USA. Day 25. FD
Just dropping in for accountability! I am deep into my renovations at the moment and don’t have much time!
Hope everyone is doing well!
I’m having bacon, sausage eggs tomatoes for tea. Very hungry now day 9 of no bread so I’ll miss having toast. Trying to last out until Sunday.Lamb for tea on Sunday so I need bread with that. Cold today just took Chloe out again. Well done HH good your in the health weight. Don’t think I’ll ever get that far
Day 25 – USA – FD
Greetings, everyone! I hope you’re all having a great day or night and a healthy journey in your corner of the world.
@funshipfreddie – Congratulations on your easiest FD ever! And thank you for the encouragement! Your other comments about sitting too often ring true, and I like your quote from Robert Collier. I’ve always marveled at how small degrees of change in virtually anything can lead to large differences over time.
@brightonbelle – Thank you! Once I find a key motivating spark inside, I’ll shed the pounds more easily! This forum, of course, is highly motivating, and I also expose myself to abundant sources of motivation in books and videos that convey success stories, yet the start of this journey has felt more lackluster to me for some reason. I hope your final week of March is great!
Regarding the weight loss drugs, you wrote: “It’s not going to change your eating habits and I think we all know you have to do it the hard way.”
Well said, and I couldn’t agree more!
@stitchincarol – That’s great news about buying your house! Weather-wise, I hope you’re able to enjoy some nice spring days soon after your recent winter weather and power outage ordeal. I also hope your daily stress headaches end soon!
@jaifaim – Thank you!!! I’m definitely sticking around with no plans to leave. Your trip and activities sound amazing!
@lilymartin – I hope you’re feeling better and recovering well from your recent illness. I completely agree with you about the potential for adverse consequences associated with weight-loss drugs. Those are definitely not for me. Out of the dozens of diets and weight-loss methods I’ve tried over the years, IF is the best.
@excelsior12309 – I hope you were able to get your inspection sticker. Fortunately, here in Louisiana, they offer a two-year option, which I always take. And thank you for the positive thoughts! I know what you mean by an “unmotivated March.” I’m used to jumping right into IF and shedding pounds quickly and with ease—but not this time! I feel like my body and mind have been mired in apathy and an unwillingness to lose weight, much like Jon Gabriel described in his book “The Gabriel Method.” I’m trying to rekindle the ol’ internal motivation, but it’s slow to form. It’ll happen, and I’ll again conquer those NFDs! 😀
To everyone in the forum, I hope you’re having a very successful journey and loving life!
Kind regards,
Dave- brilliant your clothes are so much smaller, you are doing so well! Hope the roofers get back to you…
Hemmy- another trip out, you’ll be shattered! Enjoy your day…Well done with the bargains! I bought a charity shop jumper this winter & it’s been lovely, I’ve worn it loads…
Jean- hope you got to play boules! Xena has to have KC too for going to the dog sitters…
Nana- hope you’re having a good day!
Still fasting, I had a sneaky peek on the scales & am now back into the healthy weight category according to the NHS app, half a stone more off would be lovely, we’ll see…My sister came for a coffee, nice to hear about her holiday although BIL was poorly, his colitis flared up so they couldn’t eat out at all…did a big pile of ironing after she went. Bacon, avocado & eggs tonight, they go down well after a fast .
Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD
Measured rooms and kitchen cupboards in the new house yesterday so I can start figuring out what will go where, ran all sorts of errands, and generally had a productive day. Suddenly and deeply aware of all that needs sorting through and cleared out in our current house as we get ready to move.
Working to maintain a placid attitude, but not surprised to have stress headaches daily. Deep breaths…
Have a grand one, everyone!
Day 25 UK f800
Yes I can’t believe wegovy ozempic etc can be good for you
It’s not going to change your eating habits and I think we all know you have to do it the hard way
Ahh it’s only a couple of pounds you’ll shift that again before month end @jaifaim 🚴♀️
Pocket List – Day 25 🥥
@brightonbelle FD800
@stitchincarol WF
Congratulations Anzac and good luck with the clothes shopping.
Thin yes it would be good if Miss GDay and I could share meals but being autistic she has severe food sensitivities – being taste, smell and texture which results in very limited dietary options when dining out. She will also only eat at the same few places that she is familiar with and will only eat the exact same thing from the menu. Whereas when I eat out I like to try new things, as long as they fall within my healthy eating agenda that is.
At home I am able to give her a more varied diet because she is used to my home cooked meals. Her heightened sense of food sensitivity is so strong that if I put a new ingredient into a meal, say I use a different brand of passata in spaghetti bolognaise, she can taste it and won’t eat it because it tastes different. All her meals have to been made the exact same way every time.
Today I used the last of my dairy in the fridge so will go dairy free for 2 week to see if it improves my sinuses. Will be interesting to see the result.
Day 25-No. VA USA-FD
Today is a reset day. Mindful March has been more like “un-motivated March” for me, and I am determined to get back on track. Weather is nice now that rain has passed. I have been driving my car with a lapsed inspection sticker (good for one year, and last done in December 2024!) so have to stop at the gas station on the way into work and see if they can do it for me. It is close to the office, so I could walk from there, if they can help me out. We shall see.
@lilymartin, I had some bad gastrointestinal stuff a few months ago, and I agree that weight goes down. But it doesn’t stay unless we are really vigilant! @jaifaim, I am joining you in trying to get my mind back in gear, so my body will follow!
@icystorm, a 4# weight loss in a month would total almost 50# in a year! That is an excellent start!
@stitchincarol, glad your electricity is back. How much we use it, we don’t even realize. Our well is on an electrical pump, so if power goes out, we must have generator back up for our water supply!
Have a good day, all!
Yesterday I had an old shirt on that even though it was old it had never been worn because it was too small. It is 2 sizes smaller that what I’ve been wearing. And my jeans were 3 sizes smaller than normal. So that was good. Going to the park with Chloe soon then shopping at Sainsbury’s later. We all seem to be doing ok at the moment. No sign of the roofers yet so if we don’t hear from them then it will go to trading standards and see what they can do.
Good morning everyone. Xxxx
It s going to be another lovely day. It was a long day out again yesterday for me after the weekends days out.. took Pip over the fields at 9am ..then out shopping .. never came back till 5pm..
Today its early walk again then at the Garden Centre for 12…. I really just want to go out working in my peaceful garden with Pip and the birds. lolol
At least no diner to get today lolol.
Nana .. Oh very well done on your 2 lbs off that’s absolutely brilliant.
Dave,, You are busy with the speedway and Bowls .. good to have things to occupy yourself. No sign of butter bean s yet. lol
H H.. Yes old clothes are a really good guide on how the weight is going . . You are always busy and it can be easy to forget eating then suddenly feel starving and eat anything in sight.
Sym.. Yes a few good buys.. another lovely leather bag for £10 ..a like new sweater in pink and cream lots of candles my favourite things lol. Its lovely getting back into your Boules competitive and social..
Enjoy your day everyone “Joy is not in things; it is in us.”Xxxx
Day 25 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
160 lbs
Hi all, good to see you @lilymartin – glad to hear you are feeling better!
I am still trending higher than usual… and this is a drop 📉 from yesterday…. that’s time away but also I think I’ve been lapsing back into bad habits generally and need to work out how to fix this and my brain…
I feel April may be my reset month but still working to start it now…. 💪
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Morning All..
Playing boules later, a few players who haven’t played for a while have put their names down..I hope everyone who wants to play gets a game. First 12 names play!
Charlie was fine, I agree KC has different strains but I have no choice as he has to have it.
Hope you are feeling better today..
Well done on the 2 lb off. Hoping you don’t get Covid so sad for your neighbour a nasty fall.
Loads of midges mean the weather is warming up…very nasty to play in. Well done winning.
What are you up to today? Any buys yesterday?
Jean x
Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
Quick check-in for accountability.
@lilymartin – great to see you back! Interesting about the weight loss drugs – “in most cases a rebound weight GAIN effect happened…” -but it doesn’t just ‘happen’. If people just pop pills without changing their eating habits/lifestyles, then of course they’ll regain the weight when they stop taking the pills. And we’ve yet to find out what the long-term consequences are of taking these relatively new drugs.
Have a great day everyone
Pocket List – Day 25 🥥
@brightonbelle FD800
Day 25 country west Australia CD 82.3 kgs
Nothing makes a few consecutive FDs easier than gastro and the flu !! As mentioned by some of you a few weeks ago.
Back on track now that that has passed.
@stitchincarol , congratulations on buying a house. Does that mean a big cleanup when you shift ? I think I am going to pretend I am moving house just to get rid of some of my stuff. Way Way too many possessions…
@icystorm 4 lbs lost is better than 0 lbs lost or, worse, a gain.
I heard a professor of medicine this week say that there had been some studies done on drugs like Ozempic and whilst people did lose weight while they took the drug, the 12 month follow up showed that once they stopped taking the drug, in most cases a rebound weight GAIN effect happened and it was ALL fat. What they lost was fat and lean muscle which is not good especially as you age. But the gain is just fat😱😱
Good on you for sticking with sensible IF and 5:2.
Hi Anzac, that’s such good news. Hope everything works out well with the new position xx I know you will smash it!
Nana- well done with losing that 2lbs so quickly! Kind of you to help your poor neighbour, hope your test is negative tomorrow 🤞
Dave- well done with no bread, I don’t miss it much … Enjoy the speedway! Are they doing any coach trips to see the witches?
Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day out!
Jean- well done fasting, hope Charlie is okay at the vets…KC seems pointless, it went round the doggy daycare here, all the dogs had been vaccinated but a different strain!
Had a very lazy day, fasting & I felt really lethargic. Did do a new walk with Xena & a bit of cleaning, the site I moderate seems so busy most days so that took a while. Tried on some old clothes to give me the motivation to keep fasting 😂
Evening hope everyone is well.
It’s been a lovely sunny day here after a dull start.
Was pleased to see that I’d managed to lose the two pounds that I’d gained the previous week.
A trying week for us as on Wednesday one of our neighbours fell over and her husband was unable to lift her up so OH and I helped pick her up, she ended up after going to Addenbrookes to be checked over having a broken nose and hairline fractures in her cheekbones. Whilst in Ely Thursday we got her a bunch of flowers and dropped in on her. We found out from her husband on Friday morning that she’d been taken into hospital Thursday night with Covid and that he’d also tested positive. OH and I tested ourselves with a home covid test on Saturday and we we’re clear so 🤞 when we test again tomorrow It’s going to be the same.
Jean hope Charlie’s visit to the vet went well.
Hemmy glad you had a nice weekend with Kristy and a nice couple of days with your friends.
Hedgehogs what a good girl Xena was. Your busy as usual. Lovely to see the little one.
Dave well done on not having bread, hope it helps with losing weight. Wish I could give up my white wine that I enjoy so much.
Enjoy your evening everyone.
Nana xxx
Day 24. USA. Day 24
Just checking in!
Pocket List – Day 24 🍏
@brightonbelle FD800
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Had a good game of bowls in lovely weather. Lots of midges about will be a miracle if I’m not full of bites.I won my game 21-13 after being 5-1 down. Speedway tonight against the Witches so not sure what I’ll have to eat. Maybe something when I get home. Hemmy have you found any butter beans yet🤣🤣🤣
Morning All..
I am fasting, strange last week about a week off…
Good walk with Penny, the boys were crackers doing zoomies!!!
Just done an Ian of Charlie’s veggies and a batch of Yorkshires, much better than last time, to go in the freezer.
At vets later, jab and KC, not keen on him having it but needs it for kennels, either for holidays or if I am ill.
Enjoy your bowls weather getting better. Cows out on the 31st March, back to dodging them!!
Good Xena with the horse, they surprise you at times. Charlie’s ok now with them, I usually sit him and we watch them pass. The only one if it’s tiny then I think he thinks it’s a big dog and he barks!
Lovely to get out with Kirsty.. how nice to get out for lunch. Enjoy your trip out with Pam today.
Jean x
@icystorm – stick with us.. 💪 you know you can do this and it is much better to lose weight slowly rather than drastically… 👏👏👏
Day 24 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
Hi all – just a quick check in as I am back to work after a fabulous week off on our beautiful west and south west coast. We had the most amazing weather.. lots of tourists wondering how they were so lucky ☀️☀️☀️ but really this can happen in spring or autumn and often there s a better chance of fab sunny weather than in the summer months.
I’m tired but only because we hiked and cycled and swam lots… yes the water was icy cold – that is a sure thing over there!
Oh… and I am now carrying extra lbs… but not for long my friends… I’m firmly back in the zone ⬇️
I’ll catch up and check in again tomorrow.
Have a great day you all!
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Pocket List – Day 24 🍏
@brightonbelle FD800
Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD
The power came back on for our village at 8pm Saturday: that was 84 hours with no electricity. Many people out in the country on the farms are still without power, however, so there’s still a long way to go for them. In the meantime, we’re busy being thankful for everything electricity provides: heat, lights, cold to keep freezers frozen (thankfully, our big freezer stayed frozen, so we didn’t lose anything there, but we lost much in our fridge/attached freezer… that’s one way to clean out a fridge, eh?), ovens, music/radio, tv/news, hot water, etc., etc., etc.
Today is stuff involving the process of buying our house. Looking forward to a WF tomorrow!
Good morning everyone a lovely sunny day here. I will be bowling at 1pm the two teams I play for are having a friendly against each other. Hemmy good you had a great time, HH I’m hungry all the time but still not had any bread. 8 days now and counting. I will try and cling on until Sunday without any bread. Much easier not having alcohol lost count how long it’s been but about 7 weeks or so. Jean the cows will soon be back. Nana how are you doing.
Day 24 UK f800
Aiming to have a super good last week and turn things around
Hey it was an ambitious target @icystorm – 4lbs is pretty good
Pocket List – Day 24 🍏
@brightonbelle FD800
Congratulations Anzac.
Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.2 kg
Easiest FD ever! I was way too sedentary though. Why do most hobbies/pastimes involve sitting down? I need to ramp up my steps this week 🏃
@icystorm – don’t give up on Mindful March just yet! We still have a whole 8 days left. So you could get very close to reaching half of your original goal for the month 🎯
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier
Pocket List – Day 24 🍏
@brightonbelle FD800
Hello friends, what a difference a week makes!
I ended up with two firm offers mid last week and I accepted the contract role at the superannuation company (it’s via a consulting firm for whom I will be technically working for). I had actually decided to take the role at my old bank as I would be able to walk in and just do the job without the horrible learning curve so I told the consulting firm and they countered with an offer that was too good to turn down. I also really enjoyed talking to them and they were saying all the right things so I guess even at 59 we will be teaching the old dog new tricks lol.
So now I have to go shopping for new office clothes which frustrates the heck out of me. If only I had tried harder I would be back into my old office clothes but no, they are all too small. I will still be able to WFH three days per week but only once I am trained so now I need 5 outfits. I have two that will pass at a pinch but off to Westfields today for dreaded clothes shopping. Bah. I have to make sure I look professional as I will be representing the consulting firm
I’ll come back later as I need to fill in a heap of forms for the new job and want to get them back asap
Take care all
Good Morning everyone
It’s Monday FD so thought I would check in.
Thanks for the congrats thin and G’day 🙂
G’day it so good to hear from you. Wow, you packed in a lot of fun things in your time at the festival. It sounds amazing. Pity about the lack of healthy food though and yes that salad does sound gross.
I’ll keep it brief today as I have another big day ahead of me. Have a lovely day everyone xx
Glad you had a good weekend Hemmy!
A bit damp here today, but dry for our walk…was going along in a day dream, looked behind me & there was a horse & rider, Xena pootling about round them, I was very apologetic but the lady wasn’t worried, was so pleased with Xena that she didn’t bark or be silly, I usually keep hold of her out the way! She had a big reward 😀
Popped to sister’s after Church, took some books round for my great nephew who was visiting. Nice to see him again…
I’m always hungry on Sundays!
Good evening everyone. xxxx
Its been a lovely weekend with Kristy .. We enjoyed a tasty Sunday lunch before she went back .. The weather has been brilliant.
Its a busy few days now as out with Pam tomorrow. then Chris Tuesday its all or nothing socially. lol
H H .. well done on your loss last week .. good luck this coming week.
Dave.. Enjoy your beef bet Chloe will lol.
Sym.. I hope you are having a relaxing day.
Enjoy your evening everyone, Every small step you take now will bring you closer to your goal. So, never stop moving forward.Xxxx
Day 23 – USA – NFD
Greetings everyone. I started my latest IF journey about a month ago. I wanted to lose 18 pounds by the end of March, but so far, I’ve managed to lose 4! I’m obviously having too many calories on my NFDs and enjoying food too much. I must find more self-discipline on my NFDs. I look forward to wrapping up March soon, a week from tomorrow. My goals are easily obtainable with the right mindset and self-discipline, even if it takes longer to reach them now.
Many people in my neighborhood are on weight-loss injections! 😮 I’ve witnessed numerous obese neighbors, who were obese for years, suddenly becoming skeletons! I refuse to lose weight that way! I could, but I won’t. Losing weight with IF is very, very easy and healthy if one can develop the right mindset for NFDs.
Best to everyone for a safe and healthy journey!
Kind regards,
USA. Day 23. FD
Joining FUNSHIPFREDDIE on the pocket list:
Pocket List – Day 23 🍳
I had a better FD yesterday!
Thanks, FUNSHIPFREDDIE, for clarifying that for me. It was a long time ago!
BrightonBelle, I can’t believe we are almost at the end of March already. I will be on that pocket list tomorrow, too!
Hope everyone has been having a great weekend! 🤗
Day 23 UK NFD
Nah not today @funshipfreddie but I’ll be on the list tomorrow and hopefully a few more will join us for our last week of Mindful March 💪
Pocket List – Day 23 🍳
Good afternoon everyone, today beef and Yorkshire pudding 😋😋😋😋. It’s a big piece so Chloe will do well tonight. Made the batter last night and have just peeled the spuds. Day 7 without bread which means day 7 of only one meal per day. I’ll just hang on as long as I can next week without bread. It is getting difficult now. I’ll be getting like the Charlie Chaplin film when he was starving and everything he looked at turned into a chicken. It will be bread instead of chicken with me🤣🤣🤣. It’s a waiting game now with the roofers.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with the 5:2 fast diet over the years! It’s inspiring to see how consistent dedication can yield long-term benefits. At, we are passionate about exploring sustainable approaches to health and wellness. We’d love to hear how you’ve managed challenges like plateaus or adapting to life changes while maintaining your routine.
Also, if anyone is looking for tools or resources to support their fasting journey, feel free to check out—we’re committed to helping individuals achieve their health goals in a practical and informed way. Keep up the amazing work, everyone!
Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD
Happy S🌞nday! Anyone joining me on the pocket list today…?
Pocket List – Day 23 🍳
Evening All..
Had a very eating week… must pull my socks up!
I haven’t done much I felt a bit flat.
Xena likes her scent training, I have never tried it.
Enjoy your two lunches out and catch up with Kirsty.
I hope they sort the roof without taking it further. It’s so annoying. Yes lots of buds on the trees the birds are singing too.
Jean x
Dave- I hope you get a response from the roofers, so frustrating! I’d have been tempted to take the tools & bits they left in your yard for a while!
Xena had a really good run about on our walk today, people were laughing as we drove down the road, she was barking so loud as usual!
We popped into town, went to Hotel Chocolat to buy bits for eldest son’s birthday, they were giving away free samples, couldn’t resist a chocolate, probably half my cards for the day 🤭
Saw Mum this afternoon & helped her do her shopping order- the Sainsbury’s site is awful, it took ages to load…I wanted to get her a Tesco’s one but you can’t order without a clubcard, & she couldn’t find hers…Lazy evening.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend 🥰
2nd Post – Day 22
Pocket List – Day 22 🍎
@excelsior12309 FD800
Day 22 UK NFD
Aiming for a reasonable NFD , back on the 800s Mon – Fri and let see how it goes
Have a good weekend all
Day 22-No. VA USA-FD 800
Busy month, not a very productive one for weight loss; trying to maintain. Better days coming, I think, in April. I have two dinners coming up next weekend to celebrate birthdays at restaurants, one place is quite deluxe, but at least the portions are small!!!
Happy fasting!
Good morning everyone,I stayed in bed today but wasn’t asleep. Wanted to let Denise get some sleep. Still not heard anything from the roofer so will send them an email what citizens advice helped me with. It will tell them to get it fixed or I will be taking it further. The scaffolding is being taken down now at this very moment.
Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
@ccco – the SA president you mentioned would have been Charles Swart. He was the first State President from 1961. Before that he was the governor general though. South Africa was still part of the British Empire in 1960, & only became a Republic in ’61.
@iona72 – every day is a holiday for me! 😃 Enjoy your DH’s extended birthday celebrations 🥳
My TV has gone kapputt again?! After I paid a small fortune to get it fixed last month. This is the third time I’m taking it to the repair shop. I think they need to give me a refund. Aiming for a sensible CD today, & another FD tomorrow 🎯
Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈
Day 21 NE England NFD
DH birthday celebrations are into day 3, this has not been a good week for me. Family home for the weekend so birthday celebrations will no doubt continue. It’s not even a “special” birthday!!!
The weather is a lot warmer today so hopefully I will be in the mood for salad all next week to end Mute March🤣
So pleased to hear you got the house @stitchincarol my eldest daughter is in the process of moving house, she has a lot of DIY lined up for us 🤔
Hope you enjoyed your public holiday @funshipfreddie
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Have a lovely weekend Hemmy! I’m taking magnesium most days, alternating sodium & potassium, electrolytes get a bit low with keto…hubby has cut our grass a couple of times already, it’s so long…
Dave- hope you haven’t overdone it at the bowling club!
Jean- hope you had a good day!
Nana- same for you…
Just lost half a pound this week.
Xena just had a short walk as I had to ring my HomeStart family, did some scent work with her in the garden later. Went to an Aqua fit class, really enjoyed it, & hopefully easier on the joints than aerobics! Didn’t eat until afterwards, was too hungry to wait until this evening…
Day 21 UK NFD
Had a lovely day out nice long walk , pub lunch so may regret tomorrow but hey ho , will regroup tomorrow
USA. Day 21. FD
Yesterday, I strayed again. The DASH diet is easy to keep going but I am having some trouble on the calorie end. I must have lost a little of my mojo and need to get that back quickly before I regain what I have lost! 😕
Stitchincarol, you are having quite an ordeal out there. I am glad your congregation sent you to the hotel. They must truly love you both. 👍🏻 I hope everything will return to normal soon.
FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I believe I remember that Sharpville massacre. I remember the president of your country (I think his last name was Smith but not sure anymore) came to New York City where I am from. He stayed in the building where I lived. He was so disliked that his protection was really heavy duty. I couldn’t even get into my home without proof that I lived there. I think he was visiting the U.N. Much, I think, has changed since then.
I hope everyone has a lovely day, today!
Day 21
Wow. I’m the second one to post?? “Mute March,” indeed, David.
Ended up doing OMAD yesterday, and had a 600 calorie salmon dinner with 240 calories of red wine and a cauliflower appetizer that’s glorious (it’s our favorite at this restaurant) but probably high calorie. My salmon had 60% of the plate covered with veggies, so it was all good. DH and I did a lot of scooping yesterday morning (two hours’ worth, I think), so however many calories the meal was, I’m certain I burned far more than I ate.
We have today’s eating options planned out, but nothing else on the agenda. Oh well!
What a sad event that was! So glad things are improved in SA.
Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.2 kg
We should maybe rename this challenge ‘Mute March’ – so quiet here?! 👀 Anyway, I hope I’m sharing my Friday PFDS with the other Thursday fasters.
@stitchincarol – what a roller-coaster of a week you’re having?! Enjoy the hotel & the restaurants anyway 🛎
It’s a public holiday here today – Human Rights Day – & the 65th anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre, when police killed 69 people who were peacefully protesting against the Pass laws. It’s very warm, cloudy & humid though, & it’s eerily quiet around here. Probably because everyone’s broke, as most people only get paid around the 25th of the month.
Happy Fri-yay! 🍹