wow! 1st time this has happened! yay

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wow! 1st time this has happened! yay

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • i was all ready 2 eat @ 5/30pm it is a calorie counting nonfastday

    my whole grain pasta (28grams of whole)
    1 cup 172 cals
    sprinkle on top w/ 1/4 fetta cheese 99 cals

    w/ 2 cups collard greens (highest nutrition dense)
    never had them, they are delish.
    66 cals
    1/2 garlic 2 cals
    & a pat (tspn)of butter 36 cals
    simmered all 4 20 minutes marinated in a
    1cup vegetable broth 8 cals

    & (cooked chicken thighs that were on day off all the 4 the wk,
    while listening 2 a free mp3 book in a cold bathtub in a swimsuit) (here in penna it is getting 2 99 degrees ugh)

    2 ounces boneless skinless chick thighs 65 cals

    tot 448 cals

    & surprise! could not eat it all probably ate 1/4 of it all or less yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

    finally becoming partialy one of the elites. 🙂

    more 4 tomorrow

    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
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    u should all
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