Covid-19 can be nasty, and take a while to clear up.

    @at, good to read your post and know you’re back with us.

    @songbirdme, where I live, we’re still doing church online, but every now and then, they tell us to prepare things, to take communion at home the following Sunday. It’s lovely to be together doing that even though apart physically.

    @northgeorgia, you’re doing great with your weight loss. Have your parents weighed in yet? You did say they only intend to weigh once a month. You’ll have to let us know how they go.

    @i hat lettuce, isn’t it a lovely feeling to be buying clothes and suddenly the “normal” sizes are way too big now?!

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    D4 NFD Lake District UK

    Been reading an article about cutting out sugar.( I don’t add sugar and most of the time I am OK but every now and then Ibinge on chocolate)
    It referred a book which I already have from an earlier attempt to lose weight. I re-read the book and it suggests that if you get the urge to want sweet food after a meal to have a tablespoon of coconut oil. Anyone else heard this or even tried it? Is it just a crazy idea?

    It is raining here today so not been for my walk yet but using calories on chores.

    @time4me – totally agree with everything you said the NFD are definitely the worst.
    I am trying not to get weighed till the end of the month. I become obsessed with them. Being new to this I keep a record of what I eat so know I’ve over eaten. I’m hoping that as I get used to FD/NFDs i can stop recording and rely on portion control.

    @flourbaby. Thanks for the copy and paste advise. Never thought of that.. Sorry for all the questions.

    @daffodil – hope the tummy soon settles.


    USA. Day 4. FD

    Wow! What a pocket list today! Way to go, everyone! I am DTF, as well. I think the only way for me to lose weight during Covid is to not drink1 LOL. I’ve watched so many people gain weight during this time! There is so little for us to do, so cocktail hour rules!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Measuring and logging and calorie counting everything that passes my lips is the wake up call I need. I had forgotten how many calories are in that handful of nuts I carelessly toss into my breakfast bowl 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Have a good day everyone 😎

    Day 4, UK NFD

    Yesterday I went into work to be told the job I was doing is no more! I’ve been expecting it tbh, but it was still a shock. I’m now awaiting placement again which could be a couple of weeks. I don’t mind the break, but I am used to fasting on my work days, so much easier then at home. Anyhow despite the news, yesterday’s FD went well. No lunch (or breakfast), then a chicken salad later.

    I bought myself a new pair of summer trousers today, a UK size 16 which is 2 sizes less than I was buying in March. They’re very jazzy, leopard print (a bit Bet Lynch for any Coronation Street watchers) so who knows if I’ll, wear them more than once but they made me smile.

    So far, this months eating is going to plan – it’s only day 4 but I feel more engaged than last month.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today.

    Day 4 North Canton OH CD

    My days are so busy!!!!

    I have tried to post a few times and I kept having to deal with other things. Will try to catch up later.

    Happy Tuesday everyone

    Day4 NFD Lake District UK

    2nd post

    Kitchen closed.

    Managed to get out for my walk but got very wet. Need waterproof leggings, shoes and coat. That’s what come from living in the Lakes but at least i have the right gear.

    Started to walk on my own this week as my OH had chemotherapy on Friday and this is his tired week. Things will get better next week and he will be able to join me.
    @stitchincarol. Thanks for the advise have a safe journey home.
    Yes it does make sense. Got it sorted now. These things take time to sort out.

    @bellyblast Hope you enjoyed your bike ride. Love spin classes but not so good on a road/off road bike

    @missybear. I log everything at the moment as calories can soon get out of hand.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    @betsylee – this is what we used for Communion on Sunday. It was perfectly wonderful to commune together, but distantly of course.


    August 4 “National Chocolate Chip Cookie” day. Had to indulge – well, DH insisted we bake some of the pre-made cookie dough we got from school fund-raiser support.


    Day 5, OMAD?, Aus

    I did yesterdays’ OMAD. A got a bit hungry around midday and almost caved but I told myself it was just like a FD and the feeling would pass. It did. Good dinner but that mischievous inner voice told me I could have an accompanying glass of wine. Not sure what’s happening to my DTF mojo.

    With yesterday’s success and all the overnight posts, I’m hoping that will be enough to get me through another OMAD today.

    Why are there so many National [insert food here] Days??

    Day 3, UK, 18:6

    Good morning All,

    Super busy at work hence no post yesterday. I was hoping that being busy would make me eat less but this time is exactly the opposite. I could not do OMAD, only 18:6 but that is still fine. The issue is I wasn’t eating enough protein at dinner so of course I was not feeling full the day after.
    Had 2 chicken thighs for dinner last night with vegetables, it was lovely and I woke up feeling more confident that today it will be a good day, food wise.
    I decided to weigh myself at the end on Mondays only otherwise I will go crazy every day.
    Must stop driving to work, must walk there and back as I barely do 2000 steps a day. That is nothing!
    Thank you so much for the lovely welcome!
    I would love to reply to everybody but I simply do not have the time this week.
    I like to see how dedicated you all are. I am sure that by reading your posts and reading about your successes will motivate me more.
    Have a great day all! Another hot day in the South of the UK. Just remembered I need to drink more water 🥵 💧

    Day 4 (actually for me Day 3 at 2313 hours) Minnesota, USA NFD

    This was a NFD that started out as a FD. I guess I will have to practice to get back into the swing of it.

    I feel bad that I could not quite achieve it…a FD. Husband came home with some great food from a source that was not me!! That in itself was enough to make me hungry and grateful.
    We haven’t eaten fast food or outside food for a long, long time. I am so sick of cooking and fixing food every day. So, anything from outside is a gift. I so very much miss going out to the restaurants to eat. The first couple months, I was okay with it. Now, I just long for it….to go out again to a restaurant. Wow. Who would have thought anyone would be saying that?

    Best of luck to everyone. Tomorrow may be a better day.

    Second Post Minnesota, USA

    Day 4. Of course.

    Day 5, Emden Germany, FD

    yesterday’s FD didn’t happen, after starting out really well I had to eat a large bag of liquorice allsorts. Trying again today.

    @bellyblast thanks, dance class always helps, tonight is another 💃 class. I love dancing.

    Pocket list day 5 🍒

    ZBC ☕️
    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 5 – UK – NFD

    Good Morning Everyone

    @saffy460 commiserations. Fingers crossed something comes through soon!

    @missybear I count calories of everything that passes my lips. I’ve also adapted how I taste the food I cook for family to check seasoning etc. I used to use a teaspoon … and fill it (clean one each time). Now I only literally dip the tip in. It’s enough to test seasoning levels. The Diet Saboteurs come in sneaky disguises. 🦹‍♀️👺

    @annabelle48 Hope you’re ok.

    @suki2 You have my sympathy. My poor sleep fluctuates too. Yesterday I took magnesium and had 2 Nairn’s Gluten free Oat biscuits 2 hours before bed. Slept worse than ever at 3hr 40minutes. I thought the carbs from the biscuits would have helped but they obviously didn’t.

    Wishing everyone a great day.

    Pocket list day 5 🍒

    ZBC ☕️

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Sympathy with @judyjudes and @suki2 re the sleep. I seem to be waking up circa 4am most mornings….but I do go to bed early enough so I get about 5 to 6 hours…….for me I blame hormones. I take magnesium and it helps, but once 4am comes along………

    As my dear departed mother used to say “At least you are resting”.. so I don’t worry about it too much and just lie there, doing nothing but being awake 😀

    Have a great Wednesday Hump Day

    Day 5 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Think the planned walk today is not going to happen anytime soon, very wet indeed this morning!
    Had a good few days on 5:2, got back to recording everything, MFP app and fitbit, just got distracted for a couple of weeks or so, but straight back in the habit.

    I’m certain part of this WOL is about changing habits and not kidding yourself?

    I used to snack or graze, these days and that’s virtually stopped! I say virtually, very occasionally the cheese and biscuits for supper might appear, though not even once a week nowadays. Same with a piece of cake with coffee during the day, no, Mrs IHL rarely bakes these days and I don’t do chocolate, so it is easier when its not to hand!
    Have practically cut out wine and spirits as well, but there is plenty of beer in the ‘Brauhaus’ since I started the brewery back into action. Even then it still works as long as I log the calories. Part of the brewing software even gives the calorific value per bottle, the last brews are less than 150 cal per bottle! So the only time you’re likely to see me on the ‘Dry ‘Till Friday’ list is on my Thursday FD 😉

    Take care all

    Hi I’m new here would love to be a part of this challenge. It’s been a while since I logged in (since November to be exact). A lil bit about me and my weight history – I’m a 24YO female cardiology nurse living in NZ, in 2015 I lost 33kg, 96kg to 63kg (over 2 years) using calorie counting. Gained 10kg over 2 years then tried calorie counting and was annoyed counting every day so I found 5:2. Anyway fast forward to today, I’m now 83.9kg. Would love to get down to 60kg using 5:2 and not count on NFDs. Hope you are all staying well x

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