🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

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🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 758 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernDawn 4 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 760 total)

  • Day 25, OMAD, Aus

    PFDS, happy days. I even had a sneak peak at my scales this morning (Friday is my usual day for this) and I’m pretty sure that there has been no increase, despite last week of no FDs. I checked in with Leslie too and completely agreed with her when she said ‘aren’t you glad you chose to walk today”!

    I’m in the office today which is the perfect environment to try for an OMAD. I am making mac ‘n’ cheese tonight, and my recipe is absolutely calorific.

    Thanks my fellow-cork in a bottle, @flourbaby. I did re-read my day 6 post – was it the “totally up to me to make it happen” comment that resonated with you? (I hope it wasn’t how rotten I felt after the martini – that was NOT my working week last week!). I don’t keep my posts but perhaps I should copy a selection of the more inspirational ones to keep me on track.

    No pressure, but I reckon @ihatelettuce of @northgeorgia would make a fab host for September! Inspirational, both.

    Hi @stichincarol – if you want to come up with a name for another pocket list for Leslie / exercise fans, go for it!! There are no rules here (except not to use the f-word (and that’s fail here, not the other f-word!))

    Day 25 DTF/ZBC list:

    Day 25 OMAD London

    @kazoo – the grounding sheet seems good. I’m sleeping like the proverbial log, as is DH, and no snoring ( at least I don’t think so – I’m fast asleep so I suppose I wouldn’t know..). And his sinuses seem clear. It’s hard finding nice grass to walk on. The London parks seem quite scubby at the mo. Anyways, I’ll keep using it and try to find nice grass. Fast5/OMAD suits me just fine, but Brad, better leave me off the DTF list for a bit. I’m struggling.

    @penz – you can find your old posts by tapping on a recent poster yours, then going to ‘replies created’ and all your old posts are there.

    2nd post

    Thanks @EmmaTaylor – I know. But I’m also aware that some people keep a separate Word document of all their own posts which is probably an easier way to go back and look for a particular post.

    Day 25 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast went well, actually easy. My weight had already dropped quite a bit so I’m not sure what caused the spike, but I’ve been drinking a LOT of water these days so that might be part of it. I saw my profile in a mirror and I don’t look like I’m puffing up. Some of it might be upper body as covid-19 restrictions have cause me to do a lot of push up based workouts. I’ve gained some strength and maybe a bit of muscle. It is easy to fool myself though as muscle is very slow growing compared to fat. (But fat doesn’t help with a push up. 🙂 )

    I find it hard to believe that I used to be fine with being about 25kg heavier. I must have had a bit too much fat in my brain.

    Day 25, Emden Germany, FD800

    I’m joining the FD800 fasters this week, it’s cold today, only 10°C this morning, so it will be soup this evening.

    Thanks for the sympathy on losing posts. I’m wondering why this happens to a few of us at the moment. I used a splitscreen for a while but don’t know how to do it anymore. I’ll ask my DH later if he knows how to do it. We have to get ready for dance class at 8:30 am.

    Pocket list day 25

    ZBC day 25

    DTF day 25

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 25 – UK- NFD

    Good morning everybody

    Quick call in this morning, call from GP, off to hospital this morning!

    @penz – I’m nowhere near in a position to host September, you may not have read recent posts, first round of surgery is on Friday, then there’s going to be follow ups for a while. Think I might not be around as much as usual.

    Sorry for brevity of post folks, got to go.

    Take care all.

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I finally watched part 3 of the ‘Lose a Stone…’ programme last night. One of the guys – Curtis? – lost 24lbs! So more than 1lb per day. Although they mentioned he had gained 3 stone (42lb) during the lockdown. It would be interesting if they were all interviewed again a year down the line, just to see if & how they kept up with their new healthy habits.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Yesterday was an OMAD instead of LFD, but all good. It’s a CD today as DH made me a nice whole meal ham salad wrap for my lunch and I am already looking forward to it. Thursday will be my LFD..

    I can’t wait for the grounding sheet to arrive now after reading your post @emma Taylor. One amazing thing I have noticed is that after walking barefoot on the lawn on Friday evening, DH has not snored!!!!! Since Friday!!! Even after pints of Guinness at the weekend (which is usually a prime snoring cue).

    Is it the grounding? Don’t know, let’s wait and see.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.

    D25 MFD UK Lake District.

    Good morning everyone just checking into add myself to the pocket lists.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Have a good day everyone

    Day25, London, UK, NFD,

    Feeling good about yesterday’s LFD, maybe not enough water but it went fairly easily, probably because I was still full from the gorging over the weekend!!!!

    @emma-taylor I believe it was your positivity about Fast5 and the fact that you seem to have found your groove that made me make a note of your day 6 post ……………………….. “I love the process. It’s really exciting watching the fat melt away,”…………………. IF can be so varied that we’re all looking for that one thing that works and we can make a WOL, I’ve recently discovered the joys of a LFD …………….. after nearly 4 years of experimenting!!!!

    @penz, I may have meant your day 7, my day 6??? Anyway, you had a martini & wine😲 fuelled NFD that made you feel ‘rotten’ then in the very next post after a successful FD …………………………. “PFDS! Lovely feeling, and it’s raining which shut up that carousing magpie so I slept until 6.30!”………………. this fasting malarkey is full of swings & roundabouts, one good FD makes EVERYTHING brighter, shinier and as though all is right with the world ………………………. Halo polishing really lifts my mood, so hard FDs are meaningful🙏!!!!! The hosting thing can be a bit daunting, it took me a looooong time to get courageous, I was thinking about a fabulous & fun host on a ship somewhere, surreal😜😂😝!!!

    @northgeorgia a FD Birthday??????…………………. 🏆🎖🏆🥇 💪🏆🎖🏆🥇💪!!!!

    @judyjudes, I think you crossed posts with @brightonbelle yesterday, I hope being a phantom pocketeer for a while had the same effect!!!

    @songbirdme, I’m surprised that “disgusting solution” isn’t for sale in the ‘diet product’ aisle of the supermarket ……………………. Another crazy thing to try just to get into those skinny jeans😂😆!!!!

    @time4me, you’re in good company unfortunately, we all struggle with those pesky NFDs, once you have some more control you’ll realise you CAN have that cake, chocolate, wine etc ………………………………………. But more often than not, you don’t WANT it🙏!!!!

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    “The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    Day 25 FD UK

    God this is such a temperamental site. Just typed a post, scrolled back to check something and zip, everything gone.

    Ok. Had a good day yesterday lost my usual 4oz and am now within 8 oz of my August goal. Will I make it…… out to lunch tomorrow so will be extra careful and also putting @flourbaby’s theory to the test with no alcohol. Not too much of a hardship for me.
    I think there are several medical procedures happening today ( I dare not scroll back), so wish you all the best and hope that all goes well.

    Pouring with rain here so no outside walk today, will have to say hallo to Leslie.

    The power is in our hands. Down we go.

    Post, not poster😝😝😝

    Day 25 – UK – FD800

    What a miserable morning to wake up to – rain, wind and more rain 🌧☔️ and after yesterday’s glorious summer’s day ☀️

    Managed to complete a good FD800 yesterday and hoping for the same motivation for the rest of the week – it’s nice to have company @kazoo @snowflake56

    @i-hate-lettuce – thinking of you today – hope you got to the hospital safe and sound and you and Mrs IHL will be in our thoughts and prayers today
    @songbirdme – good to hear a positive outcome from your test
    @kazoo – we can’t live too far from each other……. what a change in the weather today!!!!!!
    @stitchincarol – and why not – we have had “Plank pocket list” before…..go for it!
    @time4me – that’s the good thing with this WOL – it’s easy to reset and start afresh after a lapse

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Is anyone keen to volunteer to host September – go on – give it a go – a wonderfully motivating experience and lots of us to help and support you if you are feeling a bit anxious about doing it 🤗

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Yes, I must be insane, having completed a fast on my birthday, but the rocking scales said I could be 246 lbs. this morning, so I’m good with that bit of birthday tidings!

    Back to work today. I don’t mind hosting September, if someone can let me know what that involves. Not sure how to get the next Google Sheets up and running for the month.

    Yikes, just got a phone call. My father had to take my mother to urgent care; not sure what the issue is, but it sounded strange. So make my commitment tentative until I know what’s going on…

    Day 25 – UK – NFD

    Hi Everyone

    Had a good FD yesterday. Feel lethargic today; probably due to too few calories yesterday.

    Will load up on fibre & protein today to compensate.

    Have a great day.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Day 25 Melb Aust CD
    Day 24 FD950

    Not quite managing the FD800s – maybe tomorrow – but doing much better than last week when it was frigidly cold here and I was feeling the isolation.

    @i hate lettuce, hope it goes well for you on Friday. And yes, I’m rooting for you, as of cheering you on, that’s an accepted Aussie meaning, too, often used to cheer on one team as opposed to their opponents. Of course, there’re also the various other meanings of the word, but in your context – definitely cheering for good success for you.

    @stitchincarol, good suggestion re hot drinks. I tend to mainly have hot water, as I don’t want to “waste” my calories on the milk in my tea (don’t like coffee). But even with that, I struggled last week.
    To explain: We’re in a stage 4 lockdown here in Melbourne because of a second wave of the virus, where unless a person has a work reason to be out (with written permit), we have to stay within 5 kms of home, one hour out for essential shopping only, one hour for exercise (within the 5 kms from home), and night curfew 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. No visitors or visiting others (with a few exemptions), etc. Very restrictive. It’s working, and new cases are down close to 100 daily now, but I think it got to me a bit last week. New week, new attitude of thankfulness to be well, have shelter and food, etc. I keep up with others via Zoom or phone calls. Much better this week.

    @northgeorgia, belated happy birthday, and I hope you keep that positivity. I know I look at myself in the mirror now and think how fat I look, but that’s 17+ kg (more than 38 lbs) less than I was, so how fat was I then??!
    BTW, hope your mother is okay. Hope it wasn’t related to her FD800 eating!

    Six days to go till the end of the month. Where has August gone? Keep on keeping on, everyone!

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    My FD yesterday was exactly on target, but my weight loss was minimal, not the norm for me. So strange. I’m being very mindful of low-carb eating this week (practically no-carb, in fact, for this one week), in hopes my keto sticks turn colors. If not, I’m going to have to rethink my gung-ho commitment to Fast5 because, after a full month of it, two weeks NOT on vacation, I’m still a pound above where I started, and that after a FD. Strange, strange, strange. Thanks, everyone, for all the comments on how ketosis is supposed to work. I KNOW 5:2 works (as long as the 5s are decently behaved, LOL), but I’m sure not experiencing Fast5 as something that works. But I can be a bit more patient, truly, I can. 🙂

    @i-hate-lettuce, I pray the call from the doctor was nothing serious.
    @northgeorgia, I’m keeping your mom in my prayers.
    @songbirdme, “a touch of diverticulitis”????? Yuck! I have a friend who once suffered from that, and he was a miserable puppy; I pray you have no symptoms and that it clears up rapidly!

    And, now, with sufficient encouragement, I present to you…..

    Leslie List!

    I kept thinking about those of you who talk about your long and vigorous walks, and those who do Broga (still haven’t taken time to figure out what that is), and didn’t like that calling it a Leslie List wasn’t inclusive enough. The goal, after all, is to get exercise for 30 minutes on at least 5 days a week; if we do that, we are getting sufficient exercise to count ourselves healthy, however we accomplish that. But “Leslie List” just rolls off the tongue so beautifully! So, if your goal is to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day on at least 5 days, whether it’s with Leslie or in some other fashion, add yourself to the list!

    Leslie List – Day 25

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Okay, my mouse pad is going NUTS, so I need to post this before I lose it. Have a great day everyone!

    Day 25 Oxfordshire, UK – FD
    Late-ish sign in but so far so good.
    Bit blustery here, drying up though.
    I think DH and I are tackling the garage this afternoon, which will keep me away from food.
    I’m one of those who keep a separate word document of my posts.
    @stitchin carol – that seems like a good name for the list and as you say more inclusive than Leslie.
    Hope your day goes in the right direction.

    Exercise 30×5 – Day 25
    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Day 25 – second post

    Aww, @suki2, I was hoping no one had yet read my post, because I immediately edited it back to “Leslie List,” LOL!!! SOOO much easier to say “Leslie List” than “Exercise30x5 List.”

    But what does everyone else say? What shall it be called???

    Day 25 Canada FD

    Been MIA for a few days my internet was down but looking forward to finishing strong. Thanks @flourbaby for roping me in, last month wasn’t a very good finish for me at all.

    It is a beautiful time of the year here. The high heat has finished and the days are getting shorter, peaches are still being picked and apples are just starting. With the cooler nights it is time to start switching my FD dinner of chicken salad to chicken soup.

    @at “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now” is running through my mind all the time
    @judyjudes congrats on your whoosh
    @dykask 25kg is a lot of weight, hard to imagine carrying it around for sure
    @i-hate-lettuce take care and thinking of you
    @northgeorgia hope your mum is okay
    @betsylee so glad that covid numbers are coming down in Melbourne, the lock down sounds tough

    Not many days left this month, lets finish strong!

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 25
    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️
    @stitchincarol you can do it:)

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Day 25 MN/USA NFD….Maybe CD

    FD yesterday was over what I’d planned but under 800, so I’ll take it. I may try to shave off 300 cals from my TDEE of 1450 today. Also, may do a FD tomorrow, under 500 to push a bit and see if I can end this first month with an 8lb (3.6kg) loss. I think it’s the most I’ve ever been able to manage in one month’s time. I know things will slow down as time goes on, so I’ll take advantage of the easier initial loss that includes water, and use it to motivate me.

    Again, very hot and humid here, and not much of a breeze which makes it worse. I’m going to try adding some Leslie Sansone to whatever walk I manage outside. Also, have a bike set up on my deck, and may do 5-10 minutes there for variety. Maybe even 5 minutes of rowing on my husbands large, expensive and seldom used rower in our downstairs family room (I’m just not the biggest fan of rowing at this point). Boredom while exercising on equipment and in the house has been my downfall in the past. Maybe if I add in variety, like doing circuit training, it will help I certainly need to find something to do throughout the frigid, snowy, icy and slippery winter! (And winter is coming… 😉 ) I’m going to aim for 30-40 minutes today……thanks for the inspiration @stitchincarol! Not sure if I’ll make 30 min x5 days this week, but I’ll add myself to the list and maybe that will get me moving!

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 25

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍓

    DTF List – Day 25 ☕️
    @stitchincarol you can do it:)

    ZBC List – Day 25 🚫🍳

    Day 25 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just a quick check-in. All is good here but temps up into the 90’s will be very hot! (@33 C.)

    @northgeorgia – hugs and prayers for your mother.

    @stitchincarol – I think my condition “diverticulosis” is just some pockets on the lining of the intestines that aren’t really a problem. The Gastroenterology doctor was not concerned. Yeah for that!

    Onward and downward.

    second post

    Update: My mother had a TIA stroke. They are admitting her to the hospital for observation.

    D25 MFD UK Lake District.

    2nd Post

    Well what a dismal day it is here weather wise but still going strong on my MFD.

    Just a quick question that I am sure someone will be able to answer. I have got this forum set up to email me when someone comments on this thread. So every day I get the messages on my ipad and can then type the replies into a word document and then copy and paste to post. However, every now and then the emails stop coming and I don’t know why. For example I didn’t get any emails of posts till after lunch time today and when I checked I had missed several. Is it something I am doing wrong or just a blip on the system..

    @emma Taylor I am going to read the book first and then possibly invest in a sheet. They do sound intriguing. When I went swimming yesterday I did a barefoot walk on the grass after my swim.

    @daffodil2010 What is a CD day? Do keep us informed about the grounding sheet.
    @at I am trying to do 3 MFDs back to back this week to make up for the one I didn’t do last week. Agree about the weather. Not be able to swim today. Too windy. A plank pocket list would be great I try to plank most days but not very good.

    @northgeorgia Hope your mum is OK. It is always a worry. My parents are 93 and 94 both doing well for their age but I do worry if I get a call from them at an unusual time. I haven’t seen them since Christmas due to covid because they have been shieding and so has my husband . I speak to them often but it is not the same.

    @i hate lettuce. Hope all goes well today.

    Have a good evening everyone and make sure when the kitchen is closed the door is well and truly locked.

    Day 26, NFD, Aus

    @Ihatelettuce – of course, I just wasn’t thinking when I thought you’d make a great host (I still think you’d make a great host, but completely understand right now is not the best time for you).

    @northgeorgia – fingers crossed your mum/mom is ok.

    And yes @flourbaby – if @northgeorgia doesn’t make it for September then our very own Brad would make a fab host!

    Day 25 – Second (Third??) post

    What all is involved in hosting a month? Simply being on as often as possible and cheering people on? Setting up the initial post? Setting up the spreadsheet, or asking someone else to do so if you don’t have the skills?

    I’ve always wondered (these couple of months plus the months I was on back in 2016) what the actual “job description” is of the host, and this seems like a good time to ask. 🙂

    @stitchincarol – Hosting 101:

    At the beginning, (May 2016) our host would track that everyone posted each day and stayed accountable through the month. Luckily, that heady task has faded. Now, it is really being cheerleader as much as anything. When I have hosted, I made an effort to welcome each person participating for the month, then when new members joined as well.

    The opening thread is begun by you several days before the first of the month, generally includes our guidelines and abbreviations. Someone always has stepped forward to help with the database as that seems to be a place many get stopped from volunteering. I kept a notebook and tried to make sure to acknowledge concerns etc. from those really needing it, and touched on everyone who posts over the course of several days to a week.

    This group is very understanding – when I hosted last January, my DH ended up being in the hospital for 8 days with sepsis, so my attention wasn’t the greatest. Everyone understood.

    Does that help? I’m happy to answer any questions.

    2nd post

    @stitchincarol – yes, yes, yes and yes! You create the new folder and make the first post. If you’re stepping up to be the host for September, I suggest copying @flourbaby‘s opening posts from this month and tailoring the first post however you want. @at was extremely supportive when I hosted last month in setting up the spreadsheet which was byeond my skills (AND I can’t access Google docs on my work computer). And once the month’s folder is set up, this group pretty much runs itself and helps each other out, so DON’T sweat it if you feel you can’t log in every day.

    It’s certainly not as daunting as it might appear, is great for one’s personal accountability (speaking from my experience) and everyone chips in if and when needed. And it’s kinda fun!

    Day 26, Emden Germany, FD

    Yesterday’s FD800 didn’t go well, I started out well but then lost it. I’m a bit upset I’m almost back to where I started this month, I did so well for a few weeks. I have to make the most of the 6 remaining days of this month, I’m glad to be here, I’ll need all the help I can get atm.

    @northgeorgia I hope your mother will be fine soon.

    @at I’m afraid I wasn’t good company yesterday, I hope it will be better today. Going up to 800 cals makes me feel I can eat whatever I want, perhaps it’s better to stick to 500 cals.

    Pocket list day 26

    ZBC day 26

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Echoing @songbirdme and @penz, this forum really does run itself once it’s set up for the month. It’s just about having a place to drop by and chat, share concerns, wins, losses…….no need for anyone to be nervous about hosting.

    I have hosted about three or four times now…..I remember back in 2018 doing a doubler when there were no volunteers for September so I continued on…and then I went on holidays to Spain for the last two weeks of September and the challenge carried on very happily without me 😆😆

    Now I confess to struggling again …….I have been so busy researching the grounding that I am not faithfully following my FD. It’s all good until evening time when all sorts of gremlins and fairies and dragons make their presence felt. It’s only coming on here to catch up that keeps me grounded (ha ha…grounding)!

    Onwards we go. Have a great hump day….over to you Brad, @funshipfreddie for the camels ☺️

    Day 26 – UK – CD

    Good Morning

    Staying on track and stayed the same weight since 24th. All in all doing well, enjoying the food.

    Have a great day.

    Pocket list day 26

    ZBC day 26

    D26 MFD UK Lake District

    Just a quick check in this morning to add to pocket list

    Looks like I am already on. Thanks for adding me.

    Pocket list day 26

    ZBC day 26

    Happy Wednesday.

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I agree! – @stitchincarol & @northgeorgia would make marvellous hosts! Not me, seriously; I really don’t have the patience, & I’d definitely take the ‘cheer’ out of cheerleader 🤦

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    Day 26 – Lakes UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @penz – Sorry if my post seemed a bit terse yesterday, had to dash off, more tests! The medics really are trying hard, the only thing is when you’re getting this much attention, there’s a reason for it and not just because I’m a really nice good looking sort of a chap with a great sense of humour! Thank goodness we don’t have to post ‘photos or you’d realise my sense of humour must be spectacular.

    As for hosting, I’ll give it a go eventually, but as penz quite rightly says, not just yet! I’m pretty certain the next few weeks are going to be busy!

    Interesting thing at the moment, watching the calorie intake carefully and due to restricted exercise (get tired easily at the moment) instead of Fridays weekly weigh in, checking daily. The daily fluctuations, in both directions, are surprisingly small, but by my Friday ‘weigh in’ each week this year has either stayed the same or drops slightly. So going to be quite happy with my amazing loss this month … 1 lb so far, amazing! Well I’m pleasantly surprised, but it has been said so many times …. This WOL works.

    Take care all

    Day26, London, UK, LFD,

    @northgeorgia, I’m sending healing vibes & thinking of you and your family🤗, I hope your mum has a speedy recovery🙏. A mini stroke can be scary but manageable🤗.

    I’m also sending healing vibes & no-fuss best wishes🙏 to @i-hate-lettuce!! Stay strong💪!! I’m very used to seeing the daily fluctuations since I weigh daily, I wonder if once a week would give me a more reliable halo polishing experience??? My greatest fear is to leave it a week and see an extra 10lbs has appeared from nowhere😱 …………………………. This IS possible!!!

    @snowflake56, I completely agree that like you, 800cals makes me hungrier than 500cals!! Very strange, but I started this journey with traditional 5:2 then started slipping😢 and grabbed any option available, but 800cals is NOT for me, and 500 became very difficult too, hence my LFDs. Do you think you could try one? Lots of hot tea, peppermint, ginger or English tea with a splash of milk gets me through the day along with lots of water and emergency miso or bouillon all for under 100cals means my NFDs don’t have to be soooo limited. I know that’s not how this regime works but for me, strict vigilance on NFDs is the only way to see results. Perhaps join me for a LFD in September😊?

    @songbirdme, I remember when the host would present us with a tally of lbs lost for the month!! I’m sure a dedicated host somewhere down the line will resurrect that one ………………………….. Not me!!!! I’m barely keeping track of my own bouncy bouncy results 😎!!!!

    @emma-taylor, I’m afraid I joined you in kicking myself off of the DTF list😢😳, but I don’t think we’re allowed to leave once we’re on it ……………. Just THINK dry!!!! It’ll work eventually!!!😜😂😝

    I’m keeping the camel, …………………………
    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    Onward & downwards folks, the finish line is in sight, BIG FINAL PUSH!!!!!!!

    Day 26 OMAD London.

    @flourbaby – that is really funny. I have really lost the plot DTF wise, but luckily Brad missed my post so is still kindly including me, as any self respecting ex should do. And we still have all those kids together. ( stupid in joke – sorry).

    And @penz – I did try to apologise on here yesterday for being a smart**** re where to find old posts, and vowed to go back to teaching my grandma to suck eggs, but that post seems to have disappeared. I’m so crap at IT, I get overexcited when I know something.

    Day 26 UK NFD

    This low carb thing is getting quite tough now . This week I’m <30g a day and still no chance on the Keto sticks and even though I’ve been DTF since March if your theory is correct @flourbaby my kidneys probably need way more recovery time . I’ll persevere til Friday and reassess

    For all you thinking about hosting I’d say give it a go , I did it last month and to be honest I didn’t think it would be my thing but it’s fine We are all grown ups we don’t actually need much shepherding it’s entirely up to you how involved you get and it’s really quite fun I’d encourage everyone to give it a go !

    Thinking of your mum @NorthGeogia ❤️ and @jaifaim if you’re still out there 💕

    Day 26 – USA/GA – NFD

    Good morning. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. My mom was kept for observation overnight and should have the test results this morning and more details about what happened. They still suspect a TIA/mini-stroke, but she did get the flu and pneumonia shot at the same time on Monday at a pharmacy, and the doctor on call said there is a possibility of a rare reaction that could have caused the symptoms, too. We talked by phone last night (only one in-person visitor for one hour per day right now), and she seemed to be talking fine, just finished a light lunch at the hospital, just very tired. I am hopeful she can come home today.

    Weigh in was 246 again today; I had to catch myself late morning when my dad had to go to his already scheduled EKG (ECG) appointment and I waited at his house for phone calls, etc. Did grab a few leftover fries out of the refrigerator before my brain said, “what are you doing? Don’t eat to cover up your emotions; you know how that can get you in trouble.” I think it worked. Just had a regular lunch and light supper. I didn’t go in yesterday, but they brought in a cake for my birthday at work; I asked them to please go ahead and enjoy it and save me a piece. So I’ll move my 2nd FD to Thursday this week.

    I am happy to host next month. I’ll need help to set up the spreadsheet/get the link, and anything else I need to do. Do you prefer I use my own Google account? I might be able to figure it out 🙂

    second post

    Hmmm, now I’m a victim of the mysteriously disappearing posts. Yikes! Second guessing my ability to host in September, but I’m game if someone can show me how to set up the spreadsheet and create the link. Do I do this in my own Google account?

    Just briefly then, in case the post reappears — mom is in hospital awaiting test results, probably was a TIA mini-stroke, was talking fine by phone yesterday, hoping she can come home today. Weigh in today was 246 lbs., thankfully I avoided a bout of “emotional eating” which almost broke out at 10:30 a.m.

    Take care all — back to work. Thanks for the prayers and concerns.

    Day 26 Melb Aust FD1000

    Meant to be 800 cals, but like a few others, find I sometimes have trouble sticking to 800. @flourbaby & @snowflake56, I also struggle with 500 calories altogether – needs to be a LFD, or the 500 almost always increases to 800. If I’m going to eat, it needs to be 800, not 500, but even then they don’t always work. Still, this is a week of low calorie days, just for me to finish off the month, so if 800 becomes 1000 on a day or two, it will work out over the 8 days.

    @kazoo, a CD (controlled day) is either 1200 calories, or 200-300 calories less than a person’s TDEE, depending on what you want it to be. I think it can depend a bit on the person’s current weight, as TDEEs can range from 1500 (or lower) to 2500 calories, depending on a person’s size, weight, sex and activity levels.

    @northgeorgia, hope your mother is doing okay now. Have they put her on aspirin, or somesuch for the TIA?

    @i hate lettuce, sending good wishes your way.

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    Only 5 days to go, so let’s make them good ones!! 🙂

    Day 26 Canada NFD

    Very good FD yesterday and hoping to be under control today. Rushing to work and will catch up on posts later 😊
    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    Only 5 days to go, so let’s make them good ones!! 🙂

    Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    Well, either I’ve had a whoosh, or not drinking any alcohol (usually in the form of two beers) had a huge impact because I was done a pound this morning. Since I was already down two pounds yesterday after Monday’s FD, my jaw is sagging. Not yet in ketosis, but I’m too busy celebrating that extra pound to care much about ketosis! 🙂

    @northerndawn, your struggle to find some form of exercise that’s interesting to you is the story of my life. The only form of exercise I adore is gardening, and yards only need the kind of gardening that’s intense enough to count in the spring and then occasionally. Have you done Leslie yet? She’s almost good enough to make me enjoy exercising–except that I’m still watching the clock when walking with her, LOL!
    Ahh, @songbirdme, I got as far as “diverticu–” and just assumed I knew what the rest of the letters were. Glad it’s a different thing!
    @kazoo, I’m not the one who can answer your techie questions, but imagine someone else will have some help for you.
    @snowflake56, we’re all here with encouragement for you! I’ve added in 30 minutes of exercise each day, and have removed all alcohol (and most of the carbs) for a few, and that’s helping me tremendously (or at least appears to be); are you already doing exercising and omitting alcohol? You can be strong for the final five days!
    @daffodil2010, isn’t it funny how a big project (researching grounding) takes our eyes off 5:2 and our goals and, POOF!, they get eaten up by gremlins? See if you can’t do your grounding research up on the wagon with us all! 🙂
    @i-hate-lettuce, I have to admit to being a bit concerned yesterday at your message; so glad to hear it was simply additional, unexpected tests.
    @EmmaTaylor & @funshipfreddie, I sure do grin at the ongoing Angie/Brad jokes!
    @brightonbelle, let’s cry on each other’s shoulders about the stubborn keto sticks, and then hold each other up as we persevere, shall we?
    @northgeorgia, so glad to hear your mom is going to be okay! And well done to have avoided the emotional eating and to be at 246! You will make a stellar host for September!

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    Hold on to your seat on the wagon, everyone, and remember You Can Do This!!! We can worry about September days when they get here, but let’s be strong on our last 5 August days.

    Day 26 North Canton OH FD

    Again, this window has been minimized on my screen and the morning has flown by🤦‍♀️

    I will get back on track eventually with early daily posts. I know that life sometimes gets in the way.

    @i hate lettuce, warm wishes for your speedy recovery from surgery. I missed what you are having done, and just could not find the time to go back and find it, but I know that you are in good hands

    With regards to getting into ketosis, I read somewhere (can’t remember where) that when you first start IF or a low carb diet, it’s easier to get into ketosis but as your body get used to the lifestyle – it take a bit longer. our bodies are very adaptable apparently. I am sure that we can all attest to that

    Funny how some fasts are super easy but others are a STRUGGLE! Same person, same fasting regimen, same environment 🤷‍♂️

    BTW Something awful happened to me over the weekend. I usually drink red wine but since I have been experiencing weird stomach cramps when I drink, I decided to have a cocktail instead and must have overdone it with the Yukon Jack! I thought I was going to die!!! I was on all fours crawling around, blinded, crying for my mom. DD called OH and he rushed home, and they watched me make a total fool of myself on our back-porch. I wanted to throw up so bad but couldn’t. Was I drunk? I don’t know!!! I have never been drunk before; I was finally able to sleep and that helped. I woke up slightly queasy but better. Long story short- NEVER again. I am cured of my taste for alcohol in any shape, size or form. So I am dry for Life DFL!

    Ok that has to be it for me – work is piling up!

    Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    Only 5 days to go, so let’s make them good ones!! 🙂

    Day 26 Minnesota, USA FD

    @snowflake56 Thanks for adding me to the pocket list…..I was wavering, but now I’m committed!
    @northgeorgia I hope your mom continues to improve, and maybe this will be a bit of a motivator to change some things in her life for improved health. But it’s harder to change old habits the older you get. Sending positive vibes and prayers to you and family.
    @daffodil2010 What is crunchy and has fiber for satiety that you like to eat? That is low cal? Do you have that kind of thing available in the evening? I often have it here but kind of ignore it for tastier things,…..but if I MAKE myself eat raw veg with salt, or even with some hummus or dressing (even though that adds more calories), I feel it’s better than whatever else I could choose. I’m always glad the next day.
    @stitichincarol I have not done Leslie yet….thinking maybe today. It is hot and humid again (forecast 93F, or 34C), Yesterday I rode bike for 15 minutes, came in and was on phone briefly, went back out without drinking water, walked 25 minutes, and almost fainted before I got the door open! Stupid, really. I think the humidity is tropical, they are saying. So, trying Leslie today, and perhaps the DH’s rower. But thanks for getting me moving with a purpose!

    Stayed under 1100 yesterday. Wasn’t too difficult. It’s about 1115 now and not hungry, only black coffee so far, and I’m thinking I’ll do liquids as long as possible, and stay under 500 for the day.
    Weight down to 167.2 lbs (from a high just prior to August 1 of 175lbs). Feeling pretty good about that! But, then I realize that’s the “high” weight at which I started 5:2 back in May 2016. I’m happy I’m down from where I started this time. Just disappointed that I gained back what I’d lost and then even more over the last couple years. I am determined not to let that happen again!

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @northerndawn (most definitely!)
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️

    D26 FD UK Lake District

    2nd post Kitchen Closed!!

    Weather turned out nice today. Did a 45 minute workout at home with some stretches and we are going to go for a walk this evening to get my steps in.
    Need to add my name to the Leslie list.

    Have done 3 days back to back FD800 so plan on doing a CD day tomorrow now that I know what one is (thanks @betsylee for explaining) and will try to stick to 1200 calories.

    Have finished the French Women don’t get fat book so will now move onto the earthing.

    @Brightonbell. Have you looked at the Diet Doctor site for keto. There are some really good recipes on there. They are expensive calorie wise as they use a lot of cream. I use them occasionally on NFDs as a treat.

    @stitchincarol Well done on the Whoosh it must be a great feeling seeing the pounds go. I had 5 days this month when LTP (lost the plot) grazed all day so not expecting much weight loss by next week unless I have a Whoosh. I have done 3 days F800 B2B this week and last week to make up for it

    Have a lovely evening everyone and see you all tomorrow.

    Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️
    @basyjames DFL

    Day 26 – UK – FD800

    A lovely day spent with DD whilst on her dog walking job covering a lot of steps – at the end enjoyed a lovely coffee with splendid views!

    Today is Day 3 of 4 days B2B FD800 – going well still!

    @northgeorgia – sorry to hear about your mum 🤞she makes a good recovery
    @bellyblast – hold tight and a strong finish is yours for this 🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge!!!
    @kazoo – at the bottom of the page there is a box to tick for notification of follow-up via email – sometimes when moving the cursor around it’s easy to untick yourself – check before you log off that you ticked the box but the system does play up sometimes…..
    @stitchincarol @northgeorgia – if you fancy giving hosting September a go I think that @songbirdme has answered any queries you may have and I would be very happy to set up the spreadsheet for you
    @snowflake56 – I should have held on to you a bit tighter yesterday – sorry about that……

    I found this summary with regards to the queries about getting into ketosis – “It typically takes 2–10 days to enter ketosis if you eat fewer than 50 grams of carbs per day, depending on factors like physical activity level, age, metabolism, and carb, fat, and protein intake. Keeping your carbohydrates to under 20gram per day is the main tip on how to get into ketosis fast.”

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @flourbaby LFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 26 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 26 ☕️
    @basyjames DFL

    “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” Michael Jordan

    Third post

    My mom is home. The tests were inconclusive but they continue to treat for TIA despite lack of evidence. I think she will see her doctor soon to talk with a neurologist. We’ll be taking special care for her over the coming weeks although she “seems” fine.

    @at yes, if you could help me with the spreadsheet setup and link, I’ll be glad to host September. Thanks!

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