Without breakfast was awesome but felt faint – any tips?

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Without breakfast was awesome but felt faint – any tips?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Parveenh 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I have been living off the indulgences of Christmas and haven’t fasted for a very long time.

    I tried two days without breakfast and noticed significant reduction in appetite which was great. The second day however, I missed lunch – mainly because I was working. I nearly passed out! Very unlike me, but felt v light headed. I then had a coffee with lots of milk and properly broke the fast at 3:30 then had a sandwich. I wondered if the dizziness was Worsened or caused by my increased caffeine intake that day.

    I did notice before feeling faint my mood was better and I wasn’t feeling snacky- which has become a habit since the Christmas period.

    Frustrated though, as I found not eating dampened my appetite and I just felt more chilled out. It was nice to feel truly hungry at dinner time too- made me much more mindful. appreciating every bite.

    If I was home alone or at a spa I would continue to fast but it’s a bit irresponsible of me to do it when working or looking after children unless I can find a way to combat the dizziness. As mentioned never happened to me before – years ago i could go a day without eating no problem, sigh maybe being in my 40s instead of 20s May be the reason.

    I have no other health issues (apart from low mood) I also have naturally low blood pressure 90/60 is my average daily reading – so likely my blood pressure dropped?

    Any tips? I did wonder about salt . Also whether it was an effect of lots of caffeine…


    I occasionally feel I bit light headed on FDs and I cure it by taking a couple of pinches of salt washed down with a big glass of water. It works every time.
    If you don’t want to do that you could try a hot savoury drink such as Bovril or Miso soup.

    Great thanks Amazon. I did think about some miso but I think I would be tempted to then have something with it! It may look a bit weird nevkinv some salt at work, do you feel sick??

    A small amount of salt works and it takes effect very quickly. I usually take a pinch or two of it from the rock salt pot sitting on my kitchen work surface. Excessive amounts of salt can induce nausea and vomiting but a tiny amount is no problem.
    you can buy salt tablets but a pinch of salt is much cheaper. You could easily put some in a little container and take a discreet pinch of it when you get yourself some water.

    I have some packets of instant miso that have dehydrated veggies/beans in so it is like a mini meal for less than 30 calories as it has the benefit of providing something to chew!

    Excellent tip on the salt. Will try that or some miso on my fd tomorrow.

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