I’ve booked my first yoga class for first thing on Sunday morning! Ok, so it’s not high intensity or cardio, but it’s a start! Right?
I live a very sedentary lifestyle.
Since starting 5:2 I’ve been slowly trying to incorporate more walking into my life. If I’m at work on a fasting day, I get out for a walk during my lunch break instead of watching everybody else eat!
At weekends I try to get out for an hour or so of brisk walking (just out of breath type walking).
I’d like to get back into jogging, but I think this may be best started when the weather improves a little. (I won’t stick with it while it’s snowing and cold).
To get myself back into exercise classes I’ve decided to try yoga. Never done it before and I don’t know what to expect!
Does anybody have any advice for my first yoga class?
12:09 pm
3 Feb 15