Winning the weight loss battle….

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Winning the weight loss battle….

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lolo 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I have posted elsewhere several weeks ago and ‘started’ my story. Life then got really busy again and took over. I lost my focus and, as has happened many, many times before, I have given myself permission to eat with abandonment and gained back any weight I had lost. I feel I need to leave that thread behind- it’s buried somewhere in the forums anyway and move on with a fresh start.
    After a week’s holiday (the first actual week away in five years) I have returned rested and with renewed enthusiasm to get my weight under control and reach the goal I have been striving for for 20 years. Having had my holiday marred by the embarrassment of having to don a swimsuit I have decided- that’s it!
    I’m hoping to get away this time next year and my aim is for a slim body that won’t make taking my clothes off a source of humiliation.

    So, my stats!
    38 years old
    5ft 8in
    12 st 8.8lb

    My plan-
    5.2 each week (mainly mon and Thurs to fit around work and other stuff)
    Keeping between 1600-1900kcal on most non fast days
    Limiting white carbs and sugar- cake is a serious downfall of mine!
    A slice of cake when I feel like it but not all the time!
    12 000 steps a day at least using my Fitbit and riding my horse three times a week.
    I will weigh in on a Monday and post my results and diary here each week.

    The aim-
    To have lost some, if not all, of my 36lbs (taking me to 10st and a UK SIZE 10) by the end of the year.

    See you on Monday!

    Good luck!! It is hard as I love cake also!! I love baking it and I love eating it lol x

    Hey looney41
    Yes- homemade cake is the best!!! I have a recipe for a nice sugar free carrot, Apple and sultana cake which makes me feed slightly more virtuous! But my other half made some choc brownies yesterday- seriously good ones too. The family have demolished the lot already (and I helped)!
    What is your favourite cake?

    Lol. Favourite cake?? Cake is cake 🙂 lol

    Erm…if I had to pick one I would probably always used to go for chocolate cake but my other half loves carrot cake and I’d never tried it till last year as I never likes the sound of it (veg in a cake??) you can see why I’m having to lose weight can’t you??!! 🙂 but I have to admit I’ve baked that now to perfection and it is lovely with the cream cheese frosting on so I guess it would just beat the chocolate cake now as my fave. But then there’s birthday cake…!!! I made my fella a 3 tiered minion birthday cake this year and it was awesome. I drool just thinking about it 🙂 x

    I don’t drink hardly unless it’s out for a special occasion and I don’t smoke but I’m afraid chocolate and cake are my downfalls. I just make sure it’s not in the house now unless it’s Saturday and then I can have 1 or the other as a treat x

    So, Week One!

    I have weighed in and have lost 1.4lb which is a good start and I’m pleased!

    Last week was a difficult week rushing around trying to fit everything in from 6am until I fall onto the sofa around 9pm generally. And a spate of ‘things going wrong’ hasn’t helped. Car breaking down, followed by flat tyre, followed by washing machine, then car alarm, overflow pipe, printer and now a lame horse. Add onto that my partner has been really busy with work so I have been trying to help him out by doing as much child pick ups/ dog walks/ jobs as I can between my work.
    On the plus side the fast days were actually easy (no time to think about being hungry) but on the NFDs I was more inclined to think I might reward myself with some cake ‘keep me going’. It’s a mindset I struggle to get out of because having a chance to sit down and have a cup of tea and slice of cake is a treat!
    That being said I guess if I continue to lose every week even whilst having my cake then I shouldn’t feel guilty- another mindset to conquer!!
    I have also bought myself a second hand juicer on ebay. Am thinking on NFDs I might make myself a juice and replace a meal just to help get more nutrients into the system. I have been inspired by the documentary film ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’. I eat a lot of plant based food anyway, being a vegetarian, but you can always fit more in!
    I tend to save up most of my kcals on a fast day for one big meal early evening but I do have one cup of tea and one coffee through the day, both with skimmed milk, just to have something to look forward to! I dont think I want to blow any of my precious kcals on juice on a fast day as I’d rather have something solid.
    Well, that’s it for now. Until next week…..

    Best of luck. Thing is not to be defeated by it. Fast when you are feeling strong and are geared up for it mentally. I started and gave up earlier in the year, just couldn’t do it. However, after reading loads of posts on the forum and working out what suits me best I am succeeding now a bit at a time. I have discovered that if I eat on a fast day then I want to keep on eating but if I drink and keep hydrated then I am not hungry at all, so then I can enjoy my full allowance of 500kcals in the evening.
    Good luck with it.

    i am keen to know how you are going over a month in to your diet!

    Please keep us updated!

    Hi lolo

    Well, admission time. It’s not gone so well! I have been fasting here and there but eating whatever I want the rest of the week- and I have eaten A LOT. I have managed to gain 4lb. I just think my heart wasn’t in it and there was a lot going on at home (which isn’t an excuse). For me, losing weight is my most difficult challenge in life- I have had issues with food since my childhood and I think I will always have to keep on battling. I want a healthy, easy relationship with food and I understand my issues and where they stem from but it’s still hard. Anyway, I do not want to give up hoping that I can get this 2 1/2stones off and with that create an easier relationship with food.
    So, as a result I have decided to set myself a six month challenge. I think I might set it up on the other forum for others to join but keep this open so I can jot down my thoughts.

    So, I’m 12st 12lb. I want to be 10st.

    I’m going to-
    – fast twice a week
    – walk 12 000 steps a day
    – stick to roughly 1660kcal on my non fast days (using MFP)
    – have one fresh juice today
    – limit sugar to a treat
    – limit white carbs and try to have a carb free meal a day

    I’m going to weigh in once a week. Will keep you posted….

    Hello Ilovecake,

    I’m sorry to hear that you put on 4lb but in the grand scheme of things it isn’t a lot and you can totally bounce back from this! I too have an unhealthy relationship with food, i eat it when I’m stressed, sad and angry, and I eat it when I’m happy too!! Ok i just love food!! lol But you’ve set a goal and I know you can do it. I will find your other thread if you have set it up.

    I weigh 87KG and would love to lose 20kg,so i will join you in your challenge!!!

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