Where can I find Calorific and GL data?

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Where can I find Calorific and GL data?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Manlyp 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • From one on-line source (or database) please? David Mosley’s excellent book lists the calorific values of most common foods and I’ve found similar lists on the internet containing GI and GL data but I’ve not found anything that merges (and harmonises) the two together.

    As a pre type 2 diabetic my main objective is to minimise GL and Calorific food intake but it is a little annoying that the Fast Recipes don’t mention the total GL for a meal when it is such important information.

    Hi Manlyp
    Sorry to be dopey but what do you mean by GI & GL?
    I was also pre-diabetic last year (very threatening words from new GP) and so started fasting and lost 21kg – now not remotely diabetic.

    GI = Glycemic Index
    GL = Glycemic Load

    Being aware of this values is a way for those living with diabetes to eat foods that raise the blood sugar slowly.

    This is a definition I found online:

    Your blood glucose rises and falls when you eat a meal containing carbs. How high it rises and how long it remains high depends on the quality of the carbs (the GI) and the quantity. Glycemic load or GL combines both the quality and quantity of carbohydrate in one ‘number’. It’s the best way to predict blood glucose values of different types and amounts of food.

    The site is informative – take a look if interested: http://www.glycemicindex.com/faqsList.php#1

    You are right in that losing weight is a great way to control the blood sugar.

    GI and GL also explained on Page 68 of Michael Mosley’s excellent book “the Fast Diet”. It’s a very useful metric for those trying to combat diabetes.
    It’s good to hear, Vicki, that you have diabetes under control. My Glucose and HbA1c readings are now much reduced and below the NHS levels for pre-diabetes but my understanding is that diabetes, once diagnosed, can be mitigated but it will never quite go away. A sort of life sentence! Which is why the Government should start taking the obesity epidemic seriously.

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