What type of excersise should i be doing?

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What type of excersise should i be doing?

This topic contains -1 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ShipraTSN 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    Iam planning on starting a fasting diet after christmas (too much temptation to stick at it during christmas) and hoped i would see results by may as iam going on holiday then and would love to see results by the time i go so that gives me 5 months! Is this enough time to see results? Also what excercise should i be doing to maximise any chances i have of losing weight? I did an intense fasting diet about 6 years ago were i drank water all day and had one meal on a night and went for a 2 hour walk after and i slimmed right down in 8 weeks but the idea of that now seems rather daunting! Any help and tips would be much appreciated.. thankyou!

    Hi Kimberley,

    The first thing to bear in mind is that weight loss is 95% calorie restriction and 5% exercise.
    A mixture of cardio vascular and muscle strengthening is ideal for all round fitness and toning.

    As for fasting, I recommend you read the book as it is full of useful information.

    Good luck 🙂

    In my experience I have lost weight with just exercise, but it was a much slower process needing a lot of dedication with a higher weight plateau.
    The only kind of exercise you should do is kind you enjoy. Weights, walking, dancing, running, home videos, workout classes, bike riding, swimming… moving our bodies in general has its own health benefits outside of weight loss.

    I think you can start before the holidays and for the holidays you can take a break so you will indulge less during the holidays.
    Good luck

    If you are planning to do some easy exercises to lose weight, or embracing a habit of consuming detox water or detox tea would shed your extra pounds while you are feasting yourself then you are wrong my friend. Being fit requires a commitment to your daily regime whereby you adapt certain things in your routine for staying fit and healthy.

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