Will i skip my period after my 18 days fast?

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Will i skip my period after my 18 days fast?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I started a water fast (which was my first ever) and i was able to keep it for 18 days i have been eating for about a week and half ago and now it’s time for my period…. i have the pain that is usually leading to my period but i still didn’t get it (im four days late)… should i be concerned?

    My diet after the fast: the first two days was only watermelon
    Now i eat salad as a main dish every day with a side of chicken or an egg ( i didn’t use to eat chicken and egg before … i didn’t have the appetite for them before) and whenever im hungry during the day i eat only watermelons

    Why are you fasting for 18 days? To be blunt, what are you trying to prove?
    Menses will cease do to poor nutrition. I’d be more concerned about not eating for 18 days.
    Fasting is about balancing calorie restriction with eating wholesome foods.

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