Why you SHOULD weigh yourself every day (A dissenting opinion)

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Why you SHOULD weigh yourself every day (A dissenting opinion)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Purple Vegie Eater 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi There,

    I’ve been weighing myself every day for the last couple of months and find it an incredibly useful thing to do. On the strict assumption that you record your weight and review the change as a trend, not obsess over daily numbers.

    I find that daily weighing allows me to see the overall trend more clearly, and reduces the impact of ‘blips’, rather than increasing it as some people fear.

    Taking the last month as an example, I just happened to have ‘blips’ up in my weight on 3 consecutive Tuesdays (probably all that caffeine on Mondays!) Had I weighed myself only on Tuesdays I would have thought my weight loss had stopped almost entirely for 3 weeks and then seen a massive, unsustainable drop on the 4th week.

    Just my 2p!

    Hi JeffUK,

    I remember reading you posting this somewhere else on the forums & felt you made a good point. I agree about avoiding obsessing about numbers though – I know that some of us may react differently to a different number (i.e. feel motivated to eat well/ comfort eat as a reaction to a ‘bad’ number!) so best to do what feels best for us as a person.

    I personally weigh 2-3 times a week depending on how many fast days I do (as I weight post a fast day) and find that my lowest result tends to be the morning after my last fast day of the week (so usually Sat morning) – this works for me but once again I take the numbers with a pinch of salt as they vary so much – measurements are the way forward too!

    I weigh every day but that works for me because my mood for the day is not set by the number.

    If I found myself unwittingly attaching undue prominence or power to a scale number then I’d have to rethink the weigh-ins until I got that under control.

    I’ve been in maintenance for a while (> year) and I’m still data gathering as to the impact of different events or foodstuffs on my weight range (107-110lbs). Eg, I hold a lot of water weight if I need to take NSAIDs, or if I’ve been bitten by a horsefly.

    I am obsessed with the scales. I weigh in the morning and before I go to bed. I started 5:2 a week ago on Monday. Had wine everyday but fast days. Stuck strickly to under 500 calories on fast days, no wine. Weighed this morning, first time since starting, down 2.4 lbs. Took measurements and lost 1 1/2 inches in my waist. Some of that may be to my new exercise, the hula hoop. So, my plan is to weigh every Tuesday and measurements also. I have 40# to goal. Hoping this will get me there and my new way of life.

    buffb I love the sound of exercising with a hula hoop! I shall have to investigate 😉

    Lucy, I love my hula hoop. Got mine on the Walmart site. It is weighted and it is a Gold’s Gym. It was half the price from the one on Amazon. You may not have Walmart depending on where you live. Put on yor favorite tunes and wiggle away. Love it. Came with a dvd also.

    Hi there

    Interesting topic and very interesting to read different peoples view on weigh in days.

    I am so used to weighing myself once a week but since starting the fast diet i seem to weigh myself twice a week. Once before I start my fast days and finally the morning after my last fast.

    In my first week of fasting (last week was week number 1 for me) i lost 4lbs but I then weighed myself after the weekend (tuesday morning) and I had gained my 4lbs back on!!! But i am not blaming the diet – its because I went to my mums house for the weekend and my husband and I tend to get special treatment (just fattening food really!) whenever we go – so obviously i ate everything apart from the house! But i am back on track now and I am hoping to lose my 4lbs by the time my next weigh in comes along.

    Hi all
    I’ve weighed myself every night when I go to bed for years now and I know my weight goes up and down by about 4-5 lb. the later I go to bed the lighter I am. This is my 8th week on this diet and where I was 14st 13lb to 15st 4lb I am now 13st 13lb to 14st 4lb and going down.
    I’ve had some high eating weekends which put me back a bit but that’s normal for me as I love my food. The only thing I’m worried about now is next week I’m on an all-inclusive holiday and although I don’t usually put much on if any, I don’t think I’m going to have my fasting days, so I will this time. It will be interesting to see what happens when I get back and restart my fasting days. Keep you informed.

    I weigh every day I am home as I log the weight and use the trend line as the indicator, not the individual weights. If the trend starts to slope upwards, then I take action! I have just come to the end of my losing phase( 40+ pound lost since Feb) and now start to see what will work for me as maintenance. I think daily weighing will be even more important in this phase. In the past, using more traditional “diets” I have reached my target, relaxed, and piled it back on. Not this time. I will see whether 6:1 or 5:2 is the best strategy for steady weight and how much to eaton the non fasting days.

    I’m in complete agreement with you Lizziefin
    To maintain, I have to weigh daily. when I am at home, to watch the trends. I have been maintaining since April this year after losing 27kg over the previous year. I am having no trouble BECAUSE I know exactly what is happening.
    All the best PVE

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