What Gets You Through a Meal?

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What Gets You Through a Meal?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Claudia49 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I know for me it’s always been tough staying social while fasting, especially since as a college kid, much of socializing involves going out to cafes or snacking. And then with family, having to explain that you’re fasting and not just “being a prude” when opting out of alcohol can be difficult. Any strategies, tips, or stories for staying mentally tough/explaining your situation to others? Anything to say that doesn’t generate too many questions?

    You could simply say that you have eaten earlier and don’t want anything else to eat. Or you could say that alcohol is making you feel unwell. You could also not explain or mention it at all, just reduce the amount that you eat and drink, saving fast days to those when you are not going out.

    You could also reduce your socializing for a few weeks, which takes the pressure off while you start to see a difference in your body, which then will help strengthen your resolve.

    I go out with friends on a non fast day, i have reduced snacking and meet friends out when they eat cake and I am on a FD. It is quite possible to do.

    Just be aware that this is a way of life, not a quick fix.

    Thanks for your tips Annette!

    I have been doing 5:2 for nearly three months and so long as I do two non-consecutive fast days a week I just fit them round my social life. I appreciate many people like to have a routine eg FD = every Monday and Thursday. Great tips from Annette and sometimes I just tend to eat smaller portions of whatever everyone else is having so I don’t feel like an outsider. Apart from my husband no one else knows I’m doing 5:2 even though I have lost about 18 lbs!

    galexinda, that’s really impressive. 3 months and 18 lbs! And those are good tips. Right now though I’m doing a long-run water fast before I go on a 5:2 lifestyle.

    I am doing the 5:2 Fast Diet and arrange my fast days around my “social calender”. I do have a calender on the kitchen wall where I also have noted all birthdays which I need to remember and now I just mark a small F on the days I’ve chosen. Often it is Mondays and Thursdays, other weeks it might be Tuesdays and Fridays, or Wednesday and Sunday. Really, just as it best fits in with invitations, birthdays or holidays. Should I be on a fast day and have to drop in at a friends house, I just accept a mug of black tea. I never have any problems declining the offered bikkie, I just say that I have just eaten something and am really not hungry. That works very well for me.
    I started this diet in February when I was visiting my sister in Australia.Since then I have lost 5 kilos and feel brilliant! I even cooked meals from Mimi’s cookbook, a real winner was the red lentil curry with rotis. My brother-in-law ate half of it, my sister and I shared the rest. Everybody was happy! I also had no problems eating my meal while they had something totally different!

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